HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW5220302_Property Deed_20220406! TNRRY SANF0RD, GOVERNOR 1). S. COLTRANE. 13[R3CT4R af, TAT aN- w •1 STATA OF N6RTH bAROLINA EMPAR5TMENT OF ADMINISTRAT16N P. 0. BOX 1351 • RALEIGH August. 30, 1961 Mr, George W. .Razdal:l, Director North Carol iiea Prison Department Raleigh, North CaroUna General Claude T. Rowers Adjutai t General, of North. Carolina Department of Acl jutant General. Raleigh., North Caroline lie: Allocation of 39 acres of land from -the Prison Department to the. ➢epartment of the Adjutant General, Camp Palk, Wake -count' Pursuant to axi agreement between the Prison Department arid the Department. of the Adjutant. General .ani. pursuant to authority vested in tie by the rules passed by the Governor and* Council of S4+e on October 8-) 1957, the f ollow". described property -at Camp Polk, 1I ke County) is. hereby allocated to the Department. of the Adjutant General.) - BEGINNING at a point in the centerline .of the. Reedy Creek Road, said point of begs nn'i ng* bei ng located 632 feet in a northwesterly direction from the intersection of the centerline of -the Reedy Creek Road and the centerli.e of- the Camp Polk Prison Farm. Road; thence with the centeAlze. of the Reedy Creep Aoad - Worih 42 degrees 21 minutes West 2)092 feet to a point... the Southeast corner of a tract of land own6a by the State q£ North Carolina and allocated io the University of north Carolina;• thence with the University of North .Oar*olina 1. 1he South-; 3 deg;ses 34 minutes Nest 6$8 feet•to a.point; coatinuang thence with the University of'North Carolina line South 55 degrees 42 minutes. West 3'70 f eei to a point; thence South. 42 degrees 21 minutes East. 1375•feet to a•ppint; thence North 71-degrees 02 . minutes East 1989.5 feet to a point in the Weatern right -of way line of the Reedy Creek Road; theiice North 71..degrees 62• Mutes East 30- feet, more or less, -to' the point and. piece of B 1GINNLNG an containing 39 acres, more or less., as shown on a *ap entitled nProperty of North Carolina 11ational' Guard' made "by Oscar P* -Hay, Jr.., -Consulting -Engineer., dated July l�; �.961_. Mr. George W. Randall. - 2 -- Au' t 301:. !96 Genera. Claude. T. , Bowers This Allocation is made upon condition that the Pri son: nt. be paid the sum of SEMM BIGHT THOUSAND (678,000.0) I)OL ,o Wry �] uUly yours,: Y I. J, Director Couseritea and agreed to: ROR'i'W CARO MON ARTMEBT BY-�" George W. Randall, Director Di9PARTARNIT OF ' THE ADJUTANT 'GENERAL . By.. Claude Adjutant General of North Carolina BKO00833PGO0357 35 TN IWITNESS i'l ERLOP1 the edld A. W. 64AdisOn end wife, t[yrtle E. 7(Adiaun, have hl untu set their halnds and seals, the day and year first above writen. 1 -^- . MADISON, ,r+t. Rev. 50 etal I! !iY11T1 ',L: E. MADISON, NORM C WLT_lTA, 1 WaKe cvunty'. T+ ;'Tm. C Allen) Sr., a nutary public in and for said cvunty and State, du hevf certify thee A. 'y. MAdisun and Uyrtle E. mAdioun, his.wife, parsunally appeared befur'el cis day and acknuIwledged the due execution of the forequing deed of cohveynane; and +,h Idyrtle E. kAAd€sunl bein~a by me privately examined, separate and apart frum hnr said bust tuuehing her vuluIIntdry executiun of the dame, duth state that she signed the aame freei vuluntar11Y, wlthluUt fear ur. oumnuision of her said husband, ur any other persun, and, dvth still voluntarily assent thereto. Witness my hand and nutarlal seal. thia 6 day of April, 1Q40. (NMA.RIAi SEAL) My a ummlaslun 3ulY V, 1940. SPAPE OF NORTh Wake cvunty. the fur of