HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0006254_2012 Additional Site Assessment Activities_20120608 AECOM 919.872.6600 tel 8540 Colonnade Center Drive Suite 306 919.872.7996 fax Raleigh, NC 27615 June 18, 2012 Mr. G. Landon Davidson, P.G. NCDENR Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section Asheville Regional Office 2090 U.S. Highway 70 Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778 Subject: Additional Site Assessment Activities Blue Ridge Tissue Facility 1427 Yadkin River Road Patterson, North Carolina Dear Mr. Davidson, AECOM North Carolina, Inc. (AECOM) is submitting this letter report on behalf of Sealed Air Corporation to provide a summary of additional site assessment activities conducted at the Blue Ridge Tissue facility located at 1427 Yadkin River Road in Patterson, North Carolina (Site). Additional assessment activities were conducted in response to the June 2, 2011 letter from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section. The objective of the assessment activities was to establish background concentrations of total iron in groundwater at the Site, confirm previous detections of total iron in monitoring wells located downgradient of the waste water ponds, and conduct a receptor survey. The sections below provide background information and a discussion of the investigation methods and results. Summary tables, figures, field forms, well construction record, and the laboratory analytical reports are provided as attachments. Background The Site encompasses multiple parcels on both sides of Yadkin River Road in Patterson (Caldwell County), North Carolina (Figure 1). The production facility is situated at 1427 Yadkin River Road and the wastewater holding ponds are situated at 2002 Roby Martin Road (Figure 2 ). In August 2009, a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment was conducted at the site. Three groundwater monitoring wells (MW -2, MW-3, and MW -4) were installed downgradient of the waste water ponds. Attempts to install a background well upgradient of the waste water treatment ponds was attempted during the investigation but was unsuccessful due to shallow bedrock (less than 8 feet below land surface [ft bls]). Groundwater samples were collected from each well and analyzed for volatile organic compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Priority Pollutant Metals, total dissolved solids, sulfate, nitrite/nitrate, iron, and chloride. AECOM 2 Results of the investigation revealed only the presence of total iron in groundwater at concentrations exceeding the North Carolina groundwater quality standard established in Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L, Section 0.202 (2L Stan dards). The detected iron concentrations ranged from 18,200 micrograms per liter (μg/L) to 43,400 μg/L. The 2L Standard for iron is 300 μg/L. Following a review of the results, the NCDENR requested that an additional monitoring well be installed to establish background iron concentrations in groundwater. In February 2011, AECOM conducted additional investigation activities in an attempt to establish background iron conditions. This included the installation and sampling of background monitoring well MW -1 and sampling of existing Site wells (MW -2, MW -3, and MW -4). Several attempts were made to install monitoring well MW -1 well in a ravine north of the fire suppression reservoir and on the northern edge of the tractor trailer storage area west of Yadkin River Road. However, attempts at these locations failed due to shallow bedrock (less than 10 ft bls). Consequently, monitoring well MW -1 was successfully installed in a wooded area northeast of the intersection of Yadkin River Road and Whisnant Road. The investigation activities conducted at the Site in February 2011 revealed that total i ron was detected in Site monitoring wells at concentrations ranging from 29,000 to 91,000 μg/L. Additionally, the detected concentrations exceeded the 2L Standard by two orders of magnitude in each well, including the background well (MW -1). Following a review of the results, in a letter dated June 2, 2011, the NCDENR indicated that monitoring well MW -1 was not in a location suitable to evaluate background conditions. Therefore, NCDENR requested that an additional monitoring well be installed to provide more useful background water quality data. Additionally, NCDENR requested additional groundwater sampling and a well receptor survey within a 1500-foot radius of the waste water treatment system be completed. This report summarizes the additional well installation and sampling, and receptor survey activities conducted between August and October 2011. Investigative Activities In August and October 2011, AECOM conducted additional investigation activities in an attempt to establish background iron conditions, evaluate whether other metals were present in groundwater, and identify possible well receptors within 1500-foot radius of the waste water treatment system. The methods of the investigation are described in the following sections. August 2011 Monitoring Well Installation On August 15, 2011, representatives from NCDENR, Blue Ridge Tissue, Sealed Air and AECOM met at the Site to identify a suitable location for the new background well. During the meeting, NCDENR clarified that the predominant reason NCDENR felt that monitoring well MW -1 was not suitable as a background well was due to questionable land use history. Specifically its proximity to a 2007 soil contamination incident reported during the replacement of the bridge over the Yadkin River on Whisnant Road. As a result, it was agreed that a new background well (MW-5) would be installed west of Yadkin River Road and north of existing well MW -3 on property owned by Joseph Doll, as shown on Figure 2. Installation of the new well (MW -5) commenced on August 16, 2011 and was conducted by Parratt Wolfe, Inc. The well was installed in saprolite to the top of schist bedrock using 4.25-inch diameter AECOM 3 hollow stem augers. Monitoring well MW -5 was set at 21 feet below land surface (ft bls) and constructed with a two-inch diameter polyvinyl chloride (PVC) casing equipped with ten feet of 0.010-inch slotted pre-packed PVC screen. Sand was added to the borehole until the sand pack extended approximately two feet above the top of the well screen. A bentonite seal was placed approximately two feet above the sand pack and hydrated. The remainder of the well annulus was filled with grout to