HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0000795_Monitoring - 03-2021_20210426 0 GW-59A COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Permit# (Submit one each monitoring period with GW-59 forms.) 1 Enter date monitoring results were due.(____�7D/%a) Will this monitoring report(GW-59 and GW-59A) CY11.): NO be submitted after the established due date —1'- 2 Was any required information missing on the GW-59 report forms? YES AID IF the answer to question 1 or 2 is"YES", list in the space provided below the well identification number(s)and explain the problems encountered in obtaining the required information. 3 Are any of the monitor wells in need of repair or maintenance(damaged casing,unlocked or missing cap,missing YES NO identification plate,area overgrown,etc.)?if the answer is "Yes", contact the Regional Office for guidance. 4 Are any monitored constituents equal to or above the established standards? \YES NO If the answer to question 4 is "NO", skip to section 8. If the answer to question 4 is "YES"list the affected wells individually with constituent(s)and concentration(s) exceedingstandards in the space provided below: �L W3 � -TS - 63 ��.( �Q - P� i-(.� �-f1 L( .9 toll-Tt>5 'TS'4►; Ptk6.2 to to - (,6-(2 Pk G.O 5 For the constituents identified in question 4 above, have standards been exceeded previously for the YES NO same constituent(s)in the same well(s)in the last two years? If the answer to question 5 is`NO", skip to section 8. If the answer to question 5 is "YES",list in the space provided below, each well with constituent(s)exceeding standards, concentration(s)reported, and sample collection date for each occurrence(for the last two years). ,5ee PM-4-- 6 Are the monitoring wells listed in section 5 located at or beyond the review boundary? YES NO If the answer is "YES", a groundwater quality problem may be occurring. CONTACT THE REGIONAL OFFICE IMMEDIATELY FOR GUIDANCE.If the answer is "NO", monitoring wells may be improperly located;contact the Regional Office. 7 Is the permittee implementing previously approved actions required by the Division involving this YES NO groundwater quality problem? If the answer to question 7 is "YES", describe those actions in the space provided below. If the answer to question 7 is "NO", contact the Regional Office within 90 days:an evaluation may be required to determine the impact the waste disposal system is having at the review and coins,( ce boundaries surrounding this facility. Failure to do so may subject the permittee to a Notice of Violation, % fines, and/or penalties. \ I G APR 2 6 7O?1 SAY ' " 'L L O H St.CT!QP! Ir:FORMAT!ON FROCESSINI:UP1i 8 The person completing this portion(GW-59A)of the monitoring report should sign below" elow and submit this form with GW-59 forms for required wells to the address provided at the top of the current GW-59 form. I hereby acknowledge that the above information was evaluated and the information submitted in this report(Compliance Report G is t and complete to the best of my knowledge. 02??C Sign ure of P it ee(or Au orized Agent ( D to I GW-59A 12/8/2003 total Fecal dissolved Chloride Parameters Date mpn/100 solids 500 Ph 6.5-8.5 250 Nitrate 10 Well 3 7/1/2006 <1 255 6.01 104 0.025 11/1/2006 <1 238 5.92 103 0.02 3/1/2007 zone 4 7/1/2007 <1 264 6.04 107 0.02 11/1/2007 <1 266 5.83 114 0.02 3/1/2008 <1 285 6.18 117 0.1 7/1/2008 <1 317 5.65 141 0.02 11/1/2008 <1 244 6.25 116 0.03 3/1/2009 7/1/2009 <1 367 5.92 130 0.02 11/1/2009 <1 347 5.64 142 0.5 3/1/2010 <1 401 6.06 177 0.03 _ 7/1/2010 <1 389 5.72 164 0.05 11/1/2010 <1 385 5.68 176 0.19 3/1/2011 <1 441 6.15 181 0.13 7/1/2011 <1 450 5.86 191 0.02 11/1/2011 <1 468 6.17 201 0.15 3/1/2012 <1 446 6.12 187 <.02 7/1/2012 <1 450 6.07 196 0.09 11/1/2012 <1 487 6.11 188 <.02 3/1/2013 <1 471 5.98 251 <.02 7/22/2013 <1 540 6.41 211 0.08 11/14/2013 <1 436 5.83 198 0.05 3/14/2014 <1 490 6.34 242 0.05 7/18/2014 9 560 5.67 198 0.04 11/3/2014 <1 485 5.88 169 0.04 3/9/2015 2 554 5.92 239 <.02 7/22/2015 <1 134 6.5 15 0.44 11/16/2015 9 221 6.73 132 <.02 3/17/2016 <1 622 5.66 283 <.02 7/19/2016 5 141 6.46 23 0.09 11/10/2016 4 138 6.67 19 <.02 3/10/2017 1 431 5.8 181 0.1 7/14/2017 10 208 6.92 24 <.02 11/2/2017 3 255 6.46 34 <.02 3/26/2018 <1 575 5.95 229 0.32 7/30/2018 1400 142 6.13 17 0.05 11/14/2018 <1 549 6.06 245 <.02 3/19/2019 2 547 6.02 209 <.02 7/18/2019 <1 552 5.34 228 0.08 11/21/2017 <1 536 6.11 194 0.13 3/17/2020 <1 530 6 217 0.11 7/23/2020 3 350 6.4 132 0.15 11/5/2020 1 357 6.6 130 0.09 3/11/2021 4 763 6.1 182 0.16 total Fecal dissolved Chloride Parameters Date mpn/100 solids 500 Ph 6.5-8.5 250 Nitrate 10 Well 4 7/1/2006 <1 285 6.13 118 0.025 11/1/2006 2 348 5.39 154 1.14 3/1/2007 zone 1 7/1/2007 <1 389 5.42 190 0.45 11/1/2007 <1 384 5.19 186 0.12 3/1/2008 <1 370 5.53 193 0.63 7/1/2008 <1 333 5.33 212 0.81 11/1/2008 <1 356 5.73 218 1.41 3/1/2009 7/1/2009 <1 484 5.47 376 0.35 11/1/2009 <1 649 5.53 300 0.02 3/1/2010 <1 631 5.75 300 0.24 7/1/2010 <1 589 5.79 298 0.21 11/1/2010 < 1 621 5.64 350 0.2 3/1/2011 <1 664 5.73 289 0.67 7/1/2011 <1 580 5.68 280 0.24 11/1/2011 <1 577 5.85 279 0.11 3/1/2012 <1 553 5.81 248 <.02 7/1/2012 <1 625 5.73 258 0.02 11/1/2012 <1 590 5.76 249 0.06 3/1/2013 <1 593 5.52 329 <.02 7/22/2013 <1 614 5.88 280 0.02 11/14/2013 <1 581 5.39 3/14/2014 <1 769 5.92 373 <.02 7/18/2014 <1 779 5.26 331 <.02 11/3/2014 <1 738 5.3 272 <.02 3/9/2015 <1 758 5.44 287 <.02 7/22/2015 <1 602 5.08 326 <.02 11/16/2015 <1 596 6.12 233 <.02 3/17/2016 <1 559 5.34 241 <.02 7/19/2016 <1 519 5.18 232 <.02 11/10/2016 <1 474 6.02 192 <.02 3/10/2017 <1 452 5.17 206 0.03 7/14/2017 <1 504 5.97 191 <.02 11/2/2017 <1 515 6.73 210 <.02 3/26/2018 <1 514 5.51 214 0.05 7/30/2018 4 565 5.76 191 0.1 11/14/2018 <1 582 5.78_ 248 <.02 3/19/2019 <1 578 5.85 248 <.02 7/18/2019 <1 576 5.87 218 <.02 11/21/2019 <1 582 6.27 240 <.02 3/17/2020 <1 629 6 281 0.08 7/23/2020 <1 604 6.2 271 0.1 11/5/2020 <1 621 6.9, 230 0.17 3/11/2021 <1 754 6.2 199 0.12 total Fecal dissolved Chloride Parameters Date mpn/100 solids 500 Ph 6.5-8.5 250 Nitrate 10 Well 7 7/1/2006 <1 222 7.41 10.8 0.025 11/1/2006 <1 218 7.06 10.9 0.02 3/1/2007 zone 15 7/1/2007 <1 230 7.24 14 0.02 11/1/2007 <1 241 5.87 12 0.02 3/1/2008 <1 221 6.93 13 0.1 7/1/2008 <1 223 6.88 13 0.02 11/1/2008 <1 205 7.34 13 0.02 3/1/2009 7/1/2009 <1 242 6.47 11 0.02 11/1/2009 <1 245 6.61 245 0.02 3/1/2010 <1 244 7.42 8 0.2 7/1/2010 <1 239 7.07 7 0.04 11/1/2010 40 247 6.88 8 0.06 3/1/2011 <1 252 6.79 8 ,04 7/1/2011 <1 240 6.79 6 <.02 11/1/2011 <1 241 6.29 9 0.02 3/1/2012 <1 234 6.93 6 <.02 7/1/2012 2 251 6.8 11 0.02 11/1/2012 <1 249 5.93 7 0.13 3/1/2013 <1 255 7.4 17 <.02 7/22/2013 <1 261 7.31 8 <.02 11/14/2013 <1 243 7.35 5 <.02 3/14/2014 <1 249 7.08 9 0.03 7/18/2014 <1 253 6.64 7 <.02 11/3/2014 <1 256 6.91 8 <.02 3/9/2015 <1 247 7.17 10 <.02 7/22/2015 <1 35 6.85 6 <.02 11/16/2015 <1 230 7.38 7 <.02 3/17/2016 <1 239 7.07 8 <.02 7/19/2016 <1 239 7.35 7 <.02 11/10/2016 <1 254 7.36 7 <.02 3/10/2017 <1 233 7.28 8 <.02 _ 7/14/2017 <1 249 7.21 8 <.02 11/2/2017 <1 244 6.98 6 <.02 3/26/2018 <1 250 6.8 7 0.07 7/30/2018 <1 251 6.9 7 0.03 11/14/2018 <1 241 7.04 8 <.02 3/19/2019 <1 247 7.31 7 <.02 7/18/2019 4 241 7.87 7 0.08 11/21/2019 <1 248 7.42 7 <.02 _ 3/7/2020 <1 248 7.3 8 <.02 7/24/2020 <1 234 7.4 8 <.02 11/5/2020 <1 234 7.4 7 <.02 3/11/2021 <1 258 7.4 9 0.04 total Fecal dissolved Chloride Parameters Date mpn/100 solids 500 Ph 6.5-8.5 250 Nitrate 10 Well 8 7/1/2006 <1 31 5.14 14.8 0.03 11/1/2006 30 41 5.2 8.2 0.02 3/1/2007 zone 6 7/1/2007 <1 37 5.42 12 0.02 11/1/2007 <1 62 4.65 23 0.02 3/1/2008 <1 178 5.98 12 0.1 7/1/2008 <1 155 5.19 4 0.02 11/1/2008 <1 20 5.91 8 0.02 3/1/2009 7/1/2009 <1 42 5.8 5 0.12 11/1/2009 <1 50 4.78 9 0.02 3/1/2010 <1 49 5.44 11 0.02 7/1/2010 <1 37 4.74 22 <.02 11/1/2010 <1 61 5.28 11 <.02 3/1/2011 <1 59 5.08 17 <.02 7/1/2011 <1 75 4.98 18 <.02 11/1/2011 <1 153 6.14 19 <.02 3/1/2012 <1 40 6.46 7 <.02 7/1/2012 2 234 5.17 117 <.02 11/1/2012 <1 53 6.02 34 <.02 3/1/2013 <1 55 5.55 11 <.02 7/22/2013 <1 49 5.93 <5 <.02 11/14/2013 <1 33 5.73 <5 <.02 3/1/2014 <1 28 6.43 <5 <.02 7/18/2014 <1 32 5.88 <5 <.02 11/3/2014 <1 39 5.35 8 <.02 3/9/2015 <1 37 5.62 8 <.02 7/22/2015 <1 239 6.08 9 <.02 11/16/2015 <1 46 5.83 17 <.02 3/17/2016 <1 59 5.61 14 <.02 7/19/2016 <1 60 5.48 <5 <.02 11/10/2016 <1 49 5.15 14 <.02 3/10/2017 <1 51 4.9 8 <.02 7/14/2017 <1 39 5.88 <5 <.02 11/2/2017 <1 46 5.16 <5 <.02 3/26/2018 <1 37 5.81 <5 0.05 7/30/2018 <1 42 5.7 <5 0.02 11/14/2018 <1 44 5.17 9 <.02 3/19/2019 <1 38 5.28 10 <.02 7/18/2019 <1 53 4.99 16 <.02 11/21/2019 <1 112 5.09 12 <.02 3/17/2020 <1 62 5.4 14 <.02 7/23/2020 <1 37 5.5 8 <.02 11/5/2020 <1 44 5.3 11 0.03 3/11/2021 <1 57 5.4 11 0.02 total Fecal dissolved Chloride Parameters Date mpn/100 solids 500 Ph 6.5-8.5 250 Nitrate 10 Well 9 3/7/2013 <1 85 5.43 22 <.02 7/22/2013 4 97 6.14 15 0.08 11/14/2013 <1 84 5.48 12 0.04 zone H 3/14/2014 <1 74 5.51 24 <.02 7/18/2014 <1 218 4.64 106 0.04 11/3/2014 <1 167 4.47 87 0.09 3/9/2015 <1 219 4.31 130 <.02 7/22/2015 1000 187 4.72 197 <.02 11/16/2015 <1 292 4.23 154 <.02 3/17/2016 <1 259 4.87 136 <.02 7/19/2016 1 350 4.86 170 <.02 11/10/2016 <1 300 4.66 133 <.02 3/10/2017 <1 353 3.94 173 0.1 7/14/2017 <1 342 5.19 170 <.02 11/2/2017 220 316 4.01 177 <.02 3/26/2018 <1 351 3.76 171 0.1 7/30/2018 1 325 5.19 152 0.19 11/14/2018 <1 328 4.67 165 <.02 3/19/2019 <1 275 4.71 142 <.02 7/18/2019 <1 240 4.13 120 0.03 11/21/2019 2 306 4.23 167 0.54 3/17/2020 <1 335 4.2 176 0.12 7/23/2020 <1 351 4.5 214 0.06 11/5/2020 <1 416 4.5 190 0.11 3/11/2021 <1 354 4.8 165 0.12 total Fecal dissolved Chloride Parameters Date mpn/100 solids 500 Ph 6.5-8.5 250 Nitrate 10 Well 10 3/7/2013 <1 72 5.2 18 <.02 7/22/2013 3 130 5.81 43 0.04 11/14/2013 <1 103 5.28 38 0.03 zone D 3/14/2014 <1 55 5.82 29 0.06 7/18/2014 <1 123 5.99 42 0.03 11/3/2014 <1 112 4.84 47 0.04 3/9/2015 <1 95 4.58 45 <.02 7/22/2015 <1 112 4.83 56 <.02 11/16/2015 <1 121 4.83 50 <.02 3/17/2016 <1 100 5.16 43 <.02 7/19/216 <1 124 4.93 55 <.02 11/10/2016 <1 127 4.76 54 <.02 3/10/2017 <1 95 3.72 47 <.02 7/14/2017 <1 101 5.32 39 <.02 11/2/2017 5 99 4.08 43 <.02 3/26/2018 <1 108 3.9 36 0.06 7/30/2018 <1 80 5.35 16 0.1 11/14/2018 <1 44 4.93 16 0.03 3/19/2019 <1 110 4.37 46 <.02 7/18/2019 <1 132 4.98 52 0.04 11/21/2019 <1 114 4.92 30 <.02 3/17/2020 <1 123 4.3 46 <.02 7/23/2020 <1 108 5.3 56 0.04 11/5/2020 <1 130 4.4 43 0.03 3/11/2021 <1 115 4.8 53 0.02 total Fecal dissolved Chloride Parameters Date mpn/100 solids 500 Ph 6.5-8.5 250 Nitrate 10 Well 11 3/7/2013 <1 206 5.23 9 <.02 7/22/2013 2100 853 5.61 109 <.02 11/14/2013 <100 595 5.62 9 <.02 zone C 3/14/2014 <1 1450 6.43 93 <.02 7/18/2014 93 520 5.73 37 <.02 11/3/2014 <1 640 5.12 16 0.05 3/9/2015 <1 157 5.26 20 <.02 7/22/2015 1100 145 5.25 42 <.02 11/16/2015 17 143 5.17 26 <.02 3/17/2016 <1 644 5.69 19 <.02 7/19/2016 123 517 4.86 18 0.03 11/10/2016 <1 391 4.8 21 <.02 3/10/2017 91 257 4.75 20 <.02 7/14/2017 <1 214 5.43 20 <.02 11/2/2017 3100 123 5.31 14 <.02 3/26/2018 4 192 4.94 17 <.02 7/30/2018 >6000 202 5.67 18 <.02 11/14/2018 410 355 5 28 <.02 3/19/2019 <1 179 5.22 22 0.11 7/18/2019 <1 735 5.01 35 <.02 11/21/2019 5 192 4.75 38 <.02 3/17/2020 5 179 4.8 34 <.02 7/23/2020 <1 129 4.8 40 <.02 11/5/2020 1 113 4.7 133 <.02 3/11/2021 <1 110 4.9 37 0.02 total Fecal dissolved Chloride Parameters Date mpn/100 solids 500 Ph 6.5-8.5 250 Nitrate 10 Well 12 3/7/2013 <1 76 5.58 20 0.04 7/22/2013 <1 224 5.05 120 0.03 11/14/2013 <1 227 