HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200610 Ver 2_USFWS RFAI_20220126Strickland, Bev From: Lauren Norris -Heflin <Lauren.Norris-Heflin@timmons.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2022 8:53 AM To: Phillips, George L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA); kathryn_matthews@fws.gov Cc: Sydni Law; Kate Hefner; Cohn, Colleen M Subject: [External] RE: USFWS RFAI / Silverstone / Raleigh / Wake County / SAW-2017-02177 Attachments: Silverstone - USFWS RAI Response (reduced).pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. My apologies, I accidentally left Colleen off this email chain. Again please let us know if any of you require additional information. Best, Lauren Norris -Heflin Environmental Project Manager Office: 919.866.4943 I Cell: 919.607.1723 From: Lauren Norris -Heflin Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2022 8:28 AM To: Phillips, George L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil>; Matthews, Kathryn H <kathryn_matthews@fws.gov> Cc: Sydni Law <Sydni.Law@timmons.com>; Kate Hefner <Kate.Hefner@timmons.com> Subject: RE: USFWS RFAI / Silverstone / Raleigh / Wake County / SAW-2017-02177 Good morning Lyle and Kathy, Please find attached our response to your Request for Additional Information to complete ESA Section 7 consultation for the site known as Silverstone. Please note, per USFWS request regarding Impact 10A (forcemain crossing) we worked with the engineering team and the client to enable directional boring in this location, thereby avoiding this impact. This project is high priority for our client so please don't hesitate to let us know if you require any additional information to complete your review. Thank you, Lauren Norris -Heflin Environmental Project Manager Office: 919.866.4943 I Cell: 919.607.1723 1 From: Phillips, George L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil> Sent: Monday, December 27, 2021 1:54 PM To: Lauren Norris -Heflin <Lauren.Norris-Heflin@timmons.com> Subject: USFWS RFAI / Silverstone / Raleigh / Wake County / SAW-2017-02177 CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Lauren, Through coordination with USFWS additional information has been requested to complete ESA Section 7 consultation. Please see the attached email and provide a response to assist USFWS's decision. Note: Based on the request for additional information ESA section 7 consultation is incomplete to date. Please let me know if you have any questions/concerns. Lyle Phillips Regulatory Specialist US Army Corps of Engineers CE-SAW-RG-R 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Phone: (919) 554-4884, Ext. 25. Fax: (919) 562-0421 Email: George.L.Phillips@usace.army.mil We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at https://regulatory.ops.usace.army.mil/customer-service-survey/ . Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the survey. 2 0 �i TIMMONS GROUP January 26, 2022 Kathy Matthews NC Renewable Energy Coordinator & Fish and Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 551-F Pylon Drive Raleigh, NC 27606 Dear Ms. Matthews, 5410 Trinity Road P 919.866.4951 Suite 102 F 919.859.5663 Raleigh, NC 27607 www.timmons.com Re: Response to USFWS Request for Additional Information Silverstone USACE AID: SAW-2017-02177 (Approx. 158.58 acres) Wake County, North Carolina On behalf of Cassa Knightdale II, LLC, we are providing a response to the Request for Additional Information (RAI) email received on December 21, 2021 for Silverstone, an approximately 158.58- acre site located southeast of the intersection of Hodge Road and Interstate 495 in Knightdale within Wake County, North Carolina (the Site). This project is currently covered under a Nationwide Permit (NWP) originally verified in June of 2020. Work has since initiated at the site and Impacts 2A/B and 3A/B (CWI-2.5 and CWI-2.7) have been completed, while the remaining impacts are in progress. Mitigation credits were purchased prior to impacts. Due to uncertainty in the project schedule, impacts 1 and 4A through 8 may not be complete by their respective permit expiration of March 15, 2022, when the current permit extension period for NWP 29 expires. Therefore, this project was resubmitted for re - permitting to enable continued coverage past the set expiration. It is anticipated that work will be completed by March of 2023. Note, impacts 9, 10A, and 10B (CWI-2.12 and CWI-2.13) are permitted under NWP 18, and are anticipated to remain permitted under the 1-year extension of that permit until it expires February 25, 2023 (based on anticipated expiration dates at the time of this letter). The proposed residential development will consist of 276 single-family lots, 103 townhomes, and associated amenities including roadway, stormwater control measures (SCMs), and utility improvements (i.e. public water supply and sanitary sewer alignment). The proposed project requires the following impacts to jurisdictional features: three (3) road crossings (two completed), ten (10) drainage impacts (two completed) for stormwater conveyances which are designed to input treated surface water flow into jurisdictional features, and four (4) temporary impacts for a 30-ft wide utility easement associated with gravity sewer line crossings. These impacts require 0.044 acres of permanent wetland impacts, 0.024-acres of ENGINEERING I DESIGN I TECHNOLOGY temporary wetland impact, 283 linear feet and 0.025-acres of permanent stream impact, 103 linear feet and 0.021-acres of temporary stream impact, 88-ft of permanent — no loss stream impact associate with velocity dissipator pads (per previous USFWS request), 32,877 square feet of permanent Zone 1 buffer impacts, and 32,676 square feet of permanent Zone 2 buffer impacts. Additional impacts to waters of the U.S. are not proposed. The proposed project is the final and complete phase of the project with appropriate land use control measures in place for specific areas which require them. Traditional equipment will be used consisting of front-end loaders, bulldozers, paving equipment, graders, and earth movers. All permanent stream impacts are associated with road crossings required for connecting the southern and western portions of the site. Culverts were designed based on stream size and anticipated flow requirements to ensure long term stability and aquatic life movement. Culvert details, including the plan and profile, for each road crossing are included in the attached Impact Maps. The proposed temporary utility impacts are required for the installation of the gravity sewer line. The sewer line location was determined based on gravity sewer requirements in order to connect to existing utilities and will require temporary impacts for installation through open cut. A temporary pump -around system will be utilized during construction for Impacts 5B and 7B (see attached plan and construction sequence). Upon completion of the temporary impacts, the streambed will be restored to pre -project elevations and widths