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WQ0000798_Monitoring - 12-2021_20220128
n .. ti DWR - NonDischarge Monitoring Report Submittal ' •4 .. NORTH CAROLINA Enrlranmenlel QHaflly Monitoring Report Submittal .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Permit Number#* WQ0000798-A Name of Facility:* Shallotte WWTP Month:* December Year:* 2021 Report Information Type* Upload Document* NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR Shallotte DMR 12-2021.pdf 21.08MB PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1,NDAR-2,NDMLR,GW-59). Confirmation Email Address:* matthew.henry@brunswickcountync.gov Name of Submitter:* Matthew Henry Signature: }// Date of submittal: 1/28/2022 This will be filled in automatically Initial Review ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Reviewer: Gerald,Wanda Is the project number correct?* WQ0000798 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes No Regional Office* Wilmington Accepted Date: 4/25/2022 FORM:NDAR-1 08-11 NON-DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT(NDAR-1) Page of Permit No.: WQ0000798A Facility Name: Shallotte WWTF Wastewater Irrigation System county: Brunswick Month: December Year: 2021 -_-_ - __ ,-- _ ----__-_-- Field Name: 01B ; __ - ___ __- _- - - - _, Field Name: 02B Did irrigation occur --_ __--- - _ _-_- ------ - --__ --_--- -- __-_-___- _ _-__- -_- -_ -. _= - = =_ -_ -_ --==- Area(acres): 6.5 =_ =_ _=_= _ -_----_ _-_ -- Area(acres): 6.5 at this facility? ___ _ _-_ss- -= _______ _ Cover Crop: Hardwood Plantatio __ - _ - Cover Crop: Hardwood Plantation - _ __-_ ___ __ Hourly Rate(in): - - -- _ Hourly Rate(in): ❑✓ YES El NO - -- - - _ _ -- = -- _ - = = Annual Rate(in): 44.2 = - --_= ___ _ - -=-__  Annual Rate(in): 44.2 Weather Freeboard = -_-_ _____---U--____■ __ Field Irrigated? 2 YES ❑No --_- ---U--__--__ ,M. -__ Field Irrigated? E YES ❑No O m m m --_-  _ • -• ___-_-_-__ = _ m a a a� E a> = __=- _ - _ ; =- ---__- m o a rn E a ty6 !0 & y .G - -- _ - _- _ _ _ g d d A C 7 ., C ___ _ --_-_-__`-_-_-==_-" d d w >+ C 7 ` C ' Hj L ca a m -c _ _--_ -- --- - _-_- --- _ E ._ _ - E 15 .- =_ - -- - _-__ - -_-___- E E . to ._ .a E •o `- � to `c-==__-------_----==---_,_ 0 - - -=---__-_ - - �2 -_ -___ _ :__ __-_ _ -_--____-_= ---- gal min in II EN 40 0 0 in ft ©�_ --=� -_=_�__-p6�==�-_= gal ® in in �_ _r--=�--=--e-----=_=- 2.6 -_-___--_=_- k_-_ __-= 0 0 0.00 0.00 &RIG-4,1:4 - gig,_ _ _ t_- 0 0 0.00 0.00 Eip 46 0 2.6 -__ -_-_-=_-_=_ =- =---==- 0 0 0.00 0.00 =__-___-=__=- ______ 0 0 0.00 0.00 -= _==-_-_==- --=- - _ __-____=_=_-===- 0.00 0.00 ©�® 0 2.9 =-__-=----_- ----_--______= 0 0 0.00 0.00 -_�=�_�__>a_ ----=�=--e� 0 0 � ----- -sue=--- ,_ -_ - --- _= =_= -=-_-- - - =--_-____----_ -_-_ 0.00 =_ --_ ---==-=- -____---_-_-- -_ 0 0 0.00 0.00 Bp 50 0 2.8 =- _--_-------_ • ---=- 0 0 0.00 0.00 - _ =__--___ -_' -----=-- = - 0 0 0.00 0.00 ___--_ -_ ; 'r= _- - --- 0 0 0.00 0.00 -=_ --_-_ -_-----__- -- = 1 0 0 0.00 0.00 == 4-_= - '===- =£_ 0 0 0.00 0.00 ---__-_ - __-_ - ---== 0 0 0.00 0.00 in -----_= -_ --____ -- --=-=-=- ---- 0.00 0.00 1:1 In R 44 0.33 2.5 -------_---- -=�-Mal;=- 0 0 0.00 0.00 --_-_ -= _=--_-_ __--_--=-- 0 0 -- == xfti_ = --_- - _-=-`_---_-` -- 0.0 0.00 35 0.62 2.5 - =--_=_--_=- = _-= ==- 0 0 0.00 0.00 - -_-=- =--- ---= = -_  0 0 0 _-_=--=___ ---=_=_-_-_ - --_____ ___ _- _-___ __ 0 0.00 0.00 10 PC 43 0.01 2.5 =-- ------- --_---_ -_ ----  0 0 0.00 0.00 --_� =-��`=-� =_-__�c=� 0 mPC 54 0 2.5 =_-= _-_--__7.