4.33 100 0.04 zone A 3/14/2014 <1 160 5.4 66 0.09 7/18/2014 1 148 4.79 26 0.03 11/3/2014 91 282 4.66 126 0.03 3/9/2015 <1 217 5.26 107 <.02 7/22/2015 1300 332 5.37 172 <.02 11/16/2015 19 241 5.55 8 <.02 3/17/2016 <1 329 5.3 157 <.02 7/19/2016 800 456 5.3 193 0.08 11/10/2016 7 318 5.07 165 <.02 3/10/2017 3 431 5.36 208 0.08 7/14/2017 8 287 5.87 140 <.02 11/2/2017 41 224 5.03 114 <.02 3/26/2018 3 386 4.76 178 0.12 7/30/2018 290 409 6 168 0.05 11/14/2018 48 280 5.29 141 <.02 3/19/2019 <1 387 5.19 183 <.02 7/18/2019 <1 473 4.62 205 0.05 11/21/2019 7 455 5.02 194 0.11 3/17/2020 1 380 5.8 177 <.02 7/23/2020 290 564 6.1 297 0.11 11/5/2020 7 439 5.6 199 0.03 3/11/2021 <1 461 6 202 0.03 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY Mail original DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT&NATURAL RESOURCES GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: and 1 copy to: ' OF WATER QUALJTY4NFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER,RALEIGH,NC 27699-1617 Phorw:(919)733-3221 FACILITY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type PERMIT Number: WQ0000795 Expiration Date: 2/28/22 Facility Name: Surf City W.W.T.P Non-Discharge UIC Permit Name(if different): NPDES Other Facility Address: PO Box 2475 TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Surf City NC 28445 County Onslow ❑ Lagoon ❑Remediation: Infiltration Gallery ❑� Spray Field ❑Remediation: Contact Person: Zachary Butler Telephone#: 910-329-1011 ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name:zone 1 No.of wells to be sampled: 1 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑Other: (from Permit) SAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER(from Permit): well 3 Date sample collected: 3/11/2021 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth: 18.2 ft. Well Diameter: 2 in. pH 00400: 6.2 units Temp.00o10: 15.9 °C DRY at Mhos time of Depth to Water Level 82546:6.1 ft.below measuring point Screened Interval: 17 ft. to 15.2 ft. Spec.Cond.00094: µ sampling, Measuring Point is 3.4 ft.above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Odor o0085: none check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 5.0 gallons Appearance clear here:❑ Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: ❑YES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑YES ❑NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed:see report Laboratory Name: Envirochem Certification No. 94 PARAMETERS NOTE:Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite(NO2)as N oos15 <0.02 mg/L Pb-Lead o1os1 ug/L Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 <1 /100mL Nitrate(NO3)as N 0os20 .17 mg/L Zn-Zinc o1092 mg/L Coliform: MF Total 31504 /100mL Phosphorus:Total as P 00665 <0.04 mg/L (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other(Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): Dissolved Solids:Total 70300 754 mg/L Al-Aluminum o11os mg/L pH(Lab)00403 units Ba-Barium 01007 ug/L TOC oosso 7.4 mg/L Ca-Calcium oasis mg/L Chloride oos4o 199 mg/L Cd-Cadmium 01027 ug/L Arsenic 01002 ug/L Chromium:Total 01034 ug/L Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu-Copper o1042 mg/L ORGANICS:(by GC,GC/MS,HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe-Iron 01045 ug/L (Specify test and method#.ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mg/L Hg-Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yes(1) ❑ No(0) Specific Conductance 00095 µMhos K-Potassium 00937 mg/L VOC 78732: , method# Total Ammonia oosso <0.2 mg/L Mg-Magnesium 00927 mg/L , method# (Ammonia Nitrogen;NH3as N;Ammonia Nitrogen,Total) Mn-Manganese 01055 ug/L ,method# TKN as N oosss mg/L Ni-Nickel 01067 ug/L ,method# For Remediation Systems Only(Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information submitted in this report is true accurate and complete and that the laboratory analytical data was produced using approved methods of analysis by a DWQ-certified laboratory. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information.including the possibility of fines and impri.'nmmm:,i in"know',ig violations. Zachary Butler ORC1 Air 4/6/2021 Permittee(or Authorized Agent)Name and Title-Please print or type Sign- •re ee(or Authorized Agent) (Date) GW-59 Rev.2/2010 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY Mail original DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT&NATURAL RESOURCES GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: and 1 Copy to: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY-INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER,RALEIGH,NC 27699-1617 Phone:(919)733-3221 FACILITY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type PERMIT Number: WQ0000795 Expiration Date: 2/28/22 Facility Name: Surf City W.W.T.P Non-Discharge UIC Permit Name(if different): NPDES Other Facility Address: PO Box 2475 TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Surf City NC 28445 County Onslow ❑ Lagoon ❑Remediation: Infiltration Gallery 0 Spray Field ❑Remediation: Contact Person: Zachary Butler Telephone#: 910-329-1011 ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name:zone 1 No.of wells to be sampled: 1 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑Other: (from Permit) SAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER(from Permit): well 4 Date sample collected: 3/11/2021 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth: 18.4 ft. Well Diameter: 2 in. pH 00400: 6.2 units Temp.00010: 15.9 °C DRY at Mhos time of Depth to Water Level azsas:3.5 ft.below measuring point Screened Interval: 16.4 ft. to 18.4 ft. Spec.Cond.000sa: µ sampling, Measuring Point is 2.2 ft.above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Odor 00085: none check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 5.0 gallons Appearance clear here:Q Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: ❑YES El NO and field acidified: ❑YES ❑NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed:see report Laboratory Name: Envirochem Certification No. 94 PARAMETERS NOTE:Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite(NO2)as N owls <0.02 mg/L Pb-Lead 01051 ug/L Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 <1 /100mL Nitrate(NO3)as N 00620 .17 mg/L Zn-Zinc 01o9z mg/L Coliform:MF Total 31504 /100mL Phosphorus:Total as P 00665 <0.04 mg/L (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other(Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): )issolved Solids:Total 70300 754 mg/L Al-Aluminum o11os mg/L pH(Lab)00403 units Ba-Barium 01007 ug/L TOC oosao 7.4 mg/L Ca-Calcium rims mg/L Chloride oo9ao 199 mg/L Cd-Cadmium 01027 ug/L Arsenic 01002 ug/L Chromium:Total 01034 ug/L Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu-Copper 01042 mg/L ORGANICS: (by GC,GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe-Iron o1045 ug/L (Specify test and method#.ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mg/L Hg-Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yes(1) ❑ No(0) Specific Conductance o0095 µMhos K-Potassium 00937 mg/L VOC 78732: ,method# Total Ammonia oast° <0.2 mg/L Mg-Magnesium 00927 mg/L , method# (Ammonia Nitrogen;NH3as N;Ammonia Nitrogen,Total) Mn-Manganese 01055 ug/L , method# TKN as N 00625 mg/L Ni-Nickel 01067 ug/L , method# For Remediation Systems Only(Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% I certify that.to the best of my knowledge and belief,the information submitted in this report is true,accurate,and complete,and that the laboratory analytical data was produced using approved methods of analysis by a DWQ-certified laboratory. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Zachary Butler ORC �JIVj 4/6/2021 Permittee(or Authorized Agent)Name and Title-Please print or type Signal o Permi (or• orized Ag- t) (Date) GW-59 Rev.2/2010 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY Mail original DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT&NATURAL RESOURCES GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: and 1 copy to: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY-INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER,RALEIGH,NC 27699-1617 Phone:(919)733-3221 FACILITY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type PERMIT Number: WQ0000795 Expiration Date: 2/28/22 Facility Name: Surf City W.W.T.P Non-Discharge UIC Permit Name(if different): NPDES Other Facility Address: PO Box 2475 TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Surf City NC 28445 County Onslow CI Lagoon CI Remediation: Infiltration Gallery ® Spray Field ❑Remediation: Contact Person: Zachary Butler Telephone#: 910-329-1011 ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name:zone 15 No.of wells to be sampled: 1 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑Other: (from Permit) SAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER(from Permit): well 7 Date sample collected: 3/11/2021 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth: 28.2 ft. Well Diameter: 2 in. pH 00400: 7.4 units Temp.00010: 19.3 °C DRY at Mhos time of Depth to Water Level 82546:0.0 ft.below measuring point Screened Interval: 26.2 ft. to 28.2 ft. Spec.Cond.00094: µ sampling, Measuring Point is 1.7 ft.above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Odor 00085: none check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 0.5(dry) gallons Appearance very clear here:❑ Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: ❑YES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑YES ❑NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed:see report Laboratory Name: Envirochem Certification No. 94 PARAMETERS NOTE:Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite(NO2)as N 00615 <0.02 mg/L Pb-Lead o1os1 uglL Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 <1 /100mL Nitrate(NO3)as N 00620 0.04 mg/L Zn-Zinc o1os2 mg/L Coliform:MF Total 31504 /100mL Phosphorus:Total as P oases .26 mg/L (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other(Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): dissolved Solids:Total 70300 258 mg/L Al-Aluminum o1105 mg/L pH(Lab)00403 units Ba-Barium 01007 ug/L TOC oos8o 1.7 mg/L Ca-Calcium 00916 mg/L Chloride oos4o 9 mg/L Cd-Cadmium 01027 ug/L Arsenic olooz ug/L Chromium:Total 01034 ug/L Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu-Copper 01042 mg/L ORGANICS:(by GC,GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe-Iron 01045 uglL (Specify test and method#.ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mg/L Hg-Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? El Yes(1) Cl No(0) Specific Conductance 00095 µMhos K-Potassium 00937 mg/L VOC 78732: ,method# Total Ammonia 00610 <0.2 mg/L Mg-Magnesium 00927 mg/L ,method# (Ammonia Nitrogen;NH,asN;Ammonia Nitrogen,Total) Mn-Manganese 01055 ug/L ,method# TKN as N 00625 mg/L Ni-Nickel 01067 ug/L ,method# For Remediation Systems Only(Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information submitted in this report is true.accurate.and complete and that the laboratory analytical data was produced using approved methods of analysis by a DWQ-certified laboratory. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Zachary Butler ORC C(lf 4/6/2021 Permittee(or Authorized Agent)Name and Title-Please print or type Sig,-ure of P- ittee(or Authorized Agent (Date) GW-59 Rev.2/2010 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY Mail original ' PARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT&NATURAL RESOURCES GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: and 1 copy t0: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY-INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM 1817 MAIL SERVICE CENTER,RALEIGH,NC 27699-1617 Phone:(919)733-3221 FACILITY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type PERMIT Number: WQ0000795 Expiration Date: 2/28/22 Facility Name: Surf City W.W.T.P Non-Discharge UIC Permit Name(if different): NPDES Other Facility Address: PO Box 2475 TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Surf City NC 28445 County Onslow ❑ Lagoon ❑Remediation: Infiltration Gallery eid Spray Field ❑Remediation: Contact Person: Zachary Butler Telephone#: 910-329-1011 ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name:zone 6 No.of wells to be sampled: 1 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑Other: (from Permit) SAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER(from Permit): well 8 Date sample collected: 3/11/2021 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth: 5.2 ft. Well Diameter: 2 in. pH 00400: 5.4 units Temp.00010: 20.7 °C DRY at Depth to Water Level 8254s:4.7 ft.below measuring point Screened Interval: 4.99 ft. to 9.99 ft. Spec.Cond.000s4: µMhos time of sampling, Measuring Point is 3.0 ft.above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Odor 00085: none check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 5 gallons Appearance clear here:❑ Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: ❑YES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑YES ❑NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed:see report Laboratory Name: Envirochem Certification No. 94 PARAMETERS NOTE:Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite(NO2)as N ousts <0.02 mg/L Pb-Lead 01051 ug/L Coliform:MF Fecal 31616 <1. /100mL Nitrate(NO3)as N own 0.02 mg/L Zn-Zinc 01092 mg/L Coliform: MF Total 31504 /100mL Phosphorus:Total as P ooss5 0.35 mg/L (Note. Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other(Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): Dissolved Solids:Total 70300 57 mg/L Al-Aluminum 01105 mg/L pH(Lab)00403 units Ba-Barium o1007 ug/L TOC 00680 6.0 mg/L Ca-Calcium ousts mg/L Chloride oos4o 11 mg/L Cd-Cadmium 01027 ug/L Arsenic 0100z ug/L Chromium:Total 01034 ug/L Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu-Copper 01042 mg/L ORGANICS:(by GC,GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe-Iron oto4s ug/L (Specify test and method#.ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mg/L Hg-Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yes(1) ❑ No(0) Specific Conductance 000s5 µMhos K-Potassium 00937 mg/L VOC 78732: ,method# Total Ammonia 00610 <0.2 mg/L Mg-Magnesium 00927 mg/L ,method# (Ammonia Nitrogen;NH3as N;Ammonia Nitrogen,Total) Mn-Manganese 01055 ug/L , method# TKN as N 00625 mg/L Ni-Nickel ot067 ug/L , method# For Remediation Systems Only(Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% I certify that,to the best of my knowledge and belief,the information submitted in this report is true,accurate,and complete.and that the laboratory analytical data was produced using approved methods of analysis by a DWQ-certified laboratory. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Zachary Butler ORC 4/6/2021 Permittee(or Authorized Agent)Name and Title-Please print or type Signatu/'of Permi e(or Authorized Age (Date) GW-59 Rev.2/2010 Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochem 6602 Windmill Way,Wilmington,NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road,Manteo,NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax sM 255-A Wilmington Highway,Jacksonville,NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL&CONSULTING CHEMISTS info,a,environmentalchemists.com Town of Surf City Date of Report: Mar 26, 2021 Post Office Box 2475 Customer PO#: Surf City NC 28445 Customer ID: 08110024 Attention: Report#: 2021-04167 Project ID: Sarge Martin Site MW's Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 21-10240 Site:MW-3 3/11/2021 10:10 AM Water Eric McHorney Test Method Results Date Analyzed Color Color Clear/Lt Tan 03/11/2021 Depth to water, ft. Depth to Water,Ft 6.1 feet 03/11/2021 Ammonia Nitrogen EPA 350.1 < 0.2 mg/L 03/17/2021 Gallons bailed before sampling Gallons Bailed before sampling 5.0 gallons 03/11/2021 Odor Qualitative None 03/11/2021 Total Dissolved Solids(TDS) SM 2540 C 763 mg/L 03/12/2021 Temperature SM 2550 B 15.4 C 03/11/2021 Chloride SM 4500 CIE 182 mg/L 03/16/2021 pH SM 4500 H B 6.1 units 03/11/2021 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 0.23 mg/L 03/24/2021 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) SM 5310 B 7.6 mg/L 03/17/2021 Fecal Coliform SM 9222D MF 4 Colonies/100mL 03/11/2021 Nitrate Nitrogen (Calc) Nitrite Nitrogen EPA 353.2 < 0.02 mg/L 03/11/2021 Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA 353.2 0.16 mg/L 03/16/2021 Nitrate Nitrogen Subtraction Method 0.16 mg/L 03/25/2021 Report#:: 2021-04187 Page 1 of 4 1 Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochem 6602 Windmill Way,Wilmington,NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road,Manteo,NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax SM 255-A Wilmington Highway,Jacksonville,NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL&CONSULTING CHEMISTS infoia environmentalchemists.com Town of Surf City Date of Report: Mar 26, 2021 Post Office Box 2475 Customer PO#: Surf City NC 28445 Customer ID: 08110024 Attention: Report#: 2021-04167 Project ID: Sarge Martin Site MW's Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 21-10241 Site: MW-4 3/11/2021 10:25 AM Water Eric McHorney Test Method Results Date Analyzed Color Color Clear 03/11/2021 Depth to water, ft. Depth to Water.Ft 3.5 feet 03/11/2021 Ammonia Nitrogen EPA 350.1 <0.2 mg/L 03/17/2021 Gallons bailed before sampling Gallons Balled before sampling 5.0 gallons 03/11/2021 Odor Qualitative None 03/11/2021 Total Dissolved Solids(TDS) SM 2540 C 754 mg/L 03/12/2021 Temperature SM 2550 8 15.9 C 03/11/2021 Chloride SM 4500 CIE 199 mg/L 03/16/2021 pH SM 4500 H B 6.2 units 03/11/2021 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F < 0.04 mg/L 03/24/2021 Total Organic Carbon(TOC) SM 5310 B 7.4 mg/L 03/17/2021 Fecal Coliform SM 92220 MF <1 Colonies/100mL 03/11/2021 Nitrate Nitrogen (Calc) Nitrite Nitrogen EPA 353.2 < 0.02 mg/L 03/11/2021 Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA 353.2 0.12 mg/L 03/16/2021 Nitrate Nitrogen Subtraction Method 0.12 mg/L 03/25/2021 Report# 2021-04167 Page 2 of 4 Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochem 6602 Windmill Way,Wilmington,NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road,Manteo,NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax sM 255-A Wilmington Highway,Jacksonville,NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL&CONSULTING CHEMISTS infora environmentalchemists.com Town of Surf City Date of Report: Mar 26, 2021 Post Office Box 2475 Customer PO#: Surf City NC 28445 Customer ID: 08110024 Attention: Report#: 2021-04167 Project ID: Sarge Martin Site MW's Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 21-10242 Site: MW-7 3/11/2021 10:55 AM Water Eric McHorney Test Method Results Date Analyzed Color Color Clear 03/11/2021 Depth to water, ft. Depth to Water,Ft. 0.0feet 03/11/2021 Ammonia Nitrogen EPA 350.1 <0.2 mg/L 03/17/2021 Gallons bailed before sampling Gallons Bailed before sampling 0.50 gallons 03/11/2021 Odor Qualitative None 03/11/2021 Total Dissolved Solids(TDS) SM 2540 C 258 mg/L 03/12/2021 Temperature SM 2550 B 17.9 C 03/11/2021 Chloride SM 4500 CI E 9 mg/L 03/16/2021 pH SM 4500 H B 7.4 units 03/11/2021 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 0.26 mg/L 03/24/2021 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) SM 5310 B 1.7 mg/L 03/17/2021 Fecal Coliform SM 9222D MF <1 Colonies/100mL 03/11/2021 Nitrate Nitrogen (Calc) Nitrite Nitrogen EPA 353.2 < 0.02 mg/L 03/11/2021 Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA 353.2 0.04 mg/L 03/16/2021 Nitrate Nitrogen Subtraction Method 0.04 mg/L 03/25/2021 Report# 2021-04167 Page 3 of 4 Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochem 6602 Windmill Way,Wilmington,NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road,Manteo,NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax M 255-A Wilmington Highway,Jacksonville,NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL&CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@environmentalchemists.com Town of Surf City Date of Report: Mar 26, 2021 Post Office Box 2475 Customer PO#: Surf City NC 28445 Customer ID: 08110024 Attention: Report#: 2021-04167 Project ID: Sarge Martin Site MW's Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 21-10243 Site: MW-8 3/11/2021 9:45 AM Water Eric McHorney Test Method Results Date Analyzed Color Color Clear 03/11/2021 Depth to water, ft. Depth to Water,Ft. 4.7 feet 03/11/2021 Ammonia Nitrogen EPA 350.1 < 0.2 mg/L 03/17/2021 Gallons bailed before sampling Gallons Bailed before sampling 5.0 gallons 03/11/2021 Odor Qualitative None 03/11/2021 Total Dissolved Solids(TDS) SM 2540 C 57 mg/L 03/12/2021 Temperature SM 255013 15.4C 03/11/2021 Chloride SM 4500 CIE 11 mg/L 03/16/2021 pH SM4500HB 5.4 units 03/11/2021 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 0.35 mg/L 03/24/2021 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) SM 5310 B 6.0 mg/L 03/17/2021 Fecal Coliform SM 9222D MF <1 Colonies/100mL 03/11/2021 Nitrate Nitrogen (Calc) Nitrite Nitrogen EPA 353.2 <0.02 mg/L 03/11/2021 Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA 353.2 0.02 mg/L 03/16/2021 Nitrate Nitrogen Subtraction Method 0.02 mg/L 03/25/2021 Comment: �LL- Report#::Reviewed by:2021-04167 Page 4 of 4 envirochem ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC 6602 OFFICE:910-392-0223 Wilmington,FAX 910-392-4424 Analytical&Consulting Chemists NCDENR:DWQ CERTIFICATION#94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION#37729 info@environmentalchemists.com COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY CLIENT: Town of Surf City PROJECT NAME: Sarge Martin MW's REPORT NO: 21 — 0 La 1 ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: PHONE/FAX: COPY TO: email: Sampled By: `L..e.v/%Ac.4e,( SAMPLE TYPE: I=Influent, E=Effluent,W=Well,ST=Stream,SO=Soil,SL=Sludge, Other: Collection a _i. d PRESERVATION Sample Identification t F no :° `oo w o _ o W ANALYSIS REQUESTED 0 0 I. , o cO "L rn al e E gn o u in Z Date Time Temp 0 0 ` z z = _ I z 1- o C P MW# 3 3'l./7 1 lo:Loll— i '.4G G 1 U'(0 X Chloride, TDS , C P rf< 1- Gallons Bailed: c G G ��'� X P NO3, TP, NH3 3 .` C P Depth to Water: 1 G G X TOC h.oai-l y 4-1 c.,.- C P Color: Lk "c G G X Fecal C P Odor: }J ov-i- G G X VOC (November) C P pH (field) Gx •t ,-' W W G G C P G G C P G G C P G G Transfer Relinquished By: Date/Time Received By: Date/Time 1. 2. Temperature when Received °C: 2. 5— Accepted: ✓ Rejecte : Resample Requested: Delivered By: /j---l�Lz-/---3, Received By: Date: 3 I ( 1 ` 2-1 Time: ' 4 35 Comments: TURNAROUND: Date: " Ill J— \ T on p 91 Facilih\'ame: ie�..� e� errii�ficLiati��`Sa.