HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0023981_Wasteload Allocation_19950213NPDES DOCUMENT !;CANNING COVER SHEET NC0023981 Lenoir — Lower Creek WWTP NPDES Permit: Document Type: Permit Issuance <:Waste load Allocation, Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change Technical Correction Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: February 13, 1995 Thus document is printed on reuse paper - ignore arty content on the resrerse side NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: NC0023981 PERNIITIEE NAME: City of Lenoir FACILITY NAME: Lower Creek WWTP Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal Major Minor Pipe No.: 001 Design Capacity: 4.08 MGD Domestic (% of Flow): 92.5 % Industrial (% of Flow): 7.5 % Comments: RECEIVING STREAM: Lower Creek Class: C Sub -Basin: 03-08-31 Reference USGS Quad: D12NE (please attach) County: Caldwell Regional Office: Asheville Regional Office Previous Exp. Date: 5/31/95 Treatment Plant Class: IV Classification changes within three miles: No change within three miles Requested by: Prepared by: Reviewed s� Ja Lucas Date: 12/9/94 w Date: arc 95 Date: 0 — �S / /9-5 Modeler Date Rec. # �S EvW RA izi44, 0[S4- Diainage Area (mil ) 17 ? Avg. Streamflow (cfs): 6,7 7Q10 (cfs) 9.3 Winter 7Q10 (cfs) /7 7 30Q2 (cfs) 2 Toxicity Limits: 1WC y0 % % Acute/Chronic Instream Monitoring: Parameters --e4. / 0 /i Upstream Y Location a Downstream Y Location i# 674.0 �fe 1 Effluent Characteristics Summer Winter BOD5 (mg/1) 3o 3 a NH3-N (mg/1) 7 lvwk.i- ✓ D.O. (mg/1) 5 k) v TSS (mg/1) 30 30 F. Col. (/100 ml) -Zoo zoo pH (SU) 6 -- 7 -7 e: i...,.- (4 4.9 . (7 a) /2. ,,,\ eriz: . /v.,)- 01.,..,/ Comments: Facility Name: NPDES No.: Type of Waste: Facility Status: Permit Status: Receiving Stream: Stream Classification: Subbasin: County: Regional Office: Requestor: Date of Request: Topo Quad: FACT SHEET FOR WASTELOAD ALLOCATION Request # 8154 Lenoir -Lower Creek NC0023981 92.5% DOMESTIC / 7.5% INDUSTRIAL Existing Renewal Lower Creek C 030833 Caldwell Asheville Lucas 12/12/94 D12NE Stream Characteristic: USGS # Date: Drainage Area (mi2): Summer 7Q10 (cfs): Winter 7Q10 (cfs): Average How (cfs): 30Q2 (cfs): IWC (%): 47.9 9.3 17.7 69 24.4 40% Wasteload Allocation Summary (approach taken, correspondence with region, EPA, etc.) Tech Support recommends renewal of existing limits and toxicity test. New toxicity analysis has revised some existing metals limits and monitoring requirements. Most metals will be monitored thru Lenoir's Pretreatment LTMP. Lower Creek has been placed on the impaired streams list for partially supporting its classified use due to nonpoint and point pollution. Planned Management Strategy includes BMP targetting for sediment control. Special Schedule Requirements and additional comments from Reviewers: Recommended by; Reviewed by Instream Assessment: Region isor: AALL r<or Permits & Engineering: /�- Date: Date: ///z/Ys- 1 J 71 Date: 1J 3) `nl C Date: 9/iC-- RETURN TO TECHNICAL SUPPORT BY: FEB 1 5 1995. 