- _- _• -_____= 0 0 0.00 0.00 `_-_ -__ =-  =_= _-- --_= - 0 0 ® R 59 0.41 2.3 q _ _L= 0 0 0.00 0.00 Mii e_s = $__ 0 0 0 00 00 -_-_----_-- __ -_= = 0 0 0.00 0.00  -ems= _ = =- 0 0 0.00 0.00 =-=-fait- =-_- - ----- =- __= 0 0 0.00 0.00 =-_ __ _- ` - -- 0 0 0.00 0.00 i- = ___- __ -_ 0 0 0.00 0.00 m� 40 0 2.3 ==--_ ----= - -  - 0 0 0.00 0.00 = -----__-_---_= _ =- ---==--=-_-- ---_=_-_ --_-_- Yam`------ - _---==_=---__-�-- __--__-- ------_ _ -- -= = 0 0 0.00 0.00 -------=- ----___- _-- =- 0 0 0.00 0.00 _-__---_--__= =_ _- __ _= 0 0 0.00 0.00 If---_ - - = -_ -__ -,__- _ =- 0 0 0.00 0.00 mm57 0 ® '-==ittaiti_-_ _  - --_6- 0 0 0.00 0.00 6--_-_=__----_=- _  =_ - 0 0 0 ---=---=-_=__ - ___= 0 0 0.00 0.00 Wit- =_--=_- --==-== 0 0 0.00 0.00 m CL 64 0.18 2.3 - � =___----�_-_-ees a��-� - 20 PC 43 0.05 2.2 === ------__ = • __-= - -_-= 0 0 0.00 0.00 -- _- - _ = _ -= -- 0 0 R 41 0.99 2.2 _K_- _ =--_=-_---- _=_ �-_ �_ =00 _ - - - - 0 0 0 00 0 00 _-_ - ---_- --_-=--=_= --_ -- -_-----_ -_- - _-_ -=_ 0 0.00 0.00 ®® 42 0 2.1 - � - - 0 0 0.00 0.00 �- __ _ _ ___ 0 ®� 40 0 2.1 -- -_- --_- __  = ---_--- 0 0 0.00 0.00 = = - ---_-- -- -------------- 0 0 0 =__ _ ___--_---- -__-- - _ = =____- 0 0.00 0.00 m© 43 0 2.2 -_- -- �__ _ _= _ = 0 0 0.00 0.00 `_ - - __---_-_ -- -- ---- -- --- __---=___=-- --_-- -- _ _ -_ ==__---_-  _ _ 0 0.00 0.00 ®� 58 0 2.1 -- _---____ -,_ __--__ _ 0 0 0.00 0.00 - - -- _-, 0 mQ55 0 ®=_-_--__-_-_____ - -_ _-___-__-_ _ 17,960 160 0.10 0.04 =__ __ - _ __-_ __ 17,960 160 0.10 0.04 ®© 54 0 ® -_ -`-_ 0 0 0.00 0.00 __ =_ ___= -_- --_ 0 0 0.00 0.00 E3 Q 62 0 ®_ -_ _ __ ___ -_-_ 16,250 240 0.09 0.02 -_ ___- _ °_ _--___ _ _-_ _- 16,250 240 0.09 0.02  - -_ ----__- -=- -_- 0 0 0.00 0.00 -__ _ =_- _- 0 0 0.00 0.00 30 CL 68 0 ®-__-____ -_- __ __ - _-__ 44,806 ® 0.25 0.05 z-__--_ -- ___ =- 44,806 335 0.25 0.05 ® C 65 0.03 2.2 - =-_ :- , -- _-_ - ____ __ 18,500 150 0.10 0.04 - -_ _ -- -___ -- - - _ _ 18,500 150 0.10 0.04 Monthly Loading: _______ - 97,516 0.55 97,516 0.55 12 Month Floating Total(in): - 11.28 11.28 FORM:NDAR-1 08-11 NON-DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT(NDAR-1) Page of Permit No.: WQ0000798A Facility Name: Shallotte WWTF Wastewater Irrigation Sysytem County: Brunswick Month: December Year: 2021 Lam ___ __ _ - _ Field Name: 10 -_- ___-____-___ ___ _ _ - _ _ Field Name: 12 Did irrigation occur ==__ __--=_-__--- -- - -_ -- __ --- _- -- _ _ _- _- - --- - .=_=_ - Area(acres): 5.1 - _ ---= - _- ==- _ Area(acres): 3 at this facility? __-_ __ -__ ----_--_- _=-__-- - __ _----_-- -__- ___ = -- -- - -- --- _-_ _ - Cover Crop: Longleaf Pine _ _ _ Cover Crop: Longleaf Pine  - - - Hourly (in): _   HourlyRate(in): ❑� YES ❑NO Rate --- - _-- Annual Rate(in): 78 = __ _ _ -_ - --_ - ___ Annual Rate(in): 78 Weather Freeboard __ _. -_ _ -_ -_- -- - tt■___= Field Irrigated? EYES ❑NO -_-___-_--_-_ _El- _t___M__-= Field Irrigated? E YES ❑NO m c - =-- =  - - --=__-- .2 m -=_-  _-- - - _ -- ___-_= -_ _= =_= - -_-_- --_ 12 `- ;... I° a __- _-----_ = _ -__-- - -__= a - E T= =5 E 3 '5 c== _- - ---_ -- = = _ o. E CO '6 E 5 v 0 aa.s Q O _ -_ - _-__=_  - _ Q.G. _ O) tQ a K O (8 __ =__--- - -___-'_-1___ - Q - g k O R E d u) R = _=-__=_-- _=--Mara-==_ --_-- > a = _ _ -_ _---_ _=- -_ =_ > a = ._I F aims© 7 _---___--=e=-=_.