HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-04195_Well Construction - GW1_20220419 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For oaten!Use OM-Y: 'fhb form cm be asod forsingkor m0ple%vUs 1.Well Contractor Information: td.ii ATIt-T>:3N Fs Brian Swing FROM 70 0MCHIP110N k1`011 Consractnr Name RECEIVED 4240-8 NCWc1lCo=c1orCcriificationNumber 1S tl1Et2CtlSfi7Cr,fat nriibi ascifnrR Olt-WEit ria`"EkaQte', � 'ram t, APR I'9 2022 FROttt To DIAMETER, THICKNF-n MA7UsTAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 (L 6 It 2" tn. SCH-40 PVC cotilF,my Norm 36 JNNE4i:CASI R` eothlfiN�`�lut�`d�dii '_t FROM TO I DUUMFTER. Tt11C'IMS5 MAIERLALL 2.Well C,'onstrtTctiOn 1�crmit#; R. to �. list 41 apliffrable well permh!s'O .Comm v.stwp,Vnrdaarr,if fem'art etit.) ft. fL 4L 3.Wdl Use(ckd;wdl ose): 77>S(RUN .: � n oP Water supply Well: FROM TO nrAMIKIr:rt st.OxsME. TrrX*1CFW MAIRI AT, DAgricultuTat clmunidpavpublic 6 ft, 21 R, 2" tb O10 SCH-40 PVC CGeothetmal(HeatinglCooling Supply) DResidential Water Supply(single) a lridustrial/Commercial ❑Residential Water Supply(sbared) 18,;GROU1'. FROM I To MATERLiL "UPLACUMM M MGD af;AMOUNT Olrri tian 0 R. 3 IL PORTLAND POURED Nor-Water Supply Well: tL fL mmanitorin Injection Well: tt. rL ❑AgnFferftechargd ClfrolmndwaterRcmcdiation 10.AN61L�(tA FROM. Tt7 faTrris ri, KMTN ,t �r t rtr u ❑AouiferStomge and ltecovCV ❑Salinity Barrier 4 R. 21 rL FILTER sAND # 2 ❑Arivikr`fcst ❑Stomm-Iter ominage R. ft. OExperimcnial Ticchnology ❑$ubsidcnse Cpvtrol ❑Geothetnnal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer Flaoat TO D�scRTFTto oobrserrm�rn x+nrri�crr n a as ❑Geaothenual eatir 1Cooti eReturn) 130dier(c4q4ainu3nder#21Remarks) o tL 5 ft. FILL iSILTY SAND 5 fL 10 ft. SILTY SAND 4.Date Well(s)Completed. 3-17-22 Weglm#Mw-03 10 ft. 21 (L SILTY SAND CLAY MOIST TO WET PWR $y,We Lneatkin: �. ft. Former Countryside Cleaners Fac11h)o0=r None Fact1hy M9(fapplicnblc) 3007 Zeus St., Charlotte, NC, 28212 rt f4 P1q-iiial.AdIrcss City.and Zip 31. ER1ARtC$L: a Mecklenburg BENTONITE SEAL 3 TO 41 Cnnuh PArCCt Ip nllocalion N0,(t`ttr') Sb.i.atitude and I.nngitudc in degrccshnnirnmteAccoinds or decimal dcgrew. 22.Certification: (ifucli roctdiaac hloorigis odlycktil) N W E-riam .,Ew—Ingl®® 3/29/2022 Sigazore ofCertgkd Well Conrmetor Dare 6.Is(are)the_well(s}: oPermaneat or Memporary 11c.rbnfng Wt farrm 1 hereby rerly char dw wrf4r)vans(Werri[gwunreled in aecorddnce ivhh 15A MCAG 02C,0100 or)5A KCAe 0.0:0200 Well Comsrer edmi Sron4ards and rhaa a 7.h this a repair to an ttisting well: Mft or ENo copy ofdih record dims Non pnn,1drd to she,arfd mvmrr, d/Afs a o rtp4r.fill ow kmairw wellear n(Mon Arfrarrar yka mad rwfabt the wrwe of dtr repair knder 621 remanU seofimv arm Air back of rhfs fnrnL 23.Site diagram or additional will details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well S.Number of Wells constructed: 1 construction details. You may also alfaeb addition!pages if necessary. For amir4pk 1j rkurax erei-wrascr rag aJr avlds ONLY word rdlr wMe conA alon,}4wAYw7 mbmdte"fo M SC1RNITUALINSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 21 (ft.l 24a. For Alt Will Submit. Kris forat within 30 days of completion of well Foram h0ple toofts fiat orli miff Rani;(a rarr{pre-3@21kf'and tw) eonstnration to the following, 10.Static rater level below top of tasiur. (n,} Division of Water R"ou rcm Lnformation Pracessing Unit, 1/s4rarrrtei rl it strove cdef ag,aLtr + 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 2760.1617 11.13oreholc diameter-8,25 S. (in,) 24b.Frrr 111fa DTt W, g ONLY: in addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above. also svbnut a copy of this forth within 30 days of completion of Bell 12.Well construction method. BORED consi etiotr to the followiing' (i.e.sooger.ratary.cable diaeri push etc.) Division of Water Remrce�Underground Injection ContrTil Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY. 1636 MaR Service Cel ler,Raleigh,XC 276"4636 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test: 24c.For Water SPUIX&lnlectiim itictRa: Also submit one cop} of this filfnt Mtbin 30 days of completion of 1.3h.Disinfeeiimin.trin Amount:, wcli consinrction to the county l6fth department of the county where constructed, FormG1V4 i�bRhCam1'u�aD. relnacnno(£mimmunn8�NnnualResotaecs-Diti9sbnofRSnerR�otrGEa Rc%1scdAtCu5t2013