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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0025402_Wasteload Allocation_19851217NPDES DOCUHENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0025402 Enfield WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: December 17, 1985 This document is printed on reuse paper. - ignore any content on the reYerise side Date Rec. Facility Name: , Existing O Proposed Cr 6,-E-c.,d Permit No.: r(('n()D51-1,-, Pipe No.: Design Capacity (MGD) : 0 , 5- Industrial (% of Flow) : Domestic (% of Flow) : NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION Engineer 2 7j ) Date Receiving Stream: s l Reference USGS Quad: Class: (Please attach) County: Sub -Basin: 0 "630(-( loo Requestor :W , c Regional Office (Guideline limitations, if applicable, are to be listed on the back of this form.) Design Temp.: Drainage Area (mi2): 7Q10 (cfs) /+, 2 Winter 7Q10 (cfs) Location of D.O. minimum (miles below outfall): Velocity (fps) : 3 S K1 (base e, per day): Avg. Streamflow (cfs) : 30Q2 (cfs) Slope (fpm) K2 (base e. oer day): Effluent Characteristics Monthly Average Comments ohs (v- /12) 3J P(+ ( 5 0 ) 6-5 � �5 C ,,,,,, � � � o . Original Re-- on epared By: ati.n O Comments: ation 0 a a 0- EL 01 Effluent Characteristics iznthly Lverage Reviewed By: Comments 4-8V eCtleCt, Date: / 21/ 71 Yr - , Reouest No. | 2740 WASTELOAD ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM Facility Name ENFIELD Type Of Waste | DOMESTIC Receiving Stream BURNT COAT SWAMP Stream Class C-SW Subbasin 030304 County HALIFAX Regional Office RALEIGH Reouestor BLACK & VEATCH Drainage Area (so mi) 35 7010 (cfs) 0^2 Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 30Q2 (cfs) � U5/ ` ------------------------- RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT LIMITS -------------------------- Wasteflow (mgd) 0,5 5-Day BOD (MA/1) 30 PH (SU) 6-9 Fecal Coliform (/100ml): 1000 TES (mg/l) 30 COMMENTS LIMITS FOR A DIFFUSIVE OUTFALL (WETLANDS DISCHARGE). RESUBMITTAL^ SEE ATTACHED REPORT. FACILITY IS ! PROPOSED ( ) EXISTING (�//) NEW ( ) LIMITS ARE 1 REVISION (^/) CONFIRMATION ( ) OF THOSE PREVIOUSLY ISSUED RECOMMENDED BY: REVIEWED BY: SUPERVISOR, TECH, SUPPORT REGIONAL SUPERVISOR 2-0t �-I- J.- T F Approval is ( ) preliminary ( ) fir^,J PERMITS MANAGER --DATE _---DATE ^ `-^~~'yl--- State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary April 26, 1985 The Honorable John Leo Bellamy Mayor, Town of Enfield Post Office Box 695 Enfield, NC 27823 Dear Mayor Bellamy: The Division of Environmental Management has recently completed an evaluation of the Enfield discharge. I have attached for your information a copy of the water quality survey report on this study. The Division s Water Quality Section has determined that an opportunity exists to utilize a wetland discharging system for your wastewater. We are convinced that the Beach Swamp provides adequate assimilative capacity to accept secondary wastewater from the Tbwn of Enfield. Because of this determination the Wastewater Facilities (201) Plan for the Town of Enfield should consider this as an alternative for handling your wastewater treatment needs. I have attached a summary of effluent limitations which would apply to a wetland discharge system. These limitations are contingent upon securing adequate areas (2 - 3 acres) to mix the wastewater with the receiving waters (via a diffuser system), and for allowing the wetland to assimilate the wastewater. The Water Quality Staff will be available to assist you and your consulting engineers in developing any information necessary to support this as an alternative in the 201 plan. If you have any questions concerning the 201 process, please contact Mr. Coy Batten at 919/733-6900. If you have any questions concerning the water quality evaluation, please contact Steve Tedder at 919/733-5083. R. Paul Wilms Attachment cc: Mr. Lee Fleming Mr. Steve Tedder Mr. -Jim Mulligan Mr. Coy Batten Ms. Meg Kerr P.O Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4984 An Equal•Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer Present Facility The present facility is a 0.5 mgd trickling filter system which discharges to Jacket swamp(Burnt Coat