the ground surface. The well was secured with a locking expansion plug and completed with a three foot steel “stick -up” casing with a locking cover and a two-foot by two-foot concrete pad. After installation, the well was developed by pumping until the turbidity decreased. The horizontal location and vertical elevation was surveyed by Hutchison -Briggs and Associates, Inc., a North Carolina licensed surveyor. A summary of well construction details is provided in Table 1 and a copy of the well construction record and boring log is included in Appendix A. August 2011 Groundwater Sampling AECOM personnel collected a water sample from MW -5 on August 17, 2011. Prior to sampling, the static groundwater level was measured using an electronic water level meter. A peristaltic pump was used to purge water from the well using low-flow techniques and new polyethylene tubing. Water quality measurements of pH, specific conductivity, temperature, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), and dissolved oxygen (DO) were collected using a YSI 556 water quality meter with a flow- through cell. Turbidity measurements were collected using a LaMotte 2020 turbidity meter. Copies of the groundwater sample collection records are found in Appendix B. Once water quality parameters stabilized, groundwater samples were transferred into laboratory prepared sample containers, labeled, and chilled on ice pending shipment via courier to Prism Laboratories in Charlotte, North Carolina. The sample collected from MW -5 was analyzed for total and dissolved iron by United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 6010 and ferrous iron by EPA Method SM3500-Fe D. Following receipt of the sampling data, on September 1, 2011 the results were forwarded via electronic mail to NCDENR for review. During a conference call on September 1, 2011, NCDENR agreed to reduce the scope of work requested in the June 2, 2011 NCDENR letter to additional groundwater sampling and a receptor survey. Specifically, the additional well sampling was limited to total iron analysis from well MW -5 and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) metals analysis from wells MW -2 and MW -3 only. Additionally, the well receptor survey was limited to downgradient wells within a 1500-foot radius of the waste water treatment system and west of the Yadkin River. October 2011 Receptor Survey On October 5, 2011, AECOM conducted a well receptor survey that encompassed an area within a 1500-foot radius downgradient of the waste water treatment system at the Site. The survey included a visual reconnaissance of the site vicinity to identify distribution of water supply wells in the vicinity of the Site. AECOM did not directly contact property owners or issue water supply wells questionnaires to property owners in the search radius; however, AECOM contacted the Caldwell County Water Department to determine which properties within the search radius were connected to municipal water. During the visual reconnaissance, properties were assumed to have a water supply well if an ornamental well cover was observed, such as faux rock, concrete block or ‘wishing well’ style structures. AECOM 4 October 2011 Groundwater Sampling Additional groundwater samples were collected from MW -2, MW -3 and MW -5 on October 6, 2011. Prior to sampling, the static groundwater level in each Site well was measured using an electronic water level meter. The groundwater levels measured on October 6, 2011 are presented on Table 1. Prior to sampling, water was purged from each well using low-flow techniques and new polyethylene tubing. On October 6, 2011, MW -2 was sampled using a bladder-pump and wells MW -3 and MW -5 were sampled with a peristaltic pump. Water quality measurements of pH, specific conductivity, temperature, ORP, and DO were collected using a YSI 556 water quality meter with a flow-through cell. Turbidity measurements were collected using a LaMotte 2020 turbidity meter. Copies of the groundwater sample collection records are found in Appendix B. Once water quality parameters stabilized, groundwater samples were transferred into laboratory prepared sample containers, labeled, and chilled on ice pending shipment via courier to Prism Laboratories in Charlotte, North Carolina. Samples collected from MW-2 and MW -3 on October 6, 2011 were analyzed total RCRA metals via EPA Methods 6010 and 7470 (mercury). The sample collected from MW -5 on October 6, 2011 was analyzed for total iron by EPA Method 6010. Investigative Results The results of the August and October 2011 activities are discussed below. The results are summarized on Tables 1 through 4 and copies of the laboratory reports are provided as Appendix C. Historical Land Use near Monitoring Well MW-1 Prior to 2007, the gravel area north of Whisnant Road was used primarily as a storage area for tractor trailers. In 2007, the North Carolina Department of Transportation (DOT) discovered soil contamination during construction of a bridge over the Yadkin River on Whisnant Road on the north side of the Site. The contaminated soil was reportedly associated with an oil storage pit at a former maintenance garage associated with the Site which was in the right-of-way for the bridge project. The impacted soil was remediated and NCDENR issued an NFA letter for the incident in December 2007. After the Yadkin River Bridge was replaced, the tractor trailer storage area was moved to the western side of Yadkin River Road (current location). Monitoring well MW -1 is located upgradent (i.e. upstream) of the former maintenance garage in a relatively undisturbed natural area. A photograph log is provided as Appendix D. Photographs 1 through 4 show the relative locations of monitoring well MW -1 and the former maintenance garage. Site Geology The geology of the Site consists of two major geologic units, a quartz monzonite gneiss (gneiss) and a phyllonitic garnet-biotite-muscovite schist (schist) separated by the Brevard Fault (Geology of the Blowing Rock Quadrangle, North Carolina, Bryant, 1963). The Brevard Fault, gneiss, and schist generally strikes northeast/southwest and dips toward the southeast at approximately 60 -70 degrees. The contact between the gneiss and schist is mapped to traverse north of the dam on the Yadkin River located immediately east of the Site and the wastewater treatment system. Figure 3 includes the locations of the Site monitoring wells overlain on an excerpt of the Geologic Map of North Carolina (NCGS,1985).On-site monitoring wells (MW -1 through MW -4) were set in the gneiss geologic unit. Monitoring wells MW -2 and MW -3 are set in gneiss saprolite/partially AECOM 5 weathered rock (PWR) near the wastewater treatment ponds. Although monitoring wells MW -1 and MW -4 are set in alluvial sediment adjacent to the Yadkin River, the drainage basin upgradient of the wells is dominated by the gneissic formation. In contrast, monitoring well MW -5 is set in the schist geologic unit. In addition, the drainage basin upgradient of MW -5 consists only of the schist geologic formation. Boring logs for each of the Site monitoring wells are included in Appendix A. Photographs of outcrops and lithology borings of the gneiss and schist are provided in Appendix D. Site Hydrogeology Groundwater levels measured on October 6, 2011 were subtracted from the top of casing elevations to establish the groundwater potentiometric elevation at each well. Table 1 summarizes the water levels and calculated elevation data during the subject event. The depth to groundwater ranged from 6.67 ft bls at monitoring well MW -4 near the Yadkin River to 50.92 ft bls at MW -2. A groundwater potentiometric map based on water level measurements in the five wells on October 6, 2011 is presented on Figure 4. Based on the available data, groundwater flows in a radial pattern from the fire sprinkler reservoir, which is located on top of a knoll (Figure 2). The wastewater treatment ponds are located to the south and downgradient of the fire sprinkler reservoir. Groundwater underlying the western and central ponds (i.e. aeration pond and western side of fiber trap ponds) flows to the south -southeast toward monitoring well MW -2. Groundwater underlying the eastern wastewater treatment ponds (i.e. finishing pond and eastern side of fiber trap ponds) flows east and southeast toward monitoring wells MW -3 and MW -4 and the Yadkin River. Furthermore, MW -1 appears to be cross gradient and beyond the northern most extent of impacted groundwater underlying the wastewater treatment ponds. Photographs 5 through 7 in Appendix D show the location of MW -1 relative to the wastewater treatment ponds. Monitoring well MW -5 is located approximately 570 feet northwest of MW -1 and also cross gradient from the wastewater treatment ponds. Groundwater Analytical Results Groundwater analytical results from the August 2011 and October 2011 sampling events are summarized on Table 2 along with historical Site data. Water quality measurements (pH, conductivity, temperature, ORP, DO, and turbidity) are summarized on Table 3. The August and October 2011 sampling events revealed the following: Total iron concentrations in samples collected from off-site monitoring well MW-5 in August 2011 and October 2011 were 400 μg/L and 180 μg/L, respectively. The concentration in October 2011 was below the 2L Standard and two orders of magnitude lower than the remaining Site wells. The dissolved iron concentration in the sample collected from off-site monitoring well MW -5 in August 2011 was 60 μg/L, and ferrous iron was not detected above the laboratory detection limit. RCRA metals analysis on samples collected from MW -2 and MW -3 in October 2011 revealed the presence of barium above the laboratory detection limit but below the 2L Standard. The remaining RCRA metals (mercury, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, selenium, and silver) were not detected above laboratory detection limits. A review of water quality parameters related to iron oxidation and reduction (pH, DO, and ORP) were consistent in each of the onsite monitoring wells (MW -1 through MW-4) and AECOM 6 indicated reducing conditions. The pH ranged from 6.4 to 6.6 units; DO ranged from 0.46 milligrams per liter (mg/L) to 0.72 mg/L; and ORP ranged from -42 millivolts (mV) to - 102 mV. Water quality parameters collected from off-site monitoring well MW-5 were not consistent with the onsite wells. The pH was slightly lower at 5.8 units while the DO (1.67 mg/L) and ORP (173 mV) were higher. Additionally, the specific conductivity was significantly lower in monitoring well MW -5 (52 microsiemens per centimeter [µS/cm]) than on-site monitoring wells (330 to 811 µS/cm). Receptor Survey The Site and surrounding areas are provided water from the Caldwell County Water Department. The county does not maintain a water treatment facility but instead purchases its water from three different suppliers: the City of Lenoir, the Town of Granite Falls, and the City of Hickory. AECOM contacted the Caldwell County Water Department to determine if municipal water is supplied to residents living in the vicinity of the Site. According to County records, water is supplied to some of residents within the area (Table 4). AECOM identified fifteen private water supply wells within 1,500 feet downgradient of the waste water treatment ponds. Two inactive water supply wells also exist at the Site. The closest downgradient well is approximately 352 feet from the waste water treatment ponds located on a parcel owned by Joseph R. and Pamela D. Goins (Map ID #5). Caldwell County records indicate that this parcel does not have an active water account with the Caldwell County Water Department. The next closest well is located approximately 448 feet from the waste water treatment ponds on a parcel owned by the trustees of Yadkins Baptist Church of Patterson. However, an active account with the Caldwell County Water Department exists for this property. The fifteen private water supply wells are located on thirteen parcels as shown on Table 4 and Figure 5. As indicated on Table 4, there are several parcels that do not have active accounts with the Caldwell County Water Department, and a private water supply well was not identified during the survey due to visual limitations. With the exception of a few wells, construction information was not available from Caldwell County. Based on the available information, it appears that the wells in the area are likely screened in bedrock and greater than 100 feet below ground surface. Conclusions AECOM completed additional investigation activities at the Site in August 2011 and October 2011 in order to further evaluate groundwater conditions at the Site. The following summarizes the conclusions of the investigation. The Site is underlain by two geologic formations including: a quartz monzonite gneiss south of the fire sprinkler reservoir and the Yadkin River Dam; and a phyllonitic garnet- biotite-muscovite