using natural streambed material. The trench will be backfilled with the excavated natural streambed material to a depth of at least 12-inches or to bottom depth of impact area, whichever is shallower. Streambanks will be restored to pre -project grade and contours. Due to the proximity to the Neuse River former Impact 10A is now proposed as directional bore to further reduce impacts, avoiding stream and buffer impacts in this location. Stormwater outfalls with the proposed dissipator pads must be installed through the Neuse River buffers due to the required length of culverts to adequately provide diffuse flow to the streams. If the culvert lengths are shortened and a level spreader is placed downgradient, it cannot properly diffuse the flow of water leaving the stormwater retention basins. Shortened culverts would lead to channelization and erosion in and around the level spreader. Therefore, the current design is required to prevent erosion and adequately move treated water from the stormwater retention basin to the dissipator pad and into the streams. Buffer impacts will be limited to those required for installation, as the culvert will be buried, and the area revegetated with herbaceous species after installation. Proper sedimentation and erosion control methods will be utilized during all phases of construction and installation as described in accordance with the requirements of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources: Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual (May 2013) and local codes. All work will take place during dry conditions and can be facilitated from high, non -jurisdictional, stable ground. The contractor shall install silt fence, inlet protection, sediment traps, division ditches, temporary coffer dams, tree protection, and clearing only as necessary to install devices. All erosion and sediment control measures will be checked for stability and operation following every runoff producing rainfall, but in no case less than once every week. Any needed repairs will be made immediately to maintain all measures designed. An erosion control inspections report is required and will be kept by the owner's representative. The Erosion and Sediment Control plans for this project are currently not complete. However, all of the plans will be reviewed by both Wake County and the Town of Knightdale. Temporary seeding and permanent seeding plans are included to restore impacted areas. The project will meet all respective requirements of Best Management Practices and Engineered Stormwater Control Structures as outlined through State and Local Stormwater Rules. Measures will be taken to prevent oil, tar, trash, debris, and other pollutants from entering adjacent jurisdictional features. Any excess excavated materials not utilized as back fill will be placed and contained within upland areas and permanently stabilized to prevent erosion into adjacent jurisdictional features. Therefore, stockpiling of excavated material within jurisdictional waters of the U.S. will be strictly prohibited as part of the construction of this project. All project construction activities initiated within jurisdictional waters of the U.S. will be carried to completion in an expeditious manner to minimize the period of disturbance within jurisdictional waters. Streams onsite vary from low flowing, small tributaries in the northeastern portion of the Site to six to seven -foot -wide tributaries in the southcentral and southwestern portion of the Site. Streams ranged from approximately 4-6 inches deep. The smaller tributaries consist of silt and sand bottoms, with a lack of gravel and cobble (Page 1 — Photo 4; Page 1 and 2 — Photos 5, 6, 7, and 8; Page 2 — Photo 10). Many of these streams are low flowing or absent of flow. The larger tributaries consist of silt and sand bottoms, with a moderate amount of gravel and cobble (Page 1 — Photos 1 and 2; Page 2 — Photo 9). These streams were observed to have higher rates of flow than the smaller tributaries, but water quality is poor. There is not enough flow to maintain clean, silt -free substrates and the water is murky in many areas. The main stream leading to the eastern portion of the site and impacts 1, 2A/B, 3A/B, 4A/B, 5A/B, 6, and 7A/B/C formerly contained a man-made pond with an earthen dam which appears to have been breached sometime between 2005 and 2006. The Carolina madtom prefers the riffles, runs and pools of medium to large streams and rivers that have continuous, year-round flow and moderate gradient. This species prefers silt -free, stable, gravel and cobble bottom habitat. The Atlantic pigtoe prefers small creeks to large rivers with excellent water quality, with enough flow to maintain clean, silt -free substrates. The species prefers coarse sand and gravel and is rarely in silt and detritus. The Neuse River waterdog prefers streams with low to moderate gradient and low current velocity. The species needs clean, flowing water with high dissolved oxygen concentrations. According to a current study being conducted by NC State University student, Eric Teitsworth, on the Neuse River waterdog, the species has not been located within the mainstem Neuse River by Teitsworth or his team. He has stated that the Neuse River and other highly developed areas of Raleigh and Wake County no longer have gravel and cobble bottoms, but they are all sand and silt. Based on the existing stream habitat, the streams onsite do not constitute suitable habitat for the Carolina madtom, Atlantic pigtoe, and Neuse River waterdog. The dwarf wedgemussel is a generalist species, with high water quality preferred but not required. No signs of mussels were observed throughout the streams on -site, including in areas with racoon tracks on the depositional bars and benches throughout the streams with no sign of mussel shells. According to available data the dwarf wedgemussel is believed to be extirpated within the Neuse River and there are no known occurrences within the Poplar Creek-Neuse River Sub -watershed (12-digit HUC 030202011103). The nearest watershed with known occurrences, Swift Creek, intersects the Neuse River approximately 30 river miles south of the project area. The dwarf wedgemussel is primarily listed due to impacts on habitat through water quality. Further, most on - site impacts, 1 through 7, are located upstream of a recently removed earthen dam, making it extremely unlikely any protected species would be located within this stream. Therefore, due to the proposed sediment and erosion control plans to protect water quality, lack of high quality habitat, recent presence of an earthen dam, and lack of observance of mussel species, it is the opinion of Timmons that the proposed project may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect the dwarf wedgemussel. Please review the previously permitted Impact Maps and contact Lauren Norris -Heflin at (919) 866-4943 or lauren.norris-heflin@timmons.com if additional information is required. Sincerely, Timmons