HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0055786_Wasteload Allocation_19890306NPDES DOCUMENT :SCANNING COVER :MEET NPDES Permit: NC0055786 Lexington Regional WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: March 6, 1989 This document is printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the resr-erse side NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: NCOO 55716 FACILITY NAME• C 717 al' ex%n:Tn e1A/w7r Facility Status: �EXiSTINO PROPOSED (circle one) Permit Status: 4 11001FICATlON UNPERMITTED NEW (drels one) Major Minor. Pipe No• Design Capacity (MGD): Domestic (X of Flow): Industrial (X of Flow): Comments: 6.5 ptoTr! RECEIVING STREAM: bba 1-C.re,e4' Class• LUS ! ->? e Sub -Basin• 03 raj—o7 • Reference USGS Quad: t / S u) County- 1)a v,`d 5 an Regional Office: As Fa Mo . Ra Wa Wi WS_ (circle ems) Requssied By: 0 "- (please attach) Date: //3/1 2 Drainage Area (mi ) 7Q10 (cfs) l Modeler Date Rec.1 — 503� Avg. Streamflow (cfs): C-r7 Winter 7Q10 (cfs) -�'I 30Q2 (cfs) Toxicity Limits: IWC X (circle one) Acute / Instream Monitoring: Parameters See. mashed Chronic Cj) v) oc1Jio wcua eeicLTom_A-Lex Upstream %� Location (2) Leeriarc► C. at iz xi agave (MLA_ (.3)t1tt f( Ce_ o± Ce,i era Downstream y Location ( 14,4,-) Ficc arici1: ,See a.ftac.hed Effluent Characteristics Summer Winter BOD5 (mg/I) 6 ,,_ NHa N (mg/1) D.O. (mg/1) 0 (-(' TSS (mg/0 30 30 F. Col. (/100m1) 2ADO 200 pH (SU) 0-Cf (�-e) Cd (14 1,Q) q ) (((( // , �5 �. tie 4) (,c,��..//yppI1 (0)) 4 �5 Cr) ac, i /1) q 9 ;, m ents: QeccrnmPcd (nr +i IC) efrl 'r/- rrk,„(t,3115G- ;ernmrreal errIOPr;f MnI)1h),0 66-r Cr C�a � A . Recomrnerx-1 �PC f2f iv FU1 rife �n l pr ) brkYri Q✓1 O J �i c5h4/(i. .� . WASTELOAD ALLOCATION Reques APPROVAL FORM Facility Name: City of Lexington NPDES No.: NC0055786 Type of Waste: 93.5% Domsstic Status: Existing Receiving Stream: Abbotts Creek Classification: WSIII and 8 Subbasin: 030707 Co�.nty: Davidson Regional Office: WSRO Requestor: Lula Harris Date of Request: 1/3/89 Qu�d: D18SW -------------------- RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT ^ '�ummer 5.50 Wast�flow (o.gd,: 9O1),5 (mg/l): TSS (mg/l): Fecal coliform (#/100ml): Toxicity Testing Req': See Attached Upstream (Y/N): Y L Drainage area: Summer 7Q10: Winter 7O10: Average flow: 30Q2: '------ MONITORING ------- Location: Dnwnstream (Y/N): Y Location: --� mn.` � " 19x����� E N'u|NL��.�� 182 sq mi � 670 cfs ^21.00 cfs 167.00 cfs 29.00 c�s Daily Max 4 45 45 9 US 29/70 Below Lake Tom-A-Lex Leon�rd �k at road above muuth Abbotts C� at Center St Hwy 47 ----------------------------- COMME|JTS ----------------------------------- See attached for instream monitoring parameters and frequencies. Recommend monthly effluent monitoring for nutrients. Recommend efflu�nt monitoring for Cr, Cu, Reccmmend reopener for change in limits based on ongoing studies' Recom.xended by� Reviewed by `7LDS_�_� Tech Support Supervisor: Regional Supervisor: Permits & Engineering: RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES SY: ... .... .... ..... ..... __..... MAR­2_8._.198.9� Date: 11- 17, �� � � . '' , Lexington Monitorinq Requirements St - Monitoring Site Parameter Annual MonitorinQ Sites LX8 Abbotts Ck at -DO, pH, I-85 temp, cond, -Fecal, BODs NH. -.