HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0033677_Groundwater Monitoring Report March 2021_20210422s i ƒ} \ \ .. . .. y: .\2 ƒ: /^ 4 Are any monitored constituents equal Po or above Ehe esL�blished standards? YUS N If the answer to question 4 is "NO", skip to section 8, If the answer to question A/s "YES" list the affected wells individually with constituent(s) and concentration(s) exceeding standards in the space provided below. g For the constituents identified in question 4 above, have standards been enceeded previously for the YES NO same constituent(s) in the same well(a) In the last two years? If the answer to question 5 is "NO", skip to section $ If the answer to question 5 is "YES'; list in the space provided below, each well with constituents) exceeding standards, concentration(s) reported, and sample collection date for each occurrence (for the last two years). Are the monitoring wells listed in section 5 located at ar beyond the review boundary? YES NO if the answer is "YES", a groundwater qualityproblee maybe occurring. CONTACT THE REGIONAL OFFICE IMMEDIATELY FOR GU/DANCE. If the answer is "NO", monitoring wells may be improperly located,' contact the Regional Office. 7 Is the per previously approved actions mqulretl by the Division involving this YES NO quaimplementing groundwater qulity bl emT pro If the answer to question T is "YES", describe those actions in the space pm video below. If the answer to question 71s "NO'; contact the Regional officewithin 90 dajL& an evaluationbe neggred to determine the t the wastetl I System is havin atth d compliance boundaries surroundee MIS WHIM Failure tort b"ect the 'ttee to a Notice fViolation, fees. and/oraenalhes sample coneceon Information Sample Location DATE TIME TEMP. Facill Name TYPE Grab/ Com calls CONTAINERS No Plastic/ Glass ANALYSIS REQUIRED Effluent o l.S pD o 6 Grab 8 Plastic Fecal C°liform, Chloride, TDS BOD-5, TSS, Conductivity NO3-N,TKN, NH3-N Monitoring Well#3 3�l o Grab tp Plastic/ Glass TDS Chloride,;MBPtS, , Conductivity NH3-N. NO3-N, T.P., TKN Monitoring Well#4 0 z1 �rt3p .3�U ZZ° Greb t2 Plastic/ Glass Same As03 Monitoring Well#5 3 /D�Z( :ro0 zl a Grab qz Plastic/ Glass Same As#3 Rellnpulshad By; Relinqul By: Date: 3 to I Date: Time: $; Q Time; Recieved y; Received =Daole: Date: Time: 53d Time: 80o 649 mglL W11/21 Idg TSS 112 mg/L 311221 Im NH3 45.30 mglL W12/21 Ing Fecal Collfunn 1020 1100mL 3/1021 Ing Conductivity 771 umhoslcm 3/11/21 Jrg NO3-N <0.1 mglL 411121 jdg T 14 80.00 mg1L 415/21 jdg T. Nitrogen 8D.00 mglL 4/521 jdg T. Phosphorus U2 mg/L 41621 Idg Chloride 49 mg/L 3112121 lag T0S 485 mg/L 3111121 lag ANALYSIS -RESULTS' UNITS,SATE AIVAQ TDS 69 3111121 lag Conau"I ly 115 umhos/cm 3111/21 erg NH3 q.0 mgiL 3112/21 jrg Chloride 10.0 MGA. 3112121 Metals see attached M03-N <0.1 mg/L 411121 jc9 TKA 4.20 mg/L 4/5121 Jug T. hiltragen 4.20 g/L 4/5121 jdg