HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0002056_Monitoring - 03-2021_20210419 (3) • APR1 92021 ►te( �DWR SECTION 1I� SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY I t T r" °TION PROCESSING DEPARTMENT Of ENVN[ONMEMX QUALITY-AIV.OF WATER RESOURCES GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: INFORMATION PRWCE3SSIS UNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM +t17 MAR.SERVICE CENTER,RJLLE13H,scz7m 5117 FACILITY INFORMATION f5ern Print Cr6nny or Type PERMIT Number. Expiration Date etsiY2oze Facility Name: Patrons Place Non-Oischarge W00002056 UIC Permit Name(if different) WOES Other Facility Address: 143 Hubert Blvd. TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Hubert NC 28539 County Onstaw (I]Lagoon 0 Remediation Infiltration Gallery (I Spray Field CI Remediatlon Contact Person MMel Seely Tetephone9-910-330-8011 0 Rotary Distributor ❑Land Application of Sludge Well LocationrSite Name:By ponds. No of wells to be sampled 3 0 Water Source Heat Pump ❑Other t.si,P.avn $AMPLING INFORMATION tt WELL WELL ID NUMBER(from Permit): MW-5 Data sample collected-3/512621 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth 22 ft. We Diameter 2 in pH etude 6 6 units Temp oaoto 'C DRY at Depth to Water Level 92a 6. ft.below measuring point Screened Interval-ft to ft Spec.Cond ooaga tMhos time a1 sampling Measuring Point is ft above land surface Relative M P.Elevation ft Odor coots check Volume of water pumpedtbatled before sampling 5 gallons Appearance here Samples for metals were collected unfiltered Xi YES ❑NO and field acidified MI YES 0 NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed:31E70I9 Laboratory Name enwochem Certification No PARAMETERS NOTE:Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00315 mg/L Nitrfte(NO7)as N oasis<0 02 mgii. Pb Lead most rig/L Cotiform:MF Fecal mom<1 /100mL Nitrate(NO,)as N aoeso<0.02 mg/L. in-Zinc otoaz L Conform.MF Total stsoa /l0OmL Phosphorus Total as P noses<0.04 mg/L ROW un 11PN a.inm r«IsgMr aaaasanp«, Onhophosphate rosin mg/L Other(Specify Compounds and Concentration Units) Dissolved Solids Total fo3dd 159 mg/L Al•Aluminum of tos mg/L pH(Lab)00403 units Ba-Barium ai0a7 ug/L TOC ooeso 12 mg/L Ca-Calcium wale mgtl. Chloride ocean 11 mg/L Cd-Cadmium 01E127 wall Arsenic otoW ugh Chromium Total atoll ug/I Grease and Oils oo552 mg/L Cu-Copper o1o42 mg/l ORGANICS:(by GC GC/MS HPLC) Phenol 1273a ugh. Fe-Iron alias ugh. (Specify test and method R.ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate haus mg/L Hg-Mercury 71903 ugh Lab Report Attached? © Yes(1) ❑ No(0) Specific Conductance octets itMtio3 K-Potassium 00937 mg/L VOC 7a73 ,method R Total Ammonia 00610<0 2 mg/L Mg-Magnesium 00927 mgrl. ,method 4 (Ammons ratrcyen.NH.us N;anon.tavoo.n I 004, Mn-Manganese obis ugli ,method R TKN as N 00625 mg/I NI-Motel 01057 ugtl ,method R For Remo-citation Systems Only(Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs mgti Effluent Total VOCs night VOC Removal% 1 Cr,,!,:11',i'h,t.,,,,.!If,t.0.,'.\7-,t•tit:,'41Mr.M!n:o,nuoo.1 bsr;r,:a,:9.v,..r-,y!1';!',u'. aX ,.l'u .a,,sotr•pF, rr,_t'at W ,2C�f:,.l li Ct1<..1 ,,,paltrth ✓'1u: ..aop,o'-NJ:"Cl'.y. .., 'ar ly r7^•t'. .. ti!'tt a t,aa!o,r ai 'P awt; CI Iltt,J, E;.df::CR,e 'CH ll] f :abn ?:;:.IS lR t i!p ,JH Ix '-1ac'u^.rx ,ps':al.fy al re eanP l r^,,; l `tut!r. Yo'tA upwn r, ,a c'wQU1Wn5 t•Gtit! tcMtk�. '. ,,, r .r.