HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0023981_Speculative Limits_19940916NPDES DOCUMENT !MANNINO COVER SHEET NC0023981 Lenoir — Lower Creek WWTP NPDES Permit: Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change Technical Correction Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits s Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: September 16, 1994 This document is printed oon reuse paper - ignore any content on the re-‘rerse side 40 State -of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director vr,?1,A LDEEF1NJR September 16,1994 Mr. T.S. Childers, Wastewater Supervisor Town of Lenoir P.O. Box 958 Lenoir, N.C. 28645-0958 Subject Lenoir- Lower Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion NPDES Permit No. NC0023981 Caldwell County Dear Mr. Childers: Your request for speculative effluent limits for the expansion of the Lenoir - Lower Creek WWTP to an initial design flow of 5.0 MGD and a future design flow of 7.0 MGD has been completed by the staff of the Technical Support Branch. As you are already aware, a formal application will have to be submitted to the Division's Permits and Engineering Unit to receive final effluent limitations and an environmental document will have to be prepared because of the expansion of more than 0.5 MGD. Based on available information, the tentative limits at 5.0 MGD for conventional constituents are: Summer Winter BOD5 (mg/1) 30 30 NH3-N (mg/1) 2.2 5.2 Dissolved Oxygen 5 5 TSS (mg/1) 30 30 Fecal Coliform (#/100m1) 200 200 pH (SU) 6-9 6-9 Chlorine (µg/l) 28 28 The tentative summer and winter limits at 7.0 MGD are: Summer Winter BOD5 (mg/1) 17 30 NH3-N (mg/I) 2 4 Dissolved Oxygen 5 5 TSS (mg/1) 30 30 Fecal Coliform (#/100m1) 200 200 pH (SU) 6-9 6-9 Chlorine (µg/1) 28 28 P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Letter to Mr. Childers page 2 It should be noted that the tentative NH3-N limits are based on protecting Lower Creek against instream toxicity. North Carolina is evaluating all NPDES dischargers for ammonia toxicity following the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidance to protect the waters for an instream criteria of 1 mg/1 in the summer and 1.8 mg/1 in the winter, under 7Q10 flow conditions. Current Division procedure dictates that ammonia toxicity limits lower than 2 mg/1(summer) and 4 mg/1 (winter) will not be assigned. The Division of Environmental Management (DEM) is now recommending chlorine limits and dechlorination for all new or expanding dischargers proposing the use of chlorine for disinfection. An acceptable level of chlorine in your effluent is 28 µg/1 to ensure protection against acute toxicity. The process of chlorination/dechlorination or an alternate form of disinfection, such as ultraviolet radiation, should allow the facility to comply with the total residual chlorine limit. The instream waste concentration (IWC) at the expanded flow of 5.0 MGD is 40% and at 7 MGD is 48%. A chronic toxicity testing requirement with quarterly monitoring will remain a condition of the NPDES permit. A complete evaluation of limits and monitoring requirements for metals and other toxicants will have to be addressed at the time of formal NPDES application. Information concerning these constituents is not readily available but the Town can assume that effluent limits and/or monitoring for cadmium, chromium, nickel, lead, cyanide, copper, zinc, and silver will continue. Effluent monitoring for total phosphorus and total nitrogen will be required. It is recommended that instream monitoring for temperature, dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform, and conductivity be continued. This information should provide some assistance in your planning endeavors. Final NPDES effluent limitations will be determined after a formal permit application has been submitted to the Division. If there are any additional questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact Ruth Swanek or Jackie Nowell of my staff at (919) 733-5083. Ooerely, nald L. Safrit, P. Assistant Chief for Tec DLS/JMN cc: Forrest Westall Mike Waresak, P.E., McGill Associates Bobby Blowe Central Files WLA File WHOLE EFFLUENT TOXICITY TESTING 0[SELF-MONITORING SUMMARY] Mon. Apr 18, 1994 mot Tr" REQUIREMENT I.AKI' WACC AMAW W\YI'P PIiRM C1112 LIM: 90% NCU021881/00I Degin:3/1193 Iinilnrnry: r,, WI' A MAR JUN SEP DEC ('uunty:C(21.1)MBI1S Rrgi.nc Wlki. Snbbasin:l.l1M.% PP: 0.4 Special 7Q10: 0.0 IWC(%): 100.0 Order: NonComp:SING1.13 YEAR 1AN II:B MAR APR MAY JIIN 1111. AIIG SEP OC'1' NOV 90 -- -. ... - ... _- .- - _. - .- -- -.- - ... _. ... ... -- 32.28' 21.78' 51.76' 92 46.65' 24.15' 35.35' 35.56' 101 85.15' >100' >100' 91.74' 36.6' 53.59' 35.38' 93 30.23' - FAIL FAIL PASS PASS - --- PASS -- -- FAIL 94 NR/FAIL FAIL LAUREL IIILL PAPER CO PERM CIIR LIM:1.5% 90 --- - - PASS NC0006041/00I Begin:12/1/93 Frequency: Q P/F A FEB MAY AUG NOV NonComp:SINGIJ3 91 PASS PASS - PASS PASS PASS WI PASS County:RICIIMOND Region: FRO Suhbnsin: YADI6 92 - PASS --- PASS -• PASS I'F:0.2500 Special 93 -- PASS - PASS PASS 7Q10: 25.000 IWC(%):1.52 Order. 94 - PASS PASS bt PASS - PASS PASS I.AURINDUR(i WWfi' PERM CIIR LIM:31% 90 --- PASS PASS PASS N(-0020656/001 Begin:12/1/93 Fngrn-ncy: Q P/F A 111B MAY AUG NOV NonComp:SING1.1i 01 --- PASS PASS PASS ('.nnny:SC(TIIAND Rag' :ORO S11hbasin:1,1IM55 02 PASS 101 - -- PASS •- •-• PASS PF: 4 00 Special 93 - . PASS - FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS 7Q10: 13.80 IWC(%):31.00 order. 94 --• PASS PASS FAIL PASS PASS PASS I.AURINDURO•M/OCTON AIRPORT I'IERM CIIR LIM:1.3% y 90 PASS - PASS PASS - PASS NC0044725/001 Begin: I I/1/93 Frequency: Q Pea A MAR JUN SEP DEC NonComp:SINGLE 91 - PASS PA -• - PASS - - PASS County: SCOTLAND Region: FRO Subbasin: LUM5I 92 PASS PASS PA PASS - LATE PASS - PASS PP: 1.00 Special 93 --- - PASS - PASS ••- NFUPASS 7(210:111.0 IWC(%):1.38 Order: 94 -- PASS FAIL PASS PASS i d'P PLASTICS - ma CIIR'TAR:99% NC0036366/001 Begin:2/22/91 0rrquancy: Q P/F A FIi6 MAY AUG NOV NonComp: ('ountv:61111.10RD Region: WNW Subbnsin:CI'F08 pi:, NA •I •,'.,I 7Q10: 0.00 IWC(%): 100.0 Order: 90 60,29 11.2 NI 35.5 16.6 26.5 15.5 Mt >90 91 NONE' -- --- --- --- -- PASS - 02 --- PASS PASS PASS --- 03 - PASS - PASS --- NCVPASS -•- 04 •- PASS NONE >90 NONE PASS PASS PASS LEDDI;III:R (211. CO- K&J AI1'I'O SALES PIIRM CIIR LIM:1.2%(GRAD) NC0073I 131001 13egin:2T7/91 Frequency: Q A MAR JUN SEP DEC County:MCDOWEJ.I. Region: ARO Suhbnsin: C1030 PP:0.0144 Special 7Q10: 1.80 IWC(%):1.2 Order: NonComp: DO -- 91 - 92 - 93 -•- 94 - - - - - -- >90 >90 PASS PASS •-- - - - ••- -•- - -- >(10 PASS PASS PASS -- - -- - --- >tn) - PASS - PASS - PASS --• - - -- - --- - •- "" PASS PASS N1 90 - - -- - -•• -•- - -- N -- - - IJIDOMTER OIL CO. RAINBOW PANTRY NS PERM CIIR LIM:1.9%(GRA13) NC0076011/001 Bcgin:7/19/90 Frequency: Q PIE A MAR JON SEP DEC NonComp: 91 --- - -- ... --- -- --- - bl bt PASS N County:AVEERY Region:ARO Suhbnsin:l'RB06 92 PASS PASS PASS ••-. ••• PASS -• --• PASS --• -• PASS I'F:0.0045 Special 93 -- -• PASS -- --- PASS -•• --- PASS --• •-• PASS 7Q10: 0.36 1WC(%): 1.9 order: 94 -- - 90 140 1,R PASS --- •- PASS - - PASS -- -- PASS I.PNOIR, CITY 01.- GUNPOWDER CRlili.K PERM CIIR LIM:38% NC0023736/001 Begin: 10/4/92 Frequency: Q Pn= A MAR JUN SEP DEC NonComp:SINGLE 91 - - PASS -- -- PASS -- -- PASS •- - PASS County:CALDWEI.I. Region: ARO Suhbnsin: Cl1132 02 - -- FAIL LATE PASS PASS --• - PASS - -• PASS PE: 1.00 Special 93 -- --- PASS --- •-- PASS -- -- FAIL PASS --• FAIL 7Q10: 2.90 IWC(%):34.83 Order: 94 PASS --- 90 - PASS -- --- PASS - - Mir-- - LENOIR. CITY OF- LOWER'CRf5EK W WIT PERM CUR LIM:40% N00023981/001 Begin: I/i'/93,/ .Frequency: Q P/F A AUG NOV FEB MAY NonComp:SINGLE 91 - PASS ., - --- PASS - - - - County:CAI.DWIII.l. Region: ARO Suhbnsin: CI1331 92 -- PASS it -• PASS - -' -- PI':4.06 Special 93 - PASS r - •-- PASS •- -- AMP -- - 7Q10:9.3 I\VC(%):40.13 On1er: 94 -- FAIL PASS re} IL Pigs5 Y 00 PASS •- --• NI PASS PASS -- PA 141 fA PASS - I.IEXINC;I'ON REGIUNAI. WWTT PERM CIIR LIM:56% NC0055786/001 Begin:6/1/89 Frequency: Q P/F A Rill MAY AUG NOV NonComp: 91 - PASS - - PASS PASS -- PASS --• - PASS County:DAVII)SON Region: WSRO Suhbnsin: YADO7 92 - PASSSIG - •- PASS PASS - PASS -- - PASS - PF. 5 50 Special 93 -- PASS(s) - ••- PASS PASS -- PASS •- -• PASS IQIO. o./0 IW1'('0.1: 35.'1) Ilior 04 -•- PASS 0 2 consecutive failures= significant noncompliance Y Pre 1990 Dmn Available LEGEND: PERM = Permit Requirement 1.1if = Adntinistrltive Letter •Target Frequency = Monitoring frequency: Q. Quarterly; M- Monthly; BM- Bimonthly; SA- Semiannually; A• Annunlly; OWD- Only when discharging D- Discontinued monitoring requirement; IS- Conducting independent study Begin = First month required 