-a, TKN, NO~, OP, TP L X 4 Abbotts Ck at -DO, pH, Hwy 47 temp, cond Fecal, TKN, NO,.,, OP, TP Additional Summer Monitor1nq Sites LX1 Abbotts Ck at -DO, pH, US 29/70 and temp, cond, L X 2 Leonard Ck at fecal, BODxs, mouth NHo, TKN, NO., OP, TP Freauencv 3x/wk (May-Gept) 1x/wk rest of year 1x/wk year round 3x/w1.:: (May-8ept) 1x/wk rest of year Measurements in 1 meter vertical increments. Record stage and time of day. 1x/wk (year round) Measurements at surface Record stage and time of day. 1x/wk (May -Sept) Facility Name Ciof Levi' on Permit # /UCoa55781, CHRONIC TOXICITY TESTING REQUIREMENT (QRTRLY) The effluent discharge shall at no time exhibit chronic toxicity in any two consecutive toxicity tests, using test procedures outlined in: 1.) The North Carolina Ceriodaphnia chronic effluent bioassay procedure (North Carolina Chronic Bioassay Procedure - Revised *February 1987) or subsequent versions. The effluent concentration at which there may be no observable inhibition of reproduction or significant mortality is 5/9 % (defined as treatment two in the North Carolina procedure document). The permit holder shall perform quarterly monitoring using this procedure to establish compliance with the permit condition. The first test will be performed after thirty days from issuance of this permit during the months of Feb, rno4 Auq Nov . Effluent sampling for this testing shall be performed at the NP ES Ormitted final effluent discharge below all treatment processes. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the parameter code TGP3B. Additionally, DEM Form AT-1 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Technical Services Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any single quarterly monitoring indicate a failure to meet specified limits, then monthly monitoring will begin immediately until such time that a single test is passed. Upon passing, this monthly test requirement will revert to quarterly in the months specified above. Should any test data from this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate retesting(within 30 days of initial monitoring event). Failure to submit suitable test results will constitute noncompliance with monitoring requirements. 7Q10 (,c.1 cfs Permited Flow 5:5 MGD Recommended by: IWC% 5[1 Basin & Sub -basin Vctdr7 �u!