HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG030124_2022 DMR_202204282/11122, 3:08 PM Submisslon Completed ti nnivaterP NPL) HS Penmit Data 'lido It p NOM MCA LIMA Upload Fnwanmrnfol¢ua!!!r � l � � Permit and Facility Information: Please enter the permit number and other details for this upload. IMPORTANT., [Until the eDMR system is implemented for DEMLR 5tormwater Program permits, an original signed hardcopy of the DMR MUST be mailed to the address in your permit, in addition to this electronic upload. Fields marked with a red asterisk* are required. Permit Number* Enter COC or Individual Permit Number (NOT General Permit number with all 0's) NCG030124 Must begin with NCS or NCG Facility Name: * Wieland Copper Products, LLC County:* Stokes After uploading here, the original signed hardcopy must be mailed to: DEQ Winston-Salem Regional Office Attn: ❑EML.R Stormwater Program 450 West Hanes Mill Road Suite 300 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Further contact details at https://deq.nc.gov/contact/regional-offices/winston- salem Monitoring Period Information: Monitoring Period What is the YEAR of the sample date(s)? Year:* 2022 Multiple DMRs from sampling periods within the same year can be uploaded together, but please upload differen years with a new submittal form. 2111I22, 3:08 PM Submission Completed Also, copies of the lab results and qualitative (visual) monitoring should NOT be submitted unless specifically requested by DEQ staff. Only upload the completed and signed ❑MR forms. DMR Upload * Click the upload button or drag and drop files mere to attach document. N PDES-N CS-Generic-D M R-20180507-D EMLR-S... 124.59K B Only POFs are accepted. Comments: WCP is compliant with all required monitoring. By checking the box and signing box below, I certify that, a I have given true, accurate, and complete information on this form; o I agree that submission of this Data Monitoring Report (DMR) upload form is a "transaction" subject to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); a I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66, Article 40 of the NC General Statutes (the "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); • I understand that an electronic signature on this upload form has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature; AND • I intend to electronically sign and submit this ❑MR upload form. Full Name:* Tony Ryan Sprinkle Name of person submitting this form Email Address:* tony.sprinkle@wieland.com Phone Number: * 336-445-4526 Signature:' Date: * 02111 /2022 ,---.,0-,--- a - -.-. -- - - —- i-.-..i-....... STORMWATER DISCILIRGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number NCS NCG030124 FACILITY NAME Wieland Copper Products, LLC PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) Clifford Cain CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Pace Analytical -Eden Lab N Lab N Part A: SpecfIle Moaitoring Requirements SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2022 (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the faculty receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) COUNTY Stokes PIIONE NO, 3{ 36 1445-4526 SIGNATURE OF PER,iIITTEE OR DESIGNEE AEOUIRED ON PAGE 2. Outrall No. Dxte Sample Collected 50050 Total Flow if a Total Rainfall