7Q10 = Receiving stream low flow criterion (cfs) A = quarterly monitoring increases to monthly upon single failure Months that testing must occur - ex. JAN,AI R,JUL,OCr NonComp = Current Cornplinncc Requirement PE= Permitted now (MGM IWC% = Instreant waste concentration P/F = Pass/Fail chronictest AC = Acute CIIR=Chronic Data Notation: f • Fathead Minnow; • • Ceriodanhnia so.: tnv - Mvsid shrimn: ChV - Chronic value: P . Mortality of staled percentage at highest concentration: al - Performed by DIEM Au Ton Groun: ht - Bad test Repenting Notation: --- = Data not sequin -if: NR • Not reported: ( 1- Beginning of Qunncr Facility Activity Status: 1 - Inactive, N . Newly lssued(I'o construct);11- Active but not disrbarging: ►-More data available for month in question SIG = ORC signature mxded McGILL ASSOCIATES, P.A. �0 CONSULTING ENGINEERS March 9, 1994 Mr. Trevor Clements North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Dear Mr. Clements: WAR 1519c • ram°`, py^' ,,,„ . rr WYO119 RE: City of Lenoir Lower Creek WWTP NPDES Permit No. NC0023981 The City of Lenoir is in the planning stages of expanding their Lower Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility located in Caldwell County. The plant is currently permitted for a capacity of 4.0 mgd and discharges into Lower Creek as shown on the attached location map. The City is anticipating more stringent effluent limits with their upcoming NPDES permit renewal, and would like to be prepared to provide the treatment level necessary to meet the new limits. In order to begin the permit application for the plant modifications and expansion, we respectfully request that you provide us with speculative permit limits for an initial design flow of 5.0 mgd and a future design flow of 7.0 mgd from the Lower Creek WWTP. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, McGILL ASSOCIATES, P.A. MIKE WARESAK, P.E. MW/drj Enclosure cc: Mr. Jim Hipp Mr. T. S. Childers 92207.01 P.O. BOX 2259 / 704/252-0575 / 38 ORANGE STREET ASHEVILLE, NC 28802 704/252-2518 (FAX) ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 10 II e:.,:L: 11 •u ;Am +l • 0 11 1 • „ 11, R' I' H ( Chat Fla • Cem NO U 1 .0 ., • 3".• II .\l. p . 11 • `` ry Ind•. G'amewell �, ��; '.\ P,/ 0'�'' • ;' N 03 p •' ` • , • 1 • 11 • 7 1 s .,;• 9 1 11 11 L_) /* • . Grand View > rrk •Ch •i 11 1t • •`a • ,y! •,. 1087 • n,: n•• I I. • L 1• \ - '• "(PO � 1 t 1 ` • , —= — --—/zoo ., • r ►ryopLENorit LOW CIGE6K Miller Hill •',''.i /on• . ( (.r Se• D151 t Ch rkba Chapel' v • Cr 6071C/A irk fw: e.eZoM6 53 `1 b r— Akti ► D� ='7, 9 M, 2 9,RI 011 s1724. 4 - 7os H, Sri -93 7z..� Ail mat eolau)AefP C' 534 i Pa°r-a00rAfrd SilFTB" OAP L. 1412.45-au 9. �� L LuwQ? C,Le 213 4Air-lkitJG 09/2 �. 5790 w7y7,,a Do (ehl„) 579 (° /42 c✓7po414 9/ ritho riti w7¢ nj /1-0 / 1/ 1 ,Jd t 75 M, 63 //,7S A-77 0,I Of 28 33 r ,6,N3d..0 /.63c& 2.5 -c`S lll2 v. 58c_6 0,9Zci5 fcif 5.3 U7' O, 3Z 0.S/ 2 /e I f /,0 G.8 z3 5fE /£e1,rc .Q CO/c i(4o P L.,(1 ?� 11/ c Rt `f)0- 8S, //,7.954i; _ - /6-fir/ 2.95 W7Qlo t� 7S.3b (o. Pz /- d.5/ Cti/c-0/,W,,I.s 5.73 95 '17 / 6 y c6�ia/ ,{off• 1. 38 c73/4l 4 7jiz QAA ' l ^(/48*-2.3)//.Om/ = /351-/32//,0,,,': 2c.7c - 6, Z ,Pj79 -(9.97' .?43/ //,0 = 23.7?-15!2//l.0 - i,a ' '5' / '' Q � f1 /vr�v 37,3 - (S/,7 9 •f- 33, 17)�, 37.3 - 31 ,07 �,0 ' Po- - 4 77 / y if gifDrAr � O ✓ua D Leerr-wk' l�*/Na'i I l /lrw�4i2 LGrf✓ Vdt 69- 6 9. 6•75-. - XTS- - ,e0 = o ,7S - a, 7s 4. 9.8- 4,77 _ °fi /Z4 & 69-/4._ 6. 72. o.2Z -439 /3 9V' — /S1 = d= d, o.7y Z72.: = 0,69 /9.60 - (oG.79- 2 s�/,' -0' �9 _ /03 /)/95 = /5%5- 3,6 5l9(_ /8,63--63,99!t-0,5St0.32- IL- o,i5')//l95�: x9�= /,,3 (/t60t-- o.sifo. 9-0,zVoot 9S = 9�= AS nr44 = /023:3--(/off t .13 )//, 0 = /,d - /„ 3 r C _ 9f` w7P .zS,36-f3.%)/,0 �0 = 4,951 43/ —7 Pro =/3/ —///.7s3�/1,�3 = �// = 2•57 ' D. ZZ f 2V/. 82 = f3 = &,/97 3.2.67 - (o. 35-4- 3z) '/. 82 = �a 0,/7 /4, i59-%/2-= /s- /,a „. (-7i:w/0 = -;' �f,4G` 22,E7 /.3 - ° 7T'/.9 = 0 3b /Z�. i s: 2 , h Li /f V - ?87 G / a U FrFol 46 X -- _ n (T a / /1" UX /5- - 6. /2 = /`f. 88 -V 1.5-7 . c8 (.� u,36Y -- Al VOW = c r7o7 42C,9 - G ig = 58, 9//e,, 9 3. / NM) +Ai- J Facility Z.0,,A,L1/4/1_ Wa.steflm4 (MGD) 7 Summer/Winter (circle one) • 111 11 NH3-N (mg/1) Potential effluent limit. combinations75777776LY Af, /Wm 6AV, • MA.ff 10,50.0, egeff4,-; BOD5 .23 NH3-N - z Z A` 1Ii91;Qg$'11J/ii / 7 Discharger Receiving Stream MODEL RESULT- - : LENOIR-LOWER CR : LOWER CP =1: The End D.O. is 6.87 mg/1. The End CBOD is 11.77 mg/l. The End NBOD is 2.12 mg/1. Segment 1 Reach 1 Reach Segment 2 Reach 1 Segment 3 Reach Reach 2 Reach 3 Reach 4 Reach 5 Reach 6 Reach 7 Reach 8 DO Min (mg/1) Milepoint Reach 6.06 0.75 1 6.17 0.00 5.82 1.95 WLA WLA CBOD NEOD (mg/1. ) 52.70 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 _ )0 45.00 00.00 **h MODEL SUMMARY DATA *k'^ Discharger : LENOIR—LOWER CR Subbasin : 0308 Receiving Stream : LOWER CREEK Stream Class: Summer 7Q10 : 11.75 Winter 7Q10 : 16.77 Design Temperature: 25.0 LE l KOPHI .... I .,1 Ka Ka ..i I !1 j ;.i 6NC n1_s '['"_ ?Cs It ,(:?sign; @_. ;desig:1; 'design; Ec. UesignI v.,:i ..3u1 .,41 ! 1.75 0,3.E I I 3.66 3.:6I 6,41 i W. Reich : In I � I I _.:C, ..y1 , I.,.. ., _ 16.3Q U.J. I 1 Flow I CBOD I NBOD I D.O. I I cfs 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 1 Segment 1 Reach 1 Waste 1 10.850 152.700 I 9.000 I 5.000 Headwaters( 11.750 1 2.000 I 1.000 I 7.440 Tributary I 0.000 ( 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff I 0.210 1 2.000 I 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 1 Reach 2 Waste I 0.000 1 0.000 I 0.000 I 0.000 Tributary ( 1.630 1 2.000 I 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff I 0.670 ( 2.000 1 1.000 I 7.440 Segment 2 Reach 1 Waste I 0.031 145.000 1 21.150 I 0.000 Headwaters( 0.150 1 2.000 I 1.000 1 7.440 Tributary I 0.000 I 2.000 1 1.000 ( 7.440 * Runoff I 0.000 1 2.000 I 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 3 Reach 1 Waste I 0.000 1 0.000 I 0.000 I 0.000 Headwaters( 0.000 1 2.000 ( 1.000 1 7.440 Tributary I 0.000 I 2.000 1 1.000 I 7.440 * Runoff I 1.230 1 2.000 I 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 3 Reach 2 Waste I 0.000 1 0.000 I 0.000 I 0.000 Tributary I 0.580 I 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff I 1.230 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 3 Reach 3 Waste I 0.000 1 0.000 I 0.000 ( 0.000 Tributary I 0.320 I 2.000 ( 1.000 I 7.440 * Runoff I 1.230 I 2.000 I 1.000 I 7.440 Segment 3 Reach 4 Waste I 0.000 I 0.000 I 0.000 I 0.000 Tributary I 0.000 I 2.000 I 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff I 1.230 I 2.000 1 1.000 I 7.440 Segment 3 Reach 5 Waste 1 0.000 I 0.000 1 0.000 I 0.000 Tributary I 3.710 ( 2.000 1 1.000 I 7.440 * Runoff I 1.760 I 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 3 Reach 6 Waste I 0.008 145.000 ; 90.000 I 0.000 Tributary I 0.000 I 2.000 1 1.000 I 7.440 * Runoff I 0.147 I 2.000 I 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 3 Reach 7 Waste 1 0.000 I 0.000 1 0.000 I 0.000 Tributary I 0.220 I 2.000 1 1.000 I 7.440 * Runoff I 0.147 I 2.000 I 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 3 Reach 8 Waste I 0.000 1 0.000 ) 0.000 j 0.000 Tributary I 2.640 1 2.000 ( 1.000 1 7.440 Runoff 1 0.420 1 2.000 ' 1.000 j 7.440 * Runoff flow is in cfs/mile Seg # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 SUMMER Reach I Seg Mi D.O. I CBOD j NBOD i Flow 1 0.00 6.27 26.34 4.84 22.60 1 0.05 6.25 26.28 4.83 22.61 1 0.10 6.23 26.22 4.81 22.62 1 0.15 6.22 26.15 4.79 22.63 1 0.20 6.20 26.09 4.78 22.64 1 0.25 6.19 26.03 4.76 22.65 1 0.30 6.17 25.97 4.75 22.66 1 0.35 6.16 25.91 4.73 22.67 1 0.40 6.14 25.84 4.72 22.68 1 0.45 6.13 25.78 4.70 22.69 1 0.50 6.12 25.72 4.69 22.71 1 0.55 6.11 25.66 4.67 22.72 1 0.60 6.09 25.60 4.66 22.73 1 0.65 6.08 25.54 4.64 22.74 1 0.70 6.07 25.48 4.63 22.75 1 0.75 6.06 25.42 4.61 22.76 2 0.75 6.15 23.85 4.37 24.39 2 0.78 6.15 23.81 4.36 24.41 2 0.81 6.14 23.76 4.35 24.43 2 0.84 6.14 23.72 4.34 24.45 2 0.87 6.14 23.67 4.33 24.47 2 0.90 6.13 23.62 4.32 24.49 2 0.93 6.13 23.58 4.31 24.51 2 0.96 6.13 23.54 4.30 24.53 2 0.99 6.12 23.49 4.29 24.55 2 1.02 6.12 23.45 4.28 24.57 2 1.05 6.12 23.40 4.27 24.59 2 1.08 6.11 23.36 4.26 24.61 2 1.11 6.11 23.31 4.25 24.63 2 1.14 6.11 23.27 4.24 24.65 2 1.17 6.11 23.22 4.23 24.67 2 1.20 6.10 23.18 4.22 24.69 2 1.23 6.10 23.14 4.21 24.71 2 1.26 6.10 23.09 4.20 24.73 2 1.29 6.10 23.05 4.19 24.75 2 1.32 6.09 23.00 4.19 24.77 2 1.35 6.09 22.96 4.18 24.79 2 1.38 6,09 22.92 4.17 24.81 2 1.41 6.09 22.87 4.16 24.83 2 1.44 6.09 22.83 4.15 24.85 2 1.47 6.09 22.79 4.14 24.87 1 0.00 6.17 9.36 4.45 0.18 1 0.01 6.22 9.34 4.43 0.1' 1 0.02 6.28 9.31 4.41 0.18 1 0.03 6.33 9.29 4.39 0.13 1 0.04 6.38 9.26 4.37 0.18 1 0.05 6.42 9.24 4.35 0.18 1 0.06 6.47 9.21 4.33 0.18 1 0.07 6.51 9.19 4.31 0.18 1 0.08 6.55 9.16 4.29 0.18 1 0.09 6.59 9.14 4.27 0.18 1 0.10 6.63 9.12 4.26 0.18 1 0.11 6.66 9.09 4.24 0.18 1 0.12 6.70 9.07 4.22 0.18 1 0.13 6.73 9.04 4.20 0.18 1 0.1. 