schist to the north of the fire sprinkler reservoir and Dam. On-site monitoring wells MW -1 through MW -4 are located within the gneissic geologic formation, while off-site monitoring well MW-5 is located in the schist formation. Groundwater beneath the Site flows radially from the knoll on the northern portion of the Site above the wastewater treatment ponds. In general, groundwater beneath the wastewater treatment ponds flows south/southeast toward the Yadkin River. Based on groundwater elevation contours, monitoring wells MW -1 and MW -5 are cross gradient of the waste water treatment ponds. Concentrations of total iron in samples collected from on-site monitoring wells (MW-1 through MW-4) were consistent (i.e. within an order of magnitude), but are significantly AECOM 7 higher than samples collected in off -site monitoring well MW-5 in August and October 2011. • With the exception of barium, RCRA metals were not detected above detection limits in the samples collected from wells MW-2 and MW-3. Furthermore, barium concentrations were below the 2L Standard in each well. • Water quality parameters (pH, DO, and ORP) measured from each on -site monitoring well was consistent, but varied significantly from off -site monitoring well MW-5. • Seventeen private water supply wells were identified within a 1,500 feet downgradient of the waste water treatment ponds. The closest parcel with a private water supply well is located approximately 352 feet from the waste water treatment ponds. Construction information of the wells is limited, but based on available information the wells are expected to be screened in the bedrock aquifer. Based on the information presented herein which indicates: significant differences in the total iron concentrations in samples collected from onsite monitoring wells (MW-1 through MW-4) and the offsite monitoring well (MW-5); different aquifer conditions based on water quality parameters in onsite and offsite monitoring wells; and the location of MW-5 in a different geologic unit (schist) than monitoring wells on -site (gneiss), it is difficult to attribute the variation in total iron concentrations and water quality parameters to processes associated solely with the waste water treatment ponds or to natural differences in groundwater geochemistry of the two geologic formations. Additionally, due to the presence of shallow bedrock at the site and in the proximity of a geologic contact between the gneiss and schist formations, it is not possible to install a saprolite/PWR monitoring well immediately north (upgradient) of the waste water ponds for background purposes. Thus, since monitoring wells MW-1 and MW-5 are cross gradient of the waste water ponds and only monitoring well MW-1 is located in the same geologic formation as monitoring wells MW-2 through MW-4, monitoring well MW-1 provides the best representation of background groundwater conditions at the Site. Consequently, the presence of iron in groundwater monitoring wells at the Site is believed to be related to background conditions and not a result of facility operations. If you have any questions concerning this report, or if you would like additional information, please contact David Day (Sealed Air) at 864-433-2766 or Brian Ray (AECOM) at (919) 239-7179. Yours sincerely, Christopher Mason Brian Ray Environmental Scientist Michael B. Dail, P.G. Project Geologist Senior Project Manager AECOM 8 Attachments: Tables Figures Appendices cc: David Day – Sealed Air Corporation Dave Hallock – Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Tables Table 1 Monitoring Well Construction and Groundwater Eleveation Data Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation - Patterson, North Carolina MW-1 02/08/11 11 6-11 1253.71 10/06/11 13.12 1,240.59 MW-2 08/12/09 50 40-50 1323.03 10/06/11 50.92 1,272.11 MW-3 08/13/09 20 10-20 1299.02 10/06/11 17.61 1,281.41 MW-4 08/13/09 15 5-15 1247.23 10/06/11 6.67 1,240.56 MW-5 08/16/11 21 11-21 1285.46 10/06/11 14.90 1,270.56 Notes: ft - feet. ft BLS - feet below land surface. ft BTOC - feet below top of casing. ft msl - feet above mean sea level. Top of Casing Elevation (ft msl) Date Water Level Measured Depth to Water (ft BTOC) Groundwater Elevation (ft msl)Well ID Date Installed Total Depth (ft BLS) Screened Interval (ft BLS) Table 2 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation - Patterson, North Carolina Sample ID Sample Date 08/17/09 02/09/11 08/17/09 02/08/11 10/06/11 08/17/09 02/08/11 10/06/11 08/17/09 02/08/11 08/31/11 10/06/11 Total Iron 300 NA 40,000 43,400 91,000 NA 18,200 29,000 NA 33,400 39,000 400 180 Dissolved Iron NS NA 17,000 NA 27,000 NA NA 12,000 NA NA 16,000 60 NA Ferrous Iron NS NA 27,000 NA 39,000 NA NA 19,000 NA NA 21,000 <200 NA Total Barium 700 NA NA NA NA 310 NA NA 350 NA NA NA NA Notes: Results reported for detected compounds only Samples analyzed for total and dissolved iron by USEPA Method 6010 Samples analyzed for ferrous iron by method SM3500-Fe D Samples analyzed for RCRA metals by USEPA Method 6010 and 7470 (mercury) Bold samples indicate concentrations above the 2L Standard Results reported in micrograms per liter 2L Standard North Carolina groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A of the NCAC, Subchapter 2L, Section 0.202 NA Not analyzed NS No standard MW-5MW-2 MW-32L Standard MW-4MW-1 Table 3 Summary of Field Groundwater Quality Parameters Blue Ridge Tissure Corporation - Patterson, North Carolina Temperature pH Spec.Cond. DO ORP Turbidity (°C)(units)(µS/cm) (mg/L)(mV)(NTU) MW-1*7.6 6.4 811 0.46 -87 5.8 MW-2 20.7 6.6 344 0.72 -102 6.1 MW-3 20.4 6.4 330 0.49 -42 1.7 MW-4*13.4 6.5 497 0.53 -79 2.3 MW-5 14.8 5.8 52 1.67 173 2.8 Notes: Groundwater quality parameters were collected on October 6, 2011 *Groundwater quality parameters were collected on February 8 and 9, 2011 Temperature, pH, Spec. Cond. DO, and ORP were collected using a YSI 556 water quality meter Turbidity was measured using a LaMotte 2020 Turbidimeter Spec. Cond.Specific Conductivity DO Dissolved Oxygen ORP Oxidation Reduction Potential °C Celsius µS/cm Microsiemens per centimeter mg/L Milligrams per liter mV Millivolts NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units Sample ID Table 4Well Receptor Survey ResultsBlue Ridge Tissue Corporation - Patterson, North CarolinaMap ID NCPIN Owner Parcel Address House/StructureActive Water Account Well on PropertyNotesDistance from Site (feet)1 2842184064 SMITH RAY THOMAS & SYLVIA2017 ROBY MARTIN RDYes NoYes (2)Two