�t �{+� �ItW tY • Analyst: ..PLO 144'r ^'a"'j Permit#: }�e(nd t n9 1 pH Reference Method SS14500 H—B-2011 Instrument ID Calibration Time Cal Buffer 4 0 s u Cal Buffer 10 0 s u Check Buffer 7.0 s u Comments vS ` 10 O •pH check buffer must read within±0 1 pH units of the buffer's true%alue 4 su buffer Lot 4:: Ricca 2001820 art 1/2022 7 su buffer LotP: Ricca 2008993 Exit.7/2022 10 su buffer Lot=: Ricca 1001791 7/2021 Sample locationI Sample Collection I Sample Analysis ►Post-analysis Buffer Time• Time , pH Result su Check%alues.0 Comments Data Qualifiers MW- 3 lo : to A.... (o:tl� G. 1� Mw -y to:7.sR ib_1. G. ;-t M W=-t ta:SSA- to :c 7A '1.3 7 Mar-$ g:-t4A 9: 47i1• 5:79 10 Post analysis buffer check is required«hen performing analyses at multiple sampling locations and must be.within i 0.1 units of the buffer's true salue All pH values in pH units(i.e,s u) Record all data to the nearest 0 01 s u and report to the nearest 0 I s u Total Residual Chlorine(TRC) Reference Method SM 4500 CI-G2011: Hach 8167 HR• (Please circle a plicable Method Instrument ID. Daily Check Post-analysis Time check Check Std Sample Sample Standard Result Standard Sample Collection Analysis TRC Result L at multihen ple Location Comments Data Qualifiers pg or mgi. at multiple sites) Analyzed Time Time µgL or m¢L 11 ri I Ii TRC Dail)Check Standard trues alue µglL or mg/L acceptance range Ngl or mg/L Check standards must recover within-10%of the check standard's true value Annual Calibration Curve Verification Date: LOT r Exp.Date: Reagent Blank Value._._ (When applicable.Analyze and document a reagent blank when standards.sample dilutions or PT Samples are prepared) Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Reference Method:SM 4500 O G:201 I Instrument ID Calibration Calibration%enable leter reading •Past-analysis calibration Verification or%efficiency verification(when necessary) Time Comments Temperature Barometric after calibration� Theoretical Calculated pressure Value mg'L Value mgi. Use this ross when performing a seritication instead of calibration Sample Location Sample Collection 'Sample Analysis DO reading Comments Data Qualifiers Time Time mgq e When performing analyses at multiple locations,the meter must be recalibrated at each site before analysis or a post-analysis calibration Aierification must be performed *If sample is measured direct])in the stream and or onsite,only time analyzed would be recorded with a note that they are measured in situ or immediately Temperature Reference Method SM 2550 B-2010 Instrument ID Sample *Sample Temperature Sample Location Collection Analysis °C Comments Data Qualifiers 1 Time Time MU- 3 10 .104* 10:11.4". I,•H M"I'y t : lCA- I:11 IS •a w--] kJ*.SSA- ►015?/1•- 1,-1. 9 M 6i - 8 q :NSA-.fl7" / t T•`¢ * If sample is measured directly in the stream andbr on site,only time analyzed would be recorded,with a note that they are measured in situ or immediately Annual Verification Date -2•2( Field Personnel Note: QA.001 Rev 9-2020 Environmental Chemist, Inc., Wilmington, NC Lab #94 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405 910.392.0223 Sample Receipt Checklist Client ,6= @A I TptA)t•i Date: 3 A i DR/ Report Number: 02 J --O LI I (p 7 Receipt of sample: ECHEM Pickup.* Client Delivery 0 OS 0 FedEx 0 Other 0 ❑ YES l❑ NO N/A 1. Were custody seals present on the cooler? ❑ YES 0 NO R N/A 2. If custody seals were present, were they intact/unbroken? Original temperature upon receipt 01. s °C Corrected temperature upon receipt °C How temperature taken: ❑ Temperature Blank A Against Bottles IR Gun ID: Thomas Traceable S/N 192511657 IR Gun Correction Factor°C: 0.0 ❑ YES 0 NO 3. If temperature of cooler exceeded 6°C, was Project Mgr./QA notified? YES ❑ NO 4. Were proper custody procedures (relinquished/received) followed? YES 0 NO 5. Were sample ID's listed on the COC? YES 0 NO 6. Were samples ID's listed on sample containers? YES 0 NO 7. Were collection date and time listed on the COC? YES 0 NO 8. Were tests to be performed listed on the COC? YES 0 NO 9. Did samples arrive in proper containers ?II, p p for each test. YES 0 NO 10. Did samples arrive in good condition for each test? YES 0 NO 11. Was adequate sample volume available?' YES 0 NO 12. Were samples received within proper holding time for requested tests? XYES 0 NO 13. Were acid preserved samples received at a pH of<2? * 0 YES 0 NO 14. Were cyanide samples received at a pH >12? ❑ YES 0 NO 15. Were sulfide samples received at a pH >9? YES 0 NO 16. Were NH3/TKN/Phenol received at a chlorine residual of<0.5 m/L? ** ❑ YES 0 NO 17. Were Sulfide/Cyanide received at a chlorine residual of<0.5 m/L? ❑ YES 0 NO 18, Were orthophosphate samples filtered in the field within 15 minutes? * TOC/Volatiles are pH checked at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. ** Bacteria samples are checked for Chlorine at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. Sample Preservation: (Must be completed for any sample(s) incorrectly preserved or with headspace) Sample(s) were received incorrectly preserved and were adjusted accordingly by adding (circle one): H2SO4 SOa HNO3 HCI NaOH Time of preservation: If more than one preservative is needed, notate in comments below Note:Notify customer service immediately for incorrectly preserved samples.Obtain a new sample or notify the state lab if directed to analyzed by the customer.Who was notified,date and time: Volatiles Sample(s) were received with headspace COMMENTS: DOC. QA.002 Rev 1 envirochem ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC OFFICE:Windmill Way Wilmington,NC284223 FAX 45 Analytical&Consulting Chemists NCDENR:DWQ CERTIFICATION#94 NCDHHS: DLS CERTIFICATION#37729 info@environmentalchemists.com COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY CLIENT: Town of Surf City PROJECT NAME: Sarge Martin MW's REPORT NO: Z 1 " 0 4 1 1e7 ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: PHONE/FAX: COPY TO: email: Sampled By: €r« PAcWup,r SAMPLE TYPE: I=Influent, E=Effluent,W=Well,ST=Stream,SO=Soil,SL=Sludge,Other: collection m 2 _ PRESERVATION Sample Identification a ;i A ` " P. w ' ~ F o 6 `o a 'c E co j z d °w o 0 o w ANALYSIS REQUESTED ciiDate Time Temp " 3 Z ° _ _ Z o C P MW# y 3fttij.t 10:zs/►.. IS•°% G G )0211i X Chloride, TDS C P Gallons Bailed: r G G �'�'� X p NO3, TP, NH3 C P Depth to Water: Lf a- G G C P . ) X X TOC Color: G �d� G G Fecal C P Odor: NIe--Cot G G X VOC (November) C P pH (field) l •1-1 I G G C P G G C P G G C P G G Transfer Relinquished By: Date/Time Received By: Date/Time 1. _ 2. Temperature when Received °C: 1 ( Accepted: Z Rejected: Resample Requ steel: Delivered By: Ziit'i6L/4 e Received By: Date: 3 f 1 I 1 Time: Comments: TURNAROUND: 602 FAX envirochem ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC OFFICE: mill9ayWilmIngton,3NC 28405 92-a424 Analytical&Consulting Chemists NCDENR:DWQ CERTIFICATION#94 NCDHHS:DLS CERTIFICATION#37729 info@environmentalchemists.com COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY ( CLIENT: Town of Surf City PROJECT NAME: Sarge Martin MW's REPORT NO: 2 1 — 0`,,-t I(Q - ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: PHONE/FAX: COPY TO: email: Sampled By: C..c Mc L SAMPLE TYPE: I=Influent,E=Effluent,W=Well,ST=Stream,SO=Soil,SL=Sludge,Other: collection o a c o W PRESERVATION Sample Identification E a a o i" a m m m w _ A i-- E 6 L E 5 g Z d y o o ° W ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time Temp 0 8 a " z = _ _ _ `_ . g 0 C P MW# 1 Wl_k lo:5 - OA G G ►OZAZ X Chloride, TDS C P tz-c Gallons Bailed: 0.5 G G c°' X NO3, TP, NH3 tt C P Depth to Water: 0 G G X TOC C P Color: G1 i tre- G G \\.—.) X Fecal C P Odor: }Jo.,.4-. G G X VOC (November) .� C P pH (field) `7•3 V G G C P G G C P G G C P G G Transfer Relinquished By: Date/Time Received By: Date/Time 1. 2. Temperature when Received °C: 1. ( Accepted: Rejected: Resample Requ sted: Delivered By: II96GL Received By: 1. 4 3 S Date: .3 � 1 Z Time: Comments: TURNAROUND: 602 Windmill Way ngton,NC 28405 envirochem ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, I N C OFFICE:910-392-0223 F1AX 910-392-4424 Analytical&Consulting Chemists NCDENR: DWQ CERTIFICATION#94 NCDHHS:DLS CERTIFICATION#37729 info@environmentalchemists.com COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY CLIENT: Town of Surf City PROJECT NAME: Sarge Martin MW's REPORT NO: 21 "O q I ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: PHONE/FAX: COPY TO: email: Sampled By: r-. A/te-l-L.►-.r SAMPLE TYPE: I=Influent, E=Effluent,W=Well, ST=Stream,SO=Soil,SL=Sludge,Other: Ccfllection Y PRESERVATION '' w y a c 0 c J Q w Sample Identification r F Et, c `o o` rn m o o 8 a = w ANALYSIS REQUESTED e t E a U ur x Date Time Temp 0 " z z _ _ I z '' o r C P MW# T ?lc.c fa-i q:HSM 13-y G G 102-43 X Chloride, TDS C.-- ^- C P i�< 1 Gallons Bailed: J G G CO"� X P NO3, TP, NH3 ,, C P Depth to Water: G G X TOC 1 C P Color: GAt,P.a r G G ` X Fecal C P Odor f a--C. G G X VOC (November) C P pH (field) s-S 1 `/ V G G C P G G C P G G C P G G Transfer Relinquished By: Date/Time Received By: Date/Time 1. 2. Temperature when Received ° : 1.. c Accepted: Rejected: Resample Reque ted: 1 t' Delivered By: , 1jr-lit:.L- Received By: - [�t,,r-) Date: 3 1 l 1 2-� Time: t, 4 C Comments: TURNAROUND: SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY Mail original PARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT&NATURAL RESOURCES GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: and 1 copy to: DIVISION OF WATER OUAUTY-INPORMATION PROCESSING UNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER,RALEIGH,NC 27699-1617 Phone:(919)733.3221 FACILITY INFORMATION Please Pont Clearly or Type PERMIT Number: WQ0000795 Expiration Date: 2/28/22 Facility Name: Surf City W.W.T.P Non-Discharge UIC Permit Name(if different): NPDES Other Facility Address: PO Box 2475 TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Surf City NC 28445 County Onslow ❑ Lagoon ❑Remediation: Infiltration Gallery mil.Spray Field ❑Remediation: Contact Person: Zachary Butler Telephone#: 910-329-1011 ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name:zone H No.of wells to be sampled: 1 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑Other: (from Permit) SAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER(from Permit): MW-9 Date sample collected: 3/11/2021 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth: 12 ft. Well Diameter: 2 in. pH 00400: 4.8 units Temp.Nolo: 15.9 °C DRY at I time of Depth to Water Level ez546:2.3 ft.below measuring point Screened Interval: 2 ft. to 12 ft. Spec.Cond.00094: µMhos • sampling, Measuring Point is 2.5 ft.above land surface Relative M.P.Elevation: ft. Odor 00085: none check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 5 gallons Appearance clear here:❑ Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: ❑YES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑YES ❑NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed:see report Laboratory Name: Envirochem Certification No. 94 PARAMETERS NOTE:Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite(NO2)as N o061s <0.02 mg/L Pb-Lead 01051 ug/L Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 <1 /100mL Nitrate(NO3)as N 00620 0.12 mg/L Zn-Zinc olosz mg/L Coliform: MF Total 31504 /100mL Phosphorus:Total as P o0ss5 0.32 mg/L (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other(Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): Dissolved Solids:Total 70300 354 mg/L Al-Aluminum o11os mg/L pH(Lab)00403 units Ba-Barium 01007 ug/L TOC 00680 12.8 mg/L Ca-Calcium owls mg/L Chloride oosao 165 mg/L Cd-Cadmium 01027 ug/L Arsenic o1002 ug/L Chromium:Total 01034 ug/L Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu-Copper 01042 mg/L ORGANICS:(by GC,GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe-Iron 01045 ug/L (Specify test and method#.ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mg/L Hg-Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yes(1) ❑ No(0) Specific Conductance 000ss µMhos K-Potassium 00937 mg/L VOC 78732: ,method# Total Ammonia o0610 <0.2 mg/L Mg-Magnesium 00927 mg/L , method# (Ammonia Nitrogen;NH3as N;Ammonia Nitrogen,Total) Mn-Manganese 01055 ug/L , method# TKN as N 00625 mg/L Ni-Nickel 01067 ug/L ,method# For Remediation Systems Only(Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief.the information submitted in this report is true accurate,and complete and that the laboratory analytical data was produced using approved methods of analysis by a DWQ-certified laboratory. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information.including the possibility of fines and imprisonment f-r knot ring violations. r ,Zachary Butler ORC i' 4/6/2021 Permittee(or Authorized Agent)Name and Title-Please print or type Signa re of Pe/ ittee(or Authorized Agent) (Date) GW-59 Rev.2/2010 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY Mail original DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT&NATURAL RESOURCES GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: and 1 copy t0: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY-INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER,RALEIGH,NC 27699-1617 Phone:1919)733-3221 FACILITY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type PERMIT Number: WQ0000795 Expiration Date: 2/28/22 Facility Name: Surf City W.W.T.P Non-Discharge UIC Permit Name(if different): NPDES Other Facility Address: PO Box 2475 TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Surf City NC 28445 County Onslow ❑ Lagoon ❑Remediation: Infiltration Gallery ❑� Spray Field ❑Remediation: Contact Person: Zachary Butler Telephone#: 910-329-1011 ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name:zone D No.of wells to be sampled: 1 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑Other: (from Permit) SAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER(from Permit): MW-10 Date sample collected: 3/11/2021 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth: 12 ft. Well Diameter: 2 in. pH 00400: 4.8 units Temp.00010: 15.1 °C DRY at Depth to Water Level 82546:4.7 ft.below measuring point Screened Interval: 2 ft. to 12 ft. Spec.Cond.00094: µMhos time of sampling, Measuring Point is 2.5 ft.above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Odor 00085: none check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 5 gallons Appearance clear/It tan here:❑ Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: ❑YES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑YES ❑NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed:see report Laboratory Name: Envirochem Certification No. 94 PARAMETERS NOTE:Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite(NO2)as N o0s1s <0.02 mg/L Pb-Lead o1os1 ug/L Coliform:MF Fecal 31616 <1 /100mL Nitrate(NO3)as N 00620 0.02 mg/L Zn-Zinc o1o92 mg/L Coliform:MF Total 31504 /100mL Phosphorus:Total as P 00665 0..20 mg/L (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other(Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): dissolved Solids:Total 7030o 115 mg/L Al-Aluminum 01105 mg/L pH(Lab)00403 units Ba-Barium 01007 ug/L TOC 00680 1.5 mg/L Ca-Calcium o091s mg/L Chloride 00940 53 mg/L Cd-Cadmium 01027 ug/L Arsenic o1oo2 ug/L Chromium:Total 01034 ug/L Grease and Oils ooss2 mg/L Cu-Copper 01042 mg/L ORGANICS: (by GC,GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe-Iron o1045 ug/L (Specify test and method#.ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mg/L Hg-Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yes(1) ❑ No(0) Specific Conductance 0009s µMhos K-Potassium 00937 mg/L VOC 78732: , method# Total Ammonia ooslo <0.2 mg/L Mg-Magnesium 00927 mg/L , method# (Ammonia Nitrogen;NH3as N;Ammonia Nitrogen,Total) Mn-Manganese 01os5 ug/L , method# TKN as N 00625 mg/L Ni-Nickel 01067 ug/L , method# For Remediation Systems Only(Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information submitted in this report is true,accurate.and complete.and that the laboratory analytical data was produced using approved methods of analysis by a DWQ-certified laboratory. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for'mowing violations. Zachary Butler ORC / e"V 4/6/2021 Permittee(or Authorized Agent)Name and Title-Please print or type Sig 1'ure of Pe, ittee(or Authorized •gent (Date) GW-59 Rev.2/2010 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY Mail original DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT&NATURAL RESOURCES GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: and 1 copy t0: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY-INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER,RALEIGH,NC 27699-1617 Phone:(919)733-3221 FACILITY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type PERMIT Number: WQ0000795 Expiration Date: 2/28/22 Facility Name: Surf City W.W.T.P Non-Discharge UIC Permit Name(if different): NPDES Other Facility Address: PO Box 2475 TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Surf City - NC 28445 County Onslow ❑ Lagoon ❑Remediation: Infiltration Gallery El Spray Field ❑Remediation: Contact Person: Zachary Butler Telephone#: 910-329-1011 ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name:zone C No.of wells to be sampled: 1 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑Other: (from Permit) SAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER(from Permit): MW-11 Date sample collected: 3/11/2021 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth: 12 ft. Well Diameter: 2 in. pH 00400: 4.9 units Temp.00o10: 14 °C DRY at Mhos time of Depth to Water Level 82546:3.2 ft.below measuring point Screened Interval: 2 ft. to 12 ft. Spec. Cond.00094: µ sampling, Measuring Point is 3 ft.above land surface Relative M.P.Elevation: ft. Odor mom: none check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 5 gallons Appearance It yellow/turbid here:❑ Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: ❑YES 0 NO and field acidified: ❑YES ❑NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed:see report Laboratory Name: Envirochem Certification No. 94 PARAMETERS NOTE:Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 rng/L Nitrite(NO2)as N 00615 <0.02 mg/L Pb-Lead 01051 ug/L Coliform:MF Fecal 31616 <1 /100mL Nitrate(NO3)as N 00620 0.02 mg/L Zn-Zinc 01092 mg/L Coliform:MF Total 31504 /100mL Phosphorus:Total as P oases 0..19 mg/L (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other(Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): Dissolved Solids:Total 70300 110 mg/L Al-Aluminum o11os mg/L pH(Lab)00403 units Ba-Barium 01007 ug/L TOC 00680 2.2 mg/L Ca-Calcium aegis mg/L Chloride oos4o 37 mg/L Cd-Cadmium 01027 ug/L Arsenic 01002 ug/L Chromium:Total 01034 ug/L Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu-Copper 01042 mg/L ORGANICS:(by GC,GC/MS,HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe-Iron oto45 ug/L (Specify test and method#.ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mg/L Hg-Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yes(1) ❑ No(0) Specific Conductance 00095 µMhos K-Potassium 00937 mg/L VOC 78732: ,method# Total Ammonia o0610 <0.2 mg/L Mg-Magnesium 00927 mg/L , method# (Ammonia Nitrogen;NN3as N;Ammonia Nitrogen,Total) Mn-Manganese 01055 ug/L ,method# TKN as N 00625 mg/L Ni-Nickel 01067 ug/L ,method# For Remediation Systems Only(Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% I certify that.to the best of my knowledge and belief,the information submitted in this report is true,accurate,and complete,and that the laboratory analytical data was produced using approved methods of analysis by a DWQ-certified laboratory. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information.including the possibility of fines and imprisonmer•t for knowing violations. lir Zachary Butler ORC / 4/6/2021 Permittee(or Authorized Agent)Name and Title-Please print or type Signal e of Pe -- (or Authorized Agent) (Date) / GW-59 Rev.2/2010 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY Mail original PARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT&NATURAL RESOURCES GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: and 1 COpy t0: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY-INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER,RALEIGH,NC 27699-1617 Phone:(919)733-3221 FACILITY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type PERMIT Number: WQ0000795 Expiration Date: 2/28/22 Facility Name: Surf City W.W.T.P Non-Discharge UIC Permit Name(if different): NPDES Other Facility Address: PO Box 2475 TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Surf City NC 28445 County Onslow ❑ Lagoon ❑Remediation: Infiltration Gallery 0 Spray Field ❑Remediation: Contact Person: Zachary Butler Telephone#: 910-329-1011 ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name:zone A No.of wells to be sampled: 1 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump El Other: (from Permit) SAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER(from Permit): MW-12 Date sample collected: 3/11/2021 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth: 12 ft. Well Diameter: 2 in. pH 00400: 6.0 units Temp.Nolo: 14.3 °C DRY at Mhos time of Depth to Water Level 82546:2.3 ft.below measuring point Screened Interval: 2 ft. to 12 ft. Spec.Cond.00094: µ sampling, Measuring Point is 3 ft.above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Odor 00085: none check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 5 gallons Appearance It brown/turbid here:❑ Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: ❑YES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑YES ❑NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed:see report Laboratory Name: Envirochem Certification No. 94 PARAMETERS NOTE:Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite(NO2)as N owls <0.02 mg/L Pb-Lead o1os1 ug/L Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 <1 /100mL Nitrate(NO3)as N ooszo 0.03 mg/L Zn-Zinc olosz mg/L Coliform:MF Total 31504 /100mL Phosphorus:Total as P oases 0..21 mg/L (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other(Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): 1 dissolved Solids:Total 70300 461 mg/L Al-Aluminum o1105 mg/L pH(Lab)00403 units Ba-Barium 01007 ug/L TOC oo68o 19.7 mg/L Ca-Calcium oasts mg/L Chloride oos4o 202 mg/L Cd-Cadmium o1027 ug/L Arsenic 01002 uglL Chromium:Total 01034 ug/L Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu-Copper o1042 mg/L ORGANICS:(by GC,GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe-Iron o104s ug/L (Specify test and method#.ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mg/L Hg-Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? El Yes(1) ❑ No(0) Specific Conductance 00095 µMhos K-Potassium 00937 mg/L VOC 78732: , method# Total Ammonia o0610 0.3 mg/L Mg-Magnesium 00927 mg/L ,method# (Ammonia Nitrogen;NH3as N;Ammonia Nitrogen,Total) Mn-Manganese 01055 ug/L ,method# TKN as N oosz5 mg/L Ni-Nickel 01067 uglL ,method# For Remediation Systems Only(Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief.the information submitted in this report is true.accurate.and complete.and that the laboratory analytical data was produced using approved methods of analysis by a CWQ-certified laboratory. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information.including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for krotvrng violations. Zachary Butler ORC / VP 4/6/2021 Permittee(or Authorized Agent)Name and Title-Please print or type Sign-1,:re of Perm' (or Auto.. Age _ (Date) GW-59 Rev.2/2010 Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochem 6602 Windmill Way,Wilmington,NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road,Manteo,NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax sM 255-A Wilmington Highway,Jacksonville,NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL&CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@environmentalchemists.com Town of Surf City Date of Report: Mar 26, 2021 Post Office Box 2475 Customer PO#: Surf City NC 28445 Customer ID: 08110024 Attention: Report#: 2021-04168 Project ID: Juniper Site MWs Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 21-10244 Site: MW-9 3/11/2021 12:00 PM Water Eric McHorney Test Method Results Date Analyzed Color Color Clear 03/11/2021 Depth to water, ft. Depth to Water,Ft. 2.3 feet 03/11/2021 Ammonia Nitrogen EPA 350.1 <0.2 mg/L 03/17/2021 Gallons bailed before sampling Gallons Bailed before sampling 5.0 gallons 03/11/2021 Odor Qualitative None 03/11/2021 Total Dissolved Solids(TDS) SM 2540 C 354 mg/L 03/12/2021 Temperature SM 2550 B 15.9 C 03/11/2021 Chloride SM 4500 CI E 165 mg/L 03/16/2021 pH SM 4500 H B 4.8 units 03/11/2021 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 0.32 mg/L 03/24/2021 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) SM 5310 B 12.8 mg/L 03/17/2021 Fecal Coliform SM 9222D MF <1 Colonies/100mL 03/11/2021 Nitrate Nitrogen (Caic) Nitrite Nitrogen EPA 353.2 < 0.02 mg/L 03/11/2021 Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA 353 2 0.12 mg/L 03/16/2021 Nitrate Nitrogen Subtraction Method 0.12 mg/L 03/25/2021 Report#:: 2021-04168 Page 1 of 4 Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochem 6602 Windmill Way,Wilmington,NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road,Manteo,NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway,Jacksonville,NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL&CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@environmentalchemists.com Town of Surf City Date of Report: Mar 26, 2021 Post Office Box 2475 Customer PO#: Surf City NC 28445 Customer ID: 08110024 Attention: Report#: 2021-04168 Project ID: Juniper Site MWs Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 21-10245 Site: MW-10 3/11/2021 12:25 PM Water Eric McHorney Test Method Results Date Analyzed Color Color Clear/Lt Tan 03/11/2021 Depth to water, ft. Depth to water,Ft. 4.7 feet 03/11/2021 Ammonia Nitrogen EPA 350.1 < 0.2 mg/L 03/17/2021 Gallons bailed before sampling Gallons Bailed before sampling 5.0 gallons 03/11/2021 Odor Qualitative None 03/11/2021 Total Dissolved Solids(TDS) SM 2540 C 115 mg/L 03/12/2021 Temperature SM 2550 B 15.1 C 03/11/2021 Chloride SM 4500 CIE 53 mg/L 03/16/2021 pH SM 4500 H B 4.8 units 03/11/2021 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 0.20 mg/L 03/24/2021 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) SM 5310 B 1.5 mg/L 03/17/2021 Fecal Coliform SM 9222D MF <1 Colonies/100mL 03/11/2021 Nitrate Nitrogen (Caic) Nitrite Nitrogen EPA 353.2 < 0.02 mg/L 03/11/2021 Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA 353.2 0.02 mg/L 03/16/2021 Nitrate Nitrogen Subtraction Method 0.02 mg/L 03/25/2021 Report# 2021-04168 Page 2 of 4 Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochem 6602 Windmill Way,Wilmington,NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road,Manteo,NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax Ski 255-A Wilmington Highway,Jacksonville,NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL&CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@environmentalchemists.com Town of Surf City Date of Report: Mar 26, 2021 Post Office Box 2475 Customer PO#: Surf City NC 28445 Customer ID: 08110024 Attention: Report#: 2021-04168 Project ID: Juniper Site MWs Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 21-10246 Site: MW-11 3/11/2021 12:45 PM Water Eric McHorney Test Method Results Date Analyzed Color Color Lt Yellow/Turbid 03/11/2021 Depth to water, ft. Depth to Water,Ft. 3.2 feet 03/11/2021 Ammonia Nitrogen EPA 350.1 < 0.2 mg/L 03/17/2021 Gallons bailed before sampling Gallons Bailed before sampling 5.0gallons 03/11/2021 Odor Qualitative None 03/11/2021 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) SM 2540 C 110 mg/L 03/12/2021 Temperature SM 2550 B 14.0 C 03/11/2021 Chloride SM 4500 CI E 37 mg/L 03/16/2021 pH SM 4500 H B 4.9 units 03/11/2021 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 0.19 mg/L 03/24/2021 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) SM 5310 B 2.2 mg/L 03/17/2021 Fecal Coliform SM 9222D MF <1 Colonies/100mL 03/11/2021 Nitrate Nitrogen (Calc) Nitrite Nitrogen EPA 353.2 0.02 mg/L 03/11/2021 Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA 353.2 0.04 mg/L 03/16/2021 Nitrate Nitrogen Subtraction Method 0.02 mg/L 03/25/2021 Report#. 2021-04168 Page 3 of 4 Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochem 6602 Windmill Way,Wilmington,NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road,Manteo,NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax aM 255-A Wilmington Highway,Jacksonville,NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL&CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@environmentalchemists.com Town of Surf City Date of Report: Mar 26, 2021 Post Office Box 2475 Customer PO#: Surf City NC 28445 Customer ID: 08110024 Attention: Report#: 2021-04168 Project ID: Juniper Site MWs Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 21-10247 Site: MW-12 3/11/2021 1:10 PM Water Eric McHorney Test Method Results Date Analyzed Color Color Lt Brown/Turbid 03/11/2021 Depth to water, ft. Depth to Water,Ft. 2.3 feet 03/11/2021 Ammonia Nitrogen EPA 350.1 0.3 mg/L 03/17/2021 Gallons bailed before sampling Gallons Bailed before sampling 5.0 gallons 03/11/2021 Odor Qualitative None 03/11/2021 Total Dissolved Solids(TDS) SM 2540 C 461 mg/L 03/12/2021 Temperature SM 2550 B 14.3 C 03/11/2021 1 Chloride SM 4500 CIE 202 mg/L 03/16/2021 pH SM 4500 Ft B 6.0 units 03/11/2021 Total Phosphorus SM 4500 P F 0.21 mg/L 03/24/2021 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) SM 5310 B 19.7 mg/L 03/17/2021 Fecal Coliform SM 9222D MF <1 Colonies/100mL 03/11/2021 Nitrate Nitrogen (Calc) Nitrite Nitrogen EPA 353 2 <0.02 mg/L 03/11/2021 Nitrate+Nitrite-Nitrogen EPA 353 2 0.03 mg/L 03/16/2021 Nitrate Nitrogen Subtraction Method 0.03 mg/L 03/25/2021 Comment: ,, / % — Reviewed by: C Ili ` Report# 2021-04168 Page 4 of 4 I Date: 1«/3-\ (.....0- / Certif ation k 94 �+ • Facility Sa me: .....0- O T S,y C-,{.a„ 4a,y„ H\.+ f Ana hat: Z•/Ka.� . J P /�� Permit N: pH Reference Method SM4500 H-B-2011 Instrument ID Calibration TimeI Cal Buffer 4 0 s u Cal Buffer 10 0 s u Check Buffer 7.0 s.0 Comments (�) (v) ') / SSA•._ LA.o % 1(.5 'Or- -1.•oCo ( S 10 p.e = c'( 8`.co +Co 'pH check buffer must read within±0 1 pH units of the buffer's true value 4 su buffer Lott'. Ricca 2001820 F,.xo I/2022 7 su buffer Lots/: Ricca 2008993 Exp.7/2022 10 su buffer Lot+: Ricca 1001791 72021 Sample locationI I Sample Analysis pH Result ►Post-analysis Buffer Time♦ Time• s u Check value s u Comments Data Qualifiers AAW -to M w-c I /1^w- (y 11:- -p— T 1: l l .:c4-qs Lt. $Ft li i--Sample Collection pca p— L.of i ► Post anahsts buffer check is required when performing analyses at multiple sampling locations and must be within=0 1 units of the buffer's true value All pH values in pH units(i e,s u) Record all data to the nearest 0 01 s u and report to the nearest 0 1 s u Total Residual Chlorine(TRC) Reference Method SNI 4500 CI-G201 I: Hach 8167 HR (Please circle a plicable Method Instrument ID Daily Check Post-analysis Time check Check Std Sam le Sample Sample Standard Result Standard P Collect i on Analysis TRC Result I µg L or m L (��hen analyzing Location e L or m Comments Data Qualifiersg at multiple sites) Analyzed Time Time µ g L I TRC Daily Check Standard true value µg/L or mg/L acceptance range pg/L or mg/I. Check standards must recover vs ithin tI0%of the check standard's true value Annual Calibration Curve Verification Date: LOT# Exp.Date' Reagent Blank Value. __(When applicable.Analyze and document a reagent blank when standards.sample dilutions or PT Samples are prepared) Dissolved Oxygen(DO) Reference Nfethod:SNl 4500 0 G.-201 I Instrument ID Calibration Calibration unable Meter reading •Post-analysis calibration Verification or%efficiency verification(when necessaq) Time Comments Temperature Barometric after calibration Theoretical Calculated pressure Value mgL Value mg'L Use this row when performing a verification instead of calibration Sample Location Sample Collection 'Sample Analysis DO reading Time Time mgq, Comments Data Qualifiers •When performing analyses at multiple locations,the meter must be recalibrated at each site before analysis or a post-analysis calibration verification must be performed 'If sample is measured directly in the stream and or onsite,only time analyzed would be recorded w ith a note that they are measured in situ or immediately Temperature Reference Method SM 2550 B-2010 Instrument ID Sample *Sample i Temperature Sample Location Collection Analysis °C CornmenLsData Qualifiers Time Time p1w -to 14.IS-P-- 11.:17P IS. 1 /inw - I I / It'{SP- Iy will- 1H .o ' If sample is measured directly in the stream and or on site,only time analyzed would be recorded,with a note that they are measured in situ or immediately Annual Verification Date Zt-2 Field Personnel Note: QA.001 Rev 9-2020 Environmental Chemist, Inc., Wilmington, NC Lab#94 6602 Windmill Way Wilmington, NC 28405 910.392.0223 Sample Receipt Checklist Client:c61. �,171-t; , `t-O W lti(. Date: 3 A i 071 Report Number: 07) --041(o 8 Receipt of sample: ECHEM Picku Client Delivery 0 IUPS 0 FedEx 0 Other 0 ❑ YES ❑ NO X N/A 1. Were custody seals present on the cooler? ❑ YES �❑ NO N/A 2. If custody seals were present, were they ? intact/unbroken. Original temperature upon receipt 02.S °C Corrected temperature upon receipt °C How temperature taken: 0 Temperature Blank f, '' Against Bottles IR Gun ID: Thomas Traceable S/N 192511657 IR Gun Correction Factor°C: 0.0 0 YES 0 NO 3. If temperature of cooler exceeded 6°C, was Project Mgr./QA notified? YES 0 NO 4. Were proper custody procedures (relinquished/received) followed? YES 0 NO 5. Were sample ID's listed on the COC? YES 0 NO 6. Were samples ID's listed on sample containers? YES 0 NO 1 7. Were collection date and time listed on the COC? YES ❑ NO 8. Were tests to be performed listed on the COC? YES 0 NO 9. Did samples arrive in proper containers for each test? YES 0 NO 10. Did samples arrive in good condition for each test? YES 0 NO 11. Was adequate sample volume available?' YES 0 NO 12. Were samples received within proper holding time for requested tests? YES ❑ NO 13. Were acid preserved samples received at a pH of<2? * 0 YES 0 NO 14. Were cyanide samples received at a pH >12? ❑ YES 0 NO 15. Were sulfide samples received at a pH>9? YES 0 NO 16. Were NH3/TKN/Phenol received at a chlorinem/L? ** residual of<0. 