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NC0048861_Permit (Modification)_20090709
NPDES DOCUMENT ! CANNIN. COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0048861 Creswell WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification. Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: July 9, 2009 This document is printed on reuse paper - lignore any content on the reirerse side • ATA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Govemor Director Secretary July 9, 2009 Mayor William J. White, Jr. Town of Creswell P. O. Box 68 Creswell, NC 27928 Subject: Issuance of Permit NCO Creswell W Washington C Dear Mayor White: • eduritCD" W,f6 Division personnel _have reviewed and approved your application for modification of the subject permit. Accordingly, we are forwarding the attached NPDES discharge permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency dated October 15, 2007 (or as subsequently amended). This final permit includes one technical correction and several narrative changes from the draft permit send to you on May 6, 2009: p Based on DWQ policy instream fecal coliform monitoring is only required if the receiving stream is impaired for fecal coliform. Currently the Scuppernong River is not impaired for fecal co/iform. Fecal coliform instream monitoring was removed. However, in the future the Division may require instream monitoring to evaluate the performance of the new treatment facility. p The Supplemental Page under item 2 was revised to remove the SBR tanks, add MBR tanks, add an equalization tank, and add tertiary filters as the approved equipment. p A Special Condition A. (4.) was added to facilitate BMP for the facultative ponds. If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this letter. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings (6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714). Unless such demand is made, this decision shall be final and binding. Please note that this permit is not transferable except after notice to the Division. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, the Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local governmental permit that may be required. Page 1 of 2 1617 Mail Service Center. Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-63001 FAX: 919-807-64951 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet http:/ / h2o.state.nc.u9 / An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer • No7thCarolina ' jVaturir/Iji If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Ron Berry at telephone number (919) 807-6396. Sincerely, r ; Coleen H. Sullins Attachments cc: Washington Regional Office/Surface Water Protection Section Central Files NPDES Unit Page 2 of 2 Permit No. NC0048861 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Town of Creswell is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at Town of Creswell WWTP NCSR 1155 south of Creswell Washington County to receiving waters designated as the Scuppernong River, classified C, Sw waters in the Pasquotank River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III and IV hereof. This permit shall become effective August 1, 2009. This permit and authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on December 31, 2012. Signed this day July 7, 2009. ,4( ; Coleen H. Sullins, Directo Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit No. NC0048861 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET All previous NPDES Permits issued to this facility, whether for operation or discharge are hereby revoked. As of this permit issuance, any previously issued permit bearing this number is no longer effective. Therefore, the exclusive authority to operate and discharge from this facility arises under the permit conditions, requirements, terms, and provisions included herein. Town of Creswell is hereby authorized to: 1. Continue to operate an existing 0.064 MGD facultative wastewater treatment system until replaced, located NCSR 1155 south of Creswell in Washington County, discharging to outfall 001 and consisting of the following wastewater treatment components: p Three lagoons in series 0 V-notch weir 0 Portable composite samplers, influent and effluent 2. After submittal of the new treatment facility Engineer Certificate to the Division; to operate a new replacement wastewater treatment facility, located NCSR 1155 south of Creswell in Washington County, discharging 0.200 MGD wastewater to outfall 001 and consisting of the following wastewater treatment components: 0 Influent flow splitter box 0 Grit removal 0 Equalization basin 0 Influent feed pumps 0 Influent flow meter 0 Influent composite sampler 0 Mechanical rotating screens 0 Anaerobic selector tank 0 Three (3) parallel cell treatment trains (anoxic, aerobic, post anoxic) 0 Two (2) tanks Y $ 2 0 Post equalization tank with pumps 0 Two (2) Tertitary filters 0 UV Disinfection with back up power 0 Cascade aeration 0 Effluent pump 0 Effluent flow meter 0 Effluent composite sampler 0 2 sludge storage tanks withaeration and dewatering 0 Sludge truck loading 0 Support pipes, pumps, blowers, and instrumentation, 0 Back up power 3. Discharge from said treatment works into Scuppernong River, a Class C-Swamp water in the Pasquotank River Basin, at the location specified on the attached map. • -.IA As 1. • . JM•. • Cern is • • rt •}r • Hig SCh • 1 • : • •". , •• 4 (-Creswell WWTP NC0048861 • Ili• • as • .' ; JN• Discharge NC004886] NC0048861 Upstream 11.47t. .,./ . „ . _,..., • •", :., y • • • +� • • • "• k.'•`."•. to • i �'' • • • l', • •' '. • . ti • \ * • 7. • • • • wa. • •.• 1, Cem.,'' Creswell.. f, ` t• St David, /..? Cem Ch • /f," ` r .Lf. •1r�I��r • .ltu ,,,,, .116. • I ,,, ti 'Ij ..... uL. •• /rf.. ........... • •'• _• I •# 14.14.1 • • .1. NC0048861 Downstream •T • r' •:... .:.1. �. • tt 'a1_ • Copyright (C) iy'laptech. Inc,•: zr- .�. gptui I . - Bridge r; • • '. 40 lam L_. • • aY1• &Aw .W Y14 ••N• ..4 •b• USGS Quad: D33SW Creswell, NC ' Outfall Facility Latitude: 35Q 51' 28.7" N 35° 51' 55" N Longitude: 76Q 23' 38.8" W 76° 23' 43" W Stream Class: C, Sw Subbasin: 03-01-53 'Receiving Stream: Scuppernong River • North NC0048861 Town of Creswell WWT.P • Washington County • Permit No. NC0048d-61 A. (1.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS During the period beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting either until the receipt of the Engineering Certificate for expansion to 0.200 MGD or expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly Average Weekly Average Daily Maximum Measurement Frequency Sample Type Sample Location Flow 0.064 MGD _ Continuous Recording Influent or Effluent Dissolved Oxygen, mg/I (DO) ' Weekly Grab Effluent Dissolved Oxygen, mg/I (D0) ' Weekly Grab Downstream 2 Temperature, °C Weekly Grab Effluent Temperature, °C Weekly Grab Downstream 2 BOD, 5-day, 20°C 3 30.0 mg/I 45.0 mg/I 2/Month Composite Influent and Effluent Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 90.0 mg/I 135.0 mg/I 2/Month Composite Effluent Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) 200/100 ml 400/100 ml 2/Month Grab Effluent pH Not more than 9.0 s.u. nor less than 6.0 s.u. 2/Month Grab Effluent Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) ° 17 pg/I 2/Month Grab Effluent Ammonia as N, mg/L (NH3 -N) Monthly Composite Effluent Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) Monitor & Report (mg/I) Quarterly Composite Effluent Nitrate and Nitrite Nitrogen (NO3-N + NO2-N) Monitor & Report (mg/I) Quarterly Composite Effluent Total Nitrogen (TN) TN = TKN + (NO3-N + NO2-N) Monitor & Report (mg/I) Quarterly Calculated Effluent Total Phosphorus (TP) Monitor & Report (mg/I) Quarterly Composite Effluent NOTES: 1. The minimum measurement detection required is 1.0 mg/I. 2. Downstream = Spruills Bridge (NC1142). Sample taken at mid stream. 3. The monthly average effluent BOD5 concentration shall not exceed 35% of the influent value (i. e. 65% removal is required). 4. Monitoring and limit are required only if chlorine and/or a chlorine derivative is used for disinfection. The Division shall consider all effluent TRC values reported below 50 ug/I to be in compliance with the permit. However, the Permittee shall continue to record and submit all values reported by a North Carolina certified laboratory (including field certified), even if these values fall below 50 ug/I. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. All samples collected should be taken during a representative discharge event. Permit No. NC0048861 .,A. (2.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS During. the period beginning on the effective date of this permit and receipt of the Engineering Certificate for the 0.20 MGD expansion, and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge treated wastewater from Outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS MONTORING REQUIREMENTS - Monthly Average Weekly Average Daily Maximum Measurement Frequency Sample Type Sample Location Flow 0.20 MGD Continuous Recordingflut or InEffluent BOD, 5-day, 20°C 2 (April 1- October 31) 5.0 mg/I 7.5 mg/I Weekly Composite Influent and Effluent BOD, 5-day, 20°C 2 (November 1- March 31) 10.0 mg/I 15.0 mg/I Weekly Composite Influent and Effluent Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 2 30.0 mg/I 45.0 mg/I Weekly Composite Influent and Effluent Ammonia as Nitrogen (NH3 -N) (April 1- October 31) 2.0 mg/I 6.0 mg/I Weekly Composite Effluent Ammonia as Nitrogen (NH3-N) (November 1- March 31) 4.0 mg/I 12.0 mg/I Weekly Composite Effluent Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) 200/100 ml 400/100 ml Weekly Grab Effluent pH Not more than 9.0 s.u. nor less than 6.0 s.u. Weekly Grab Effluent pH, s.u. Weekly Grab U and D 1 Dissolved Oxygen, mg/I (DO) Not less than 5.0 mg/I daily average Weekly Grab Effluent Dissolved Oxygen, mg/I (DO) Weekly Grab U and D 1 Temperature, °C Weekly Grab Effluent Temperature, °C Weekly Grab U and D 1 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) Monitor & Report (mg/I) Quarterly Composite Effluent Nitrate and Nitrite Nitrogen (NO3-N + NOz N) Monitor & Report (mg/I) Quarterly Composite Effluent Total Nitrogen (TN) TN = TKN + (NO3-N + NO2-N) • Monitor & Report (mg/I) Quarterly Calculated Effluent Total Phosphorus (TP) Monitor & Report (mg/I) Quarterly Composite Effluent NOTES: 1. U = Upstream, 200 feet upstream from outfall 001. D = Downstream, Spruills Bridge (NC1142). Samples taken at mid stream. 2. The monthly average effluent BOD5 and TSS concentrations shall not exceed 15% of the respective influent value (i.e. 85% removal is required). There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. All samples collected should be taken during a representative discharge event. Permit No. NC0048861 A. (3.) TEMPORARY MEANS OF DISINFECTION In the event that the wastewater treatment plant's ultraviolet (UV) disinfection system should fail, underperform, or otherwise be removed from effective service, the permittee or his agent should immediately inform the Surface Water Protection Section staff of the Washington Regional Office of this development and discuss temporary, alternate means for disinfection of the effluent. If chlorine compounds are used as temporary means of disinfection, the total residual chlorine (TRC) concentration of the effluent must be monitored on a daily basis while this method of disinfection is in use and values must be reported on the discharge monitoring report. TRC in the effluent may not exceed 17 µg/L (or prevailing Division TRC measurement standards); therefore, dechlorination methods may also be necessary to ensure protection of water quality in the receiving stream. Use of a disinfection system other than the permitted UV system during circumstances not deemed as emergency and/or temporary (replacement of lamps, Tamp cleaning or maintenance, etc.) will be considered a violation of the terms of this permit. A. (4.) TERMINATION OF DISCHARGE FROM FACULTATIVE PONDS Once the engineering certificate is submitted indicating the new treatment process is in operation the permittee must: 1. Alert the Washington Regional Office/Surface Water Protection during normal business hours that the new treatment process is in operation 2. Cease discharges from the facultative ponds to Outfall 001 3. Operate the facultative ponds so as not to cause any other unlawful discharges, for example overflow of suspect wastewater 4. Provide a method for the facultative ponds liquid to be transferred to the headworks of the new treatment process, unless the modification satisfies this requirement for both ponds 5. Provide a status report on the facultative ponds a minimum of every six months to the Washington Regional Office/Surface Water Protection The Regional Office may terminate the status report or the requirement to provide a method to transfer liquid from any either/or both ponds to the headworks, once it is satisfied no risk to water quality standards are imminent. Any sludge disposal from the facultative ponds must follow the Sludge Management Plan or may be recycled to the appropriate point in the new treatment process. DENR/DWQ FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT MODIFICATION DEVELOPMENT NPDES No. NC0048861 Facility Information Applicant/Facility Name: Town of Creswell WWTP Applicant Address: P.O. Box 68; Creswell, North Carolina 27928-0068 Facility Address: NCSR 1155 south of Creswell; Creswell, North Carolina 27928 Permitted Flow 