HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0020117_NPDES Permit Renewal_20010420NCDENR-DWQ Fax:919 -73-0719 May 24 ',',02 11:20 - . .,. il To :. From , il Ste of :North Carolina ,A Co./Dept. • deOartment of Envircinhient .;', Phone ft Phone # • ' __,.. and Natural Resources . Fax * lie_ VC, , 0-7,, 7 : fax it 1 (,7 ..• 73 3 _ Olivision of Water Quality , I • Michael F. Easley; GoviernOr William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, DirectOr il 1 April 2.0, 2001 ivtr. Wayne 'Hollowell ,1! ftity of Clinton WWTP 1; PL 0 Box 199 , !Clinton, North Carolina 28329 • , q• 11 • ., • Subject: NPDES Permit Renewal Application I : , Permit NC00201117 i i i• .,: ii City of Clinton WWTP Sampson County I !I ,, 3 I I ii i 1 • '' i. i ' Dear Mr. Hollowell:, !, i 1 , ! The NPDES Unit received your permit renewal application' on. April 9, 2001. Thank you for submitting this 1 1 package. The renewal 'wiriest did Dot include:a sludge management plan. Please, stenrait a deser.iptian of sludge handling and disposal for i:hii; facility, and 2 copies Of ,the applicatie* The permit renewal cannot be eompieteA without this information. ! The permit renewal for 'this facility will be: assigned to Jaelde Nowell. This staff mernber will contact you if further information is nepded to complete the. permit renewal. Please note that, the NPDES Unit has several vacant positions. This staff shoi-tage has lasted for over a year and is delaying all permit renewas. Our remaining permit 1 writers are cqrrently reviewing Authorizations to Construct, speculative lirnit requests, major permit modifications and 201 plan updates ahead of permit renewals. This is necessary due to a varietY of factors, including mandatory 1 ' deadlines iii the statutes !Which govern our prOgram. I 1 If this staff shortage delays reissuance of NC002011.7 the existing reqUiremenis in your permit will remain in .. effect Until the permitis renewed (or th& Division takes other action). We appreciate yourpatience and understandingwhile we Operate with a severely depleted staff. If you have; an34 additional questions concerning renewal of the subjectrOmit, please 'contact:IJackie Nowell at (919) 731.500, extension 512. , Sincerely, i • P. 01/01 •11 Co. * '1144%10-1011MINI* NOR121-4 CAROLINA bEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES UoS\L\ Valery StephenS Point Source Braneh cc: Fayetteville Regional Office, Water Quality Section ii . i NPDES File•': ' 1617 Ntr4 Serving Center, Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-1617 . . _ VISIT US ON THEIINTERNE:f cg htbriih2o.enr.eteta,no.usiNPDES • 919 733-5083, extension 520 yeinty.Stephens#ndmittil.net (fax); 919 733-0719 MCDENR-DW0 Fax :919-7:S3-0719 May 24 '02 11:27 P.02/15 1. ' Nd.DENR / DWQ / NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION - STANDARD FORE A ' Municipal FArtfli lice withpermitted flows >1 M(fl or with pretresiment programa I i • • Department •:af Environrnent and Natural Resources Division Of Water Quality / NPDES Unit 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 I '''.•-•'SECTION 1. APPLICATION AND FACILITY DESCRIPTION Union etleonnico opzified on thio'frrm aims 2113 in te annybIed If LC ROM io not opploable indIrma . . , • . . North Carolina NPDES Permit Number NC0020117 —...--,..—_(11 knouvn) • Applicaritand fasilitY producing discharge This epplioe to Atte person, soenLY, 'am. municipalig, or say other sooty that owls Uf is resSonsllge forth* permitted facility. This ntay or Amy nut be the same nom° ae the facility or Activity producing the discharge. Enter ma name of the applicint as ii is officially or Nally referred to, do not !me gullocifialosmap as 3 substitute tor me bplcial name. Name ofi. applicant /I permIttee: City_gf Clinton ,,,• I MailInTaddrese: i ,.