�. a ,CfoiiReceiving Stream Attoffo Creek County Darr en Date aI?I'9 **Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F at "la %, A.5, ikw , See Part 3 , Condition .r . Ch1 of /exo Abbo/L Cry, 02.12/ ,2Dso DA=tz Qa=Ile Gt,7 70o = 21,0 Noie l,l56.5 f/0 'Cf" it 4ru/wr (nob/6 flarrc Cclu,/ I'/e, Stfe 3 c Clone. jGoi Gee Lexojlre1 c1:.5c16.tre (Cot la had ccyque%sv/x w/065 ,( g/ ILY) &)TP 4026 cr. .V5189 _n or metal wed 1zehrec rent Jed- ilasl, Ac r Don Irc .: - % Rerroy _ al- v i027 92 r Cr - --- Age 121 _ 8'9 _ __C_Lk A q2 i3.Z 90 q 0 7 - - z, ! 8AI _, 15 a o I , cote Ste A5 o.1z. coo? -- 94 i oxi o h., - ln_nin . 12-b s N 2 Fran 12 acute f&3b each 6/ . I(AI P t= All Pea6 Nye. --(/.cao LL1 P Oh? /-_ `I h. Daphrpa c - LC50 = Non e 9ecominencl rnorlrforl/? - — j (O 2QL 10 Le `ow Lab_Southwi t elao de on Leau-id CL pb�ofbC. ..� rtL. OiXa. /, eoort ud a. IQ 5/- or ? - 5 -- � Cent N0' ' , � PRETREATMENT HEADWORKS REVIEW v2.0 (1/9/89) ' Discharger: Lexington Receiving stream: Abbotts Creek Stream Class: WSIII and B 7Q10: 6.700 cfs Design flow: 5.500 mgd Actual flow: 2.72 mgd Percent industrial: 6.50%% IWC: 56.0 % 02/08/89 Actual Actual Allowable Domestic Industrial Pollutant Standard/AL Removal Load Load Load <mg/l) Eff. (lbs/day) (lbs/day} (lbs/day} Cadmium 0.002 S 9 2 % 1.47 0.070 0.040 Chromium 0.05 S 89% 26.74 1.160 0.130 CoppeFr 0.015 AL 90% 8.82 1.420 0.210 Nickel 0.025 S 39% 2.41 0.490 0.080 Lead 0.025 S 81% 7.74 1.160 0.350 Zinc 0.05 Al 84% 18.38 4.070 0.520 Cyanide 0.005 S 59% 0.72 0.950 0.010 Mercury 0.0002 S 86% 0.08 0.010 0.000 Silver 0.01 AL 94% 9.80 0.120 0.010 Total Predicted AIlowable Influent Background Effluent Effluent Load Reserve Conc Conc Conc (lbs/day) (lbs/day> (mg/l) <mg/l) (mg/l) Cadmium 0.11 1.36 0 0.0004 L 0.0036 Chromium 1.29 25.45 0 0.0063 M 0.0893 Copper 1.63 7.19 0 0.0072 M 0.0268 Nickel 0.57 1.84 0 0.0153 L 0.0446 Lead 1.51 6.23 0 0.0126 L 0.0446 Zinc13.79 0.0109� 0.0324 M 0.0807 Cyanide 0.96 -0.24 0 0.0173 L 0.0089 ���� Mercury 0.01 0.07 0 0.0001 L 0.000°��'r Gilver 0.13 9.67 0 0.0003 M 0.0179 Ave. or ~fr& &~_ otojlun Q � ~~ 51nr« A~ �� k�`�~" uoiU /^�� ^uo/,� ] �-- '�� r^~�~~'~ -� - --'- �� Lurogint £L)777 Atal6 CI. 1/2A' - rve,s %r Lex726 , eve/- C (rude,' clAxe%1.4_42L/ (, (-/hz. Coanpa}epot/Lai': - Albeahc - yam _ u)c ? e-kb,2et?/ b c xe 0 fGr &VA-- (-Pe veket f and dcp k ��u er > o(),, 6,1,1 *-D clot depa7thia✓t Plow) ' 45Jwoc1 C(300: zoD5 = ,Z auto old _acikt/ /env vuf/att l Yee(6f-t' ofucld CAL • fe;CU.J doelo ire s ((5z cbm,ffe6i w/ alccIF,y let% c fv Pacd 1alms Oki of - AlC005, 7 ri k Ci cx3o-107 rg5 DaaiDtreatn w1 '47 Date cmi) 3Dt - Fecal- "Terns? ��.. F �_e,_ 10 13 '7.8 (I,g 443 I -7,4 42. z 523 9 IsS - 67.3 1.4 337 at S.C� 1, -2 2.03 tou) $Ic3cd a5' '7 143 2(x Le I95S Ce,14 1'� 31-) 10. I Q S' 421 o 1 Q.3 51$i g1zzi3- tc.e 3,4 t, 05 Ile 8► s 1.1 0-74 zlg `r i l . g 1,1 110 _ (o 12.3 (, z i b3 1 IS8 i -7 12. 3 1. i 42.0 -7 t 2.3 1,44 ` .J2k-) 1 )0.Le /ski 'Z'co3 S' Jo. 7 it 2 4158 t:,_ . ty,.9 <,41 '029 24 6.3 au 3, 0 -5"q3 c�$ 7 2 IL &Lr. 53 ' 1� 2. 