Nurth Caruli registered. Witness Riled for regis fur Wake cvunty ALLRII, JR., Nutary lublic. r es: LT NA, ng Certificate ufVlm. C. Allen, .Tr.. a nutary public of Mice cuuntyj IS.AJndged tv be correct. Let the instrument, with the cartifledt,e, r 0- me Said and, Y /and hdt she Std to r, be hand this the Bth day of April 11r40. II f[AMIH:611jelOCK, Pep. Clerk Superiur oLart, tivn at 10.95A:Ri.Apr.6, 1940, and reourded in ufkice of Register ufDBeds buck E33, page 356, April 17, 1a40. RMER EI,L,TFG,:On, Register (if Deeds, "➢ E E D. .. SPA2 E OF NU €kH CAROTINA, .. .. FPO .. L. NORTh cmor tn. Wake cvunty, • • UN VERS lY OF NOr13 CAROTIN&. :: 21TIS IN➢RUVRFa MAd�o this Lhlte e4 z z� ,. day of 'day, iP39, by the state of M-urt Caro- lina. acting un behalf ufand t the r;elI usst of its agency, the State ➢irbady andl�!lb+r lldY.k C-=iss€1,ar pasty.. of -the first part 'ahcl the University of North Carvlina, a auvp'raEtiun of the State of North C4rulind, party fthe second part, wii'N]MErH: That fur and ln{ cun- sideratiun of the Sum of Seventy -Five fhuusand dullars($75,000.00) the receipt of which by the State,!Ilgbmay and kublle W01kks Curavinniun is hereby ackmVe16d9ed, the state of Nvrth Carolina, has bargdined, and suld, and dues by these presents bargain, sail and eunvey� unto the said pd ty of the secund part, its successors and asaigns, all of that certall tract ur pdreel of land situate in Wake euunty,.Nurth Cdrolind, dnd bounded and deacilbed da follu! Beginning at an iron pipe in a pile of ruck of the suuthwast eurner of the Ci7rsp Fvl;c i I RREOMD OF POOR QUAMY f ORKG ALDQCUMENT BKOQTtIPPGO035$ 1, c Prison Ps Arm of the State aighway and Public '.Yorks Commission; running thence s. 31 dearses 20 minuted F. 2976 feet to an iron pipe on the west side of an ea- istlrnFz County road; thence s. 3 degrees 45 minutes 19. -250 feet tv do iron pipe on the west elide pf staid road, thence S. 87 degrees E. 3235 feet to do iron pipe, 12 feet south oaf Richland Creek; thence S. 84 degrees 25 minutes E.1766 ft. to an iron pipe, thence B. 3 degrees 35 minutes '.Y. 2068 feet to -dn Spun pipe on the north side of the Richland creek Redd; -thence S. 61 degrees 16 minutes E. 4190 feet to the suuth%vest rvvner of .1. '?. Medlinisuperty; thence along the 'dedlln line S. 86 degrees 15 minutes E. 764 feet; thence S. 3 deg. 06 min. W. 188.7 feet to Richland Creek ltudd; thence a7ongRlehl4nd creek Road S. 81 deg. 52 Minn. E. B14 ft!Gt to kled11n corner; thence S. 81 deg. 52 minutes E. 524 feet, to the center .line of the present County road, running north from U.S. Highway NO. 1, through the Prison Form; thence along the center line of said road S. 6 dog. 32 minutes W. 620.6 feet; thence S. 25 deg. 01 Minutes E. 966.3 feet to the center line of D. S. yiyhvray No.l; thence clung the center line of said ffl hvay N. 71 degrees 08 minutes E. 467.,! feet; thence H. 77 deg. 15 minutes F. 356.7 f� et; thence 0. 79 degrees 16 minutes E.,506.0 feet;thence IT. 82 degrees 16 minutes E. 357.7 feet; thence F. 87 deb. 09 minutes_ E. 301.3 feet to a point in the center line of said road; thence N. L degrees 03 minutes E. 2243.2 feEet; thence N. 4 degrees 43 minutes W. 594 feet; thence N. 27 degrees 43 minutoo L. 154 feet to a point in the center line of the old 3111sboro Nvdd; thence, along the centeZ or said road N. 46 deg. 29 minutes W. 834.5 feet; -thence N. 5B degrees 4B minutes l'V, 362 feet; thsnoa N. 61 deg. 05 minutes W. 477 fee ; thence N. 66 degrees 08 minutes rv. 93.6 feet to a point In the center line vflsdld rvnd;thehce s. 33 degrees 54 minutes V1, 1008 feet; thence il. 67 degrees 36 minutes SFV. 938.8 foot to the center line of the present County road leading north from L.S. ;3ighN y Nv.l through the prison farm; thence along, the center line of said rvad N. I2 degrees 08 minutes E. 236.0 feet to a Culntin the center 11he ofsald road; thence N. 49 degrees 29 minutes ;V, 1467.4 ft. to a point In the center line of a road adlled "Ate•a Rvad"; thence along the I c Vlter lins ofsaid road N 84 degrees 09. minutes Y7. 