TSS Total CLI Lead Oil & Grease Total Zinc PH molddl r MG Inches MGIL MGIL MGIL MGIL MGIL 001 213122 0.775 1.45 45.3 890 NO NO 52.9 7.3 002 213122 0.144 1.45 3.9 165 NO NO 27.3 6.7 003 213122 0.279 1.45 41.4 1650 NO NO 122 7.0 004 213122 0.447 1.45 18.3 828 NO NO 105 8.5 005 213122 0.503 1.45 66.3 828 ND NO 76.1 6.7 Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons ofnew motor oil per month? Dyes eno (ifyes, complete Part B) Part R! Vehirip r,61mWenanre Artivity Monitnrinc Renuirements Outfall No. Date Sample Collected 50050 00556 00530 00400 Total Flow (if applicable) Total Rainfall Oil & Grease (itappL) Non -polar O&G1TPI1 (Method 1664 SGT-IIEhf), if appl. Total Suspended Solids Pill New Motor Oil usage malddl r MG inches M10 nma unit Irmo N1A Forst SW U•247, last revised 611212015 Page I of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date 213122 TWO Event Precipitation (Inches): 1.45 Event Duration (hours): (only ifapplicable— see permit.) (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date NIA Total Event Yrecip[to lion (inches): Event Duration (hours): (only ifapplicable—see permit.) Mail Original aad one copy to: Division of Energy Mineral and Land Resources Atm: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Role igh, North Carolina 276 99- 16 17 "I certify, under penalty of Isw, that lhls document and all attachments were preps red under my dlrect[aa a supervision in accordance wlth a system designed to assure that qualifled personnel properly gather and evaluate the Information submitted. Based on my inqulry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and bell f, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are signiflcant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of-fland imprisonment for knowing violations_" r r (A 1/ hj�,Llzl (Slgnoture of Pc " iitce) (Daley f Form SWLI-247, fast revised 6 Y2013 Page 2 of 2 Storniwater Discharce Qutfall.(SDO) Q'In itatiVe'Monitoring Report For !r.=.?.:r.,e a�+ fi;:rt a:rf l;;rs Its+'ru. please ►:s:r h "r��rtai.ncd;r.r .Ors 1l21"lt--1 L1y.7,� n^4_{::1=1.a. - Permit No.: NN.'C or Certificate or Co:erati.0 G FacilityName. '�r,: L r� Count: L� t Phone Na. Inspector:• s Date or inspection: Time of Inspection: +r Total Event Precipitation (inches): _`�Li Was this a "Representativ-e Storm Event" as dorined by the permit? (See information below.) vyle-s— ❑ No Please verrjt- Dt:nlrlot h•e Alo+ toxins rn isr be F@7fWHtec? Arin a "represellr :rife storm 2l'eitr 01 "7tr t7S:rtY ]ltl2 Sldl'1!t event" (rzgOre MeWs ua'v. depending otr the perm4,; t�u»!ita:i:. monitorin-Q -,-quir.;-M c ,,e w;. l los, penttiis require 9ullitati4e muniLori r.•j to be Per form cd during a "r!Pr:sentati:e storn e:ent" or during a "measurable storm e►er.L" Ho%ve:cr, some permits do not have this r,quiremenr. Plea;d rtfcr to these definitions, it applicable. A "representative storm event" is a storm cent that measurs greater than 0.1 inches of rainfall and that is precede+! by at least 72 hours (3 du} s) in :thigh no norm e: eat mcasurin-2 greater th j., 0.1 inches hz; occurzd, A single storm went ma} contain up to 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation. A "measurable storm event" is a s,orn event that results in an actual discharge Crum the permitr.d site Out ral1. The previous measurable storm event must h able to document that a shorter appruval rrorn the local DWQ Regional Office. By this signature. [ ltilr that i; report i3 accurar Z 1 Siariature 0f Pcrrgrity� or Dcsi nee} Me to 1� bust army knowlrtigc- 0a 1.Outt'all Description ❑utfall `o. —O-jQL-- SUUt:M're (Pipe. dire!