27v 29 LQ.�- 3,� 2.9 -7 RS ! 2L 4.5 33 /, 1 22 2 9 a.0 4.2 51 /03 min - ---- - -- - - _ - Olga._ tei --) , 22' kl. q 3 <<, (.) 120 27 Le.7 o".v /4, 0 11 '`i din i ' 21 . E 2,4 4 5Le .2&1 8► 3 3, 3 (9.3 31%7 to 9.9 1,'5 "/I 11 ra-,- 1. z W. //n�� Xn kj+ � 1 4 Q/�/ 2l v (z.5 I.o �V 5 Q. ! e0 / 21.0 T 11S- ''' 12,0 id ._.. 22.53 4 12.E t`3 t75 1218CQ ' : 19. (0,1 t• 10.(.a 1. ki 9z 1tlib 13 -7,Le 1►3 277 t 3 .1 2,t2 ►old 1 ie 5,9 i,1 a.1 475 17 U.7 &. 1. Le ..25", . 01/18/89 15:40:16 1^, STARTING 4--DIGIT WATER YEAl-, ~ Two report formats are available: (1) Full (2) 9-207 USE 9-207 FORMAT TABLE [Y/N DEFAULT=Y]: y OMIT GAGE INSPECTIONS [Y/N DEFAULT=Y3: IS THIS INFORMATION OK [Y/N DEFAULT=Y]: UNITED STATE8 DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR - GEOLO8ICAL SURVE Y - WATER RESOURCES DIVI8ION SUMP,lAF*,,,Y OF Dl'_-3CH,-AR(:3E MEASUREMENT DATA 02121500 DATE PROCESSED: 18-JAN-89 15:34 ABBOTT8 CREEK AT LEXINGTON, N. C. ******************************************************************************** ***********************************************+***** NO. * DATE * MADE BY * WIDTH * AREA * MEAN * GAGE * DISCHARGE * SHIFT * PCT. * NO. * GHT. * TIME * RATED * CONTROL * TIME * * VEL. * HEIGHT * CFG * ADJ. * DIFF. * SECT. * CHG. * ********************************************************************++*********** **************************************************** 49 12/02/87 RCP 23 0.00 1.1 0815 56.0 1.63 CLEAR 3.58 91.1 50 01/11/88 RCP 41.0 62.1 1.79 3.77 111 23 0.00 1.0 F SHORE ICE 1423 51 02/18/88 RCP 41.0 58.2 1.76 3.67 103 23 0.00 0.7 F CLEAR 1016 52 06/23/88 RCP 41.0 37.4 1.52 3.03 57.0 23 0.00 0.8 F CLEAR 0832 Continue? [Y/N DEFAULT=Y]: 53 11/14/88 HOH 62.0 62.4 0.65 3.79 40.6 44 0.00 1.5 G CLEAR 1030 REMARKSx 16-20 feet of still water on right bank. PRESS RETURN TO CONTINUE: OCESS DISCH MEAS/CSB INSPECT DATA o -- rh ;=inn=^ �p+-/,n =nP.rif4.r�k f- inn= EMO. VEIvC� \ ` [ DATE: JP`� 1 \ V \ JAN 181989 ,(f-CHNIrgL SERVICES RVICES BRANCH ��`` Con(-cu. c`. -\w%At*. C\RSS% t-`<,\A4‘.0N o\ \4, t4NoL\ \\41,,z, \%3 CC:4\\ TO: sbAr SUBJECT. h4".(kQ—, (--,,,,,,,„_„\,_ _,\,,,.,„ k\\ :zsct„ \qSs, \c l� \�� \z-, -21. . -,..,.\\ k\-,,\,.. ,._ ,,,,,,, \\,, %\4,1,\, c.,,_,\L- ,,,o,, tk w.\\\ kk,:.61. \Nke. Q\e a_ mve, w. North Carolina Department of Natural Resources &Community Development .. \7,-(,„,„ ou— 630-10-7 / � ^ PRETREATMENT HEADWORKS REVIEW Discharger: Lexington Receiving stream: Abbotts Creek Stream Class: WSIII and B 7Q10: 5.170 cfs Design flow: 5.500 mgd Actual flow: 2.72 mgd Percent industrial: 93.50%% IWC, : 62.2 % v2.0 (1/9/89) 01/25/89 Actual Actual Allowable Domestic Industrial Pollutant Gtandard/AL Removal Load Load Load Eff. (lbs/day) (lbs/day) (lbs/day) Cadmium 0.002 S 92% 1.26 0.070 0.040 Chroiu0.05 G mm 89% 22.99 1.160 1.210 Copper 0.007 AL 90% 3.54 1.420 0.324 Nickel 0.088 S 39% 7.30 0.490 0.635 Lead 0.003 G 81% 0.8n 1.160 5.200 Zinc 0.05 AL 84% 15.80 4.070 2.810 Cyanide 0.005 8 59% 0.62 0.950 0.010 Mercury 0.000O12 S 86% 0.00 0.010 0.006 Silver 0.00006 AL 94% 0.05 0.120 0.010 Total Predicted Allowable 0%kx, Influent Background Effluent Effluent OM Load Reserve Conc Conc Conc 010. I> s (lbs/day) (lb/day) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/ l> COA~.~RAI ' �----------- --------- --------- -------- -------- u] Cadmi u m 0.11 1.15 0 0.0004 L 0.0032 ^o2o Chromium 2 37 210.62 0 0.0115 L 0.0803 .� _.._.-_. _ - ���� Copper 1.74 1.80 0 0.0077 I'll 0.0112 / Nickel 1.13 6.17 0 0.0302 L 0.1414 Lead 6.36 -5.56 0 0.0532 L 0.0048 ^��� [^� Zinc 6.88 8.92 0.0109 0.0485 M 0.0737 Cyanide 0.96 -0.34 0 0.0173 L 0.0080 Mercury 0.02 -0.01 0 0.0001 L 0.0000 81.lver 0.13 -0.08 0 0.0003 M 0.0001 ` ^ PRETREATMENT HEADWORKS REVIEW v2.0 (1/9/89) Discharger: City of Lexington Receiving stream: Abbotts Creek Stream Class: WSIII & B 7010: 5.170 cfs Design flow: 5.500 mgd Actual flow: 3.24 mgd Percent industrial: 93.50%% IWC: 62.2 % Actual Allowable Domestic Pollutant Standard/AL Removal Load Load (mg/1) Eff. (lbs/day) (lbs/day) _.... ..... ..... ... ______ _______ _________ Cadmium 0.002 S 92% 1.37 0.070 Chromium 0'05 S 89% 24.96 1.160 Copper 0.015 AL 90% 8'24 1.420 Nickel 0.025 S 39% 2.25 0.490 Lead 0.025 S 81% 7.22 1.160 Zinc 0.05 AL 841 17.16 4.070 Cyanide 0.005 S 59% 0'67 0.950 Mercury 0.0002 S 86% 0.08 0.010 Silver 0.01 AL 94% 9.15 0.120 01/25/89 Actual Industrial Load (lbs/day) --------- 0.040 1.210 0.324 0.635 5.200 2.810 0.01O 0.006 0.010 Total Predicted Allowable MOLx. Influent Background Effluent Effluent Dot'. Load Reserve Conc Conc Conc (lbs/day) (lbs/day) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) -'-' ------------ --------- --------- ------ - -------- Cadmium 0.11 1.26 0 0.0003 L 0'0032 Chromium 2.37 22.59 0 0.0096 L 0.0803 Copper 1.74 6.49 0 0.0065 M 0.0241 / Nickel 1.13 1.13 0 0.0254 L 0.0402 Lead 6'36 0.86 0 0..0447 L 0.0402 Zinc 6.88 10.28 0.0109 0.0407 M 0.0737 Cyanide 0.96 -0.29 0 0.0146 L 0.0080 Mercury 0.02 0.06 0 0.0001 L 0.0003 Silver 0.13 9.02 0 0.0003 M 0.0161 NPDFS PRETREATMENT INFORMATION REQUEST FORM FACILITY NAME: L l/ NPDES NO. NCOO 1 lL REQUESTER: DATE: ) / / [ RFX;ION: PERMIT CONDITIONS COVERING PRETREATMENT This facility has no SIUs and should not have pretreatment language. This facility should and/or is developing a pretreat.ji it program. Please include the following conditions: Program Development Phase I due / / Phase II due //_ Additional Conditions (attached) This facility is currently implementing a pretreatment program. Please include the following conditions: Program Implementation Additional Conditions (attached) IGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USERS' (SIUs) CONTRIBUTIONS