HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-04211_Well Construction - GW1_20220419 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD for Irtsmal Use ONLY: lir6 form can be used for single or m altipk wells 1.Well Contractor Information: fa *11r111TcR:70NI S Brian Ewing FROM TO Ip�Sf'xgPttt}v Well CurftolM Nzrmc ft. ft. fL ft. 4240-B NC Well Cortnaor Cert:ifmcation Nun bes I&OUTER CiAc1NG et�1t3=ai4cil+tteFls�?it L1t4L7t. lf.a tie56k eROM I To oTAMETER TMCl NM, MATERIAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 fL 8 fL 2" in. SCH-40 PVC ( rsnplrry Karat 76 iIV4NF�tCrlSllllOOJC f81NQ lteniattlevedabn , PROM To I DFAht MER I THICKNESS I MAi1 RIAL a,Wd1 Constmetion Permit# f1. ft, List u1l applicable uiell prnmirs(i-r.Counn•.StNor.Variamrr,Inferdrrt ew.J (;„ f4 3.W[Vse(ChM;well useli': MSCRECK Water Srggd}•Well: FROM I TO PIAIISQ•rsrt I VOTStZk: I T1113CxN1Z55 I MATRRIA17 OAgrimImral I7lvlt10icfpal1public 8 ft, 18 ft, 2" Im .01 SCH-40 PVC OGeothenw- 1(HeatingfCooling Supply) ©Resider.ial Water Suppy,(single) n. rt. ❑lDdusniall/Comntcnial OResidentiaf Water Su 1144=011T `. ppt}'(S_hIlredj MOM TO MATFRIAL EMP1-4CEM WMEfirOD&AMMW ❑ Holm 0 fL 4 fL PORTLAND POURED Nor-Water Supply Well: rt. rr; IR Monitor n o11rxr+� injection W¢ll: rt. rt Mquircr Recharge G otinrlaatcr Rcmediotion 49r ANrifGkAVBl.1sAt Ct; ap k2b FROM MAT>yeerA1. Fslrl.a It"Mr-Nrhlr:Tn sm f]AAnBfer.Stoiage Atmd RCC9M1m Jt' p5alinin>3arricr 6 ft, 18 ft, FILTER SAND # 2 ❑A.*fcr Test 13Stomrrcarcr Dminav: ft ft. ❑F.VMnlCotal To;hnology, ❑SmdmSiticKc Control 3tkDRI[d3I G WG-sttrtch-adifIflomxl. bmis If tre¢slrAnl, 1343"lhennal(Closed Loop) ❑Tmeer Mold TO Dlrmcnmp>ila� uorar,aardricn�,tluroca r��e+e) ❑Geodiennal(HeafitgCooHn Return) ❑0lher(explain under#21 Remaiks) 0 ft 5 fL FILL SILTY SAND 5 ft 10 ft. MOIST SILTY SAND TO WET 4.Date Weil(s)Completed: 3-29-22 Well ID#MW-12 1 10 ft. 18 ft WET SILTY SAND Ste.WC11 L ICYtirrn: Airgas rt. rr � Facility/Owrrer Ntinx Factlit)-IDS(if appikarble) ED 4108 US-117, Goldsboro, NC, 27530 A. to, APR Plnsicel Address City.and Zip ;Y,t>IMMAI MSI Wayne BENTONITE SEAL 4 TO 6' IrAomew Coumr halcel Idtrdiru=ion No,(M) Sir.I-atitade and I,ungifide in degmmOmimtteslseccnds or decimal dam: 22.Certificatinn: (it'vrall field.mic k4lo g is sldFici:nl) p x w Br :a,n�_Ewing, 4/1/2022 Sisa3tu urGcntGcd 1 Canlmctnr Date 6.Is(are)the well(s): MPermanent or oTemporary 1i}Sigah'o,A,ahis foram,1 hereby eeratifv thrar the mellf sl tour f wrrel ccnarrnnred by acranhmcr with l5A NCAC 02C Alm or 1SA hrCAC MC,0200 Well Coxsrna-rlon Strarylrirds 417ril Owt a 7.Is this a repair to in esi.Wng well: oyes or MNo mpy of thin m ni has 1won prorirllvl ro ahr ilrll runner, If Ms Is o relxrlr,fill4avr Axw1 a w4f c onslrwotem htfgmwrkm and rxplallr the nrue+rc Pf Me repair antler021 reroarkr.Tn*n or ran the hruk of ibis form. 23.Site dfWsm or additiotiaE well details: You Reap use die back of this po8e to pmxide additional aril site d tails or well 8.Number of wells cotuintrted: 1 construction details. You map alfla afiach additional pages if necessary. For moMple PtWrkrr a Arai-uvrer uM%1r hells ONLY tdrh the mme construction,3,4v etra der xT .Ma`Ulif one foRA. SUB&ir 1 1 ALL I S 1 UCT ONS 9.Total well depth beloif land surface 18 (R,) 26L For All Well sa Submit tlds form within 30 days of completion of well Formantlplawrtlsllsraticdrprhr1fr111ir'rena(exnipte-3@2t10'anti?@IM) con5innctiontothe bilpniog; 10.Static}hater level below top of casing (f1) 6ir6ion of t6171Ma Matt Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, lfnnrer level&above c•aslap,arc•'+' Ser 'ec Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Rorrbok diameter 8.25^ (in.) 2Jb-Fnr lubmiJrrn Wetta ONLY: in addition to sending the forgo to the addles in 24a above. also submit a copy of this fomi witllin 30 dM-s of Completion of well 1.2.Well corrstrur-tion aretbod; BORED construction to the following: (i.e.auger.rotor)'.cable.dimes paslc cte.) Dlt•Ision of Water Resourccs,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SP,PPLY WELL5ONLY: 1636 Mail Sery ice Center.Raleigh,NC 2U"-1636 lJ&Vidd(gprn) McBmod of test: 24c.For Water Suppy&inlr:c,Ch n Wells: Also submit one copy of this forth Ivithin 34) days of Completion of 13b.Disinfoction type: Amount: mmll eonstnmction to the comity health depart mart of the coauft wix-e constructed. Form GW-t Nonli Can 1mi DMamRent of Ezwiroaurrraand Man"Resources-Division of%Voter Resou`r M Rcyiscd August 20l3