6.76 9.02 4.18 0.18 1 0.15 6.79 8.99 4.16 0.18 1 0.16 6.82 8.97 4.14 0.18 2 1 0.17 2 1 0.18 2 '1 0.19 2 1 0.20 3 1 0.00 3 1 0.05 3 1 0.10 3 1 0.15 3 1 0.20 3 1 0.25 3 1 0.30 3 1 0.35 3 1 0.40 3 1 0.45 3 2 0.45 3 2 0.55 3 2 0.65 3 2 0.75 3 2 0.85 3 2 0.95 3 2 1.05 3 2 1.15 3 2 1.25 3 2 1.35 3 3 1.35 3 3 1.45 3 3 1.55 3 3 1.65 3 3 1.75 3 3 1.85 3 3 1.95 3 4 1.95 3 4 2.05 3 4 2.15 3 4 2.25 3 4 2.35 3 4 2.45 3 4 2.55 3 4 2.65 3 4 2.75 3 4 2.85 3 4 2.95 3 5 2.95 3 5 3.05 3 5 3.15 3 5 3.25 3 5 3.35 3 5 3.45 3 5 3.55 5 3.65 5 3.75 5 3.85 5 3.95 6 3.95 6 3.96 3 6 3.97 3 6 3.98 3 7 3.98 3 7 4.08 3 7 4.18 3 7 4.28 3 7 4.38 3 7 4.48 3 7 4.58 3 7 4.68 3 7 4.78 (.J Co CO CO LJ LJ 6.85 6.87 6.90 6.92 6.09 6.08 6.06 6.04 6.03 6.01 6.00 5.99 5.97 5.96 5.99 5.97 5.95 5.93 5.91 5.89 5.88 5.87 5.85 5.84 5.86 5.85 5.84 5.84 5.83 5.82 5.82 5.82 5.84 5.86 5.88 5.90 5.92 5.94 5.96 5.98 6.00 6.02 6.18 6.20 6.22 6.25 6.27 6.29 6.31 6.33 6.35 6.37 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.40 6.41 6.43 6.44 6.45 6.47 6.48 6.49 6.50 8.94 8.92 8.90 8.87 22.69 22.59 22.50 22.41 22.31 22.22 22.13 22.04 21.95 21.86 21.42 21.25 21.08 20.91 20.75 20.58 20.42 20.26 20.10 19.95 19.74 19.59 19.44 19.29 19.14 18.99 18.85 18.85 18.71 18.57 18.43 18.30 18.16 18.03 17.90 17.77 17.64 17.51 15.78 15.66 15.53 15.41 15.29 15.16 15.05 14.93 14.81 14.70 14.58 14.59 14.58 14.58 14.57 14.49 14.44 14.39 14.33 14.28 14.23 14.17 14.12 14.07 4.12 4.11 4.09 4.07 4.14 4.12 4.10 4.08 4.06 4.04 4.02 4.01 3.99 3.97 3.90 3.87 3.83 3.80 3.77 3.73 3.70 3.67 3.64 3.60 3.57 3.54 3.51 3.48 3.45 3.42 3.39 3.39 3.37 3.34 3.31 3.29 3.26 3.23 3.21 3.18 3.16 3.13 2.90 2.87 2.85 2.83 2.80 2.78 2.76 2.74 2.71 2.69 2.67 2.69 2.69 2.69 2.69 2.68 2.66 2.65 2.64 2.62 2.61 2.60 2.58 2.57 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 25.05 25.11 25.17 25.24 2r 5 25.36 25.42 25.48 25.54 25.60 26.18 26.31 26.43 26.55 26.68 26.80 26.92 27.05 27.17 27.29 27.61 27.73 27.86 27.98 28.10 28.23 28.35 28.35 28.47 28.60 28.72 28.84 28.96 29.09 29.21 29.33 29.46 29.58 33.29 33.47 33.64 33.82 33.99 34.17 34.35 34.52 34.70 34.87 35.05 35.06 35.06 35.06 35.06 35.28 35.30 35.31 35.33 35.34 35.36 35.37 35.38 35.40 3 '1 4.88 3 7 4.98 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 CO CO CO(.00JC'iCJCJ 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 I Seg # 7 5.08 7 5.18 7 5.28 7 5.38 7 5.48 7 5.58 7 5.68 7 5.78 8 5.78 8 5.88 8 5.98 6.08 6.18 6.28 6.38 ri u (6.76 C . f / 8 /.18 iJ 7.28 7.38 8 7.48 8 7.58 8 7.68 j Reach # 1 Seg Mi 1 CO CO w CO CO CO 6.52 6.53 6.54 6.55 6.56 6.57 6.58 6.59 6.61 6.62 6.67 6.68 6.70 6.71 6.72 6.73 6.74 j . 71 _i 6. 6 . 7 3 J _ r !� �l i . 6.83 6.84 6.86 6.87 D.O. 14.01 2.56 35.41 13.96 2.55 35.43 13.91 2.53 35.44 13.86 2.52 35.46 13.81 2.51 35.47 13.75 2.50 35.49 13.70 2.48 35.50 13.65 2.47 35.52 13.60 2.46 35.53 13.55 2.45 35.55 12.75 2.35 38.19 12.70 2.33 38.23 12.64 2.32 38.27 12.59 2 . 3 "i 38.31 12.54 2.30 38.35 12.48 2.29 38.40 12 . 43 � . _ 38.44 12.38 2.26 38 . 4 i2.13 _.2. 38.52 12.27 2 . 2 _ 3...i8. 56 't_ 2 . n _ . 2 ' . J . t 1 11 r_. G. +1 ,, l 1 i. 1 ... . .. 3S.65 12. 1J _ 'fir JS . j'.l f 1 2 . C: 7 ..' . 1 ._ . } 3 8 . ' Y_ i.1 • 1, 11.92 .16 ;. . 11.87 2.15 3 �_ . ?�:1 11.82 2.13_ 38.94 11.77 2.12 38.98 CBOD 1 NBOD 1 Flow j LB 9r4 55kLe-iIcata , MODEL RESULTS Discharger : LENOIR-LOWER CR Receiving Stream : LOWER CREEK SUMMER The End D.O. is 6.97 mg/1. The End CBOD is 10.40 mg/l. The End NBOD is 1.86 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flo (mg/1) Milepoint Reach # (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mgd) Segment 1 6.15 1.47 2 Reach 1 60.00 9.80 5.00 5.00000 Reach 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Segment 2 6.17 0.00 1 Reach 1 45.00 21.15 0.00 0.02000 Segment 3 6.15 0.45 1 Reach 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 6 45.00 90.00 0.00 0.00500 Reach 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 k** MODEL SUMMARY DATA *** Discharger : LENOIR--LOWER CR Receiving Stream : LOWER CREEK Summer 7Q10 : 11.75 Design Temperature: 25.0 Subbasin : 030831 Stream Class: C Winter 7Q10 : 16.77 'LENGTH! SLOPE' VELOCITY DEPTH' Kd ( Kd j :,a 1 Ira 1 KN f KN ! KNR ( KUR I mile 1 ft/mil fps I ft 'design' t20° Idesigni r20° 'design' `2C Id€s gni r20° 1 Segment 1 1 0,751 5.301 0.426 ! 1.75 1 0,30 1 0.24 1 3.28 1 2.941 0.44 1 0.30 i 0,44 1 0,00 Reach 1 1 I I f I ! 1 �� n .fir � 0.24 n n. n �� 0.30 Segment 1 0.721 5.301 0,435 1.32 0.30 3.34 2.59 0.14 C.44 0.00 Reach 2 I ( 1 f � I Segment 2 ! 0.20 40.001 0.100 0.35 0.44 0,35 8.03 7,201 0.73 0,50 0.73 0.00 Reach 1 1 1 1 ! ! ! I ! ! I 1 Segment 3 1 0.451 3.301 0.440 1 1,84 1 0.30 1 0.24 3.33 1 3.031 0,44 1 0.30 1 0.44 0.00 Reach i! f 1 11 1! 1 I 1! 1 Segment 3 I 0.905.301 0.446 ; 1.88 ! 0.30 1 0.24 1 3.43 1 3,081 0,44 1 0,30 ! 0,44 { 0,00 Reach 2 f 1 1 Segment 3 1 0.60! 5.301 0.453 1 1.91 1 0.30 1 0.24 1 3.48 I 3.121 0.44 1 0.30 0,44 1 0,00 Reach 3 I ! ! ! ! f ! I 1 ! ! Segment 3 1 1.001 6.801 0.494 1 1.87 1 0.31 1 0.25 1 3.30 ! 2.961 0,44 1 0 , 30 1 0 , 4 4 1 0.00 Reach 4 1 1 ! 1 ! 1 1 1 ! 1 I { ! Segment 3 1 1.001 6.301 0.523 1 1.99 1 0.31 1 0.25 1 3.49 1 3.131 0.44 1 0.33 1 0.41 1 0.00 Reach 5 1 f f f I I ! I 1 Segment 3 1 0.031 6.801 0.533 1 2,00 1 0.31 1 0.25 1 3,55 1 3.191 0.44 1 0.30 1 0.44 f 0.00 Reach 6 1 ! 1 f f 1 I I 1 I ! I 1 1 1 1 f I ! 1 1 I Segment 3 1 1.30! 6.801 0.532 1 2.01 1 0,31 { 0.25 1 3.55 1 3.191 0.44 1 3.30 1 0.44 1 0.00 Reach 7! 1 1 1 I 1 f ( 1 1 f 1 1 1 ! ! Segment 3 1 1.901 6.801 0.543 1 2.09 1 0.31 1 0.25 1 3.62 1 3.251 0.44 1 0.30 ! 0.44 1 0.00 Reach 8 I 1 1 1 1 i I 1 1 1 ! I I Flow I CBOD I NBOD I D.O. 1 I c f s mg/ 1 ; mg/1 j mg/ 1 I Segment 1 Reach 1 Waste 1 7.750 1 60.000 ( 9.800 1 5.000 Headwaters) 11.750 I 2.000 1 1.000 I 7.440 Tributary 1 0.000 1 2.000 I 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff 1 0.210 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 1 Reach 2 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary I 1.630 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff I 0.670 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 2 Reach 1 Waste 1 0.031 1 45.000 1 21.150 1 0.000 Headwaters) 0.150 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Tributary I 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff I 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 3 Reach 1 Waste I 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Headwaters' 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Tributary 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff I 1.230 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 3 Reach 2 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary I 0.580 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff I 1.230 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 3 Reach 3 Waste I 0..000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 0.320 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff 1 1.230 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 3 Reach 4 Waste I 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff 1 1.230 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 3 Reach 5 Waste I 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 3.710 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff I 1.760 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 3 Reach 6 Waste [ 0.008 1 45.000 1 90.000 1 0.000 Tributary I 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff 1 0.147 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 3 Reach 7 Waste I 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 0.220 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7:440 * Runoff I 0.147 1 2.000 I 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 3 Reach 8 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary ( 2.640 ( 2.000 I 1.000 * Runoff 0.420 I 2.000 I1.000 Runoff flow .is . in cfs/mile 7.440. 