2033 feet; thence V. e4 deg. ;�1 minutes 9. B07.7 fast; thence N. 134 degrees 14 minutes W. 1748 feet to a point in the center of a prungvn Richland Creek; thane dvl'rn the center of saiej Creek N 20 degrees 04�minutes R. 188 fEet; thence ?] 17 degrees 43 minutes E. lbii.@ feet;thence N 17 degrees 20 minutes E. 168.4 feet; thence N. 25 deg. 50 minutes B. 84.7,feat; thence N. 7 degrees 49 minutes E. 91.5 feet; thence N. 31 degrees 21minutes `R. 164.2 feet; thence N 19 deg. 58 Minutes Q. 274 f"set; thence N 20 degrees 46 minutes W. 314.7 feet; thence N. 21 dog. 27 min. SV. 434.3 fast to d ,utntin center of saki creek; thence N. 2 dtgreos 01 min. 'd- 218.7 fast; thencc!N. 3 degrees 12 minutes W. 343.6 feet; thence N 0 deg- 59 minutes E. 88.2 feet; thence N. 7 degrees 32 min. E. 267.4 feat; thence N. 4 degrees 30 minutes. 264,6 fact to d point in the eentc-r line of do ex.: ' Syn�tfng, farm road, thence along the center line of said rued N. 79 deg. 22 min. V. I 100 ft; thence N 62 degrees 37 minutes E 1166.7 feet; thence N. 81 deg, 45 min. E. 806 feet; thence �1. 3C deg. 21 min. E. 297.6 f'set; thence V. 56 dog.40 min. E. 127.5 feat; thence N. 37 deg. 42 min. F. 273.2'feEt to 4 point in the center line ofEthe old Hillsboro-radd; thence along said road N. 46 deg. 10 Minutes Vt. 610 feet; thence N. 44 degrees 30 minuts W. 8e2 feet;thence N 51 degrees 15 minutes '11, 1600 feet; thence N. 37 dAgr"a 30 minutes Vi 250 feet; thence N. 2l de�son W 640 feet; thence N. 61 degrees 30 minutes W. 278 feet; thence N. 39 degrees W, 207 feet; thence N. 61 degr ens lJ. 100 feet, thence S. CZ degrees l'V. 131 feat to a point on the bridge on the old Hillsboro Rudd oveR Richidnd Crleek; thence up said creek the fullvving cuurses and dis- tan_ces; S. 59 degrees F. 77 ia:it; S. 7 degrees E. 130 feet; S. 12 degrees E. 139 f-at; S. 18 degrees 30 Minutes E. 1b1 fat; S. 36 degrees W. I85 feet; S. 46 degrees 3p minutes E. 95 feet; S. 24 degrees W. 115 feet; S. 35 deg. 9. 85 fet; s 33 degrees VV 122 feet;S. 8 degrees W. 90 feet; S. 5 deg. 0. 165 f^ot; S. 4 degrees Yf.Ile2 feet; 13.2 degrees 15 minntca W. 160 feet; S. 46 deg, E. 46 foot; S. 16 degrees E. IM feet; S. Si degrees U. 116 feet; N. 81 deg. n BKO0O833PGO0359 15 minutes W. 105'feet, S. 55 deg. 45 min. W. 92feet, N. 86 deg.W. 190 feet; S. 51 degrees W. 103 feat; S. 44 degrees W. 160 feet; S. 5 degrees W. 10G feet; S. 25 degrees 30 ml utes W. 6S feet; S. 12,'degrees 30 minutes E. 100 feet; S. 56 degrees E. 80 feet; thence a deg, 30 minutes F. 68 feet to a point in the center ofsald creek; thence N. 67 degrees 10minutes W. 1010 feet, tbence s. 5 degrees E. 637 feet; thence S. 36 degrees 25 minutas E. 630 fin at to nn Iron pipe on the west bank of Richland Oreek; thence up sai d creek the "ullotrinj{ courses and distances; S" 3 degrees W. 56 feet; a. 37 deg. F.60 i6et; S. 29 degrees 30 mirtutas Vi.120 ft. S. 15 dagreee 30 minutes E. 145 feet; S. 10 degrees If. 120 feet; S. 12 degrees F. 80 feet; SASS degrees E. 114 feet; N. 66 degrees E. 80 feet; S. 87 deg. 30 minutes east, 55 feet, S. 17 degrass E. 70.feet; S. 81 deg. 30 min. E. BO feet; F. 66 degrees E. 85 feat; S. 16 del E. 60 feet; S. 22 deg. 30 minutes W. 60 feet; B. 67 degrees 30 minutes V1. 54 fast;,. 3 deg. E.160 feet; S. 4'degrees 30 minute:r V1. 156 feet; S. 38 deg. 30 min. F. 90 V at; N. 59 deg. E. 53 feet; N. 4I degrees E. 55 feet; S. 87 deg. 30 minutes Fj. 55 feet; S. 17 degrees 45 minutes E. 126 feet; S. 7 degrees E. 65 feet; thence s. 5 degrees 30 minutes w. 47 Peat to an Iron -pipe in the bad of said creek; thence 11. 86 deg. W. 399.6 feet to an Iron pipe In an existing county road; thence along said cuunty road s. 3 degrees w. 200 feet tv --n irlun pipe six feet south of a large pine at the Intersection ufa farm road; thence along said'farm road, N. 7P degrees 30!minutes W. 765 feet to an irun pipe at the intersection of anuther: 4rm ruad; thence along said farm rodd N. 3 degrees E. 682 feet to an iron stake in said rvad;,thenee N.87 degrees W 751 feet to do old iron stake; thence N. 3 degrees 45 minutes W. 2575Ifeet to an Irun pipe;ithenee N. 69 degrees 30 minutes W. 485 feet to do !run stake; then, 5. 3 degrees 50 minutes W. 1940 feet to An iron pipe In pile of rocks; thence S 15 deg.I 30 min. W. 3142 feet to the point of beginning, containing a gross area of 1299.00 acres. Did a net ary area of 122.5.00 'acres, inure or less: d000rding to d survey made by C. i,. !Ann-: Englr6ar, in November 19200 and the division line by A. E. Ellington 1n September 1938. All bee ings shun, dr a based un the! -survey by MAnn in 1920, Sea HAp bunk 1938, page 6s in Wake county T egt£stry. Ei(cEPP10N8: Th'ere'is expressly excepted fYvvm this conveyanee the fulluving land oin1w.ced witl In the abvve description to wit: (1) -Phei J. R. VEdlin F,om: Beginningat a point In the richlands Creek Road' 624 feet Avast of the int�ersectiun with county ruad leading north mom U.S.Highway Nv.1 thrvu�h Prisvn FArm and running' N. 91 degrees 62 minutes ';V. 814 feet to a point in Richland Creek rYad; thanct N 3 degrees 06 minutes E. 158.7 feet; thence N. 66 degrees 15 minutes B. 759 fee t;t4nee N. 3 degrees 45 minutes'R. 1222 Pest; thence S. 64 degrees 42 minutes E. 1584 feet Li a point in lowers line; i thence S. 4 degrees 30 minutes W. 1419 fast to the point of beginnin ; cun-- taming 47.5 dcr'ess more ur less. I (?) The }owars FArn described ea fulluws: Beginning at a lightwuud stake in he east buundary of the;.. R. Medlin farm running thence N-4 degrees 30 minutes E. 556 feat; thence S, 86 degrees 20 nlfnutes E. 1615 feet; thence s. 4 degrees 30 minutes w. 56S feet; theme N. B6 degrees 20 minutes W. 1515 feet to the point of beginning; containing 24.5 �bres, more v le3@ i (5) The ;fulluwing.-described property on which is now located a 8ruddeasting station for the N. e. State Highway lAtrul; Poglnning at d point in the center of the cusinty road leading north fru:a U. S. Highway Nu.l thruugh the krlsvn FArm 80 feet south of the I�nter- aoction of the center line of said rvad .vith the center line of the richland Creek Road and Running thence N. 6 degrees 32 minutes F- 209 feet to d point In the center of said county road; thence s.83 degrees 28 minutes e. 418 feet; thence s. 6 degrees 32 minutes V7, 2G9 feat; thence N. 83 degrees 28 minutes W. 416 feet to the point of beginninP; containing 240 acres, more ur less. (4) The area shuwn on the map dceumpdnying this conveyance, on wnlcn is norl Iuedted the dsrldl tower and gruund wirefor the 17.0. Stale fjighwdy FAtrul Bruadoaating Station is sunjp t tv the permr:nent