Group Kate Hefner, WPIT Environmental Scientist Lauren Norris -Heflin Environmental Project Manager Enclosures cc Lyle Phillips — USACE Wilmington District, Raleigh Regional Office cc Colleen Cohn — NC DEQ Division of Water Resources, Raleigh Regional Office Attachments APPENDIX A Figure 1 — USGS Topographic Map Figure 2 — NRCS Soil Survey Map Post USACE Wetland Sketch Map (S&EC) APPENDIX B Impact Maps APPENDIX C Photolog APPENDIX A Path: \\tg-radc\RAProj\805\37910 - Silverstone\GIS\Common Shared Exhibits\37910-VIC.mxd 0 wV ',OM;�(. • Site limits are approximate. Topographic imagery from USGS. VV. 10,21MTVIIIMENNIMINSamotearansfit-Darm Rider 0 3,200 6,400 9,600 12,800 —x7 FeY `t l J «�r-�•�+iG s SILVERSTONE SUBDIVISION WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FIGURE 1: VICINITY MAP TIMMONS GROUP �• • SI. YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. • TIMMONS GROUP JOB NUMBER: 37910 PROJECT STUDY LIMITS: 164.3 ACRES LATITUDE: 35°45'34.95"N LONGITUDE: 78°31'39.71 "W U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE(S): RALEIGH EAST DATE(S): 1998 WATERSHED(S): UPPER NEUSE HYDROLOGIC UNIT CODE(S): 03020201 These plans and associated documents are the exclusive property of TIMMONS GROUP and may not be reproduced in w limited to construction, bidding, and/or construction staking without the express written consent of TIMMONS GROUP. hole or in part and shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever, inclusive, but not Path: Y:\805\44872 - Silverstone\GIS\44872-JD-NRCS Soils.mxd Site limits are approximate. Soils from NRCS Wake, Co. Soil Survey (1970) 1,000 1,500 VimB2 SILVERSTONE WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FIGURE 5: NRCS SOILS TIMMONS GROUP JOB NUMBER: 44872 PROJECT STUDY LIMITS: 145.3 ACRES LATITUDE: 35.759915 LONGITUDE: -78.527332 These plans and associated documents are the exclusive property of TIMMONS GROUP and may not be reproduced in w limited to construction, bidding, and/or construction staking without the express written consent of TIMMONS GROUP. TIMMONS GROUP 1• •14 YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. • $ lift U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE(S): RALEIGH EAST DATE(S): 2016 WATERSHED(S): UPPER NEUSE (NEUSE RIVER BASIN) HYDROLOGIC UNIT CODE(S): 03020201 hole or in part and shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever, inclusive, but not Jurisdictional Linear Wetland Detailed Delineation of Waters of the US Suitable for Preliminary Planning Only S&EC reserves the right to modify this map based on more fieldwork, and any other additional information. Approximations were mapped using topographic maps, air photos and ground truthing. If the site is going to be disturbed, S&EC's detailed delineation should be approved and permitted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as required. If the user of this work desires an accurate map of the regulated features flagged by S&EC, they should retain a NC Registered Professional Land Surveyor to locate S&EC's flagging. • Survey Ditch/ Linear Wetland Flag 241 TT Ditch - 252 TT Ditch Buffers and Intermittent/Perennial calls confirmed by Sara Knies with NCDWR on 1/28/2016. Tasha Alexander with the USACE confirmed jurisdictional features on 1/09/18 Note: -Wetland 19 was added during the USACE site visit. -Stream Features G and K contain breaks, but are still considered jurisdictional and buffered. • 226 TT Ch Only flags re -hung in this area are: All wetland flags re -hung with Orange S&EC Logo Flagging unless otherwise noted on the map. The same flag numbers were used as noted on this map. - Est :• • Cenc5t-.r fo .graphi; Information and APPENDIX B THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 112 l Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION SILV RS ON SITE DATA ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MAPS OWNERS/SUBDIVIDER/DEVELOPER: GLOBAL CITY DEVELOPMENT CASSA KNIGHTDALE, LLC 801 BRICKELL AVE, STE 2360 MIAMI, FL 33131-4943 NAB 83 ) l h, ill a is 1 uns = 1 ENGINEER TIMMONS GROUP JIM CHANDLER 5410 TRINITY ROAD, STE. 102 YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. I ii--1 / / / / I — •- ,''n* OlkO RALEIGH, NC 27607 PIN = 1733 91 9712 FIRM MAP# 3720174300J & 3720173300J a 0 DATE 01/19/2022 dig 111111111111\� \ ,, .. �.�.. ,��►` �� .• ,,' '� ,•`0 — TOTAL EXISTING TRACT ACREAGE = 158.58 AC TOTAL WETLANDS = 16,337 SF TOTAL STREAMS = 9,297 LF DRAWN BY ]. MACMILLAN TIMMONS GROUP .•. DESIGNED BY MACMIL AN /1111111/ C/11111111 1P� II1111 C �,1 . 4. •'' �♦, OJ. O� CHECKED BY CHANDLER SCALE ' �i���'..��� ��� Sheet List Table SILVERSTONE SUBDIVISION PLAN KNIGHTDALE, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA COVER SHEET L 11111 1111�;; ,�1111111►.��i i1 ��..♦Sheet 1a1����%�I/1111►��� Number Sheet Title A \ CWI=0.0 COVER SHEET f , CWI-1.0 OVERALL EXISTING CONDITIONS MAP Atti CWI-2.0 OVERALL IMPACT MAP *pi. SI D CWI-2.1 OVERALL STORM DRAINAGE - .,,' ., CWI-2.2 WETLAND AND STREAM IMPACTS TABLE �,,,,,�' . CWI-2.3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 1 �,,,1,$: `♦�,� CWI-2.4 IMPACT 1 - HEADWALL PROFILES ri, // I I CWI-2.5 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 2 rs* 4s�' ,,,,,,,• I I CWI-2.6 IMPACT 2 - HEADWALL PROFILES CWI-2.7 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 3 %k f'OCLE RITE CWI-2.8 IMPACT 3 HEADWALL PROFILES � E T \ CWI-2.9 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 4 - VICINITY MAP CWI-2.10 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 5 & 6 1" = 1000' CWI-2.11 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 7 CWI-2.12 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 8 & 9 CWI-2.13 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 10 JOB NO. 44872 SHEET NO. CWI-0.0 • • • • • • • • • • • • / • • • / • / • • • • • • • • • • ▪ • • •\ • ) \ \ • f \ •▪ � ` _ III ( / \ / — i— — /" / / I 11]-�< �' r� —'/ / /' 1I 1// \� _ / � — —' i / / I / / _ ( / — / i \ / ' / / / ( /— // -�\ ) \�/ /• / // // \' _ ' / / / \ / / / / / / 5) I \ / / / / / / - • — / , / / / / / ' / / / ' I, / / / / / / / / I / / \ \ \ — — / • — — — — — \ / / \• / , 7/ / / / r ' \ \ 1 / / s J r • • \ I._/ �\ • / / � / •/•/ -\ \ • / \ • \ •\ --\\\\ / N / \ \\ - -\ \ \ \ / / /.. \ \ \ --- / I I .� ✓ —�1/ • _ to i _ �' •- \ \ \ 1 \ f CD Q., Q. — — — — - " r /' \ \ IF / / 0 ..--' / / / / �' o S b �0 / / / / / / // / / ` / -0//°/ / /'/ /',/ r/ / _� / ▪ / i 1 \ \ \ - \ \ \EXISTNG TEMP \ EX. 30' SAN / f r / \ COOS I T IPO1463 RU TESMT 1 1 \ =E2664, PG ,28 WER ESMT 1 ; — 14.51 ' : . ` "� ' v_ =-'748.3 , \ EXISTING PERMANENT S8533 36r,W / / / / / W.., TLANLJ SANITARY SEWER \ \ 0 I / / / / / 60BR/F /AN EASEMENT \ / (/� -...- 0 OB 1T614, PG 1463 O I / / / \a E..A STING TEMPORARY \ \ \ \J \ / / / / /' / 0 / / /' NS$�97UCTIONESMT 1 \ �S1761 PG1463 \ \ / LfMITS•OF DISTjJ BANCE / / 7Is \\// / / / \ZOJE► / / / / / I," , WETLAN\ \\ I II \ / / / / / ' / /' / / \ '//'// I l l \\ ' / / // / / / io ,��� \ )41,, k k 1 \ko \ ,(k. \ I oI \\\ / r _ / /o N / / / o eo o \ \ \ o •\ / / / / 9 8 • • • • • • • • • / • • • \ • • • ISTTGAIrSItE EASEMENT VVERAND • • 569.26' • • • • • • • • • \t\ ) • Ir / / / • • • 7 • LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE • • • • RIPARXN • • • • • • • 0 c: v , . _ . . „ c: 1 \ \ ,. . , . . ,A / 2 ;50, . .3. 