7.440 SUMMER j Seg # 1 Reach ff.,1 Seg Mi 1 D.O. 1 CBOD 1 NBOD 1 Flow 1 1 0.00 6.47 25.05 4.50 19.50 1 1 0.05 6.45 24.99 4.48 19.51 1 1 0.10 6.42 24.92 4.47 19.52 1 1 0.15 6.40 24.85 4.45 19.53 1 1 0.20 6.37 24.79 4.43 19.54 1 1 0.25 6.35 24.72 4.42 19.55 1 1 0.30 6.33 24.66 4.40 19.56 1 1 0.35 6.31 24.59 4.39 19.57 1 1 0.40 6.29 24.53 4.37 19.58 1 1 0.45 6.27 24.46 4.36 19.59 1 1 0.50 6.25 24.40 4.34 19.61 1 1 0.55 6.23 24.33 4.32 19.62 1 1 0.60 6.22 24.27 4.31 19.63 1 1 0.65 6.20 24.21 4.29 19.64 1 1 0.70 6.18 24.14 4.28 19.65 1 1 0.75 6.17 24.08 4.26 19.66 1 2 0.75 6.27 22.39 4.01 21.29 1 2 0.78 6.26 22.34 4.00 21.31 1 2 0.81 6.25 22.29 3.99 21.33 1 2 0.84 6.25 22.25 3.98 21.35 1 2 0.87 6.24 22.20 3.97 21.37 1 2 0.90 6.24 22.15 3.96 21.39 1 2 0.93 6.23 22.11 3.95 21.41 1 2 0.96 6.22 22.06 3.94 21.43 1 2 0.99 6.22 22.01 3.93 21.45 1 2 1.02 6.21 21.97 3.92 21.47 1 2 1.05 6.21 21.92 3.91 21.49 1 2 1.08 6.20 21.87 3.90 21.51 1 2 1.11 6.20 21.83 3.89 21.53 1 2 1.14 6.20 21.78 3.88 21.55 1 2 1.17 6.19 21.74 3.87 21.57 1 2 1.20 6.19 21.69 3.86 21.59 1 2 1.23 6.18 21.64 3.85 21.61 1 2 1.26 6.18 21.60 3.84 21.63 1 2 1.29 6.17 21.55 3.83 21.65 1 2 1.32 6.17 21.51 3.82 21.67 1 2 1.35 6.17 21.46 3.81 21.69 1 2 1.38 6.16 21.42 3.80 21.71 1 2 1.41 6.16 21.37 3.79 21.73 1 2 1.44 6.16 21.33 3.78 21.75 1 2 1.47 6.15 21.28 3.77 21.77 2 1 0.00 6.17 9.36 4.45 0.18 2 1 0.01 6.22 9.34 4.43 0.18 2 1 0.02 6.28 9.31 4.41 0.18 2 1 0.03 6.33 9.29 4.39 0.18 2 1 0.04 6.38 9.26 4.37 0.18 2 1 0.05 6.42 9.24 4.35 0.18 2 1 0.06 6.47 9.21 4.33 0.18 2 1 0.07 6.51 9.19 4.31 0.18 2 1 0.08 6.55 9.16 4.29 0.18 2 1 0.09 6.59 9.14 4.27 0.18 2 1 0.10 6.63 9.12 4.26 0.18 2 1 0.11 6.66 9.09 4.24 0.18 2 1 0.12 6.70 9.07 4.22 0.18 2 1 0.13 6.73 9.04 4.20 0.18 2 1 0.14 6.76 9.02 4.18 0.18 2 1 0.15 6.79 8.99 4.16 0.18 2 1 0.16 6.82 8.97 4.14 0.18 2 1 0.17 6.85 8.94 4.12 0.18 2 1 0.18 6.87 8.92 4.11 0.18 2 - '1 0.19 6.90 8.90 4.09 0.18 2 1 0.20 6.92 8.87 4.07 0.18 3 1 0.00 6.16 21.18 3.78 21.95 3 1 0.05 6.16 21.08 3.76 22.01 3 1 0.10 6.16 20.99 3.74 22.07 3 1 0.15 6.15 20.89 3.72 22.14 3 1 0.20 6.15 20.79 3.70 22.20 3 1 0.25 6.15 20.70 3.68 22.26 3 1 0.30 6.15 20.61 3.66 22.32 3 1 0.35 6.15 20.51 3.64 22.38 3 1 0.40 6.15 20.42 3.63 22.44 3 1 0.45 6.15 20.33 3.61 22.50 3 2 0.45 6.18 19.87 3.54 23.08 3 2 0.55 6.18 19.69 3.51 23.21 3 2 0.65 6.19 19.52 3.47 23.33 3 2 0.75 6.19 19.35 3.44 23.45 3 2 0.85 6.19 19.18 3.41 23.58 3 2 0.95 6.20 19.01 3.37 23.70 3 2 1.05 6.20 18.85 3.34 23.82 3 2 1.15 6.21 18.68 3.31 23.95 3 2 1.25 6.22 18.52 3.28 24.07 3 2 1.35 6.22 18.36 3.25 24.19 3 3 1.35 6.24 18.15 3.22 24.51 3 3 1.45 6.25 18.00 3.19 24.63 3 3 1.55 6.26 17.84 3.16 24.76 3 3 1.65 6.27 17.69 3.13 24.88 3 3 1.75 6.28 17.55 3.10 25.00 3 3 1.85 6.29 17.40 3.07 25.13 3 3 1.95 6.30 17.26 3.04 25.25 3 4 1.95 6.30 17.26 3.04 25.25 3 4 2.05 6.30 17.12 3.02 25.37 4 2.15 6.30 16.98 2.99 25.50 4 2.25 6.31 16.84 2.96 25.62 4 2.35 6.31 16.70 2.94 25.74 4 2.45 6.32 16.57 2.91 25.86 3 4 2.55 6.32 16.44 2.89 25.99 3 4 2.65 6.33 16.31 2.86 26.11 3 4 2.75 6.33 16.18 2.84 26.23 3 4 2.85 6.34 16.05 2.82 26.36 3 4 2.95 6.34 15.92 2.79 26.48 3 5 2.95 6.48 14.21 2.57 30.19 3 5 3.05 6.49 14.09 2.55 30.37 3 5 3.15 6.51 13.97 2.53 30.54 3 5 3.25 6.52 13.85 2.51 30.72 3 5 3.35 6.53 13.73 2.48 30.89 3 5 3.45 6.54 13.62 2.46 31.07 3 5 3.55 6.56 13.50 2.44 31.25 3 5 3.65 6.57 13.39 2.42 31.42 3 5 3.75 6.58 13.28 2.40 31.60 3 5 3.85 6.59 13.16 2.38 31.77 3 5 3.95 6.61 13.06 2.36 31.95 3 6 3.95 6.61 13.06 2.38 31.96 3 6 3.96 6.61 13.06 2.38 31.96 3 6 3.97 6.61 13.05 2.38 31.96 3 6 3.98 6.61 13.05 2.38 31.96 3 7 3.98 6.61 12.97 2.37 32.18 3 7 4.08 6.62 12.92 2.36 32.20 3 7 4.18 6.63 12.87 2.34 32.21 3 7 4.28 6.64 12.82 2.33 32.23 3 7 4.38 6.65 12.77 2.32 32.24 3 7 4.48 6.66 12.72 2.31 32.26 3 7 4.58 6.67 12.67 2.30 32.27 3 7 4.68 6.67 12.62 2.28 32.28 3 7 4.78 6.68 12.57 2.27 32.30 (.J CJ W W 3 7 4.88 6.69 12.52 2.26 32.31 3 7 4.98 6.70 12.47 2.25 32.33 3 .7 5.08 6.71 12.42 2.23 32.34 3 7 5.18 6.71 12.37 2.22 32.36 3 7 5.28 6.72 12.32 2.21 32.37 3 7 5.38 6.73 12.27 2.20 32.39 3 7 5.48 6.74 12.22 2.19 32.40 3 7 5.58 6.74 12.17 2.18 32.42 3 7 5.68 6.75 12.13 2.16 32.43 3 7 5.78 6.76 12.08 2.15 32.45 3 8 5.78 6.81 11.32 2.07 35.09 3 8 5.88 6.82 11.27 2.06 35.13 3 8 5.98 6.83 11.22 2.04 35.17 3 8 6.08 6.84 11.17 2.03 35.21 3 8 6.18 6.85 11.12 2.02 35.25 3 8 6.28 6.86 11.07 2.01 35.30 3 8 6.38 6.87 11.02 2.00 35.34 3 8 6.48 6.88 10.97 1.99 35.38 3 8 6.58 6.88 10.92 1.98 35.42 3 8 6.68 6.89 10.87 1.97 35.46 3 8 6.78 6.90 10.82 1.95 35.51 3 8 6.88 6.91 10.78 1.94 35.55 3 8 6.98 6.92 10.73 1.93 35.59 3 8 7.08 6.93 10.68 1.92 35.63 3 8 7.18 6.93 10.63 1.91 35.67 3 8 7.28 6.94 10.59 1.90 35.72 3 8 7.38 6.95 10.54 1.89 35.76 3 8 7.48 6.96 10.49 1.88 35.80 3 8 7.58 6.97 10.45 1.87 35.84 3 8 7.68 6.97 10.40 1.86 35.88 Seg # { Reach # 1 Seg Mi I D.O. ( CBOD j• NBOD ( Flow ",& 3 DAO zS LA J/Z 1 u MODEL RESULTS Discharger : LENOIR-LOWER CR Receiving Stream : LOWER CREEK The End D.C. is 6.51 mg/1. The End CBOD is 15.42 mg/1. The End NBOD is 1.86 mg/l. SUMMER LENOIR @ 5 MGD, BOD5=30*3.1 MULT., NH3 TOX LIMIT=2.18 WLA WLA WLA DO Min CLOD NBOD DO Waste E1c (mg/1) Milepoint Reach # (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mgd) Segment 1 5.64 1.47 2 Reach 1 93.00 9.80 5.00 5.0000C Reach 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000C Segment 2 6.17 0.00 1 Reach 1 45.00 21.15 0.00 0 .02000 Segment 3 5.57 0.45 1 Reach 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000C Reach 2 _. 0.00 0.00 0.0000C Reach 3 0.00 0.00 0.oG 0.0000C Reach 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000C Reach 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000C Reach 6 45.00 90.00 0.00 0.0050C Reach 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000C Reach 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000C *** MODEL SUMMARY DATA *** Discharger : LENOIR-LOWER CR Subbasin : 030831 Receiving Stream : LOWER CREEK Stream Class: C Summer 7Q10 : 11.75 Winter 7Q10 : 16.77 Design Temperature: 25.0 I LENGTH 1 SLOPE) VELOCITY 1 DEPTH1 :,c Kd 1 Ka 1 Ka 1 Ri; :,,i 1 ;,NR 1 :stir, mile f a!des. 2, !design; 0p ;design! '7 C f E '` G ( :� 1 _�1a11 fps ( It !design E 0" (Ce5_��:�� 2L it'teaiynl � 0 ,.�t.sign .'0 ( 1 1 f ( 1 ( ( 1 1 Segment 1 ( 0,751 5,301 0.426 ( 1.75 1 0.30 1 0.24 13.28 ( 2.941 0,14 1 0.30 ( 0,44 ( 0.00 Reach 1( 1 1 1 ( ( 1 I ( 1 ( 1 1 1 ( 1 { 1 Segment 1 1 0.721 5.301 0.435 ( 1.82 1 0.30 1 0.24 1 3,34 ; 2.991 0,44 Reach 2 1 1 1 1 ( ( 1 0,30 1 0.44 0.00 1 1 ( 1 1 1 1 ( 1 Segaent 2 0,201 40.001 0.100 1 0,35 1 0.14 1 0.35 1 8.03 i.201 0.73 1 3,50 1 1.73 1 0.00 Reach i t 1- 1 1 1 I 1 f 1 1 1 I 1 Segaent 3 1 0,431 5.301 0,440 1 1,84 1 0.30 1 0,24 1 3.38 1 3.031 0.44 0.30 1 0.44 1 0.00 Reach 1 1 1 1 { 1 1 1 f ( 1 ( 1 ({( Segaent 3 1 0,901 5.301 0,446 (1,68 1 0.30 1 0.24 ( 3,43 1 3.061 0.14 1 0.30 1 0. 4 1 0.00 Reach 2 1 i 1 ( 1 1 ( 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 1 Segaent 3 1 0.601 5.301 0.453 11.91 ( 0.30 f 0.21 (3,16 ( 3,121 0.41 1 0.30 10.41 ; 0,00 Reach 3 1 1 1 1 1 Segaent 3 1 1.001 6.801 0,494 1 1.87 1 0.31 1 0.25 1 3.30 1 2.961 0.44 ( 0.30 1 0.44 1 0.00 Reach 4 1 i 1 '. 1 1 I ( 1 { ( ! { 1 Segnent 3 1 1,001 6.801 0.523 1 1.99 ( 0.31 1 0.25 ( 3,49 1 3,131 0.14 ( 0.30 1 0,44 ( 0.00 Reach 5 i i 1 1 1 1 { ! 1 1 1 1 Segaent 3 1 0,031 6.801 0.533 1 2.00 1 0.31 1 0,25 1 3,55 1 3.191 0.44 1 0,30 1 0.44 1 0.00 Reach 6 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 Segaent 3 1 1.301 6.801 0.532 1 2.01 1 0.31 1 0.25 1 3.55 1 3.191 0.44 1 0.30 ( 0.44 1 0.00 Reach 7 I 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 ( 1 ( I ( 1 1 Segaent 3 1 1,901 6.801 0.543 1 2.09 1 0.31 1 0.25 1 3.62 1 3.251 0.44 j 0.30 1 0,44 1 0.00 Reach s( 1 1 Flow 1 CBOD 1 NBOD 1 D.O. 1 1 cfs mg/1 Segment 1 Reach 1 • Waste j 7.750 Headwaters' 11.750 Tributary 1 0.000 * Runoff 1 0.210 mg/1 1 mg/ 1 1 93.000 1 9.800 1 5.000 2.000 ( 1.000 j 7.440 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 1 Reach 2 Waste 1 0.000 ' 0.000 1 0.000 j 0.000 Tributary 1 1.630 1 2.000 1 1.000 ' 7.440 * Runoff 1 0.670 j 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 2 Reach 1 Waste ' 0.031 ' 45.000 ' Headwaters' 0.150 1 2.000 j Tributary 1 0.000 1 2.000 ' * Runoff 1 0.000 j 2.000 1 Segment 3 Reach 1 Waste 1 0.000 j Headwaters' 0.000 ' Tributary 1 0.000 1 * runoff j 1.230 j Segment 3 Reach 2 Waste 1 0.000 1 Tributary ' 0.580 j * Runoff ' 1.230 ' S s,c7 ent 3 Reach 3 Was-Was7e 0.000 Tributary j 0.32 Runoff 1 1.230 Segment 7 = 'men C Waste Ti_ ; utai y • R1i1.li_i F. %. J"c{l; n t. Waste a _i_c'_ f Tributary ' * Runoff I .ch 0.000 0.000 0.-_4'_7 21.150 ' 1.000 1 1.000 1 1.000 1 0.000 7.440 7.440 7.440 0.000 1 0.000 j 0.000 2.000 ' 1.000 ' 7.440 2.000 ' 1.000 j 7.440 2.000 ' 1.000 1 7.440 0.000 j 2.000 1 2.000 1 0.000 ' 1.000 j 1.0C'fit 0.000 7.440 7.440 0.000 1 0.000 j 0.000 2 . 00 ; 1.000 j 7.440 2.000 1.000 7.440 0.000 ' 1.000 I S e gm _ n- 2 Reach 7 Waste ; 0.000 1 0.000 j 0.000 I Tributary ' 0.220 j 2 . 