HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0024236_201 Facilities Plan_20000526NPDES DOCVHENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0024236 Kinston Regional WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change 201 Facilities Plan Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: May 26, 2000 This document is printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the reYerse side DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Water Quality Section May 26, 2000 MEMORANDUM TO: Milt Rhodes, Planning Branch FROM: Susan A. Wilson, Point Source Branch SUBJECT: 201 Facility Plan, City of Kinston Peachtree WWTP (NC0020541) & Northside WWTP (NC0024236) Lenoir County I have reviewed the subject 201 facility plan and environmental assessment on behalf of the NPDES Unit and offer the following comments. Please call me at Ext. 510 if you have any questions. My comments are limited to the wastewater treatment and discharge aspects of the project. The project as proposed is designed to combine the NPDES discharges of the Peachtree WWTP and the Northside WWTP into a single upgraded regional facility to be located at the Northside plant. The proposed system will discharge to Neuse River via a direct outfall pipe (unlike the effluent conveyance currently used for discharge) . Basins at the Peachtree WWTP will be used as equalization units for the main regional system. [The other option, which was rejected, was to upgrade both the Peachtree and Northside plants to meet stringent limits and nutrient reduction requirements] . Speculative limits were presented to the City by letter dated September 23, 1999. The letter stipulated potential limits for a discharge to the Neuse River, whether by separate discharges or combined. At the time of the letter, the Division was still uncertain as to the total nitrogen allocations under the Neuse rules. The allocation was finalized this year and the temporary rules for the Neuse are in effect [reflective of 15A NCAC 2B .0234] . The current total nitrogen allocation for the plants separately are 76,030 lbs/year, Peachtree WWTP and 50,680 lbs/year, Northside WWTP. With the upgrade of the Northside plant and combining the discharges to one outfall, the total nitrogen allocation would be 126,700 lbs/year (based on the sum of the allocations for Peachtree and Northside WWTPs] . Kinston should bear in mind that Phase II of the Nutrient Reduction Strategy will be devised in the future and this planning opportunity should be taken to potentially meet a total nitrogen annual concentration limit of 3.5 mg/1. This concentration value corresponds to approximately 119,700 lbs/year total nitrogen at a design flow of 11.25 MGD. 201 Facilities Plan City of Kinston Peachtree and Northside WWTP Page 2 Although not directly stated in the speculative letter DWQ submitted to the City, limits for conventional parameters are expressed as monthly averages and weekly averages for municipalities. Section 8.1.2 entitled Future Effluent Requirements states that "the discharge limits are expected to correspond to annual average BOD concentrations of 5 mg/1, TSS concentrations of 30 mg/1, TN concentrations of 3.5 mg/1, and TP concentrations of 1 mg/1." Please note that BOD will be limited as a monthly average of 5 mg/1(7.5 weekly average), TSS - monthly average of 30 mg/1 (45 mg/1 weekly average), TP - quarterly average of 1 mg/1 (based on weekly samples), TN - will be limited as an annual mass load. While 30% reduction of infiltration/inflow is commendable for a wastewater treatment system, the Division encourages the City to seek an even higher percentage of I/I reduction. Kinston has had chronic problems with I/I for many years and the starting point for I/I reduction is much higher than for a typical collection system. In order for the modified Northside plant to treat to optimal levels, the City must constantly address the existing I/I problems. More information may need to be submitted to the Division in order to further assess the I/I reduction at Kinston compared to typical levels and reductions. The Water Quality Section defers to Construction Grants & Loans for the determination of the I/I reduction feasibility. Due to the elevated I/I at Kinston and historical problems with solids, sand, and grit at the existing plants, duality will be a critical issue for the upgraded facility. The City and its engineers should thoroughly review the requirements set forth by 15A NCAC 2H .0124 regarding reliability, especially parallel units and standby power. The Division encourages Kinston to work diligently in assessing possibilities for water recycle and reuse. It is likely that with Phase II of the Neuse nutrient reduction strategy, the nutrient point source allocation will become even more stringent. cc: Central Files WaRO/ WQ 201 Facilities Plan City of Kinston Peachtree and Northside WWTP Page 3 City of Kinston 201 Plan Peachtree WWTP & Northside WWTP NOTES TO FILE 5/16/00 Submitted May 2000 (JOC stated that it be submitted 3/ 1 /00) Evaluated: a) Upgrading both plants to meet tertiary limits with nutrient reduction and/or upgrading both plants to comply with current limits. b) Combining wasteflow at one facility and upgrading Northside plant (keeping Peachtree basins for flow equalization). Impacts of flooding to Peachtree, impacts of surrounding wetlands area at Peachtree, impacts of current I/I problems were all taken into consideration in proposed scenarios. A cost analysis was performed and upgrade of the Northside plant was chosen. Propose a modified Johannesburg -type activated sludge, BNR process followed by tertiary filters for denitrification. Johannesburg process has pre -anoxic zone for reduction of nitrate in RAS. Also has step feed capability. Also propose UV disinfection and outfall pipe directly to Neuse. Expect funding from FEMA (grant) and CG&Ls and user fees. - Convert aeration basin and aerobic digesters at Peachtree to equalization basins - Upgrade existing Forrest St. pumping station (that pumps from Peachtree to Northside) to accommodate total flow to Peachtree and upgrade generator. Kinston has received grant/loan money in the past and has implemented treatment facilities at both plants for TP removal, new headworks, improvements to the Forrest St. Lift Station. Had proposed adding facilities to treat to Class A sludge, but deleted that due to Kinston contracting out residuals disposal. First I/I study performed in 1976 and 1977 (indicated that large percentage of sewer system contributed to significant flow to the Peachtree WWTP). Speculative limits were presented to Kinston 9/23/99. Spec limits were for separate and combined flows. 10% of the City's population will move to higher elevations (due to Floyd). - Will do effluent reuse on lawn areas of GTP. 201 Facilities Plan City of Kinston Peachtree and Northside WWTP Page 4 2/99 - SSES (sewer system evaluation survey) performed to assist in wet weather/ peak flow determination Projected dry weather flows = (5.5 MGD, based on pop. Growth) + 2.85 MGD, based on GTP) Projected wet weather flows = 2.7 MGD (predicted 30% reduction in 3.85 MGD wet weather flow); Dry weather flows * 1.7 peaking factor - dry weather flows = 3.85 mgd Projected peak month avg. daily flows = 5.5 + 2.85 + 2.7 + 0.2 = 11.25 mgd (total projected WW flow, used for cost analyses) Projected annual avg. daily flows = 5.5 + 2.85 + 0.7 + 0.2 = 9.25 mgd (used to project pollutant loading, with the low wet weather annual avg. daily flow of 0.7 mgd) Peaking factor (peak day: peak month) = 2, based on combined historical data. Peak hydraulic flow of 22.5 MGD will be used for design calcs. Projected flow for treatment = 12.6 MGD (11.25 + 1.35) Influent to Peachtree via Forrest Street Lift Station. This station has 4 pumps, rated at 4000 gpm each. 4th pump is standby. Projected flow from this lift station is 15.1 MGD in 2020. Influent to Northside via Briery Run Lift Station. This station has 3 pumps rated at 3400 gpm. 3rd pump is standby. Pump test from 1990s indicated actual pump capacity of 2 pumps operating is 5200 gpm. Pollutant loading (most assumptions typical based on waste characteristics); used "literature value" of 30 mg/1 for influent total nitrogen; used TP of 4.0 mg/1. Proposed potential reuse/ land app (5600 gpd/acre to 10 -12 acres and potential for 0.5 MGD to sycamore plantation to be developed) . Also will provide a connection for future loading station for dust control and nursery tanker trucks (no contracts for this right now, but will include in design) . For GTP made commitment to ACOE to examine potential for reuse. Investigation into existing golf courses was not fruitful (they did not seem interested). Kinston plans to regionalize Lenoir Co. schools; future plans to tie on Dover and Cove City. 1 MGD may be transferred from Peachtree via Forrest St. lift station. ** Duality is a critical issue with this design due to elevated I/I problems and historical problems with sand/grit. Will allow the facility to take down a treatment train and keep one running. Propose effluent diffusers based on request from NRF. Proposing single channel for UV disinfection. Proposed outfall line is 36 inch, 2700 ft. Estimated 10.6 MG as volume which would be required for equalization. 201 Facilities Plan City of Kinston Peachtree and Northside WWTP Page 5 5/8/98 - DENR informed City that effluent conveyances did not conform with effluent channel designation. 3/99 - CWMTF loaned City funds for construction of dewatering and lime stabilization facilites