--_- - gal in ® in �==_-�_ __�__-�_-�- 6-__�- gal min in NEM -_---it --- -=__ -- -- ==-- -- :4 ==--- 0 0.00 0© 40 0 2.3 _9=--- - =- --- --_-_----= =_- 0 0 0.00 0.00 £--_ ===_----=-__= ----=__-- 0 0 00 -- -----=-_---- -- --- _ _- 4600.45 0.06 __--_--_ =- - = __-- 39 592 460 0.49 0.06 El© C 46 0 2.3 'ark _--__-==_==- - =_===_=- = 62,063 --_-._ --Mara-_--__,--_--_=-=--= = , =� _- _-- ---== ===�-=_-� _---==__=-_-- _-=Mara-_ =_- C 0 ----- ---- =---____ -= 51,321 485 0.37 0.05 l 6____ -_ _- __ __L__=` _ 30,187 485 0.37 0.05 -_-=-- -__ i--- -_--=_- _-- _-- - ___ 0 �� 48 0 2.5 __� - �-- - = = -__= 0 0 0.00 0.0o gam,_=�_=___-=_g~_ -___--- 0 0 0.0 0.00 I-- - - - �- - 0 0 0.00 0.00 c- - __-=-- _- =_ _ - 0 0 0.00 0.00 QPC 55 0 2.4 =e=-_--_-_--_-- F -=__- r 0 0 0.00 0.00 Z-- =--=_-_-- ___--= __ -= =-`_-- 0 0 0.00 0.00 2.4 --_=_ _-- = _< _ 0 0 0.00 0.00 - _ -_ - -= ° - 0 0 0.00 0.00 2.3la --_ -----=--- ==-_ ---= -_ __ 0 0 0.00 0.00 ems-- _-- -= -_== 0 0 0.00 0.00 R 44 0.33 E�_6-----== -= =-- __-.�--_<<s- -_=--=-_-==_---- -- - -__ _- -_=Mara 0.00 fm 35 0.62 2.3 _--=__-_-----=__ __-_---_---_ 0 0 0.00 0.00 _- -ID- = -- 0 0 0 00 10 PC 43 0.01 2.2 -_- __--_ =_ -_=-- - --_---____ 0 0 0.00 0.00 I- -_ -- = -_ _- __---___=- 0 0 0.00 00 El -- PC 54 0 2.2 -- -- - ------ -_ = _ - _ = 0 0 0.00 0.00 - =-_ -;RNA== = _ _- - _-_= 0 0 0.00 0.00 R 0.41 2.1 nit:--_-_ -=----==_- 0 0 0.00 0.00 . -__- -_- >>___ =- 0 0 0.00 0.00 MP® 59 �_�___�m_ �_=-=-�-=_ ='-ter 50 0 2.1 --- - =- __--_------_ -- 28,912 285 0.21 0.04 -___-_--___-__ -___-_-___- =l 17,007 285 0.21 0.04 C 400 2.1 --- =- -=_-_ --_== 36,994 355 0.27 0.05 ___---___ -- __--=_= 21,661 355 0.27 0.04 m v_-__Mara_ - _ -=� __-----=- -_= - __ _=- _-- - = =-- -==_=- ® C 40 0 2.1 Marra --` ---_--- ---__ = 0 0 0.00 0.00 =c-__---==-- ---=_- __ --- 0 0 0.00 0.00 -_= = _-Mara--=--= =- -_ --=-_=---- =-_=--_- --- ----- = _ __-_-_=--__--=___--_ -= 240 0.21 0.05 �© 59 0 2.1 -_= _ -=--_----Mara---- _- 29,442 240 0.21 0.05 �--____Mara_ -=-==--_ -----__--_== 17,319 ® C 59 0 2.1 ii=--_--_=_=-___ -__ _-gig_ jii itri 26,900 240 0.19 0.05 F---- -____-__--_e____-___-__-____- 15,822 240 0.19 0.05 __=a-- =----= =--- - 0 0 0.00 0.00 --_--_-_------_=-__-' =_-`--_ 0 0 0.00 0.00 -_- -- =- ==__ =_ -- - _ = 0 0 0.00 0.00 -----_=-_---=--- - __--- - 0 0 0.00 0.00 =-_ -- --_---=-___-=-Mara_ _- -_-__-- =_=_-_----==_-_ 280 0.20 0.04 20 PC 43 0.05 2 --- - ---_-- -_- __--== _ = 28,325 280 0.20 0.04 �--_ -____ _--_- _-=- -=e-- ___= 16,663 -_ -a:- - --_- = _ -- -_-- _ kti -- 0.00 ® R 41 0.99 2 =_=-- -Mra-_=__--- __- -_ --- 0 0 0.00 0.00 =__---__----_----_- -_ --= __ -- 0 0 0.00 ® CL 42 0 1.9 =-_ _-__-- --___-Mara_ -=-= - _____- 20,998 ® 0.15 0.04 __-_______Mara__-__-- __-_-____-- = 12,353 225 0.15 0.04 -__ - -= = ---`__ _ _ =- -- __- _ - ----_ 410 0.28 0.04 aims 40 0 1.9 - ___ 38,134 410 0.28 0.04 - -, _ _- 22,433 ming 43 0 2 =-_-_- -ELL--- -_-=-,z= --_- ___ - o 0 0.00 0.00 _-_ -_-- - --- -_- --_ -_- o 0 - - _ ara ---- - - -- _ ® C 58 0 2 -- __- --- _ _ --_- KIT,: 23,837 350 0.17 0.03 =--_-=___ ____-_ ___ __ _ -_ ____ 14,023 350 0.17 0.03 aiC ® 0 ©__ -~_ _-_-= __ _ _-- - 61,091 510 0.44 0.05 _ _____- ---_ ,-_r.