5 YES 0 NO 17. Were Sulfide/Cyanide received at a chlorine residual of<0.5 m/L? ❑ YES 0 NO 18. Were orthophosphate samples filtered in the field within 15 minutes? * TOC/Volatiles are pH checked at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. ** Bacteria samples are checked for Chlorine at time of analysis and recorded on the benchsheet. Sample Preservation: (Must be completed for any sample(s) incorrectly preserved or with headspace) Sample(s) were received incorrectly preserved and were adjusted accordingly by adding (circle one): H2SO4 HNO3 HCI NaOH Time of preservation: If more than one preservative is needed, notate in comments below Note:Notify customer service immediately for incorrectly preserved samples.Obtain a new sample or notify the state lab if directed to analyzed by the customer.Who was notified,date and time: Volatiles Sample(s) were received with headspace COMMENTS: DOC. QA.002 Rev 1 602 ill ngton,NC envirochem ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC OFFICE:9r10I392a0223 FAX 910-39244245 Analytical&Consulting Chemists NCDENR:DWQ CERTIFICATION#94 NCDHHS:DLS CERTIFICATION#37729 info@environmentalchemists.corn COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY CLIENT: Town of Surf City PROJECT NAME: Juniper MW's REPORT NO: 21 - d 4 c Iv g ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: PHONE/FAX: COPY TO: email: Sampled By: 444c_ SAMPLE TYPE: I=Influent, E=Effluent,W=Well,ST=Stream,SO=Soil,SL=Sludge,Other: ollection - PRESERVATION © a 'o c t� •5 1. G w Sample Identification E `o o` r E mm g L. , o - xo O ,, ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time Temp m a " z z = _ = z o C P MW# 9 -sI .1 vl/J.t 1 :.ot Q - ... ( 5• G G i bZ�ty X _ Chloride, TDS S C P [,LL 1 Gallons Bailed: G G �`''� X �NO3,TP, NH3 - \�1" C P ) . Depth to Water: a`1 G G X TOC C P Color: G(."-e r G G X Fecal tt `` C P N Odor: s �Q, G G X VOC (November) 1--� ,7s V C P pH (field) G G C P G G C P G G C P G G Transfer Relinquished By: Date/Time Received By: Date/Time 1. 2. Temperature when Received°C: ,2, Sr Accepted: Rejected: Resample Requested: Delivered By: / ,(�� Received By: yt,�, 0-4-. Date: .g t t . (. �, 'L Time: 3 �5 Comments: v _' TURNARO ND: 602 Windmill ngton,NC 28405 envirochem ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, I N C OFF E:910 I392a 0223 F'AX 910-392-4424 Analytical&Consulting Chemists NCDENR:DWQ CERTIFICATION#94 NCDHHS:DLS CERTIFICATION#37729 info@environmentalchemists.com COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY CLIENT: Town of Surf City PROJECT NAME: Juniper MW's REPORT NO: 2 t " DLA i Co ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: PHONE/FAX: �A COPY TO: email: d Sampled By: c, f"`°li SAMPLE TYPE: I=Influent,E=Effluent,W=Well,ST=Stream,SO=Soil, SL=Sludge,Other: ollection PRESERVATION . .o a cco c ` o W Sample Identification IL E o g 2 `o r E g 'A z _J o 0 = 0 w ANALYSIS REQUESTED tn Date Time Temp 0 0 a " z z = = = z I- o C P MW# to 3ttt(1., 1 ':�P^- i S. 1 G G 1245 X Chloride,TDS 1C P Y Gallons Bailed: C ` G G �� �� X NO3 TP, NH3 r C P , Depth to Water: �o G G X TOC Lk �,,.- C P Color: N1e c/ G G X Fecal Odor: kl �e. G G P �-� a X VOC (November) pH (field) L-17 l.1 V C G G C P G G C P G G C P G G Transfer Relinquished By: Date/Time Received By: Date/Time 1. 2. Temperature when Received °C: Z. S Accepted: / Reje ted: Resample Requ sted: Delivered By: 2i�iC,G 7.-- Received By: �, � Date: 3 1 ( ( �2. t Time: ` Lit Comments: TURNAROUND: 602 Windmill ngton,NC 28405 envirochem ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, INC OFFICE:910'392a0223 FAX 910-3924424 Analytical&Consulting Chemists NCDENR:DWQ CERTIFICATION#94 NCDHHS:OLS CERTIFICATION#37729 info@environmentalchemists.com COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY CLIENT: Town of Surf City PROJECT NAME: Juniper MW's REPORT NO: 2 1 "(] L ( Le g ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: PHONE/FAX: COPY TO: email: Sampled By: / SAMPLE TYPE: I=Influent,E=Effluent,W=Well,ST=Stream,SO=Soil,SL=Sludge, Other: collection N a c o W PRESERVATION Sample Identification a - - m ~ E° a c� c a° E E ¢ 2 u H o 0 4 w ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time Temp " z 1 n = _ _" = _ i- o C P MW# (I ac4/3.1 t 'i1P-- Kam{.0 G G 1O24(v X Chloride, TDS C P 44 -- Gallons Bailed: S t G G �e'� X NO3, TP, NH3 0C P Depth to Water: 3`t G G L.,.jC�k ke.t,t.-.� X TOC C P Color: --,` .rb.o1. G G X Fecal C P Odor: )3 - G G X VOC (November) pH (field) Lt S 11 (, i J G G C P G G C P G G C P G G Transfer Relinquished By: Date/Time Received By: Date/Time 1. 2. Temperature when Received °C: 2.C Accepted: Reje ed: Resample Requested: Delivered By: 7 -- Received By: 0..-r 1 Date: 3 1 S. S. 2(. Time: 1 Li 3 Comments: TURNAROUND: 602 Windmill ngton,NC 28405 envirochem ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS, I N C OFFICE:910'392a0223 F'AX 910-392-4424 Analytical&Consulting Chemists NCDENR:DWQ CERTIFICATION#94 NCDHHS:DLS CERTIFICATION#37729 info@environmentalchemists.com COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY CLIENT: Town of Surf City PROJECT NAME: Juniper MW's REPORT NO: 2 I CO ((e ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: PHONE/FAX: COPY TO: email: Sampled By: tnc_ }+,y� SAMPLE TYPE:I=Influent, E=Effluent,W=Well,ST=Stream,SO=Soil,SL=Sludge,Other: Collection st L. PRESERVATION Sample Identification E aa, _o` m = = w m r E ri c L E om z 4 o ^p 0 o w ANALYSIS REQUESTED Date Time Temp Cl) ` " g Z Z _ _ _ o C P MW# I l 7/0At (:Iota-. L .3 G G /0247 X Chloride, TDS C P ,fit G Y Gallons Bailed: c G G GO X 'NO3, TP, NH3 C P Depth to Water: e1 t o G G X TOC Lyti4- Is,ro..,... C P Color: ,N,;(d "G.,..✓6 G G X Fecal C P .... Odor: j)a.we. G G X VOC (November) C P pH (field) (•01- (./ G G C P G G C P G G C P G G Transfer Relinquished By: Date/Time Received By: Date/Time 1. 2. Temperature when Received °C: ')-.1.- Accepted: Re'ec` Resample Req ested: ``�� Delivered By: �� Received By: A Ati�� Date: 6 -t 2 f Time: 1 3 f3 Comments: (1 TURNAR UND: SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY Mail original DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT&NATURAL RESOURCES GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: and 1 copy t0: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY-INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER,RALEIGH,NC 27699-1617 Phone:(919)733-3221 FACILITY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type PERMIT Number: Expiration Date: 2/28/22 Facility Name: Surf City W.W.T.P. Non-Discharge W00000795 UIC Permit Name(if different): NPDES Other Facility Address: P.O.BOx 2475 TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Surf City NC 28445 County Onslow ❑ Lagoon ❑Remediation: Infiltration Gallery El Spray Field ❑Remediation: Contact Person: Zachary Butler Telephone#: 910-329-1011 ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name:30 Acre Storage Pond No.of wells to be sampled: 1 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑Other: (from Permit) SAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER(from Permit): PZ-13 Date sample collected: 3/11/2021 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth: 25 ft. Well Diameter: 2 in. pH 00400: units Temp.00010: °C DRY at Mhos time of Depth to Water Level 82546:18.4 ft.below measuring point Screened Interval: 10 ft. to 25 ft. Spec.Cond.00094: µ sampling, Measuring Point is 2 ft.above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Odor 00085: check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: gallons Appearance here:❑ Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: ❑YES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑YES ❑NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed:3/11/2021 Laboratory Name: Envirochem Certification No. 94 PARAMETERS NOTE:Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite(NO2)as N 00615 mg/L Pb-Lead 01051 ug/L Coliform:MF Fecal 31616 /100mL Nitrate(NO3)as N 00620 mg/L Zn-Zinc olosz mg/L Coliform:MF Total 31504 /100mL Phosphorus:Total as P oo665 mg/L (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other(Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): Dissolved Solids:Total 70300 mg/L AI-Aluminum o1105 mg/L pH(Lab)00403 units Ba-Barium o1007 ug/L TOC 00680 mg/L Ca-Calcium o0s16 mg/L Chloride 00940 mg/L Cd-Cadmium 01027 ug/L Arsenic o1002 ug/L Chromium:Total 01034 ug/L Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu-Copper 01042 mg/L ORGANICS:(by GC,GC/MS,HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe-Iron 01045 ug/L (Specify test and method#.ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mg/L Hg-Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yes(1) ❑ No(0) Specific Conductance 00095 µMhos K-Potassium o0937 mg/L VOC 78732: ,method# Total Ammonia ooslo mg/L Mg-Magnesium 00927 mg/L ,method# (Ammonia Nitrogen;NH3as N;Ammonia Nitrogen,Total) Mn-Manganese 01055 ug/L ,method# TKN as N 00625 mg/L Ni-Nickel 01067 ug/L ,method# For Remediation Systems Only(Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% I certify that,to the best of my knowledge and belief.the information submitted in this report is true,accurate,and complete,and that the laboratory analytical data was oroduced using approved methods of analysis by a DWQ-certified laboratory. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fines and imprisonment`„i Knowing violations. Zachary Butler ORC / ir 4/6/2021 Permittee(or Authorized Agent)Name and Title-Please print or type Signatur= • Permitter or Au horized Agent) (Date) GW-59 Rev.2/2010 / 0 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY Mail original DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT&NATURAL RESOURCES GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: and 1 Copy t0: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY-INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER,RALEIGH,NC 27699-1617 Phone:(919)733-3221 FACILITY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type PERMIT Number: Expiration Date: 2/28/22 Facility Name: Surf City W.W.T.P. Non-Discharge W00000795 UIC Permit Name(if different): NPDES Other Facility Address: P.O.BOx 2475 TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Surf City NC 28445 County Onslow ❑ Lagoon ❑Remediation: Infiltration Gallery (] Spray Field ❑Remediation: Contact Person: Zachary Butler Telephone#: 910-329-1011 ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name:30 Acre Storage Pond No.of wells to be sampled: 1 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑Other: (from Permit) SAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER(from Permit): PZ-14 Date sample collected: 3/11/2021 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth: 25 ft. Well Diameter: 2 in. pH 00400: units Temp.00010: °C DRY at Mhos time of Depth to Water Level 82546:16.9 ft.below measuring point Screened Interval: 10 ft. to 25 ft. Spec.Cond.00094: µ sampling, Measuring Point is 2 ft.above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Odor 00085: check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: gallons Appearance here:❑ Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: ❑YES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑YES ❑NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed:3/11/2021 Laboratory Name: Envirochem Certification No. 94 PARAMETERS NOTE:Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite(NO2)as N 00615 mg/L Pb-Lead 01051 ug/L Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 /100mL Nitrate(NO3)as N 00620 mg/L Zn-Zinc 01092 mg/L Coliform:MF Total 31504 /100mL Phosphorus:Total as P oosss mg/L (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other(Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): )issolved Solids:Total 70300 mg/L Al-Aluminum colas mg/L pH(Lab)00403 units Ba-Barium 01007 ug/L TOC 00680 mg/L Ca-Calcium 00916 mg/L Chloride 00940 mg/L Cd-Cadmium 01027 ug/L Arsenic 01002 ug/L Chromium:Total 01034 ug/L Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu-Copper 01042 mg/L ORGANICS: (by GC,GC/MS,HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe-Iron 01045 ug/L (Specify test and method#.ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mg/L Hg-Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yes(1) ❑ No(0) Specific Conductance 000ss µMhos K-Potassium 00937 mg/L VOC 78732: ,method# Total Ammonia ooslo mg/L Mg-Magnesium 00927 mg/L ,method# (Ammonia Nitrogen;NH3as N;Ammonia Nitrogen,Total) Mn-Manganese 01055 ug/L ,method# TKN as N oos2s mg/L Ni-Nickel 01067 ug/L , method# For Remediation Systems Only(Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% I certify that,to the best of my knowledge and belief,the information submitted in this report is true,accurate,and complete,and that the laboratory analytical data was produced using approved methods of analysis by a DWQ-certified laboratory. lam aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fines and imprisonr^c-; ur knowi,g violations. Zachary Butler ORC / 1. 4/6/2021 Permittee(or Authorized Agent)Name and Title-Please print or type Sign- re of Permi ; or Autho zed Agent (Date) GW-59 Rev.2/2010 / i SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY Mail original DEPARTMENT OF ENVIR6NMENT&NATURAL RESOURCES GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: and 1 copy to: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY-INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER,RALEIGH,NC 27699-1617 Phone:(919)733-3221 FACILITY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type PERMIT Number: Expiration Date: 2/28/22 Facility Name: Surf City W.W.T.P. Non-Discharge WQ0000795 UIC Permit Name(if different): NPDES Other Facility Address: P.O.BOx 2475 TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Surf City NC 28445 County Onslow ❑ Lagoon ❑Remediation: Infiltration Gallery 0 Spray Field ❑Remediation: Contact Person: Zachary Butler Telephone#: 910-329-1011 ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name:30 Acre Storage Pond No.of wells to be sampled: 1 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑Other: (from Permit) SAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER(from Permit): PZ-15 Date sample collected: 3/11/2021 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth: 25 ft. Well Diameter: 2 in. pH 00400: units Temp.00010: oc DRY at Depth to Water Level 82546:17.8 ft.below measuring point Screened Interval: 10 ft. to 25 ft. Spec.Cond.00094: µMhos time of sampling, Measuring Point is 2 _ ft.above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft. Odor 00085: check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: gallons Appearance here:❑ Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: ❑YES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑YES ❑NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed:3/11/2021 Laboratory Name: Envirochem Certification No. 94 PARAMETERS NOTE:Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite(NO2)as N owls mg/L Pb-Lead o1os1 ug/L Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 /100mL Nitrate(NO3)as N o0szo mg/L Zn-Zinc 01092 mg/L Coliform:MF Total 31504 /100mL Phosphorus:Total as P oos65 mg/L (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other(Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): )issolved Solids:Total 70300 mg/L Al-Aluminum a11os mg/L pH(Lab)00403 units Ba-Barium 01007 ug/L TOC 00680 mg/L Ca-Calcium oo91s mg/L Chloride 00940 mg/L Cd-Cadmium 01027 ug/L Arsenic o1002_ ug/L Chromium:Total 01034 ug/L Grease and Oils o0552 mg/L Cu-Copper 01042 mg/L ORGANICS: (by GC,GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe-Iron 01045 ug/L (Specify test and method#.ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mg/L Hg-Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yes(1) Cl No(0) Specific Conductance o0095 µMhos K-Potassium 00937 mg/L VOC 78732: , method# Total Ammonia Dodo mg/L Mg-Magnesium 00927 mg/L , method# (Ammonia Nitrogen;NN3as N;Ammonia Nitrogen,Total) Mn-Manganese 01055 ug/L ,method# TKN as N 00625 mg/L Ni-Nickel 01067 ug/L ,method# For Remediation Systems Only(Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% I certify that,to the best of my knowledge and belief,the information submitted in this report is true,accurate.and complete,and that the laboratory analytical data was produced using approved methods of analysis by a DWQ-certified laboratory. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fines and imprisonmPr+t for k•iowing violations. Zachary Butler ORC / IF 3/11/2021 Permittee(or Authorized Agent)Name and Title-Please print or type Sign ure of P,' ittee(or Authorized Agent) (Date) GW-59 Rev.2/2010 I SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY Mail original DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT&NATURAL RESOURCES GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: and 1 Copy to DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY-NFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER,RALEIGH,NC 27699-1617 Phone:(919)733-3221 FACILITY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type PERMIT Number: Expiration Date: 2/28/22 Facility Name: Surf City W.W.T.P. Non-Discharge W00000795 UIC Permit Name(if different): NPDES Other Facility Address: P.O.BOx 2475 TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Surf City NC 28445 County Onslow ❑ Lagoon ❑Remediation: Infiltration Gallery 0 Spray Field ❑Remediation: Contact Person: Zachary Butler Telephone#: 910-329-1011 El Rotary Distributor ❑Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name:30 Acre Storage Pond No.of wells to be sampled: 1 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑Other: (from Permit) SAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER(from Permit): PZ-16 Date sample collected: 3/11/2021 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth: 25 ft. Well Diameter: 2 in. pH 00400: units Temp.00010: °C DRY at Mhos time of Depth to Water Level 82546:12.8 ft.below measuring point Screened Interval: 10 ft. to 25 ft. Spec.Cond.00094: µ sampling, Measuring Point is 2 ft.above land surface Relative M.P.Elevation: ft. Odor 00085: check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: gallons Appearance here: Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: El YES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑YES El NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed:3/11/2021 Laboratory Name: Envirochem Certification No. 94 PARAMETERS NOTE:Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mg/L Nitrite(NO2)as N 00615 mg/L Pb-Lead 01051 ug/L Coliform:MF Fecal 31616 /100mL Nitrate(NO3)as N ooszo mg/L Zn-Zinc 01092 mg/L Coliform: MF Total 31504 /100mL Phosphorus:Total as P 00665 mg/L (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other(Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): dissolved Solids:Total 70300 mg/L Al-Aluminum o1105 mg/L pH(Lab)00403 units Ba-Barium 01007 ug/L TOC 00680 mg/L Ca-Calcium aims mg/L Chloride 00940 mg/L Cd-Cadmium 01027 ug/L Arsenic 01002 ug/L Chromium:Total 01034 ug/L Grease and Oils ooss2 mg/L Cu-Copper o1042 mg/L ORGANICS:(by GC,GC/MS,HPLC) Phenol 32730 ug/L Fe-Iron 01045 ug/L (Specify test and method#.ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate 00945 mg/L Hg-Mercury 71900 ug/L Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yes(1) El No(0) Specific Conductance o0095 µMhos K-Potassium 00937 mg/L VOC 78732: ,method# Total Ammonia ooslo mg/L Mg-Magnesium 00927 mg/L , method# (Ammonia Nitrogen;NH3as N;Ammonia Nitrogen,Total) Mn-Manganese 01055 ug/L , method# TKN as N 00625 mg/L Ni-Nickel 01067 ug/L , method# For Remediation Systems Only(Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief.the information submitted in this report is true,accurate and complete,and that the laboratory analytical data was produced using approved methods of analysis by a DWQ-certified laboratory. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Zachary Butler ORC / (0 3/11/2021 Permittee(or Authorized Agent)Name and Title-Please print or type Signa.re of Perm' = or Authorized Agent) (Date) GW-59 Rev.2/2010 Environmental Chemists, Inc. envirochem 6602 Windmill Way,Wilmington,NC 28405 • 910.392.0223 Lab • 910.392.4424 Fax 710 Bowsertown Road,Manteo,NC 27954 • 252.473.5702 Lab/Fax 255-A Wilmington Highway,Jacksonville,NC 28540 • 910.347.5843 Lab/Fax ANALYTICAL&CONSULTING CHEMISTS info@environmentalchemists.com Town of Surf City Date of Report: Mar 12, 2021 Post Office Box 2475 Customer PO#: Surf City NC 28445 Customer ID: 08110024 Attention: Report#: 2021-04170 Project ID: Juniper Site Piezometer Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 21-10252 Site: PZ-13 3/11/2021 1:40 PM Water Eric McHorney Test Method Results Date Analyzed Depth to water, ft. Depth to Water,Ft 18.4 feet 03/11/2021 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 21-10253 Site: PZ-14 3/11/2021 1:35 PM Water Eric McHorney Test Method Results Date Analyzed Depth to water, ft. Depth to Water,Ft 16.9feet 03/11/2021 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 21-10254 Site: PZ-15 3/11/2021 1:30 PM Water Eric McHorney Test Method Results Date Analyzed Depth to water, ft. Depth to Water,Ft 17.8 feet 03/11/2021 Lab ID Sample ID: Collect Date/Time Matrix Sampled by 21-10255 Site: PZ-16 3/11/2021 1:25 PM Water Eric McHorney Test Method Results Date Analyzed Depth to water, ft. Depth to Water,Ft 12.8feet 03/11/2021 Comment: Reviewed by: v ,,� = Report# 2021-04170 Page 1 of 1 envirochem ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTS INC , OFFI En910392-0223 FAX 910.392a4245 Analytical&Consulting Chemists NCDENR:DWQ CERTIFICATION#94 NCDHHS:DLS CERTIFICATION#37729 Info@envlronmentalchemists.com COLLECTION AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY Client:Town of Surf City PROJECT NAME: Juniper Site-Piezometer REPORT NO: 2 I — 1--I ( 7 0 ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PO NO: REPORT TO: PHONE/FAX: COPY TO: email: Sam led B : r•a JAA.1-6 _ SAMPLE TYPE:I=Influent,E=Effluent,W=Well,ST=Stream,SO=Soil,SL=Sludge,Other: collection a c o PRESERVATION Sample Identification q F E' e a r is, m j = d o zo o ANALYSIS REQUESTED E g� Date Time Temp `� " z °_ _ "_ = Z o C P ,PZ-13 ?It./) No s.— G G 1oz52 Depth to Water: 7 z t _ C P PZ-14 }'.3S P-- G G b2�3 Depth to Water: ��3 �� C P L PZ-15 (:3•p_ G G IDZ5,7 '� Depth to Water: a 14 _ C P PZ-16 4 t:ycf`--- G G (O2 Depth to Water: I5 3 C P G G C P G G C P G G C P G G C P G G Transfer Relinquished By: Date/Time Received By: Date/Time 1. 2. Temperature when Received: 0 l fk Accepted: Rejected Resample R ue ed: `i Delivered By: ` Received By: U,l`�-h Date: c / i i Z Time: I—(3E Comments: TURNAR UND: