HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC221611_FRO Submitted_20220426��` Financial Responsibility Ownership l,•<<,�'',) �� ENGINEERING (Sedimentation Pollution Control Act) k'" ^"' SERVICES One Exchange Plaza, Suite 304 Raleigh, NC 27601 This section to be completed by City of Raleigh staff Submittal Date Effective Date Transaction Number Permit Number LD- The remaining sections to be completed by the Applicant SECTION 1: GENERAL INFORMATION & INSTRUCTIONS This form is required to be completed, notarized and submitted with all Land Disturbing Permit applications. The information provided herein becomes an enforceable part of the approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and the Land Disturbing Permit listed above. Non-compliance may result in the assessment of civil penalties and could potentially affect all permits, inspections and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this Project. Should any of the information on this form change, a revised, executed form shall be submitted within thirty (30) days, said submission shall include a copy of any documents recorded with the Register of Deeds. The effective date of this form shall be the effective date as designated above by the City of Raleigh. No rights and liabilities associated with any designation shall incur until the effective date, or the effective date of transfer to any subsequent Party. Upon any delegation of an Applicant/Permittee or Financially Responsible Party, the Owner shall continue to receive notice at the address provided. A permit may not be transferred to a residential Home Owner's Association as the Applicant/Permittee or Financially Responsible Party, until the issued Land Disturbing Permit for this project is administratively closed by the Stormwater Management Division. Raleigh City Code §14-1011 sets forth that it shall be unlawful and a violation of this code for any person to give false information or misrepresentations in any application or permit required by this code. Failure to provide full disclosure of the requested information may be grounds for denial or revocation of a Land Disturbing Permit. Please complete all sections below. Type or print and, if information on the form is not applicable, place N/A in the blank. All pages of this form must be completed and submitted or the form will be rejected and returned. The property owner must initial each page of the form prior to submittal. SECTION 2: PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT NAME "'&rWt`` T&r C � ;�5� (Y") PERMITTED PHASE(S) PROJECT ADDRESS WAKE COUNTY PARCEL ID NUMBER(S)1� 3a` C0557 ANTICIPATED DATE OF PROJECT INITIATION , x a� l jj�/L �`..J EXPECTED DURATION OF A t , _ ,,,, PROJECT (�J(y� ACREAGE OF LAND TO DISTURBED BE 0)P• 00 a-C_ PROPERTY OWNER'S INITIALS: Stornmaterhtspections Form 112 08.01.16 Page I of S SECTION 3: PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION PROPERTY OWNER OF RECORD MAILING ADDRESS (NO P.O. wA alq. ass. UC�)o TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER 1�xt�Sv�11� I NC, 01:5uo Z Anrs�x-+on. UW) CITY, STATE, ZIP E- AIL ADDWESS The undersigned acknowledges that he is the Owner, or holds the Owner's power of attorney, of the property which is the subject of this application, and further states that the permitted land -disturbing activities are authorized to be conducted on the subject property with the full knowledge, permission and consent of the Owner. The undersigned acknowledges that he is the Property Owner for permit implementation, compliance and enforcement resulting under this Land Disturbing Permit and Unified Development Ordinance, Article 9.4. The Owner of the property upon which the land -disturbing activity is to be undertaken states and affirms that he has read and understands the statements and disclosures made in this form and that the information disclosed herein is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. This form must be signed by the Owner of the property or by a person with authority to execute instruments, if the Owner is not an individual. This, the 20 day of o 202( P OPERTY OWNER SIGN, TURE TITLE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Notary Public has hereunto set his hand and seal, this day of , 20 2 A _� - IiL�Q_ kt�k Notary Public (print name) f My Commission Expires: S. ELAINE HUDSPETH Notary Public North Carolina Forsyth County (SEAL) PROPERTY OWNER'S INITIALS: Stormwater Inspections Form 112 08.23.16 Page 2 of 5 SECTION 4: OWNER'S APPOINTED AGENT INFORMATION The Owner of the property upon which land -disturbing activities will be undertaken is required to either reside in or appoint an agent for service with business and residence addresses