--- ft441.,1 c., ps161,.,QI SA,A4 f'9'2( Perms.,(or Authorized Agent)tame and Tee Please pith or type Se e'.ure or Parnvaee tot Autnonrea Armin cw-59 Rev 06-07 2018 kilt APk 2 2 9 011 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY Mail original +oEPMRNEMTOFEON flAEKTALQUALf ,anr-af warren rtaadttItcss GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: salt 9 Copy to '` COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM - ,tIt7 MAIL OORVICEcaftaan, ,rictrat.•teis J ACLLITY INFORMATION Preese Print Chuuty at Type PERMIT Number: Expiration Date ttnor202a Facility Name Patrons Place Non-Discharge W00002056 UIC Permit Name(if different) NPDES Other Facility Address t43 Hubert Blvd. TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Hubert NC 28539 County Cosiow It Lagoon 0 Remedlation Infiltration Gallery it Spray Field 0 Remediation Contact Person. Mittel Seely Telephones:910-330.60t 1 0 Rotary Distributor 0 Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name By mad No of wells to be sampled'3 0 Water Source Heal Pump 0 Other atom thrt m SAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER(from Permit): MW-6 Date sample collected:3/52021 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth 15 ft, Wet Diameter 2 in, pH oo+oo:6 4 units Temp worn `C DRY at Jwlhos time of R Depth to Water Level same .below measuring point Screened Interval: ft. to ft Spec.Coed 0009a I sampling Measuring Point Is ft.above land surface Relative M.P.Elevation ft Odor coral check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 5 gallons Appearance here Samples for metals were collected unfiltered.It YES 0 NO and field acidified ©YES 0 NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed:3rtu2a10 Laboratory Name: envirochem Certification No PARAMETERS NOTE:Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COO 0o33s RYA Nitrite(NO2)as N oasis 0.02 mg/L Pb-Lead 0,0t1 ug/L Catllorm:MF Fecal 31e1e<1 /l00mL Nitrate(NO,)as N aoezo<0.02 mg/L Zn-Zinc 01022 mg/L Conform:MF Total 3t50a /100mL Phosphorus Total as P noses 0 19 mg/L tN(5 t'a"r°""'"Oef°"'pl ""4a""ow' Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other(Spectfy Compounds and Concentration Units): Dissolved Solids.Total'moo 333 mg/L Al-Aluminum or nos mg/L pH(Lab)ooaas units Ba-Barium 0160r ug/L TOC ooeso 11 d mg✓L Ca-Calcium wcla mg/L Chloride oowo 53 mg/L Cd Cadmium oton ugh., Arsenic oroc? ugh Chromium Totalonasa ugh- Grease and Oils tests mg/L Cu-Copper oloea _ mg/L ORGANICS:(by GC GC/MS,HPLC) Phenol 32rbo ugh Fe•Iron airs ugh (Specify test and method it.ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate oosas mg/L Hg-Mercury Ticino ugh.. Lab Report Attached? 0 Yes(t) 0 No(0) Spedlic Conductance o0o95 aMhos K-Potassium coop mg/t. VOC Tars ,method# Total Ammonia aoato<0 2 mgti- Mg-Magnesium Goan mgtt- ,method# Amyx.retreptr1 oft:ea N Arm:ha NVtp.n.Tow, Mn-Manganese ar osS ugh ,method* TKN as N 00625 mg/L NI-Nickel 01867 ugfL ,method s For Remediatlon Systems Only(Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs mg/f. Effluent Total VOCs mg/L VOC Removal% r r;4`..y I'I.1. J:.,r,".l(:I II- t"raleti;.•Zr-,ttekel it]c Y 1,,,..1101.Onfll-:.