wells on parcel along with two trailer homes 2017 & 2027 Roby Martin Rd6402 2842077866 WHISNANT DELORES M2056 ROBY MARTIN RDYes NoYesCaldwell County records indicate a well on the property, could not be seen from road. Reported well depth is 105ft.8303 2842176903 TRIPLETT J C AND JOLENE2058 ALBERTON LNYes NoYesWell located in side yard 7534 2842079495 WHISNANT DELORES M2051 ROBY MARTIN RDYes NoYesWell located behind house 10065 2842182210 GOINS JOSEPH R & PAMELA D2028 ROBY MARTIN RDYes NoYesWell located infront of detached garage 3526 2842176549 BRADSHAW JESSE CARSON & PEGGY2063 ALBERTON LNYes NoYesWell located in front yard 10367 2842173112 BALL BUFORD S & BETTY2091 ALBERTON LNYes NoYesCaldwell County records indicate a well on the property, could not be seen from road. 13928 2842163760 ENGSTROM WILLIAM2087 ALBERTON LNYes NoYesCaldwell County records indicate a well on the property, could not be seen from road. Reported well depth is 205ft.17289 2842173920 SMITH RAY THOMAS & SYLVIA2033 ROBY MARTIN RDYes NoYesWell house observed from the road 72010 2842175587 BRADSHAW JESSE CARSON & PEGGY2067 ALBERTON LNYes NoYesWell located in front yard 106611 2842175471 BRADSHAW JESSE CARSON & PEGGY2071 ALBERTON LNYes NoYesWell house observed from the road 109712 2842174436 HARMON SHANNON LEE & GINGER B2075 ALBERTON LNYes NoYesWell located behind the house 112013Yes YesYes44814Yes YesYes775N/A 2842181124 BRYANT EMILY HOPE2038 ROBY MARTIN RD YesNo UnknownNo well seen from the road, Caldwell County has no records of a well on the propertyNMN/A 2842174894 COFFEY VERLEY L & RUTH2064 ALBERTON LNYes No UnknownNo well seen from the road, Caldwell County has no records of a well on the propertyNMN/A 2842178828 MATTHEWS PATRICIA REINHART1400 YADKIN RIVER RDYes Yes UnknownNo well seen from the road, active water account with Caldwell CountyNMN/A 2842178678 BUMGARNER JOHN D1388 YADKIN RIVER RDYes Yes UnknownNo well seen from the road, active water account with Caldwell CountyNMN/A 2842178287 MAST CHARLES PHILLIP1924 LOOKOUT LNYes No UnknownNo well seen from the road, Caldwell County has no records of a well on the propertyNMN/A 2842185311 TRIPLETT SCOTT2012 ROBY MARTIN RDYes Yes UnknownNo well seen from the road, active water account with Caldwell CountyNMN/A 2842184257 HAMBY WAYBURN THOMAS2016 ROBY MARTIN RDYes Yes UnknownNo well seen from the road, active water account with Caldwell CountyNMN/A 2842189069 CRANDALL GREGORY ALLEN1409 YADKIN RIVER RDYes Yes UnknownNo well seen from the road, active water account with Caldwell CountyNMN/A 2842270909 COFFEY JONNIE & CATHY P1403 YADKIN RIVER RDYes Yes UnknownNo well seen from the road, active water account with Caldwell CountyNMN/A 2842174704 BRADSHAW JESSE CARSON & PEGGY2068 ALBERTON LNYes Yes UnknownNo well seen from the road, active water account with Caldwell CountyNM2044 ROBY MARTIN RDonsite15Yes Yes (2)According to Blue Ridge Tissue the wells are abandonedWells located infront of the church & house across the street, active water account2842183874 BLUE RIDGE TISSUE CORP2002 ROBY MARTIN RDYes2842088200 YADKIN BAPTIST CHURCH OF PATTERSON, TRUSTEES Table 4Well Receptor Survey ResultsBlue Ridge Tissue Corporation - Patterson, North CarolinaMap ID NCPIN Owner Parcel Address House/StructureActive Water Account Well on PropertyNotesDistance from Site (feet)N/A 2842270772 WINKLER CAROLE1385 YADKIN RIVER RDYes Yes UnknownNo well seen from the road, active water account with Caldwell CountyNMN/A 2842179552 MILLER NED COLUMBUS & VIRGIE1382 YADKIN RIVER RDYes Yes UnknownNo well seen from the road, active water account with Caldwell CountyNMN/A 2842183271 BRYANT FRED ALLEN & DONNA2022 ROBY MARTIN RDYes No UnknownNo well seen from the road, Caldwell County has no records of a well on the propertyNMN/A 2842177989 MARLEY JOHN D & MARTHA2052 ALBERTON LNYes No UnknownNo well seen from the road, Caldwell County has no records of a well on the propertyNMN/A 2842270930 NICHOLS CLAUDE H & ANNE1397 YADKIN RIVER RDYes Yes UnknownNo well seen from the road, active water account with Caldwell CountyNMN/A 2842178738 HOWELL KAYE P1394 YADKIN RIVER RDYes Yes UnknownNo well seen from the road, active water account with Caldwell CountyNMN/A 2842272279 HARPER CHAPEL METHODIST CHURCH1360 YADKIN RIVER RDYes Yes UnknownNo well seen from the road, active water account with Caldwell CountyNMN/A 2842167789 MAST CLARENCE EDWARD1928 LOOKOUT LNYes No UnknownNo well seen from the road, Caldwell County has no records of a well on the propertyNMN/A 2842185371 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE2008 ROBY MARTIN RDYes Yes UnknownNo well seen from the road, active water account with Caldwell CountyNMN/A 2842187244 PATTERSON FIRE DEPARTMENT1414 YADKIN RIVER RDYes Yes UnknownNo well seen from the road, active water account with Caldwell CountyNMN/A 2842189149 COFFEY JOHNNIE & CATHY1415 YADKIN RIVER RDYes Yes UnknownNo well seen from the road, active water account with Caldwell CountyNMN/A 2842183117 GOINS JOSEPH R & PAMELA D(b/t 2022 and 2028 Roby Martin)No No N/A Vacant Lot NMN/A 2842161910 BURRESS HUGH ALAN2099 ALBERTON LNNo No N/A Vacant Lot NMNMNMN/A 2842176692 COFFEY VERLEY L & RUTH2059 ALBERTON LNNo No N/A Vacant Lot NMN/A 2842178506 BRADSHAW JESSE CARSON & PEGGYno address (Vacant Lot)No No N/A Vacant Lot NMNotes:Results based on a "windshield" survey and a review of Caldwell County records.Shaded cells indicate a property that does not have existing municipal water servicew/ - with.b/t - between.N/A - not applicable.NM - not measuredReference Figure 41918 LOOKOUT LNN/AVacant Lot2842167494 MAST CLAUDE DAVIDNo No N/A Figures Site Location Map Lo cation Nov emb er 2011 60191560 Site Location Map Blu e Ridg e Tissue CorporationPatterson, North Carolina Figure 1 AECOM Environment8540 Colonnade Center Drive Ste 306Raleigh, NC 27615tel: 919-872-6600fax: 919-872-7996web: www.AECOM.com1 inch = 2,000 feet NC VA SCGA TN KY WV 0 2,000 4,000Fe et MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 MW-1 Resevoir ForSprinkler System Fiber Trap Fiber Trap Inactive Pond Aeration Pond Finishing Pond MW-5 128012601 3 2 01340 12401240 AECOM Environment8540 Colonnade Center Drive Ste 306Raleigh, North Carolina 27615Phone: (919) 872-6600Fax: (919) 872-7996Web: www.aecom.com 60191560 Figure 60191560 2 November 2011 0 200 400Feet 1 inch = 200 feet Y a d kin R iv er R d W hisnant RdYadkin River Yadki n Ri verRoby Martin RdSite PlanBlue Ridge Tissue CorporationPatterson, North Carolina Legend Property Boundary Monitoring Well Location Yadkin River Flow Direction Attempted Background Well - Drill Rig Refusal Abandoned Water Well Landsurface Elevation Contour (ft above mean sea level) Approximate Location of Geologic ContactBetween Schist (North) and Gneiss (South) Biotite Granitic Gneiss Metamorphosed Granite Gneiss: Locally Schist, Phyllite, and Amphibolite Quartz Diorite to Granodiorite Mica Schist and Phyllite Henderson Gneiss Henderson Gneiss Biotite Gneiss MW-5 MW-1 MW-4 MW-3 MW-2 AECOM Environment 8540 Colonnade Center Drive Ste 306 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Phone: (919) 872-6600 Fax: (919) 872-7996 Web: www.aecom.com Legend Monitoring Well Location Figure 60191560 Monitoring Well Location Map Blue Ridge Tissue Coporation Patterson, North Carolina 3 June 2012 1 inch = 4,000 feet 0 4,000 8,0002,000 Feet Source: North Carolina Geological Survey, 1985, Geologic map of North Carolina. MW-2 (1,272.11) MW-3 (1,281.41) MW-4 (1,240.56) MW-1 (1,240.59) 1280 1270 1 2 6 0 12501240MW-5 (1,270.56)1280126013201340 13601380 124014201240 1420AECOM Environment 8540 Colonnade Center Drive Ste 306 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Phone: (919) 872-6600 Fax: (919) 872-7996 Web: www.aecom.com Figure 60191560 4 June 2012 0 200 400 Feet 1 inch = 200 feetYadk i n Ri v er RdW h isn a n t R d Y adkin River Yadkin RiverR oby M artin R dGroundwater Potentiometric Map Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Patterson, North Carolina Legend Property Boundary Yadkin River Flow Direction 1240.9 Groundwater Elevation (ft above mean sea level) Landsurface Elevation Contour (ft above mean sea level) Groundwater Contour, dashed where inferred Monitoring Well Location Groundwater Flow Direction Abandoned Water Well MW-4 MW-2 MW-3 MW-1 MW-5 1,500' Radius 2 3 4 5 1 6 7 13 8 9 14 10 1112 321 AECOM Environment 8540 Colonnade Center Drive Ste 306 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Phone: (919) 872-6600 Fax: (919) 872-7996 Web: www.aecom.com 60191560 Figure 60191560 5 June 2012 0 600 1,200 Feet 1 inch = 600 feetYadkin Ri ver RdW h isn a n t R d Yadkin River Yadkin RiverRoby M artin R dReceptor Map Blue Ridge Tissue Corporation Patterson, North Carolina Legend Data Source: Caldwell County Water Department (http://www.caldwellcountync.org/caldwell-county-nc-departments/water-department/countywide-groundwater-availability/) Parcel Boundary Well on Parcel Monitoring Well Location Property Boundary Yadkin River Flow Direction Map ID NCPIN Di stance (Ft)1 2842184064 64022842077866830328421769037534284207949510065284218221035262842176549103672842173112139282842163760172892842173920720102842175587106611284217547110971228421744361120132842088200448142842088200775 Attempted Background Well - Drill Rig Refusal Abandoned Water Well Note: - Reference Table 4. Appendix A Boring Well Logs Client: Project Number: Site Location: Coordinates: Elevation:Sheet: Drilling Method:Monitoring Well Installed: Sample Type(s):Boring Diameter:Screened Interval: Weather: Logged By: MD Date/Time Started: 2/7/11 Depth of Boring: Drilling Contractor: AE Drilling Ground Elevation: Date/Time Finished 2/7/11 Water Level: Depth (ft)Sample Depth (ft)Recovery (inches)Headspace (ppm)U.S.C.SMATERIALS: Color, size, range, MAIN COMPONENT, minor component(s), moisture content, structure, angularity, maximum grain size, odor, and Geologic Unit (If Known)Lab Sample IDLab SampleDepth (Ft.)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Date Time Depth to groundwater while drilling NOTES: Checked by ___________________________Date:________________ (0-2) light brown SANDY SILT w/minor orgainic materal, dry. (2-6) Yellowish-orange SAND with gravel and minor fine sediment, dry. Alluvial sediment deposits. (6-10) As above with increasing gravel and minor cobbles (partially pulverized). (10-11) PWR, refusal at 11' bls, gneiss.Geologic sample IDSealed Air Patterson, NC 6-11ft Y Blows per 6"11ft BORING ID: MW-1 ENSR AEC( Client: BORING ID: \O' Project Number. 13140-007-0001 Site Location: Omni Supply - 1427 Yadkin River Road, Patterson, NC Coordinates: Elevation: Sheet: 1 of 1 Drilling Method: Monitoring Well Installed: Sample Type(s): Boring Diameter: Screened Interval: Weather: Logged By: Date/Time Started: Depth of Boring: Drilling Contractor: Ground Elevation: Date/Time Finished: Water Level: Depth (ft) .o ° Sample Depth (ft) Blows per 6" Recovery (inches) Headspace (ppm) �i MATERIALS: Color, size, range, MAIN COMPONENT, minor com onent s moisture content,structure,angularity, maximum ain P ()r grain size, odor, and Geologic Unit (If Known) Lab Sample ID Lab Sample Depth (Ft.) 1 2 - -1I Q-5' iJ ff t )t , (o- c rhis) INwl ti Vie, /.5.0 t 5N p•r� l,fi.&. Cy-5'615) ye to.,::l; .0fk1. -1' /. 1,t , -/ f L �j. IL{ SAND y StCPi At7 °I 54') fib/ �6 �ML- (5-1Stbis) ye(b�;s� aM, �-,it br,, to it r� f Ij� -5 06Aii4-,A,p2v 1'6)S 4 5 `I 1QY13 ,/ (7b L (1D-(5'61.6) v_IIaw;st, -0r4....z `1,-�I,)�,� v.,1;.�. , tc� ykyerS a-r S e A _ 6 i ij ; = a: le\t, (;_; • rip) Phd 5 to ,s+f (2f f r6 t5 (;+ 44 ) (o-z5) PIL4'vA--,,2�.A.t(� t, 7.a-zI 415 "• e GI./ ^- d.�f�GIS 8 4- II hit L r p 's14 bra "" C.LAV Grr„d:1 :A-1- itws4 ot� e- pre5"°1 1� - 3v prof?;4@L 4,ex U, sANp t !t_T �1( 10 5 56,P d5- w.tl ay ch . ,,,,,at -h /.j1," ievy .AWO y/n1 T fi '20 sill y 5AILII� �z4f'ol.%, (x? /l /H3.2, ieI \ 11 5Up -'s 12 13 Jae 354(0 (35.'4D Y�t1Dwt +lk 5ANPY 5I1-t 7" _510I 14 Glb-15 v-io -Lt5) \Ie11 's4,—jc s:[t--/ sAND PWR 15 16 YA 45- 2 65-sc AS tib®s—k v,.e4 17 18 19 20 NOTES: I. y�.�i r�1 3q.4 5"i`d Checked by _ _ Date: Date Time Depth to groundwater while drilling Po Project Number. 13140-007-0001 BORING ID: MVVr5 Site Location: Omni Supply - 1427 Yadkin River Road, Patterson, NC ENSR E Coordinates: Elevation: Sheet: 1 of 1 Drilling Method: T '7..S t• Dpr KO.f o (Nor. be. Monitoring Well Installed: Sample Type(s): Boring Diameter: 4,15 Screened Interval: Weather: 5,,.+4.7'' wtr,v / upPar 10's to iaer i'O'S Logged By: p4,0..; Date/Time Started: S/l 'W 11 oV Depth of Boring: Drillin&Contractor: t4 t L Ground Elevation: 1 1 MO Date/Time Finished: Water Level: v A A� 1 = O o Q ri, a o co o U a b x u ei MATERIALS: Color, size, range, MAIN COMPONENT, minor component(s), moisture content, structure, angularity, maximum grain size, odor, and Geologic Unit (If Known) Ca a o ra :: •: . w ,,, a a q 1 2 ��P N�A . �/A ii/A tAL SAAIQY I LT s�,P,91'4`1 dt 7 4 5 5�p 5- %� GD b �9" t (s-60) YelI.-s1,-dte.� �, 4f> l,jl10f:y V4,,SILT YSAW), tie? i,t4 2lpra �4... 4p&,r.