0.200 MGD Type of Waste: domestic Facility/Permit Status: Class I, Active; Class II, Modification/Expansion/Treatment Upgrade County: Washington County . Miscellaneous Receiving Stream: • Scuppernong River Stream Classification: C-Swamp Subbasin: 03-01-53 Index No. 30-14-4-(1) Drainage Area (mi2): NA 303(d) Listed? Yes Summer 7Q10 (cfs) Tidal Regional Office: Washington Winter 7Q10 (cfs): Tidal State Grid / USGS Quad: D33SW 30Q2 (cfs) Tidal Permit Writer: Ron Berry ' Average Flow (cfs): Tidal Date: 07/8/09 Revised IWC (%): - NA BACKGROUND The Town of Creswell currently operates a Class I three lagoon facultative treatment system in Washington County with a permitted discharge of 0.064 MGD. The 100% domestic effluent to the treatment works originates from 216 residential/commercial sources. The treatment configuration design is for 65% BOD removal. There is no disinfection treatment. This treatment scheme does not reflect the best available technology and is not expandable. It discharges to an impaired stream, Scuppernong River, a tidal C-Swamp class stream. Low dissolved oxygen and low pH are the primary impairment parameters. The NPDES permit was renewed in March 2008. Upcoming and projected changes; new highway, more businesses, a 4-H camp, more homes; are requiring Washington County to develop a regional wastewater collection/treatment approach to support the impending growth and meet the public health needs in the county. To become the regional wastewater provider for Washington County Creswell WWTP is requesting modification/expansion of its NPDES permit. The permittee has requested a permit for expansion to a Class II 0.20 MGD treatment facility using cell system and SBR based technology, tertiary filtration with post UV disinfection. Upon request speculative compliance limits were provided to Creswell in August 2004 and are still applicable. The speculative limits are based on BAT, water quality standards, and effluent standards. Additional in stream monitoring for pH will be required. A dissolved oxygen compliance limit will be required. EAA An EEA was performed as part of the expansion application and the public funding process. Another facility, Columbia WWTP, was contacted about extending services to this area. However, Columbia declined because of physical limitations. Non -discharge options, Land Application, Wastewater Reuse, were investigated but were not feasible because of lack of physical resources, poor soil conditions, and high cost estimates. The Division supports the replacement and upgrade of the Creswell treatment facility. The more complex treatment operation will require the operator to be upgraded to Grade II. An additional staffing evaluation was requested to demonstrate that sufficient planning had been done to provide the manpower to operate and maintain the expanded system. The report was received April 21, 2009 and accepted. The Division will continue to stress to the permittee the increased responsibility/accountability associated with this more complex treatment system and increased .service area. Fact c.:ha NPDES NC-2004886 P;g 1 of 4 NEW COLLECTION SYSTEM/TREATMENT PROCESS New septic tanks with effluent pumps would be provided/maintained by Washington County Sewer Authority to each user. The septic tanks effluent would transfer through low pressure piping to 2 collection stations. Untreated domestic waste is introduced to the plant headworks via 2 forced sewer mains from the lifting stations pumps. As the waste flows mix in the headworks a divertor box is used to control the untreated waste flows to the equalization basin and grit removal section. Both the equalization basin and grit removal exit flows collect in a sump where pumps transfer the waste flow through an influent meter, rotating fine screens, and into an anaerobic selection tank. From the selector tank the wastewater flows through 3 treatment cells, anoxic, aerobic, post anoxic, SBR tanks, and into an equalization tank. Pumps transfer the treated wastewater to tertiary filters which then flows through a UV disinfection section, cascade aeration, and into an effluent collection station. An effluent pump sends the flow through an effluent meter, a pressure line, and discharges into the Scuppernong River. As required back up power is included. Sludge is routinely wasted to two aerated holding tanks. As sludge inventory builds the holding tanks are transferred to trucks for off site disposal. The required Sludge Management Plan was not included with the application. The permittee was informed the application review could not be completed until a Sludge Plan was submitted. The plan was received April 20, 2009 and accepted. PERMITTING STRATEGY Since new treatment technology is being applied review of historical permitting strategies was conducted. All recommendations on record were reviewed. The 2004 speculative limits along with current POTW standards were applied for the expansion. Per Division policy the monitoring frequency will increase to weekly for all effluent limited parameters for the expansion permit. With UV used as the disinfection, TRC compliance will not be stated on the expansion effluent page but addressed in a special condition for temporary disinfection. Additional upstream/downstream monitoring parameters will be added. To further reinforce the changes from the treatment modification a special condition will be added to facilitate BMP of the retired facultative ponds. Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements Flow Flow monitoring, either recorded influent or effluent, with a compliance permitted monthly average flow of 0.200 MGD will be assigned to the expansion permit. BOD BAT, as stated in speculative letter were amended for seasonal variance and applied. BOD is a primary pollutant parameter for domestic waste effluent. BOD influent/effluent composite sampling with water quality based limits of 5.0 mg/I monthly average and 7.5 mg/I weekly average from June 1 - September 30, and 10.0 mg/I monthly average and 15.0 mg/I weekly average from October 1 - May 31, are required for the expansion permit. Minimum 85% removal criteria is required for the expansion permit. Weekly sampling required. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) BAT, were applied as stated in speculative letter. TSS is a primary pollutant parameter for domestic waste effluent. TSS influent and effluent composite sampling with effluent based limits of 30.0 mg/I monthly average and 45.0 mg/I weekly average, and minimum 85% removal criteria are required.for the expansion permit. Weekly sampling required.. The pH is a primary pollutant parameter for domestic waste effluent, pH limit range will remain unchanged in the expansion permit. Weekly sampling required. The pH will be added as a weekly upstream/downstream monitoring parameter. . is visit;' t NPC)E". Nco+ 4881:,� i':,gi' 2 of 4 Dissolved Oxygen (DO) DO is a pollutant parameter of concern, water quality base daily average limit of 5.0 mg/I will be added for the expansion permit. Weekly sampling required. DO insteam monitoring will be modified to weekly upstream and downstream. Fecal Coliform The fecal coliform is a primary pollutant parameter for domestic waste effluent, fecal coliform limits will remain unchanged in the expansion permit. Weekly sampling will be required. Ammonia as Nitrogen (NH31 The NH3-N is a major toxic pollutant and water quality parameter of concern, per Division policy seasonal limits will be imposed for the effluent. This is a tidal situation no dilution is available. The summer effluent limits, April -October, 2.0 mg/I monthly average and 6.0 mg/I weekly average were added in the new treatment permit. The winter effluent limits, November -March, 4.0 mg/I monthly average and 12.0 mg/I weekly average were added in the expansion permit. The expanded flow is not subject to WET testing at this time. Weekly sampling is required. Effluent Monitoring Requirements Temperature Temperature is a pollutant parameter of concern, effluent and downstream monitoring will remain in the expansion permit. Upstream monitoring will be added. Weekly sampling is required. Total Nitrogen (TN) TN is a nutrient pollutant of interest for domestic discharger. TN monitoring will remain unchanged in the expansion permit. Since TN domestic a calculated value, TN = TKN + (NO2-N + NO3-N), then TKN and (NO2-N + NO3-N) monitoring will continue to be required. Total Phosphorus (TP) TP is a nutrient pollutant of interest for domestic discharger. TP monitoring will remain unchanged in the expansion permit. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGES FOR EXPANSION PERMIT In keeping with Division policies the following will be incorporated into the permit: p Effluent limits for BOD modified to reduce limits with weekly measurement. Compliance limit of 85% BOD removal based on composite samples monthly average influent/effluent required. p Effluent limits for TSS modified to reduce limits with weekly measurement. Compliance limit of 85% TSS removal based on composite samples monthly average influent/effluent required. p Effluent limits for fecal coliform measurement frequency increased to weekly. p Effluent limits for pH measurement frequency increased to weekly. Added pH as weekly instream monitoring requirement. p Effluent seasonal NH3-N limits added and measurement frequency increased to weekly. p Effluent limit for daily average DO added. DO instream monitoring modified to weekly upstream/downstream. p TRC limits are not applicable since UV disinfection is used. Will add a special condition so permittee accountability is defined if chlorine .or chlorine derivative disinfection is used. p Temperature instream monitoring modified to weekly upstream/downstream. p Special Condition for BMP of the facultative ponds NPDFN :C./04886:t r''�:7C:•3of4 • PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE Draft Permit to Public Notice: May 6, 2009 Permit Scheduled to Issue: August 2009 NPDES DIVISION CONTACT If you have questions regarding any of the above information or on the attached permit, please contact Ron Berry at (919) 807-6403 or email ron.berry@ncmail.net. NAME: J "�,1R DATE: REGIONAL OFFICE COMMENTS NAME: DATE: SUPERVISOR: DATE: rik l S» 17 rLJ --J`c RE Town of Creswell WWTP Expansion Permit Draft Cover Letter Fact Sheet From: Bullock, Robert Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 1:26 PM To: Berry, Ron Cc: Jarman, Kristin; Hodge, Al Subject: RE: Town of Creswell WWTP Expansion Permit Draft, Cover Letter, Fact Sheet Ron, The Supplement to permit cover sheet for Creswell needs to have the following changes. under #2 (wastewater treatment plant components) there is listed 2 MBR TANKS. According to a letter sent on May 19, 2009 Shankar asked to have the 2 MBR tanks removed and instead add 2 SBR tanks with a post equalization tank and Tertiary filtration. Thanks, Robbie From: Jarman, Kristin Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 11:39 AM To: Bullock, Robert Subject: FW: Town of Creswell WWTP Expansion Permit Draft, Cover Letter, Fact Sheet Please look at this draft permit for Creswell and fact sheet and see me. Thanks, Kristin Kristin Jarman Environmental Senior Specialist Division of Water Quality 943 Washington square Mall Washington NC 27889 252-948-3918 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Hodge, Al Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 11:09 AM To: Jarman, Kristin Subject: FW: Town of Creswell WWTP Expansion Permit Draft, Cover Letter, Fact Sheet Please forward to the inspector for review thanks From: Berry, Ron Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 3:12 PM To: Hodge, Al Subject: Town of Creswell WWTP Expansion Permit Draft, Cover Letter, Fact sheet Al, Attached is the Regional office copies. Please respond with comments or no comments if applicable. Thanks, Ron Phone: (919) 807-6403 Fax: (919) 807-6495 Page 1 RE Town of Creswell WWTP Expansion Permit Draft Cover Letter Fact Sheet E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Ron Berry ron.berry@ncdenr.gov Engineer I DWQ/Point Source/NPDES NCDENR Page 2 3 MAY 2 6 2009 DMF - HABITAT PROTECTION Date: 5 f I 1 o To: Trish Murphey Sean McKenna (.--Lynn Henry Anne Deaton Due Date: 15 I 0 of County: aj, , �,,, A Sara Winslow Red Munden Brian Cheuvront Rich Carpenter Rock Newman Randy Gregory From: Jeanne Hardy A Habitat Protection Section Applicant/Project Name: Munitt &fC, OO4 (t1 REPLY: V��,,►3,2 Ns ,3 /oAt�lr0A This office supports the project as proposed. .T,,, £�„ , i�N C Ms cur IA_ , S P 1-AN'n�, dv e- ro 8 v i L D H N £. Li) W4.571 14 �T'v'C- 1 f^" P AN0 Y xT :NA SE/WIC-E. HntA• Tlt .V t i z Hi+on, L9 ,r►A,n,u,2 took-PT7oN s W,TN LN Do_ P A s z YS/4 4ct2 Comments to thisproject are below or attached. No comment. J75 C-4-'5S£0 Pf.C2in11- /x.5.01,=1cam770.