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HomeMy WebLinkAbout3450 Airport Blvd.AL NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor May 6, 2014 Hesm_e_r Development Co. Inc. Attn: Russell 'Hesmer- 2403 NasheSi. NW Wilson, NCB 27896 John E. Skvarla, IJL Secretary Subject: Buffer Determination Letter 'NBRRO #4°4 -1133 Wilson County Determination- Type:' Buffer Call Isolated,or EIP Call ® Neuse (15A NCAC26, 0233) Stop@ - ❑ Tar_= Pamlico,(1'5A;NCAC'25 .0259) ❑ Ephemeral /lntermlttent%Perennial Determination, 'Isolated C Jordan (15A NCAC 26 .0267) � El Wetland ,Determination _ ProjecteNaine: 3450 Airport Blvd_ Location/Difectibns Property is located at 3450'Aiipoi-t•Blvd Wilson, NC. ,SubjecV9tre-am: Little Hominy'S -vamp Determination,Date: May O ,' 2014 Staff. James, Graham Feafure/Flag _ - - Not Sub'ect_ � Subject - Start@ ' Stop@ - Soil' Surve - - ' USGS, j Too 1 �A X X Explanation: The features) listed,above,has or have been.located on the Soil Survey of Wake County, North Carolina, ;orthe most,recent copy,of the USGS Topographic;map,at a 1:2.4,000 scale. Each feature that is checked "Not Subject" has been determined not to be;a sfream.or is'riot present on the property. Features that are,checked' "Subject" have been located,ori the property, and possess characteristics thavqualify`it =to be a stream. Themmay be othdvsfreams °located on:your property ihai'do not show up on the maps referenced'above bui, still may be considered ,jurisdictional'accordiing,to, the US.Army Corps of- Engineers,ar d/or to the,Divisiowof Water- 'Resources (DWR),I NO a Carolina Naturally North Carolina Division of Water Resources 1628'Mail,Service,Center, Raleigh, NC.27699' 1628 Phone (919) 791' -4200 Internet www•ncwaterguahty org `Location.,3800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 Fax (919) 788 -7159 An,E(pal OpportumtylAffimiaUve Acton, Employer - 50% Recycled /10% Posf Consumer Paper, 3450 .AirportJBl'vd Wilson County April 30;,20,14, Page 2 of 2 This,on -site determination shall expire five,(5) years from the, date.of this, letter. Landowners or affected parties that 'dispute a determination made by the DWR or.,Delegaied Local,Auihoritymay {request a determination by,the Director: An appeal requeWmusi be made within sixty (60) days of date of, this letter or'from:the date the affected party (including,downstream and /or,adj'acent owners) is-notified of this letter. A request for a determination by,the Director shall be referred to,the Director in writing c/o Karen,Higginsi DWR WeBSCaPe,Unit, 180'MaiBervice Center, lRaleigh,,NC 27699. This`determination , is finaLand binding unless,, asAetailed'raboye,you,ask for a hearing or appeal,within,sizty'(60), days: The�owner /future owners should notify the Division of Water Resou rces (including any otherlocal, State, and Federal Agencies);of thisi decision, concerning, any future correspondences,regarding the subject property (stated 'above). `This',project may require a Section, 404 7401 Permit °for the proposed activity: Any inquiries, should be directed to the Division of Water'Resources (Central Office) atr(- 919) =807 -6300, and the US Army Corp of Engineers, (Rateigh.Regulatory Field Office) at (919),-554-4884. Ifryou'have questions regarding,this determination; please, feel,free to contact times Grahain,at (919 791 -,4256 spe tfully, Danny-Srn' ; Supervisor Water- Qua_ity Section, Raleigh Regional' Office `cc: RRO /SWP File!Copy` r ''� �•O� y�� ,rte N � AW P-10 RN NO rp,,��' lip .1 AN rf�� � - rib j Pte►: - � � AW