• .:_f•.. . Street address. P.O. %mitt. .', ' ' Clinton ! County mom____i___1_ State Noah Ca7.ip Code 21326rolina , Telepho ri a Numbe0 ( 910 ) 592-19b1 , . Fax:N,Liiitilzeil: ;;'j .. i ..; . ( 910 ) 690-3127 • e-mail address, cipw0 1@i3ntrstar , net Melling,addrece of siPplicant's AuthoriOd Agent f Roprosontative: is CtirOleta this SHGl!grt an outside coneultirt 1111r/ enginetaing firm trill act on behali ot tne applicant / per !alba Fax Number , , •,. ..:..! i'V.,',•• 4•I: i; •i-.• • i: .': r• ! •,.'•• . ,., ei;rn:,..a.,Ill'aLt.,_dip $fc • hanil:s. s(thevvotitencouip1:0 env-0 I callify that I aro familiar. will I the inforrnstion contained in this application and that tote best of rny igiowleclga zsai lilt nob Infarrna I ion is irile',. complotc,1 and accurate. Wave A.0110 ' . li':•,• Director of kill° Worka.M,atilties Pitted Narite Off ellen iflillnE4 . M e - ' • • ; , Gignetwe of ice or AutItorperi Ageni - , Da ' Api,1 ton -"Ziptai ....N, F • 'I' • 're-::.. i • .k.,r, • r-i., North Caviling! fes4erial Stetue'.143'215.6 (b)(2) provides that: 4y parson veal knnedngly Hider dnir false 2tmcmenl represOnOino, Of cenificetinii in env application, ; - . . record, report, plait or other cocurnint files or required to bo r6inloinee went ankle 21 ui !rotenone of the Gnidironmoqtal hhensuement Commission implementing that. Article, or %i,ho halsitive, tanners witil. u; Knotting& renders inecdurate any rorhning al nen lilt:sine device or rnothod required In he nperateci or meintio red cinder Ariiolo 21 or regutation: ot the Frwironinahlellylanecement Commisolor..iinplemennna mat Article. shall be guilty of a miadomosnor,punichehr hy a rine nut le exceed tri0,000, or by tmpriconrnon! not:a, learned six munths, or by both. (18 U.S-Sechon 1f1f11 pfovloeT a punishment by a lino a not nor roan $10prn or 1111In bui nent not more than 6 y,esro, or both, fnf fi slitter Offense!) 7 • • 1 of10 • Eriblne0 / CorppaOy namo Trio INN:lien CoMPAIN . , ! A , . Street addresa: 120 North BovlaitAyenue City ; Raleiohi County Woke -•!: State ' North %paling iip Carle 27_603 Telephone Numb* • (919 ) 829-0531 ( 919 )A2E0546 ia. X ler SJJ 0. C7'1.71.;7=1.1 • • . • • tjCDENR—DWQ Fax :919-733-0719 May 24 '02 11 :27 P. 03/15 . , •i NC DENR / DWQ / NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION - STANDARD FORM kl. ; i • !, Municipal Facilities with porrtd.tred flows' 7,1 MGD or with pretreatment progrates ! •,i , `. :: :,),:, ' • !! I :.e: .•, PermittedfailltiLOCation ., Chic the ph4iO'al locati'nn oil the ficility where discherge(s) rresenliy occur(s) or will occur. . '• -:' ,:- ....• , Street address ' : 'LEI Mill Branch Egad_ •.`: .,.. ! -':' : City'Clinton , . County fierntiaon StSte i::: North.. CatiolinG1 _Zip Code 28328 — • Telephone Nurnbei i ( 910 ) E92-1:981 ext. 3077 , ! ! Fax Nuinher, 1 ( 910 ) 580-2167 , e-mail address ' circward(a),intrEi tt,gl 1 ' •-.7.--': - '.; --: ::' ' ; , i': :::. , :: - • : ,..!-! Muilicipalitiee or Ateae Served (see inStruetlona) . , , . ,h: • Enter the names of the municipalities or orcae centred by this toollity. Fa each municipality ems/ che.best estimate of Echial, ppulation served at the timcier the applicaiton. • ,.( ! .. ! I: • • : , %,, ,,.., L ! Nemo of Conimur_14 i Arca !: City of Clinton Actual F: _ eatal Total pTlintion Served 5. . Average Daily Induidrial Flow y Total estimated avereg4lAily flow from all inducirial sources: 1.8 MOD TorAl pop:died monthly flow from all indistrial sOurces. 69.16 MG') Nvi!::A1113i6nIfIcant I rititish ielt.lsers (ea defined in ssetiorTill) discirigingto the municipal system most be Bated in Election III. Faciiity.DescriPtIon .. .' Present oporaurkstatus: The Murrain I I. Larkins vvIJCF Is currently, operating the kilowing.proCasses In the hotment of ' cornblnari industlial and domostic wastewaterirom theCItc of Clinton'. There are 2 4ach mechanically cleaned 6.5" 0=1' bps; screens, 1 Caoh ili,opo gallon aaraV..dtrit removal, Parshall flume with flow recordar and automatic 32Mp1at, du Eti 287,718 gallon each:ority clatifiers, 1 oaCh 95,900 cu fi high rate trickling filter, 1 each 20;047 secondary dErlfior, 3 each 1.2 Mri xtended dorotiOn actiVated sluttp) baSins, 2 each 713,424 gallon final clarifiers. 1 cash 3,000 cu ft bulk lime feed system, 5 each 284 sq 1i anthracite, sand and gravel tertiary filtration System, 2 each b2,000 linn chlorine contact Chambers, Sulfur _ clioxide dechionnation system, 97,500:gallon post aeration, 1 each 508,426 gallon anaerobic &easter, *I sea 300,42S gallon annambic biosplids hotting and thickening tank, ? each 142,000 gallon aerobic blosinliris didgm, 30 each 3,000 Ca it semi drying bads. . kteglial Fact* Chan: Una of Via patanlial changes might be an addition In The aerobic dotalion aystaM 10 assist ill , tickoning, 1 4. • Snhemalio_of wpateviaterlow. see attachmhill A. ID LOoation map: !Bee attachment B. !,!' ; : ',Ft:: ti -,, ' - I: ''•!:',', I . 2of10 :-• ,„ 1 , , ,.. MCDENR—DWQ • Fax:9194 —0719 May 24 .'02 11:28 i• ,..:. r, NC 'IDENR / .DA.MQ / NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION - STANDARD 70.1t ' Mtu#cip21 Facilities with. perraiited flows >I. MGT) or with protreitment progrrimil -.. . SECTION II. BASIC DISCHARGE DESCRIPTI . i Complete this sedirm ineeich present (ui utuposod) diechorso indicated in Secilnn I All val4e5 fccon dxioting discharge ihonill be ramose:dative of the Melva previous monthc et nper'elial. 7 , • 1 (If till* io a preposeelpsenonja, ualuis should reflect best engineering estimates). Fac11119 Di.tti.irgestSuinkoar..and Dicchg£0.1 Volume i' specify the qumbir ot �icrgs in this BOO cutke andthe volivie of Wateicascharged Dr lost•ID each. of the eateoetiet beteg FsIiren It average volurne pir day' m MGD. Chi nnOfulude intednilfent eharges, overflows, hypes or siasonal disolierga from hageone, ... . I., i'• r' : 1 etc. .. •::: Nunilm•ut Discharge Pointe Total volume rils P. 04/15 A s DieIjiyTo: Suttee Vvater Other (describe balm) ,11 TOTAk? 3,2 3.2 ••.'•!; 'otr:er is t.ipocified, deac.rib • . : 1 .1 2. :Outfall Numbar opi. • Assign a threq-digit. number beginning with 001 tcr thkpoInt of discharge covered by the feet deserlptkm , DiNcherge serial nurobera should be conceautive for each eddItIonal dietharge described;,..hence, the second se/tat-number Should be 002 , tha third 003, Alt. ' 4'',,, ' , • ,., I: ', , : i.,,1 • DischargglittiEnd,Data • 1.::: • If the dscharge le scheduled to cease vain the next yeara, give the date (wItnin.hP.st es(imate) the discharge 411 end • tiltA, •' , . , • give tnereisiuti(t) for diseotinuing this aseherge Iniymu Diver letter. . i •'.,:. • . ,' I. : . 4.• Receiving".Stroom Name Give the name nr Ilia waterway (at the point at discharge) by.wl i'Lii it ks usually designated on piblisheri,mapi. of the weer, If tha &clip* le to an : unneMod trOutary, so sterond give tha.nama of tbi,firet body or Water red by that bibulay which 13 named en th0 Peep. e ll.. UT to Write Creek, Wheig.Mcintire.creeiK Is the first water way that 13 named on the map and Is reachedby the disCharge. , •':• ri. ,01 ‘-: f , ',.. I! :, 'Wit iliaiii ri',(itcl!' ritiiiLtianeh • ,i•! .:: .•),• -L,,:•-- ,,', • i 2 • fej.li .. '< . , ;i....' 5. ' Outcall Stitiaturs; Describe trio( iall rail structure and any significant ehitIgne sinus the last permit vise leeuecqrepairs, gloreliThe illaintatlEnce. 634. Al - ..The):itii41,11i'strycturs is spilt intO twa bulkhead ol S iti1M_A % r bil___—V— :A.V.L.P-1-nreSaliV, C116Cir,IBIYAMS1. ,..LWA i difithiliegiile,01 "lowly ,constructed flood coigroi dike; .:•,fi I,- '-1:,. -..•., i , l• , 1 • 3 11110 NCDENR-DWQ Fax:919-,733=0719 y; NC DENR / DWQ / NPDES P7BMIT APPLICATION - STASIDAin PO. "' xi A Municipal Facilities with permitted flows P1 MOLD or with pretseermeILt paog8 e ,S4CTION 111 INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTgM Submit a separate Section 111 for each Significant industrial Users 1. Sgpnificont Int uetrial Use* (SIU) ,,,i, An siu h (or could' have) e+gni eant Impact on the POTW receiving_the•vsotewater or upon the• quality of effluent l morn the reaeiviag POW!. Specifically, an 'Its"'! I " ' • : has a flow of 60,000,gauon! or more per average w?fkday; o ' . has a flow giealrof;thari S•paroent or the total low carried by the monicipai system m recessing the waste, or •• : hos o toxicmatarial In lis htei;l•rarQe. ` If May be necessary to alter ma e. ad -elute!) stye criteria in certain cases, such es an instance Attars Iwo orlmore corthliutirtq irtdr; c lei mcanninaaon cau produce en un4ee ratite erred nu elthertithe municipal facility or the quality of its effluent Narne of SIU The Lunt/ Packing Compalny, - Is --treat ad iiress_421 R tiro d re ,h City =, '-,lin on , i State ''NV rth Ca r kii .0' ). 590.2104 i ; •Tcicpttgne Number ; ( 910 — ri Fax '. h 191_9 ) 1 ' o mail address , May 24 '02. 11:28 i g. Prl:miry Product or Rain Material iu;rgd or oarumed• I Spaclfy either the principal; product or ttte frtirtcipol raw material and MA maximum quantity e f tylper day ICpr od iced o , d ease; , unite Quantities are to be repnded in the units of maasuremerri for each G1C category of measurement normally Used by that 1udustriy:1 - Raw Material Quantity (rids; County $amas2P — J ZIp.Code Z83,2J — P. 05/15 _froducti Ir • PackagectVo rk , Hogs 3. Flow _ !, ii+ Indicate the volume of wkrlHr discharged into the POTW mild whether this discharge is Intermillent or c ntifruntie i-a • 0.8 MGf); 0 tntofmlttenl � ... Continuous 4ur10 1I • NCDENR—DWg ' Fax :91g—t3-0719 May 24 '02 11 :28 .. „, NC D.ENR I DVIQ / NPDES PSRMIT APPLICATION - STANDARD - , •,,u : ' i 144:aiCipal Fee.lik.ies, with pornaiRed flows ,>1 MG!) or with pretreatment programm i ! . 1. Significant industrial User' (Sill) Ari GIU Mai tor ctil ildt lave) signiieant Impact on the POIN.V receiving the wastewater or upon the (Laity of effluent Worn the receiving POTVII. ... Apidlically, an S,l0; i , ;• ,,-. - . i has enuw of 50,000 gallons nz more per average viiiitday; . • : hos a flow groans tuna 5 prccnt of me tolel tluw carried by inemunicipat s);stern'm receiving the wasp, OT • . • has a b;x1O'Ma'tigial irilla *charge, It May tie:nacesiary to,eltoi thoie aftinistrative criforiaM eerrabriaises. such an instance Where two or, mare eonlribulineinduoblas irt combination cakproduce an unillecirabla OffKi un eitherytho municipal raellily ur the iitiality•ot its effluent , , • J Name of EIU l_pielp__q1P_AJAP. . " Stoat address_12.0 adlE___Rill_i_LAIR*-feeL________ City Cli to , • _Courtly Samson • • ',%41 • Statell a • _Zip Code • : • Tkiephotio.Nurnber (110411. ) §9 2 -71 al FaxNumber ! )- ' !'1,1 • ' ! P. 06/15 A 2. 'Primary Product or Reim Material • 'i.' i• Spenify either the principal prodi let or the principal raw Material and the mammum qualliity psi, day produced or mistimed Quantitioc are to be repored in the unitS of meekrement for each SIC category at the facility.' SIC categories aiciild use the units of measurement norrnallyj used by that induotrY.' "t•!' .