^1 CL/711 kcBelt t3vCi-cCite (l ()&- wAs/1,,za) o,•J Cul^r 20, 2•t'CX7, This office objects to the project as proposed. SIGNED 1 • cl DATED: ,41f it 20/ 20o% NC Division of Marine Fisheries, Habitat Protection Section 3441 Arendell Street, P.O. Box 769, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Phone: 252 808-80661 FAX: 252 727-51271 Internet: www.ncdmf.net One NorthCarolina �aturallq An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer — 50 % Recycled 110% post Consumer Paper SO ka Washington Counhy bymy The Division has made an attempt to post notices in the following newspaper(s): News and Observer „--- The Town of Creswell (P. O. Box 68, Creswell, NC 27928] has requested modification of permit NC0048861 for the Town of Creswell WWTP in Washington County. This permitted facility discharges treated domestic wastewater to the Scuppernong River in the Pasquotank River Basin. For the modification, BOD, ammonia as nitrogen, fecal coliform, dissolved oxygen are water quality limited. This discharge may affect future allocations in this segment of the Scuppernong Watauga County The Division has made an attempt to post notices in the following newspaper(s): Winston -Salem -Journal — — Water Quality Utilities, Inc. has applied for modification of its NPDES permit NC0050610 for ✓ The Ponds WWTP in Watauga County. The modification includes an expansion of flow from 0.076 MGD to 0.336 MGD with a continued discharge of treated wastewater to the Watauga River, class B-Trout HQW waters in the Watauga River Basin. Currently, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total suspended solids (TSS) and ammonia are water quality limited. This discharge may affect future allocations in this portion of the watershed. Yadkin County The Division has made an attempt to post notices in the following newspaper(s): Winston-Salenz Journal The Town of East Bend, North Carolina has applied for renewal of NPDES permit NC0064726 for its East Bend Industrial Park WWTP in Yadkin County. This permitted facility discharges treated domestic and commercial wastewater to an unnamed tributary to Yadkin River in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin. Currently ammonia nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, and total residual chlorine are water quality limited. This discharge may affect future allocations in this portion of the watershed. Wednesday, May 06, 2009 Page 4 of 4 • PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION/NPDES UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO ISSUE A NPDES WASTEWATER PERMIT MAY -72009 DMF - HABITAT PROTECTION The North Carolina Environmental Management Commission proposes to issue a NPDES wastewater discharge permit to the person(s) listed below. ) Written comments regarding the proposed permit will be accepted until 30 days after � f 5( 0 the publish date of this notice. The Director of the NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ) may hold a public hearing should there be a significant degree of public interest. Please mail comments and/or information requests to DWQ at the above address. Interested persons may visit the DWQ at 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC to review information on file. Additional information on NPDES permits and this notice may be found on our website: www.ncwaterquality.org, or by calling (919) 807-6304. Wednesday, May 06, 2009 Page 1 of 4 THE WOOTEN COMPANY ENGINEERING PLANNING ARCHITECTURE 120 North Boylan Avenue Raleigh NC 27603-1423 919.828.0531 fax 919.834.3589 May 19, 2009 Mr. Ron Berry Eastern NPDES Permit Program NCDENR, Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Subject: Draft Modification NPDES Permit Permit NC0048861 Creswell Wastewater Treatment Plant Washington County Dear Mr. Berry: On behalf of the Town of Creswell we have reviewed the subject Draft Modification of the NPDES Permit NC0048861 and request that the following changes should be made in item 2 of the Supplement to Permit Cover Sheet: Remove 2 MBR tanks and instead add the following wastewater treatment components: • 2 SBR tanks with a post equalization tank • Tertiary filtration The above changes are essential due to the change in the recommended treatment system from MBR type activated sludge system to SBR type activated sludge system with tertiary filtration in the revised Engineering Report, submitted to the Construction Grants and Loan Section of NCDWQ. We appreciate your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Shankar R. Mistry, Ph. D., P.E. C: Mayor William J White, Jr., Town of Creswell Al Hodge, Supervisor, SWPS/Washington Re 1 Gary Hartong, The Wooten Company Colton Janes, The Wooten Company MAY 1 9 2009 DENR - WATER QUALITY POINT SOURCE BRANCH AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA. Wake County. ) Ss. Public Notice North Carolina Environmental Management Commission/ NPDES Unit 1617 Mall Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Notice of Intent to Issue a NPDES Wastewater Permit The North Carolina Environ- mental Management Com- mission proposes to issue a NPDES wastewater dis- charge permit to the per• son(s) listed below. Written comments regarding the proposed permit will be accepted until 30 days after the publish date of this notice. The Director of the NC Divi- sion of Water Quality (DWO). may hold—ar public -hearing should there be a significant degree of public interest. Please mail comments and/or information requests 10 OWQ at the above address. Interested persons may visit the DWQ al 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC to review information on file. Addition- al information on NPDES permits and this notice may be found on our website: www.ncwaterquality.org or by calling (919) 807.6304. The Town of Creswell re- quested modification of per. mit N00048861 for the Creswell WWTP in Washing- ton County; this permitted discharge is treated domestic wastewater to Scuppernong River in the Pasquotank Riv- er Basin. The Town of Snow Hill has applied for renewal of permit NC0020842 for the Snow Hill WWTP in Greene County. This permitted discharge Is treated domestic wastewater to Corftentnea Creek In the Neuse River Basin. N&O: May 9, 2009 Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of Wake County North Carolina, duly commissioned and authorized to administer oaths, affirmations, etc., personally appeared Debra Peebles, who, being duly sworn or affirmed, according to law, Both depose and say that she is Billing Manager -Legal Advertising of The News and Observer a corporation organized and doing business under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, and publishing a newspaper known as The News and Observer, in the City of Raleigh , Wake County and State aforesaid, the said newspaper in which such notice, paper, document, or legal advertisement was published was, at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all of the requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1- 597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, and that as such she makes this affidavit; that she is familiar with the books, files and business of said corporation and by reference to the files of said publication the attached advertisement for NC DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY was inserted in the aforesaid newspaper on dates as follows: 05/09/09 Account Number: 73350833 The above is correctly copied from the books and files of the aforesaid -Corporation and publication. Debra Peebles, Billing Manager -Legal Advertising Wake County, North Carolina Sworn or affirmed to, and subscribed before me, this 11 day of MAY , 2009 AD, by Debra Peebles. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year aforesaid. Timothy R. +PRifrslow, Notary Public My commission expires June 2, 2013 In 2002, a Clean Water Management Trust Fund grant was awarded to Tyrrell Water and Sewer District for construction of a regional low-pressure sewer system to eliminate 191 septic systems and straight pipes. Fish tissue samples were collected from the Scuppernong River in order to evaluate mercury levels in the Pasquotank River basin. Results are included in Section 4.5.1. 2007 Recommendations The Scuppernong River [AU# 30-14-4-(1)] will remain on the 2008 303(d) list to further assess natural conditions for low DO and pH. The Scuppernong River will be rated when Coastal B benthic criteria are finalized. DWQ will continue to work with local resource agencies to monitor water quality and work with the Town of Creswell to ensure that the WWTP is in compliance during the next review period. 4.3.4 Phelps Lake [AU# 30-14-4-6-1] Phelps Lake is the second largest natural lake in North Carolina and is located within a vast peninsula between the Albemarle Sound to the north and the Pamlico River to the south. The peninsula contains numerous low-lying swampy areas underlain by thick organic muck and relatively well -drained areas with fertile mineral and organic soils. Much of the area has been cleared of vegetation, drained and put into large-scale agricultural use. Phelps Lake was reclassified from C Sw to B Sw ORW in August 2000. Phelps Lake (15,938.3 freshwater acres) is Not Rated in the aquatic life category because sample ! size criteria (10 sample minimum) were not met. The lake was sampled four times from May 2005 to August 2005 at sites ML1, ML2 and ML3. Physical water quality values for chlorophyll 0 a, pH, DO and temperature were similar to those collected in previous assessments. Nutrient 1 concentrations, which were generally low to moderate, were also similar to previous assessments. ss Phelps Lake was also sampled as part of the North Carolina Mercury Study Extension between 2004-2006. Samples were collected on a quarterly basis. No samples exceeded the state mercury standard. Fish tissue samples were also collected from Phelps Lake in order to evaluate mercury levels in the Pasquotank River basin. Results are included in Section 4.5.1. 4.4 Status and Recommendations for Waters with Noted Impacts The surface waters discussed in this section are not Impaired. Attention and resources should be focused on these issues to prevent water quality degradation. The current status and recommendations for addressing these waters are presented below, and each is identified by an AU#. Nonpoint source program agency contacts are listed in Appendix IV. 4.4.1 Bull Bay [AU# 30-14] Bull Bay (1,839.4 saltwater acres) is Not Rated on an evaluated basis in the aquatic life category due to WET failures associated with the Tyrrell County (Bull Bay) Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water Treatment Plant (Permit NC0086924). Between October 2003 and December 2005, the facility failed to meet its 90 percent acute toxicity target effluent concentrations on three occasions. No other violations have been reported at this facility. DWQ will continue to work with Tyrrell County to assure permit limits are met. Chapter 4 — Pasquotank River Subbasin 03-01-53 67 into the Scuppernong River. Hog farming was an important industry in this area; ten hog farms and associated lagoons are located in this area, but most are currently not operational. Much of the area is covered with row crop farms including corn, potatoes and cotton. 2002 Status The upper portion of the Scuppernong River was first listed on the 1998 303(d) list of Impaired waters for water quality standards violations for dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH. Potential sources were identified as nonirrigated crop production, off -farm animal holding and/or management areas, municipal point sources, and specialty crop production. Benthic sampling in 2000 resulted in a Not Rated bioclassification. Biologists also determined that the low pH and low DO levels in the Scuppernong River are likely due to natural conditions. Current Status The upper portion of the Scuppernong River, from source to Riders Creek (First Creek) (13.6 miles), is Not Rated+ in the aquatic life category. The Scuppernong River was sampled using draft criteria for Coastal B rivers and is labeled as NR+. Coastal B rivers are defined as waters in the coastal plain that are deep (nonwadeable), freshwater systems with little or no visible current . under normal or low flow conditions. Other characteristics may include an open canopy, low pH and low DO. Boat sampling is required for these waters. Site MB 10 received a Poor bioclassification using draft criteria for Coastal B rivers. Any bioclassifications derived from sampling data should be considered draft and not used for use support decisions; therefore this section of the Scuppernong River is Not Rated (BAU, March 2006). Samples taken in 2005, however, indicated a more pollution intolerant benthic community. Data was also collected from one ambient monitoring station at site MA 11. Site MA 11 coincides with site MB 10. No water quality standards were exceeded during this assessment period, and monthly measurements showed salinity concentrations to be less that 0.10 parts per thousand (ppt) for 2004 and early 2005. During drought conditions, however, the water often becomes brackish. The highest salinity concentration since 2000 was recorded in August 2002 with a measurement of 5.1 ppt. This concentration is higher than most freshwater invertebrates can survive. Three of the abundant taxa collected at the site were indicative of low DO. Ambient monitoring data for the past five years show DO levels typically fall below 1.0 mg/1 each summer, limiting the benthic macroinvertebrate community at this site. Hydrologically, the sampling site is located in a deep -water run with very little sinuosity. Duckweed and alligator weed were abundant. The riparian zones on both sides of the river were wide and intact, but undercut banks were abundant. Sticks, snags, logs, root mats and aquatic macrophytes (i.e., alligator weed) were also abundant. A total of five NPDES facilities are permitted to discharge to the Scuppernong River. Two of these facilities are located approximately two miles upstream of the sampling site. The Creswell Water Treatment Plant (WTP) (Permit NC0027600) is required by permit to perform whole effluent toxicity (WET) testing. No WET violations were reported during the last two years of the assessment period. The Creswell Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) (Permit NC0048861), however, reported significant noncompliance issues with biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), which can lead to lower than normal DO levels in the receiving stream. Significant noncompliance issues with pH were also identified. During the most recent inspection (January 2007), the facility received Civil Penalty assessments for BOD violations in February and March 2006 and a Notice of Violation (NOV) for BOD violations in April 2006. 