�Tolll^t,, co1 6 5, j FA 1byfs OIA tX t 3WI� E51 Gs 41aae f Ars,ci:.� ;..� PWe h 17 / .1 i 7 8 ( (� i �ab �/ 0 667 IC 1) 5►� n C as Ato.m.,, 4) Very /1rv-A 15 ~�) 7' 0PT Aak v 0-2,r• +e_ „,R :../c+ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Date Time Depth to groundwater while drilling NOTES: Cherkesi by Date:.. _ Client: Project Number. 13140-007-0001 BORING ID:4*_ Site Location: Omni Supply - 1427 Yadkin River Road, Patterson, NC Coordinates: Elevation: Sheet: 1 of 1 Drilling Method: Monitoring Well Installed: Sample Tvpe(s): LIt rAftCr 9 Co r Jr_ Boring Diameter: 4 ,s I. Screened Interval: Weather: Logged By: rvi. QnA Date/Time Started: Depth of Boring: Drilling Contractor: Ground Elevation: Date/Time Finished: Water Level: v n ' O v a q a m g, ° a o a e, > v x E a o °R' rn > MATERIALS: Color, size, range, MAIN COMPONENT, minor component(s), moisture content, structure, angularity, maximum grain size, odor, and Geologic Unit (If Known) n a 2 a w p c a o 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0--5 5_,0 v)-15 NA, 6-4A-L.Y,Sicry L(/'ft ' (0-Z')0a, ,,, t reZq,fti v t s�N� ; I. t V 5) Ulvea -9 �nj C���I'ti`a 51 C5~1 d/;� � GkAllgtY sMu4 'v/ s. / 4((,�& I 5� (q-ibj P WVrrrze( "c�) 9 rep A,tei 0 bit1 (Cc) -12) (srwn� 4,L. nwiefJ G•�fe ( 4-60Wok tt (1).-15) oh,s 0,ligi Date Time Depth to groundwater while drilling NOTES: Date: Client: Sealed Air Corporation Project Number: 60191560 Site Location: Patterson, NC Coordinates: Elevation:Sheet: 1 of 1 Drilling Method:Hollow Stem Auger Monitoring Well Installed:Y Sample Type(s):Boring Diameter:Screened Interval 11-21ft Weather: Sunny; 80 degrees Logged By: MD Date/Time Started:8/16/11 Depth of Boring: 21ft Drilling Contractor: Parratt-Wolfe Ground Elevation: Date/Time Finished8/16/11 Water Level: Depth (ft)Geologic sample IDSample Depth (ft)Blows per 6"Recovery (inches)Headspace (ppm)U.S.C.SMATERIALS: Color, size, range, MAIN COMPONENT, minor component(s), moisture content, structure, angularity, maximum grain size, odor, and Geologic Unit (If Known)Lab Sample IDLab SampleDepth (Ft.)1 2 0-17'NA NA NA ML (0-17ft) yellowish-orange SILTY SAND with saprolitic structure, schist 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17-21'NA NA NA PWR (17-21ft) PWR schist, wet 18 19 20 Date Time Depth to groundwater while drilling NOTES:Auger refusal at 21 ft, rock Checked by ___________________________Date:________________ BORING ID: MW-5 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 3367 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Gary Ellingworth Well Contractor (Individual) Name Parratt-Wolff, Inc. Well Contractor Company Name 501 Millstone Drive Street Address Hillsborough NC 27278 City or Town State Zip Code (919 ) 644-2814 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) SITE WELL ID #(if applicable) MW-5 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring d Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recovery ❑ Injection ❑ Irrigation❑ Other ❑ (list use) DATE DRILLED 8/16/11 4. WELL LOCATION: 2170 Florian Place (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) CITY: Lenoir COUNTY Caldwell TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑ Slope ❑Valley ❑ Flat ❑ Ridge ❑Other LATITUDE 36 ° o • 76.0000 " DMS OR 3X.XXXXXXXXX DD LONGITUDE 80 34 13.0000 " DMS OR 7X.X0000CXX DD Latitude/longitude source: ❑GPS Vropographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is located.) Blue Ridge Tissue Facility Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 1427 Yadkin River Road Street Address I enoir NC 28645 City or Town State Zip Code Contact Name Mailing Address City or Town State Zip Code —) Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 21.0' b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO 5 c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: _12 0 (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) FT. d. TOP OF CASING IS 0 FT. Above Land Surface" "Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A f. DISINFECTION: Type N/A Amount g. WATER ZONES (depth): Top N/A Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Thickness/ 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material Top 0 Bottom 11.0 Ft. 2" Sch40 PVC Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Top 0 Bottom 6.0 Ft. Portland Tremie Top 6.0 Bottom 8.5 Ft. Bentonite Tremie Top Bottom Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Top 11.0 Bottom 21.0 Ft. 2 in. .010 in. PVC Top Bottom Ft. in. in. Top Bottom Ft. in. in. 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material Top 8.5 Bottom 21.0 Ft. #1 Sand Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom 12. REMARKS: Formation Description No samples taken I DO HEREBY C-' r FY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC L CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD ; • ' N PROVIDED T HE ELL OWNER SIG "ATU eF CERTIF D WELs%.NTRACTO• DAT PRINT. NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality - Information Processing, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone : (919) 807-6300 Form GW-lb Rev. 2/09 Appendix B Groundwater Collection Records .4=COM Well ID: MW- Low Flow Ground Water Sample Collection Record Client: Sealed Air Date: 10/6/2011 Time: Start MOO am/pm Finish 1600 am/pm Project No: 60191560.4 Site Location: Patterson, NC Weather Conds: Collector(s): M. Dail 1. WATER LEVEL DATA: (measured from Top of Casing) a. Total Well Length tilt c. Length of Water Column i•5 (a-b) b. Water Table Depth Sala d. Calculated System Volume (see back) fir LS,„( 4OM3 L 2. WELL PURGE DATA a. Purge Method: Oar Pv b. Acceptance Criteria defined (see workplan) - Temperature 3% -D.O. 10% - pH + 1.0 unit - ORP ± 10mV - Sp. Cond. 3% - Drawdown < 0.3' c. Field Testing Equipment used: Make Model Casing Diameter/Material 2" PVC Serial Number Volume Time Removed Temp. pH Spec. Cond. (24hr) (Liters) (°C) (µS/cm DO ma/L ORP Turbidity Flow Rate mV) (NTU) (MI/min Drawdown Color/Odor teet PM 2.,SD 10.23 6.35 3't2 1.09 -cis( 14 JD WM C44/ 1350 1,55 20.3s 6.55 314 Ofpi -16.3 i i u (1 11 i355 1..C.o ,I15.4b 454 3q1 0.e,gi —q5,6 q,2 it u v 1406 Z. 65 ryo,45 6,34 341 6.0 — .6 7.14 a 11 1405 2.1A ;.a,Gs 4.55 3,11. c3$2 —101.i s.0 a ti la 140 145 26J.6 G4 V 3,4 4 Dii —101.4 7.6 I. bt .1 ill S 1/WO 10.4z A55 3f9 t9, 41- -102.1 +.1 0 ai b1 . Acceptance criteria pass/fail Has required volume been removed Has required turbidity been reached Have parameters stabilized If no or N/A - Explain below. Ye No El N/A (continued on