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NCC221567_FRO Submitted_20220421
Lattd»Disttirbiug Pernik Application Plxasc complete both pages, of this roan and return tct: Ph) sical AL1dri5,S Flailing Address !3(E t=ast St. f'O Box S�3t; f'ittsbc�ru. NL ?7; I Pittshoro, N-U 27.31 Phone 545-8268 Please see PERMITTING FL.L) V CIIARJ to cfetirnline which perrnit and plan rt t�iairrmrntN uppt4 t%)- 3 our prr3jcct and then check one of the loxes h, fow: >tnr!»l)Ivturhin8 Permit. -rhe following items are required to obtain this percent: com leted *'application, plans, deed. and lees. land -Disturbing pemlit applications mull includalp I�at.s on one application with the tOt:tl amount of disturbance for all parerVIots. ,,"n clearing e all l �d els. disturhanec must be Included -A hen calculatin disturbed area. Fcc Riquirenacntt: ---- ___ Pcrmit Fee: IrheLl acre Plan Rc,iew FCC. S250/diswrbed acre---- } ces are rounded up to the next a4hi�lc acre.— f=xart�ple-i acre or Irsx is Sr5t)fl, I.01.2 acre (100, and 2.01-3 is SI.5()O. Plan Requii-rmcnis: h! ►1, f lone submit (I ) rupy� v� f an erosion tuntrul plan rci:n},jetc,l .S 4rafzd h�T:i prcitr� ssicrnxl [+€rcj sort c)or, protl6sional enl,;inecr, or registered Uidscapc archacct rjj, l,ia>1 trust nacit the criteria oi'tt,c Chathain Count-,- Erosion Control Plan Kcvie%s- Checkli.,t and include all applicable constructioll details. Thee can be found on the Chatham County Watershed PrI>trcti:tin web itc, kan the FR)sion Control wcb aI~e. '!his Ian must sadsfs, t111 Iaettl. state, and tedersl minirtaum Ian rc* uiretalcrats. en t:l P s n submit (I j copy ofsite plan along with the Chatham ('aunt} Kesidential General Plan. plan is not required to be completed by a design profession.tl. '',he the CWatershed 5 itr Residential General Plan c:ala be f.�un.i tut of drains ltathant Count} 1 'atcrshed F'rofixtion website ran the Residential Construction -Ncbpagc- Indicate c aUern s} orb sheet l af'thc Residential General flan. 11 Residential t.nt Permit. Tlae following items arc required to obtain this permit: completed application, site plan. and fee. PAGE: 3 "FINANCIAL RESPONSrall-ITY/OWNERSIIIP FORM — not not re uircd. Fee Rc uirements: I Ian lac uirements: S 100 flat fee Site Plan showing; property boundaries, The site plan required by the Environmental Flcattla or Central Permit De anments is sufficient. At.L CHECKS 41ADE PAYABLE TO CHA t1i,•1;Rt COUNTY Page 1 of 3 'E'l IAI'll /Aria C."t2t 1M'1Land-Disturbing Permit Application "The ntsiling and street address of the Principal place of business for the person/entity financially responsible anti the Nod awner(s) must be provided. A P.O. box is NOT acceptable as an address. •"If the rinaneeally responsible person/party is different from the current kind mi ner, an agreement signed by both parties must he provided ailo»ing the financially responsible Party person to conduct the land -disturbing uctivity on the prol►erty, PROJECT NAME: r' h 2 2 2 1 ...._._ � j,1.. L.Q� DATE: � f �° ``�� t A©t�[tEss t E PROJECT, ,. N r't f5' ]` r4L 70-7-,fgok-) h� 2 73 J Z. LATIT[?DMONGITUDE OF PROPERTY AT SITE ENTRANCE:. <?O/ 053 r04�yt+' PARCEL N(S): � C?