HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-03719_Well Construction - GW1_20220330 I.Well Contractor Information:' 70 3 p rl i) R14 ►) /5 j7 d 2 34.+wATERZONFS'.�;:_%°:= -=r "•;Y4E'. rs{;.�::`'r?w:'fvF'�':' sy:y:i:,'t WeMntractorName FROM TO I DESCRIMCK NC WeliContractorCeRtficationNumber i15-OUTER G(fosmiild id VaMI ORTMIL a t FROM I TO DMMM i =CMWZS AMTER1AL .G�9ll ,fired, ylCi z l tt. ft. in.' - Y.f` • YG Compa�Name q ,( �16I1NNERCASINGOR:TIJBIIHG' eotti2r"malcimedanS 2.Weft Construction Permit#: /_1�df FROM To aw►�rER t I�eIaVEssI MTERiAL List all app►icable:veg eonsauctfox permits(Ee.MC.County,States Yarlance,eta) H 3.Well Use(check well use): . io.' Water Supply Well: DIAn1SYElr SLOT SIZE MCMESS MATEPULcultural E3MwdcipaMblfc O id Geothemtal(Heatmg/Cooling Supply) Residential Water Supply(single) IndustriaMommercial DResldential Water Supply(shared) YltlSCsRO13'1'I.:t4•'.tFi.•J,•:,:v4:�.G.;N.Yi'�+:.a'•.`` t''''':s'a•:�:};�.:.."�!'inFZ�'J°`{• Imitation FROM I TO MATEMML 1~iEMPLACESIItMMEMOD&AMOUxr Non-Water Supply Well: p $ . monitoring Ditecovely R f6 Injection Well: 6 DDd Aquiferitecitarge DGroundwaterRemedlatiun Aquifer Storage and Recovery Salim Barrier ty FROM TO MATERIAL• VOLACMUMMEMD, - AquiferTest OStomrwaterDrainage to _ Experimental Technology Subsidence Control R ft. Geothermal(Closed Loop) 13TraM '�.20.3DRMLIXGLOG attaetiaddrtidn'a1Matfifiiec =,�:iC:il:icW:�!el;`. %: - Geothermal eatingiCoolingRetum Other( kkunder#21Remarks FROM To nEscazerrox eotoaUarda soutmek s 'fen O 2 f� 4.Date Wells)Completed: 1-Z J A m# � A r a iv n r, ' : 5a.WellLocation: S" Y R• rAn 7.ecl ' .mil u it�4Y Faoitity/OwnerName _ ( FaciligrIDOOrappil-ble) & R• J— 7 Si, tOf 4r;O&-S >! Rd- 4,7 Ae y /7,e t ,2�J� tt. ft. C Pbysfc 1M*ess.Cft'y>andZip JIL fL � !�C'/1/� _ J/ y 7� �7.I:RFFMARTt$�rt:'c'."•.Y:::r._1.is7�••••^e�6'?•`.r�'n_r'•✓''•`:.`:i�h'. � ;`t•-,�L' :t County TamelIdentifieattonNa.(P" 5b.Latitude and longitude is degrees/minutes/seconds or detdmal degrees-, (ifwell field.one lat/long is anffident) 22.Certilicatlon: �S21F` . 3S4t" NAhz" w 6.b(are)thewcR(s)�'Permanent .or Temporary Roameorcufffiewoucanuactar By s gahrg thisform.I hereby eer*that the ivett(s)ivas(wem)eonsbueted in accordance 7.Is this a repair to an existing Weil: E3Yes or.�o pith 15AMIC 02CA100 or 1SAAVAC OIC.02W Wdl ConmVdibn Stmrdan&and ihat a .►/thists a regain iUouthnaim tvelleanstrveBon blfarmationand cWhdn thenatvre ofthe ropy ofdrsrecotdharbeenp loyMedto the ivellmvaer. repatrarder#21 remark seedton or on tha backgfthtsform. 23;Site dlagtam or additional well del tells: 8.For GeoprobelDPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the some You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction,only 1 OW-1 is needed. IndicateTOTALNUMBER ofwelis, construction detalls.You may also attach additional pages if necessary. dam' SUBMITTALINSTRUGTI(QNS 9.Total well depth below land surface: / �q 00 Vs.For All Weds: Submit this form within 30 days'of completion of well Formrdtiplewelisllstal/depthsifdlBaart(aaample-8QIOO:afrdJQIOO� construction to the following: 10.Static water level below top of casing: �/� (M) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, lfwateriavd rs above caring.we"+" 1617 Ma91 Service Center,Raldab,NC276991617 . ll.Borehole diameter: (in.) 24b:For Infection Welia: In addition to sending the form10 the address in f24a above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of compledowof wail 12.Well construction method: r crfwrif construction to the following. Cs e.anger'.-udy.cab%,duedyush.eta) Division of WaterResources,Underground InjeOtion CoatrolProgram, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636Mai1Service Center,i Raleigh;NC 27699-1636 13a.Meld(gpm) D Method oftest: / 24c.For Water Supply&Infection Wells: In.addition to sending the form to j the addresses)above, also submit ono'copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.Disinfection type: �?!D/;Il Amount:_ (J 4 2— completion of"well constriction to the county health department of the county where constructed. FormGW-1 NoNrCamrmaDepartmentofEnvimumentalQuah'ty-DIvfsio°ofWaterResa=es RmbM24Z.2016 I