2 existing Limits: CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS Monthly Average Summer Winter Wasteflow (MGD): 4.08 4.08 BOD5 (mg/1): 30 30 NH3N (mg/1): 7 monitor DO (mg/1): 5 nr TSS (mg/1): 30 30 Fecal Col. (/100 ml): 200 200 pH (SU): 6-9 6-9 Residual Chlorine (pg/1): monitor monitor TP (mg/1): monitor monitor TN (mg/1): monitor monitor Recommended Limits: Monthly Average Summer Winter WQ or EL Wasteflow (MGD): 4.08 4.08 BOD5 (mg/1): 30 30 NH3N (mg/1): 7 monitor DO (mg/i): 5 nr TSS (mg/1): 30 30 Fecal Col. (/100 ml): 200 200 pH (SU): 6-9 6-9 Residual Chlorine (14/1): monitor monitor TP (mg/1): monitor monitor TN (mg/1): monitor monitor Limits Changes Due To: Parameter(s) Affected Change in 7Q10 data Change in stream classification Relocation of discharge Change in wasteflow Other (onsite toxicity study, interaction, etc.) Instream data New regulations/standards/procedures New facility information (explanation of any modifications to past modeling analysis including new flows, rates, field data, interacting discharges) (See page 4 for miscellaneous and special conditions, if applicable) 3 Type of Toxicity Test: Existing Limit: Recommended Limit: Monitoring Schedule: Existing Limits Cadmium (ug/1): Chromium (ug/1): Copper (ug/1): Nickel (ug/1): Lead (ug/1): Zinc (ug/1): Cyanide (ug/1): Silver (ug/1): Recommended Limits TOXICS/METALS Chronic Ceriodaphnia Qrtrly P/F 40% 40% AUG NOV FEB MAY Cadmium (ug/1): Cyanide (ug/l): COPI2ei ZjMj(ug/I) Limits Changes Due To: Change in 7Q10 data Change in stream classification Relocation of discharge Change in wasteflow New pretreatment information Daily Max. 4.9 124 monitor 217 62 monitor 12 monitor Daily Max. WQ or EL 4.9 WQ 12 WQ ryttitd oY VY� Parameter(s) Affected Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn,Ag- Will be monitored in Lenoir's LTMP Failing toxicity test Other (onsite toxicity study, interaction, etc.) _X_ Parameter(s) are water quality limited. For some parameters, the available load capacity of the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future water quality based effluent limitations for additional dischargers within this portion of the watershed. OR No parameters are water quality limited, but this discharge may affect future allocations. 4 INSTREAM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Upstream Location: 50 ft. upstream of discharge Downstream Location: At Corpening Bridge (SR 1142) Parameters: Temperature, DO, Fecal Coliform, Conductivity Special instream monitoring locations or monitoring frequencies: MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION & SPECIAL CONDITIONS Adequacy of Existing Treatment Has the facility demonstrated the ability to meet the proposed new limits with existing treatment facilities? Yes No If no, which parameters cannot be met? Would a "phasing in" of the new limits be appropriate? Yes No If yes, please provide a schedule (and basis for that schedule) with the regional office recommendations: If no, why not? Special Instructions or Conditions Wasteload sent to EPA? (Major) (Y or N) (If yes, then attach schematic, toxics spreadsheet, copy of model, or, if not modeled, then old assumptions that were made, and description of how it fits into basinwide plan) Additional Information attached? (Y or N) If yes, explain with attachments. • Facility Name