T. Phosphorus 0.65 mg)L 415121 jdg ANTI4YSI5 RESULTS {. ANALYSIS UNIT,S DATE,, „� ANALYST TDS 50z mg/L 3/11121 lag Conducdvltq 84 umhoe/cm 3111121 Irg NH3 <1.0 mglL 3112121 Irg Weddle 10.0 mg/L 3112121 lag Metals see attached NO3-N <0.1 mg& 411121 Idg TKN 2.80 mg/L 41M1 Idg T. Nllrcgen 2.60 mg1L 4/5/21 Id0 T. Phosphorus 10.16 mglL 4/5121 Idg 200.7 MET ICP Analyticel Method: EPA 200.7 Rev 4.41094 Preparation Method EPA 200.7 Rev 4.41994 Pace Analytical SeMces-Asheville Acermic Copper Potassium sodium Zinc ND m9IL ND m,)L ND m9IL 7.3 m9IL ND m9IL 0,010 0.0050 5.0 6.0 0.010 1 1 1 1 1 0311912102:14 0292116:36 7440.38-2 03110102/4 031211211&36 7440.50-B 03/1912102:14 02112118:36 7440-0 7 03N9l2102:14 0312112118:36 7440-23-5 0NIW210214 0302 118:38 7440A0£ 6310E TOC Analytical Method: SM 5310B-2011 Pace Analytical Services - Asheville Total Organic Carbon ND m9IL 1.0 1 0=112119:20 744044-0 ANAL;YSlS' ,ANALYSIS `., RESULTS,_, UNITS, DATE•ANALYST `r!,, TDS 46 MOIL 3111/21 lag ConducgVty 75 umhos/om 3/11121 Irg NH3 <1.0 MOIL 3112121 Irg Chlodae 9.5 MOIL 3/12121 lag Metals seeattached NO3�N <0.1 MOIL 4/1121 Idg TKN 2.00 mgIL 41521 Jda T. NIMIgen 2.00 MOIL 416121 Idg T. Phosphorus 020 MOIL 415121 Idg 200.7 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 200.7 Rev 4.419M Preparation Method: EPA 200.7 Rev4.41%4 Pace Analyfl.1 Sorvlcas-Aahevllle Arsenic ND m9/L 0.010 1 03(19/2102:14 03/21/2118:39 7440-38-2 Copper ND mglL 0.0060 1 0311912102:14 03/21/2118:39 744MO-8 Potasslum 5.4 mg& 5.0 1 0311912102:14 030/2118:39 7440-09-7 Sodium 6A M)L 6.0 1 03/19121 02:14 0N2112118:39 7440-23-5 Zinc 0.035 mg)L 0.010 1 OlWl 02:14 (0211211819 7440-8" 53108 TOC Analytical Method: SM 631013-2011 Pace Analytical SoNleas-Aaheville Total Organic Carbon ND mg/L 1.0 1 03/2112119:36 744P44-0 MO.7 MET ICP Analyllc l Method: EPA200.7 Rev 4.41994 Preparatlon Method: EPA 2007 Rev 4.4 1904 Pecs An.lylloel S.,.c-A6havllla Arsenic ND mgAL 0.010 1 0311912102:14 03MI21 laA2 7440-38-2 Copper 0.0069 mglL 0.0060 1 031iMl 02:14 03MI2118:42 7440-60.8 Pola.rrum 5.1 mjIL 5.0 1 03/10/21 02:14 030121 18:42 7440-09-7 Sodlum 8.8 mglL 5.0 1 0311912102:14 OW112118.42 7440.23-5 one 0.035 mg/L 0.010 1 0atIW21 02:14 OM1121 18:42 7440.66-6 5310D TOC Analyllcal Method: SM 53108-2011 Pec. Analyllcel 8.1w.-A.ho011e Total Organic Carbon ND mg/L 1.0 1 03/21/21 19:51 7440-44.0 �il jr Meritech Work Order # 03112178 Sample: Case Farms MW-3 Grab 3/10/21 Parameters Result Ana is Da Reporting Uml Method MBAS (as LAS 340) <0.10 mg/L 3/11/21 0.10 mg/L 5M 5540 C Meritech Work Order# 03112179 Sample: Case Farms MW-4 Grab 3/10/21 Parameters Resul[ Analysis Date Reporting Limit Method MBAS (as LAS 340) <1.00 mg/L 3/11/21 1.00 mg/L SM $540 G Meritech Work Order# 03112180 Sample: Case Farms MW-5 Grab 3/10/21 Parameters Result Amtlmis bate Repordne Limit Method MBAS (as LAS 340) <0.10 mg/L 3/11/21 0.10 mg/L SM 5540 C