•. Produot ditas's viiinctOws for Buildin •;-,`• _ l'• '• ,i'4-• L_L. • i'' 41 . i• tr, ••, : :. • . 3. Flow ,,,,. • : 1 ' Indicate the volume of Walla discharged Into the POTW and whother this dIschaige la intermittent or coy ilinuous 0:053 'MG!) Di': Intermittent p confinuout ,.., fjA II . 4 , ^ ; 1 b0,10 rir cs 11 • ,. ; Raw Material Glass • 1.1 NICDNR -DWQ , . • Fax :919-7;t3-0719 ' May 24 '02 11:29 i4IC DN*/ 04 / NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION - STANDARD FORM 11. . . , .. .- •;•,!• • . : Municipal Faitilii.les with permitted flows >1 MGD or with pretreatment programs .-•, ,... 1. Significant induetrialtUser (SIU) AntIU has (or milld. ham) cignifw icant 'ad on the PO i'vu rervilving the vactewater or upon the quality of effluent from to receiving POTW. spOcifieally, an SIU, •; i; . • nes flos.v Of60,000 gallona LI more per average Ipl kdkii: , • ! hai a flow greater than S percent of the total flow Ones by ma municipal eystarom receiving the wow, cr It: May be riecesaioy. to alter theie actrliniotrativo altarie iri ceder' 'came, such asan Instant vutisro-two nimore cattdbuting•innetias in, .• ; boa a toxic material In its clkschorge. '. ' cianninalion caw*duce an uniesIntle effect on althot*enunicipt facility or me quafq of its effluent. .. • . • - •:• • IfielviO of SIU &4wia.L.p oalio1' ID-C---4-• - . i strOet address, I Ir_91...)11..—Sin 'at Di4---_ City j'•'-,'; _a_1*4_4--,-- • ,. -County mIlimen " ' • - : . „.........•—• . ,k1,;•: 1 . . • '.. L. Zip Code..2! 211_).--,-- I Telephone Number (910) az4) 81 Fait Nurii,er •- I . 4;,.'.• . •,.. :•„i :.., e-mall adrees. 1 I .1' 1 , . . . il. 'PriMary PrOduot or Rav Material •, • Specify either the prIncipei product or the princli;91 raw materiel and the maximum quantity par, day produced or eonfitimed. Quantities are. lo be repodocl in the units of In eeautement for ARCII SIC category? at the Nullity., SIC categories should UN tg units of ineasuremont normally lised by thot industry:i ,...I' 1 1 . EaT-1 .1.•roduct , ' • ? . ;; Raw Material 1 • Quantity. 9:1.1.:rs5 , I • • :-.) : i • AiidlO" Speaker Cones . i II Papn ljye 121L.stic Shoots 20 000 P.07/15 • • • 3: Flow ; I nclicato ttlie volumes of viater accharged inioffie flUTIN and whether Oils discharge is Interrniiierit or Gnus 0.055 MGD • Intrmttfl fl Continuous 6 ef 10 I ' ; • • : . • NCDENR—DWQ 7. Fax :919-733-0719 May 24 '02 11:29 P.08/15 • . / NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION - STAND '� PAR A Nfuai NC DENR / Dw iiies with p ermi tied flows 51 MGT) ur with pretrea m., icat prewar ; ., FAcfli i s; 1. Significant Industrial User (SIU) n the quality of cfflusnt from Ilia receiving PO NV.An51U has (ur could havo) significant Impact on the P01 W receiving the wastewater or Specifically, an Stu. i ;, . has a Row of 60,000 ga fl , ur more per average 4 kday: l ��� m revaluing lIR waste, or . has a vow Stealer than S paresnt of the total flow carried tee municipa ay , a, • has a toxic Material In its discharge. :.: !� in III may he heeessary to alter these a�nlnistra1vc criteria' In relish 's, each as an•Instanc Iwherta O two or moist wnhibutarg.i chrnbinauan can poduce en undesirable effect on either Iho mimic. facili or the qu Yry of Name.of SIU`, 'S0 ' ' :•IStr4et address 611 Comte t3t City: :,''Ctinrol ); •l Steto '"'IIj0A1i CMlpli Telephone Number YI Fax Number • e-mail address ' :primary, product or Roi# Material W produced or consumed :Spncify(eiiher the principal product or the pdnci .r I raw malarial and the maximum , antity par'day P Quantities are to Os reported in the units of measurement for each SIC eategory at the faefl