-. etc.) ' Recei■ine S:--am: ' Destri�c t!t� ir. _' ;t-ial 2et;r irits 1%2[ oCLLr 11 i:!'.ir t e out;1'f irxia� " ar:a _'. Color: ❑escri"e (':e color of the d:scharc_ usin_� bls!c colors 0—.,.+, hr ■■ � Hu". e:c.) a: d tint (I i�,ht. me3i urn. dark) as c'escripcors: ~ k �a p , j}•� j t 3. Odor: Describe anti• {+-istinct cOlOrs that the discharge rn'V hate [i.e„ smalls st-on�l; of oil. uea chlorine edor,e:t.) h J , �];,Ir7r 4: Clarit■ : Chase (he number ►4hich hest descries the clarir of the di,charae. 1►!tere 1 is clear a; d a is rerti cloud■; i 3 d a S. Flo atin- Solids: Choose the number uhieh hest describes die amount or Foatin soli�s in tt�e starm,4attr dischar`ne, ►�h.re I is no s Aids and 5 is the surface covered with €)oadna solids: 2 3 4 5 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number ►■hick best describes the amount of suspended solids in the storm■vater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is extremely mudd.r; 1 ' (21) 5 7. Is [her: any foam in the storm water discharge? yes 3. is there an nit sheen in the stormwater discharC: yes q 4. 15 there any evidence of errosion or deposition at the outfall? yes �o 10. Other Obvious Indicators of 5tormwater Pollution: List and describe: dote: Low cIarit}•. hi-h sat ids, and.'ur the pr.wnce of foam, oil shten, or errosion.'depoi ition ma•. be indicatirz of p,�llutant Nxpusure, These conditions �4arrant further investiLlation. 5torniwater Disellarge Outfall.(S1)O) QUalitatiVe'Monitoring Report in Frr017 f :':r j c"':t.' rr:r;. F l�ssr L:s:r ht-+ 'rs7rial.r.Cu'er.r.c r «: 'u s�i 5 'n=d=;;•t =tl +-t Perm itIN-I �.'C orCertirieateofCo►era=i`.C;G Facili[� itiame: I `f�_1 . 15. C,_;��, �? I_.� CountI Phone No. Inspector:• Date of Irtspeedua: Time of Inspections QMa _ Ap i d IF am � I `1 - Total Event Precipitation (iny Ichesj: Was tit is a "Representative Storm Event" as de lined by tito permit' (Sze information bclow.) es ❑ NO Please verb u'lrerh2r puoliratiLL ,iloreilori+ra nr:rsr br perfi7r rr:r;l u+rrrilrs u "r'rpre.5, il.:tdre storm ave)+! or "') wasureab le slur n event" (r•rquireme)rts var.tr deperr,t;1 ore the permit.) Q.-LaNm:i e Most pcniir; require qunlit L6vc monitorir:v to be perto,FM ed during a "r_prescntafke storm event" or during a "measurable storm z►ent." Flowinrer• some perrrits do not ha. th- JPlease refer Io theic definitions, if applicable. e is rcqur:ment. A "representative storm event" is a storm e4crt that measures 2rcatrr than 0.1 inches of rainfall and that is preceded by at Icast 72 !hours (3 6% 3) to which no storm o-ent measuring zr:a:er than 0.1 inches by ckcurr:d. A single storm event may conra•n l0 consecutive hours of no precipitation. A "measurable storm event" is a sw.n zsent t`:at r_sults in an actual discharge from the permitted site outralI. The previous mcasurablc storm went must h able to document that a shor er val front the local i]WQ Pegional Otiice• 13%, this si,natur; (S ignature o 1• this r,;P*rt is accuratc .1n 4 tefor Designer 0 lu Eh ' best ofmy kno%sied_,.: 1. V utlatl Description g' ❑u,FaII Nu. 006;� Sructure (Pipe- ditch. erc.] Fz:.