HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-03593_Well Construction - GW1_20220328 -WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For ln[cnml Use ONLY: This fornt can b.uscd.for si ngk or mullipic wells 1.Well Contractor Infor oration: LAVATER:ZONVS' Brian Ewing FROM To I UP"WRIPTTON %Fell Contractor Narm ft. re 4240-B r -T3. UTP.R CASINGfor`aiuNi=aisiitr'eFls-ORUNER it.-a' ticable NC t1CIl Gornt;lClorCC.nlfh"otion NlntbCt `FROM To 01A01FT,R 1111claNM, MATERIAL, SAEDACCO Inc 0 fl. 25 (1. 1" to. SCH-40 PVC (oolpany Ninte A&INNLtR f A'INC OR 771B1I�C atEnrrualcbsrd ti�f� ,. FROM TO DLA\tETER TIIICKNEgg I SATERIAL 2.Well Construction Permit#: last all applirable wrlf prrrnit.r(Lr.Crnmrv.Sine.Vaariwwr.Trf r6cirT eir.) a. A. itx. 3.Well Vic(check well use): a 7:scRL!N Water Supph°Well: FROM I TO I PIAM .TFR 1.OTS17S- I TRIC1CNESS I MATERIAL ElAgricaltural L"lMuoicipa l ttblic 25 ft. 35 fry 1" in. .010 SCH-40 PVC 043cothemlal(Fle1lingrC00ho_R Supply) 1311esidentiil Water Supply(single) A. ft. 0 hudustriaUCommsrcial 011csidential Water Supph'(shared) 'IR'GROUT FROM I TO MATERIAL I FMPI.ACEMENTMFTTIOn&AMOUNT Dim ation ft. ft. Non-Water Supply Well: f1. A. 6 manitorintt ORccovcry Injection Well: OAquifcrltcchargc 043roUndn icrRcuicdiation .19,-SANbIC,RAVEL PACK fir `ilkablc . FROM TO N+ITFNIAt. FMFI ACIAIENTMF"rn01r 1]Aquifcr$torlgearidRtrovrq' ❑$aliniq'HatriCr 23 ft. 35 ft. I FILTER SAND # 2 DAquifer Test O$tormivmcr Drainage ft. ft. ❑E%VcrimcntilTechnology OSRbsidcnccC;ontrll '20:�DRII.IJe1'G'GOG(aitaeh'addflii»®I shre(s if nec�ti>ary ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) DTracet 0 1 DFSCRiPTION fe0br,6ptdnrc st lYtmklr n�be.elrl OGeothenual(tleatiggtpolitie Retuto) DOther(ex fain under#21 Remarks) 0 ft. 15 ft. FILL SILT AND SAND r 15 ft. 25 to. SILTY SAND 3.Date iVcil(v)CongllCted; 3-10-22 Wel11O#DPT-OI-D 25 ft. 30 ft. MOIST SILTY SAND Sa•Well Lfrcathm: 30 f6 35 ft. SILTY SAND MOIST TO WET Energizer Greenville ft. ft. FnciliiVMvncr Nin+c Facilhy IDk(if applicable) ft. ft. IV ML 3040 Evans St., Greenville, NC, 27834 ft. ft. P1tisical Addmss.City.and Zip 21:RFiItA1tKS"'' Pitt BENTONITE SEAL 21 TO 23' IrA C.'ei+nxh' Pastelld•niiticalionNO.(PiN) Ir!FOf x Sh.Latitude and J onRiTude in degrecslminutc0cconds or decimal degrees: 22.Certification- (if sell Pxcld,one l:tt+long i%Snllicicinl N „ _ Brian EW n, 3/16/2022 StgruturofCcrtif>d14'c1lCorngctor r_ Dauc__ 2 6..h(are)the well(s): UPennanent or ZTemporvey M signing this helm,I hereh)e'rrlifr rhrtr the ierlh,.+l nvs fwrm)corauneted is rxrnrrlanee with 15,1 NCAC 02C.010)ar 15A NOW 02C,02P0 Itr'lf CattArmetio-q Srntyfalift rfni111kq1(T 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: OVc. or Rt No r<»y Of this rrcotll 1utc henx p101-44-d tb)hr UVI!MOW. 1/this is a FrImir,fill rnitknown weU consnwtkrn hrfortnarion end e.rpinht the tu7rare if the rgwir asder*21 rrmarkv srrtias or rut the hail nfthfs form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of.this page to provide additional well site details or well R.Number of wells constructed: 1 construction delaits. You tray also attach additional pages if imc essary. For tnulripJr inje coon o?nevo-wirer mplfy melts UA'1,T'xcfrh the some construcrlar,coo corn .%uhn cane form sunmijaAL CNS"(!I T ONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 35 (n,) 24a. For All Wells: Submlil this form wi(hin 30 days of completion of hell For multiple wells list at)depths!j doerew ierampte-3@2010'myl 20 Hun comstruetionto the following; 10.Static water level below top of caring: (n,) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing knit, Jf eviler k spl is al,m'r(,?Wfq,aw"4, 1617 Afail Service Center,RAleit;h,NC 276"-1617 11.Borehole diameter,2.25" (ia) 24b.For llda lon We11c ONLY: In addition to sending the form to Ilse address in 24aabove. also submit a copy of this font within A days of completion of well 12.Well construction nwthod: DRIVEN construction to the following: (i.c.auger.retry.cable.direel pessh etc-) Division of Water Resouro:6.Underground injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh,SC 276994636 13a.Yield(Upm) Method of test: 24c.For Water Suppiv&iniiectiinr W'clIs: Also submit one copy of ibis form within 30 daysofcompletionof 13h.Disinfection type: _ Amount _ well constnrction to the county health dcpnmmcn of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 Nanb Carolina Depaninew of Enx ironflmu and Nantral Resources-Dig iiion of lWnicr Resototxs Revised August 2t113