-I. 1'?W Ii. r R t.. poll a'i and cc,npk n .I1n:f1.1;,k.,A 3-:�r1.r,llr1 .i:a:I.,-v,1 1,1t.Cr 1 s,',. �.Ipp1 'Jac.1Tt2 th-X. {. r;Atr'et:.,.1 ...lN(Plt,:0.:It L,,vlaty i 3T O*1:t ,A' Mall•444C Stin1aG f'ornaltes f5T ta:3n 1:"U f?i$t'r"o-1I41 n'Lb:1alp Ire..1i1'.b'"I t1:' t9 1(A mY[eon4'GP:`or F'k w'.h{j...Ad.., .. I GI/4 4 _sliailk plow! ermines es tar Ateheered Aeera)Name idol Tile-Please pant Aries 56ae6u cf Permittee or Aathonaed Apenil (Date) GW-50 Rev 06-07-2018 e SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY Mall original .DENIAMIRERY OFErmttoNMENTM.,QUALITY-ON.OFMAtSRrtesouaots GROUNDWATER QUAUTY MONITORING: r+FOR*ut tAoce"INDU Tr COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM anti 1 copy to: toll amt.t pultcRertvlcEc t .tutErift,we znn-toil, FACILITY INFORMATION Reeser Pro*Cleuly or Type PERMIT Number Expiration Date s/30:202e Facility Name Patrons Race Non-Discharge w110Oo2655 UIC Permit Name if different). NPDES Other Facility Address- 143 Hubert Blvd. TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Hubert NC 28539 County Onalow IN Lagoon ❑Remediation Infiltration Gallery ® Spray Field 0 Remediation Contact Person: Mikes SeetY Telephone# 910-330-SO11 ❑Rotary Distributor 0 Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name:By spray field. No of wells to be sampled:3 0 Water Source Heat Pump 0 Other own ySAMPLING INFORMATION If WELL WELL ID NUMBER(from Permit): MW-7 Date sample collected:31512021 FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth 15 ft. Well Diameter 2 In pH 00400 50 units Temp.ooeto °C DRY at Depth to Water Level e25ee ft.below measuring point Screened Interval' ft. to ft Spec.Cond.00094 Athos tlmo of -- ---- sampling Measuring Point is ft_above land surface Relative M P Elevation ri. Odor 009e5: check Volume of water pumped/batled before sanpling 5 gallons Appearance here❑ Samples for metals were collected unfiltered m YES 0 NO and field acidified: ®YES 0 NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed:3/a12mo Laboratory Name: errvttodlem Certifir-at:on No. PARAMETERS NOTE:Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD 00335 mgn- Nitrite(NO2)as N o0613<0 02 mg/L Pb Lead otos, ug/I, Coliform MF Fecal slate et If00rn1 Nitrate(NO3)as N 0062D<0 02 mg/L Zn-Zinc o1092 mg/L. Coliform MF'Total 31s04 /l00mL Phosphorus:Total as P nodes 008 mg/I- lee. f•a AWN m.tnod h.rips twang i1pdiei Orthophosphate 70507 mg/L Other(Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): )lssolved Solids Total 70300 57 mgrl Al-Aluminum altos mg/L pH(Lab)Doses units Ba-Barium 01007 ugh. TOC owe 0 7 mg1L Ca-Calcium nests MI Chloride 009e1 20 MIL Cd-Cadmium 01927 ugh. Arsenic o1002 ugft Chromium.Total otis; ughL Grease and Oils 00552 mg/L Cu-Copper 010+2 rrtg/L ORGANICS:(by GC,GC/MS.HPLC) Phenol 32733 ugh. Fe-Iron 01045 ug1L (Specify test and method V.ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sedate soars mg/L Ng-Mercury 7100D ug/L Lab Report Attached? 0 Yes(I) 0 No(0) /Specific Conductance 000*5 µMhos K-Potassium Doss/ mg/L VOC 71173 method* Total Ammonia ooeto<02 mg/L Mg-Magnesium 00027 mg/L .method. (Aces..taw's.-rot,e.N:Amrnea.Mm*.n 1,3104 Mn-Manganese Dross ug/L ,method C 'MN as N 00525 mg/L Ni-Nickel DINT ug/L ,method* For Remediation Systems Only(Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/i. VOC Removal% CYr, ,ha,'after Ir-,t rt•n „c , - no,in to-n •:0,1 th:J ir..s I./)C,ab,r anal-c.it 1,0.1 w ri Pfonvrel t,4a;lPP 0-`•`'tt,rt%I1'1,tne'.'s Ly A 'I r,t,'tit Ib(,',O,y r, ! a ,,t. ' e,:ett to tlGsvOtldy a,'..,o;..ad nti/+tsantncr;Irr tOOw*ills.0,atANe 4.012/5 mettee for Aumanred Agent)Name and Tab-Please ptni or type :gn.tusa St Pensteee'or Autnottzed Assn, toilet GW-59 Rev 08-07.2018