Lenoir -Lower Creek WWTP Permit # NC0023981 _ Pipe # 001 _ CHRONIC TOXICITY PASS/FAIL PERMIT LIMIT (QRTRLY) The effluent discharge shall at no time exhibit chronic toxicity using test procedures outlined in: 1.) The North Carolina Ceriodaphnia chronic effluent bioassay procedure (North Carolina Chronic Bioassay Procedure - Revised *September 1989) or subsequent versions. The effluent concentration at which there may be no observable inhibition of reproduction or significant mortality is 40 % (defined as treatment two in the North Carolina procedure document). The permit holder shall perform quarterly monitoring using this procedure to establish compliance with the permit condition. The first test will be performed after thirty days from the effective date of this permit during the months of _FEB MAY AUG DEC .. Effluent sampling for this testing shall be performed at the NPDES permitted final effluent discharge below all treatment processes. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the parameter code TGP3B. Additionally, DEM Form AT-1 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, N.C. 27607 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any single quarterly monitoring indicate a failure to meet specified limits, then monthly monitoring will begin immediately until such time that a single test is passed. Upon passing, this monthly test requirement will revert to quarterly in the months specified above. Should any test data from this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate retesting(within 30 days of initial monitoring event). Failure to submit suitable test results will constitute noncompliance with monitoring requirements. 7Q10 9.3 cfs Permitted Flow 4.08 _ MGD IWC 40 Basin & Sub -basin CTB31 Receiving Stream Lower Creek County Caldwell ommended by: ate ' 1/12/95 QCL PIF Version 9/91 Lenoir -Lower Creek WWTP JMN Lower Creek 1/12/95 030835 Facility is requesting renewal of existing NPDES permit. Current limits for oxygen consuming wastes of 30r1/5 (summer) and 30/30 (winter) developed in 1987 WLA. Facility seems to be fairly well operated. Has submitted a speculative request ( Sept 1994) for expansion flows of 5 and 7 MGD. A review of 1994 compliance data shows 1) BOD exceedence of 30 mg/1 in Jan. 1994: 2) NH3 exceedences of the 7 mg/1 limit in April and Sept. 1994: 3) Fecal Coliform exceedence of 200/200m1 in Jan. 1994. 1993 compliance data : 1) BOD exceedence of 30 mg/1 in Jan. 1993: 2) NH3 exceedences of the 7 mg/1 limit in April, May and June 1994. Although compliance system does not show metals limits, none of the permitted limits were exceeded in 1994 or 1993. Existing Metals limits are: Cadmium 4.9 µg/1 Chromium 124 µg/1 Nickel 217 µg/1 Lead 62 µg/1 Cyanide 12 µg/1 Monitoring for Copper,Zinc and Silver New toxicity analysis recommends only limits for Cadmium and Cyanide in the NPDES permit. All other parameters will be monitored in Lenoir's LIMP. Per Tom Poe, everything is monitored monthly now, but because of the good standing of the program, monitoring can be reduced to quarterly if requested by the Town. Tom says Lenoir is a good program and they can be trusted to take the