66 Chapter 4 — Pasquotank River Subbasin 03-01-53 10/17/2008 IWC Calculations Creswell WWTP Expan NC0048861 Prepared By: RDB Enter Design Flow (MGD): Enter s7Q10(cfs): Enter w7Q10 (cfs): 0.200 tidal tidal Assume upstream TRC level = 0 Assume upstream Fecal level = 0 Check Box if WTP Facility ❑ Enter Upstream NH3-N Level (mg/L): 0.220 Total Residual Chlorine 7Q10 (CFS) DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (UG/L) UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (I IWC (%) Allowable Conc. (ug/I) Fecal Limit (If DF >331; Monitor) (If DF <331; Limit) Dilution Factor (DF) NPDES Servor/Current Versions/IWC 0 0.2 0.31 17.0 0 100.00 17 200/100m1 1.00 Ammonia (NH3 as N) (summer) 7Q10 (CFS) DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (MG/L) UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (I IWC (%) Allowable Conc. (mgll)* WEEKLY AVG LIMIT (mg/I) Ammonia (NH3 as N) (winter) 7Q10 (CFS) DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (MG/L) UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (I IWC (%) Allowable Conc. (mg/I)* WEEKLY AVG LIMIT (mg11) * MONTHLY AVG LIMIT 0 0.2 0.31 2.0 0.220 100.00 2.0 6.0 0 0.2 0.31 4.0 0.220 100.00 4.0 12.0 Limit MAX 35.0 mg/L NON-POTW 2.0 10.0 NON-POTW 4.0 20.0 10/17/2008 Revised: 4/21/09 Staffing (Manpower) Requirements For Creswell 0.2 MGD Wastewater Treatment Plant REVISED VERSION 1.0 Estimate of Staffing Need The following resources were used for estimating staffing or manpower requirements for proper operation and maintenance of the Creswell 0.2 MGD Wastewater Treatment Plant: 1. Estimating Staffing for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities, EPA, March 1973. 2. Estimating Cost and Manpower Requirements for Conventional Wastewater Treatment Plant, EPA, October 1971. 3. Technical Assistance and Certification Unit, NCDWQ 4. Staffing of similar size and type of WWTPs in North Carolina 2.0 Estimated Annual Man-hours Requirements by Specific Tasks Supervisory and Administration Clerical Laboratory Yard Work Sub Total Operation and Maintenance 500 250 = 500 400 1,650 Unit Operation/Process Operation Maintenance Mechanical/Manually cleaned by-pass screens 30 50 Grit Removal 30 30 Equalization Basin 20 20 Influent Pump Station 20 150 Activated Sludge System 275 450 Revised: 4/21/09 Tertiary Filtration 100 100 UV Disinfection System 50 50 Post Aeration System 40 40 Aerobic Sludge Stabilization/Storage Facilities 50 50 Sludge Disposal 20 20 Flow Metering and Sampling 75 50 Wastewater Collection System 200 400 Sub Total 910 1,410 Total Estimated Annual Man -Hours = 1,650+910+1,410= 3,970 Considering 1,500 hour/year/person which accounts for vacations, holidays, sick leave and productive work hours, the total number of persons required for operation and maintenance of the Creswell wastewater system are estimated as follows: Number of Required Persons: = (3,970 man hours/year)/ (1,500 man hours/year/person = 2.64 persons Mr. James Pugh with Technical Assistance and Certification Unit of the NCDWQ was contacted to determine the certified Grade level requirement for operation of 0.2 MGD wastewater treatment plant. Mr. Pugh reveals that for 0.2 MGD Creswell wastewater treatment plant a Grade 2 certified operator and a back up operator with Grade 2 or higher certification will be required. Considering the number of required persons and Grade level certifications it is suggested that the Creswell wastewater system be staffed as follows: Plant Superintendent (Grade 2 Certified) Operation/Maintenance Person (Grade 2 Certified) Maintenance Person (Part Time) =1 =1 Sludge Management Plan Creswell Wastewater Treatment System Improvements Creswell, North Carolina NPDES Permit No. NC0048866 The Creswell Wastewater Treatment Plant is designed for 0.2 MGD capacity for discharge of effluent into Scuppernong River. The proposed plant improvements includes splitter box, flow equalization, screening, grit removal, influent pump station, activated sludge system, tertiary filtration, UV disinfection, post aeration, influent and effluent flow metering and sampling facilities, aerobic sludge stabilization/storage facilities, a stabilized sludge loading station, and administration/laboratory facilities The estimated waste activated sludge quantity of 312 lbs/day (3674 gallons/day at specific gravity of 1.02 and 1.0 percent solids), at design conditions, will be aerobically stabilized to comply with the Class B pathogen reduction requirement and vector attraction reduction requirements of the State (NCAC, Title 15, Subchapter 2T-Waste Not Discharged to Surface Waters) and EPA 503 regulations for disposal by land application. The 219 lbs/day (936 gallons/day at specific gravity of 1.02 and 2.75 percent solids) stabilized sludge will be disposed of by land application, using a private contractor engaged in sludge or residual disposal service. For disposal of the stabilized sludge by land application, the Town of Creswell will comply with the pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements as follows: Class B Pathogen Reduction: Compliance with the Class B pathogen reduction will be achieved by using one of the following alternatives: Alternative 1: Monitoring of Fecal Coliform (EPA 503.32 (b) (2)). Alternative 2: Use of PSRP Aerobic Digestion and Lime Stabilization (EPA 503.32 (b) (3)) Vector Attraction Reduction: Compliance with the vector attraction reduction will be achieved by using one of the following options: Option 1: Reduction of volatile solids content (EPA 503.33 (b) (1)) Option 4: Specific Oxygen Uptake Rate for aerobically digested sludge (EPA 503.33 (b) (4)) Option 6: Addition of alkali (EPA 503.33 (b) (6)) Option 9: Injection below ground (EPA 503.33 (b) (9)) Option 10: Incorporation of sludge into the soil (EPA 503.33 (b) (10)) Copy of Letter to Town of Creswell Subject: Copy of Letter to Town of Creswell From: Ron Berry <ron.berry@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 13:58:27 -0400 To: Colton Janes <cjanes@thewootencompany.com> Colton, Attached is the letter we sent to Mayor White in October 2008 and faxed to Gary Hartong in December 2008. I also talked to Gary in December about the missing information. Ron Berry NPDES Group Phone: (919) 807-6403 Fax: (919) 807-6495 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Ron Berry <ron.berryAncmail.net> Engineer I DWQ/Point Source/NPDES NCDENR Microsoft Word - Request additional info.pdf Content -Type: application/pdf Content -Encoding: base64 1 of 1 3/24/2009 2:14 PM Date: 12/2/08 PHONE LOG: Creswell Expansion WWTP NC048861 Mayor White returned my previous call and we discussed the status of the Permittee response to the letter send October 2008. Mayor White had forwarded the letter to Wooten Co, their consultant, to address the issues. I told him my only contact with the consultant to date had been strickly on technical issues. Mayor White would contact Gary Hartong at Wooten Co to confirm status. In the discussion with Mayor White it was determined that Creswell responsibilities are: 1) the new treatment operation. 2) existing customers 3) a new single metering system used to record and bill the new regional main influent into the new treatment plant, apparently this is not on site of the new plant 4) DOES NOT include any of the new regional collection nor individual metering, nor new customer service demands The plan is to use the revenue from the regional service to justify a second operator. On the issue of sludge management, Mayor White did not have any information other that they have never clean out the existing system. I pointed out we would need a Sludge Management Plan even if it was needed in the near future. \F(1-7,04. Date: 12/3/08 I called Mr. Hartong and we discussed the Creswell letter, he had a copy. I told him my contact had been Colton James at Wooten Co and we had not discussed the letter in any details since it had been sent to the Permittee to address. As far as details I explained we need the basic on the manpower requirements only for Creswell side. As I had explained to Mayor Creswell I told Mr. Hartong the Sludge Management was also needed, one paragraph narrative would be sufficient. I explained I needed to get the information to complete the permit draft. He understood and agreed he or someone in Wooten Co would provide a response to the letter. � I O,i Jet. s 4.- IAA; i s aTtrn.4.4 (5 t-1 J Lt.W s U,I:cw S0 • . 51.k.V4.1. Wocc,., Campy t . In,. Jc, , d I14r. /14: '/ p1 - Creswell WWTP Subject: Creswell WWTP From: "Colton Janes" <cjanes@thewootencompany.com> Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2008 09:39:14 -0500 To: <ron.berry@ncmail.net> Ron, Thanks for your patience. If you have any questions concerning the attached documents, please feel free to call. Quick answers to your stated concerns. 1. Backup power for UV system and entire WWTP is provided by a stand alone Diesel Generator. 2. Plot plan and site plans are included to show proposed construction and overall project characteristics in more detail. 3. Proposed equalization tank is an existing lagoon. Other two lagoons are going to be abandoned. 4. Influent and Effluent composite samplers are shown in attached documents. (Both are new installations) 5. Outfall pipe is the existing outfall pipe. It is shown in attached drawings. Submerged and screened. Thanks again. Colton Janes, E.I. The Wooten Company 120 North Boylan Avenue Raleigh, NC 27603-1423 Phone: (919) 828-0531 Fax: (919) 834-3589 Content -Type: application/pdf P14 UV-CAS-EPS.pdf Content -Encoding: base64 PO4_PP_1.pdf Content -Type: application/pdf Content -Encoding: base64 Content -Type: application/pdf E7 UV-EPS.pdf Content -Encoding: base64 Content -Type: application/pdf CO4 Water site.pdf yp Content -Encoding: base64 I CO2.plant site.pdf Content -Type: application/pdf 1 of 2 11/7/2008 10:35 AM Creswell WWTP Content -Encoding: base64 COl_overall_site.pdf Content -Type: application/pdf Content -Encoding: base64 24-INCHPIPE_RUN.pdf Content -Type: application/pdf Content -Encoding: base64 1X3_hydprofile.pdfl Content -Type: application/pdf Content -Encoding: base64 2279-99_WWS_1982T0028_20061004_0005.TIF Content -Type: image/tiff Content -Encoding: base64 2279-99_WWS_1982_T0028_20061004_0002.TIFI Content -Type: image/tiff Content -Encoding: base64 !2279-99_WVVS_1982_T0028_20061004_0003.TIF Content -Type: image/tiff Content -Encoding: base64 2 of 2 11/7/2008 10:35 AM 4Lt ftt'itt. � tt *MIL ISO PIEDMONT AERIAL. SURVEYS, Inc. elttNewllO. N C r; el I 1 1 / / / / I // ; , / -- x KOtt►tqn / / / 1g• � I I SCOW r 4a11 '. So tool' o I so pq comm. otter s Fist wits tots \ ../ 1 1 1 1 r MOTES: 1 , 1 I. QWW,MAAAAtJO CO11f} CA. RAW lb bE 1 IIDfAEuSNSO.bv CruorutER. C. IQOyCA1Lw Ark aCLf AotoM:.SFftf41•�ta / I UNrps OF GLfAlisk. r r.ciAt$shiMA, i /? 6E PI+OPCRTY UTAL.' SS 1-4 / - E ObTI.kn CcuLDLANS pur�Llm colsjouP6 1 TOWN OF CRESWELL clt,Itu, NOntn CAROLINA WASTE' WATER SYSTEM, PLANT SITE L E. WOOTEN'AND COMPANY CeNiYLTNotllmntu! I r,e»c. • Tvb 0 fI 0 -5 W+-EL. 4.0 C4•u%i pt. o6SbJ 5_. pw. n d.no El 0.0 TtaAve. Cal," 14H. 4Z ?sown 411oLe ftaDS. ' a 400 i41145 M.1. calm re., 40:. 15.4,rK WiC1.-O.6 J h 4 J-IYDRAULIC PROFILE 'CALF : I'• So' ' F:otir:. 1•= 5. JEt1T• 7 e I AOell Ib.6 L t.0 J 1405 t1.9?4 Dore: AU. 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ITIFLUENt PIMPS SAMPLER EQUALIZATION BASIN ROTATING Ho_DRUM STATI Not RORAT1NOH DRUM SCREEN No 2 ANOER09C SELECTOR TANG REORCILATI0N PIMA RECYCLE PUMP WASTE SLUDGE I- -►-1- I I !PERMEATE I PUMA BI NC ► ABASIN EROBIC POST- ► YBR TAM No 1 No 1 8A9NClir No 1 No 1 ANOXIC AEROBC POANCST- MBR BASINBASIN No 2 No 2 TANK No 2 RECYCLE PIMP RE0RCJLAfl0N PIMP RAS PUMP I � WA- sE PUMP 1 RAS PUMP jPERMEATE NOTES: 1. 0ES2N FLOW - 200.000 GPO; PEAK FLOW - 500.000 WO SLU04E HOLDING TAMC No 1 SLUDGE HOLDINO TANK No 2 ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION BLOWERS BLOWERS EFFLUENT SAMPLER EFFLUENT PIMP STATION r _� CASCADE AERATION Z G J g �.s 8 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 FLOW SPUTTER BOX TOP 0.00 HWL 600 BOT 1.00 GRADE 5.00 EQUALIZATION BASIN TOP 7.00 HAL 4.00 BOT 1.00 FLOW SPUTTER BOX OBIT REMOVAL TOP 6.00 BOT 2.50 GRADE 5.50 INFLUENT PUMPS TOP 5.50 HWL -0.50 BOT -5.50 GRADE 5.25 INFLUENT FE,_ - - - - SAMPLER "' UELUENT METER FORCE MAIN FROM TYRRELtiwolluTY FORCE MAIN FROM TOWN OF CRESWELL EQUAUZA110N BASIN GRIT REMOV U*LUENT PUMPS ANAEROBIC SELECTOR TANG TOP 1600 NWL 15.00 DOT 0.00 TRADE 5.50 ANOXIC BASIN TOP 1E00 HI L 15.50 BOT 0.00 ORAOE 5.50 AEROBIC BASIN TOP 1600 IDYL 15.00 BOT 0.00 WADE 5.50 POST-AMOXOC 0455 TOP 15.00 HWL 14.50 BOT 0.00 GRADE 5.50 MBA BASIN TOP 1 E00 WA_ 14.00 BOT 0.00 GRADE 5.50 1 - .