9452, " E • • • • c. 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • tre4 (64i 111 • • • • / • • • • • • • 8.40' • • • • • • • • • • I • • • • ▪ • • • • • • • • • • • — • • / , . 52/8 /8 irD/I r /, /—//' : 1 r / • • • • / I • r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • — • • • • BM 2005, PG 12 LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE • • 20' ZONE 2_BtIFFER LINE • • • • • • • • • • • INSTRUCTION EASE COT PROJECT 61402205) • • • • — / • • SIRIPARIAN BUFFER / • 50' RIPARIAN -- BUFFER oo Op • • OF DISTIIRBANGE • • • • • • • • • • \. -, -- s... • ; st " • • • • • • • — • NOTES: • • • • • • • • • 4.2' ENCROACHES 0 SUBJECT co • • • co co • • • • • • • • • KEor 1) WETLANDS WERE DELINEATED BY S & EC AND LOCATED BY TIMMONS GROUP SURVEY. 2) THIS SITE LIES IN ZONE X, WHICH IS ACCORDING TO FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 3720074300J AND 3720173300J, WITH AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF MAY 2, 2006. A PORTION OF THE SITE LIES WITHIN ZONE AE, WITHIN 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN WITH BASE ELEVATIONS OF 174-FT ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL. 3) ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH TOWN OF KNIGHTDALE AND NCDOT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 4) BOUNDARY TAKEN FROM SURVEY BY TIMMONS GROUP. 5) TOPOGRAPHIC DATA TAKEN FROM COMBINATION OF SURVEY BY TIMMONS GROUP AND GIS. 6) TOTAL WETLANDS = 16,337 SF 7) TOTAL STREAMS = 9,297 LF SCALE 1"=200' ING PREPARED AT THE con To no Lto co cxo co LLJ YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE 05.04.2020 • • • • • • • 0 (i) DRAWN BY J. MACMILLAN DESIGNED BY J. MACMILLAN CHECKED BY J. CHANDLER SCALE 1" = 200' 0_ co (f) 0 (7) KNIGHTDALE -WAKE COUNTY - NORTH CAROLINA OVERALL EXISTING CONDITIONS MAP JOB NO. 44872 ,42 0 cn CD in whole or a) 0 0 cit 0 consent of TIMMONS GROUP. 0 0 C 0 co 0 a in 0 0 a) and associated documents 0 0 200' 400' SHEET NO. 0 co S:\331\44872—Stone—Silver\DWG\Sheet\Exhibit\Wetland Impact\44872-331—C2.0—SITE FOR WETLAND IMPACT.dwg I Plotted by Thomas Taylor • • / /141II/ / / / — \ / // /�2Q'' j\!Il / / / /// A�\O'// // // � // �'% i // _—_/ --/1 / / -- / / • - - — _ - \ \ y/ / / / z i �r / •/ / •i/o�/a/ //7/// /a//�2 / // /// / l//////'i//// \ \ l/(1\`II/ / / t \\\\?20 1�11 1I� \\\\ \, • • a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \I m C. m ram • / 11 \ es\ \ \\ \l \ 1\\ \ \\_ \ \ (r `Ir III ,1 . 1�1.1 \ ,dr / / / //I \ 1 / \ / / I /'— —' J. / / _'\ _-, i- �' _— 0,4-..e:�P ..C`=Via` PC‘'' Adt i , _�I1 N35 45'30.6825 LAT --2- / / �/ j .�- / — / — / / �O�//' / / /r / //11_� I / -- //�1�C' ('I\ ` to/�% \ 1 ) \ \ `\1 o r. �If7Gi��'�i I 569.26' \\ 1 \// \/ 1 r A cP \• • • \ e \ 1 N. / _ — ^ 1 / /I ` r n\ ` n Q /i r/ T� \( //// - - / / / _ 1 / J — /0J / ",\r//J(�_//;I> ,\\\\ J' r /CO(ri > / J� / / I\\\\\ /,/ri 11,I/ J/ /\\\\\,' I\�--- /• I / / r S /)��\� \- / ! / \ / /n 25 J J/ v) \ / /I I \ 1 \_ =v I �� _ 240 l, — / r— // / ' /, l / / / 1 / / f / 1 1 r 41 / �// / / / (— — — — `(� '�2 �� \ �/� 1//� / •() /I / I / / \, , / / -- - / / . , /� - - / �a — — �.87' N35° 45' 34.5352" LAT r r ■ , 864.74' //% — — `. �t\ !/ 1 \\\ \\ \\ .r— \ ,)( / i I CWI1 .7 • /• ��j/ � _ / / / l \\ \ • \ \\\\ _\ l/t r'/ / 6 / '/ --24a=� \ — II // /f I \� \ �. \ 9 % / /Jr'/ /%' -- �\_ ��_�I ' 0�1 /,) J9 I1/�Ir ///'' I// // / N. 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BM/ f0tj,£ Pp -128.V / I ( I I J / e / / 1 / /// /� \ /\\ ( ', I ,, 5,/i// r() \ �) (l \I //// 250' / / / " — �` 1'i t (j 11I ( / // -/ / / 210 / • t I / ' \ \ \ \ �c 7,...(e.:7\11/11:lii i�\J/`%1I �' Iliy//'1• 60 • 1 1 \ • ll� (� rI \ \ \ \ — _ —`l \ C ( 1 '1`2(11 • N35° 45' 31.1421" LAT �,, W78° 31' 19.6736" LONG — \\ \ I \ \,�\ \ III 1 \ J28.8 ' ( Ir \ \ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \) ` \ \� / / /, \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ cJ� \ / /// / - — —\\\�\ \ \\ \ \ r' / \ ( //>� I /// / / J I \\ \ \ \ \\v \N\� \ — / Ir l I �I /I / /1 ) / //1/J\\\ 1 \% �7.2722.\\�/\ —/\—`2 ( I,l - - I (0l1 I (,�� I I �� r ;)\• \ ):‘\\): \71-1-7.2-11:3„:71-il_;-_,:/6/11C-/:,/: / (.0 \ 1 \ \ \ \ I \ \ / Z ij / 92, • • • a SCALE 1"=200' 200' 400' THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE to a co co (13 csk CD TEL 919.866 • • • • so • 0 (i) a DATE 05.04.2020 DRAWN BY J. MACMILLAN DESIGNED BY J. MACMILLAN CHECKED BY J. CHANDLER SCALE 1" = 200' 0_ 0 co 0 (7) KNIGHTDALE -WAKE COUNTY - NORTH CAROLINA JOB NO. 44872 SHEET NO. ,42 0 -C cn in whole or a) -a consent of TIMMONS GROUP. 0 13.1 11) C co 0 0 0 0 0 0 a) and associated documents rn 0 0 >, a H 0 E 0 I- T N O CL rn V 0 CL 0 z I 3 0 U- w I N 1 0 N 0 1 N) CA 0 0 E C a N r-� L W N L U) 0 1 I C N co 5' / • . - / // ,_ ♦ `( - / - - / / / / /,-- - - - - / / - \(/ /-/ / / / / / II (r/i///�,'/_ //,� _/// �/ / i14II1f / / /ir'�0�/�\!f/ / — — / / / / / J//J I�,I/ / (v / / • 1 \ \ \ \\\ \ __��_� �I \\\� \ - - - �. -' _\ \\\ \ - - -— �\ -, J/ / / i / _ - - - -�1T \ 1/ �/� ////// /�i a/// i/2//'2 ///%ii J/ f/// // / //'/ ��/ //// I / / / / r I / \ /// // // /f i` l I 1/ 4 t I\ •1\\ ?2o r / // f 1 \ \ \ \ -S o�—�' / i/ \\ ?00 \ \ \ \ \ \ /\\\\\ IN )\ / \ yll w 1'5` V\ / \ l\\\\248.81' \ r \ \\\ y \\ \\\\ \ �\ / \ \\\\ \ \ \\\\ \ / \ \ \\\\ \ \ \l\ \ \D \\\\\� t \ \ vl\./ ice. \\ \ \�i m C. m A i /- --Al - -- /,__ /\ \\. i- - / / -� i- ^/ 250 , •25� t j \ rr( // /,/ r >\1-1 ,V N35° 45' 34.5352" LAT \\ 1/- Jr, "/ /\,\I \ \� /- /'//�/i2 "I" I\��77=\'-'�_1\ / f / /) III\ // / ) - - Is • 4 • BACK Tern' • (11 \k6 Virg /- • \ - r ,\. �-. � � ��''9 � � � �i � �y� � /�%J 1 •�I��, 220 b\ �,'I m ioi /®'/ 151410111'�% _ — —\ ��\\\�1\\'/> >�_1> \�I�-�-�1�.-��\�._O111 / �� `/ d m m D ¢JA V �l /!�_ L Il - \ — / '� A N35 45 30.6825 LAT .� zo ;�,� ,�ti:ft:�.� -� ° 34 �,_ _ \\\ \ \ - S V o n , : JU I � t��%E/��� �28.8 - _ - _- - 7:1 \e', �<-W78 31 37.9154 LONG - - /// - - ;����f�// ,///,,/ _ \\\\,\ �_v \\ I '342'E � / L � / / / ?' r 864.74'' , / / / � / / � / I / i / / l I // // / r' / - \�\ \ \\\ \ \ \ \ 7� �. 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REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE 05.04.2020 • • • • • • • • 0 (i) 0 0 DRAWN BY DESIGNED BY CHECKED BY _7. CHANDLER SCALE 1" = 200' 0_ 0 (7) co (f) 0 (7) KNIGHTDALE -WAKE COUNTY - NORTH CAROLINA JOB NO. 44872 0 cn CD CD in whole or 0 0 consent of TIMMONS GROUP. 0 -C C co 0 o o 0 0 0 and associated documents rn 0- 0 0 200' 400' SHEET NO. THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 102 1 Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION WETLAND AND STREAM IMPACTS WETLAND IMPACT STREAM IMPACT YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. MAP IMPACT PERMANENT - NO PER AIRIP 30' ZONE 1 IMPACT 20' ZONE 2 IMPACT SHEET NUMBER I MPACT SP ECI FICATION PERMANENT PERMANENT LOSS PERMANENT NoLOSS Ai TEMPORAR 1 PERMANENT PERMANENT DATE (SF) (AC) (SF) (AC) (LF) (SF) (AC) (LF) (LF) (SF) (AC) (SF) (AC) (SF) (AC) CWI-2.3 1 Road Crossing 1797 0.041 0 0.000 126 571 0.013 27 12 86 0.002 8341 0.191 6557 0.151 DAz ^S020 CWI-2.5 2A Road Crossing 0 r 0.000 0 0.000 118 403 0.009 28 10 29 0.001 7720 0.177 5083 0.117 DRAWN BY TIMMONS GROUP .•-':••• NORTH CAROLINA LICENSE NO. C-1652 ';E't;E;`D �p� CWI-2.5 2B Drainage 0 -I 0.000 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.000 863 0.020 840 0.019 JC. MACMILLAN CW1-2J 3A Road Crossing 138 0.003 0 0.000 39 122 0.003 27 5 16 0.000 4025 0.092 4476 0.103 KED BY '`"A"°`a CWI-2.7 3B Drainage 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.000 621 0.014 431 0.010 SCALE Na CWI-2.9 4A Drainage 0 1 0.000 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.000 842 0.019 461 0.011 NE SUBDIVISION PLAN E -WAKE COUNTY - NORTH CAROLINA WETLAND AND STREAM IMPACTS TABLE CWI-2.9 4B Drainage 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.000 891 0.020 547 0.013 CWI-2.10 SA Drainage 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.000 630 0.014 456 0.010 CWI-2.10 5B Utilities 0 i 0.000 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 45 271 0.006 2855 0.066 3042 0.070 CWI-2.10 6 Drainage 0 4 0.000 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 6 0 0 0.000 357 0.008 416 0.010 CWI-2.11 CWI-2.11 7A 7B Drainage Utilities 0 0 0.000 1 0.000 1029 0 0.000 0.024 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 31 534 0 0.000 0.012 676 3238 0.016 0.074 482 1191 0.011 0.027 CWI-2.11 7C Utilities 0 i 0.000 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.000 0 0.000 7457 0.171 CWI-2.12 8 Drainage 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.000 591 0.014 406 0.009 CWI-2.12 9 Drainage 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.000 623 0.014 428 0.010 CWI-2.13 10 Drainage 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 0 0 0 0.000 604 0.014 403 0.009 TOTAL 1,935 0.044 1029 0.024 283 1,096 0.025 88 1 103 936 0.021 32,877 0J55 32,676 0J50 JOBN CWI-2.2 a) E 0 O u) 0 0 0 U) U) 0 0 0 U) 0 (1) 0 I- consent of TIMMONS GROUP. THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 112 I Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION 250 250 PROPOSED GRADE _ 1. ------- :--il .. - 245 245 ; /1- , \ \ LIMITSOF - —4 X • - I] DISTURBANCE HEADWALL2 ic, = I1 — PROPOSED \11 ...,..1--,Iz—� .11 .�,I�I IL 4 -- 240 12"WATERLINE 240 % LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE N BUFFER IMPACT 1 � + i . ; l � ; I E i,i ; ! ,,,; ;I ! j '•. f --I , I I '"'. I -- •: i �� i _ l HEADWALL1 — - BUFFER IMPACT 1 - (20' ZONE 2) A 6557 SF \ ,, _ .�_ (30' ZONE 1) ; r,_ 8341 SF 1 �����"� 0 �e� a�l��l111�; ,' �.-� 1'y� `"•' fYy� • • 777GGG �N rY F'Q 1p1~11! , 1 1� ,' '� 1/1W S. f j 0_• /'- - 'kk�i yL • �I ' - !•` RY ri YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. i�� :Ilk 0 11. "-�. PaulI SMMPACT 1 �' RETAINING 235 30' ZONE 1 �;y, NIIIIIMIE BUFFER LINE �,�5>�� ►:firSy 11� -.-.r ..`'.R . _ �i - ���� I� a ■ �11�1�!I�—>235 = �- l�I !ill:81-6771R:F) g�> � a WALL PERMANENT - NO' ��� I �II�II1{ I� '"��w���' ( PERMANENT LOSS '� .� ^!jI1(I, ,) I PERMANENT I STREAM IMPACT 27 LF \�� ' ■ k i 1- saw WETLAND 10 r ( / STREAM IMPACT 1 ���� �! I, I I ( I i� i 1 1 �' DATE 01/19/2022 silli WETLAND IMPACT 1 ►�: 1 Ij\ _ , L_,��!_1! 1.3 t i a r \ ao 571 SF (126 LF) I DRAWN BY MACMIL AN 20'ZONE2 1797 SF E�� S � • ii l i (t`li, RETAINING q k , 11,E , `• TIMMONS GROUP :':'+ 106 LF — _ BUFFER LINE �_ ar.�- ..F ; WALL 6i^i'�1`A DESIGNED BY 230 8"� DIP 230 `�'/ �' �wt _� I • CHECKED BY CHANDLER - _ EXISTING Q� ,w \ _ _ •�� SCALE " = 50' GRADE �N '• _ �. I� LIMITS OF SILVERSTONE SUBDIVISION PLAN KNIGHTDALE, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 1 � 4. e. I DISTURBANCE �I ` I 225 225 1 6' . CW I - 1 ROADWAY IMPACT 220 � 220 5 g 48 inch RCP 6'-0 A� � ,. '� • ._ SCALE 1 "=50' '� '` • 0 I 215 215 STREAM CROSSING CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 210 48 inch RCP 12' X 32' X 2.125' CLASS 1 RIP RAP `•! ' �•=-•' 210 1. SCHEDULE A PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT, PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. OBTAIN A LAND -DISTURBING PERMIT. 2. CONTRACTOR WILL ATTEMPT TO COORDINATE CONSTRUCTION DURING A TWO WEEK TIMEFRAME OF DRY WEATHER. 3. SANDBAG DIKE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED ON THE UPSTREAM END WITH A PUMP AROUND USED AS NECESSARY. PROFILE SCALE 0 50' 100' WETLAND & STREAM IMPACT LEGEND: 223.55 222.1 242.59 220.4 241.86 216.3 218.78 4. DE -WATER WORK AREA UTILIZING A FILTER BAG. 5. WHEN PUMP AROUND IS IN USE, THE HOSE WILL BE CONTAINED IN THE LIMITS DISTRUBANCE co c'rj N CULVERT TO AVOID CROSSING THE ROAD. AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY, SITE WILL BE CLEARED OF MEASURES TO ALLOW STREAM WATER TO FLOW NATURALLY. 6. BEGIN CLEARING AND GRUBBING, KEEP CLEARING AND EXCAVATION OF THE STREAM BANKS AND ED, AND APPROACH TO A MINIMUM. OD OF PERMANENT WETLANDS - GREEN PERMANENT - NO PERMANENT LOSS WETLANDS -YELLOW ,:;_ PERMANENT STREAM - RED 7. INSTALL CULVERTS/HEADWALL AND BACKFILL PROPERLY. -0+25 0+00 1+00 2+00 8. INSTALL DISSIPATER PADS AT PIPE OUTLETS. TEMPORARY STREAM - BLUE 9. STABILIZEPSRALL DISTURBED AREAS BEFORE REMOVING NDG DIKE ROAD CROSSING 1 PROFILE UPSTREAM. WHEN CULVERT EXTENSIONS ARE COMPLETE AND AREAS NSI TE WAS PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT AREA (30' ZONE 1) ARE STABILIZED COMPLETELY, CALL FOR AN INSPECTION BY THE HORIZ SCALE: 1 "=50' PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT AREA (20' ZONE 2) DE NO NO . 44872 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT. VERT SCALE: 1 "=5 ;Xi PERMANENT - NO PERMANENT LOSS STREAM IMPACT SHEET NO. CWI-2.3 lg 15 E8, 3! 9 Fy g2 s sB .L�.E 32 g it �6 250 250 THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 112 I Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION 250 250 245 245 245 245 240 240 YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. 240 PROPOSED 240 PROPOSED GRADE - L a 0 GRADE 235 235 DATE 01/19/2022 DRAWN BY I. MACMILLAN TIMMONS GROUP :':'•. 235 235 I I I DESIGNED BY ]. MACMILLAN \ 230 ' 230 / CHECKED BY J. CHANDLER 1 I I LV V: 1 SCALE - 5 I I I/ y _ 1 I SILVERSTONE SUBDIVISION PLAN KNIGHTDALE, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA IMPACT 1 - HEADWALL PROFILES 230 I I I / 230 L y 225 \ 225 • 1/ I \ J/ ,/` \ I y 225 \ / 225 j 220 �/ 220 220 48 inch RCP ` EXISTING GRADE 220 y EXISTING GRADE 48 inch RCP 215 215 215 215 48 inch RCP 48 inch RCP 234.18 224.1 210 210 5— coo N N N co co �L cfl M co NN c\i o �� NN rn �o Na; NN � � oo NN � � m� NN � -0+25 IMPACT 0+00 1- HEADWALL 1+00 1 PROFILE 2+00 -0+25 IMPACT 0+00 1 HEADWALL 1+00 2 PROFILE 1+85 0 I 0 50 PROFILE SCALE HORIZ SCALE: 1"=50' - 1DB NO. 44872 VERT SCALE: 1 "=5 HORIZ SCALE: 1 "=50' VERT SCALE: 1"=5 SHEET ND. CWI-2.4 �--- // : ' BUFFER IMPACT 2B ii / �� (20' ZONE 2) � SCM 840 SF I 0 / BUFFER IMPACT 2B �� (30' ZONE 1) O 0 ��' . — 1 HEADWALL 1 /� � '� � � vn° o. ' `�� �� ♦ i `\�\ V'o90.ob°oT:c ',� I " �,LIMITS OF 250 250 Q�� DISTURBANCE LIMITS OF �4 \ II %% / �A _\ N. // /SO 43101110. A11010 <�Y� • --Ni / 114 THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 112 I Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION 245 PROPOSED GRADE 245 © ON , DISTURBANCEv. �. � \ 'L` c +•o o.'.S ��A " fir ,�j,�r,�,i�'I <00 �� '' %�'�V� ��i VP4 Ii5 I 0+Y"L— �� 'o�.i.,, o V HEADWALL 2� , a�:. � BUFFER IMPACT 2A \' '\♦ �'r�� i (30'ZONE1) \ r ! ° , i 7720 SF \ :r . _ � �',� I fj � TEMPORARY \ •��` STREAM IMPACT 1A 29SF(10LF) \ �\ (� I ,•,. �I� � ,000X I ' \ YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. 0 RV WI PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT 2A 403 SF (118 LF) ► � �� �0I I 7/ , fib, I ) i I• \_ - /� . , ' 30' ZONE 1 BUFFER — oti,le c N o 240 RETAINING 189 LF WALL 240 IE LINE � � .� •�I! ;z 'y�* O _ _ \/ LIMITS OF PERMANENT - NO s�4 PERMANENT LOSS I/� F ' 4. �� DISTURBANCE — _ _ STREAM IMPACT 28 LF� n DATE 01/19/2022 8" PVC 0.50% 1 `, � � � o � / Q \ , / ' \\ .i — BUFFER IMPACT \.,I (20' ZONE 2) o ' + 20' ZONE / 2 BUFFER DRAWN BY ]. MACMILLAN TIMMONS GROUP :':'•. DESIGNED BY ]. MACMIL AN 235 /� 42 inch RCP 235 148 4 / // 7 _-- /� / CWI SFo 5083 SF 2A/B �� ROADWAY RO ,,., & A. �� DRAINAGE Q Q�� , O� \\ IMPACT LINE CHECKED BY J. CHANDLER SCALE 2.1p/ inch RCP - SILVERSTONE SUBDIVISION PLAN KNIGHTDALE, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 2 230 �l SLOp E � 230 E► eRADE 225 2. 10 o SL E !STING 12' X 32' X 2.125' CLASS 1 RIP RAP ' =- 225 5— o Z "=50' SCALE 1 0 I �i.71.: cY,� •• hN 0 50 N M N N c N N N N PROFILE SCALE STREAM CROSSING CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 0 50' 100' 1. SCHEDULE A PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT, PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. -0+25 0+00 ROAD CROSSING 1+00 2 PROFILE 1+75 OBTAIN A LAND -DISTURBING PERMIT. 2. CONTRACTOR WILL ATTEMPT TO COORDINATE CONSTRUCTION DURING A TWO WEEK AME OF DRY WEATHER. 3. SANDBAG DIKE WILL WILL BE CONSTRUCTED ON THE UPSTREAM END WITH A WETLAND & STREAM IMPACT LEGEND: HORIZ SCALE: 1 "=5O' PUMP AROUND USED AS NECESSARY. LIMITS DISTRUBANCE VERT SCALE: 1 "=5 4. DE -WATER WORK AREA UTILIZING A FILTER BAG. 5. WHEN PUMP AROUND IS IN USE, THE HOSE WILL BE CONTAINED IN THE CULVERT TO AVOID CROSSING THE ROAD. AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY, SITE WILL BE CLEARED OF MEASURES TO ALLOW STREAM WATER TO FLOW NATURALLY. o OF PERMANENT WETLANDS - GREEN PERMANENT - NO PERMANENT LOSS WETLANDS - YELLOW 6. BEGIN CLEARING AND GRUBBING, KEEP CLEARING AND EXCAVATION OF •±;±; :3, PERMANENT STREAM - RED THE STREAM BANKS AND ED, AND APPROACH TO A MINIMUM. 7. INSTALL CULVERTS/HEADWALL AND BACKFILL PROPERLY. TEMPORARY STREAM - BLUE 8. INSTALL DISSIPATER PADS AT PIPE OUTLETS. A' PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT AREA (30' ZONE 1) 9. STABILIZE ALL DISTURBED AREAS BEFORE REMOVING SANDBAG DIKE UPSTREAM. WHEN CULVERT EXTENSIONS ARE COMPLETE AND AREAS }¢¢¢M PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT AREA (20' ZONE 2) LOB NO. 44872 ARE STABILIZED COMPLETELY, CALL FOR AN INSPECTION BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT. 65V PERMANENT - NO PERMANENT LOSS STREAM IMPACT SHEET NO. CWI-2.5 250 250 250 250 THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 112 I Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION 245 PROPOSED 245 245 PROPOSED 245 GRADE GRADE YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. Lt 240 240 240 240 / /E 01/19/2022 I / \ / I \I� DRAWN BY ]. MACMILLAN \ V VVV I TIMMONS GROUP :':'•. 235 235 2, DESIGNED BY ]. MACMILLAN 235 \ 2 235 EXISTING \ / GRADE\rim' / \ CHECKED BY XISTINGCHANDLER /\\/ SCALE v.1""=5� GRADE 42 inch RCP 4_ SILVERSTONE SUBDIVISION PLAN KNIGHTDALE, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA IMPACT 2 - HEADWALL PROFILES 230 \--48 230 230 230 225 inch RCP 225 225 42 inch RCP 48 inch RCP 225 d N NN •DMM N 239.86 co NN (0Mh • NN M � NN L P NN (0 -0+50 0+00 IMPACT 2 - HEADWALL 1+00 1 1+50 -0+25 PROFILE 0+00 IMPACT 2 - HEADWALL 1+00 2 PROFILE 2+00 2+25 HORIZ SCALE: 1 "=50' HORIZ SCALE: 1 "=50' VERT SCALE: 1 "=5 VERT SCALE: 1 "=5 5- 0 0 50 PROFILE SCALE LOB NO. 44872 SHEET NO. CWI-2.6 THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 112 I Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION � \ X 1 ( ` \ / QO I-� i �(` p Q � LIMITS OF BUFFER IMPACT 3B ` — ,' DISTURBANCE / — _ (20' ZONE 2) / / / \ 431 SF s 245 245 -/ o r EXISTING 12" WATER MAIN PROPOSED GRADE — / ;�'' �, : a�1 BUFFER IMPACT 3B ' ,_ L/ -� ►�11 (30'ZONE1) / iG S� — — — HEADWALL 1 W - 621 SF / // / �// p _ ?�_ 2o.az'�wET�riD / / / �;� / _ / / �/ �� �/ �\ `►� _ ��) 30BUFFER r� / / / / (� LINE / / YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. RETAINING 235 WALL 235 74..4 A. oo°o °'. 7\` 1 �1�� iii WETLAND IMPACT 3A • / / • - :. 9.+'.'o c'•o.�, • I r 4, 138 SF / / / [t� r. o / ti J• _ o °+ ' F� / / d truwy .46 BU ZONE 2 i / / / BUFFER / , �o°, •L%� ,r1 / / / / / / /LINE / / /. / / / • o °� (1 I � / / / / / // / / / // -- o DATE 01/19/2022 11111 RETAINING \ WALL 230 230 yy / r II I I ° i I ° ��r/% I , 1. / 'ice' L�M IMPACT / / // / (•7• ��� �� t �• MANEN / / / / y '� / A / / 122 V �� F ' ' ' . , mi l,` � / / / ` -- cBUFFER IMPACT 3A pq / O �Ir,'� '0 0 0b / ` AL� / .m. (30'ZONE 1) /� r!: �j N, o a _ CT 3A � \� / i �- / 4025 SF / / :, / 0' '... `` !. / — / — ., j . sO 0. 44 . F / / �, %J p`� NM v / DRAWN BY ]. MACMILLAN TIMMONS GROUP :':'•. DESIGNED BY CHECKED BY 3. CHANDLER SCALE EXISTING GRADE 225 Nallfte.PERMANENT 225 5— LIMITS DISTURBANCE PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT OF / - NO LOSS / 27 LF , ,/yyy //// �X / 9/ ,, ; ' ' , TEMPORARY / STREAM IMPACT / 3A / / / / � ( I ( I ( SI ITL1'/ A�� I IC•y= / SILVERSTONE SUBDIVISION PLAN KNIGHTDALE, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 3 CW I — 3A/B ROADWAY & DRAINAGE IMPACT 8 48 inch RCP 98% SLOPE 220 220 0 0 50 12' X 32' X 2.125' _� ; • :;• � I. • '' PROFILE SCALE SCALE 1' =50' 0 50' 100' STREAM CROSSING CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE a Z 215 CLASS 1 RIP RAP 215 1. SCHEDULE A PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE WITH THE h rn K. 242.10 226.1 (0 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT, PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. OBTAIN A LAND -DISTURBING PERMIT. 2. CONTRACTOR WILL ATTEMPT TO COORDINATE CONSTRUCTION DURING A TWO WEEK TIMEFRAME OF DRY WEATHER. WETLAND & STREAM IMPACT LEGEND: N N N S 3. SANDBAG DIKE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED ON THE UPSTREAM END WITH A PUMP AROUND USED AS NECESSARY. LIMITS DISTRUBANCE 4. DE -WATER WORK AREA UTILIZING A FILTER BAG. 5. WHEN PUMP AROUND IS IN USE, THE HOSE WILL BE CONTAINED IN THE OD OF PERMANENT WETLANDS - GREEN -0+50 0+00 1+00 2+00 CULVERT TO AVOID CROSSING THE ROAD. AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY, SITE WILL BE CLEARED OF MEASURES TO ALLOW STREAM WATER TO FLOW NATURALLY. PERMANENT - NO PERMANENT LOSS WETLANDS -YELLOW ROAD CROSSING 3 PROFILE :,'7 PERMANENT STREAM - RED 6. BEGIN CLEARING AND GRUBBING, KEEP CLEARING AND EXCAVATION OF "=50' HORIZ SCALE: 1 THE STREAM BANKS AND ED, AND APPROACH TO A MINIMUM. , TEMPORARY STREAM - BLUE VERT SCALE: 1 "=5 7. INSTALL CULVERTS/HEADWALL AND BACKFILL PROPERLY. 8. INSTALL DISSIPATER PADS AT PIPE OUTLETS. WAS PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT AREA (30' ZONE 1) 9. STABILIZE ALL DISTURBED AREAS BEFORE REMOVING SANDBAG DIKE PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT AREA (20' ZONE 2) JOB ND. 44872 UPSTREAM. WHEN CULVERT EXTENSIONS ARE COMPLETE AND AREAS ARE STABILIZED COMPLETELY, CALL FOR AN INSPECTION BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT. 65,y; PERMANENT - NO PERMANENT LOSS STREAM IMPACT SHEET NO. CWI-2.7 cF st 2,1 8tl Fy �6 245 245 THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 112 I Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION 250 250 240 240 YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. C L, / / / PROPOSED GRADE I DATE O1/19/2022 DRAWN BY I MACMILLAN 245 245 TIMMONS GROUP :':'+ / 235 235 DESIGNED BY ]. MACMILLAN / / I-,—� ].CHANDLER CHECKED BY I PROPOSED / N SCALE 1 =5. \ GRADE SILVERSTONE SUBDIVISION PLAN KNIGHTDALE, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA IMPACT 3 - HEADWALL PROFILES 240 \ 240 230 1 1 230 \\ // / / c� / \ / / EXISTING \ 235 \ / 235 225 GRADE 1 / 225 \ / 230 ✓/I I EXISTING GRADE 230 220 1 48 inch RCP 220 225 48 inch RCP 225 215 215 10 <r N co M06 N 237.36 238.6 cz N <r N 234.35 233.0 cn N c NN 0 5_ IMPACT -0+25 0+00 3 - HEADWALL 1+00 1 1+50 -0+50 PROFILE IMPACT 0+00 3 - HEADWALL 1+00 2 PROFILE 2+00 HORIZ SCALE: 1 "=50' 0 VERT SCALE: 1"=5 HORIZ SCALE: 1"=50' VERT SCALE: 1 "=5 I 0 50 PROFILE SCALE JOB ND. 44872 SHEET NG. CWI-2.8 THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 112 I Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION \-..,..„.............../ -- ".... ..... -- F.-- SCM ``il���• YI �' . • \ %'c� �� � / / / / % LIMITS OF `� / /� - / / s DISTURBANCE - / `000.4 / .....- —II BUFFER IMPACT 4A / \ \. / / " ��-- (20' ZONE 2) ...... -- \ \ — 461 SF I '- ' / 30' ZONE 1 — ' — BUFFER ...I /_ - LINES / _ Y BUFFER IMPACT ' / \ / /1 % i/—/ 4A (30' ZONE 1) H� �� / 842 SF 20' ZONE / �`/ 2 BUF / LINE NE fill/ ..." ---- / / // •••� / / /� / 1 . YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. i 1 / ` \ - —.fir k 20' ZONE\ LINE CWI - 4A/B — LIMITS DISTURBANCE BUFFER IMPACT 4B \ BUFFER IMPACT 4B (20' ZONE SF (30' ZONE 1) \ r, 891 SF LINE - -; DRAINAGE OF /1r"�r / IMPACT / 1 ///t, • -,V0054144�P; '‘.%..*111 , 0`4•to4i 9��41 �7�y���� �` .�� ..�.���' Y `'• .4# j�' ,./ ,•%.: SCM 11 / i DATE DRAWN BY ]. MACMILLAN TIMMONS GROUP :':'•. DESIGNED BY CHECKED BY J. CHANDLER SCALE SILVERSTONE SUBDIVISION PLAN KNIGHTDALE, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 4 WETLAND & STREAM IMPACT LEGEND: LIMITS DISTRUBANCE o,, OF PERMANENT WETLANDS - GREEN PERMANENT - NO PERMANENT LOSS WETLANDS - YELLOW Z !.:.3 PERMANENT STREAM - RED TEMPORARY STREAM - BLUE SCALE 1 =50' WM PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT AREA (30' ZONE 1) 0 50' 100' ?=c1 PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT AREA (20' ZONE 2) JOB NO. 44872 W* PERMANENT - NO PERMANENT LOSS STREAM IMPACT SHEET NO. CWI-2.9 THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 112 I Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION I J '' � r _ 1 m - ---- I // ►0 1�, 1 ' -/ -.I \ /1 �'� w vim �� \- ' ,-'\N. __,---' f / / / / , / BUFFER IMPACT 5B • -�•-� LIMITS OF — / / (20' ZONE 2) "®. .ram // / o DISTURBANCE 2167SF rr�'=� �.. / / LOD / _ / / / o y�✓w�: t44$1; 4 1/' '. l ...... --vionim 1 YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. Lobc / / BUFFER IMPACTSB 4- \;�,-�•,v�J , / .4:y6;�� , '� /� — 1 — �/ (30' ZONE 1) -� _ / / LIMITS OF • — �' /• 2855SF 14Mr / /, DISTURBANCE / '7"' / / '/ / / ( $„W ; \ I \ TEMPORARY 8„W 1) '. V a" a"N \ STREAM / / ./ _- 1 _ _ )' 8"k IMPACT5B "% 1 ---- 1 I. / _ 1� BUFFER IMPACT 5A ` 271 SF (45 LF) r / / 1 20' ZONE (20' ZONE 2) / 4y ,�� II � / � ) / 2 BUFFER 456 SF ° r� ' "nr� rr _ I �/000' DATE 01/19/2022 .'000• ji� 1 ���. — �� LINE— ' / , /// , \ oo t/ /� / h� / ; , . �' — - 1 —— / 1 / \ r� •%•p��/ / -- ( WN BY �. M�Ac ILLAN � � F� / , 1 BUFFER IMPACT 5A • ' - _ / 5. TIMMONS GROUP :':'•. _ �� I - (30' ZONE 1) / / Ji ; - // ) / / LIMITS OF �r�i 1 / 1 1 I / BUFFER IMPACT 56 "`' / �' DISTURBANCE 1� DESIGNED BY ]. MACMILLAN 630 SF , ... -- (20' ZONE 2) I / / • 875 SF• / / / / 1 1 %� BUFFER IMPACT 6 1' / / / / / ,�'�' 30' ZONE 1 I / / / ZONE 2) CHECKED BY J. CHANDLER '' , �- BUFFER i �l•' LINE — — — /? �1 �` / / LIMITS OF / / � ) I DISTURBANCE (, 1 / - 30' ZONE 1 / r 1 / c — _ _ — BUFFER / / �I/ / ) LINE - J / 20' ZONE / I / — o • (20' O �/ Z • oo 1•�0 416 SF / / ° ,00 o,� / # \ /�1! i ti °O Ii / / / �\ �Q`.:� \ •� /? yr • / \ ��NT�r7 BUFFER IMPACT 6 / / I > (30'ZONE 1) / ■ / .. n, 357.E '� , / \ �.�� // A .13 1 I I , SCALE 1" = so' SILVERSTONE SUBDIVISION PLAN KNIGHTDALE, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 5 & 6 // / — ' 2 BUFFER /' / PERMANENT - NO I .• �-- ,�_ n, STREAM IMPACT 6 LF / •LINE �j// r' ' t-linn , PERMANENT LOSS /iio ; I ( CWI - 5A/5B DRAINAGE / SANITARY IMPACT ! i WETLAND 20'ZONE II 2BUFFER `_ VIA' ' \ ` , r ` 222 LINE / / \ 1 30' ZONE 1 BUFFER ILI1/4‘ LINE M I 1 \ 4 \ ` I; o \ 1 / `� / \ ` 11 III CWI - 6 DRAINAGE IMPACT ` I 1 WETLAND & STREAM IMPACT LEGEND: LIMITS DISTRUBANCE 00 OF ' 1 ' PERMANENT WETLANDS - GREEN PERMANENT - NO PERMANENT LOSS WETLANDS - YELLOW 0 z ±:27 PERMANENT STREAM - RED ( TEMPORARY STREAM - BLUE SCALE 1 "=50' WAS PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT AREA (30' ZONE 1) =te S PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT AREA (20' ZONE 2) 10B NO. 44872 0 50' 100' ;`ii����o1 PERMANENT - NO PERMANENT LOSS STREAM IMPACT SHEET NO. CWI-2.10 .bu 6 s 8 I THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 112 I Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION I I ' (( / / / / / /i �/ / / LIMITS OF / / // / / / / / / — / • / ( / / / BUFFER IMPACT „...- i ��� / / / PERPENDICULAR / 1 / ` / / / CROSSING( 0'ZONE 2) 1191 SF / /" / BUFFER IMPACT 7B le,i / ` / 229 ZONE 1) / / 2293SF / ` Xv*s ✓il� • L L i /� � TEMPORARY /�� wl�r--%—)• � T ••/ �, , L / � �' / a• / ."00., "o / �' /Q 1 I m ' / j ��� //' � \ �� I i 1 i HEADWALL�i //� /i• I 1 // / - -STREAM IMPACT 76 / ! ` �, / / / � / / / / • ))\1 / /2/3/,/ , / BUFFER IMPACT i / / / NON -PERPENDICULAR / / CROSSING 7C /r (20' ZONE 2) / 2294 SF ��� / / / / / / / / / / •°'� I \ 0 ° /LIMITS � DISTURBANCE 534 SF (31 LF) ♦ � �� � SANITARY / /• .., J 30'I / % ='' � SEWER .:°�°...