000 1 1.000 1 * Runoff j 0.147 ' 2.000 j . O; .D 0.000 7.440 41. O.U00 7.440 7.440 Segment 3 Reach 8 Waste 1 0.00.0 1 0.000 1 0.000 ' 0.000 ti Tributary I. 2.6.40 , 2.000 1.000 * Runoff 1 0.420 j 2.000 1 1.000 Runoff flow is in cfs/mile SUMMER LENOIR @ 5 MGD, BOD5=30*3.1 MULT., NH3 TOX LIMIT=2.18 I Seg # j Reach # I Seg Mi I D.O. j CBOD j NBOD 1 Flow j 1 1 0.00 6.47 38.17 4.50 19.50 1 1 0.05 6.42 38.07 4.48 19.51 1 1 0.10 6.37 37.96 4.47 19.52 1 1 0.15 6.32 37.86 4.45 19.53 1 1 0.20 6.27 37.76 4.43 19.54 1 1 0.25 6.22 37.66 4.42 19.55 1 1 0.30 6.18 37.56 4.40 19.56 1 1 0.35 6.13 37.46 4.39 19.57 1 1 0.40 6.09 37.36 4.37 19.58 1 1 0.45 6.05 37.27 4.36 19.59 1 1 0.50 6.01 37.17 4.34 19.61 1 1 0.55 5.97 37.07 4.32 19.62 1 1 0.60 5.93 36.97 4.31 19.63 1 1 0.65 5.89 36.87 4.29 19.64 1 1 0.70 5.86 36.77 4.28 19.65 1 1 0.75 5.82 36.68 4.26 19.66 1 2 0.75 5.95 34.02 4.01 21.29 1 2 0.78 5.93 33.95 4.00 21.31 1 2 0.81 5.91 33.88 3.99 21.33 1 2 0.84 5.90 33.80 3.98 21.35 1 2 0.87 5.88 33.73 3.97 21.37 1 2 0.90 5.87 33.66 3.96 21.39 1 2 0.93 5.85 33.59 3.95 21.41 1 2 0.96 5.84 33.51 3.94 21.43 1 2 0.99 5.83 33.44 3.93 21.45 1 2 1.02 5.81 33.37 3.92 21.47 1 2 1.05 5.80 33.30 3.91 21.49 1 2 1.08 5.79 33.23 3.90 21.51 1 2 1.11 5.77 33.16 3.89 21.53 1 2 1.14 5.76 33.09 3.88 21.55 1 2 1.17 5.75 33.02 3.87 21.57 1 2 1.20 5.74 32.95 3.86 21.59 1 2 1.23 5.73 32.88 3.85 21.61 1 2 1.26 5.71 32.81 3.84 21.63 1 2 1.29 5.70 32.74 3.83 21.65 1 2 1.32 5.69 32.67 3.82 21.67 1 2 1.35 5.68 32.60 3.81 21.69 1 2 1.38 5.67 32.53 3.80 21.71 1 2 1.41 5.66 32.46 3.79 21.73 1 2 1.44 5.65 32.39 3.78 21.75 1 2 1.47 5.64 32.32 3.77 21.77 2 1 0.00 6.17 9.36 4.45 0.18 2 1 0.01 6.22 9.34 4.43 0.18 2 1 0.02 6.28 9.31 4.41 0.18 2 1 0.03 6.33 9.29 4.39 0.18 2 1 0.04 6.38 .--- 9.26 4.37 0.18 2 1 0.05 6.42 9.24 4.35 0.18 2 1 0.06 6.47 9.21 4.33 0.18 2 1 0.07 6.51 9.19 4.31 0.18 2 1 0.08 6.55 9.16 4.29 0.18 2 1 0.09 6.59 9.14 4.27 0.18 2 1 0.10 6.63 9.12 4.26 0.18 2 1 0.11 6.66 9.09 4.24 0.18 2 1 0.12 6.70 9.07 4.22 0.18 2 1 0.13 6.73 9.04 4.20 0.18 2 1 0.14 6.76 9.02 4.18 0.18 2 1 0.15 6.79 8.99 4.16 0.18 2 1 0.16 6.82 8.97 4.14 0.18 2 1 0.17 6.85 8.94 4.12 0.18 2 1 0.18 6.87 8.92 4.11 0.18 2 ,. •1 0.19 6.90 8.90 4.09 0.18 2 1 0.20 6.92 8.87 4.07 0.18 3 1 0.00 5.65 32.13 3.78 21.95 3 1 0.05 5.64 31.98 3.76 22.01 3 1 0.10 5.63 31.83 3.74 22.07 3 1 0.15 5.62 31.68 3.72 22.14 3 1 0.20 5.61 31.53 3.70 22.20 3 1 0.25 5.60 31.38 3.68 22.26 3 1 0.30 5.59 31.24 3.66 22.32 3 1 0.35 5.59 31.09 3.64 22.38 3 1 0.40 5.58 30.95 3.63 22.44 1 0.45 5.57 30.80 3.61 22.50 2 0.45 5.62 30.08 3.54 23.08 2 0.55 5.61 29.81 3.51 23.21 2 0.65 5.60 29.54 3.47 23.33 2 0.75 5.59 29.28 3.44 23.45 2 0.85 5.59 29.02 3.41 23.58 2 0.95 5.59 28.76 3.37 23.70 2 1.05 5.58 28.50 3.34 23.82 3 2 1.15 5.58 28.25 3.31 23.95 3 2 1.25 5.58 28.00 3.28 24.07 3 2 1.35 5.59 27.76 3.25 24.19 3 3 1.35 5.61 27.42 3.22 24.51 3 3 1.45 5.61 27.19 3.19 24.63 3 3 1.55 5.62 26.95 3.16 24.76 3 3 1.65 5.63 26.72 3.13 24.88 3 3 1.75 5.63 26.49 3.10 25.00 3 3 1.85 5.64 26.27 3.07 25.13 3 3 1.95 5.65 26.04 3.04 25.25 3 4 1.95 5.65 26.04 3.04 25.25 3 4 2.05 5.65 25.83 3.02 25.37 3 4 2.15 5.65 25.61 2.99 25.50 3 4 2.25 5.65 25.40 2.96 25.62 3 4 2.35 5.65 25.19 2.94 25.74 3 4 2.45 5.65 24.98 2.91 25.86 3 4 2.55 5.65 24.78 2.89 25.99 3 4 2.65 5.66 24.58 2.86 26.11 3 4 2.75 5.66 24.38 2.84 26.23 3 4 2.85 5.67 24.18 2.82 26.36 3 4 2.95 5.67 23.98 2.79 26.48 3 5 2.95 5.89 21.28 2.57 30.19 3 5 3.05 5.90 21.09 2.55 30.37 3 5 3.15 5.92 20.91 2.53 30.54 3 5 3.25 5.93 20.72 2.51 30.72 3 5 3.35 5.95 20.54 2.48 30.89 3 5 3.45 5.97 20.36 2.46 31.07 3 5 3.55 5.98 20.19 2.44 31.25 3 5 3.65 6.00 20.01 2.42 31.42 3 5 3.75 6.01 19.84 2.40 31.60 3 5 3.85 6.03 19.67 2.38 31.77 3 5 3.95 6.04 19.50 2.36 31.95 3 6 3.95 6.04 19.50 2.38 31.96 3 6 3.96 6.04 19.50 2.38 31.96 3 6 3.97 6.04 19.49 2.38 31.96 3 6 3.98 6.04 19.48 2.38 31.96 3 7 3.98 6.05 19.36 2.37 32.18 3 7 4.08 6.06 19.28 2.36 32.20 3 7 4.18 6.07 19.21 2.34 32.21 3 7 4.28 6.08 19.13 2.33 32.23 3 7 4.38 6.09 19.05 2.32 32.24 3 7 4.48 6.10 18.98 2.31 32.26 3 7 4.58 6.11 18.90 2.30 32.27 3 7 4.68 6.12 18.83 2.28 32.28 3 7 4.78 6.12 18.75 2.27 32.30 CJ 0) CO 0) CO 0.) LJ CO 3 7 4.88 6.13 18.68 2.26 32.31 t 3 7 4.98 6.14 18.60 2.25 32.33 3 '7 5.08 6.15 18.53 2.23 32.34 3 7 5.18 6.16 18.46 2.22 32.36 3 7 5.28 6.17 18.38 2.21 32.37 3 7 5.38 6.18 18.31 2.20 32.39 3 7 5.48 6.19 18.24 2.19 32.40 3 7 5.58 6.19 18.16 2.18 32.42 3 7 5.68 6.20 18.09 2.16 32.43 3 7 5.78 6.21 18.02 2.15 32.45 3 8 5.78 6.30 16.81 2.07 35.09 3 8 5.88 6.32 16.74 2.06 35.13 3 8 5.98 6.33 16.66 2.04 35.17 3 8 6.08 6.34 16.59 2.03 35.21 3 8 6.18 6.35 16.51 2.02 35.25 3 8 6 . 286.36 16.44 2.01 35.30 3 8 6.38 6.37 16.36 1.00 35.34 3 8 6.48 6.38 16.2 q 1.99 35.38 3 8 6.58 6.40 16.21 1.. 9 8 35,42 3 8 6.68 6.11 16.14 1.97 35.46 3 8 6.78 6.42 16.07 1.95 35.51 3 8 6.88 6.43 15.99 1.1 35.55 3 8 6.98 6.44 15.92 1.93 35.59 3 8 7.08 6.45 15.85 1.92 35.63 3 8 7.18 6.46 15.78 1.91 35.67 3 8 7.28 6.47 15.71 1.90 35.72 3 8 7.38 6.48 15.64 1.89 35.76 3 8 7.48 6.49 15.57 1.88 35.80 3 8 7.58 6.50 15.49 1.87 35.84 3 8 7.68 6.51 15.42 1.86 35.88 ( Seg n 1 Reach r 1 Seg Mi { D.O. 1 CBOD ( NBOD ( Flow { /ILA/LW/Z.AlA)T; G/3e F/-0s-� MODEL RESULTS Discharger : LENOIR-LOWER CR Receiving Stream : LOWER CREEK The End D.O. is 8.98 mg/l. The End CBOD is 14.75 mg/1. The End NBOD is 4.47 mg/l. WINTER LENOIR @ 5 MGD , NH3 TOX LIMIT = 5.2 MG/L Segment 1 Reach 1 Reach 2 Segment 2 Reach 1 Segment 3 Reach 1 Reach 2 Reach 3 Reach 4 Reach 5 Reach 6 Reach 7 Reach 8 WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flc (mg/1) Milepoint Reach „ (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mgd) 7.93 0.00 1 8.38 0.00 1 7.92 0.45 1 93.00 25.84 5.00 5.0000C 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000C 45.00 74.25 0.00 0.0200C 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000C 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000C 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000C 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000C 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000C 45.00 90.00 0.00 0.0050C 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000C 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000C *** MODEL SUMMARY DATA k** Discharger : LENOIR-LOWER CR Subbasin : 030e Receiving Stream : LOWER CREEK Stream Class: C Summer 7Q10 : 11.75 Design Temperature: 14.0 Winter 7Q10 : 16.77 I LEND H 1 SL3?E l VELOCITY 1 DEPTH! Kd 1 Kd I Ka ( Ka 1 Y,tl 1 t,tt 1 Klli 1 KNR 1 niie 1 ft/mil fps 1 ft ldesignl F200 !design l 20, ;design] ,J20, ;design! f2C0 I 1 Segment 1 ( 0.751 5.301 0.10E 1 1.80 10.19 1 0.24 1 3.06 ; 3.491 0.19 10.30 1 0.19 ; 0.00 Reach 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 Segment 1 l 0.721 5.301 0.520 1 1.87 1 0.18 1 0.24 1 2.13 1 2.431 0,19 1 0.30 1 0.19 1 0.00 Reach 2 1 I 1 I { 1 I i 1 I I Segment 2 1 0.201 40,001 0.149 1 0.38 1 0.31 ( 0.41 1 9.42 1 10.731 0.32 i 0,50 1 0.32 1 0.00 Reach 1 1 I 1 I i 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 l l Segment 3 ( 0.451 5.301 0,524 1 1.89 1 0.18 1 0.2i ( 2.15 I 2,441 0.19 0.30 1 0.19 1 0.00 Reach 1 1 i I 1 1 1 1 l 1 I { 1 I I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Segment 3 I 0.901 5.301 0.533 1 1.94 ( 0.18 1 0.24 1 2.18 ( 2.491 0.19 1 0.30 1 0.19 1 0.00 Reach 2 1 1 I I l i i 1 1 I 1 i I 1 l 1 i i I 1 Segment 3 1 0.601 5,301 0.541 1 1.97 1 0.13 1 0.24 1 2,21 1 2.521 0.19 1 0.30 1 0.19 1 0,00 Reach 3 l 1 1 l 1 1 i I 1 l 1 l I I I I l I i I 1 I I 1 Segment 3 1 1.001 6,301 0.587 1 1,92 1 0.19 1 0,26 1 3.08 1 3.521 0.19 0.30 1 0.19 1 0.00 Reach 4.1 1 1 1 I 1 I i I 1 1 I I I Segment 3 1 1,001 6.801 0.624 1 2.05 1 0,19 1 0.26 1 3.28 1 3,741 0.19 1 0.30 1 0.19 1 0.00 Reach 5 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 1 1 I ► 1 1 1 Segment n 031 l 0.629 1 I .19 1 6 1 38 1 3 761 C 19 1 0 �0 ( 0� 19 1 G 00 J,.y�ei�t 3 1 v.J;� 0.80 2.06 , 0 � G,2o �..; J, � .