data. Review of available 1994 chronic toxicity test shows two failures in FEB and MAY, followed by Passes the next month. All Passes in 1993. One failure in Aug 1992, followed by a Pass. 1991 BMAN Report- Lower Creek Consistent data with a fair bioclassification observer. the benthic community structure suggested toxicity and some organic loadings at the site. * Couldn't locate more recent BMAN report on the CAtawba River BAsin Recommendation: Renewal of existing conventional limits and chronic toxicity test. Recommend renewal of limits for cadmium and cyanide. Monitoring for other parameters will be done in the Pretreatment LTMP. LENOIR-LOWER CR Upstream Month Temp DO Saturation Fecal Conductivity Oct 94 Sep-94 Aug-94 Jul-94 Jun-94 May-94 Apr-94 Mar-94 Feb-94 Jan-94 Dec-93 Nov-93 12 18 21 22 21 16 14 9.2 8.5 8.1 7.7 7.8 9.3 9.4 85% 90% 91% 88% 88% 94% 91% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 789 1112 1973 1869 3750 878 479 81.5 82.2 80.6 83.1 81.3 75 71.1 Downstream Temp DO Saturation Fecal Conductivity 13 18 21 22 21 16 14 8.8 7.7 7.8 7.5 7.4 9.1 9.3 84% 81% 88% 86% 83% 92% 90% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 362 751 1188 1747 3770 571 461 85.8 88.5 81.3 7.5 89.3 82.9 79 Ammonia - Residual Chlorine - Fecal Coliform Instream Waste Concentrations Residual Chlorine 7Q10 (cfs) Design Flow (mgd) Design Flow (cfs) Stream Std (mg/i) Upstream bkgrd level (mg/i) IWC (%) Allowable Concentration (mg/l) 9.3 4.08 6.32 17 0 40.5% 42.0 Fecal Limit 200/100m1 Ratio of 1 : 40.5 9.3 4.08 6.32 1 0.22 40.5% 2.1 17.7 4.08 6.32 1.8 0.22 26.3% 6.2 Ammonia as NH3 (summer) 7010 (cfs) Design Flow (mgd) Design Flow (cfs) Stream Std (mgA) Upstream bkgrd level (mg/I) IWC (%) Allowable Concentration (mgA) Ammonia as NH3 (winter) 7Q10 (cfs) Design Flow (mgd) Design Flow (cfs) Stream Std (mgA) Upstream bkgrd level (mg/I) IWC (%) Allowable Concentration (mgA) UPS- 100 FT ABOVE OUTFALL 1/12/95 DWN- SR1143 BRDG, GAMEWELL LENOIR-LOWER CR Upstream Month Temp DO Saturation Fecal Conductivity Oct 93 Sep-93 Aug-93 Jul-93 Jun-93 May-93 Apr-93 Mar-93 Feb-93 Jan-93 Dec-92 Nov-92 15 19 21 23 19 17 11 8.9 8.2 7.9 7.8 8.7 9.0 9.5 88% 88% 89% 91% 94% 93% 86% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 364 449 1179 1406 881 906 161 79.8 85.6 75.9 66.4 71.5 47.4 62.8 Downstream Temp DO Saturation Fecal Conductivity 14 20 21 24 20 17 11 8.8 7.9 8.0 7.7 8.4 8.6 9.3 85% 87% 90% 91% 92% 89% 84% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 339 276 1166 1186 343 353 75 80.5 90.8 80.7 65.7 78.4 49.8 69.7 Ammonia - Residual Chlorine - Fecal Coliform Instream Waste Concentrations Residual Chlorine 7Q10 (cfs) Design Flow (mgd) Design Flaw (cfs) Stream Std (mgA) Upstream bkgrd level (mgA) IWC (%) Allowable Concentration (mg/I) 9.3 4.08 6.32 17 0 40.5% 42.0 Fecal Limit 200/100m1 Ratio of 1 : 40.5 9.3 4.08 6.32 1 0.22 40.5% 2.1 17.7 4.08 6.32 1.8 0.22 26.3% 6.2 Ammonia as NH3 (summer) 7010 (cfs) Design Flow (mgd) Design Row (cis) Stream Std (mgA) Upstream bkgrd level (mg/i) IWC (%) Allowable Concentration (mgA) Ammonia as NH3 (winter) 7Q10 (cfs) Design Flow (mgd) Design Row (cfs) Stream Std (mg/I) Upstream bkgrd level (mgA) IWC (%) Allowable Concentration (mgA) UPS- 100 FT ABOVE OUTFALL 1/12/95 DWN- SR1143 BRDG, GAMEWELL TOXICANT ANALYSIS Facility Name Lenoir -Lower Cr WWTP NPDES # NC0023981 Qw (MGD) 4.08 7Q10s (cis) _,._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._..9:3. 