HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0040011_Wasteload Allocation_19811002NPDES DOCUMENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0040011 Yanceyville WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance ,Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: October 2, 1981 rhia document is printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the rexerae aide Office to Com c E 0 0 N c) 71. CI) Facility Name. Existing Proposed Design Capacity (MGD): C:• z Industrial (% of Flow): Domestic (% of Flow): V.)0 Date Receiving Stream: Class: C� Sub -Basin: Reference USGS Quad: (Please attach) Requestor• QS. E,t") Regional Office } �� (Guideline limitations, if applicable, are to be listed on the back of this form.) Design Temp.: NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION Permit No.: Pipe No.: County: Avg. Streamflow: 30Q2• v Slope. • ��� ►:�� Location of D.O.minimum (miles below outfall): P � t Velocity (fps) : O , \ c'pS K1 (base e, per day, 20°C) : �' S1 (c13`4) K2 (base e, per day, 20°C) • I. 7 ( .11.z ) 7Q10: r'cc (c� r` 4;r �\c)Q. Drainage Area: Winter 7Q10: 5,,,Pr, r Cry pc cal- 31) Effluent Characteristics Monthly Average Comments Bc.)DS I ` iii N r{"D. -1\4 "'Sit i)G /� C'o 13/1 - - < �(..) m91 r n -6 6-8,5 J. Original Allocation Revised Allocation l,u r kc- r (r.i i Effluent Characteristics Monthly Averagee Comments Bc)D5 Lis °" i Y ii Du "T ` ?, c.) . " RJ I VI 6-8.6 5. ,, Date(s) of Revision(s) (Please attach previous allocation) repared By: i1it� P,Q-•1.1m Reviewed By: %4& Date: ! C/ /Y/ Form #001 WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM #158 Facility Name: Yanceyville Sanitary District County: Caswell Sub -basin: 03-02-04 Regional Office: Winston Salem Requestor: USEPA Type of Wastewater: Industrial Domestic 100 cy If industrial, specify type(s) of industry: Receiving stream: Jail House Branch Class: C Natural stream drainage area at discharge point: 0.4 m12 Other stream(s) affected: Country Line Cr, Class: A -II 7Q10 flow at point of discharge: 0 cfs - summer & winter 4Y't'Pr) 30Q2 flow at point of discharge: Recommended Effluent Limitations YJp.ZER QUAIL 3 D Monthly Avg. Summer (April 1 to Oct. 31) Winter (Nov. 1 to March 31) Qw = 0.2 MGD BOD5 = 12 mg/1 NH3-N = 2 mg/1 DO = 6 mg/1 Fecal Coliform = 1000/100 ml TSS = 30 mg/1 pH = 6-8.5 SU Qw = 0.2 MGD BOD5 = 16 mg/1 NH3-N = 5 mg/1 DO = 6 mg/1 Fecal Coliform = 1000/100 ml TSS = 30 mg/1 pH = 6-8.5 SU This allocation is: / / for a proposed facility / / for a new (existing) facility (velocity changed due // a revision of existing limitations to dye study) / / a confirmation of existing limitations Recommended and reviewed by: 44 Date: Head, Techncial Services Bra' ch Date: Reviewed by: Regional Supervisor ,, �i Date: Permits Manager (�, ,�---� ,i Date: Approved by: Division Director Date: Form #001 WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM #158 Facility Name: Yanceyville Sanitary District County: Caswell Sub -basin: 03-02-04 Regional Office: Winston Salem Requestor: US EPA Type of Wastewater: Industrial Domestic 100 If industrial, specify type(s) of industry: Receiving stream: Country Line Creek Other stream(s) affected: Class: Class: 7Q10 flow at point of discharge: 1.7 cfs 30Q2 flow at point of discharge: A -II Natural stream drainage area at discharge point: 46.8 mil Recommended Effluent Limitations Monthly Avg. Qw = 0.2 MGD BOD5 = 30 mg/1 TSS = 30 mg/1 pH = 6-9 SU Fecal Coliform = 1000/100 ml This allocation is: // / / / / Recommended and reviewed by: Head, Techncial Services Reviewed by: Regional Supervisor Permits Manager Approved by: Division Director for a proposed facility possible 201 site for a new (existing) facility a revision of existing limitations a confirmation of existing limitations ti4 Date: /j 441. � Date: Date: Date: Date: 66v4ACpE TeCkTME LAN.lal7D y0.tG6y ���