� y. . Reach 6 1 { 1 I I 1 1 I{ I 1 l Segment 3 1 1,801 6.801 0.629 1 2.07 1 0.19 ( 0.26 1 3.30 1 3,761 0.19 1 0,30 0.19 l 0.00 Read: .f I 1 I I 1 I Segment 3 1 1.901 6.801 0,648 1 2.15 1 0.19 1 0.25 1 3.40 1 3.881 0.19 0.30 0.19 0.00 Reach 8 l 1 I 1 Flow 1 CBOD NBOD ( D.O. 1 cfs ) mg/1 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 'Segment 1 ,each 1 Waste 1 7.750 1 93.000 1 25.840 1 5.000 Headwaters) 16.770 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Tributary 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff 1 0.280 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 1 Reach 2 Waste 1 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 2.520 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff 1 0.290 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 2 Reach 1 Waste 1 0.031 1 45.000 1 74.250 1 0.000 Headwaters) 0.290 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Tributary 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 3 Reach 1 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Headwaters) 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Tributary 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff 1 1.370 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 3 Reach 2 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 0.920 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff 1 1.370 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 3 ,each 3 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 0.510 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff 1 1.370 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 3 Reach 4 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 I 0.000 Tributary 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff 1 1.370 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 3 Reach 5 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 5.660 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff 1 0.940 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 3 Reach 6 s Waste 1 0.008 1 45.000 1 90.000 1 0.000 ti Tributary 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff 1 0.170 1 2.000 1 1.000 I 9.280 Segment 3 ,each 7 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 0.350 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * RunoIf 1 0.170 1 2.000 1, 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 3 Reach 8 Waste ( 0.000 1 0.000 I 0.000 1 0;000 Tributary 1 4.060 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Runoff J 0.380 I 2.000 I 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff flow is in cfs/mile I Seg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Reach # I Seg Mi I D.O. I CBOD 1 0.00 7.93 30.76 1 0.05 7.93 30.71 1 0.10 7.93 30.66 1 0.15 7.93 30.61 1 0.20 7.93 30.56 1 0.25 7.93 30.51 1 0.30 7.93 30.46 1 0.35 7.93 30.41 1 0.40 7.93 30.36 1 0.45 7.93 30.31 1 0.50 7.93 30.26 1 0.55 7.93 30.21 1 0.60 7.94 30.16 1 0.65 7.94 30.11 1 0.70 7.94 30.06 1 0.75 7.94 30.01 2 0.75 8.06 27.42 2 0.78 8.06 27.39 2 0.81 8.05 27.37 2 0.84 8.05 27.34 2 0.87 8.04 27.32 2 0.90 8.03 27.29 2 0.93 8.03 27.26 2 0.96 8.02 27.24 2 0.99 8.02 27.21 2 1.02 8.01 27.19 2 1.05 8.01 27.16 2 1.08 8.00 27.14 2 1.11 8.00 27.11 2 1.14 7.99 27.08 2 1.17 7.99 27.06 2 1.20 7.98 27.03 2 1.23 7.98 27.01 2 1.26 7.97 26.98 2 1.29 7.97 26.96 2 1.32 7.96 26.93 2 1.35 7.96 26.91 2 1.38 7.95 26.88 2 1.41 7.95 26.86 2 1.44 7.94 26.83 2 1.47 7.94 26.80 1 0.00 8.38 6.15 1 0.01 8.44 6.14 1 0.02 8.49 6.14 1 0.03 8.54 6.13 1 0.04 8.59 6.12 1 0.05 8.64 6.11 1 0.06 8.68 6.11 1 0.07 8.73 6.10 1 0.08 8.77 6.09 1 0.09 8.81 6.08 1 0.10 8.85 6.08 1 0.11 8.89 6.07 1 0.12 8.92 6.06 1 0.13 8.96 6.05 1 0.14 8.99 6.04 1 0.15 9.03 6.04 1 0.16 9.06 6.03 WINTER LENOIR @ 5 MGD,NH3 TOX LIMIT 5.2 MG/L NBOD I Flow I 8.85 24.52 8.84 24.53 8.82 24.55 8.81 24.56 8.79 24.58 8.78 24.59 8.76 24.60 8.75 24.62 8.74 24.63 8.72 24.65 8.71 24.66 8.69 24.67 8.68 24.69 8.66 24.70 8.65 24.72 8.64 24.73 7.93 27.25 7.92 27.26 7.91 27.27 7.91 27.28 7.90 27.28 7.89 27.29 7.88 27.30 7.88 27.31 7.87 27.32 7.86 27.33 7.85 27.34 7.85 27.35 7.84 27.35 7.83 27.36 7.83 27.37 7.82 27.38 7.81 27.39 7.80 27.40 7.80 27.41 7.79 27.42 7.78 27.42 7.77 27.43 7.77 27.44 7.76 27.45 7.75 27.46 8.07 0.32 8.06 0.32 8.05 0.32 8.04 0.32 8.03 0.32 8.02 0.32 8.01 0.32 8.00 0.32 7.99 0.32 7.98 0.32 7.97 0.32 7.96 0.32 7.95 0.32 7.94 0.32 7.93 0.32 7.92 0.32 7.91 0.32 2 1 0.17 9.09 6.02 7.90 0.32 2 1 0.18 9.12 6.01 7.89 0.32 . 2 L '1 0.19 9.14 6.01 7.88 0.32 2 1 0.20 9.17 6.00 7.87 0.32 3 1 0.00 7.95 26.56 7.75 27.78 3 1 0.05 7.95 26.48 7.73 27.85 3 1 0.10 7.95 26.39 7.70 27.92 1 0.15 7.94 26.30 7.68 27.99 1 0.20 7.94 26.21 7.65 28.05 1 0.25 7.93 26.12 7.63 28.12 1 0.30 7.93 26.04 7.60 28.19 3 1 0.35 7.93 25.95 7.58 28.26 3 1 0.40 7.92 25.87 7.56 28.33 3 1 0.45 7.92 25.78 7.53 28.40 3 2 0.45 7.96 25.03 7.33 29.32 3 2 0.55 7.96 24.87 7.28 29.45 3 2 0.65 7.96 24.72 7.24 29.59 3 2 0.75 7.95 24.56 7.19 29.73 3 2 0.85 7.95 24.40 7.15 29.86 3 2 0.95 7.95 24.25 7.10 30.00 3 2 1.05 7.95 24.10 7.06 30.14 3 2 1.15 7.95 23.95 7.02 30.28 3 2 1.25 7.95 23.80 6.98 30.41 3 2 1.35 7.95 23.65 6.93 30.55 3 3 1.35 7.97 23.29 6.84 31.06 3 3 1.45 7.97 23.15 6.80 31.20 3 3 1.55 7.97 23.01 6.76 31.33 3 3 1.65 7.97 22.87 6.72 31.47 3 3 1.75 7.98 22.73 6.68 31.61 3 3 1.85 7.98 22.60 6.64 31.74 3 3 1.95 7.98 22.46 6.60 31.88 3 4 1.95 7.98 22.46 6.60 31.88 3 4 2.05 8.00 22.33 6.57 32.02 3 4 2.15 8.02 22.20 6.53 32.16 3 4 2.25 8.05 22.07 6.49 32.29 3 4 2.35 8.07 21.94 6.46 32.43 3 4 2.45 8.09 21.81 6.42 32.57 3 4 2.55 8.11 21.68 6.39 32.70 3 4 2.65 8.12 21.56 6.35 32.84 3 4 2.75 8.14 21.43 6.32 32.98 3 4 2.85 8.16 21.31 6.28 33.11 3 4 2.95 8.18 21.19 6.25 33.25 3 5 2.95 8.34 18.40 5.48 38.91 3 5 3.05 8.36 18.32 5.46 39.01 3 5 3.15 8.38 18.25 5.44 39.10 3 5 3.25 8.40 18.18 5.42 39.19 3 5 3.35 8.42 18.10 5.40 39.29 3 5 3.45 8.44 18.03 5.38 39.38 3 5 3.55 8.45 17.96 5.36 39.48 3 5 3.65 8.47 17.89 5.34 39.57 3 5 3.75 8.49 17.81 5.32 39.66 3 5 3.85 8.50 17.74 5.30 39.76 3 5 3.95 8.52 17.67 5.28 39.85 3 6 3.95 8.52 17.68 5.30 39.86 3 6 3.96 8.52 17.67 5.30 39.86 3 6 3.97 8.52 17.67 5.29 39.86 3 6 3.98 8.52 17.67 5.29 39.86 3 7 3.98 8.53 17.53 5.26 40.21 3 7 4.08 8.54 17.49 5.24 40.23 3 7 4.18 8.56 17.45 5.23 40.25 3 7 4.28 8.57 17.41 5.22 40.27 3 7 4.38 8.59 17.37 5.21 40.28 3 7 4.48 8.60 17.33 5.20 40.30 3 7 4.58 8.61 17.29 5.19 40.32 3 7 4.68 8.62 17.25 5.18 40.33 3 7 4.78 8.64 17.22 5.16 40.35 W Lk) W W 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Seg L #f 7 4.88 8.65 17.18 5.15 40.37 7 4.98 8.66 17.14 5.14 40.38 '7 5.08 8.67 17.10 5.13 40,40 7 5.18 8.68 17.06 5.12 40.42 7 5.28 8.69 17.02 5.11 40.44 7 5.38 8.70 16.98 5.10 40.45 7 5.48 8.71 16.95 5.09 40.47 7 5.58 8.72 16.91 5.08 40.49 7 5.68 8.73 16.87 5.06 40.50 7 5.78 8.74 16.83 5.05 40.52 8 5.78 8.79 15.48 4.68 44.58 8 5.88 8.81 15.44 4.67 44.62 8 5.98 8.82 15.40 4.66 44.66 8 6.08 8.83 15.36 4.65 44.69 8 6.18 8.84 15.32 4.64 44.73 8 6.28 8.85 15.28 4.63 44.77 8 6.38 8.86 15.24 4.62 44.81 8 6.48 8.87 15.21 4.60 44.85 8 6.58 8.88 15.17 4,59 44.88 8 6.68 8.89 15.13 4.58 44.92 8 6.78 8.90 15.09 4.57 44.96 8 6.88 8.91 15.05 4.56 45.00 8 6.98 8.92 15.01 4.55 45.04 8 7.08 8.93 14.97 4.54 45.07 8 7.18 8.94 14.94 4.53 45.11 8 7.28 8.95 14.90 4.52 45.15 8 7.38 8.96 14.86 4.50 45.19 8 7.48 8.97 14.82 4.49 45.23 8 7.58 8.98 14.78 4.48 45.26 8 7.68 8.98 14.75 4.47 45.30 Reach r f Seg Mi f D.O. f CBOD I NBOD f Flow f 1,1MX1PMT/j79 MODEL RESULTS Discharger : LENOIR-LOWER CR Receiving Stream : LOWER CREEK WINTER LENOIR @ 7 MGD, NH3 TOX LMT = 4.2 The End D.O. is 8.79 mg/l. The End CBOD is 18.95 mg/1. The End NBOD is 4.35 mg/l. Segment 1 Reach 1 Reach 2 Segment 2 Reach 1 Segment 3 Reach 1 Reach 2 Reach 3 Reach 4 Reach 5 Reach 6 Reach 7 Reach 8 WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flc (mg/1) Milepoint Reach # (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mgd) 7.43 0.75 1 8.38 0.00 1 7.50 0.45 1 93.00 19.08 5.00 7.0000C 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000C 45,00 74.25 0.00 0.0200C 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.0000C 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000C 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000C 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000C 45.00 90.00 0.00 0.00500 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 *** MODEL SUMMARY DATA *** Discharger : LENOIR-LOWER CR Subbasin : 0308 Receiving Stream : LOWER CREEK Stream Class: C Summer 7Q10 : 11.75 Design Temperature: 14.0 Winter 7Q10 : 16.77 I L E GTH 1 SLOPE( VELOCITY { DEPTH' Kd 1 Kd 1 Ka { Ka 1 i;ti 1 Y.N 1 KNR { KNR ( mile 1 ftjmil fps { ft (design{ 020° {design{ @200 idesigni 020° (design( @20° Segment 1 { 0.751 5,301 0.554 ( 1.83 { 0.19 1 0.25 { 2.27 1 2.561 0.19 ( 0.30 ( 0.19 { 0.00 Reach 1 1 1 Segment 1 ( 0.721 5.301 0.564 1 1.90 1 0,19 1 0,25 1 2.31 1 2.631 0.19 1 0,30 1 0.191 0.00 Reach 2 1 Segment 2 1 0.201 40.00( 0.149 1 0,38 10,31 1 0.41 1 9.42 1 10.731 0.32 1 0,50 1 0.32 1 0.00 Reach 11 Seg.::ent 3 0.45, 0.567 1 1.92 1 0.19 1 0.25 1 2.32 1 2.641 0.19 I ::,30 1 0,19 l 0.00 Reach 2 I 1 Segment 3 1 0.601 5.301 0.580 1 1.99 1 0.19 1 0,25 1 2.3E 1 2.711 0.19 1 0.30 1 0.19 1 0.00 Reach 3 1 ( 1 1 1 1 I { 1 1 1 1 1 { 1 1 1 1 f 1 I 1 1 1 Segment 3 1 1.001 6,801 0.629 1 1.94 1 0.20 1 0.26 { 3.30 { 3.761 0.19 1 0.30 1 0.19 1 0.00 Reach 41 i I I 1 I I i i 1 i 1 1 1 I I 1 1 i I 1 1 1 1 Segment 3 { 1.001 6.801 0.661 1 2.07 1 0.20 1 0.26 1 3.47 1 3.951 0,19 1 0.30 1 0,19 1 0.00 Reach 5 Segment 3 1 0.031 6.801 0.665 { 2,08 10.20 1 0.26 1 3.49 1 3.981 0.19 1 0,30 1 0,19 1 0,00 Reach S( i 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 Segment 3 1 1.801 6.601 0.665 1 2.09 1 0.20 1 0.26 1 3.49 1 3.981 0.19 1 0,30 1 0.19 1 0.00 Reach 7 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 Segment 3 1 1.901 6.601 0,681 { 2.17 1 0.20 1 0.26 1 3.58 1 4.081 0.19 1 0.30 1 0.19 { 0.00 Reach 8 ( cfs 1 mg/1 I mg/1 I mg/1 I „Segment 1 ,each 1 Waste 1 10.850 1 93.000 1 19.080 1 5.000 Headwaters( 16.770 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Tributary I 0.000 I 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff 1 0.280 I 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 1 Reach 2 Waste 1 0.000 I 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 2.520 1 2.000 [ 1.000 9.280 * Runoff 1 0.290 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 2 Reach 1 Waste 1 0.031 1 45.000 1 74.250 1 0.000 Headwaters] 0.290 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Tributary 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9,280 * Runoff 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 3 Reach 1 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Headwaters( 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Tributary I 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff 1 1.370 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 3 each 2 Waste 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 0.920 2.000 1 1.000 I 9.280 * Runoff 1.370 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 3 Reach 3 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 0.510 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff 1 1.370 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 3 Reach 4 Waste I 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff 1 1.370 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 3 Reach 5 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary 1 5.660 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 9.280 * Runoff 1 0.940 1 2.000 f 1.000 1 9.280 Segment 3 Reach Waste 1 0.008 1 45 . 000 j 90.00U Tributary 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 * Runoff 1 0.170 1 2.000 1 1.000 0.000 9.280 9.280 Segment 3 Reach 7 Waste I 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Tributary [ 0.350 [ 2.000 1 1.000 I 9.280 * Runoff 1 0.170 1 2.000 1 1.000 [ 9.280 Segment 3 Reach 8 nnn s n nnn n nnn I n nnn Tributary ( 4.060 1 2.000 ( 1.000 * Runoff 1 0.380 ( 2.000 1 1.000 Runoff flow is in cfs/mile 9.280 9.280 I Seg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Reach # I Seg Mi 1 0.00 1 0.05 1 0.10 1 0.15 1 0.20 1 0.25 1 0.30 1 0.35 1 0.40 1 0.45 1 0.50 1 0.55 1 0.60 1 0.65 1 0.70 1 0.75 2 0.75 2 0.78 2 0.81 2 0.84 2 0.87 2 0.90 2 0.93 2 0.96 2 0.99 2 1.02 2 1.05 2 1.08 2 1.11 2 1.14 2 1.17 2 1.20 2 1.23 2 1.26 2 1.29 2 1.32 2 1.35 2 1.38 2 1.41 2 1.44 2 1.47 1 0.00 1 0.01 1 0.02 1 0.03 1 0.04 1 0.05 1 0.06 1 0.07 1 0.08 1 0.09 1 0.10 1 0.11 1 0.12 1 0.13 1 0.14 1 0.15 1 0.16 WINTER LENOIR @ 7 MGD, NH3 TOX LMT = 4.2 D.O. I CBOD I NBOD I Flow I 7.60 37.75 8.10 27.62 7.59 37.69 8.09 27.63 7.57 37.63 8.08 27.65 7.56 37.58 8.07 27.66 7.55 37.52 8.05 27.68 7.54 37.46 8.04 27.69 7.53 37.41 8.03 27.70 7.51 37.35 8.02 27.72 7.50 37.29 8.01 27.73 7.49 37.24 7.99 27.75 7.48 37.18 7.98 27.76 7.47 37.12 7.97 27.77 7.46 37.07 7.96 27.79 7.45 37.01 7.95 27.80 7.44 36.96 7.94 27.82 7.43 36.90 7.92 27.83 7.58 34.00 7.35 30.35 7.58 33.97 7.34 30.36 7.58 33.94 7.34 30.37 7.57 33.91 7.33 30.38 7.57 33.88 7.32 30.38 7.56 33.85 7.32 30.39 7.56 33.82 7.31 30.40 7.56 33.79 7.30 30.41 7.55 33.76 7.30 30.42 7.55 33.73 7.29 30.43 7.54 33.70 7.29 30.44 7.54 33.67 7.28 30.45 7.54 33.65 7.27 30.45 7.53 33.62 7.27 30.46 7.53 33.59 7,26 30.47 7.53 33.56 7.25 30.48 7.52 33.53 7.25 30.49 7.52 33.50 7.24 30.50 7.52 33.47 7.24 30.51 7.51 33.44 7.23 30.52 7.51 33.41 7.22 30.52 7.51 33,38 7.22 30.53 7.50 33.35 7.21 30.54 7.50 33.32 7.20 30.55 7.50 33.29 7.20 30.56 8.38 6.15 8.07 0.32 8.44 6.14 8.06 0.32 8.49 6.14 8.05 0.32 8.54 6.13 8.04 0.32 8.59 6.12 8.03 0.32 8.64 6.11 8.02 0.32 8.68 6.11 8.01 0.32 8.73 6.10 8.00 0.32 8.77 6.09 7.99 0.32 8.81 6.08 7.98 0.32 8.85 6.08 7.97 0.32 8.89 6.07 7.96 0.32 8.92 6.06 7.95 0.32 8.96 6.05 7.94 0.32 8.99 6.04 7.93 0.32 9.03 6.04 7.92 0.32 9.06 6.03 7.91 0.32 L =. V . J. T J . •_' _ . •� ... . - •. . .. __ 2 1 0.18 9.12 6.01 7.89 0.32 2 �1 0.19 9.14 6.01 7.88 0.32 2 1 0.20 9.17 6.00 7.87 0.32 3 1 0.00 7.51 33.01 7.21 30.88 3 1 0.05 7.51 32.91 7.18 30.95 3 1 0.10 7.51 32.81 7.16 31.02 3 1 0.15 7.51 32.71 7.14 31.09 3 1 0.20 7.51 32.61 7.12 31.15 3 1 0.25 7.51 32.51 7.10 31.22 3 1 0.30 7.51 32.41 7.08 31.29 3 1 0.35 7.51 32.31 7.06 31.36 3 1 0.40 7.50 32.21 7.04 31.43 3 1 0.45 7.50 32.11 7.02 31.50 3 2 0.45 7.55 31.26 6.85 32.42 3 2 0.55 7.56 31.07 6.81 32.55 3 2 0.65 7.56 30.89 6.77 32.69 3 2 0.75 7.56 30.71 6.73 32.83 3 2 0.85 7.56 30.53 6.70 32.96 3 2 0.95 7.56 30.35 6.66 33.10 3 2 1.05 7.56 30.17 6.62 33.24 3 2 1.15 7.57 29.99 6.59 33.38 3 2 1.25 7.57 29.82 6.55 33.51 3 2 1.35 7.57 29.65 6.52 33.65 3 3 1.35 7.60 29.24 6.43 34.16 3 3 1.45 7.60 29.07 6.40 34.30 3 3 1.55 7.61 28.91 6.36 34.43 3 3 1.65 7.61 28.74 6.33 34.57 3 3 1.75 7.62 28.58 6.30 34.71 3 3 1.85 7.62 28.42 6.26 34.84 3 3 1.95 7.63 28.26 6.23 34.98 3 4 1.95 7.63 28.26 6.23 34.98 3 4 2.05 7.66 28.11 6.20 35.12 3 4 2.15 7.68 27.95 6.17 35.26 3 4 2.25 7.71 27.80 6.14 35.39 3 4 2.35 7.73 27.64 6.11 35.53 3 4 2.45 7.76 27.49 6.07 35.67 3 4 2.55 7.78 27.34 6.04 35.80 3 4 2.65 7.80 27.20 6.01 35.94 3 4 2.75 7.83 27.05 5.98 36.08 3 4 2.85 7.85 26.90 5.95 36.21 3 4 2.95 7.87 26.76 5.92 36.35 3 5 2.95 8.06 23.42 5.26 42.01 3 5 3.05 8.08 23.33 5.24 42.11 3 5 3.15 8.11 23.24 5.22 42.20 3 5 3.25 8.13 23.15 5.20 42.29 3 5 3.35 8.15 23.06 5.19 42.39 3 5 3.45 8.17 22.98 5.17 42.48 3 5 3.55 8.19 22.89 5.15 42.58 3 5 3.65 8.21 22.80 5.13 42.67 3 5 3.75 8.23 22.71 5.11 42.76 3 5 3.85 8.25 22.63 5.10 42.86 3 5 3.95 8.27 22.54 5.08 42.95 3 6 3.95 8.27 22.54 5.09 42.96 3 6 3.96 8.27 22.54 5.09 42.96 3 6 3.97 8.27 22.53 5.09 42.96 3 6 3.98 8.27 22.53 5.09 42.96 3 7 3.98 8.28 22.36 5.06 43.31 3 7 4.08 8.29 22.32 5.05 43.33 3 7 4.18 8.31 22.27 5.04 43.35 3 7 4.28 8.33 22.22 5.03 43.37 3 7 4.38 8.34 22.17 5.02 43.38 3 7 4.48 8.36 22.12 5.01 43.40 3 7 4.58 8.37 22.08 5.00 43.42 3 7 4.68 8.38 22.03 4.99 43.43 3 7 4.78 8.40 21.98 4.97 43.45 -% -.7 a nn n if 1 n1 n7 /1 nc A, /1'7 3 7 7 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 I Seg # ) Reach # 4.98 5.08 5.18 5.28 5.38 5.48 5.58 5.68 5.78 5.78 5.88 5.98 6.08 6.18 6.28 6.38 6.48 6.58 6.68 6.78 6.88 6.98 7.08 7.18 7.28 7.38 7.48 7.58 7.68 Seg Hi 8.42 21.89 4.95 8.44 21.84 4.94 8.45 21.79 4.93 8.46 21.75 4.92 8.47 21.70 4.91 8.48 21.65 4.90 8.50 21.61 4.89 8.51 21.56 4.88 8.52 21.51 4.87 8.58 19.85 4.54 8.60 19.80 4.53 8.61 19.75 4.52 8.62 19.71 4.51 8.63 19.66 4.50 8.65 19.61 4.49 8.66 19.56 4.48 8.67 19.51 4.47 8.68 19.46 4.46 8.69 19.42 4.45 8.70 19.37 4.44 8.71 19.32 4.43 8.72 19.27 4.42 8.73 19.23 4.41 8.74 19.18 4.40 8.75 19.13 4.39 8.76 19.09 4.38 8.77 19.04 4.37 8.78 18.99 4.36 8.79 18.95 4.35 D.O. I CBOD j NBOD 43.48 43.50 43.52 43.54 43.55 43.57 43.59 43.60 43.62 47.68 47.72 47.76 47.79 47.83 47.87 47.91 47.95 47.98 48.02 48.06 48.10 48.14 48.17 48.21 48.25 48.29 48.33 48.36 48.40 Flow { Lenoir -Lower Creek WWTP Residual Chlorine 7010 (CFS) DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (UG/L) UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (UG/L) IWC (%) Allowable Concentration (ug/l) Fecal Limit Ratio of 1.1 :1 Ammonia as NH3 (summer) 11.75 7010 (CFS) 7 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 10.85 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 17.0 STREAM STD (MG/L) 0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (MG/L) 48.01 IWC (%) 35.41 Allowable Concentration (mg/1) Ammonia as NH3 (winter) 7010 (CFS) 2001100m1 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (MG/L) UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (MG/L) IWC (%) Allowable Concentration (mg/I) 11.75 7 10.85 1.0 0.22 N 56,10 48.01 1.84 q z8) 16.77 7 10.85 1.8 0.22 39.28 fi01 1 4.24 (/9- de) 9/12/94 Lenoir -Lower Creek WWTP Residual Chlorine 7010 (CFS) DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (UG/L) UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (UG/L) IWC (%) Allowable Concentration (ug/I) Fecal Limit Rego of 1.5 :1 Ammonia as NH3 (summer) 11.75 7010 (CFS) 5 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 7.75 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 17.0 STREAM STD (MG/L) 0 UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (MG/L) 39.74 IWC (%) 42.77 Allowable Concentration (mg/I) Ammonia as NH3 (winter) 7010 (CFS) 200/100m1 DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (MG/L) UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (MG/L) IWC (%) Allowable Concentration (mg/I) 11.75 5 7.75 1.0 0.22 39.74 2.18 16.77 5 7.75 1.8 0.22 31.61 �/ // 5.22 (25 e ) 9/12/94 Facility: Lenoir NPDES#: Receiving Stream: Husband Creek Comment(s): Low Flow Record Station Number: Hydrologic Area Number: Drainage Area Low Flow Record Station: Qave Low Flow Record Station: s7Q1 0 Low Flow Record Station: w7Q10 Low Flow Record Station: 30Q2 Low Flow Record Station: Drainage Area New Site: MAR New Site: Qave per Report Equation: s7Q1 0 per Report Equation: w7Q10 per Report Equation: 30Q2 per Report Equation: Drainage Area Ratio: [ new DA/Da at gage] Weighted Ratio: gage number not available 02.1412.4500 HA10 89.50 miles squared 125.30 cfs 24.00 cfs 32.00 cfs 40.00 cfs must be < 400 sq. miles 16.20 sq. miles 1.4 cfs/miles squared 23 cfs 3.63 cfs 5.54 cfs 7.80 cfs Continue 0.18 : 1 Inappropriate Site -0.09 : 1 Over -ride Inappropriate Site (y ):j /4.Z /. v1 23 7. 