within Wake County, North Carolina. Section 4 must be completed if the Property Owner listed in Section 3 does not reside in Wake County, North Carolina and is optional for all others. The Owner of the subject property hereby appoints the following person as an agent to receive service of any notice, process, or pleading in any action or legal proceeding arising out of any matter relating to Unified Development Ordinance, Article 9.4. The Owner agrees that any notice, process, or pleading may be served by and through the undersigned appointed agent and such service shall have the same force and effect as if service was accomplished upon the Owner. NAME COMPANY, IF APPLICABLE TITLE TELEPHONE NUMBER STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) FAX NUMBER CITY, STATE, ZIP E-MAIL ADDRESS The undersigned acknowledges that he/she is the Owner's appointed agent. This, the day of APPOINTED AGENT SIGNATURE 20 TITLE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Notary Public has hereunto set his/her hand and seal, this day of Notary Public (print name) My Commission Expires: PROPERTY OWNER'S INITIALS: An 120 Notary Public Signature Notary Public Title / Position (SEAL) Stornmater Inspections Form 112 08.23.16 Page 3 of 5 SECTION 5: FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY INFORMATION The Owner of the subject property authorizes the following person or firm as the Financially Responsible Party for this Land Disturbing Permit. The Financial Responsible Party shall receive service of any notice, process, civil assessment or pleading in any action or legal proceeding arising out of any matter relating to the Land Disturbing Permit issued under this permit application and Unified Development Ordinance, Article 9.4. 4 la� ' �S echri� cal bmpl`�nc� miros�'�i�- NANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY TITLE C MPANY, IF APPLICABLE U TELEPHONE NUMBER ,1� IYA REET ADDRESS (NO P.O. Morriwli e_ CITY, STATE, ZIP FAX NUMBER L►�w�u� �drVV�txx--�-on � Lam EAIL ADDIRESS The undersigned acknowledges that he is the Financially Responsible Party for permit implementation, compliance and enforcement resulting under this Land Disturbing Permit and Unified Development Ordinance, Article 9.4. He has read and understands the statements and disclosures made in this form, that the information disclosed herein is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. This form must be signed by the person or firm financially responsible for the land developing activity or other person with authority to execute instruments for the financially responsible party, if not an individual. This, the C�U day of ��/' 20 FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY SIGNATURE TITLE IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned Notary Public has hereunto set his hand and seal, this 2V day of 04 , 20 Z( Notary Public (print name) 0`o ary P blic Signature My Commission Expires: 4�� _ L° r E Notary Public North Carolina Forsyth County (SEAL) PROPERTY OWNER'S INITIALS: Stornmater Inspections Form 112 08.23.16 Page 4 of S SECTION 6: APPLICANT / PERMITTEE The Owner of the subject property authorizes the following person or firm as the Applicant/Permittee to receive service of any notice, process, civil assessment or pleading in any action or legal proceeding arising out of any matter relating to the Land Disturbing Permit issued under this permit application and Raleigh Unified Development Ordinance, Article 9.4. The Applicant/Permittee designated below is the person responsible for implementation of permit conditions and violation under Article 9.4 of the Raleigh Unified Development Ordinance. The Applicant/Permittee may be the landowner or another party who acknowledges that he is the Contractor responsible for completion of the project as approved. APPLICANT/PERMITTEE TITLE COMPANY, IF APPLICABLE TELEPHONE NUMBER STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) FAX NUMBER CITY, STATE, ZIP E-MAIL ADDRESS The undersigned acknowledges that he is the Applicant/Permittee for permit implementation, compliance and enforcement resulting under the Land Disturbing Permit listed above and Unified Development Ordinance, Article 9.4. He has read and understands the statements and disclosures made in this form and that the information disclosed herein is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. This form must be signed by the person or firm responsible for the permit or by a person with authority to execute instruments for the Applicant/Permittee, if not an individual. This, the day of , 20 APPLICANT/PERMITTEE SIGNATURE TITLE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Notary Public has hereunto set his hand and