40.48 IWC (%) Rec'ving Stream Lower Creek Stream Class C FINAL RESULTS Cd Max. Pred Cw 8.4 ug/I Allowable Cw 4.9 ug/I Cr Max. Pred Cw 10.4 ug/I ug/I Allowable Cw 123.5 Ni Max. Pred Cw 30 ug/I Allowable Cw 217.4 ug/I Pb Max. Pred Cw 57 ug/I Allowable Cw 61.8 ug/I Cu Max. Pred Cw 30 ug/I Allowable Cw 17.3 ug/I Ag Max. Pred Cw 7.5 ug/I . Allowable Cw 0.1 ug/I Zn Max. Pred Cw 126 ug/I Allowable Cw 123.5 ug/I Cn Max. Pred Cw 16 ug/I Allowable Cw 12.4 ug/I Fluoride Max. Pred Cw 0 ug/I Allowable Cw 4.4 ug/I As Max. Pred Cw 0 ug/I Allowable Cw 123.5 ug/I 1/9/95 PAGE 1. LlVLL 1:,'lLV1..YL 1V,11�.LI1 LLJ .1 W., vL-aa.a.a -a.a VavLa Vtu. VV .. v..a,,.,....j ........ ..... ....... FACILITY RE 1IREMF.NT YEAR JAN MAR APR MAY J(IN AUG SEP OCT NOV LAURINBURG-MAXTON AIRPORT PERM CUR LIM:1.3% NC0044725/001 Begin:11/1/93 Frequency: Q P/F A MAR JUN SEP DEC NonComp:SINGLE County:SCOTLAND Region: FRO Subbasin: LUM51 1'P: 1.00 Special 7(110:I11.0 IWC(%):1.38 time.: V 90 PASS 91 - 92 PASS 03 - 94 ... - PASS PASS - --- PASS NI NI PASS I'AtSS - - PASS - --- - - - - --- PASS PASS LATE PASS 1'A33 - - PASS - -- - - - - --- PASS PASS PASS NI/PASS I AII - - - - VA:t:l - - - - PASS FAIL PASS PASS 90 91 92 u3 04 I.AWRENCE INDUSTRIES PERM C11R LIM: 90% NC0084328/OOI Begin:17/I/94 Frequency: Q P/F A FEB MAY AUG NOV NonComp:SINGLE Comity:A1.AMANCII Region: WSRO Subbasin:CPP02 PP: 0.120 Special 7Q10: 0 IWC(%): 100 Oulu: 90 00,20 91 NONE' 92 - 93 - 94 - 11.2 - PASS PASS PASS N1 - - - - 35.5 - - - - ea.e - PASS PASS PASS 28.5 - - - - 15.5 ' - - - - NE PASS PASS NIWASS FAIL >00 - - - FAIL NONE - - - PASS >90 - PASS PASS PASS NONE PASS - - LCP PLASTICS LET alit TAR:99% (NEW I'ERMII' 12/1/94) NC0036366/001 Begin:2/27/91 Frequency: Q P/F A FEB MAY AUG NOV NonComp: County:GUIIFORD Region: WSRO Subbasin:CPFO8 PP: NA Special 7Q10: 0.00 IWC(%):100.0 Omer 90 - 01 - B2 - 93 - 04 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FAIL( - -- -- PASS! - - - - - - LH.AND INDUSTRIAL PARK WWII' PERM: 2411R PA; AC LIM 90% P111D NC0065676/001 Begin:6/1/94 Frequency: Q A MAR JUN SEP DEC NonComp:SINGLE County:BRUNSWICK Region:WIRO Subbasin:CP1'17 PF:0.25 Special 7Q10:600 IWC(%):0.065 Order. 90 - 91 - B2 - 93 - 94 - - - - -- - - - - -.- - - - - -- - - - - .- - - - - - -- - - - ... - - - - .., NR/FAILSIG - - - ... LATE,LATE - - - - LATE - - - - - - - -- LIENNOX INIERNATIONADUEATCRAFf FAC. PERM CI IR LIM:90% (GRAB) NC0083658/001 'Begin:3/1/94 Frequency: Q P/F A AUG NOV FEB MAY NonComp: C„unty:NEW IIANOVER Region: WIRO Suhhnein: CI'PI7 PE: 0.288 special 7Q10:0.0 IWC(%): 100 Omer. 90 NT 01 - 92 - 93 - 94 PASS NE - - - - PASS PASS FAIL PASS PASS - - LATE - - - - PASS - - PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS - - - - - - - - - - PASS PASS PASS FAIL PASS - - - PASS - - - - - PASS PASS PASS FAIL LENOIR, CITY OP -GUNPOWDER CREEK PERM CI IR LIM:38% NC0023736/001 Begin:10/4/92 Eminency: Q P/F A MAR JUN SEP DEC NonCump:SINGIII County:CALDWIIL Region: ARO Subbasin: C11332 PF: 1.00 Special 7Q10: 2.90 IWf(%):Y1.83 Outer. 