reservation that such land shall nut be used in any manner to Interfere with the uperatiun and maintenance of Said radio stdtiun. (5) Fvr;jl the U, S. Highway No. I mentioned abvve, a right of erdy of 100 feetl�jc.n each side ufthe center line of said Highway Is reserved: Fvr all county yr other pd1bllc roads mentivned',herein or adjoining the boundaries of the property conveyed, a right of way BKO 0gj3PG00360 i of 30 feet ton each' ,Side of the center line is reserved; except the right of way for county road leading north from O.S. Na.l near FAir Crasunda to Inter- sect with old Hill. bvry Road shall be 50 feet on or-ch side of eenteR line. (6) All graveyards shown on the map accumpanying this cunveydnca or sittt-- at,pd or. the prvpert'!y are Conveyed subject to such limltatlons and obligations a- may.by law exist{ with reference thereto. i (7) POO simple title in Truck Shed Lut; Beginnine at the intersection of the center line of the Riehland'Creek road and the) center line of the CAmp Folk Read; thence N. 81 degrees 52 minutes 11 alum the center of said Richland Creek road! about 524 feet to the southeast curner ofthe J. R.Medlin idndi thence N 4 degrees 30 minutes E alums the east line of said Medlin land 400 feet to d i point; thence a. Bl degrees 50 minutes lY. along a line parallel with Richland Creek road dbeiit 540 feet to d paint In the center of said said CAMP Pulk road, ,thence S. S degrees 32 minutes IV. along the csn- ter of said road 4O6 feet to the beginning, contdining 4.2 acres. t PO HAVP A'Ab rO HOLD the sail) land and premises, and all appur- tenances there4 bsloftlng to the said party of the second part, its Success- ors and dseigns, f 1iever. IN SYILO311SS WHERFDA His RK01 110ney, Clyde R'. HOye, Governor of the State of Borth Carolina, upon a* lication of the stdte Highway and lublic Works Cummissiun, _E i and by and with the?dpprkiVdl of the council, vfstate, duth hereby execute this j conveyance in the name ufthe state) and the same IS attested by the Secretary, of Stdtel and the GrOdt .,Seal oftbe state affixed..theretu; all in-aecordance E with the provisions 3uf Chapter 143, of the zTubliC LAws of 192q, end In re- E spunsa to a vesolutivn ddupted by the state Highway and lublic Works Com- mission in complidnae nith Consolidated statutes 7705, which resolutiun has �E been duly approved.' Bvne at the city of Raleigh in the state of North CAro- iina, on the day and' year first above written. I (CREA£ SPAP1; SEAT,) SPADE OF NGRPH CARGLINes_, I .. Attest; :HAS RUR , By CLYDE R, HOEY, GOvernur, Secretary of State. SPAPD OF NGR211 CAROLINa, ` County of WA ko . ! Fersvnally appeared before me this day ,!had Dart:, who being by me duly sworn, says; that he is aecretary of State of North Carolina, and that Clyde R. Hvey, is Governor of the Stdtel and that he knuxs the Great Seal of the State; and that the fvreguilig Instrument w4s executed un behalf of the t i State of North CArolIIna* by the said Governer, attested by the said Secre- tary of state, and the Said Great Seal affixed thereto, all by an under of the Council of State duly passed. xhis the 24 day of AAy, 1939; _ (NOi jA-,8FAt,) VIAUPER BELLE TAGGAR;, Notary lliblio. .iy cvnnnissien expires: i2�9�39 Apprvved as to Ferm 1s Legality; i CHAS. ROSs, , General Counsel, State Highwdy & FubliC Vorks Commission. VAPE OF NORPH CArolina, Make county. The fiorQ ing certificate of Walter Belle L' gv Aggart, a notary pub- lic of Wake county, is adjudged to be Currect. Let the instrument, with the certificates, be; registered. i