SIC categories slhOiaid 11P6TO units of measuiernient norrnally:used Icy that industry. i'' County 'Samson 1 ��Zip Code ;alp (e1 tl) 29.9 5Z00 (';j'p) 298-6�00 �---- Produot Telccomunlr;:+ltbn Units Raw Mabbrial Sheet metal, connectors, cables, boards C1u©ntifil � UniisROO 9; flow. Indlci�rA th4 volume of water dlschH,Ued into, tho P01 W and whether this discharge Is inlnrmittent or con1ntra; AttaiLMGU intermltlent RI Continuous 7 uf 10 1t Unitsr NCDENR-DWQ Fax:919-733-0719 May 24 '02 11 :29 P. 09/15 1. • • .1 • NC DENli / DWQ1 / NPD1r4.4 PERMIT APPLICATION - STANDA.ED VOM A.. Municipal Fail.qies with permitted flowN >1 MGD or with pretreatment programs . •••11 ,5., , '' '.:, f• I 11. I . 1 Significant IncIdetrial User, (SIU) ; .• An siLl has* cuiild have) signifroant maw an the ?Cry! receiving Ina wesUmater or upon the qlay of effluent from the fcceiVing Pr) IV 6peCificelly, an Sill. 1 • 1 has e•flow of 60,000 gallottl or more per avenge wprkaay; . . has allow greater than 6 pacent ot the total flow carried by the municipal sysleur in receiving the waste, or . • hes.olcatic 'material In It dliCherae- i• , it niey be neeeenoryto altir`..,the4 admjnishative criteria in certain easel. 'such as.en instance where ton or more contribuiing inttlea In cornivnalliin ctrilpi °date adundbeiratklieffed on either, the municipal:Newry or the quality of b effluent e,. ' • ' - ',,°: .,, •• .74.. I! t , ! ivanne of sly iRli, of Clinton i . ... • Street address 6021•Waretw Road • • 1: i •• ,•• i : ; .4 • :City itli Colt'l. County El m ;gm—, —_ i 1 , , ! State. .Worth Ckir_ona_r •!, ZipCode nazA ' TelephonO Number ( 910.) 502-3188 • : raX NUMber ( 910 ) 592405 ,1J ; address 2 ' ;OritnaWPrOduct or:Riami Mati3rial r ,.: • .*mity ell] itr',..the Principal product or the principet row matelot and ilie,mmimurn quantity per r:iay pmducedor.6onsurnott Quantities are to be reported in the unite of mea4riernent for oichSIC category at the facility. PIC categories stiotrid use fife Unita ' or measurement normally used 6y thHi ir idustry. .., :., Row Material —1 , Quantity HMIs ,..1, 1 Produot, Industrial Laundiy Laundflf 112 GOP 3. • 'FloW • -•.. • 1:IncEcate• the volume Of water tuscharged into the PO1W anri whether this discharge Is Intermittent or continuo _0.12S MGD Intermittent g. continunin t; • ;.- 0010 I • • Ohs NCDENR—DWQ Fax :919-733-0719 May 24 '02 11:30 P. 10/15* NC DEN* / W/4 / NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION - STANDARD FORM A, ,...,, . i• manicipol Fact-lir-les with permit's 'itd flows >1 MGT) or with pretraetaaent programa , -.:•-e' , ill't 1 I V: 1. Significant Industrial An SIU has (er could haye) significant impact on the PU'll/V rezalving the wastewater ca upon thc quality of valuer it torn the recciollg PO1W. ?: User (SIU) "`• !3pecifically,Sin ttl..,,, ..,.1 i . : iIliasiffiiiflif .gd,Cleu gallon' or rriora.per swags wader a i nll has *lids, pater tail 5 porr.ani, al thetotal flow csirr led hy the municipal cystarnm recalving the v,rest,s, or a. l hera 'a toxic;thaterial I1!14 ciStage ,. 41 • • . . . . ' . . . ii may be neeccSary Walter tide adreinialrabue critertkin certain oases, suet' as.aninstitice where Wm rtri mom op ritirtlimg 1i-Ititti6s 'as contraction can produce in uninseirable effect on oleo ihe nainicipal facility or Dia goolitit of ib effluent • • ;Name of SIU Nextelflidalt519.1-2"-68Laja____ Straet address L21.4.AfLACI—n Road City _ • Chiron Statemolink. Telephone Number -ak Nutriber!' "l • e-mail address _Coumy AertuO. o Zip Code .Z1.3ap ,..,,. Primary Product or Rqw Material ' • Specify either the prirsipid product or the principal raw material and IN maximum quantity peritly produced or 0404.1.1'ari. Quantities me to be repotted In the units of measurement for each SIC category at tic, fetiliti, ' SIC CagOTIM kh011td We Me Jinn uf measurement normally used by that industry Proclua , Raw Material Quan Dishwasher Ratks i Metal wire • .