HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0036196_Staff Comments_19950802NPDES DOCUHENT :SCANNING: COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0036196 Clark Creek WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change 6 C'-(.4.-C-i ..,..,. _ _.....„,. Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: August 2, 1995 This document is printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the reYerse side -xt) -\--Wiu V-0,0 Note DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT August 2, 1995 MEMORANDUM TO: THRU: FROM: SUBJECT: Jay Lucas Don Safrit �kkjci\ Ruth Swanek W Carla Sanderson'' Jacquelyn M. Nowell Request for modification of permit limits and monitoring requirements for Newton - Clark Creek WWTP NPDES Permit No. NC0036196 Catawba County The Instream Assessment Unit has reviewed the request for amendments to the subject facility's permits. We have the following comments and recommendations for Newton's requests: # 3, #5 Modification of monitoring requirements for cadmium and lead - Instream Assessment reviewed effluent data from 1994 and 1995 in making our recommendations for the renewal of the cadmium and lead limits at the existing and expansion wasteflows. The current procedure for the evaluation of toxics data collected by facilities uses a statistical analysis as recommended by the EPA. This analysis compares actual, projected, and allowable effluent concentrations in determining whether limitations or monitoring requirements are to be included in the NPDES permit. Effluent data that is recorded as below detection is also used in determining these requirements. Our current procedure recommends that a constituent be limited if the statistically predicted value of that constituent is greater than the allowable concentration. If the statistically predicted value of that constituent is less than the allowable concentration, and this constituent is not already being monitored in the Pretreatment Long Term Monitoring Plan, then quarterly monitoring is recommended. According to the analysis, including all the below and above detection values that have been recorded, it was statistically projected that there is the potential for a value greater than the allowable or limit in Newton's effluent. Based on this result and additional consultation with Pretreatment staff, it was determined to continue the cadmium and lead limits in the NPDES permit. This same analysis resulted in the deletion of limits for several parameters previously included in Newton's permit. Because of this evaluation, we recommend continuation of the limit and monitoring frequencies for cadmium and lead. #4 - Weekly instream monitoring for cadmium to twice per month or eliminated. Based on the recorded values of cadmium, sampled at State Road 2012, located 1.3 miles downstream of Newton's discharge. A review of instream data does indicate that most of the time nearly all the values have been below detection. However there are some reported values above detection and at or above the standard of 2 µg/1 for example, 2.3 µg/1 in September 1994 and 2 µg/1 in July 1994. Based on these values, we cannot recommend elimination of instream monitoring for cadmium. Memorandum to Jay Lucas - page 2- #6 & #7 - Residual Chlorine Limit changed from 26 to 150 µg/l. The chlorine limit of 26 µg/1 is based on the N.G. chronic criteria of 17 µg/l. By use of the conservation of mass equation, the allowable level of chlorine that Newton would be able to discharge and still protect the instream criteria is only 26 µg/I. In addition, the acute value for chlorine is 28 Re and is not to be exceeded in freshwater. Therefore, a limit greater than 28 µg/1 cannot be given to Newton. However, because the detection level for chlorine is < 100 µg/1, if Newton reports the chlorine value as below detection, the facility will be in compliance. Please contact me if additional questions. cc: Rex Gleason WLA File DE R DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT July 20, 1995 MEMO TO: Jay Lucas FROM: Rex Gleason PREPARED BY: Michael Parker -10 SUBJECT: Review of Draft Permit Comments City of Newton -Clark Creek WWTP NPDES Permit No. NC0036196 Catawba County This Office has reviewed the comments as submitted by Mr. Radford L. Thomas, City Manager, City of Newton concerning the subject draft Permit. The following comments and/or recommendations are offered following the order of the items listed in Mr. Thomas's response. f. Delete reference to: •two centrifuge sludge thickenersa. Recommend reference be deleted. 2. Change period for the collection of winter monitoring data. Recommend that the period for the collection of winter monitoring data remain as listed in the Permit. 3. Change effluent monitoring for Cadmium from weekly to twice per month or eliminate the monitoring (and numerical limit) altogether. Based on the effluent data supplied by the City it would appear that a case can be made to remove the Cadmium limit altogether. Phone conversations with the TSB staff, however have revealed more specific criteria that have shown the need to incorporate a Cadmium limit in the Permit. It is also recommended that the weekly monitoring be reduced to twice per month as requested by the City. This recommendation does not conflict with any current guidance set forth in NCAC 2H .0500 for toxics monitoring frequency's, however, it does conflict with the current guidance used by the Division for establishing monitoring frequencies for Class IV facilities. 116 . r !ii t oi,.,�. _ Page Two 4. Change upstream and downstream monitoring for Cadmium from weekly to twice per month or eliminate the monitoring altogether. Upon collection of twelve (12) months of weeklv instream sampling data, it is recommended that the instream monitoring for Cd be reduced to twice per month provided no exceedances of the WQ standard for this parameter are found in the receiving stream. If the stream standard for ed is exceeded during the 1st year, instream sampling will remain at weekly during the entire term of the Permit. 5. Change weekly monitoring for Lead to twice per month or eliminate the monitoring (and numerical limit) altogether. Ditto response in No. 3 6. Change residual chlorine limit ■above 5.0 MCD• from 26.0 ug/l to 150 ug/1 (Dec. 1 - May 31) and 50.0 ug/1 (June 1 - Nov. 30). Defer comment to the TSB. 7. Change total residual chlorine limit ■above 5.0 MCD• from daily maximum to monthly average. Defer comment to the TSB. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please advise. MLP h : \gen\pecomento . doc • .10 P.O. Box 550 • Newton, N.C. 28658 • (704) 465-7400 • Fax: (704) 465-7464 WHERE THE HEART 6! June 22, 1995 Mr. David A. Goodrich NCDEHNR NPDES Permits Group P 0 Box 29535 Raleigh NC 27626-0535 Subject: Request for amendments to the Proposed Draft NPDES Permit #NC0036196, Clark Creek WWTP, City of Newton Dear Mr. Goodrich, The City of Newton staff is requesting the Division to amend items that are listed below: 1. The City requests that the phrase "two centrifuge sludge thickeners" be deleted from the Supplement to Permit Cover Sheet. This is a duplication of the phrase "two gravity sludge thickeners". 2. The City requests that the winter months for Bod and NH3 as N under Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements Final be changed from (March 1 - November 31)" to "(November 1 - March 31)". 3. The City requests that the weekly monitoring requirement for cadmium be changed to twice per month, or eliminated and the e numerical limit removed, at the_effluent sampling location. From January, 1993, through April, 1995, we collected one hundred twenty two (122) weekly, 24 hour composite, samples to monitor cadmium in our effluent. Cadmium in one hundred seventeen (117) of these samples was less than detectable (<0.5 ug/1). The average concentration of the one hundred twenty two (122) tests was <0.53 ug/l. During this time we did not violate our NPDES limit of 3.5 ug/1, and would not have violated the proposed limit of 3.0 ug/1 at "above 5.0 MGD". (See attached data) -- 4. The City requests that the weekly monitoring requirement for cadmium be changed to twice per month or eliminated, at our upstream and downstream sampling locations. From January, 1993 through April, 1995, we collected one hundred three (103) weekly samples to monitor cadmium at our downstream location. Cadmium in ninety two of these samples was less than detectable (<0.5 ug/1). The average concentration of the one hundred three (103) tests was <0.58 ug/1. As indicated in #3 (Nird. 5. this facility does not impact the stream with cadmium. The City requests that the weekly monitoring requirement for lead be changed to twice per month or eliminated, and the numerical limit removed at our effluent sampling location. From January, 1993 through April, 1995, we collected one hundred twenty two (122) weekly, 24 hour composite, samples to monitor lead in our effluent. Lead in ninety six (96) of these samples was less than detectable (<5.0 ug/1). The average concentration of the one hundred twenty two (122) samples was <4.7 ug/1. The highest monthly average during this time was 11.2 ug/1 (11/94). During this time we did not violate our NPDES limit of 44 ug/l, and would not have violated the proposed limit of 38 ug/1 at "above 5.0 MGD". (see attached data) 6. The City requests that the total residual chlorine limit "above 5.0 MGD" be changed from 26.0 ug/1 to 150.0 ug/1 (December 1 - May 31) and to 50.0 ug/1 (June 1 - November 3 0) . We have passed chronic bioassay tests with chlorine residuals as high as 150.0 ug/1, and believe that this is an indication that there is minimal impact on the stream at this level. (see attached data) 7. The City requests that the total residual chlorine limit "above 5.0 MGD" be changed from daily maximum to monthly. average. We do not feel.' that a daily maximum chlorine residual limit reasonably affects, or is a true indicator of, the impact of chlorine on the stream. We feel that the amount of chlorine residual that can be in the effluent, without impacting the stream, varies from day to day depending on environmental factors such as stream flow and amount of sunshine. Any questions concerning this request, please contact me or Dwight Wilson, Sr. at 704-465-7400. Sincerely, Radford L. Thomas City Manager City of Newton Results -of Effluent Cadmium Sampling January, 1993 - April, 1995 Date... R Resu ° Date. _._ R Results Date .: Result. 01/06/93 <0. :: 01/05/94 <0.5 01/04/95 01 /13/93 <0.5 .: 0 01/12/94 <0.5 01 /11 /95 <0.5 01/20/93 <0.5 01 /19/94 <0.5 0 01/18/95 <0.5 01/28/93 <0.5 01/26/94 0.6 01/25/95 <0.5 02/04/93 <0.5 ' 02/02/94 <0.5 02/01/95 <0.5 02/11/93 <0.5 ..' 0 02/09/94 <0.5 02/08/95 <0.5 02/18/93 <0.5 02/16/94 <0.5 02/15/95 <0.5 02/24/93 <0.5 02/23/94 <0.5 02/22/95 <0.5 03/03/93 <0.5 03/02/94 <0.5 : 03/01/95 <0.5 ' 03/10/93 <0.5 103/09/94 <0.5 03/08/95 <0.5 03/17/93 <0.5 03/16/94 <0.5 ! 03/15/95 <0.5 03/24/93 <0.5 03/23/94 <0.5 03/22/95 <0.5 03/31/93 <0.5 : , 03/30/94 <0.5 03/29/95 <0.5 04/08/93 <0.5 04/06/94 <0.5 04/05/95 <0.5 04/15/93 <0.5 ::04/13/94 2.6 04/12/95 <0.5 04/21/93 <0.5 "` 0 04/20/94 0.5 04/19/95 <0.5 04/28/93 <0.5 , 0 04/27/94 <0.5 04/26/95 <0.5 05/06/93 <0.5 05/04/94 <0.5 05/13/93 <0.5 ::: 0 05/11/94 <0.5 05/20/93 <0.5 , 0 05/18/94 <0.5 05/26/93 <0.5 , 05/25/94 <0.5 06/02/93 <0.5 06/01/94 <0.5 06/09/93 <0.5 .: 06/08/94 <0.5 06/16/93 <0.5 06/09/94 <0.5 06/23/93 <0.5 0 06/15/94 <0.5 06/30/93 <0.5 06/22/94 <0.5 07/07/93 <0.5 '. 06/29/94 <0.5 07/14/93 <0.5 07/06/94 <0.5 07/21/93 <0.5 07/13/94 <0.5 07/28/93 <0.5 07/20/94 0.8 08/04/93 <0.5 07/27/94 <0.5 08/11/93 <0.5 :''' 08/03/94 <0.5 08/17/93 <0.5 08/10/94 <0.5 08/18/93 <0.5 "08/17/94 <0.5 08/19/93 <0.5 08/24/94 <0.5 08/25/95 <0.5 08/31/94 <0.5 09/01/93 <0.5 09/07/94 <0.5 09/08/93 <0.5 09/14/94 <0.5 09/15/93 <0.5 - 09/21/94 2.2 09/22/93 <0.5 ::' ''. 09/28/94 <0.5 09/29/93 <0.5 1 10/05/94 <0.5 10/06/93 <0.5 1 10/12/94 <0.5 10/13/93 <0.5 1 10/19/94 <0.5 10/20/93 <0.5 10/26/94 <0.5 10/27/93 <0.5 1 11/02/94 <0.5 11/03/93 <0.5 j 1 11 /09/94 <0.5 11/09/93 <0.5 1 11/16/94 <0.5 11/17/93 <0.5 �" 1 11/21/94 <0.5 11/23/93 <0.5 1 11/30/94 <0.5 12/01/93 <0.5 1 12/07/94 <0.5 c ri :; . 12/07/93 <0.5 T2/14/94 <0.5 ' 12/15/93 <0.5 1 12/21/94 <0.5 12/21 /93 <0.5 1 12/26/94 <0.5 Results of Effluent Lead Sampling January, 1993 - April, 1995 01/06/93 esults:: Date irg/I) 01/13/93 <1 :Results: (u il) 01 /05/94 1 <1 01/12/94 Date 01/04/95 01 /11 /95 °Results: <5 01/20/93 <1 01/19/94 6 01/18/95 <5 01/28/93 <1 01/26/94 9 01/25/95 <5 02/04/93 <1 02/02/94 3 02/01/95 02/11 /93 <1 02/09/94 <5 02/08/95 <5 02/18/93 <1 02/16/94 <5 02/15/95 <5 02/24/93 <1 02/23/94 <5 02/22/95 <5 03/03/93 <1 03/02/94 <2 03/01/95 <5 03/10/93 <1 03/09/94 <5 03/08/95 <5 03/17/93 03/24/93 <1 <1 03/16/94 03/23/94 <5 2 03/15/95 03/22/95 <5 <5 03/31/93 <1 03/30/94 <2 03/29/95 <5 04/08/93 <1 04/06/94 <2 04/05/95 <5 04/15/93 2 04/13/94 3 04/12/95 <5 04/21/93 4 04/20/94 <5 04/19/95 <5 04/28/93 <1 04/27/94 <5 04/26/95 <5 05/06/93 <1 05/04/94 <5 05/13/93 1 05/11/94 <5 05/20/93 <1 05/18/94 <5 05/26/93 <1 05/25/94 <5 06/02/93 <1 06/01/94 <5 06/09/93 06/16/93 <1 1 06/08/94 06/09/94 <5 <5 06/23/93 <1 06/15/94 <5 06/30/93 <1 06/22/94 <5 07/07/93 <1 06/29/94 <5 07/14/93 <2 07/06/94 <5 07/21/93 <2 07/13/94 <5 07/28/93 27 x 07/20/94 <5 08/04/93 08/ 11 /93 3 07/27/94 <5 <1 08/03/94 <5 08/17/93 08/18/93 <5 08/10/94 <5 2 08/17/94 <5 08/19/93 4 08/24/94 <5 08/25/93 4 08/31/94 <5 09/01/93 2 09/07/94 <5 09/08/93 <5 09/14/94 <5 09/15/93 3 09/21/94 8 09/22/93 10 09/28/94 <5 09/29/93 1 10/05/94 <5 10/06/93 <10 10/12/94 <5 10/13/93 10/20/93 1 10/19/94 22 <5 10/26/94 <5 10/27/93 <10 11/02/94 <5 11/03/93 <5 11/09/94 <5 11/09/93 11/17/93 <5 11/16/94 <5 <5 11/21/94 36 11/23/93 <5 11/30/94 <5 12/01/93 12/07/93 8 <5 12/07/94 12/14/94 <5 <5 12/15/93 <5 12/21/94 <5 12/21/93 <5 12/28/94 6 Chlorine Residuals During Toxicity Sampling Tests we passed. In House Date Average BRI BRI First Sample Second Sample 2/90 0.025 0.14 <0.1 4/90 0.1 0.15 <0.1 7/90 0.06 <0.1 <0.1 10/90 0.065 0.14 <0.1 3/91 0.085 <.05 <0.05 10/91 0.015 0.1 <0.1 11/91 0.015 <0.1 <0.1 12/91 0.035 0.1 <0.1 6/92 0.01 <0.1 <0.1 7/92 0.005 <0.05 <0.05 11/92 n/a <0.05 <0.05 1/93 0.035 <0.05 <0.05 2/93 0.095 <0.05 <0.05 3/93 0.065 0.05 0.05 4/93 0.195 0.1 0.1 5/93 0.175 0.1 0.05 7/93 0.045 0.1 0.05 8/93 0.005 <0.05 <0.05 9/93 0.02 <0.05 <0.05 10/93 0.035 <0.05 <0.05 11/93 0.015 0.1 <0.05 12/93 0.045 <0.05 <0.05 3/94 0.08 0.05 0.05 6/94 0.025 0.1 0.05 9/94 0.035 <0.05 <0.05 12/94 0.03 <0.05 <0.05 3/95 0.15 0.15 n/a total 1.465 avg. < .06 < .08 < .07 Date Fecals Up Stream Fecals Down Stream % Change Up To Down Average Chlorine Residual Estimated Residual For No Change In Fecals Approximate Effluent Fecals 1/93 456 448 I 0.982 0.07 , ' 0.0688 110 2/93 788 918 1.165 0.06 0.0699 24 3/93 540 640 1.185 0.03 0.0356 37 4/93 913 991 1.085 0.13 0.1411 11 5/93 . 3588 2542 0.708 0.12 0.085 1 .. ; 2359 1913 0.811 *1: 0 0.0487 2 ..... . " 2513 2431 0.967 -41�03 0 0.029 3 Ma ii, 2726 2814 1.032 003 0 0.031 11 ' i. - • • 3021 2291 0.758 *:. ... 0 0.0228 10 1. 9/9.?ii 1178 859 0.729 0.04 0 0.0292 8 ' ' • :. :' . 1292 967 0.748 7"H " 1 " 0.0599 18 12/93 1408 1665 1.183 0.18 0.2129 11 1/94 639 579 0.906 0.31 0.2809 14 2/94 450 410 0.911 0.18 0.164 3 3/94 753 756 1 004 0.1 0.1004 , 28 4/94 1450 1222 0.843 0.12 0.1011 3 5/94 1594 1652 1.036 0.049 0.0508 4 II 4 4387 4705 1.072 :.CL024 0.0257 2 , 4 4036 3936 0.975 tt 53 0 0.0293 3 8194 2700 2100 0.778 ;iii 036 0 0.028 4 .. 9114 3888 2376 0.611 *1: 0 0.0183 4 1(1.911 1341 1421 1.06 ' * 0 0.0318 17 11194: 2384 2086 0.875 0046 0.0403 8 12/94 635 613 0.965 0.127 0.1226 17 1/95 909 955 ' 1.051 0.255 0.2679 17 2/95 693 520 0.75 0.221 0.1658 54 3/95 661 702 1.062 0.145 0.154 37 4/95 870 895 1.029 0.156 0.1605 6 average 0.939 0.0971 0.0912