Swamp). Jacket Swamp at this location has a 35 square mile drainage area and an estimated 7010 of 0.2 cfs. Slope of this system is approximately 2.85. This facility has had a history of operational problems resulting in non-compliance with discharge limits. As a result Enfield is currently operating under a Special Order of Consent. Self monitoring data, which has not undergone quality assurance checks, indicate yearly average BOD levels of 20mg/1 for the 1984 calendar year (data attached). During our March site visit this facility appeared to be at a good operational level. Later,in conversations with Dave Adkins of the Raleigh Regional Office, it was learned that a new firm had taken over the operations of this facility -obviously improving the previous situation. Description of Receiving Stream The present discharge is located approximately 2 blocks west of U.S. Highway 301. The discharge is to a small finger of the Beech Swamp system. This area is a broad,flat,and shallow gum-cyprus swamp with a very large drainage area. Soil types in this area have been classified Bibb-Roanoke-Wehadkee Association. These soils are nearly level/very poorly drained and subject to over flow. The overstory vegetation is well developed yet the density of the understory canopy is very limited as are grasses. Historical Data Historical data is available from self monitoring data taken upstream and downstream of the facility. The upstream monitoring location is a S.R. 1001-considerable distance upstream. Downstream monitoring is performed at Highway 301-which may not even be downstream of the waste. Review of this data caused questions to be raised concerning the quality of its collection. Therefore it was not heavily relied on in this evaluation. It did however indicate that dissolved oxygen measurements did naturally(without effluent) go below 5.0 mg/1. Two ambient stream monitoring stations existed in this area as part of the secondary monitoring network. These stations were above and below (if highway 301 is indeed below) the discharge. TAR034-Jacket Swamp NR Enfield was located at Franklin Street presumabl above -the WWTP outfall. TAR035-Jacket Swamp AT Enfield was located at Hi way 301. Data from this monitoring effort also indicated D.O. levels below the 5.0 mg/1 concentration. Data on pH and coliform measurements is also attached but of little interest. Evaluation Site screening information furnished by Construction Grants presented no constraints to a wetlands wastewater management system. Based on a loading rate of one inch per week 128 acres of wetland are required to accommodate 0.5 mgd of wastewater. It is clear from the questionnaire that back calculations were performed to arrive at this number of acres. While this is acceptable, prudence should indicate that it is the intent of this formula to minimize hydraulic loading. Therefore if more of the wetland is available to the Town, the loading rate should be decreased, particularly since soil types indicate very poor drainage. Furthermore, it is recommended to increase the drainage area of the distribution system to account for this decreased percolation and the lack of a dense understory. A suggested area might be three acres. It is obvious that the Beech Swamp System is extremely large, and control of the land practices within this entire system is going to be impossible. However, it should be made explicitly clear to Construction Grants and the Town that control of the designated wetland acreage (128 acres min.) be acquired to prevent destruction of vegetation, timber, and hydraulic characteristics which make this system suitable for assimilation of secondary treated wastewater. , cc Randy Dodd EFFLUENT LIMITATIO:'IS * DISCHARGER - RECEIVING STREAM Y r..4 C/') n a1 ul STREAM CLASS 0 -J 0 cfs DESIGN FLOW * BODultimate * LC) `D CD mg/1 * Z. 1 N O mg/1 2 DISSOLVED OXYGEN* o DESIGN STREAM " Temp. used in oxygen model -h STREAM SLOPE TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS FECAL CULIFORM * '(Geometric mean) C) u TEMPERATURE -n max./,arise (stream values) pH ANALYSIS LEVEL Enfield - Beach Swamp TAR04 C-SW 0.2 0.5 110 i 30 t- 30 1000 6-9 Limits are for a wetlands discharge system , : . . . 1• I