seal, this day of Notary Public (print name) My Commission Expires: PROPERTY OWNER'S INITIALS: JAV� 20 Notary Public Signature Notary Public Title / Position (SEAL) Storrmvater Inspections Form 112 08.23.16 Page 5 of 5 BKO18645PGO1700 NORTH CAROLINA SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED WAKE COUNTY, NC TAMMY L. BRUNNER REGISTER OF DEEDS PRESENTED & RECORDED ON 08-13-2021 AT 14:10:03 STATE OF NC REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX: $7,296.00 BOOK: 018645 PAGE: 01700 - 01706 Excise Tax: $ it 9 . ° Parcel Identifier No. Verified by Wake County on the day of , 2021 By: Return to: Prepared by: Jennifer N. Fountain Isaacson Sheridan, 804 Green Valley Rd., Ste. 200, Greensboro, NC 27408 Brief description for the Index: Parcel IDs #0003043, #0056341, #0189907, #0186731, #0128473, #0128472, #0188894, #0188896, #0128474, Wake County THIS DEED made this day of August, 2021, by and between: GRANTOR ROCK QUARRY 104, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company 701 Green Valley Road, Suite 101 Greensboro, NC 27408 GRANTEE D.R. HORTON, INC, a Delaware corporation 2000 Aerial Center Parkway, Suite 1 10 Morrisville, NC 27560 The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot, parcel of land situated in Wake County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: See EXHIBIT A attached hereto and incorporated herewith The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book 18030, Page 1693. A map showing the above described property is recorded in Map Book , Pages Al I or a portion of the property herein conveyed _ includes or X does not include the primary residence of a Grantor. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. pan'. 1 of 7 submitted electronically by "Bagwell Holt smith P.A." in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents and the terms of the submitter agreement with the Wake County Register of Deeds. BK018645PG01701 And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor has done nothing to impair such title as Grantor received, and Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, under or through Grantor, other than the following exceptions: This conveyance is made subject to the following exceptions: See EXHIBIT B attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. [SIGNATURE ON NEXT PAGE] Page 2 of 7 BKO18645PGO1702 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first above written. GRANTOR; ROCK QUARRY 104, LLC a North Carolina limitelja�ty company By; Name; Zach State of North Carolina County of Guilford I, the undersigned Notary Public of the County of Guilford and State aforesaid, certify that Zachary Tran personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is the Manager of ROCK QUARRY 104, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, and that by authority duly given and as the act of such entity, he signed the foregoing instrument in its name on its behalf as its act and deed. Witness my hand and Notarial stamp or seal, this day of August, 2021. My Commission Expires; Oi tm '2A2.3 (Affix Seal Below) EUA �g"'�•���'� aOTq `;OZ A , Page 3 of 6 1h'ia. �a�t �� a.�► �"lo o tt�J Notary Public Notary's Printed or Typed Name BKO18645PGO1703 EXHIBIT A All that parcel or piece of land situate in St. Mary's Township, Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina, bounded and described as follows: Commencing from a 5/8" rebar survey control point with aluminum cap stamped "1" established by ESP Associates, Inc. being known as "ESP VRS #1" having North Carolina (NAD83/NSRS2011) Grid Coordinates of N: 719949.5797' E: 2133136.2402', thence from said point a bearing and distance of N 19037'27" W 1008.61' to a 1" open existing iron pipe (witnessed by a boundary marker) known as the Point of Beginning, said point having North Carolina Grid Coordinates of N: 720899.60' E: 2132797.50'; thence from said Point of Beginning with the common boundary line between The City of Raleigh (DB 8815 PG 2020) and MITEPE, LLC (DB 17062 PG 779) N 89°17'12" E 737.59' to a 1 1/8" open existing iron pipe with rod (witnessed by a boundary marker); thence with the common boundary line between The City of Raleigh (D13 8815 PG 2020) and MITEPE, LLC (DB 16147 PG 23 Tract 5) S 8891'26" E 50.58' to the western edge of Barwell Park Drive's 50' public right of way; thence with the common boundary line between the southern edge of said 50' right of way and MITEPE, LLC (DB 16147 PG 23 Tract 5) S 88011'26" E 59.31' to a 3/4" open existing iron pipe (witnessed by a boundary marker) on the eastern edge of said 50' right of way; thence with the common boundary line between The City of Raleigh (DB 8815 PG 2020) and MITEPE, LLC (DB 16147 PG 23 Tract 5) S 88108'04" E 103.60' to a 7/8" open existing iron pipe (witnessed by a boundary marker); thence with the common boundary line between The City of Raleigh (DB 8815 PG 2020) and MITEPE, LLC (DB 16147 PG 23 Tract 1) S 88°16'00" E 653,41' to a 1" open existing iron pipe; thence with said common boundary line S 88° 16'00" E 26.10' to a computed point in the center of a stream; thence the following 73 calls all to computed points along the centerline of said stream: S 53034'59" W 34.79'; S 16°09'08" W 24.46'; S 74°35'59" E 20.01% S 09°50'24" E, 7.72% S 13°42'47" W 20.12'; S 57°32'18" W 9.30% S 75'08'05" W, 78.29'; S 34°39'33" W 37.02% S 13°30'07" W 19.82'; S 38025'57" W 17.12; S 16°16'53" E, 20.55'; S 05°17'52" W 47.92'; S 05017'52" W 6.82% S 39°29'09" W, 10.98% N 90°00'00" W 21.94% S 45°54'55" W 15.55'; S 46°27'23" E 19.52% S 04°04'57" E, 9.25% S 68053'29" W 42.30% S 14°28'18" E 35.69'; S 46°44'26" W, 32.45% S 71°53'49" W 40.38% S 15°59'45" E 25.02% N 89°20'04" W 27.84'; S 11'09'11" W, 14.78'; S 44057'00" W 12.76'; S 23'04'16" W 7.88% S 23-04'16" W, 3.61; S 86045'43" W 16.67'; S 01°56'22" E 16.52% S 31°30'01" W 9.89; S 42°15'18" E, 12.39% S 79°21'54" E 17.71 ; S 65000'41" E 12.73% S 28°26'13" W, 12.94% S 67°56'27" W 28.09'; S 51032'03" W 15.91% S 36°47'13" W 25.24'; S 73046'33" W, 20.30% S 03031'11" E 20.21% S 43°03'35" W 23.42% S 0103257" E, 7.99% S 48003'09" W 19.15'; S 16032'19" W 24.76; S 48°27'43" E 4.71 % S 48027'43" E 8.04% S 18058'14" E 12.32% S 14053'34" W 17.86'; S 40°23'53" W, 12.48'; S 10°4856" W 6.62% S 19027'06" E 18.97% S 37°51'27" W 5.61% S 67°22'17" W, 15.81'; S 35°28'04" W 11.40% S 22°21'32" W 10.79% S 47°53'34" W, 14.06'; S 77021'39" W 17.74% N 71 ° 12'33" W 5.51 % S 67°35'01 " W 7.56'; S 25004'56" W 8.82% S 20°57'07" E 7.58'; S 53°50'34" W 17.47'; S 18°52'12" E, 33.95'; S 18005'04" W 8.11'; S 19055'16" W 54.09% S 23000'56" E 31.51'; S 74°08'54" E, 13.16% S 13'11'47" W 9.45% S 45'08'43" W 20.24% S 10°36'11" W, 20.69'; S 13°33'26" E 45.47'; S 20°55'58" W 5.30'; thence leaving the centerline of the stream and with the common boundary line between John Point Homeowners Association, Inc. (DB 14359 PG 649) and MITEPE, LLC (DB 16147 PG 23 Tract 4 (2)) S 4905VI3" W 31.11' to a I" open existing iron pipe with mushroomed top; thence with said common boundary line S 51 °52'54" W 92.01' to a 1" open existing iron pipe with mushroomed top; thence with the common boundary line between Robert Rush (D13 13044 PG 2691) and MITEPE, LLC (DB 16147 PG 23 Tract 4 (2)) N 51 °57'01 " W 390.73' to a I" bent solid existing iron rod with nail at bend; thence with the common boundary line between Robert Rush (D13 13044 PG 2691) and MITEPE, LLC (D13 16147 PG 23 Tract 6) S 2591'50" W 39.17' to a 1" open existing iron pipe; thence with the common boundary line Page 4 of 7 BKO18645PGO1704 between Robert Rush (DB 13044 PG 2691) and MITEPE, LLC (DB 16147 PG 23 Tract 7) S 24°52'00" W 270.07' to a 1 3/8" open existing iron pipe on the northern 60' right of way line of Rock Quarry Road; thence with said northern right of way line N 48°14'31" W 38.21' to a new 5/8" rebar set on the northern 60' right of way line of Rock Quarry Road; thence with said northern right of way line N 49°46'41" W 125.95' to a 1 15/16" open existing iron pipe on the northern 60' right of way line of Rock Quarry Road; thence with the common boundary line between the right of way of Rock Quarry Road and MITEPE, LLC (DB 17062 PG 779) S 13°07'54" W 33.46' to an existing MAG nail in the center of Rock Quarry Road; thence along the centerline of said road the following I I calls all to existing MAG nails: N 51'] 2'37" W 48.67'; N 52°16'09" W 44.07'; N 58021'41" W 76.14'; N 64°01'46" W 46.16'; N 67031'35" W 48.00'; N 69035'57" W 52.90'; N 70'23'11" W It 1.12% N 70014'17" W 133.69'; N 69°25'00" W 52.82; N 67°08'08" W 77.37'; N 63°30'20" W 29.71'; thence with the common boundary line between the right of way of Rock Quarry Road and MITEPE, LLC (DB 17062 PG 779) N 19052'39" E 29.72' to a 7/8" bent open existing iron pipe; thence with the common boundary line between the right of way of Rock Quarry Road, Quarry Trace, LLC (D13 16647 PG 770) and MITEPE, LLC (DB 17062 PG 779) and passing through a 7/8" open existing iron pipe at 22.24' N 19°52'39" E 124.80' to a 7/8" open existing iron pipe; thence with the common boundary line between Quarry Trace, LLC (DB 16647 PG 770), the right of way of Quarry Trace Drive (BM 2017 PG 2523), and MITEPE, LLC (DB 17062 PG 779) and passing through two 7/8" open existing iron pipes at 396.55' and 425.86' N 9°55'59" E 588.86' to the Point and Place of Beginning, containing 1,320,317 SF / 30.310 acres, more or less, said description is based on an actual field survey completed by and under the direct supervision of Kevin D. Medeiros, PLS (L-4668) of ESP Associates, Inc., License No. F-1407 on August 13, 2020. Page 5 of 7 BKO18645PGO1705 EXHIBIT B EXCEPTIONS 1. Taxes and assessments for the year 2021, a lien now due and payable and subsequent years, a lien not yet due and payable. 