HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-04508_Well Construction - GW1_20220509 _ WELL CONSTRUCrrON RECORD For ImcnmlUscONLY: This form can t+c owd for singk or mullipk%cells 1.Well Contractor information: 4.W'A7ERZON1ES•, John Eisenman FROM TO DVsCRIP110N %Vclt Cllnrniaot N..inx ft. rt. 4439A NC\VdlContrdctor Certification Ntunber 13 OUTeR R'L1NER01411`IkaDk FROM I TO DIAMETER I THICKNESS MATERIAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 it. 30 ft. 2" in. I SCH-40 PVC (atiglaln rTank 16 TU INNER CASING'ORBING(%e6iknn2ltloscdaw1f'LIL FROM I TO I DLAMFTER THICKNESS MATERIAL 2.Well Construction Permit q: ff. rt. �• len till appli,-ableKellpennies fix.rounry.,Srhre.Yoriarwr.Iffer olerr.) fl. f4 in. 3.%Veil Itsc(chock well use): 17 SCRXEN ; Water Supply Wall: FROM TO DIAMETYM SIOTSIFF. T111CKNI,I'$ MATF.RIAI: OAgricultural i municipal/Public 30 11• 40 ft. 2" in. 010 SCH-40 PVC OGeothcmfal(Heating/CooIIi118 Stipple) 011esidential Water Supph•(single) fl, ft. in. OindustriaUColnnicrciA 011csidcntial%Nato Supph ']FROM FRrCROUT' OM TO MATERLAt. J EMPI.ACT.MGNT IUETiIOD&AMOUNT ❑lrri ation 0 ft. 23 h. Portland Pour Non-Water Supply Well: rt. ft. Wtilomiioring ORccovcr}' injection Well: DAquiferitccharge OGroundwalcrRcnlcdiation 19 SANDIC.'RAVEL PAC K'(it villkabW. FROM I TO IMATi;Nlal, MMFI.A('/:NE�YMF"tf1O►f ❑Aquifer Storage and Rccovctp ❑Salinity Harrier 28 ft. 40 rt. SAND #2 ❑AgniferTcst OstommaicrDminasc ft. ft ❑E.yl;rimcntal Technology OS%ftidcncc Cowml ,20 DRII.IANG'LOG attach sdditiunat shells if,necessan• ❑Geothennal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer FROst TO mPSURIPt10Nfe6lor.hndnc%i,p,l1'nwkt%' W-bg.tec.) DGeotitennal(I{eatintlCooline Return) DOther(cN lain under 021 Reuraris) 0 ft. 40 fr, clay n. u. 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 4-19-22 Well ID#MW-3 11. r4 52,WO1 Lucathm: ft. ft. _•� ;..$ 1R Wilson Carpet iL h. /Fad1h%)'O%cncrNemc Ficilih•1DR(if appli able) fl. fL �� ,y'Q uL� 20850 Catawba Ave., Cornelius, NC, 28031 ft. f1. r r Physical Address.Cin•,and Zip 21 REt►tARI(S' a: t,., a . »,,,, r.' ti *+ ; Mecklenburg bentonite seal from 23-29't:i Conith Parcel I&WificnioDNo,fPN.) Sh.Latitude and I.angitude in degmcs/minutes/scconds or decimal degrees: 22.Certification: (ifuell twid,otte kdlottvl'is smilickno '' 4/20/2022 Slgruulr.of E 9 ;�>,,r r ` Doc 6.Is(are)the well(.): .)Pernanent or OTemporan' � u �✓ �" �a3'!r '�t •..is I,.e..l.onvtrnc•ted nt reverclanc* idth 154 N AC 02C.' :`^ ft I:(h i'rLC,02(tO 11'ril Consirverinn Sfamlartls mulI&TY a 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: oVe. or ENo ropy of rhis rrran'l ha,t been pnvided run)h.-spell mcner. if ihfs is a relxllr,fill eau ln(iwa w col omelinn infoomaritnt timl c.%pinia the own re of the relmir muter 021 remarks serfim nr an die NMI of this form. 23.Site diagram or additional hell details: You may use the back of this p ige to provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 construction details: Yoti'mac'also anach additional pages if necewty. For'"1111 e infection&nevi-warcr supp s bets ON1,1'with the same consiritefion.etra can . tnitirone form. SUBMITTAL, INSTU-.TIONS 9.Total weil depth below land surface. 40 (ft.) 24a. For All Wells: Gubmil this form within 30 days of completion of well For,twhiple wells liar rd1 depths ff difli•relu(exm„ple•3@2Nl'a.k126?/0!l'1 constmetion to the following; 10.Static water level below alp of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, lfxvoet level 0 above main,,use"<" 1617 Mail Serviec Center,Raleigh,SIC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter.6° (in) 2.1b.Ur I th'clion WcIIS ONLY: fit addition to sending the fonn to il►e address in 24a above. also subnfil a cop), of this foie) witiuu ?0 daps of completion of well 12.Wcll construction method: Air constmetion to the following: (i c.angm m)ary.cable,dimct pusk etc_) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.Vield(gem) Method of test: 24c.For Water Supply&injection Wells: Also submit one cop)' of this form within 30 daps of completion of 13b.Disinfection type: __ _. Amount: w'oll constmetion to the cotint%� heahh defnnmcnt of the Catmh wllctc consimctcd. I Fann GW-1 Nonli Cafolism Dapannmit of EncirD11111cia and Natural Resources-Division of w'aictResotr&-m Revised August 2l)13