� —7/ TOTAL DISTURBED ACRES o, s 1JARE FFE:T: _ 1 . -75 a cYCS PURPOSE OF ACTIVITY:- G rU :ti. f ~ A � C�^r-r'.A FEE AMOUNT SVOMITI'E(]; «"i:A i7nWTAERfS) UI RECORD (attach P,grge to lisl additional owners) Please provide a complete list or part managing members and registercd agent, if the responsible entiIN of land oK ncr is a group of individuals, corporate: arganuation or entity. Name: G Phone: l (1 _ 6 0 ---- Address: 201 12j) i Mail: i n p q • 00" *! Net A Y RESPONSIBLE PARTY lappli •sib! tgnl� if Milli rent from nro rt,. m%mien Name: Pholic. Address: � �( F-Alai€. Signature NORTH CAROLINA AGENT fannlicable oniv ifo%%ner or finarteiall4 rr5tu,n,ihlc �a�t� dc,es nc? rep€cic North Carolina) Address: NGINE'R1 Company Name: CC f'L-V ►. 3U T V f Address: Contact Person: Phortc: _ lq 9 G 9' 4 73 F E-Mail. 37U1.114uh I:-I4lail: -_.--- Signature. ER0SIQN C.0 N-TR0L Person to contact should erosion & sedirttent control issues arise during land-distu rbing activity; Contact Person: Company Name Phone: E-Mail: Page 2 of 3 .��. Soil Erosion ansl ti�•(iinli%ut.11ian C.'ullllt)I C.,�1IA'1'1I ltit C`()IIIY'1'1' •� ~ r� • r"' r F1ll:Incltli Rl'til)(insil)ili(YIO►%Ilerxliii) Form <17V REQ1 fiRcn '1't) BE C0,111 r1. ETED Fol? h't:.S'IUF::1r71: f 1, Lf 17' 1'F. RAIll 4 I'Lr;r1Sf I(r:A11 111: 101- It %VlNti INi-QIi 4t?l r^i0N: 1) This section trust be signed in the prescnre.:Fa htutaq D rill Land -disturbing pemtits art valid lOr tip to (21 )-cars 6,3111 tltc dale ul' i;su;tnce it circ[tnts[ances warrant, the pemlit ntri be ertendcd for (2) years per titc cundilianz of the Chathattt County Snit t'tosirnt nerd Scdinwntalion ('artlrul Ordittancc. Upon %%rttlot notice. the Land perntil may be revoked tier rsihtre to crtatpl) ►%i[h the Ordinance If the permit is revoked, all other perrtsiis and approvals arc withheld until the pn+perty is Once again in compliance with ('hatluttrt Goon[% rcgillatiuns. :Also. ulxrrt ►►ritten. notice, a civil penalty (fine) earl be instigated against the properly owlter and:'or addi[ionrl firtancialty rrspctnsiblr party of any) for violations of the Chatham County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Orditrancr •thin p►-ttnit) is up to S5000 00 pt:r tit%I:ttion per day and is assessed daily for evcry day the prapcny° is in violaurut Intcrfcryn pith or Irampctitt an ittslrr% tion c:ur restrJ[ in a t n tl Penalty without written notice. 31 The information pnn ided on this farm is true and vorrect tit the best of my kauw, k-dge and belief and Has provided by me %%'hilt under onih 41 This form must be signed by the properly owner if an individual. I f awned by a company or corporati.xt, this Forst must be signed by an nflicer, direclot. partner, nuorne) •in -fact, or other person +with authprity to exeetr[r instriancois for the corporation and accompanied by a cumptat list of all partrrers, mana..ittg ntetatbrrs arsd registered agents of the campany or co"ratiurt. OWNER OF PROP[FRTY: Name and Title.: t W Company (if applicable): Signature: ADDITIONAL FINANCIALLY RI'.SPONSIBI.E PAR T1' (if snv): Name and Title: Company: Signature: NORTH CAROLIiNA ACENT (if any): Name and 1'iIle: Company: Signalure: a Notary Public of O)o kQ _Cctunrt in the stale of 1 do hereby certify that..__J~.s,,� prr�s.�nally appeared before me this day and under oath acknowledged reading the information above and akknc%.vled ed that the above form was executed by him or her, Witness my hand and official seal, this the � � day olj_ cg — = J�p,l. PAre''//, C � _ Notery public My'commissionexpires to yap _ Nratca t�f�'Ity My comm. EXP. : '%. 02.05.2023 �V,; Page 3 0l 3 t/��'r�irtetAjtvi%++'++`