HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-03720_Well Construction - GW1_20220330 1.Well Contractor Information: L(-7 U 3 Mx,?,li 4�g aj 147a !•34=WAlr4lWi\C1. fr»o+tCRI WellcontractorName DFSCU'TIIN av o t NC/Well Contractor CetttfirationNumber •s153O11TER:CASRHG foimWttcasedwelL� ORZiNER s"'limbl6't,i.�=::>;;';> FxoM � zo � aw:�rett i0.i zstctaorss ntnpTetttnr. CompanyName � Z / y "'.3 MIIVER'CASINGOR.fl71SING: erittiermal"elo"sed=lod :.'C��s��.,:,? :�s:S? e.et'•:i: 2.Well Construction Permit#: [,�;AMSCREEN--Ilr o'1 To D10mmR TmCKMS ntATERtnL List aU applicable rveUeonmuction permitsAe.fIIG Couruy,State.Parlance•etc) n• ft. 3.Well Use(checkwell use): Watersupplywell: .'.y".''��PC 13:L'"::tncs�ta=�S 'u:4�x 4y . ....OM TO DIAatETER SLO•rS1ZE I TMCMUS I IItATERU►L 'cultural []MunicipaUPublic • 0 ft n in, Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) E31tesidential Water Supply(single) % fL hrdushial/Comunercial Residential Water Supply(shared) 9185GR0Ut't'z NNisseti•p^'.�f kri tion FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEB1F"MMOD&AMOUNT Non-Water Supply Well: . � y, ft Monitoring DRecovery R it Injection Well: AquiferRecharge 133roundwaterRemediation Zo e) t19:tSAND/GRAVEtiYAGiC Aquifer Storage and Recovery 0SalinityBarrier FROM TO MATERIAL EMLACEME INErriOD _ AquiferTest OStomtwaterDrainage & ft. ExpedmentalTechnology j3SubsidenceControl ft /R Geothermal(Closed Loop) Tracer `:20:13)RILLING LOG sttaeh ad666°`s ARtilfiiee6s6 _ Geothermal(Beating/Cooling Return) nOther( lain under#21 Remarks) FROM TO DESCRWnGNY color hmdneu,soUrroek drs.ete. �fb IL 4.Date Wells)Completed: 2 2w Well wo ft. y`, ft, _ Sa.Well Location: ft.& t1 d t; �, iG iw Hetliq•/OwnerName _ Facility WX Qfopplicable) n n• ' IFL PlrystcatAd&ess,City.snd�ZV !� ——� & it .� G 3 J y y) 521=1ZF117ARKS:.<.;:.:::t�;:�:.3�.r...:�.'I�"e'•.�:f�i> i:h� .t..::...a,.: County Pamd1dentlficationNo.(Pn Sb.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: '^ (ifwelifield,one ladlongis sufficient). 22 K ,i .Cerglication; z'fs, -�, 1 c' �s�-vaZl��S/y�` SD, OI G�' w •' yy J 944 6ais�re)WeyveA,Y) raanent or Temporary SrgG�eeo Well traetor Date r By sivang this form,I hereby eve dratat the rvdl(s)was(were)constructed in aeeor&nce 7.Isthis a repair to an existing well: j3Yes or whh ISANGtCO2C.01W or 15ANCAC 01C.0200 Well Consdsrdton Standmr►s and that a, .(fthitisa►epafrfrU out hnotvnwell construction Wormallon and eeplafn the nature gfthe copy aftfiDrecordhasbeenpravldedto the well omter. ' repafrunder#21 remark secdon or an the backofthtsfornL 23.Site diagram or additional well details: 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same .You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction,only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUU BER ofwells construction details.You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled• SSUBMITPALMMUICTIONS• . 9.Totalwelldepth.belowlandsurface: 24a.For All Wells: Submit:this form within 30 days of completion of well FormultlpleweUs/trtelldepthsjJ'd7jerent(—arple-3®10o•mtd2(a1100) con.qructiontothefollowing: 10.Static water level below top of casing: do (ft) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, Ifwateilevelfs above cash►$use^+^ 1617 Meit getvlee Center,Raleiph,NC27699=1617 11.1lorehole diameter•. (in) 24b.For Infection Wej : In addition to sending the form to dmzddress in 24a above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of compledowof well 12.Well construction method: 'r��i 4 r V construction t0 the following: (igaugermmey.esbte,diceetpusb,etc.) .� r _ , DIvision of Water Resources,Underground Injection.Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Rafefgb,NC 27699=1636 13a.Yleld(gpm) Method of test: 24c.j:or Water Supply&Infection Wells: 1.addition to sending the form to the addres(es) above, also submit one•copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.Disinfectiontype:�An'np_ Amount: �� D Z, completion of*well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form OW-1 North CamlinaDepadmento7avim°meptmtquaMy-DIvLionofWaterResousew Revised2•d2-2016