2. Title to any areas within street, highway or railroad rights of way, if any. 3. The creation or loss of land by natural or artificial changes along water forming part of the boundary of the land; and/or title to land lying below the higher of the mean high water mark and/or the normal bounds of any body of water; and/or riparian rights incident to any branches, creeks, streams, lakes or other waters coursing or abutting the land. 4. Any discrepancy, conflict, access, shortage in area or boundary lines, encroachment, encumbrance, violation, overlap, setback, easement or claims of easement, riparian right, and title to land within roads, ways, railroads, watercourses, burial grounds, marshes, dredged or filled areas or land below the mean highwater mark or within the bounds of any adjoining body of water, or other adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be disclosed by a current inspection and accurate and complete land survey of the Land. 5. Any right, easement, setback, interest, claim, encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variations or other adverse circumstance affecting the Title disclosed on Survey titled MITEPE, LLC Properties proposed Barwell Park Subdivision dated 05/22/18, prepared by ESP Associates, Inc., License Number L-1407, Registered Professional Land Surveyor Keven D. Medeiros No. L-4668. 6. Easement to Carolina Power & Light Company of record at Book 4185 Page 778, Wake County Registry (applies to Tract 1). 7. Easement to Carolina Power & Light Company of record at Book 801 Page 471, Wake County Registry (applies to Tracts 1 and 2). 8. Easement to Carolina Power & Light Company of record at Book 4882 Page 269, Wake County Registry applies to Tract 2). 9. Easement(s) to Carolina Power & Light Company of record at Book 801 Page 475, Book 1005 Page 346, Book 1202 Page 320 and Book 1858 Page 196, Wake County Registry (applies to Tracts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9). 10. Rural Line Permit to Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company of record at Book 1347 Page 381, Wake County Registry (applies to Tracts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9). 11. Memorandum of Agreement to D.R. Horton, Inc. of record in Book 18594 Page 1009, Wake County Registry. 12. Easement to Duke Energy Progress, LLC of record in Book 18442 Page 2107, Wake County Registry. 13. Declaration of Residential Restrictions of record in 18030 Page 1753, Wake County Registry, Page 6 of 7 BKO18645PGO17O6 14. Any right, easement, setback, interest, claim, encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variations or other adverse circumstance affecting the Title disclosed by plat(s) recorded in Book of Maps 1984 Page 164, Wake County Registry (applies to Tract 1). 15. Any right, easement, setback, interest, claim, encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variations or other adverse circumstance affecting the Title disclosed by plat(s) recorded in Maps 1999 Page 663, Wake County Registry (applies to Tract 2). 16. Any right, easement, setback, interest, claim, encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variations or other adverse circumstance affecting the Title disclosed by plat(s) recorded in Maps 1989 Page 1352, Wake County Registry (applies to Tract 3). 17. Any right, easement, setback, interest, claim, encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variations or other adverse circumstance affecting the Title disclosed by plat(s) recorded in Maps 1990 Page 1446, Wake County Registry (Tracts 4 and 5). 18. Any right, easement, setback, interest, claim, encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variations or other adverse circumstance affecting the Title disclosed by plat(s) recorded in Maps 1998 Page 2150, Wake County Registry (applies to Tract 6). 19. Any right, easement, setback, interest, claim, encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variations or other adverse circumstance affecting the Title disclosed by plat(s) recorded in Maps 1981 Page 347, Wake County Registry (applies to Tracts 3, 4, 5 and 6). 20. Any right, easement, setback, interest, claim, encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variations or other adverse circumstance affecting the Title disclosed by plat(s) recorded in Maps 1983 Page 982, Wake County Registry (Tracts 6, 7, 8 and 9). 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