------r"------ � 4 WEIR I WE]R ANAEROBIC AC ANOXIC AEROBIC POST ANOXIC MDR SELECTOR TAW BASIN BASIN BASIN TANK 4 tEORCULATION c Il PUMP RECYCLE cCD PUMP ULTRAVIOLET CASCADE EFFLUENT PUMPS DISINFECTION AERATION TOP 633 TOP 600 TOP 5.00 Mt -2.00 HWL 5.06 BOT -2.00 BOT -6.00 BOT 5.00 PERMEATE PUMP RAS ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION k CASCADE AERATION EFFLUENT PUMP STATION EFFLUENT r 121 SAMPLER 1- I 25 20 15 10 5 EFFLUENT METER 100 YEAR FLOOD = 3.90 EFFLUENT PUMP © T0•D1rIFAL1 0 -5 -10 CUM Mt FRO 010 BUM own it IMO MOW IC: WOO OCR FORMAYMM Witt 110111111 our 3 or fib X3 I/YR 10W0 SEED RAOETIc FLO'R 3ETER JNORON19 Ca0. 9t0E Or Mal y�'L,A• 1/10 41 I/1/2.C�11�1 0AO10UP 20 SUPPLIED Gam RAW a0 re RNRO11 BON 1/2•0 =GUT rem TO SAMPLER MR 0LON PACING (-2044.1 OaQAT TO PE®TA0.E r00 SAIIPLN 291E I - - - _ N24 + <) II J ' J I 5 Doa 1NlLM UTLWR PIYP 0LV4IX NNIR0. AIEL. SEE SPEC ETRLENT r5OR urns PAWL aSPLAV I LL. 11 11 LL ELECIECAL PAWL TR.- MIN /MO l 1 11.15063.E r r` DIET 11A211L niCu FLEEING. R00, SEE SIZE KLAR t+O•R PERDEAlt 61LLENT W DscaRER Isom. OI10. 1,04 I I/2•C th4-202010LE TO of20205 I Pm. RARE, 2114 1904 1.0 -==' �1! CRAIN CCoalni 91KNALN Pat N0RREL AREA RCM 2LG1 SIRTW A Apo Ins 1 J • ALAIN Rao. Z. WAY NON : 11 4 moo MAR AWOCuarrRUM Room.MO- Puu0.010. SLIM ETOO.00 .n. GOWN MIT °' MM. aaiAx IOTLLENT .urn Ana Pun RICPiAaE Oma"R/s./s IR Less- DR. E12 2 EQUIPMENT MOUNTING RAC( LAYOUT NO SCAR ROUX WORT COl11 RAU. PAD FLEX CALE 1O IL 0.. 9,1u1 LINT oR1 a9XWEc1 O11TaI r = 1 I =3 RAMOEV SL.Y42EO 'Mr MA Ammo. oax Ammo. UUNCRON SOX, NEWT OUTSIDE s REEL I12LIAR MDR MOLEf CORROL PN1EL SEE SPECS ORT ClAa9n191 CpRRa. PANEL S6 SPECS ELECTRICAL EOUPNC2R RACE SEE CETA4 1/E2 2110. MOD 2/1' 400. 910 4 1 sir c O51 UV, GRIT, EFFLUENT AND INFLUENT PUMP STATION PLAN !GEC 1/1• . 1'd Y.1" NOTES: PANEL 'EPSL' a11EWL TBANSFORIEN Yo Eau. uw2! PN[L TRARS...MX& S Om I80-420/2404 SPORE Pw0E PRWRE, 5.4.227. IWV MawAR1 RUN CO SEC0WYIE, 3042P.240v SECOMARV MAIN CD Karns. 2LRNACE EI¢OSUREI NEW SR DRAWN MCAT DE MATE LOADS Man LOAD R.E RE vA T .T<1 8 ENT •OLC v va ERE SCE LOAD EO.RACX LT./REC. 3.12.3/IE 1/0 20 1 I 450 2 1 20 SPARE SPARE 20 1 3 1 I 20 SPARE SPARE 20 I S 6 1 20 SPARE SPACE I T 8 I 5P cE SPACE I 9 10 I SPACE IPA LOAD 0.14 AI.SA5 LOAD 4 Ecn RL000 YIPS LK NRRRITNC CAP. DN3 5 A1. RIM rtor r r 1/5'.1.0' 56151 W8 aq$ 11 g p a 8p4 SR • 10311 QID ORME MR MAO CAC NOB= wu S0050 N usarson 509E W .EV 42 o 65 E7 T:01 s_ ORECI101 WLL 1Lw 1 1 ♦'s POTAELE WATERUTi WOW R O AD , E OF WA,L E mo1 ROW / Pti `- 1/4 'D0 BY u4iER0UTuTY) NEW /1A•P03110 POTAraz WATER .113410 UPC AR NEON Ir ODE CRAWL DRIVE. sLE NOTE 2 NEW 1 1 4• RPZ SEE T. 1/01 CET. OCRAWL COO r' 10 MSR 0.04 SEE SITE PLAN r0R CarnwAnpl x tar 101501E i/G ' 03511/43 STORY PIPE.E.KTYP� CHERRY ROAD cosmic r urTR MAW NOTES: 1. S RvEY IWCRIO11011 SWAN TARO A FROM AWOL NOR P10T00MPNY POND ROD BY COMMA CdWORA1101 DOTAL SUMS) SERVICE PWORMED ON A OL 4.1004. CONTRACTOR WALL MUT Warr OFORIA 1101 wasRm ra ECM 2. 00711N0 ACCESS DRIVE WAIL 00 OO5N TO tr ODDS yCOVE VE▪ A00 ODE TOP 1SCRAPE AND [ EASE C R� ABC) FOR RETOMO R O AQ, 300 DETAIL 3/5D-2 r OAD SMACK 1 FORK IWN IRON MOLL cowry COLLECTION SYS101 10 IMP OTC IS NOT W CONIIRAGT. CORRACTOR 5+411 COORONAIE MIN OM COMET AND COVER TO WOW PERFORM OY DEARS AS OOP ON PLAN& vALVE AT O 1n1A0E TO SIR SHALL 01(110D CLOSED UNTIL ALL PARTS EOF SYSTEM YS E NATE VE DWI swam APO APPROVED BY TIE 1. MDW1U5 0054 IS1RNCnOM AC DN � CONTRACMAAS a10R WALL E INSTALL PEW POTADLE WATER UNE TO OTE ALCNO MTN 20NC7*000 SAND iLSAlD EARLY IN NEEW d+cy 0 SEE '�PEDflana0 FOR OETAR.S CH PER MOO WONT) C001110000N PDWC0 OF PROJECT. MSTFORCE WAN 05051FRAY Ppaw MAIN OOKCT ELM vs r06K N FORCE MNN OY41EO1)�) SEE NOTE 3 PROPERTY UNE tow et, FORCE MAN MEW re FORCE LON ir 35 CATE suaNO mowwN UNC POTABLE WATER AND FORCE MAIN CONNECTIONS PARTIAL SITE PLAN SCALE, r - 20'-0. LEGEND PPS EDSTINO POWER POLE ROUT 050E O COSTING POWER POLE -M+F++H AST MERE MEP STORY DRAIN 55 ON PLAN) Q E)O010 FIRE HYDRANT +SSESBLY M EI00 540 WATER VALVE nj D)OST. TREE - MP.* OTOI (CENTER LK) Q 005T. NOUSE -1 SURVEY UNE (( 1 UOST.10011-OF•0AY 1111E (1/01 PO Rs RAP ��- 11001 0ECX DON - 0 - MOO RATDI UNE - SS- amnia SW Nt7 SEWER LIE 0 - OPTING PS ESE • S10MT CONTROL PORT Ow EXOTI(0 CATCH EUSiN E705110 FENCE - II- NEON RATER LW 10,04 PLANT K NE0 CIR£ HYDRANT ASSEIDLY -104- Kw CATS VALVE A BOX t N00 REDUCER CUT ND IOI F P M D1SEN s. MAIR DAL CUV�ALLL �IIAN NC E Ns No TO. 0, 30 SW 0U50AlL ire o As• COO ER6NO 083E OCt s DETAIL - NEW PUMPED OUTFALL CONNECTION SCALE` 1/A• - Yd ONO CIO Rm Rolm pp. PMGWRRW API0AE7 OR CAE T 01 CLAD! Aso 1[IlO IWAils KAnorroar 10 MPR01Ei110 0.411 w oos 140 OP - MOWS nnmlW 0004311 TNT S E wan VALK PAN. sn Yt;dvKtll pqp -. •."-'�L'�].Ip I7'3�p" I 3000 PS P(A1 01o000 POI 0103110411003 'LEP CPOSIO IMES KOPEK ow AP 101 YWWfWLW7.C7RY q mCiwCOTYaRa Vt NW AP IOIP PIA OE 4110r101 P 10131 I AXPELT PNWL PWTNED num opt 0 1W KTDt qL mon00 oVO0001 Apse. P. PEED Of WPM ot AMMO MEL= worm Pa a0 COPE OaNI MOP& 0moo =AA=oAs cum IL AK I0P0 KAPSPI 0 OCLONW ION 03 6IIAIOL POMACE TO t /oALLJ9 W A(DOO.N. fIW DC I0 pLOW(YL OP ICI CEPS OCOEE IOC PTAK OLP IS PVC OK ST trpot C K o' asvall DIi9. KO NUMA101stwti R W OOYNNIQ OW AIL NIUIP C 1001 DOWN. N0 0001100.3 N AO01NN 10 BC NO NYNWNI op PROKEY ara WCALL ICE Epp. ICI YA)NTow ce Aw OnATRN 0 Mono, Amax NO OOHARO usi RDOIstO MO TOMO 10000034I3. 1 1/4" RPZ BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY Ou TYPICAL RPZ BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY NO SCALE IAEEIE1.Ess YARD WORMY WOODFORD WOO w•34 OR *MRCVS OWL SOON BRTAN CONCRE•T[ IO T POTABLE WATER PPE ERN( PORT 1 CU. R. Or •17 WASTED STONE SOTO NOSE ON WALL iACCONCOME STD. GNIDEN 4050. 1• POODLE WATER PPE OETK PPE CR PROVER OUTER SUEVE PROTEC11010 022 NON -FREEZE YARD HYDRANT u NOT TO 3Cr)LE 1S• IS W E/ &" Y PPP" g 1 WOW at MC EARN SO SUM OmOD FP 05 IID@T 55 IRO D0S IWCARTR S SCOW 1.400 star 7 a 65 C4 r lil Ta L 4•-0• 9CERAtK 0. 0E0 t: 00EWALX EL 0.00 e QECORCAL MO E3121413317 ETORAEE Baal fit 6.17 4.0 a OM0N CO • r-0. OOALE 00n ME SaiDIRE 01 0M0 P20 4. Pt WO�pU rn J 11; 11 2� 4•• rau. PIPE. 0PE*L) 0. 15.00 ANA0100C SOZCTOR TN•L SLAG 0. 0.00 ACCESS SEE CAL ET1/P21 r -71 CA a RFL70.E UM. 0. M.00 - r-0• 4.4 MULL PIPE. (b(L) 0. 10.00 Il tr-0• WALL PIPE 0PPCM. SEE 510 MTALS, TYP n.o0R OV4L sec STO OETALS WALL PPE SUPPORT. SEE STD DETAILS. TYP MAX SPOONS r-O• 03 SSE GATE, 1RV 0.33 r r-r YAOE A.U37A0E ROM 910E GT2..PRWN. EL 13211. tsP CF2 sma119=E MXER NTH RAG. A00 LWONO OWL (■7 NOR YFR, SEE SPECS). TIP SELECT= TAME MAO 0. 000 r4 a MALL PPE Q AL). LL 1600. TYP 0•0 0 00• BCo (FL). TIP r-O• TLDE ADJUSTABLE SEW SUDS GATE. NOM& EL 15.76. rn DF2 OPO4N0 ON 14.75. T0P 1000. TYP -••L 4•4 WALL Prot„." aEdL) 0. 10.00 r-r 1I' SUOMFR5AE MIXER UM RAIL NO LIFDW Win SEE SEPECS/TITIP ff �44 r-r r4 a 50CDED OfLUDR. 0. 14.50 TRAPQE TYPE PIPE 9APCRT, SEE STO OETNLIL TYPE ♦00 PVC OVA 0. 14.50 4.4 PVC •O• 900 (SOLVENT *ELO) b;--Il r• WALL PIPE. OE1iL) 0. 14.50 tit n WALL PIPE 92• 1PORT. SEE STD CETAIU. rn r-0- 4•• 00• Boo OL) TYPE r-r VE10FY PER SCREEN 00* ref 0 TEE OL) II �4•. a DRAIN r� li 1111 lY CONGER 00.1301 VP CI REMUS ! S SPECS de Kr cl� COOOL) T r4-d PVC r - TEE WRiN CLEAN OVT CAP 4• PVC TEE TO FLOOR OWN ABOVE rPVC RCN SCREEN � SOO F(MI) 0OMPACTOt ABOVE - (Da OMOTHERIC Float moot sec 510 DETAILS ROUTE 1 1/2. 1PW UKLPTOSafi. INALAT0 OPOSFD� U K; TYP ONE SOTECIIS. LOPER SLAB C. 4.17 NPR YARD 11YORANT. S EE GRAIL 2/04- 2r-0- /rta•1 r ♦r t SPUTTER 006 SLAB 0. 0A0 I r-r MAX SPACING O PURSE SLOP ASg00.1 ON MAMMA A Pal OCTAL 1/PIq TYP r•aa0.IOC (+t) )='ry ID • 0.1 1 _ � r 4• STAMM STEEL AIR MWF0.D • COMERS or-r oC OP Cr • PER Ti1N1. SEE DWG PIS �ffEE 01D�DETA1 TYP (71 04 MALL PIPE. 1,101.) a. USCG tit ts bsf A01000 TAAL MAO 0. 0.00 • WALL PIPE 90POML SEE STD DETAILS. TYP Co a M5. 0. 1a04 0 0 rl a Or 000 5T.), rn • RECYCLE ARP 4 STAPLE= STEEL AIR OROPLE0. SEE 070 ►16 1TP PCOT-NOIOC SELECTOR TANG. SLAB EL 000 WALL O'0014 DIY 13.73. TOP PTAO. TIP or 2 T r b' r-0• vac ADA13UHLE MOR 930E GATE. NOW& 0.1422. TYP Cf2 TI, . PVC Sal 01 wax W01 CALL VALVE 1/2.0 PVC Sat 00 0111OAL rap LDE s s= 0OIER50E MICR MAI MARL MO 1.01150 SEE WECS). ORR TANK. SLAB EL 0.00 n , 1- II-- f�- T-FROM MS PWP SELECTOR TANK MAO EL 0.00 90E1L901.0 111X01 MTN RAIL MO LJFT20 04•411. DOT 061R Nr*, SEE SPECS"). TYP TAP VERGCAL RUN Fat SAMPLER ARP ACk v lil t 1/r. 11111 WATER (I I LSE. SEE NM PLAN r4 a FORCE MAIN FROM 11FL ENT PIMP STAG r TYP I■ IPiT!�1 Sco1 r4 a 1113030LA1ON toe. a. 10.04 TYP KJ V V O ' b 91500090.E REOROJ.A100 PIMP 51111 RASE 000M. 1001MIN0 RAIL SEE SPECS) TYP OWN or 22 .Nat NsL Ca P C( TYPE AM O FN3Ol SET: DETAIL 4/P10 N0 SPECS. TV • • • AEM00C TNK 5.A0 0. 0.00 r0aRA; ELISM . l'1 • • 4.0 a 100 Bn0 OL) WALL MICA • 14.26 TOP 17.03. TYA OF 2 00 0 O 0. r• 0 43• zoo (PL) rn r• a WALL APE not). a. I0.04 TYP r-0• WEE AD47STA0.E WEIR SLOE WE. HOWL EL 14.75. 1190F2 POST-N0000 SELECTOR TAME SLAB EL 0.00 FROM RAS PWP r• a WALL PIPE SLOE). 0. 10.00. TIP M01 TAME. SLAB EL0.00 1/2•4 PVC SOl a0 01NC . IMO UE SUa ERSIELE M1ER NTS MIL MO IJFTIN0 OWN. Oft 1119 WR. SEE SPECS), TYP z-PLSOSE Sse AS501ar 01 MANFOLD PER OETNL 1.4.10 OP Il 4.4 WALL P1FE. 011.4"0 0. 1600 PARTIAL BOTTOM PLAN 1- MBR TREATMENT max: 3/B• - 1•-0• 1/r. PVC Sal 00 vaLvt I. ••`WALL Cr004 sT. C INN 1325. 10P 1a24 TYP Cr 2 4•4 WALL PIFF. VTOL) 0. 10400 14 90117192E RECYO.E PIRP 101N OAY ESBOR 50 4010 RAIL NO UFAND OWN (BY 1030 IfR STE SPECS) m O. 2 i jr I o -a 1 a5ac0 20 PEE aim SR ULM 00020 Mt LVO Roza1Ot �0 BPa 204004t0 NAM •r.ro 522E 0 P4 S a 3h D. 3.42 r-6• ar-tr Y . 24'-f0• 10.4 O PIPE FRO. NENERNE TAM GALLERY W Wa2P0000N 4'. PVC DRAIN �TO MNN0LE a n-r Post AEAAn01 r-6• .1 MT KLL 4•-O• 00flYALX writ El WALL o W ELECTRICAL EOUPYWT A10 CO CROLS ON RAOC VON Suomi I T» OF L SEE ELEC OM00 W NOOLE so UNP SEE (( L SPEOFICA110 S. TYP 6F 2 1 4.4 1.4 L Y>< r ■ 1Y LOAD STNKESS S1EEL Amu lox. to STAIR R09N0 I11111 TWO 2)-} 1 . SS1 NO AON3 STA00ER( PAI AS SIgNN pew u2E,�SEE 0TE PLAN 0. � � Y r-6• r. TRUE MOC BALE. vALVE ink � NOTE w ELOPE 1• II II II Levu. OO TRa. MDR. BY W TOR. SEE 2PE00 EL 123 CONCRETE STARTS IV10 RYORNR FOR NASN WATER. SEE 9TE PLAN r-0' SDI.WALIC O. 633 0 PNI 21-tr ELi0°"6R 17004 0t1ARpWL. TYP MUCK SATPLE5 COVER SYSTEM. SEE NOTE I' 0191ERa0E TYPE TREATED EFFLWR PUP .TN OAK 02670. U'300 RA. NO tY OINK TIPSEE i1EOfCAIIOO. PLAN - UV, POST -AERATION AND EFFLUENT PUMP STATION SCALE 3/I • . 1.-0• SECTION - UV tr SCALE 1/I • . 1'-0• 24•-t0• W 0011E01014 41-tv W ELECTRICAL E00NE67 AN3 WORMS ON RACK NTH 00CAADE. TYP O 2, SEE DEC CMOS !� W NODU.E OD LAWN SEE SPC0710611TYP oF 2 PORTA0E 103T UFT OASWLAIt 1 1•-tr S•-vY r-0• PKGLTT EMMETE VALVE VA1LT 3024r 6603:f3 NATOI r. 0EDt swim VALVE (fi). TYP OF 2 r. P100 VALVE QL). TYP C7 2 ro 4e BEND pll) 1II" 16? 1'? CO. an r. 43. INC QI=) P03T A13G1ON 411 ' 0 v 6•-0. NET Mel girt; R ►i EL 533 a Zoo PROVIDE FlQ711O,A14 COVER MIDI. SEE NOTE 1-.1_ VIE= 00X- SEE on. 3/013 PROM( TITERCI.ASS SYSTO6 SEE NOTE EL 6.33 3.00 lr. O PIPE. ON 2.53 1r Y 02124 1 SEE SPECS 9E1 FIr SNLESS SEL AIAIY3NOMY N T10 (2} 1/r./31 A01 rnNOIORt (2. EN18lD SECTION - UV AND POST -AERATION SCALE 3/8 • - ,•-C 11 K 'S - _..^11 /11 0. 6.17 1' WOE. id CIA SST STRAPS. TV o/ 3 AT 4•-0. OC. 0321E N1114 I . DST moots 4' ENSED) 1r..1n-6' pvC INK STRAPPED WALL. CUTTO ■ 1-0• L00 suns AT 0717111 AT t0' NCLCI 1PW PUP, SEE NOTE 2 EL -6.07 =E 0. 6.17 -w NOTES 1. nu. COVER PANELS SHALL WAVE A NANKIN UFi1N0 MOOR OF 100 l83 CAM PANELS SIWl BE REMOVABLE Ai0 NAVE N10 UFn10 HANDED ON CA01 D0 OR NUOFD SECO01. FRP COVER SYSR11 MALL OE ABLE TO OnOTN0 100 P9 UK LOAD. 00YER INKTACIURER 01ALL 0E904 ENKE NO STRUT SUPPORTS AS 210340m FOR 0E001 LOADING. ALL 1AAOWARE AND COMECIORS 0ALL K TYPE 316 STAINLESS STEEL 00 FRP VLES3 NOTED OTNCR0SE. Z NVW me SWILL DE A 4. 9803290.E TYPE 1404OUAOTY RATER NAP. PIMP 51At1 K 13 IP. 3 MASS 410V. 00 I3 6102.11-3TALE PWP CAPAELE OF PROVIO0N0 33 CFN AT 00 P9 NO NAVE r NPT 0104ARCE. PWP SHALL 004E WWI OORRO. PANEL ANO STARTER PROMOS PRF390L SENSOR ON 0000R0E LINE TO MAINTAIN CONSTANT PRESARE WN UK Mtn, 50*. PUP 90LL K CORDS YODEL 330815 CA APPROVED EQUAL. OPt4 SECTION - STAIR SCALE VI • . 1•d 7'-3• Y. 111/E UNION SS./ VALVE Y. BALL. 0001 VALVE 1 -0• jr r-0• , 6'-0• 66.• 011 SP0. GT7 NOliuN0 ) nu, v00 rnl UNC-TYPE SEAL- 30'o4r 6•6 IWO 6UXES144i013 VN.VE (L)-. r. PVC NPW 0TEPLA fro x 15-6• PVC PIPE STRAPPED TO WALL CUT r 1I 1-0• LONG ODft0YAAT 00' N1OEi .r, a; r. RAJ. P1PE literro Dam NTH FLAG II VN.K PROP VALVE 00x 8 ego0-01 (KIER Sox SEE SET. r. 0 WOOL 0'»L ADAFTDI) OP OEM SUM VALVE 0'L) r-0•= E.. PRECAST o 404113 VALVE VN7LT- VAINOO 31 TYPE TREATED 07LUNE PUP NTH OASL 6006 WINO RAIL AND PO" SEE or.artGn00• iYP OF2 WO 'SEE10E2 1-0• 1 ® SECTION - PUMPS seam 3/1 • - 1•-0tr - 3/1"-/•-0• E LA a IP OOOICD 1R NO 01011110 CLAD MOOD St CAC 111310Id COO FE .4412 1/2 3041,17 Mr AL Q P14 -4— NOTES: PP 07 0 i EXISTING POWER POLE W/GUY WIRE EXISTING POWER POLE SILT FENCE EXISTING STORM DRAIN (DIA. ON PLAN) EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY EXISTING WATER VALVE EXIST. TREE EXIST. CL DITCH (CENTER LINE) EXIST. HOUSE SURVEY LINE ) EXIST. RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE FOSS RIP RAP ROCK CHECK DAM LEGEND W SS G EXISTING WATER LINE EXISTING SANITPRY SEWER LINE EXISTING GAS LINE SURVEY CONTROL POINT ❑CB EXISTING CATCH BASIN EXISTING FENCE W — NEW WATER LINE (DIA.ON PLAN) K NEW FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY —04— NEW GATE VALVE & BOX —0— NEW REDUCER 1. SURVEY INFORMATION SHOWN TAKEN FROM AERIAL FLIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY PERFORMED BY GEODATA CORPORATION DIGITAL MAPPING SERVICE PERFORMED ON APRIL 4, 2004. CONTRACTOR SHALL MELD VERIFY INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR BIDS 2. EXISTING WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT WILL STAY IN SERVICE DURING CONSTRUCTION OF NEW FACILITY. CONTRACTOR SHALL PREPARE FOR ANY BYPASS PUMPING REQUIRED AND SHALL ALLOW THE WASTEWATER PLANT OPERATOR TO DIVERT FLOWS UPON REQUEST. AT NO TIME SHALL THE CONTRACTOR ASSUME OPERATIONS OF THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM. 3. EXISTING TREATMENT LAGOONS No 2 AND 3 SHALL BE ABANDONED AFTER NEW MBR PLANT IS ONJNE. ALL REMAINING PIPE SHALL BE ABANDONED IN PLACE AND HAVE ENDS CAPPED WITH 2'-0' CONCRETE PLUG. REMAINING WATER SHALL BE PUMPED TO NEW EQ BASIN AND SETTLED SLUDGE DRIED AND HAULED FOR LANDFILLING. LAGOON BERMS SHALL BE BREACHED IN LOCATIONS SHOWN TO PROVIDE PERMANENT FORM OF DRAINAGE OUT OF THE BASINS. 