•-• ' • IT.' Or 1., ,,, .a.:?' `:! ' '. •; : . '.. . 1 ... .j -.L.. .'; I 3. Flow .,. Indicate the volume of water discharged iiito*th POTW and Whether this discharge is Intermittent or continuous ..,. , . .1i intermittent JUDO MGD 9 of 10 Continuous . • „, NCDENR-DWQ 1. Fax - 919-733-0719 May 24 ; ' 02 , 11:30 P.11/15 NC DENR DWQ NPDSS PEIINIIT APPLICATION - STANDARD FORE d , Municipal Facilities with perm fitted flows ? 1 MOD or with prrlreatffit=n? programs i SlpnittCent Industrial User (SIU) al nf effluent front therecefui�g Board, An S•II 1 hne (ar oould'have) SIOnlAcant impact an me POYVU tecelvinA the wA9teurt'le, or upon the 9u Spocdacally, en 9tU: ' " . ' hes a flow ut bup00 aaltonp or more per avesaye�wot{idaY • trs tit 117W Wc5tar, titan 5 recent of the total now c'arn d by. the municipal spin m reoeiving the waste, Ls • ' has a toxic° materialiri•ibcischarge-;re Ism It may bo,rlecoccpy to alto( the adminieoauve nelieria,L curtain eso �rx me iitslettof ••w t8 or, more ,GOnalbutinga hsti s in r,:nmbinatiun cao'produce an erdeesirabte effect on ettng`u a munidiseiGH 4 pol �1h j a D_+lsi0[1 [ti ldN Name of SIti DeRft af,CrurastLn . Street address _ 9n IN d I i City_ LC t Il r.• i• • State North 'a 11 a ' Tele(+tiri n`Number (ii10) 692.79 E 4! I,., frj Fl„ti C Paz Number ::, e-itteil address ` -----_�- 6. : Primary Product or Raw Material tar �y produced or errxnaetrl. • Upeoity either thA principal product or thH principal raw material and the maximum quantity Quantities are to be repotted it i the units of measurement for each StC category at the fealty., SIC categories Should use ti'tae ta'!is of moasuremeni normally used by that industry.' t ----�— rt _Pmcluc t I• Raw MaterialOca• Laund Industrial Laundry .County Samoan • _Zip dada. 21116 Flow Indicate the Volume of water r scharged into the POTW and whether this illschaige is intermittent or carntinuot8 ConlinUOUS Iniermltlatd 10of10 •• • . : •••• •': ; •;•:•,,%., • ' ••... • v. ...:; . .1 • i • . 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' I\ICDENR—DWQ '• •••••: • .1.. • •••••••• :• .• • .$ : 1 . . . ••• .13. • •• • . • ;." : . • • • ; . • • • • " • ?, • ••••••• . •••• • . • .. • • J'.• ;•. • • ••• :• '..• •c •'; • • • • .% ,'••• , • • • • • : • • • • ••• 14arki!as Water Facd ltUtiOn • • 't • :' • • : I , . ' • : : . . ••••-•• • :•.;"' ,•••! ••••••.: .• ' • $ • . . • . . • • • • • • • ( VCDENR-DW0 to a Fax:919-733-0719 N 1. W^vo7 a "".... hypo. -� 61'414^.11 r,;Tg.'', ROAD CLASSIFICATION , : t x - j LIOMT DUTY PnAD HMO OR ?Fliost JAD* FACE I ��� i IMPROVED SURFA 10 sECONOARY FACE WAY LINpdPROvEO'M� , N1WD SURFACE r �: ° � , �� ; longitude .7g°�o'a5" Latitude ���--i �ub-basin, 030619 Map�Sa2�� Stream Class C wam 01 23 Discharge Class, "° '4 " � � M�il'�ranct► Stream !' WiiiiamsOd Receiving 7E131101 Design Q fPetmit expires �. pMi r. May 24 '02 11:32 i SA. 1:24 000 P.15/15 9000 F .ET 1 KILOMETER CONT®UR INTERVAL 5 BEET y of Clinton NC0020117 Samps ;n.County Larkins WP WAYNE HOLLOWELL City of Clinton P.O. Box 199 Clinton, NC Dear Permittee: NCDENR Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment andNaturalResources Kerr T. Stevens, Director Divisio of Water Quality March 29, 2001 `APR 2 2001 aQF R 28328 Subject: Renewal Notice NPDES Permit NC0020117 Clinton WWTP Sampson County The subject permit expires on October 31, 2001. North Carolina Administrative Code (15A NCAC 2H.0105(e)) requires that an application