SIU FUX7 - '1UL L: - COM 3ITICN: NK`r,J TEXTTLF, : MSD METAL FINISHING: M OTHER: MGO MD HEADS4ORKS REVIEW PARAMETER Cd Cr CU Ni Pb Zn CN Phenol Other ipfi55 TN12ou6N DAILY LOAD IN LBS/DAY ALLOWBLE DCMETIC PERMITT) 1 fl L % F O tntsTRIAc 'Q m SAL 1.16 /. ! O C . -D l RECEIVED: / / REVIEWED BY : SAyAAW 2t1t/"RiIUiED: / / f f I_�LC�1355- f7$l0 5s MOD 0-707 (to s eee -�c-6 '7010 OA = 105 -4 r 1m t . a- mon_ recip.i rernert+s - - - COn(Dr Zcn0 as. 10.9 da5(Aire . o_�' d(ci-c fvm OurLh. ed f s u cw Q 5g3Ccoo prefreo nefiL &ni oft of l ccab o,L (doled f2/2gi — DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT F'bruary 23, 1989 MEMORANDUM TO: Mike Mickey THROUGH: Randy Dodd 6,2),,Trevor Clements -? FROM: Ruth Clark 911C SUBJECT: Abbotts Creek Basin Monitoring Plan I have enclosed a copy of the recommended instream monitoring plan developed for the Cities of High Point, Thomasville, and Lex- ington for your review and comments. The monitoring schedules will be included in the respective NPDES permit renewals, and the results will provide insight on how to improve water quality in the Abbotts Creek Basin. CC: Jay Sauber Jimmie Overton High Point WLA File Thomasville WLA File Lexington WLA File Creek, n ' , ^ Monitoring Gchedule for the City of High Point Usual sai-mlina Sites HP1> Rich Fork Ck above outfall I-Ap/) Rich Fork Ck u� at Southern RR (above Hamby Creek) HP2) Rich Fork Ck at SR 1792 HP3> Rich Fork Ck at SR 1797 Rich Fork Ck jr ait SR 2005 (below Hamby) Parameters DO, temp, pH, fecal, corid uct1v1ty, BOD�, NH� TKN, NO", OP, TP DO, temp, pH, fecal, conductivity, BODm,, NH� TKN, NO", OP, TP �-I]e g %..i e Ic`/ Summer 1 or 3/wk° Winter 1/week May -Sept 1/week Summer only 1 or 3/week° May-8ept 1/week = Sampling should be once per week until DO standard viola- tions are observed at any site. When this occurs, each site should be sampled 3 times per week until all stations are above 5 mg/l DO for at least 3 consecutive days. ^ . ^ Monitoring Schedule for the City of Thomasville UsLa�l- TH1) Hamby Creek at Baptist Children's Home Rd ;5.0 TH3) Hamby Creek Fit SR 2017 DO, temp, pH, fecal, conductivity, TKN, NO", OP, TP [l TH2) Hamby Creek DO, temp , at 8R 2025 pH, fecal, �) TH4> Jimmys Creek conductivity, at SR 2020 BOD'n, NH-,) TH5) Abbotts Creek at SR 2010 TKN, NO. OP, TP Summer 1 or 3/week Winter 1 /week May -Sept 1/week Summer only 1 or 3/week"" May -Sept 1/week ° Sampling should be once per week until DO standard viola- tions are observed at any site. When this occurs, each site should be sampled 3 times per week until all stations are above 5 mg/l DO for at least 3 consecutive days. � Lexington Monitorrs ing Requiement ^ Sta� FIegLigLncL,L LX3 Abbotts Ck at 1-85 LX4 Abbotts Ck at Hwy 47 DO, pH, temp, cond, Fecal, BODns NHo, TKN, NO�v OP, TP DO, pH, temp, cond B0D.