4. EXISTING ACCESS DRIVE SHALL BE WIDEN TO 12' WIDTH. CONTRACTOR SHALL SCRAPE AND SMOOTH SEXISTING URFACE CCEE D TAIL 3/50DRIVE ND PROVIFOR DE SEW AGREGA E BASE COURSE (ABC) FOR ENTIRE 12' WIDE ROAD SECTION. 5. FORCE MAIN FROM TYRRELL COUNTY COLLECTION SYSTEM TO WWTP SITE IS NOT IN CONTRACT. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH OTHER CONTRACT AND CONNECT TO WORK PERFORMED BY OTHERS AS SHOWN ON PLANS. VALVE AT ENTRANCE TO SITE SHALL REMAINED CLOSED UNTIL ALL PARTS OF SYSTEM HAVE BEEN INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 6. EXISTING STE DOES NOT HAVE ANY POTABLE OR NON -POTABLE WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL NEW POTABLE WATER UNE TO SITE ALONG WITH METER, RPZ AND YARD HYDRANT TO PROVIDE WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND TESTING EARLY IN THE SCHEDULE SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR DETAILS ON WATER BILLING DURING CONSTRUCTION PERIOD OF PROJECT. PROPERTY UNE EXISTING FENCE BREECH LAGOON FOR PERMANENT DRAINAGE. TIE CONTOURS BACK AS REQUIRED FOR BOTTOM EL 1.00 BREECH LAGOON FOR PERMANENT DRAINAGE. TIE CONTOURS BACK AS REWIRED FOR BOTTOM EL 1.00 -. 6'0 DI FORCE MAIN FROM RAW INFLUENT PUMP STATION UV, POST -AERATION 4 AND EFFLUENT PUMP STATION, SEE DWG P14 6'0 DI 22.5' BEND (RJ) 6'0 DI EQ RETURN TO PUMP STATION 6.0 DI 22.5' BEND (RJ) CONNECT NEW FENCE TO EXISTING FENCE CORNER 6'0 DI TREATED EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN 6'0 DI 45' BEND (RJ) 6.0 DI 22.5' BEND (RJ) PIPE CROSSING, EX 6"0f INV 0.00 NEW 6', INV 1.50 Wo.FI gt EL QNE. 1 CFERRY ROAD KiF.P 1TAL PLAN ON r-'4--- �� DRIVE 43 £7S17/(i OVAL DRIVE EL 5.0 NEW 12' WIDE GRAVEL OM YE, SEE NOTE 4 EXISTING 6'0 INFLUENT FORCE MIJN DRIVE EL 5.0 DRIVE EL 63 SLOADING STSEE E DWG 0'0 DI PLAi1T INFL EW GRIT,/ CASSIF1ER j EE DWG[4P16 �.� NEW'INFLUENT, PUMP \ � STATION, SEE DWG P15 EXISTING LAGOON DRAW OFF BOX AND DRAIN SEE DETAIIL 2/C3 EXISTING 6'0 PIPE TO LAGOON BABANDONED) - SEE DETAIL 3/C4 FOR CONNECTION TO EXISTING OUTFALL EXISTING OUTFALL MANHOLE No 2 EXISTING 6"0 GRAVITY OUTFALL UNE SAPPROX 1400 LE TO CUPPERNONG RIVER) 6"0 DI 45' BEND (RJ) EXISTING OUTFALL MANHOLE No 1 E1I STINq INFLUENT PIPING PROPERTY UNE EXIST FORCE MAIN • FROM ASHINGTON COUNTY NEW • FORCE MAIN FROM RELL COUNTY (NOT I CONTRACT) 4 EXISTING 6'0 INFLUENT FORCE MAIN (CONVERT TO GRAVITY FLOW) CONNECT NEW FENCE TO EXISTING FENCE CORNER AT GATE EXISTING INFLUENT WEIR BOX, SEE DETAIL 1/C3 FOR MODIF1 CATIONS TBM-GROUND CONTROL POINT PK NAIL ON EDGE OF LAGOON EL. 5.91 EXISTING FENCE EXISTING TREATMENT LAGOON No 1 SHALL BE CONVERTED TO EQUALIZATION BASIN FOR NEW MBR TREATMENT PLANT - EXISTING STORMWATER MANAGEMENT STA110N EXISTING STORMWATER OUTFALL TO SCUPPERNONG RIVER TBM-GROUND CONTROL POINT PK NAIL ON EDGE OF LAGOON EL. 5.91 100 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION = 3.9' 60' 30' 0 6C 1'=60'-0" 1221 6 F DESIGNS) BY: PHD DRAWN BY. BAL/PMD CHECKS) BY: DWD PROJECT NO.: 22T9O DATE FEBRUARY2006 SCALE 1• 44-0' SIFET 4 OF 55 C1 EXrs77,1� RE3YA4�- NEW 6' DI FORCE MAIN FROM TREATED EFFLUENT PUMP STATION. SEE DWG C1 FOR DETAILS 6'0 DI 22.5' BEND (RJ) CONNECT NEW FENCE TO EXISTING FENCE CORNER REMOVE AND REPAIR FENCE •UNE AS REQUIRED E.42577AG FEIY. 72-P PROPERTY Et7S77NO A/AAHCCE /NV EL 7.00 PROPERTY 0 TYPICAL MANHOLE, SEE DETAILS 3LC3 AND 9/S0-3 FOR DETAILS, TYP GENERATOR AND TRANSFORMER PAD TREE, TYP 6'-0" HIGH CHAIN UM( FENCE, SEE DETAIL 2/SD-2, TYP s UV STRUCTURE COR N 779,750.09 E 2,771,726.48 UV, POST -AERATION AND EFFLUENT PUMP STATION, SEE DWG P14 6"0 01 22.5' BEND (RJ) EQUALZATON BASIN MEAXSWL N Na 1) E 4.00 NEW 6' DI EQ RETURN TO PUMP STATION • • DRIVE EL 5.50 2"x1"0 TEE W/PLUG 2'0 90' BEND UV STRUCTURE CORNER N 779.711.44 E 4771,745.06 6'-0" HGH CHAIN UNK FENCE, SEE 2/SD-2, TYP DETAIL REGRAOE AND SMOOTH EXISTING GRAVEL DRIVE. WIDEN TO 12' AND PLACE NEW TOPCOAT OF GRAVEL NEW 1 1 4'0 SCH 80 PVC POTABLE WATER UNE NEW 1 1/4'0 RPZ AND ENCLOSURE, SEE DETAIL 1/C4 010 -- X^X 6 F1 6 DITCH 4.80 5 DRIVE EL 5. 5— . BUILDING CORNER_ N 779,896.831 E 4771.830.56 !{ .CONCRETE.: ... spEWgUC, -. •._ EL; 6.00; �TYP, FINISHED FLOOR EL 6.17 ~• MBR TREATMENT FACILI if' SEE DWG P1 THRU P24 :SIN 11 ` -13. , -III' .1Q0.PERMEAIE•lE�, : .:6"0 DRAIN ' ' INFLUENT PUMP- . STATION' Nio BUILDING CORNER. m .. .. .. . (1 ..:-• . N 779,77225 ... - .. . E 2,771,761.20. • .. NEW 6' DI -FOR • MAIN FROM .RAW���,1.3 FORCE • IMMIMIFIIIIINEW SLUDGE LOADING STATION, SEE DWG P17 70' CONCRETE SLAB W GRIT _ SEE OWG PIB - FUTURE CARBON 10'0 DI 45' BEND (MJ) FACILITY 10"x8'0 DI CONCENTRIC REDUCER (MJ) NEW 8'0 DI PIPE NEW INFLUENT PUMP STATION, SEE DWG P15 WET WELL CENTER N 779,725.48. E 2,771,77 NEW 10'0 DI PIPE z1T0 7EE:� I'- i. ILDING CO NER N 779,828.9 II E 2,771,866. 4 . SLAB EL 5.25,,E 6."0:SL000Ek' rn 15'-0�,SUDING ACCESS GATE 8'0 FORCE MAIN DRIVE EL 5.75) DRIVE ELI5.50 DRIVEM., 5.25 NEW FLOW SPUTTER BOX, SEE DWG P16 12'_0' EDGE OF DRI HGHFENCE, SEE 2/SD-4 TYP £X/S77NG 6 raga LAGOON 6k 722 ET BOX N UNK AIL ---------- Ex/snNQ OR/I'E o -4 ( r. __-___.R s LPRGPERTY LINE 4 ti NOTES: 1. SURVEY INFORMATION SHOWN TAKEN FROM AERIAL FLIGHT PHOTOGRAPHY PERFORMED BY GEODATA CORPORATION DIGITAL MAPPING SERVICE PERFORMED ON APRIL 4, 2004. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR BIDS. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL USE EXCAVATED MATERIAL FROM MBR TREATMENT FACIUTY AS FILL MATERIAL UNDER DRIVE AREAS. SEE SPECIFICATION FOR SOIL CONDITIONS AND COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS. 3. FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION 6.17. SIDEWALK ELEVATION 6.00. SLOPE GRADE FROM 5.83 TO PROMOTE POSITVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM BUILDING . 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AGREGATE BASE COURSE (ABC) FOR WIDTH OF SURFACE AS SHOWN ON PLANS SIMILAR TO DETAIL 3/SD-2 . Z 0 1- Z g �gC ' coZ Wo o ce J LL aW Z7 - Z Q O TBM-GROUND CONTROL POINT PK NAIL ON EDGE OF LAGOON EL 5.91 100 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION = 3.9' 1' -20'-0' 20' 10' 0 20' 0 cc 083I9lE1 BY: PMD DRAWN BY: @A/PMD OHEOSC BY: PROJECT ND.: CYND 2279.0 DATE FEBRUARY2008 MALE 1' =20'.0' BHEET 5 OF 55 C2 Re: Creswell Permiting Inquiry Subject: Re: Creswell Permiting Inquiry From: Ron Berry <Ron.Berry@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2008 14:23:22 -0500 To: Colton Janes <cjanes@thewootencompany.com> Colton, Your list is accurate. I did asked for input on the involvement of the existing lagoons on the new plant installation. I just sent a letter to your attention confirming our conversations. Ron Colton Janes wrote: Ron, Sorry for the miscommunication. Through our conversation it is my understanding that you are requesting the following materials: 1. Confirmation on a backup power supply for the UV system and entire WWTP. 2. Plot plan or site plan of the proposed project to verify what is being removed from the existing system and what are the proposed installations. 3. Materials and specifications of proposed equalization tank. 4. Exact locations of influent and effluent composite samplers (to be shown on schematic) 5 Outfall pipe characteristics such as location, length, submerged or not, and pipe end description. Can you confirm this list? Thanks for you time and follow up call. Thanks again, Colton Janes, E.I. The Wooten Company 120 North Boylan Avenue Raleigh, NC 27603-1423 Phone: (919) 828-0531 Fax: (919) 834-3589 1 of 1 11/6/2008 2:23 PM PHONE CALL LOG Colton James, Wooten. Co. Mod NPDES: NC0048861 Phone: (919) 828-0531 Town of Creswell WWTP Date: 10/16/08 Time: 4:05 PM Discussed application and requested more information. The following items were reviewed or requested: 1) The IJV system will have to have power back, not clearly stated, need to confirm. 2) Requested plot plan to better see equipment layout. 3) Requested size of equalization basin, is a tank or actual basin. 4) Need to know physical location of composite samplers, influent and effluent. The portable units Crewswell county uses on the existing plant would most likely not be adequate. 5) Is the end of pipe submerged, anything special about the pipe end? Note: Did not discuss sludge management plan but will be required. Not discussed but in cover letter existing lagoons would be removed. I assume the sludge removed and abandoned per WaRO approval, check with Al Hodge. THE WOOTEN COMPANY ENGINEERING PLANNING ARCHITECTURE 120 North Boylan Avenue Raleigh NC 27603-1423 919.328.0531 fax 919.334.3589 August 20, 2008 Mr. Gil Vinzani, Eastern NPDES Supervisor NPDES Permitting Unit NC Division of Water Quality 9th Floor 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Re: Application for Modification Individual NPDES Permit Creswell WWTP Town of Creswell Washington County, North Carolina TWC No. 2279-0 Dear Mr. Vinzani: On behalf of the Town of Creswell, please find enclosed one (1) copy of the completed Form 2A modification of the existing NPDES Permit No.NC0048861 for the expanded Creswell WWTP capacity of 0.2 MGD. The expanded WWTP will include MBR type wastewater treatment system. A check in the amount of $260.00 is attached to cover the permit application fee. We thank you again for your input and assistance with this project, and would greatly appreciate your timely consideration of this application. If you have any questions, please contact us at (919) 828-0531. Sincerely, THE WOOTEN COMPANY (bL Colton Jan Enclosure cc: William J. White, Mayor of Creswell TWC File PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: RIVER BASIN: Modification Pasquotank FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Creswell WWTP, NC0048861 FORM 2A NPDES YO, Form 2A has been developed in a modular format and consists of a "Basic Application Information" packet and a "Supplemental Application Information" packet. The Basic Application Information packet is divided into two parts. All applicants must complete Parts A and C. Applicants with a design flow greater than or equal to 0.1 mgd must also complete Part B. Some applicants must also complete the Supplemental Application Information packet. The following items explain which parts of Form 2A you must complete. BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION: A. Basic Application Information for all Applicants. All applicants must complete questions A.1 through A.8. A treatment works that discharges effluent to surface waters of the United States must also answer questions A.9 through A.12. B. Additional Application Information for Applicants with a Design Flow z 0.1 mgd. All treatment works that have design flows greater than or equal to 0.1 million gallons per day must complete questions B.1 through B.6.i C. Certification. All applicants must complete Part C (Certification). SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION INFORMATION: D. Expanded Effluent Testing Data. A treatment works that discharges effluent to surface waters of the United States and meets one or more of the following criteria must complete Part D (Expanded Effluent Testing Data): 1. Has a design flow rate greater than or equal to 1 mgd, 2. Is required to have a pretreatment program (or has one in place), or 3. Is otherwise required by the permitting authority to provide the information. E. Toxicity Testing Data. A treatment works that meets one or more of the following criteria must complete Part E (Toxicity Testing Data): 1. Has a design flow rate greater than or equal to 1 mgd, 2. Is required to have a pretreatment program (or has one in place), or 3. Is otherwise required by the permitting authority to submit results of toxicity testing. F. Industrial User Discharges and RCRA/CERCLA Wastes. A treatment works that accepts process wastewater from any significant industrial users (Sills) or receives RCRA or CERCLA wastes must complete Part F (Industrial User Discharges and RCRA/CERCLA Wastes). Sills are defined as: 1. All industrial users subject to Categorical Pretreatment Standards under 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 403.6 and 40 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter N (see instructions); and 2. Any other industrial user that: a. Discharges an average of 25,000 gallons per day or more of process wastewater to the treatment works (with certain exclusions); or b. Contributes a process wastestream that makes up 5 percent or more of the average dry weather hydraulic or organic capacity of the treatment plant; or c. Is designated as an SIU by the control authority. G. Combined Sewer Systems. A treatment works that has a combined sewer system must complete Part G (Combined Sewer Systems). ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE PART C (CERTIFICATION) EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 1 of 22 FACIUTY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Creswell WWTP, NC0048861 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Modification RIVER BASIN: Pasquotank BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION PART A. BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION FOR ALL APPLICANTS: All treatment works must complete questions A.1 through A.8 of this Basic Application Information Packet. A.1. Facility Information. Facility Name Mailing Address Contact Person Title Telephone Number Facility Address (not P.O. Box) Creswell Wastewater Treatment Plant P.O. Box 68 Creswell. North Carolina 27928-0068 Neal Place WWTP Operator. ORC j252) 797-4852 NCSR 1155 South of Creswell Creswell. North Carolina A.2. Applicant Information. If the applicant is different from the above, provide the following: Applicant Name Town of Creswell Mailing Address P.O. Box 68 Creswell. North Carolina 27928-0068 Contact Person William J. White Title Mayor Telephone Number 1252) 797-4852 Is the applicant the owner or operator (or both) of the treatment works? ® owner ® operator Indicate whether correspondence regarding this permit should be directed to the facility or the applicant. 0 facility ® applicant A.3. Existing Environmental Permits. Provide the permit number of any existing environmental permits that have been issued to the treatment works (include state -issued permits). NPDES UIC RCRA NC0048861 PSD Other Other A.4. Collection System Information. Provide information on municipalities and areas served by the facility. Provide the name and population of each entity and, if known, provide information on the type of collection system (combined vs. separate) and its ownership (municipal, private, etc.). Name Population Served Type of Collection System Ownership Creswell WW System 200 Separate Municipal Total population served 200 EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 2 of 22 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Creswell, NC0048861 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Modification RIVER BASIN: Pasquotank A.5. Indian Country. a. Is the treatment works located in Indian Country? ❑ Yes ® No b. Does the treatment works discharge to a receiving water that is either in Indian Country or that is upstream from (and eventually flows through) Indian Country? ❑ Yes ®No A.6. Flow. Indicate the design flow rate of the treatment plant (i.e., the wastewater flow rate that the plant was built to handle). Also provide the average daily flow rate and maximum daily flow rate for each of the last three years. Each year's data must be based on a 12-month time period with the 12th month of "this year" occurring no more than three months prior to this application submittal. a. Design flow rate 0.064(Ex.110.2(Expanded) mgd Two Years Ago Last Year This Year b. Annual average daily flow rate 0.03813/05-2/06) 0.038 (3/06-2/07) 0.030 (3107-2108) c. Maximum daily flow rate 0.088 13/05-2/06) 0.098 (3106-2107) 0.048 (3107-2/08) A.7. Collection System. Indicate the type(s) of collection system(s) used by the treatment plant. Check all that apply. Also estimate the percent contribution (by miles) of each. CO Separate sanitary sewer 100 % 0 Combined storm and sanitary sewer A.8. Discharges and Other Disposal Methods. a. Does the treatment works discharge effluent to waters of the U.S.? ® Yes ❑ No % If yes, list how many of each of the following types of discharge points the treatment works uses: i. Discharges of treated effluent 1 ii. Discharges of untreated or partially treated effluent 0 iii. Combined sewer overflow points 0 iv. Constructed emergency overflows (prior to the headworks) 0 v. Other N/A b. Does the treatment works discharge effluent to basins, ponds, or other surface impoundments that do not have outlets for discharge to waters of the U.S.? 0 Yes If yes, provide the following for each surface impoundment: Location: NIA 0 ® No Annual average daily volume discharge to surface impoundment(s) NIA mgd Is discharge 0 continuous or 0 intermittent? c. Does the treatment works land -apply treated wastewater? 0 Yes ® No If yes, provide the following for each land application site: Location: NIA Number of acres: N/A Annual average daily volume applied to site: NIA mgd Is land application 0 continuous or 0 intermittent? d. Does the treatment works discharge or transport treated or untreated wastewater to another treatment works? ❑ Yes CD No EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 3 of 22 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Creswell WWTP, NCOO48861 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Modification RIVER BASIN: Pasquotank If yes, describe the mean(s) by which the wastewater from the treatment works is discharged or transported to the other treatment works (e.g., tank truck, pipe). N/A If transport is by a party other than the applicant, provide: Transporter Name N/A Mailing Address N/A N/A Contact Person N/A Ttle N/A Telephone Number f N/A) N/A For each treatment works that receives this discharge, provide the following: Name N/A Mailing Address N/A N/A Contact Person N/A Title N/A Telephone Number (N/A) N/A If known, provide the NPDES permit number of the treatment works that receives this discharge N/A Provide the average daily flow rate from the treatment works into the receiving facility. NIA mgd e. Does the treatment works discharge or dispose of its wastewater in a manner not included in A.B. through A.8.d above (e.g., underground percolation, well injection): ❑ Yes ® No If yes, provide the following for each disposal method: Description of method (including location and size of site(s) if applicable): N/A Annual daily volume disposed by this method: N/A Is disposal through this method ❑ continuous or ❑ intermittent? EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 4 of 22 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Creswell WWTP, NC0048861 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Modification RIVER BASIN: Pasquotank WASTEWATER DISCHARGES: If you answered "Yes" to question A.8.a, complete questions A.9 through A.12 once for each outfall (including bypass points) through which effluent is discharged. Do not include information on combined sewer overflows in this section. If you answered "No" to question A.8.a, go to Part B, "Additional Application Information for Applicants with a Design Flow Greater than or Equal to 0.1 mgd." A.9. Description of Outfall. a. Outfall number 001 b. Location Creswell 27928 (City or town, if applicable) Washington (Zip Code) North Carolina (County) (State) 35°51'28" N 76°23'43" W (Latitude) (Longitude) c. Distance from shore (if applicable) 0 ft. d. Depth below surface (if applicable) 0 ft. e. Average daily flow rate 0.2 (Expanded) mgd f. Does this outfatl have either an intermittent or a periodic discharge? 0 Yes ® No (go to A.9.g.) If yes, provide the following information: Number f times per year discharge occurs: N/A Average duration of each discharge: N/A Average flow per discharge: N/A mgd Months in which discharge occurs: N/A g. Is outfati equipped with a diffuser? 0 Yes ® No A.10. Description of Receiving Waters. a. Name of receiving water Scuppernong River b. Name of watershed (if known) Albemarle United States Soil Conservation Service 14-digit watershed code (if known): c. Name of State Management/River Basin (if known): Pasquotank River Basin United States Geological Survey 8-digit hydrologic cataloging unit code (if known): d. Critical low flow of receiving stream (if applicable) acute Tidal cfs chronic Tidal cfs 03010205170010 03010205 e. Total hardness of receiving stream at critical low flow (if applicable): NIA mg/I of CaCO3 EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 5 of 22 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Creswell WWTP, NC0048861 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Modification RIVER BASIN: Pasquotank A.11. Description of Treatment a. What level of treatment are provided? Check all that apply. ® Primary 0 Secondary ® Advanced e Other. Describe: MBR b. Indicate the following removal rates (as applicable): Design BOD5 removal or Design CBOD5 removal 98.8 % Design SS removal 97.5 % Design P removal 75 % Design N removal 90.7 % Other N/A % c. What type of disinfection is used for the effluent from this outfall? If disinfection varies by season, please describe: Ultraviolet Disinfection If disinfection is by chlorination is dechlorination used for this outfall? 0 Yes 0 No Does the treatment plant have post aeration? ® Yes 0 No A.12. Effluent Testing Information. All Applicants that discharge to waters of the US must provide effluent testing data for the following Provide the indicated effluent testing required by the permitting authority for each outfall through which effluent is parameters. discharged. Do not include information on combined sewer overflows in this section. All information reported must be based on data collected through analysis conducted using 40 CFR Part 136 methods. In addition, this data must comply with QA/QC requirements of 40 CFR Part 136 and other appropriate QA/QC requirements for standard methods for analytes not addressed by 40 CFR Part 136. At a minimum, effluent testing data must be based on at least three samples and must be no more than four and one-half years apart. Outfall number. 001 MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE • AVERAGE DAILY VALUE , PARAMETER . Value Units Value Units Plumber of Samples pH (Minimum) 8.85 s.u. /� 1 A pH (Maximum) 9.3 s.u. Flow Rate 0.19 MGD 0.036 MGD DMRs (2/05-2108) Temperature (Winter) 18 °C 10.2 °C DMRs (2105-2/08) Temperature (Summer) 31 °C 22.4 °C DMRs (2105-2108) " For pH please report a minimum and a maximum daily value _ POLLUTANT MAXIMUM DAILY DISCHARGE AVERAGE DAILY DISCHARGE ANALYTI CAL METHOD MIJMDL Conc. Units Conc. Units Number of Samples CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL COMPOUNDS BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (Report one) BOD5 56 mg/L 19.7 mglL DMRs (2/05-2/08) CBOD5 _ — — — - FECAL COLIFORM 8 809 #1100mL 11.2 #1100mL DMRs (2105-2/08) TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS (TSS) 134 mglL 47.7 mg/L DMRs (2105-2108) END OF PART A. REFER TO THE APPLICATION OVERVIEW (PAGE 1) TO DETERMINE WHICH OTHER PARTS OF FORM 2A YOU MUST COMPLETE EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 6 of 22 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Creswell WWTP, NC0048861 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Modification RIVER BASIN: Pasquotank BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION - PART B. ADDITIONAL APPLICATION INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS WITH A DESIGN FLOW GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 0.1 MGD (100,000 gallons per day). All applicants with a design flow rate Z 0.1 mgd must answer questions B.1 through B.6. All others go to Part C (Certification). B.1. Inflow and Infiltration. Estimate the average number of gallons per day that flow into the treatment works from inflow and/or infiltration. 2700 gpd Briefly explain any steps underway or planned to minimize inflow and infiltration. Current collection system is a STEP system and has minimal inflow and infiltration contributing. B.2. Topographic Map. Attach to this application a topographic map of the area extending at least one mile beyond facility property boundaries. This map must show the outline of the facility and the following information. (You may submit more than one map if one map does not show the entire area.) a. The area surrounding the treatment plant, including all unit processes. b. The major pipes or other structures through which wastewater enters the treatment works and the pipes or other structures through which treated wastewater is discharged from the treatment plant. Include outfalls from bypass piping, if applicable. c. Each well where wastewater from the treatment plant is injected underground. d. Wells, springs, other surface water bodies, and drinking water wells that are: 1) within Y mile of the property boundaries of the treatment works, and 2) listed in public record or otherwise known to the applicant. e. Any areas where the sewage sludge produced by the treatment works is stored, treated, or disposed. f. If the treatment works receives waste that is classified as hazardous under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) by truck, rail, or special pipe, show on the map where the hazardous waste enters the treatment works and where it is treated, stored, and/or disposed. B.3. Process Flow Diagram or Schematic. Provide a diagram showing the processes of the treatment plant, including all bypass piping and all backup power sources or redunancy in the system. Also provide a water balance showing all treatment units, including disinfection (e.g., chlorination and dechlorination). The water balance must show daily average flow rates at influent and discharge points and approximate daily flow rates between treatment units. Include a brief narrative description of the diagram. B.4. Operation/Maintenance Performed by Contractor(s). Are any operational or maintenance aspects (related to wastewater treatment and effluent quality) of the treatment works the responsibility of a contractor? IN Yes ® No If yes, list the name, address, telephone number, and status of each contractor and describe the contractor's responsibilities (attach additional pages if necessary). Name: N/A Mailing Address: NIA • Telephone Number (N/A) N/A Responsibilities of Contractor. N/A B.5. Scheduled improvements and Schedules of Implementation. Provide information on any uncompleted implementation schedule or uncompleted plans for improvements that will affect the wastewater treatment, effluent quality, or design capacity of the treatment works. If the treatment works has several different implementation schedules or is planning several improvements, submit separate responses to question B.5 for each. (If none, go to question B.6.) a. List the outfall number (assigned in question A.9) for each outfall that is covered by this implementation schedule. 