for permit renewal be filed at least 180 days prior to expiration of the current,permit. If you have already mailed your renewal application, you may disregard this notice. - To satisfy this requirement, your renewal package must be sent to the Division postmarked no later than May 4, 2001. Failure to request renewal of the permit by this date may result in a civil assessment of at least $500.00. Larger penalties may be assessed depending upon the delinquency of the request. If any wastewater discharge will occur after October 31, 2001 (or if continuation of the permit is desired), the current permit must be renewed. Discharge of wastewater without a valid permit would violate North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and could result in assessment of civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day. If all wastewater discharge has ceased at your facility and you wish to rescind this permit, contact Vanessa Manuel of the Division's Compliance Enforcement 'Unit at (919) 733-5083, extension 532. You may also contact the Fayetteville Regional Office at NC0020117 to begin the rescission process. Use the enclosed checklist to complete your renewal package. The checklist identifies the items you must submit with the permit renewal application. If you have any questions, please contact me. My telephone number, fax number and e-mail address are listed at the bottom of this page. Sincerely, Valery Stephens Point Source Branch cc: Central Files .ave _ eviller_ _ oWal Office, Water Quality Section NPDES File 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919.733-5083, extension 520 (fax) 919 733-0719 VISIT us ON THE INTERNET @ http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/NPDES e-mail: valery.stepheps@ncmail.net NPDES Permit NC0020117 City of Clinton Sampson County The following items are REQUIRED for all renewal packages: ❑ A cover letter requesting renewal of the permit and documenting any changes at the facility since issuance of the last permit. Submit one signed original and two copies. ❑ The completed application form (copy attached), signed by the permittee or an Authorized Representative. Submit one signed original and two copies. ❑ If an Authorized Representative (such as a consulting engineer or environmental consultant) prepares the renewal package, written documentation must be provided showing the authority delegated to any such Authorized Representative (see Part II.B.11.b of the existing NPDES permit). ❑ A narrative description of the sludge management plan for the facility. Describe how sludge (or other solids) generated during wastewater treatment are handled and disposed. If your facility has no such plan (or the permitted facility does not generate any solids), explain this in writing. Submit one signed original and two copies. The following items must be submitted ONLY by Industrial facilities discharging process wastewater: ❑ Industrial facilities classified as Primary Industries (see Appendices A-D to Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 122) must submit a Priority Pollutant Analysis (PPA) in accordance with 40 Ct'K Part 122.21. If the PPA is not completed within one week of May 4, 2001, submit the application package without the PPA. Submit the PPA as soon as possible after May 4, 2001. The above requirement does NOT apply to municipal or nonindustrial facilities. PLEASE NOTE: Due to a change in fees effective January 1, 1999, there is no renewal fee required with your application package. TrrETTUTTZTVC Send the completed renewal package to: Ms. Valery Stephens NC DENR / Water Quality / Point Source Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617