-5, NHz-,, Fecal, TKN, NO", OP, TP Addit,iorial Summer JvIgmitgor-ing Sites LX1 Abbotts Ck at DO, pH, US 29/70 and temp, cond, LX2 Leonard Cl-,* at fecal, BOD�, mouth NH�, TKN, NO,,, OP, TP 3x/wk (May -Sept) 1x/wk rest of year 1x/wk year round 3x/wk (May -Sept) 1x/wk rest of year Measurements in 1 meter vertical increments. Record stage and tin -se of day. 1x/wk (year round) Measurements at surface Record stage and time of day. 1x/wk (May -Sept) State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor R. Paul Wilms William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary February 20, 1989 Director Mr. Roger Spach Department of Water Resources 28 W. Center Street Lexington, NC 27292 Dear Mr. Spach: I am writing to inform you of the specific instream monitoring requirements which are being proposed by the Division for inclusion in the Lexington Abbotts Creek NPDES permit upon renewal. The City will be required to monitor Abbotts Creek at I-85 and Hwy 47 throughout the year. Two additional sites should be monitored once per week from May to Sep- tember. These sites are on Abbotts Creek at US 29/70 below Lake Tom-A- Lex and on Leonard Creek at the road crossing near the mouth. The City will be required to sample dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, conducti- vity, fecal coliform, BOD5, ammonia (NH,,), Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), nitrite -nitrate (NO,c), orthophosphorus (OP), and total phosphorus (TP). The sampling regime is summarized in the enclosed table. At our recent meeting, you stated that you may develop a monitoring plan in conjunction with the Cities of High Point and Thomasville. If you decide to pursue this matter, please submit details of any alternate plan to us by March 15, 1989. The Division will then review all proposed monitoring alternatives in light of overall management objectives and propose a final instream monitoring plan for inclusion with your reviewed NPDES permit. If you have any questions on the sampling regime, please contact me at (919)733-5083. cc: Sincerely, d J. Trevor Clements, Supervisor Technical Support Unit Mike Mickey Central Files Dale 0vercash WLA File iLWr‘ P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Lexington Monitoring Requirements Sta Monitoring Site Usual Monitoring Sites LX3 Abbotts Ck at 1-85 Parameter DO, pH, temp, cond, Fecal, BODS NH3, TKN, NO„, OP, TP Frequency 3x/wk (May -Sept) lx/wk rest of year 1x/wk year round LX4 Abbotts Ck at Hwy 47 DO, pH, temp, cond BOD5, NH3, Fecal, TKN, NO„, OP, TP Additional Summer Monitoring Sites LX1 Abbotts Ck at US 29/70 and LX2 Leonard Ck at mouth DO, pH, temp, cond, fecal, BOD,, NH3, TKN, NO,t , OP, TP 3x/wk (May -Sept) lx/wk rest of year Measurements in 1 meter vertical increments. Record stage and time of day. lx/wk (year round) Measurements at surface Record stage and time of day. lx/wk (May -Sept)