HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW1210901_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20220405December 22, 2021 Asheville Regional Airport 61 Terminal Drive, Suite 1 Fletcher, North Carolina 28732 Attention: Mr. Jared Merrill Reference: Stormwater Soil Evaluation Report AVL Parking Lot D Fletcher, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 21350006 Dear Mr. Merrill: S&ME, Inc. (S&ME) has conducted a stormwater soil evaluation in general accordance with S&ME Proposal 21350006 dated December 1, 2021. Our evaluation was conducted to provide information for the design of a Stormwater Control Measure (SCM) and a Stormwater Management Permit Application to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) — Division of Energy, Minerals, & Land Resources (DEMLR) and/or local municipality. A soil scientist evaluated the soil conditions within the proposed SCM location on December 20, 2021. Background Information The proposed project consists of a new parking lot (Lot D) which is to be constructed on the east side of Airport Road to serve the Asheville Regional Airport (AVL) in Fletcher, North Carolina. Approximately 0.6 acres of property, comprised of two parcels, will be used for the parking lot. In addition, bioretention type SCMs are proposed as part of the development and hand auger borings to determine the seasonal high water table (SHWT) were requested. The site boundary and proposed bioretention SCM locations are depicted on the attached United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Buncombe and Henderson County soil survey exhibit (Figure 1) and United States Geologic Service (USGS) topographic exhibit (Figure 2) respectively. The soils on -site in the vicinity of the proposed SCM are mapped as the Hayesville soil series. The Hayesville series consists of very deep, well drained soils on gently sloping to very steep ridges and side slopes of the Southern Appalachian Mountains. The soil evaluation was performed with hand auger borings conducted at four locations (SW-1 through SW-4) as shown on the attached Stormwater Soil Evaluation Exhibit (Figure 3). Our evaluation consisted of identifying and recording the soil morphological conditions at these locations in order to develop soil profile descriptions, perform SHWT estimations and measure the observed water table (OWT) if applicable. S&ME, Inc. 13201 Spring Forest Road I Raleigh, NC 27616 1 p 919.872.2660 1 www.smeinc.com Stormwater Soil Evaluation Report AVL Parking Lot D Fletcher, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 21350006 Findings SHWT Estimation, OWT Measurement, and Depth to Auger Refusal S&ME estimated the SHWT by advancing hand auger borings at the four locations as shown on the attached Figure 3 and evaluating the soil for evidence of SHWT influence. This evaluation involved looking at the actual moisture content in the soil and observing the matrix and mottle colors. Depending on the soil texture, the soil color will indicate processes that are driven by SHWT fluctuations, such as iron reduction and oxidation and organic matter staining. In addition, S&ME attempted to measure the OWT level below existing ground surface (EGS) at the indicated hand auger boring locations, however groundwater was not encountered. Auger refusal was encountered at the four hand auger boring locations. See Table 1 below and Figure 3 for the estimated depth to SHWT, measured depth to the OWT and auger refusal if applicable. Table 1 HAND AUGER SEASONAL HIGH WATER OBSERVED WATER AUGER REFUSAL BORING LOCATION TABLE (SHWT) DEPTH (inches/feet below EGS) •1 1 TABLE (OWT) DEPTH (inches/feet below EGS) •1 1 DEPTH (inches/feet below EGS) •1 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 EGS: Existing Ground Surface Permeability/Hydraulic Conductivity Estimation The soil profile descriptions on the attached Figure 3 show the soil morphological conditions including soil texture, structure, soil matrix and mottle color, estimated United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) permeability and estimated USDA hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) for the different soil horizons found on -site. Please refer to the enclosed map and soil profile descriptions for more information. These estimates were obtained from one or more of the following: Buncombe and Henderson County Soil Survey "Physical & Chemical Properties of the Soil - Permeability'; and/or USDA-NRCS (United States Department of Agriculture - Natural Resource Conservation Service) official series description, and/or "NRCS Field Book for Describing & Sampling Soils". The permeability estimates were converted to conductivity on the profile description tables. December 22, 2021 Stormwater Soil Evaluation Report AVL Parking Lot D Fletcher, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 21350006 Limitations Data and conclusions presented herein are based on materials encountered at the hand auger boring locations only. Conditions may vary between hand auger boring locations and in other areas of the proposed SCMs. The reported depths are based upon the ground surface locations of the borings at the time of our evaluation. Closing S&ME appreciates the opportunity to provide soil evaluation services for this project. If you have any questions please contact Walter Cole at 919-872-2660 or wcole@smeinc.com. Sincerely, S&ME, Inc. SOIL C OF ���1267 pC \NORTH �� Walter Cole, LSS, REHS Thomas P. Raymond, PE Senior Project Manager Environmental Area Manager Enclosed: Figure 1: USDA-SCS Buncombe & Henderson County Soil Survey Exhibit Figure 2: USGS Topographic Exhibit Figure 3: Stormwater Soil Evaluation Exhibit December 22, 2021 3 Figures k h c c < 1 Z� ... Soil Profile Descriptions Boring SW-1 S&ME Project Number: 21350006 Boring Date: December 20, 2021 Landscape Position: Nose Slope Color USDA USDA Estimated Estimated Depth Moist Permeability Conductivity Horizon (in) (Matrix) (Mottles) Texture Grade Structure Consistence Notes (in/hr) (in/hr) A 0-4 7.5YR4/3 loam w eak granular very friable gravel pieces 2-6 1.4- 14 C1 4-40 5YR 4/6 silt loam massive very friable 0.6 - 2 0.14 - 1.4 C2 40-60 2.5YR 5/4 silt loam massive very friable saprolite w ith rock 0.6 - 2 0.14 - 1.4 fragments Cr 60+ WA N/A rock N/A WA N/A auger refusal WA WA Estimated SHWT depth from EGS: >60 inches ( >5.0 feet ) Measured OWT depth from EGS: >60 inches ( >5.0 feet ) Depth to auger refusal: 60 inches ( 5.0 feet ) Boring SW-2 S&ME Project Number: 21350006 Boring Date: December 20, 2021 Landscape Position: Nose Slope Color USDA USDA Estimated Estimated Depth Moist Permeability Conductivity Horizon (in) (Matrix) (Mottles) Texture Grade Structure Consistence Notes (in/hr) (in/hr) A 0-6 7.5YR4/3 loam w eak granular very friable gravel pieces 2-6 1.4- 14 C1 6-14 7.5YR 5/8 clay loam weak subangu ar friable 0.6 - 2 0.14 - 1.4 C2 14-38 2.5YR 4/4 silt loam massive very friable sapfflate9n� rock 0.6 - 2 0.14 - 1.4 Cr 38+ WA N/A rock N/A WA N/A auger refusal WA WA S Estimated SHWT depth from EGS: >38 inches ( >3.2 feet ) Measured OWT depth from EGS: >38 inches ( >3.2 feet ) Depth to auger refusal: 38 inches ( 3.2 feet ) Boring SW-3 S&ME Project Number: 21350006 Boring Date: December 20, 2021 Landscape Position: Nose Slope i Color USDA USDA Estimated Estimated Depth Moist Permeability Conductivity Horizon (in) (Matrix) (Mottles) Texture Grade Structure Consistence Notes (in/hr) (in/hr) i A 0-2 10YR3/3 loam weak granular very friable 2-6 1.4-14 C1 2-6 7.5YR4/3 clay loam weak subangular friable 0.6-2 0.14-1.4 blocky C2 6-36 5YR 4/4 sandy massive very friable saprolite with rock 2-6 1.4- 14 loam fragments Cr 38+ WA I N/A rock N/A WA N/A auger refusal WA WA Estimated SHWT depth from EGS: >36 inches ( >3.0 feet ) Measured OWT depth from EGS: >36 inches ( >3.0 feet ) Depth to auger refusal: 36 inches ( 3.0 feet ) Boring SW-4 S&ME Project Number: 21350006 Boring Date: December 20, 2021 Landscape Position: Nose Slope Color USDA USDA Estimated Estimated Depth Moist Permeability Conductivity Horizon (in) (Matrix) (Mottles) Texture Grade Structure Consistence Notes (in/hr) (in/hr) A 0-6 10YR3/2 loam w eak granular very friable gravel pieces 2-6 1.4- 14 C1 6-10 7.5YR4/3 clay loam weak subangular friable 0.6-2 0.14-1.4 blocky C2 10-32 5YR 5/4 10YR 6/6 sandy massive very friable saprolite w ith rock 2-6 1.4- 14 loam fragments Cr 32+ WA N/A rock N/A WA N/A auger refusal WA WA Estimated SHWT depth from EGS: >32 inches ( >2.7 feet) ■ Measured OWT depth from EGS: >32 inches >2.7 feet) ( �■ Depth to auger refusal: 32 inches ( 2.7 feet ) N ' III A, SW z y ■ V z z Z) O V oz L7 O z W 0 W S ry 0 O 0 Q C _ W W Q J O V W z N m Q L J J W S Ln Q SCALE: 1"=50' 4P DATE: ' 12-22-21 F r1 s 0 50 100 PROJECT NUMBER (FEET) 21350006 l� REFERENCE: ® Hand Auger Boring Location FIGURE NO. GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM THE 2019 NCONEMAP AERIAL ORTHOIMAGERY _ LAYER. THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONS Proposed SCM DISPLAYED ARE APPROXIMATED. THEY ARE NOT BASED ON CIVIL SURVEY INFORMATION, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. Subject Parcel