7/ 5,c- .7.y7 Drainage Area New Site: MAR New Site: Weighted Qave per Report Equation: Weighted s7Q10 per Report Equation: Weighted w7Q10 per Report Equation: Weighted 3002 per Report Equation: 16.20 miles squared 1.4 cfs/miles squared Inappropriate Site Inappropriate Site Inappropriate Site Inappropriate Site Facility: Lenoir NPDES#: Receiving Stream:$ristot-Creek Comment(s): gage number not available Low Flow Record Station Number: Hydrologic Area Number: Drainage Area Low Flow Record Station: Qave Low Flow Record Station: s7010 Low Flow Record Station: w7Q10 Low Flow Record Station: 30Q2 Low Flow Record Station: Drainage Area New Site: MAR New Site: Qave per Report Equation: s7Q10 per Report Equation: w7Q10 per Report Equation: 30Q2 per Report Equation: Drainage Area Ratio: [ new DA/Da at gage] Weighted Ratio: 02.1412.4500 HA10 89.50 miles squared 125.30 cfs 24.00 cfs 32.00 cfs 40.00 cfs must be 400 sq. miles 47.90 sq. miles 1.4 cfs/miles squared 67 cfs 10.84 cfs 16.20 cfs 23.07 cfs Continue 0.54 : 1 Continue 0.38 : 1 Over -ride Inappropriate Site (y ):j I,CCG/,vq,t' i.Y3 7L 68 0,67 ii, 08 f 7, i, /6.55 .2Y, 7"1 ,z 3. S.-k' Drainage Area New Site: MAR New Site: Weighted Qave per Report Equation: Weighted s7Q10 per Report Equation: Weighted w7Q10 per Report Equation: Weighted 30Q2 per Report Equation: 47.90 miles squared 1.4 cfs/miles squared 67 cfs 11.60 cfs 16.55 cfs 22.44 cfs Facility: Lenoir NPDES#: Receiving Stream: Brie E-0"4" G'ttk- Comment(s): Low Flow Record Station Number: Hydrologic Area Number: Drainage Area Low Flow Record Station: Qave Low Flow Record Station: s7Q10 Low Flow Record Station: w7Q10 Low Flow Record Station: 30Q2 Low Flow Record Station: Drainage Area New Site: MAR New Site: Qave per Report Equation: s7Q1 0 per Report Equation: w7Q10 per Report Equation: 30Q2 per Report Equation: Drainage Area Ratio: [ new DA/Daatgage ] Weighted Ratio: Over -ride Inappropriate Site (y ): gage number not available 02.1412.4500 HA10 89.50 miles squared 125.30 cfs 24.00 cfs 32.00 cfs 40.00 cfs must be < 400 sq. mites 48.50 sq. miles 1.4 cfs/miles squared 68 cfs 10.98 cfs 16.40 cfs 23.36 cfs Continue 0.54 : 1 Continue 0.39 : 1 48. s— ,8 r 1.5 ci/mit- 4113 73 to 9 il.77 0, aZ .2 o3 .23. g.C. Drainage Area New Site: MAR New Site: Weighted Qave per Report Equation: Weighted s7Q10 per Report Equation: Weighted w7Q10 per Report Equation: Weighted 30Q2 per Report Equation: 48.50 miles squared 1.4 cfs/miles squared 68 cfs 11.77 cfs 16.77 cfs 22.70 cfs Facility: Lenoir NPDES#: Lug Receiving Stream: HuaLzdrrJ Creek Comment(s): Low Flow Record Station Number: Hydrologic Area Number: Drainage Area Low Flow Record Station: Qave Low Flow Record Station: s7Q10 Low Flow Record Station: w7Q10 Low Flow Record Station: 30Q2 Low Flow Record Station: Drainage Area New Site: MAR New Site: Qave per Report Equation: s7Q10 per Report Equation: w7Q10 per Report Equation: 30Q2 per Report Equation: Drainage Area Ratio: [ new DA/Da at gage] Weighted Ratio: gage number not available 02.1412.4500 HA10 89.50 miles squared 125.30 cfs 24.00 cfs 32.00 cfs 40.00 cfs must be < 400 sq. miles 55.80 sq. miles 1.4 cfs/miles squared 78 cfs 12.65 cfs 18.85 cfs 26.87 cfs Continue 0.62 : 1 Continue 0.50 : 1 Over -ride Inappropriate Site (y )",8 S'S, b' 1 5:6/m, /3.56 /2..9z Ze 1'% Ys"-- Drainage Area New Site: MAR New Site: Weighted Qave per Report Equation: Weighted s7010 per Report Equation: Weighted w7Q10 per Report Equation: Weighted 3002 per Report Equation: 55.80 miles squared 1.4 cfs/miles squared 78 cfs 13.80 cfs 19.40 cfs 25.91 cfs Faality: Lenoir NPDES#: Receiving Stream: Lower Creek Comment(s): Low Flow Record Station Number: Hydrologic Area Number: Drainage Area Low Flow Record Station: Qave Low Flow Record Station: s7Q1 0 Low Flow Record Station: w7Q10 Low Flow Record Station: 30Q2 Low Flow Record Station: Drainage Area New Site: MAR New Site: Qave per Report Equation: s7Q10 per Report Equation: w7Q10 per Report Equation: 30Q2 per Report Equation: Drainage Area Ratio: [ new DA/Da at gage] Weighted Ratio: Over -ride Inappropriate Site (y ): gage number not available 02.1412.4500 HA10 89.50 miles squared 125.30 cfs 24.00 cfs 32.00 cfs 40.00 cfs must be < 400 sq. miles 72.00 sq. miles 1.4 cfs/miles squared 101 cfs 16.36 cfs 24.26 cfs 34.68 cfs Continue 0.80 : 1 Continue 0.74 : 1 "72- j, 1743 /0 3 /io.7z- ,2Y.77 35. Drainage Area New Site: MAR New Site: Weighted Qave per Report Equation: Weighted s7Q10 per Report Equation: Weighted w7Q10 per Report Equation: Weighted 30Q2 per Report Equation: 72.00 miles squared 1.4 cfs/miles squared 101 cfs 18.54 cfs 25.36 cfs 32.83 cfs 7(im, 6d 3 (o°..G 3 z5, 3C �3.6v Facility: NPDES#: Receiving Stream: Comment(s): Low Flow Record Station Number: Hydrologic Area Number: Drainage Area Low Flow Record Station: Qave Low Flow Record Station: s7Q10 Low Flow Record Station: w7Q10 Low Flow Record Station: 30Q2 Low Flow Record Station: Drainage Area New Site: MAR New Site: Qave per Report Equation: s7Q10 per Report Equation: w7Q10 per Report Equation: 30Q2 per Report Equation: Drainage Area Ratio: [ new DAJDaatgage ] Weighted Ratio: Lenoir Bristol Creek gage number not available 02.1412.4500 HA10 89.50 miles squared 125.30 cfs 24.00 cfs 32.00 cfs 40.00 cfs must be < 400 sq. miles 11.60 sq. miles 1.4 cfs/miles squared 16 cfs 2.59 cfs 3.98 cfs 5.59 cfs Continue 0.13:1 Inappropriate Site -0.16 : 1 Over -ride Inappropriate Site (y Drainage Area New Site: MAR New Site: Weighted Qave per Report Equation: Weighted s7Q10 per Report Equation: Weighted w7Q10 per Report Equation: Weighted 30Q2 per Report Equation: 11.60 miles squared 1.4 cfs/miles squared Inappropriate Site Inappropriate Site Inappropriate Site Inappropriate Site Facility: Lenoir NPDES#: Receiving Stream: B.istoi-Creek Comment(s): gage number not available Low Flow Record Station Number: Hydrologic Area Number: Drainage Area Low Flow Record Station: Qave Low Flow Record Station: s7Q10 Low Flow Record Station: w7Q10 Low Flow Record Station: 3002 Low Flow Record Station: Drainage Area New Site: MAR New Site: Qave per Report Equation: s7Q1 0 per Report Equation: w7Q10 per Report Equation: 3002 per Report Equation: Drainage Area Ratio: [ new DA/Daatgage ] Weighted Ratio: Over -ride Inappropriate Site (y ): 02.1412.4500 HA10 89.50 miles squared 125.30 cfs 24.00 cfs 32.00 cfs 40.00 cfs must be < 400 sq. miles 91.40 sq. miles 1.4 cfs/miles squared 128 cfs 20.82 cfs 30.72 cfs 44.02 cfs Continue 1.02:1 Continue 0.99 : 1 Drainage Area New Site: MAR New Site: Weighted Qave per Report Equation: Weighted s7Q10 per Report Equation: Weighted w7Q10 per Report Equation: Weighted 30Q2 per Report Equation: 91.40 miles squared 1.4 cfs/miles squared 128 cfs 24.48 cfs 32.67 cfs 40.87 cfs 7/. a7 t /37 /3/ z, 68 12.67 Facility: Lenoir NPDES#: --- Receiving Stream: Hi9efid-Creek Comment(s): Low Flow Record Station Number: Hydrologic Area Number: Drainage Area Low Flow Record Station: Qave Low Flow Record Station: s7Q1 0 Low Flow Record Station: w7Q10 Low Flow Record Station: 30Q2 Low Flow Record Station: Drainage Area New Site: MAR New Site: Qave per Report Equation: s7Q10 per Report Equation: w7Q10 per Report Equation: 30Q2 per Report Equation: Drainage Area Ratio: [new DA/Da at gage] Weighted Ratio: Over -ride Inappropriate Site (y ): gage number not available 02.1412.4500 HA10 89.50 miles squared 125.30 cfs 24.00 cfs 32.00 cfs 40.00 cfs must be < 400 sq. miles 105.00 sq. miles 1.4 cfs/miles squared 147 cfs 23.95 cfs 35.24 cfs 50.57 cfs Continue 1.17:1 Continue 0.94 : 1 /0$ s4i L /, 5" /. Lf3 /58 /50 zs;oz? ;Y.Y7 3773 35�9 Drainage Area New Site: MAR New Site: Weighted Qave per Report Equation: Weighted s7Q10 per Report Equation: Weighted w7Q10 per Report Equation: Weighted 30Q2 per Report Equation: 105.00 miles squared 1.4 cfs/miles squared 147 cfs 27.91 cfs 37.41 cfs 47.14 cfs ro> PC i./i543 /5g /5.° Zt4,(3/ 27, 97` 3 Z 53` 77,15 �� 35 47, 7.0 (17-' Sig/ OA=2y 57p,o:7,9 7°9:. 1.7 79 54,6 U 7-3 1/6.35 cops' Z7. 6 9 05' 02" , i. 3(e 0,4 - 2 cr7 / 7n), , • :). 3 2 c 6, L4 9 i • 6. s1. rv,I P-* p U"r7 52_1Z, -1)4 : 9/.V ^ ` Q/t- I24/ 57p4,=.2yf0‘,0790o _.3,2,47 SzE.z 30/30 )�F = 89. , /sr S79,0; 3t'3.7 cd7fr : 37, 3 3°P L: 0,7 /1V5A-- s ie "• 0,0 twir PU-f f, t4 ve.-