001 b. Indicate whether the planned improvements or implementation schedule are required by local, State, or Federal agencies. El Yes ■ No EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 7 of 22 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Creswell WWTP, NC0048861 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Modification RIVER BASIN: Pasquotank c. If the answer to B.5.b is "Yes," briefly describe, including new maximum daily inflow rate (if applicable). 0.2 MGD (Design average for expansion) d. Provide dates imposed by any compliance schedule or any actual dates of completion for the implementation steps listed below, as applicable. For improvements planned independently of local, State, or Federal agencies, indicate planned or actual completion dates, as applicable. Indicate dates as accurately as possible. Schedule Actual Completion Implementation Stage MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY - Begin Construction 06/01/2009 /N/A/ - End Construction 11/01/2010 /N/A/ - Begin Discharge 12/01/2010 /N/A/ - Attain Operational Level 06/01/2011 /N/A/ e. Have appropriate permits/clearances concerning other Federal/State requirements been obtained? 0 Yes ® No Describe briefly: The Authorization to Construct Permit and supporting permits will be applied for in August 2008. B.6. EFFLUENT TESTING DATA (GREATER THAN 0.1 MGD ONLY). Applicants that discharge to waters of the US must provide effluent testing data for the following parameters. Provide the indicated effluent testing required by the permitting authority for each outfall through which effluent is dischareed. Do not include information on combine sewer overflows in this section. All information reported must be based on data collected through analysis conducted using 40 CFR Part 136 methods. In addition, this data must comply with QAIQC requirements of 40 CFR Part 136 and other appropriate QA/QC requirements for standard methods for analytes not addressed by 40 CFR Part 136. At a minimum effluent testing data must be based on at least three pollutant scans and must be no more than four and on -half years old. Outfall Number. 001 POLLUTANT . MAXIMUM DAILY DISCHARGE AVERAGE DAILY DISCHARGE ANALY TICAL METRO D ML/MDL Conc..:. ' , . ,.:. Units . ' Conc. • Units • Number of Samples CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL COMPOUNDS AMMONIA (as N) 0.61 mg/L 0.15 mglL DMRs (2105-2108) CHLORINE (TOTAL RESIDUAL, TRC) — mg/L — mg/L DMRs (2105-2108) DISSOLVED OXYGEN — mg/L — mg/L DMRs (2105-2/08) TOTAL KJELDAHL NITROGEN (TKN) 9.85 mg/L 5.68 mglL DMRs (2/05-2/08) NITRATE PLUS NITRITE NITROGEN 0.86 mg/L 0.12 mg/L DMRs (2105-2/08) OIL and GREASE N/A N/A N/A N/A DMRs (2/05-2/08) PHOSPHORUS (Total) 260 mg/L 22.51 mg/L DMRs (2/05-2/08) TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS (TDS) N/A N/A N/A N/A DMRs (2/05-2108) OTHER N/A NIA N/A N/A DMRs (2105-2/08) END OF PART B. REFER TO THE APPLICATION OVERVIEW (PAGE 1) TO DETERMINE WHICH OTHER PARTS OF FORM 2A YOU MUST COMPLETE EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 8 of 22 FACILITY NAME AND PERMIT NUMBER: Creswell WWTP, NC0048861 PERMIT ACTION REQUESTED: Modification RIVER BASIN: Pasquotank BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION * PART C. CERTIFICATION All applicants must complete the Certification Section. Refer to instructions to determine who is an officer for the purposes of this certification. All applicants must complete all applicable sections of Form 2A, as explained in the Application Overview. Indicate below which parts of Form 2A you have completed and are submitting. By signing this certification statement, applicants confirm that they have reviewed Form 2A and have completed all sections that apply to the facility for which this application is submitted. Indicate which parts of Form 2A you have completed and are submitting: Application Information packet: D (Expanded Effluent Testing Data) E (Toxicity Testing: Biomonitoring Data) F (Industrial User Discharges and RCRAICERCLA Wastes) G (Combined Sewer Systems) ►I Basic Application Information packet Supplemental ❑ Part ❑ Part ❑ Part ❑ Part ALL APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATION. I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name and official title William J. White. Mayor ` -; ' •= - -� -- . _.. : Signature �' . �' ' i n� • � } rr d ti i ;f i i ,I t i • • Telephone number (252) 797-4852 III ' _ „ t ,,: AUG 2 2 - .--) II' Date signed 8 i Upon request of the permitting authority, you must submit any other information necessary to assuretwastewater... re, ent practices at the treatment works or identify appropriate permitting requirements. , ,.r ,-• : °.;; ; SEND COMPLETED FORMS TO: NCDENR! DWQ Attn: NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 EPA Form 3510-2A (Rev. 1-99). Replaces EPA forms 7550-6 & 7550-22. Page 9 of 22 NEW 8" INF. SEWER 1142 EXISTING 6" INF. SEWER CRESWELL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT NEW EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN �..Air. ....lit - .r +�♦"• rr- 'r. .a- ..Ib. .. .r` .. .a►. -1� ,_ ►� ;..,• •a.- -a` - .*.. OUTFALL 001 DISCHARGE POINT LAT. 356 51'28"N LONG. 76° 23'43"W 4'-, t-• Creswell EXISTING EFFLUENT OUTFALL _q.. •- „I. _-, — 4i.► ♦.»-r.; .'}. • i1 �e8` we - II i i � 2 -0— .C+ -4'. - . .. - -• • a + _ •+ ;!'.. -4.• .4'. -4'.• • • LEGEND EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN EFFLUENT OUTFALL EX. INFLUENT SEWER NEW INFLUENT SEWER — CRESWELL WWTP 2000' 1000' 0 - - - - - 1 "=2000'-0" 2000' USGS QUADS LEONARDS POINT COLUMBIA WEST CRESWELL CRESWELL SE RECEIVING STREAM: SCUPPERNONG RIVER BASIN: PASQUOTANK tv`�" TWC No. 2279-0 DATE: 7/21/08 SCALE: 1 "�000' 0 111/0/r THE WOOTEN COMPANY ENGINEERING PLANNING ARCHITECTURE SHEET NO. -09 NEW 8' DIA. FORCE MAIN FROM TYRRELL COUNTY . EXIS11NG 8' DIA.00 FORCE MAIN FROM TOWN OF CRESWELL • .. FLOW SPUTTER BOX GRIT REMOVAL INFLUENT MEIER F? 4 Q ItFLUENT PUMPS ROTATING DRUM SCREEN No 1 ROTATING DRUM . . SCREEN No 2 AUG I • • NOTES: 1. DESIGN FLOW - 0.2 MGDG PEAK FLOW - 0.5 MGD EQUALIZATION BASIN ANAEROBIC Sa ECTOR TANG A 4111 r SLUDGE LOADING STATION �-4— RECIRCULATION PUMP RECYCLE PUMP BLOWERS ►-- SLUDGE HOLDING TAPE No 1 WASTE SLUDGE SLUDGE HOLDI TAMCNo2 r-- - ---►- - - , 4 1 IPERMEATE I PUMP imam ANOXIC I.- AEROBI POST - ► Mat ► VOW No1 BASINC No1 BASINC Not No 1 ANOXIC AEROBIC MDR �2 ► BASINo N APOST AIOXIC ► BASIN pp. No 2 TANK No 2 RECYCLE PUMP RECIRCULATION PUMP RAS PUMP ASIE PUMP RAS PUMP 00 Lr iP ATE r'1 FLOW MEIER EFFLUENT PUMP STATION BLOWERS CASCADE AERATION ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION TWC No. 227:A DATE: 7/21/08 SCALE: NONE NORTH CAROLINA WASHINGTON COUNTY Tif THE WOOTEN COMPANY ENGINEERING PLANNING ARCHITECTURE SHEET NO. 1 Re: Question about Creswell WWTP Proposed Expansion Subject: Re: Question about Creswell WWTP Proposed Expansion From: Al Hodge <A1.Hodge@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 10:24:36 -0400 To: Ron Berry <Ron.Berry@ncmail.net> CC: Gil Vinzani <Gil.Vinzani@ncmail.net> Ron Berry wrote: Al, I am currently reviewing the expansion assessment report for a proposed regionalization and up grade of the Creswell WWTP. The existing facility permitted discharge would be increase from 0.064 MGD to 0.200 MGD and will continue to discharge into the Scuppernong River. The proposal is to modify the existing treatment works with a membrane bio-reactor (MBR), UV disinfection, post aeration, decommissioning 2 of the ponds, and converting the remaining pond to an equalization basin. A new regional collection system using low pressure pumps from individual sources is included. In the report the consultant talks about Creswell being very experienced and capable of running and maintaining the new system. I would appreciate any input you can offer. Thanks, Ron hi ron: any request to expand the npdes.permit would likely meet with resistance if the' total pounds of 02 uptake is increased. also, the sucppernong is a canoe trail downstream, and is on a regular schedule with division of water resource, for the spraying for nuisance aquatic weeds, this means nutrient issues. i don't know if we can require nutrient limits; the region would bring this up in the expansion request and we'll see what happens. I'm not a big fan of bio reactors, i also don't like uv after a bio-reactor, i would prefer a technology that would be able to achieve nutrient removal, like an oxidation ditch. i also have concerns about the town having an administration system to control a utility of this size. i've seen to many cases where the town did not have the ability to properly operate, maintain records, give adequate staff support, maintain spare parts for pumps, and other needed system backup after a new expensive system was constructed. i would ask for a man power analysis for the wwtp as well as the collection system, to include when the staff would be required to come on board. i don't believe creswell has a clue what it would take to run a system of that size. Al Hodge Regional Supervisor, Division of Water Quality Surface Water Section Washington Regional Office 1 of 1 8/19/2008 8:38 AM Michael F. Easley, Govemor • State of North Carolina William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coteen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality March 12, 2008 Jennifer Haynie Environmental Assessment Coordinator Construction Grants and Loans Section Subject: Review of Engineering Report/Environmental Assessment By Wooten Company - February 21, 2008 Proposed Creswell Waste Water Treatment Plant Expansion NPDES Permit NC0048861 Dear Ms. Haynie: As requested we reviewed the Wooten Company Engineering Report for the expansion of the Creswell Waste Water Treatment Plant (WW'TP). We have the following observations and comments: 1) In Section A page 18 the statement "NC Division of Water Quality is willing to permit expansion and upgrade of this facility so long as the amount of wastewater pollutants discharged to the Scuppernong River is not increased" cannot be used to justify or to define discharge limits. NPDES limits are expected to reflect best available technology and pollutant limits as defined by North Carolina statutes and federal EPA laws. Appendix 2 has a copy of the Division 2004 response to provide a portion of the applicable Speculative Limits. The Speculative Limits still apply. However, addition limits will also be imposed for example Dissolved Oxygen. 2) The existing WWTP plant operation cannot support an increase in plant loading. The report supports this fact (Section a page 6). 3) In section A page 6 the statement "treat wastewater to secondary standards" is not completely in context. This WWTP is allowed to have "adjusted secondary standards" in this case the Total Suspended Solids exceeds the recognized secondary standard by a factor of 3. Any expansion or WWTP modification disallows the adjusted secondary standard. 4) We have no comments on the alternative analysis. Costs are acceptable. 5) The Division supports replacement of the existing treatment technology at the Creswell WWTP with a more efficient state of the art treatment system. We also expect the treatment plant to strife for operational and/or design optimization that reduces the impact or stress to the Scuppernong River. Currently the Scuppernong is on the impaired water list. 6) Not sure what the discussion about high sodium water is to convey ( Section A page 19) since dedicated irrigation water would not be softened. Do not see any impact other than if sufficient wastewater from a softener operation is introduced in the WWTP influent there may be issues. 7) In Appendix 1 the. Town of Creswell WTP NPDES permit and support documents have been inserted, we assume in error since they bare no relevance. The Town of Creswell WWTP NPDES permit is NC0048861 and was recently approved for renewal in February 2008. The report acknowledges past violations by the current WWTP. Page 1 of 2 Division of Water Quality, Point Source Branch Telephone (919) 733-7015 �.ople 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FAX (919) 733-0719 N Cam ma 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 On the Internet at http://h2o.enr.state.nc us/ ►'� ra��lf An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer 8) Not sure if any modeling is applicable. Recommend you check with Planning. We hope this information is helpful. If you have any questions contact Ron Berry phone (919) 733-5083 x. 531 or email ron.berry@ncmail.net. Sincerel yours, Cc: Gil Vinzani Central File NPDES File Ron Berry NPDES Group Page 2 of 2