- _ __ __ - ,- 35,936 510 0.44 0.05 ®0 54 0 2.1 - -- - 7= - - _ 0 0 0.00 0.00 =-__ = 0 0 0.00 0.0o -- _____ =--__ _-=-_--Marra- _ -- _ - - -_ =__ aims 62 0 2.1 _ _ _ _-_, = 29,745 240 0.21 0.05 __ _ _____ __�_____ _-__ _ 17,495 240 0.21 0.05 Egirom 0 2 = __ - -Mira --__ = 0 0 0.00 0.00 -_ _- - Tr- 0 0 0.00 0.00 30 CL 68 0 © _- , __ --- - __--_ _--_== 42,911 400 0.31 0.05 _ _ _ _ 25,243 400 0.31 0.05 SIMI 65 0.03 2 '=  -- - _ --- _ -_ - 67,825 585 0.49 0.05 _- __ _- --__ - _- -_ =__ = 39,895 585 0.49 0.05 Monthly Loading: _ __, __--_- _ -_ 548,498 3.96 -_ _ 325,629 4.00 12 Month Floating Total(in): _ 60.54 a_°°__ = 65.68 FORM:NDAR-1 08-11 NON-DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT(NDAR-1) Page of Permit No.: WQ0000798B Facility Name: Shallotte WWTF Wastewater Irrigation System County: Brunswick Month: December Year: 2021 - = ,_ ---- - Field Name: -- _== = =-  -= Field Name: 6 Did irrigation occur - --_-- - _- - ----=-_---= -- `--- - - _ Area(acres): 13 --- - --_,-_ --- - _ _- _ Area(acres): 12.16 at this facility? _-- _-._ __ _-_- __-= _-_ _--= = -- =-_- `r - _ _ - Cover r  -__- - -  - -- Cover Crop: Longleaf Pine _ _ -___ Cop: Hardwood Plantatio -=- - - - _ - - Hourly ate(in): AYES ❑NO =`- _ - _ _---_ --` - --- -= Annual Rate(in): 44.2 _-_ _-= - - 53.04 =Weather Freeboard --z __--U-__,___U_- _=__ Field Irrigated? ❑YES 0 NO -=-___ _-, =- _-_=_,__U__ ___U-_-- Field Irrigated? 2 YES ❑NO ,1. 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[]YES ❑NO --_ __ __- - _p=___ -�_- Irrigated? YES ❑Field NO - 3 d d - --__- --__-_-_--_--- e a •a of E a) -=_-_ -_----_-_ __-____ -__-_-_-_-- d 10 •a rn E rn co t t6 Q to ._- _' - - _ - - _- E _ es _ tc )- = = O. E 0 •,T a E •l6 *a° =B. - ----_- - --_= o a i- ._ p ca x o n -_- - -__- - _---_- - c 0. F a) o m 'x o a ft _-- ---- gal i ---_---_-_=- ----__ 0® ©�a_�=-----_--_�__ ���_�=�_-_- m n in in --_ _ _- =- _-_---___--_-=-_____ gal ® in MEMI -- _;-  _-_ - =--- `- 0 0 - - _--==_---_-- - ---_--IIIIIIIIIIIIMIII El C 46 0 2.6 -=_==- -= --------__-=--_--_-_- 221,000 IlarE 0.35 0.05 Kj__- == 1== -= _-==`_ _ -- 0 0 0.00  == = ---_--_---=- _-- © C 52 0 2.9 ��---�- _ �_�_�_- �a_-=� 0 00 =�- =�__ac-='�=-_T=_�- 1111111111111��� LI C 48 0 2.8 _ -- ---=- _ 0 0 0.00 0.00 �-- --_a-_-__-__-»-=-__- la C 50 0 2.8 ---_-----_--- --__-_ _---- 0 0 0.00 0.00 = ==== =-- -_== _= INIIIIIIIIIIN _m la PC 55 0 2.6 -____-== ------_ -_-__-_ =- -_ 0 0 0.00 0.00 -=-_-= - _- == -_--__�_ MIMI EIICII 54 0 2.6 - -_-=__-_ -_ _--= 0 0 0.00 0.00 = - ----__-- -_- ---- IrlR 44 0.33 ®e - _ _ _-- -_= _---= 0 0 0.00 0.00 ___--_-__=-  -=- MEM Elm® 0.62 ® --- - - »_D>>_ _ 0 00 0.00 __-----_===-_ _ _----__--_---_---���� 0 PC 43 0.01 2.5 - ----=_- --____-__==____- 0 0 0.00 0.00 ---_-_-_-- __ -_11- -_ _==_ ___ ___==--` 0 0 0.00 = _=-= =--- == m PC m 0 2.5 _==-==- _-__-_-__e=-_-a--__-_ 000 _ �-__���-e__�9_�--=_�_IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ® R 59 0.41 EMI.-aK--E__r _ri==-_--=_-__ - 0 0 0.00 0.00 - _---- __-- _= - _ = -== _ la 50 0 2.3 tc o 00 0 00 6 s -_ _-__- __---- 0 0 0.00 0.00 -_=-_ =_____=_-=----_--_ MIEN40 0 2.3 ---_-=----_---_ ---__--  - 0 0 0.00 0.00 = =____= =_=- - - =- _-____ -------- ==  0 0 __-_--___-= --_ = - -_--- -- =- ------_ 0 ------ =- - --_----_- m C 59 0 2.3 -_-=_e- ---- _=--_ _==-=___ - 0 0.00 0.00 �=_- -=-=--__-= -__---=-- -__-�-��� El ---=---__j 0 -=_-=-= =___=-=_--=-_-= CL 57 0 2.3 a==- = _ -e _-=-=_�_=-_---_ 0 0.00 0.00 --_�__� `--=_-__ �-ate= -----��� ;7- := ==_-----_ ---= 0 0 0.00 0.00 ----_--- ---_-= m CL 64 0.18 2.3 ___--_-_-----___-__-_--_  - _-_e=_=c=» m_e= �-�_-_-_-_ 20 - _ ___- `_-_=_-__-__- -- _ _-- _ ®-�-=- -ems== �__��=-�-_-= 0 0 0.00 0.00 �_�- =_-- __- _- - s MINI� ® R 41 0.99 2.2 Ems _ --___-_ _=- - - -= ____ -0 0 0.00 0.00 - ----_ - _ ;-- = ----=__-_--_ ® CL 42 0 2.1 _=-_ =_ ; __ -= __ ---- -__- _- , 0 0 0.00 0.00 -=_ --_----____--__---Mil��� ® C 40 0 2.1 =-- _----==---- -t----=_- = 0 0 0.00 0.00 -_--_ - _ - =-_ -��� --- =--__- - _ _--_ -- -_ 0 =-- --__ -= _- -_ __. -,-_ m© 43 0 2.2 -- _ - _- --__-- _- --___-- - 0 0 00 0.00 =--_- - = ___ ----____--_-  -_ -���� --, _= _ = - - 139,000 2 __ _- = -_- _ _- __ _- 3 0 0.22 0.04® C 58 0 2.1 _ -_ - -- -_- DIEM 55 0 ERNE as- __ _-_----_--___ 150,415 335 0.24 0.04 -- - - _- -- __ __-- ® C 54 0 2.3 - _ 0 0 0.00 0.00 _ _ ---_ E3 C 62 0 ® - _ __-- - ___'_ __= 70,000 240 0.11 0.03 - -_ -- _ -` --__ --__-- __-_ El C 72 0 ® - _ _ - 0 0 0.00 0.00 __ _ _ -___ 30 CL 68 0 2.2 - . -_ --, __ ,_-___--_ 34,775 65 0.05 0.05 -_ _- _ NM Mill all 11131 65 0.03 2.2 _ - _`- - _ 176,000 420 0.28 0.04 -- _ -- - - Monthly Loading: _ _ _ 791,190 1.25 0 0.00 - 12 Month Floating Total(in): 9.77 FORM:NDAR-1 08-11 NON-DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT(NDAR-1) Page of Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? 2 Compliant ❑Non-Compliant Were adequate measures taken to prevent effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? 2 Compliant ❑Non-Compliant Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your permit? 2 Compliant ❑Non-Compliant Were all setbacks listed in your permit maintained for every application to each permitted site? 2 Compliant ❑Non-Compliant Were all freeboards maintained in accordance with the specified freeboard heights in your permit? 2 Compliant ❑Non-Compliant If the facility is non-compliant,please explain in the space below the reason(s)the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s)of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s)taken.Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge(ORC)Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Christian Coddington Permittee: Brunswick County Certification No.: 1010627 Signing Official: Donald Dixon Grade: SI Phone Number: (239)438-6939 Signing Official's Title: Deputy Director Has the ORC changed since the previous NDAR-1? El Yes ❑No Phone Number: 910-253-2657 Permit Exp.: 12/31/24 - -- Signature Date Signature Date By this signature,I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify,under penalty of law,that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted.Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete.I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM:NDMR 03-12 NON-DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT(NDMR) Page of Permit No.: WQ0000798-A Facility Name: Shallotte WWTP I County: Brunswick I Month: December I Year: 2021 PPI: 001 Flow Measuring Point: E Influent ❑Effluent ❑No flow generated I Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑influent 2 Effluent ❑Groundwater Lowering ❑Surface Water s a -_ = � Parameter Code —► e 50060 00620 a 00310 sy sy, 31616 00400 • -- vtea c -4 _ F \ c � � a N o O a O !Y .- fr O 24-hr hrs - mgiL mglL mg/L #/100 mL su 3 12:15 0.25 1.26 -s \ \ `\\ \�\ \ _ \ \ 6 \ems \ `- \ \ �`7', _ \ \\\ _ Z \\ e • \\ \' _ �� 8 y\ mo o ~ \ -, _�,\\\-,. \\\- --\\ Z \ 9 ---- ---VA �` \ \\` 10 Sys. :7:7„:„,,,v7.7 - ti-.L n`_r � �\�.` \� s\"\ \ � �Ob 13 ,\1. \ 16 09:15 0.33 A 0.72 0.33 1 �.y 54 ~ \ <2420 \ 6- * -\\�\ 17 ,gam \\ s \o —\\` \`\`\\ �\\\ `. s 22 13:15 0.5 >; 1.32 \\ \� 23 \ �\ \\�o\Vem \ \\\ � � \�\ \ ti 24 \ 8 \`V � \ y \vv � y am- a A 26 28 10:00 0.5 = .® 1.3 7.3 29 ,\ 30 31 Average: 1.15 g 0.33 a? 54.00 € 1.00 e °t Daily Maximum: 1.32 € 0.33 a 54.00 s 2,420.00 .F 7.40 Daily Minimum: 0.72 g 0.33 54.00 �� a€-_= 2,420.00 ! 7.20 = s t, Sampling Type: Grab GrabWitall Grab Grab Grab Monthly Avg.Limit: i'• Daily Limit: Sample Frequency:. Weekly ,r _ - Monthly -_ Monthly \`„$�t,1- , Monthly Weekly \ ._\ — . _ - FORM:NDMR 03-12 NON-DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT(NDMR) Page of Permit No.: WQ0000798-A y Facility Name: Shallotte WWTP I County: Brunswick I Month: December ` Year: 2021 PPI: 002 Flow Measuring Point: El Influent ❑Effluent ❑No flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑Influent ❑� Effluent ❑Groundwater Lowering ❑Surface Water Parameter Code ---► t ' 50060 i Nt 00620 a s -,` 0031071 s 31616 ,x_+$;� 00400 '__ \ \ � c �� 8 c . ° °>. Q E " :2 � : r a uoill e 0 v� � O O � \ `� 24-hr hrs D mg/L mg/L �._ mg/L �, #/100 mL � \\V \�� 2 � \ AV\\ � - ti \yA-- �, 3 12:15 0.25 \ ,�\V A� � y�� \ vv�4v�� y v 5 3� \\\ \ y am\\ -V\�- ..- ,�\\�\-- . 6 � ^,ate \ \ \`�\\ �� � \ �\\��� \\\ \\\ \� � 9 \\ V-, _10 09:30-_._,_-0-.25 -o� \ ---. \ `\ -\\\\\ \\\\ \`� \\ \\ \.. 12 _ 00\C N N. \ �\ o\ \ 13 \\ ���\ ._ \ � \ \ \\ \\\ \\ \\ \\\\ \ \\\ \,\ \\\\ \ ti \\\ 16 09:15 0.33 _ 0 \---\ _�.\ 1 \ O_> \ � \\�\o 19 \\ \�\\ \\�� \�� z w \�\ \�-\\ 20 = „ \\\\\ \\OHO\ \\\\\ \ \0\\ \ \ \\\\, � , ' \\\\\\ \\\\\ \` \\ \\\\\\ \\ \`\\ \\\\\\ s\\\\\\\\ \\ 25 y \\ �� \ �'- 28 10:00 0.5 s 1.13 7 l\�\\�� r \ \ 30 � �� y, 31 Average: 0.00 e e 32.00 s 1.00 € €,o Daily Maximum: 1.52 y 0.00 t 32.00 i-t 1.00 ' �� 7.20 �t=�� Daily Minimum: , e 1.13 °� 0 00 a 32.00 1.00 7.00 t t Sampling Type: Grab Grab Werir Grab i. Grab i:= Grab Monthly Avg.Limit: Daily Limit: -_ __.-- Sample Frequency: Weekly Monthly \E`$ _ Monthly •n Weekly ,• t. ,.\\\— -- FORM:NDMR 03-12 NON-DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT(NDMR) Page of Permit No.: WQ0000798-A I Facility Name: Shallotte WWTP ' County: Brunswick 1 Month: December , Year: 2021 PPI: 003 Flow Measuring Point: ❑Influent ❑Effluent 2 No flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑Influent ❑Effluent ❑Groundwater Lowering 2 Surface Water Parameter Code —* .i _r 31616 —ts_ 00400 - R Q �' tq d 0 8 U l` LL ie U U O O \� t P_1 ! 24-hr hrs ;:- #/100 mL ., ®:= � ` \O\`\\ 3 12:15 0.25 \\\\ \ \\Z\ \\ —\-,`—s—\\\o \ \��s \yam 78 ������\\\ \\\ -:\\�\ \\ \\ - ti\\may \\\N ti \\. 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Sample Frequency: ©\ — ..__ \\ \, `\\-\ \\ FORM:NDMR 03-12 NON-DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT(NDMR) Page of Permit No.: WQ0000798-A Facility Name: Shallotte WWTP County: Brunswick Month: December Year: 2021 PPI: 004 Flow Measuring Point: ❑Influent ❑Effluent 0 No flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑Influent ❑Effluent ❑Groundwater Lowering []Surface Water Parameter Code a+ a . . a F\: 'N* \`\\ \\ >, :i E E ,21 .__--------: (3 a --mm.:,, = ,---_-_-_- _----_--- ------7----__T-_-----7,--, --------=-,--_----1 :-_-_a._._---_,.:____------ --A ' .--*--- ___-----__- '---'7'-.. , ---,---_,.,-: - --\_---*__.- ,_.,_,_,.-„,,--t- ___,‘ ,„...N,_;_ 24-hr hrs m #1100 mL WiTiVi su ��: - L-_,,, \y y\�V��� 4 \\\�\ \\\�O \- _\\\' ,. \\\\� 5 \\\ \\ N- \ ��� '\: \—\ 6 \\\ \\\ \\\` \\\\' \\\„\ \\\\\ N, 7 �\\\ \� \\ \\ \ \\\\� \\\ \\�\\ \\\\ 8 \\\`\` \\\\ \\\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\\\\ 9 \\\\\ \\, \\\ \\\\\ \\\\ \\\\' \\\\\\ --t9 _09.30--- _0.25 \—���\ \\`\ :::___,7,,„ \\ \\ ` o \ \\\\ \\\\\\ 12 \\\�\\ \\\\\ \\\\\ \\\\\ \\\\\\ \\\\\ \\\\\\\\ 13 \\\\\\\\\ \\\\ \\\.. \\\\\ \\\\\ \\\\\\\\\ o\\\\\\\ 14 \\\\\\ \\\\\\ \\\\\\ \ \\\ \\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\ \\\\\\\ 15 \\\\\\ \\\\\\ \\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\ \\\\\ \ \\� 16 09:15 0.33 \ \\ \\\\ 6.2 \\\ \\\' \\\\ \\\\\\ \\\ 17 \\\\\\ \\\\\ \\\\\\ \\\\\; \\\\\ \\\\\ \\\\ \\ \\\- ..` \\\ \ \ \ -- :\ \ \\\\\ \\ \\\ \ \ - \ \ \ \\\\\\ \ \ \~ � „\�\ \ 21 �\� \ \` \ N- 23 \\\\\` \\1 \\ \\\\\ \ - \ \` p\\�\ Z\ ,, ti emu\ \\��� '� �. 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FORM:NDMR 03-12 NON-DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT(NDMR) Page of Permit No.: WQ0000798-A I Facility Name: Shallotte WWTP County: Brunswick I Month: December I Year: 2021 PPI: 005 Flow Measuring Point: ❑Influent E Effluent ❑✓ No flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑Influent ❑Effluent ❑Groundwater Lowering E Surface Water �\\ Parameter Code ---► ��i a s� 31616 ' _\� 00400 ` - �Nit"= =\\ \p\� \ - rr1Ii_ 24-hr hrs #/100 mL =Ei . � - -\ - - `\\_ - 2 \\. \\ 3 12:15 0.25 \`\ \ \\\\ \\ \ \ \` \\\ 4 \\\\ \�`\\\ \\�\ \\\ ` �\\ \ \\ \ \N`\\ -\\\\ \\\ \\\ �\\ ` o 8 \ -_ 10 -09:30 -0.25_ a 11 \\\\ \` ��\\ \\ \ \ \\ \\\\\ \\ \ , \\ \\\\\\\\\\ \\O\\ \ \ \\\\\ \\\\ \\\\\\ \\\ 15 ' \\o\ \\ \\\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \� \ VX\ ' 16 09:15 \ \ \\ \\ \ \'•-\\ \ \\\\N \\ 17 \\ \\ \\\ \ \\ \ `\ \ `\ `\ \\` \\\ ' \' 19 '\\\\\\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ 22 13:15 0.5 \\\\ \\\\\\\ \\\\\\ :\-- o\\\\ \\\\-_N\ \\\\ 23 \\ \ \\\ \ \ \\ \ 24 \\\\\ \\\\\—\\\\ \\\\\\ \\\\\N \\\ 25 )t \\` \\\\\ \\\-\\\ \\�\\\ \\\\., 26 \\ \ \\�\ � \ \\ yam,. .A:�O\\A wA\\\-'M�\\\V- y\may 278 \- \ \tk— \- _\\N—_\\\\\\\ _= 29 \ \ _ - _ \` \ems 30 __ 31 Average: u1 € �- Daily Maximum: : 6.30 t Daily Minimum: e.e 6.30 �,� — Sampling Type: . Grab . — — Monthly Avg.Limit: ® — Daily Limit: Sample Frequency: \\ \,'- \ - .-\7 l 1 FORM:NDMR 03-12 NON-DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT(NDMR) Page of l i Permit No.: WQ0000798-A Facility Name: Shallotte WWTP County: Brunswick I Month: December I Year: 2021 1 PPI: 006 Flow Measuring Point: ❑Influent ❑Effluent 0 No flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑Influent ❑Effluent ❑Groundwater Lowering Q Surface Water Parameter Code $ - 31616 \ \ 00400 _\ l JE24-hr r \ \ ��~ ~\ su �— A \ - 7 7,13-333-33-'37; \\\\\\ \O\\\ \ \\tip \ \\ \\\\ \ 7N,N11-N: \6 z \\\\ \\\� \\\\\ \\\\\ \ \\\\\ \\ � � 1 Q\\ o` \13 \\\\\\ \„\\\\ \14 \O\\\ \\\\ O\\ \\,�\\\ \\ \\ \\ o\ \\ \NO\\\\ \, 3\\\\\\\��\'\-\\, \\\\\\\\-\ \\\\\ \\\\\\\\ \ \\16 \\\\\\ \▪ . \ �\ \ \ :\09 15 0.33 \\\\ 9 \ \ 7-6 \\\\ `\\ \ \ \�\\\ \\\ \\-\\\17 \\\ \ \\\ \\ \\\ � \\\ \ ' � \\18 \\\\ \\\ \ \\\\ ` "\\\ \\ \\ \\ ` \22 13:15 0.5 \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\\\ \\\~ \\\\ \\\\ V23 \\1\ \� \ . \ \ \ \ ® \\\\24 \ �`\\ c\ \ L \ \\\\\\�\\\\\\\ \▪ off\\ \\\ ��� \\\\ M \\\\ \ \: 25 \\ \\\\O \\ `\ \\\ \ O 26 \\ \ \ \ _ ��\\ \ \ aN \�`\ \ \ 29 a�\ ` ��\\ \\ \\ \te _\ 31 * \ 4 Average: ® 9.00 ov a Daily Maximum: �` 9.00 7.60 \ \ \\ Daily Minimum: 9.00 7.60 Sampling Type: Grab Grab ;- Grab Monthly Avg.Limit: yam= 'a' = Daily Limit: -, � \ �� ` ` : Sample Frequency: \\.. \ \` \ \\ \ \--- - \ ' _ \0,.--0 FORM:NDMR 03-12 NON-DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT(NDMR) Page of Permit No.: WQ0000798-A Facility Name: Shallotte WWTP County: Brunswick Month: December Year: 2021 PPI: 007 Flow Measuring Point: ❑Influent ❑Effluent II No flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑Influent ❑Effluent ❑Groundwater Lowering 2 Surface Water Parameter Code €: . . € `e\ 00400 _` \ � 24-hr hrs rEr _ 3 12:15 0.25 \\\\\ \�\\' o -\\\\ \\ ;,\ \ \\\\\\\ \\\\ \ 5 \ \ —\ \\ \\\ \\\\\ \\\\ \\\ \\\\\ \\`\ \\\\ \ \\\\\ 7 \\\\\ \\\\ \\\\\\ \\\\ - 1 TO 0 0 0.25 \\\\ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\\ 11 \\\ \\\ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ 12 \\\\\ \\\\\ \\`\\ ,\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\' `r\\\\'\ 13 \\\\ \\\\\\\ \\\\ \ \\ \\ \ \ tip\\\\\\ \\\\ \\\ \\\\\\\ 14 \\-- \\\\\\ \\\\\ \\\ \\\\\ \\\\\\\ 15 \\\\\ \\~� \\ \\ \\\\ `\\\\\\ 16 09:15 0.33 \\��\\\` ~\` \\ \\\\ \\ \ \ \\\\\ \ \\ 5 6 \\\\\\ \ 17 \\ \\\\\\\ \\ \\\\ �\\\\ \\\\\ 18 \ \\ \ \ \ \\ -A 19 ti\\\ \ \\\\\ o\\\\\ \\ ~ o\ \ \, 'N 20 \\\\ �\\\\\\y\\ `\\\ \\\\\\\\ \\ \\\\\\\ 21 \ \\\` \\\\\ \\\\ \\\\\\\ \\\\\�\\ 22 13:15 0.5 \\\ \--.' \\\\�•\\\\- \\ \ \\ \` \\\\\\\\\\\\ 23 \\\\\ �\ \ `\\ \\\\\ \\\ = �\\ \ \\ 24 \\\\ \ \\\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \\\\ \\\ \\\\\\\ \\�\\ \ \\ - � ` \ \\ 26 `�\\— \\\\\\\ \�\ \\\\ \\\ �=�\\\\\\ 27 \\, \ \a\ _ \\ \ \\ 28 10:00 0.5 � \ \_ % \\ 29 � \ k 30 _- a, 31 _ • Average: - Daily Maximum:_ ._ 75.00 , 5.60 t Daily Minimum: 75.00 Sampling Type. Grab f < Monthly Avg.Limit: - - _: Daily Limit: y� y � - —, Sample Frequency: �� FORM:NDMR 03-12 NON-DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT(NDMR) Page of Sampling Person(s) Certified Laboratories Name: Operators Name: Brunswick County Lab West Regional WWTP Name: Name: Enviromental Chemist Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? El Compliant O Non-Compliant If the facility is non-compliant,please explain in the space below the reason(s)the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s)of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s)taken.Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge(ORC)Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Christian Coddington Permittee: Brunswick County Certification No.: 1010988 Signing Official: Donald Dixon Grade: Ill Phone Number: (239)438-6939 Signing Official's Title: Deputy Director Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? El Yes ❑No Phone Number: 910-253-2657 Permit Expiration: 12/31/2024 viz Az, I Signature Date Signature / Date By this signature,I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify,under penalty of law,that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted.Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete.I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617