-Nhla S:rearn: Descri' e t;►e kndk-:a; astir it:r5 t`lat occzr ►� i:,.ir, t` e o1;1 crai:ta e a. ea: 2. Color: ❑escn,:e t': color aC the: d13Ci;' C L3in? bas;c C010r5 [r.'�, brliL\n. blue, e,:.an � (iiah% ri.dium, darn] as descripiors: Y Q,eAf— r a. [ rt 3. Odor: Describe any distinct colors that the 6ischarg: rna;: have [i.e., smells `filia. weak chlorin: ec'or.z:c.] 4: Cl:trit,': Chose the number which hest describes the clan"it oft}te discharge, k%hC.'a I is clear ar,4 5 i; ►.'r} loud": { I J ? d .l d a. Flo atin; Solids, Choow the nurnber w 11ich best describes the amount of foalinz Sillies in tl�e st��nrwa[er dtischar__z, where i; no solids and 7 is the surface covered with iivatinC solid;; 2 3 `l S 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the storm water dischargc, where 1 is no solids and 3 is extremely rnuddv: 2 s 4 5 7. 15 there any foam 1n the 5tormw3ter discharge? yes S. is there an oil sheen in the stormw•ater discharge? `r'zs Nil 9. Is there any evidence of errosioa ur deposition at the outfaII? yes ff-0 10.Other Obvious Indicators oFStorinwater Pollution: List and describe: �00�� 'ote: Low clarity, high solid;, and.'or the presence of Foatn, oil sheen• or errosion!depo;ition ma_: be indicative 0FPOI lucan t exposure, These conditions warrant further investigation. LJLIJL�.> Stornm-titer Diselfarc e Outfall.(SDO) Q1,111itative tilonitorincy Deport For pu,'.Ln,-e on f:;.'i1 c�:r: l:::a f _�t'tlr. E'Itas�L'is:r hr� 'rurta!-n •.or '► �' '«c ►i Perm it No.: iti.•C y ar Certificate of Covera; N.C;G V U L LI Facilitv tiante: `� I_�:•'� �- {�.u�;7! �rr' 1 i .1 Cnunt►: 1 V phone .No. Inspector:' t Date of Inspection: — 0 Time or Inspection: Total Event Precipitation (inches): Wns this a "Representative Storm Event" as defined by the permit? (See inrormstion below.) in es ❑ No Please ve!r�ry tvlwiher Otrctlirallve ,flu+rirur ink nr:rsr be perfur-nreel,hiring R "r'2a+YS�Ylrc:ril'L' S!rSl'1i1 eV27lr 6r "r1rtQ.ilr+'rplll2 Srgl'+rr eV.2lIf' (r2quirentt+1rs va+1', depend i)rg wr the Pero iir.) '• �: ^'i e mo i:crirs r�y�irr ,,; va,-.. %lost permits require quaGutive monitoring to be perlonned durine a "re;,resentative storm event" or during, a "measurable storm event." [ {ovvever, some pt-rr:its do not have this requirement. Please refer to geese definitions. if applicable. A "representative storm event" is a storm event that measur as greater than 0.1 inches of rainfall and that is preceded by at least 7' hours (3 dad s} in a hick na stamp eve tt measurim� sreater t tan 0.1 inches has oceurrcd, A singlL storm event may contain up to 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation. A "ateasuralale storm event" is a storm event t! nt results in an actual discharnc from y the perntitied sit,!outrall. The previous measurable storm event must h able to dtxumcRt that a shorter approval rmni the local DWQ Rdeional office. By this si,nature. I ce [ S ianalure o ffr5t t' ' reps+rt is accurate and ca plate thr best mp knu++ledge: Desiganeel SUT 1.Outtatt Description T— Qurfall No. C� Scructure [pipe, ditch. etc.] +lk Re:eking S:,ea:n: De;cri;e Cw i„ uL ,-ia! _:t r it:as tilt; OCCLr v. i:!,ir: t. '- ou:;a;1 dra!na• area, 2. Color: DcS.rICe t�,— Color ot'the d:3CF] using baaic colors (,�.j brJ, r. blt e, eta,) 1,",{. [ .t (lift :. Me3idm. darl:) as descriptors: , � 1_ .`�. �,� (an.-•,��� 3. Odor: Describe any distinct lors that the discharge may have [i.e., smell; Of oil. %%eak chlorine edor,etc,) 4: Cla rity: Chose the number +vhich bes: describe, the clarir,- ofthe dischar,t, �tihere t is clear and 5 is yen cloudy; 3 S. Floatin- Solids: Choose the number %which best describes the nmotunt of Foating solids in the storrr'terdischar?., where 3 is no solids and 5 is the surface covered v ith floating solids: ` l C2) 3 4 5 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number «hich best describes the amount of suspended solids in the storrnwater discharge, whcrz- I is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy: 1 ? 0 4 5 7. is there any Foam in the stormwater discharge? yes S. is there an nit sheen in die storm wa[ar discharge? yes 9. is there an;: evidence orerrosion or deposition at the outrall? Yes �,� 10. Other Obvious Indicators ofStormwater Pollution. - List and describe: Note: Low clarity', Mali solids, and.'or the presence ❑f foam, oil sheen, or errosion.'deposition may be indicative Of pollutant exposure. These conditions %warrant Further investigation. Stnrniwater Dischalrye 0utfall.(SDQ) unlitati�e �rOnitaring, Report For Fle e ►•:s:! h�R 't crrZ!-ncL'r r ►:► .[+rc'vte^ ►ts.';wn^�ae;;:►-t,tb-S Permit ,tin,: N-IC Facility itianme:ia Count,: Inspector:' Date of Inspection: Time of inspection: or Certificate arCoverasN.C,G aL) �J 7a r"r, fl..tif -)-Cl Total Event Precipitation (inches): -11 Phone Na. Was this a "Representativ'e Storm Event" as defintod b} the permit? (See information below.) VA-e-s-- ❑ No Phase vertu tis Ir�rlrr, Ou�:lirarite .tlwrhuri+rw r+r:rsr l r Fer��rme�i c,+;rri+rs a "re,�resa++ritc� s!v+rn avzw or "rt+ecrs;:rteable srarlrt eve+rl" O'egUirements vr:ry, depending on dre perr+:ir.) Q ativ- mor,..o, ing rc ai-�r` ;;; ; . ,: • r 1,os. p.:nmita require quaEi[ativr Mori itorina to be p'!rforrmed durinn a "rrprrs.ntatirc storm e:em" or d'urir:g a "measurable storm event." %lu►ve►er, some pe r1 itS do nut ha:e this re�;uirement. Please Wer to these definitions. it applicable. A "representative storm event" is a storm evert that mcasur.s greatar than Q. I inches of rainfall and that is preced4ed by at lea;;t 72 hours (3 days) in which no stomi event measuring grra:er t::aa G.l inches has occurred. A single storm event may con[ai 10 consecutive hours of no precipi[atinn. n up to A "all asurable storm event" is a s[o m event that result; in an actual discharge from the pernmined site outlal1. The previous measurable storm event must h able to document that a shorter approval from the local DWQ Regional Office. (his si nature, I Ii;�t tf�is r.pert is accurate and eompilrs w 15 i 2nature o! Permyf:ee df Desi pner l best of my krio►vled 6, 4z 1•.i I.++ I A 241 titi 1.Outtall Uescriptinn T Outtall No. i IV L/ Sructure (pipe, ditch. etc.)' , Re;.i►in: S:r:z;;h: .t;4it; :C7 1 2, Lic ►t i. trt I Ol: t; a,i Cr3in3-,' a::a 2. CoIor: Describe tco;�,r of t:e d:3cl:j: u3in3 ba;;i Colors :�. broti� (r n. bl e. etc.j a-, -1 (Ii�xhC. medi um, dark) as deszriFwr;: r 3. War: Describe an.: distinct colors that tl;e discharze rl::: ha (i,Z srnells Of Oil. 1tZa Chlorine C`or,c[i,) 4: Clarity: Chose 0% number 4v hich Vest c!"ices the clarir: ot'the discharge, where I is clear and 5 is %er_' CIOL:i4: Lf 4 5. Floadn; Solids: Choose txe number %thiclh best describes t!le amount or satin, solids in the stornhwarerdisclharee, w'her: I is no solids and 5 is the surface covered witlh floating solids: - 0 ' 4 5 6. Suspended Solids: Choos. tlhe number ►4'hich best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stormwater discharge, where 1 is no solids and 5 is extremely muddy: 1 2 i 5 7. is there any foam in the stomhuater discihar�dn Yes -- • i\o $. Is there an nil sheen in tht stormwat-r discharge'? es No 9. Is there any evidence ❑f errasion or deposition at the out.a1I? Yes �a 10. Other Obvious Indicators of5turmw'ater Pollution: List and describe: M wale: Low clarity, higih solids, and'or the presence of foam. oil slte.n, or errhyion"deposiIioil ma: be indicative uF poIluLan I erpost:re. These conditions warrant Further investi��ation. S101-111W.1ter Dkeliar6e Clutf.2I1.{ST}p) i]u.i�it.lti� e llonitorin ; Report For gz1'.::n. e olr f::.'i�:� o:r: [%::� f r.w. Fl. ase v sr'[ hrn "al.n rcn cCer.r.or_'; d'a=�af,..; Permit No.: N'C Facility Name: Count): inspector:_ Date of inspection: Time of inspection: Total Event Precipitation (inches) -'ZL or Certificate of Covers; N. C:GD'�j� Phone No. 1Vas this a "Represonta[iveStorm Event" a3 defined by tl:e permit? (See information below.) cs C1 No Pkcse veri,{- lrikllrer Ouahtaiive .1lJi0orlik,, must be perfd+'jrtrf cftr""18 ❑ p2'71'2521![.:[i1'e Storm eveiu or "Ineas,a ::ble S14r17r eVeal, (regOrd mews vary, depenrnlJlzg oil [Jre pernril. ) t� ve mor.:,cr!nL rey;;i:er va , N I +os: FeRii[s require qualkajive munituring� to be potion-ned during a "r:prescntat itie stain etier,,C or durin_.1 a "meisurablc start•,] e%en[." flo��e%er. some permits do not have this requirement, Please refer to these detini[ions, if applicably. A "representative storm event" is a s:orm e%ent tha[ measur-s geat:r than 0.1 inches of rainfall and that is Precede f i7� at leatit 7? hours (3 da�;) in nhich no storm ev en measuring ar.a:cr [hsa [].1 inches ha.; accurr. d. A sinvlt norm event may contai 10 consecutive hours of no precipitation. n up to A "measurabie storm event" is a storm etient that rtsulrs in are actual dischsr've fro")rite pe mined site autfall. The prcviuu; measurable storn event must h able to document that a shorter approval from the local DWO Resional Oft -we. $v this si_na[ure, 1 r:pert i (s i_anaturc or Permjle ae Desi e :e ono; complete to the best of my knu�xlcdzc: 2 O 7- 7, I. Uutlalt Description [7utfail No. Structure {FiF0. ditch. etc.) XII)L Rec_i.in; S:%a-n: ❑escri:r the r—, eccLr a i:; it t::e ou:;a;; drama;: '. Colar: Descri�,e the color ore tl d d:3cl ar`�� ,''basic colors (, J. bro%s1, blue. e c.} a ;' t:nt (lig4t. rnedi=. dark) as L,escri^tor: 3. ❑dor: ADe}cribe an} distircI colors that the c+ischar-•z ma., ha [i.r.. s nzlls it-,1n�*I. of oil. «ea chlorine cd,�r,z:c } !�lCI1 0 . 4: Clarit,': Chckse the number %►hich hest describes the cla; in or the discharc:, .kjje-e 1 is clear an4 5 is ren cloud_: l '— j, / 4 5 5. Floating Solid,: Croosz the number.. hick best describes the amount of foatin-, solids in die starm:�aterdischar�e, ..here l is no sL)lids and 5 is the surface covered ►vith floating solids: ` 3 5 6. Suspended Solids: Choose the number xhich best describe; tl.e antourtt oFsuspended solids in the storm�vater d ischarge, where I is no sot ids and 5 is extremely muddy: 1 '— L/ 1 7. 