00 - 91 - 92 - 93 - 94 - PASS PASS PASS PASS FAIL - - - - PASS -- - - - - PASS PASS PASS PASS FAIL - - - - PASS - - - - - ('ASS - FAIL PASS PASS - - PASS - - - - - - - - LAIE PASS PASS PASS PASS - - LJSIOIR, CITY OF- LOWER CREEK W WfI' PERM CUR LIM:40% NC0023981/001 Begin:1/1/93 Frequency: Q P/F A AUG NOV FEB MAY NonComp:SINGLE County:CALDWELL Region:ARO Subbasin:CTB31 PF:4.08 Special 7Q10: 9.3 1WC(%):40.43 Ordu: Y 9O PASS 91 - 02 - 93 - 04 - - PASS PASSSIG PASS(e) PASS - - - - - !dt - - - - PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS - - - - - PASS NI PASS PASS PASS PASS M - - - - Ml - - - - PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS - - - - UiXINGION REGIONAL WWII' PERM CIIR LIM:56% NC0055786/00I Begin:6/1/94 Frequency: Q P/F A FEB MAY AUG NOV NonComp:SINGLE County:DAVIDSON Region: WSRO Subbasin: YAD07 PE: 5.50 Special 7Q10:6.70 1WC(%):55.99 Order 90 FAIL( 91 FAIL! 92 PASS( 03 - 04 BI! - FAIU PASSI - FAIU - FAILI PASSI PASSI 54.01,62.31f FAIU FAIUFAI PASS! - PASS! FAILI FAILI >100I,PASS - - FAIL! FAILI PASSI PASS! PASSI FAIU FAILI PASSI - - - FAILI PASS! - - FAILI,b1 FAIL! PASSI NWPASSI PASSI FAIU FAIL! PASSI - - FAIU PASS! PASSI - FAIL! PASSI PASS! NILLATEI LIBERTY FABRICS, INC. PERM: 2411R P/F AC LIM NO AC MORT@ 90% FTLID NC00237IO/001 Begin:8/I/92 Frequency: Q A MAR JUN SEP DEC NonComp:SINGLE County:MARTIN Region:WARO Subbasin:ROA09 PE:0.450 Special 7Q10: 1200 1WC(%):0.06 Order. 00 PASSI 91 PASSI 92 PASS! 93 PASSI 94 30.01 - - - - 62.31 - - - - 21.21,<12.51 NI PASS! PASSI PASSI >1001 PASS! - - - 35.41 - - - - 40.21 PASS! PASS! PASS! FAILI PASSI,PASS - - - NI -- -- - - FAILI - PASSI PASSI PASSI NI NI - - - 46.0! - - - NFIMTE LILIINGI'ON WWU' PERM: 2411R AC P/1V LIM 90% (F11ID) NC002I636/001 Begin:2/1/94 Frequency: Q A JAN AI'R JUL OCT NonComp:SINGLE Counly:IIARNELT Region: FRO Subbasin: CPI•'07 I'I':0.6 Special 7Q10: 550.0 IWC(%):0.17 Omer 0 2 consecutive failures = significant noncompliance V Pre 1990 Data Available IJ:GIIND: I'III!M - Ibooll Itn.pd,euwn I.Iff - Adminl.nwtive I filet-'fniaw P,e.p,e,u•y - Muninning Io.niency• I). Oun,ledy: M • Monthly; IIM (IinwntlJv; SA- ,;.nnually; A- Nmunlly: (1WD. Only when dwrlu,gingt I)- !)m o,,linued utnnilwiny minirena•nt; IS- Cundut•ling independent study , Roan = 13M month Ieyuired 7Q10 = Receiving .9e61111 low MAY crile ion Wad A =,,am ICILY nwunw lug Inc,w.e. lu uuu,ddy ulww stogie Iodine WW1. tb.l lc.Oug uw.l or.:u, • aa. JAN,APII,II n.,I n'1 N„ol'owp - t'wn:ol 1' ph.... a Ilr pd,r.ur.d PF=('emitted flow (MGD) IWC%=Insuemn waste concentration I/F=Pass/Fail chronic teal AC Arnie CIIk=Chronic Data Notation: f - Fathead Minnow: a . Ceriodnnhnia no.: my - Mvsid shrimn: ChV - Chronic value: I' - Mortality of stated nercenlnue 11 hiula:st conccurratian: at - Performed by DIJN Toe !Nal Gmun: 61 - Bad teal Reporting Notation: •- a Data not required; Nk - Not reported; ( ) - Beginning of Quarter Facility Activity Slates: 1 - Inactive, N • Newly baucd(To construct): 11 - Active hut not discharging; 1-More Jute available fur month in question SIG = OR(' signetuec needed 31