back) 3. SAMPLE COLLECTION: Method: BL4Lr PIMP Sample ID Container Type No. of Containers Preservation Analysis Req. Time MW- a 250 ml Plastic 1 HNO3 • NC' Comments 5'trr4@A 641 f"rto'-5_W��l(J (Yt& Purty2 1136) dry ielt).4/...:-J 2.44La,k Signature ivl rtt47 111/5 1.w Date tt7g7)) .4=COM Well ID: MW-3 Low Flow Ground Water Sample Collection Record Client: Sealed Air Date: 10/6/2011 Time: Start (Y145 am/pm Finish 0 (5 am/pm Project No: 60191560.4 Site Location: Patterson, NC Weather Conds: �' ►a ,lo� (,t,s Epp-'- 6es Collector(s): M. Dail 1. WATER LEVEL DATA: (measured from Top of Casing) a. Total Well Length Z3.0/ c. Length of Water Column (a-b) b. Water Table Depth lIdi d. Calculated System Volume (see back) :3 AL 2. WELL PURGE DATA a. Purge Method: b. Acceptance Criteria defined (see workplan) - Temperature 3% -D.O. 10% - pH + 1.0 unit - ORP + 10mV - Sp. Cond. 3% - Drawdown < 0.3' c. Field Testing Equipment used: Time (24hr) Make msr LAM*. Casing Diameter/Material 2" PVC Model 586 �* Volume Removed Temp. j Spec. Cond. DO ORP Turbidity Flow Rate (Liters) (°C) (µS/cm) (mg/L mV NTU) (ml/min Serial Number ot2xl 5'165-460N Drawdown Color/Odor feet 25 2a49t( 6,6$ 343 A'f4 -60. C - ,.0 ' -2o6 1ci ,t3 C few- 35 517 10 1 6.(13 30 C.�.�T -qt..i Nov► til .11. 0'DO 4 H ° CA ) 274 O 5ti —NA S.0 ft 19,11 i1 `0S0 'to Vas.' 6.y3 3,2h 0.51 -ja: 1,f 4,11-5 et..4 aIDas' 16.y4 6.0 330 0.vel —4b� ' .1 It ilSC? it 146P 11 - -- ,-- — ,� _ _ _ y d. Acceptance criteria pass/fail Has required volume been removed Has required turbidity been reached Have parameters stabilized If no or N/A - Explain below. No N/A (continued on back) 3. SAMPLE COLLECTION: Method: Sample ID Container Type No. of Containers Preservation Analysis Req. Time MW- 3 250 ml Plastic 1 HNO3 RCRA t .1 S 110 Comments v+4-44 Ny (i Q j006 1,2e t4f % Signature Date I6/C/11 AECOM Well ID: MW- Low Flow Ground Water Sample Collection Record Client: Sealed Air Date: 10/6/2011 Time: Start ) am/pm Project No: 60191560.4 Finish laic am/pm Site Location: Patterson, NC Weather Conds: Collector(s): M. Dail 1. WATER LEVEL DATA: (measured from Top of Casing) a. Total Well Length c. Length of Water Column (a-b) b. Water Table Depth HMO d. Calculated System Volume (see back) 2. WELL PURGE DATA a. Purge Method: lsktk‘. tok..1 b. Acceptance Criteria defined (see workplan) - Temperature 3% -D.O. 10% - pH +1.0unit -ORP ±10mV - Sp. Cond. 3% - Drawdown < 0.3' c. Field Testing Equipment used: Make Time (24hr) Casing Diameter/Material 2" PVC Model Serial Number Volume Removed Temp. � Spec. Cond. (Liters) (°C) (µS/cm ) DO mg/L ORP Turbidity Flow Rate mV NTU (ml/min Drawdown feet Color/Odor 13:20 gi ON b45 uS s.jN 01.'1 II j.5 (6.`1 C'1t s33o EZ5 18.11 515 r2. ?,,.,4, ita.0 Ia as 15.el 1' ; 35 6 woe of 0 1.11 ICI°' es it IS,'c ,, rz 45 1 $q.% 5:1-11 co 13N 106 73 to it of -55 45 itc 5:75 51 I A IG4'ef Cs e t i► 11 20 6'.5 f -. 5: 51. ( 146At S.4 1. t% g',,.1 KW' 5.46 S& 1,6* 173.Y 1./ i, i) it d. Acceptance criteria pass/fail Has required volume been removed Has required turbidity been reached Have parameters stabilized If no or N/A - Explain below. Yes No El 0 ❑ ❑ N/A (continued on back) 3. SAMPLE COLLECTION: Method: Pt'es11,41, rwQ Sample ID Container Type No. of Containers Preservation Analysis Req. Time MW- 250 ml Plastic 1 HNO3 Ts Lt Fe- Goo Comments Sf44 ij r‘dra j I°' fmrre L1 L Pf�rt 4.a,1 t e Cie t4- 4..r Signature Date Ohl ( j AECOM JOB TITLE SP�I ' ►r ---Mk.rczeN tkiL JOB NO. CALCULATION NO ORIGINATOR DATE REVIEWER DATE SCALE SHEET NO OF -r 1 Ysx ��d„1,A. ; � �<�I� y i.y + 1,104 j 015 ��.► P� Lj i to.co 9.0 ?Ai eiA -s) 900 (20o Lok �`� � ablAr— : T„ iki I o tb 00 0 chi) -v 1,0 0,0,AD D1, e w►w,3. 3 14,tI Grid: 5x5 = 1 in Appendix C Lab Reports Page 1 of 7 Page 2 of 7 Page 3 of 7 Page 4 of 7 Page 5 of 7 Page 6 of 7 Page 7 of 7 Page 1 of 8 Page 2 of 8 Page 3 of 8 Page 4 of 8 Page 5 of 8 Page 6 of 8 Page 7 of 8 Page 8 of 8 Appendix D Photograph Log AECOM Report Environment June 2012 1 Photograph 1: View looking east toward the Yadkin River and the concrete pad of the former maintenance garage prior to its removal in 2007. Photograph 2: View looking northeast showing the installation of monitoring well MW-1 in 2011. Concrete pad from former Maintenance Garage (Removed in 2007) Monitoring Well MW -1 Whisnant Road Old Yadkin River Bridge (Replaced in 2007) AECOM Report Environment June 2012 2 Photograph 3: View looking south toward the Blue Ridge Tissue Facility. Note the location of MW-1 relative to the new bridge, where the maintenance garage was located. Photograph 4: 2007 view from the concrete pad looking north toward the future location of MW -1. Monitoring Well MW-1 Approximate location of former Maintenance Garage (location of the new bridge) Approximate location of monitoring well MW -1 Former concrete pad for maintenance garage Blue Ridge Tissue Facility AECOM Report Environment June 2012 3 Photographs 5 & 6: View from southwest of the finishing pond looking northeast (left) and view from monitoring well MW -1 looking southwest (right). Note the location of the power poles in both photographs. Photograph 7: Panoramic view from southwest of the finishing pond looking northeast. Note the direction of groundwater flow (southeast) toward the Blue Ridge Tissue Facility and the location of MW -1 (north-northwest) Finishing Pond Blue Ridge Tissue Facility MW -1 Approximate location of monitoring well MW -1 (Behind Knoll) Approximate Groundwater Flow Direction (Toward Blue Ridge Tissue Facility) MW -3 Approximate location of monitoring well MW-1 (Behind Knoll) Power Poles MW -3 AECOM Report Environment June 2012 4 Photograph 8: Panoramic view looking north from MW -2 toward the aeration pond and fiber traps. Outcrops of quartz monzonite gneiss and the location of the attempted background groundwater monitoring well are indicated. Photograph 9: Lithology boring collected in 2009 from the attempted background monitoring well. Quartz Monzonite Gneiss Outcrops Aeration Pond Quartz Monzonite Gneiss Approximate location of attempted background monitoring well in 2009 AECOM Report Environment June 2012 5 Photograph 10: View looking east toward Yadkin River Road of the first attempt to install monitoring well MW-5 in February 2011. Note the small outcrop of schist behind the DPT rig control panel. Photograph11: Lithology boring collected in February 2011 from the first attempt to install monitoring well MW -5. Garnet Mica Schist Outcrop Garnet Mica Schist Approximate Location of MW -5