1s there any foam in the stormwater diseharee? Yes ON,) S. 13 there an nil sheen in the stormwater discharge? Ytni 9. Is there am: evidence of errosion or deposition at the outfali:7 Yes D—o 00 10. Other Obvious Indicators orStormivater Pollution: List and describe: Note: Low clarit.:, hilt solids, and.'or the presence of rasrn, oil sheen, or errasioWdeFosition ma:- be indicatir,e of p,,iiutant exposure, These conditions •arrant further investigation. Paca Analytical Servless, LLC ® 1377 South Park Orive aceAnalyllcal Kemersville. NC 27254 www.psr.@hbs.core (704)977-0981 Page 1 of 2 Laborafory Report Tony Sprinkle Report Date: 02/09/2022 Wieland Copper Products Date Received: 02/03/2022 3990 US 311 Hwy North Pine Hall, NC 27042 Project. Wieland Copper Stormwater Pace Project No.: 92586104 Sample: 001 Lab ID: 9258B104001 Collected: 02103122 11:55 Matrix: Water Method Parameters Results Units Report Limit Analyzed Qualifiers SM 254OD-2015 Total Suspended Solids 45.3 mg/L 113.2 02/04/22 11:34 EPA 1664B Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND mg/L 5.0 02/06/22 09:01 EPA 200.7 Copper 890 ug1L 20.0 02J68122 02:30 EPA200.7 Lead N❑ ug1L 25.0 02108/22 02:30 EPA200.7 Zinc 52.9 uglL 20.0 02/08/22 02:30 Performed by Pace 02JO3122 11:55 Collected By Clifford Cain 02/03/22 11:55 Collected Date 02/03/22 02/03/22 11:55 Collected Time 11:55 02103/22 11:55 pH 7.3 Std. Units 02/03/22 11:55 Temperature 9 deg C 02/03/22 11:55 Sample: OD2 Lab ID: 92SB6104002 Collected: 02JO3122 12:08 Matrix: Water Method Parameters Results Units Report Limit Analyzed Qualifiers SM 25400-2015 Total Suspended Solids 3.9 mg/L 2.6 02/04/22 11:35 EPA 1664B Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND mg/L 5.0 02/08/22 09:01 EPA 200.7 Copper 165 ug/L 20.0 02f08122 02:34 EPA 200.7 Lead ND ug/L 25.0 02108/22 02:34 EPA 200.7 Zlnc 27.3 ug/L 20.0 02/08/22 02:34 Performed by Pace 02103/22 12:08 Collected By Clifford Coln 02/03/22 12:08 Collected Date 02103122 02103/22 12:08 Collected Time 12:08 0210312212:08 pH 6.7 Std. Units 02/03/22 12:08 Temperature 9 deg C 02103/22 12:08 Sample: 003 Lab ID: 92586104003 Collected: 02/03/22 12:17 Matrix: Water Method Parameters Results Units Report Limit Analyzed Qualifiers SM 25400-2016 Total Suspended Solids 41.4 mg1L 5.7 02104/22 11:35 EPA 1664B Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ND mg1L 5.0 02/06/22 09:01 EPA 2007 Copper 1550 ug1L 20.0 0210a/22 02:49 EPA 200.7 Lead ND ug1L 25.0 02/08122 02:49 EPA 2001 Zinc 122 ug1L 20.0 02/08/22 02A9 Performed by Pace 02J03122 12:17 Collected By Clifford Cain 02/03/22 12:17 Collected Date 02103122 02/03122 12:17 Collected Time 12:17 021D3122 12:17 pH 7.0 Std. Units 021D3122 12:17 Temperature 8 deg C 02JO3122 12:17 Page 1 of 3 xaxxza.:c Ex y NN U41 'Qo _ �— — e u a ou.4e a d,a N a d a q rC O. qa s 1-5 .4 a fj n� C u�y 4I'p. N 1, 7 Vyy b N 1.� �{��/1I tl N — " m mw u uo uy a n m u a c.GEij p 07N+1Q{+HaL CK R �1 T:= NtY D-$I 'yp]_ �^ a in u v Pit E7I gl •II ti L [! �1U i] LI f�. 9 0 1~L a M a fHJ [I N A ••i N 9. 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