° d � :r�'� v„ i -��� EASEMENT o WETLAND IMPACT 7B 0 �/� I �. : / 1029 SF 1 , / / / I BUFFER IMPACT 7131 ( \ (30'ZONE 1) \ � \ 945 SF', / BUFFER IMPACT + _ / Q / I NON -PERPENDICULAR / - �. ,'' CROSSING 7C ��<�����, (20' ZONE 2) / �I �� �s 4525 SF 'j'�j,,/�•,`:. ,�` Ili D. . / // �I�4,,,,„1�r•........VII OF �1�,I��.1,t��;'1�t• I' ( / / / / / / / / \ 80' v 1ftJ \ I , \ \ \ \ \ ° 112 l I \ --.0 ■■�'4� �%■111 1'1 11 I ,� s' � \ ` YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. a of/DATE 022 DRAWN BY ]. MACMIL AN TIMMONS GROUP .•. DESIGNED BY ]. MACMILLAN CHECKED BY J. CHANDLER / ;/��/„'�1��`������/��� ,�! ••• . . ��>/l:41 • ` 1 / ♦',. 1� 1 SCALE /'/ I ZI ,,,•YI .. WETLAND' LIMITS OF ��'7,;�/.�"��� �,'�,, N. 30' ZONE 1 DISTURBANCE I" /�, :001•�lb ` . I BUFFER IMPACT i� ♦ �� • i �� BUFFER slA���,II,`4I di.• e— 5 NON -PERPENDICULAR / ' ` I ♦ �� CROSSING7C / �/ LINE **YAW, ,'fie (20' ZONE 2) ♦ / / / / / r ����)'� �ii A011' .4. ' „,,....,..,..,,,„, j/ / ° ' , / ' / 20' ZONE ♦•�� ••�w / SCM , �. I — — I� 1 11I. � II I 1 1 I' II� �I' / — - / / ,-„ . �1 SILVERSTONE SUBDIVISION PLAN KNIGHTDALE, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 7 o •� BUFFER IMPACT 7A / 2 BUFFER' �� ����i'�I l p • , 0..�(30'ZONE1) LINE l 676 SF 1���/ __ i ., ��2 `G ` / , �/ oo° , , lb ,r ' / a� / I BUFFER IMPACT 7A , / \ / i / ,/ 1 —__-- (20' ZONE 2) / / N87°534 \ _-_ II , / . / / / I 482 SF `t ' 864.7, — — — / \ — \` , _T, - / / / CWI / — 7A/7B/7C I DRAINAGE 0 ( ' / J & SANITARY \ — —)LT i IMPACT — — / /7 / / / / WETLAND & STREAM IMPACT LEGEND: LIMITS DISTRUBANCE 00 OF f�% PERMANENT WETLANDS - GREEN PERMANENT - NO PERMANENT LOSS WETLANDS - YELLOW z _•_ 7 PERMANENT STREAM - RED TEMPORARY STREAM - BLUE "=5O' WAS PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT AREA (30' ZONE 1) SCALE 1 ?G04M PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT AREA (20' ZONE 2) 10B NO. 44872 0 50' 100' 65g PERMANENT - NO PERMANENT LOSS STREAM IMPACT SHEET NO. CWI-2.11 a.. S3 1 it 11 THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 112 I Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION / ' / /% "�T 7 // / / \-----;�'/ /� l ��'�/ �,,��/ ��'l 11 /////, SCM\ - , - - - //'k / / PROPERTY ) / / / / --� / y BOUNDARY )$ 4", l/ / ...1...--20' ZONE / , // / //BUFFER IMPACT 8 , ...1...--2 BUFFER // / / // ,�� YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. / (20' ZONE 2) ��-- LINE �� // / //, / 406 SF BUFFER IMPACT 8 . . / / (30'ZONE1)', P ', 0 591 SF ) ' ✓ // / ���. � ```_=���.11l - �i' P� . .- 1 l. LIMITS OF / DISTURBANCE / .�� / / i 17•0' �// // : 0 ' BUFFER IMPACT 9 / / ee #2.101N�`�, (20' ZONE 2) 777 / / / / 1i' 0 i r ��1..,0 ` �. oo;, 428 SF / / // �� ' ,:ii`' / \ / 4 30' ZONE 1 BUFFER - % LINE oil I /.'' // k . �,1:004��,i1,•�'�•. / - / j� , • ii+i� ��44'-- n / / , /! / I,► .a. ♦`~ice t. di ♦ /• 1 / - 9..-�i/I �/ DATE T:;22 DBY / /� OO Cb' frs'...7491.:IL::1'1111.74.1'1.--;A.1441.1716.2.'41r �' I /, (30' ZONE 1) ✓ r♦' j — /- / / ` - ' / , �� 623 SF / / , TIMMONS GROUP :':'•. DESIGNED BY 1CL •AN ,/.CHANDLER , /,)� / BUFFER • ♦ .1,9,01 A� / / / LINE SCALE SILVERSTONE SUBDIVISION PLAN KNIGHTDALE, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 8 & 9 ��1 �)IO CWI — 8 �) DRAINAGE 0 I 1 O� ii11: 1 � �t�jt,,SN�,tt- ,h11���9 �11►]I,'' 742,, 10:" ������� IMPACT � 111� I r eii : ���1 .I�� �- / �" CWI — 9 DRAINAGE / / / �� - / / / �' / / IMPACT 120' '/' 00 ZONE �� LINEFFER WETLAND & STREAM IMPACT LEGEND: LIMITS DISTRUBANCE ,,, OF PERMANENT WETLANDS - GREEN M PERMANENT - NO PERMANENT LOSS WETLANDS - YELLOW e z !.:.3 PERMANENT STREAM -RED TEMPORARY STREAM - BLUE SCALE 1 "=501 WM PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT AREA (30' ZONE 1) PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT AREA (20' ZONE 2) IDS No. 44872 0 50' 100' ...- * PERMANENT - NO PERMANENT LOSS STREAM IMPACT SHEET ND. CWI-2.12 THIS DRAWING PREPARED AT THE RALEIGH OFFICE 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 112 I Raleigh, NC 27607 TEL 919.866.4951 FAX 919.833.8124 www.timmons.com REVISION DESCRIPTION I \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CWI \ A 20' 2 \ V k\ ` \ 10. \ \ 1 \ _ ZONEI BUFFER LINE fill \ \ \ v I ICI — 10A/B / \ LIMITS OF PEDESTRIAN — \ DISTURBANCE tP I / \ \\ �� � , , FORCE DIRECTIONALLY �j AVOID \ ���i� / a 10' RECEIVING PIT r 1 �� % \ \ I 1/ /�/ / \ 30' ZONE 1 BUFFER / \ • LINE7>: 1 ...... / / _ / \ LIMITS OF \ \ 1 DISTURBANCE 30' SANITARY SEWER _ EASEMENT A 30' SANITARY \ \ SEWER EASEMENT \ \ \ UTILITY & DRAINAGE / / / PERMANENT i I , - / BRIDGE0000 / i N TO BE IDRILLED TO IMPACTS / (/ (OZONE i 604 SF / �' , 18. 10' x 30' BORING PIT \ \ / \ /\ \\\ Nik \ \ EXISTING �Q SANITARY SEWER . . IMPACT 1 / 1FER 403 \ O —1 )ACT �A0BFER ZONE SF 2j 10 IMPCT \ 2) \ / 1 / / / / /,4 — / / �/i • of C C I� n J I V' \ '4�' Af � y� �ti y� ���' f M., Y�� , ``` ��t 44 V (�I Al flo77 YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. DATE 01/19/2022 DRAWN BY J. MACMILLAN TIMMONS GROUP .•. DESIGNED BY J. MACMILLAN CHECKED BY J. CHANDLER SCALE 1"=50' SILVERSTONE SUBDIVISION PLAN KNIGHTDALE, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 10 WETLAND & STREAM IMPACT LEGEND: LIMITS DISTRUBANCE 00 OF f1% PERMANENT WETLANDS - GREEN PERMANENT - NO PERMANENT LOSS WETLANDS - YELLOW M a 2�9 PERMANENT STREAM - RED z TEMPORARY STREAM - BLUE ' PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT AREA (30' ZONE 1) SCALE 1 "=50' =PM PERMANENT BUFFER IMPACT AREA (20' ZONE 2) JOB NO. 44872 0 50' 100' Wg PERMANENT - NO PERMANENT LOSS STREAM IMPACT SHEET NO. CWI-2.13 11 APPENDIX C Silverstone — Habitat Assessment 1 - Upstream view from Environmental Impact 10, within the floodplain of the Neuse River. 3 - Water quality difference between the onsite stream and the Neuse River. 5 - Representative photo of streams located at the three road crossing impacts (1,2 and 3). This stream is located at Impact 2. 2 - Downstream view from Environmental Impact 10, within the floodplain of the Neuse River. 4 - Representative photo of streams located at the three road crossing impacts (1,2 and 3). This stream is located at Impact 3. 6 - Representative photo of streams located at the stormwater outfall impacts for Environmental Impacts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. This is located at Impact4 .••'•••O TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. Silverstone — Habitat Assessment 7 - Representative photo of streams located at the stormwater outfall impacts for Environmental Impacts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. This is located at Impact 5. 9 - Representative photo of streams located at the stormwater outfall impacts for Environmental Impacts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. This is located at Impact 7. 8 - Representative photo of streams located at the stormwater outfall impacts for Environmental Impacts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. This is located near Impact 6. 10 - Representative photo of streams located at the stormwater outfall impacts for Environmental Impacts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9. This is located at Impact 2. .•••••• • • TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS.