HomeMy WebLinkAbout01_NCS000559_ SWMP_20220512DRAFT NPDES PHASE II COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT FOR THE TOWN OF CLAYTON Submitted to NC Division of Water Quality: November 2018 NPDES PHASE II COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1. STORM SEWER SYSTEM INFORMATION 1.1 Population Served 1 1.2 Growth Rate 1 1.3 Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Area 1 1.4 MS4 Conveyance System 1 1.5 Land Use Composition Estimates 1 1.6 Estimate Methodology 1 1.7 TMDL Identification 1 2. RECEIVING STREAMS 2 3. EXISTING WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS 2 3.1 Local Programs 2 3.2 State Programs 2 4. PERMITTING INFORMATION 4.1 Responsible Party Contact List 3 4.2 Organizational Chart A-1 4.3 Signing Official 4 4.4 Duly Authorized Representative 4 5. CO -PERMITTING INFORMATION (N/A) 6. Reliance on Other Government Entity 4 6.1 Name of Entity 4 6.2 Measures Implemented 4 6.3 Contact Information 4 6.4 Legal Agreements 4 7. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 7.1 Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts 5 7.2 Public Involvement and Participation 5 7.3 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 6 7.4 Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control 6 7.5 Post-Const. SW Management in New Development & Redevelopment 7 7.6 Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations 7 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System NPDES STORMWATER Permit Application Form This application form is for use by public bodies seeking NPDES Stormwater permit coverage for small municipal separate storm sewer systems pursuant to Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 21-1.0126. A complete application form includes three copies of the narrative documentation required in Section X of the application form. This application and the accompanying narrative documentation must be completed in accordance with Instructions for Completing Form SWU-264 to be considered a complete application submittal. Incomplete application submittals may be returned to the applicant. 1. STORM SEWER SYSTEM INFORMATION 1.1 Population Served The Town has a population of 20,112 according to the 2017 fmal Municipal population estimates from the State of North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management . The Town does not have a seasonal population. 1.2 Growth Rate The Town has experienced a growth rate of 13 1. 1 % from 2000 to 2010 according to the 2010 U.S. Census. 1.3 Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Areas The Town Municipal Limits is an area of 15.02 square miles. The Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) is an area of 46.41 miles. This information was obtained from the Town's GIS. Currently approximately 38 square miles consisting of larger tracts/parcels remains undeveloped within service area. 1.4 MS4 Conveyance System The Town of Clayton's storm system is a combination of curb/gutter, pipes, detention/retention ponds and open ditches contained within public Right -of -Way and public utility/storm drainage easements. The system is in good condition overall. Maintenance activities, which include street sweeping, curb/pipe/ditch repairs and cleaning, are performed by Town of Clayton Public Works Street Division staff as needed. 1.5 Land Use Composition Estimates Residential: 29% Commercial: 4% Industrial: 3% Open Space: 64% 1.6 Estimate Methodology This information was obtained from the Town's GIS. 1.7 TMDL Identification Yes; the Neuse River/Basin 1 2. RECEIVING STREAMS 1. Receiving Stream Name: Big Arm Creek — from source to Marks Creek Stream Index #: 27-38-1 Water Quality Classification: C NSW 2. Receiving Stream Name: Little Creek — from source to Swift Creek Stream Index #: 27-43-12 Water Quality Classification: C NSW 3. Receiving Stream Name: Marks Creek — source to Neuse River Stream Index #: 27-38 Water Quality Classification: C NSW 4. Receiving Stream Name: Neuse River — from Beddingfield Creek to 0.2 miles past SR 1700 Stream Index #: 27-(36) Water Quality Classification: WS V NSW 5. Receiving Stream Name: Neuse River — 0.2 miles past SR 1700 to 1.4 miles past SR 1908 Stream Index #: 27-(38.5) Water Quality Classification: WS-IV, NSW 3. EXISTING WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS 3.1 Local Programs Water Supply Watershed Program: Yes 3.2 State Programs Delegated Erosion and Sediment Control Program: No Riparian Buffers: Yes CAMA Land Use Plan: No 2 4. PERMITTING INFORMATION 4.1 Contacts Timothy S. Simpson, PE Public Works & Utilities Director 919-553-1530 tsimpson@townofcla3jonnc.org Rich Cappola, PE Town Engineer 919-553-5002 rcap ola ,townofclaytonnc.org Chris N. Rowland Construction Inspector 919-553-5002 crowlandgtownofclaytonnc.org Andy Simerman Engineering Technician 919-553-5002 asimerman(c�r�,townofcla onnc.org Samantha Wullenwaber Planning Director 919-553-5002 swullenwaberktownofclaytonnc.org Adam Lindsay Town Manager 919-553-5002 alindsgy townofclaytonnc.org Nancy Medlin Deputy Town Manager 919-553-5002 nmedlin ,townofcla onnc.org 3 4.2 Organization Chart — see Appendix 4.3 Signing Official Adam Lindsay, Town Manager 1 I 1 East Second Street PO Box 879 Clayton, NC 27528 919-553-5002 919-5538919 fax alindsayktownofclaytonnc.org 4.4 Duly Authorized Representative No authorized representative (s) have been designated at this time. 5. CO -PERMITTING INFORMATION The Town of Clayton does not intend to share responsibilities with another municipality to fulfill its NPDES Phase II permit obligations; therefore co -permitting information is not applicable. 6. RELIANCE ON OTHER GOVERNMENT ENTITY 6.1 Name of Entity NC Clean Water Education Partnership and Johnston County 6.2 Measure Implemented Public Education and Outreach (NCCWEP), Review, Permitting & Inspection (Johnston County) 6.3 Contact Information Ms. Sarah Bruce PO Box 12276 RTP NC 27709 919-558-9343 sbruce,4.kjco .00rrg Mr. Jamie Guerrero, PE PO Box 2263 Smithfield, NC 27577 919-989-5075 j amie. guerrero@j ohnstonnc . com 6.4 Legal Agreements The Town of Clayton has established the relationship with NCCWEP by the payment of annual per capita dues membership dues. The Town and Johnston County have entered into a Inter -Local Agreement to support their participation in the stormwater program (see Appendix) 4 7. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 7.1 Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts The target audience includes, but is not limited to: households, civic groups and the business/development community. The Town of Clayton's public education program will target nutrients, trash, yard waste and sediment to begin with. Future pollutants may be added as necessary. These pollutants are the major concerns for the Neuse River Basin. The Town will expand the public education program to include other named pollutants as they become a problem for the area. In addition to participation with NC Clean Water Education Partnership, the Town will utilize bill stuffers/back of bill messaging, Town website, PEG channel, festival booth sponsorships, public workshops and public forums. The Town of Clayton's public education and outreach program will continue to develop it's comprehensive Annual Education Plan. The Education Plan will include the specific Public Education/Outreach BMP's to be implemented, a schedule for the implementation and targeted audiences for each BMP and measurable goals for all aspects of the Plan. The public education measure will be evaluated in several different ways: # of educational events, estimated number of educational participants, bags of trash removed and statistics from the NCCWEP for radio and TV ads. 7.2 Public Involvement and Participation Program The Town of Clayton will implement a public involvement and participation program to include all required program elements. Public notification will especially be important during the development and approval of all new ordinances and ordinance modifications that will be a part of the Town's stormwater management program. The Town will actively strive to involve all potential stakeholders in its public involvement and participation program. Those stakeholders include: Town citizens, commercial and industrial businesses, the development community, trade organizations, homeowners associations and education organizations. 5 The Town of Clayton already has established public notification processes and procedures for standard Town legislative activities. The Town Council meetings are open to the public and time is made available for public comment. In addition, any ordinance revisions are open to public review and comment before the Town Council can adopt them. These existing procedures will be used during further development and implementation of the Town's Stormwater Management program. In addition special public meetings and information sessions will be held as needed throughout the implementation of the new programs. 7.3 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination The Town Council will adopt an Illicit Discharge Ordinance in accordance with the required timelines. When an illicit connection is identified, written notification will be provided to the apparent responsible party. Time will be given to offender to take the necessary corrective action depending on the nature of the offense. Also depending on the nature of the offense, civil or criminal penalty may be instituted. If offender refuses to comply, the case will be turned over to the Johnston County District Attorney's Office. Random dry weather inspections will be conducted by various Town staff. To locate problem areas, Town crews will be cross -trained to conduct proper inspections. Water will be sampled periodically. Complaints from citizens will be investigated. The Town staff will constantly assess and evaluate the program as well as meet regularly with other municipalities to address regional needs and concern. Changes and amendments will be brought before the Town Council for prompt approval as necessary. The public and Town employees will be informed and educated on the hazards of illicit connections and illegal dumping as part of the Town's Public Education `Program and your Good Housing Keeping Program. This will be met through the Town's Public Education system which will include mailings and postings on the Web site. 7.4 Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control The Town of Clayton relies on NCDENR Division of Land Resources to administer Sediment and Erosion Control. 0 7.5 Post Construction Stormwater Management in New and Redevelopment The Town of Clayton Unified Development Code (UDC) contains a high density option to control of post -construction stormwater runoff. The current program was developed to comply with the State's Watershed Water Supply Protection requirements and the Neuse NSW requirements for urban stormwater. The current program addresses storm water runoff from new development and redevelopment projects that disturb an area greater than or equal to one acre. All projects nuq control peak flow and meet designated water quality targets. The Town of Clayton Unified Development Code (UDC) requires preservation of open space in new development. The UDC also contains a tree preservation requirement. The Town is currently a Tree City USA program participant. All trees located throughout the Town of Clayton make up the "Urban Forest." Trees located in the Town public right-of-way and on Town property are municipal -owned trees. Trees provide a wide variety of social, community, economic and environmental benefits for us all that include such things as climate moderation, better air quality, water conservation, habitat for birds and other wildlife and increased property values. The Town of Clayton is responsible for the planting, protection, maintenance and removal of these trees. 7.6 Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations The Town of Clayton will develop and implement an operations and maintenance program that includes a training component w it h goal of preventing or reducing runoff from municipal operations. Using training materials that are available from EPA and other organizations, the Town will train employees to prevent and reduce storm water pollution from activities such as parks and open space maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, new construction and land disturbances and storm water system maintenance. The following Town of Clayton facilities and operations are impacted by this operation and maintenance program. These programs will be evaluated and revised to ensure that the programs minimize pollutant loading. Facilities will be inspected to identify and eliminate exposure to stormwater. Corrective actions will be taken or BMP's installed as needed: 1. Parks and Recreation Areas 2. Emergency Services (Police and Fire Departments) 3. Public Owned Open Spaces 4. Salt/Sand Storage Areas 5. Fleet Maintenance 6. Vehicle Washing Facilities 7. Material Storage Facilities 8. Parking Lots 7 Streets and Town maintained parking lots are routinely cleaned and cleared of any debris. Streets are currently swept regularly. The Public Works Street Division currently inspects the storm system including grates, catch basins and rip rap aprons for accumulated debris. After the initial assessment and inventory of the Town's maintenance facilities, the Town will educate staff on how to reduce pollutants from public parking lots, materials storage yards, outdoor storage areas at vehicle maintenance shops and any other publicly maintained facilities. The Town will record the number of employees attending a pollution reduction educational meeting. The number of facility cleanings and amount of pollutants collected will also be recorded. E3