HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0088153_Permit (Issuance)_20051230NPDES DOCUMENT :MCANNINO COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0088153 Linville Riverbend RV Park Document Type:/Permifsuance` `+3.y.>. by '4wyacA'kW,YM: Xa+..A/M"✓Ftiv n. v. � x�.V�„y-. Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Owner Name Change Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: December 30, 2005 This document is printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the rezrerse side Michael F. Easley, Governor State of North Carolina William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality December 30, 2005 Mr. Shane 011is 853 Albelia Road Columbia, South Carolina 29205 Subject: Issuance of NPDES Permit NC0088153 Linville Riverbend WWTP Avery County Dear Mr. 011is: Division personnel have reviewed and approved your application for renewal of the subject permit. Accordingly, we are forwarding the attached NPDES discharge permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency dated May 9, 1994 (or as subsequently amended). This final permit contains no significant changes from the draft you were sent on November 9, 2005. If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this letter. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings (6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714). Unless such demand is made, this decision shall be final and binding. Please note that this permit is not transferable except after notice to the Division. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, the Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local governmental permit that may be required. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Toya Fields at telephone number (919) 733-5083, extension 551. Sincerely, Alan W. Klimek, P.E. cc: Central Files Asheville Regional Office/Surface Water Protection NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone (919) 733-7015 FAX (919) 733-0719 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 On the Internet at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer one Carolina Naturally Permit NC0088153 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provisions of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Water Quality Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Linville Riverbend RV Park is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at Linville Riverbend WWTP US Highway 221 3 miles south of Crossnore Avery County to receiving waters designated as the Linville River in the Catawba River Basin in accordance with the discharge limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III, and IV hereof. This permit shall become effective February 1, 2006. This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on January 31, 2010. Signed this day December 30, 2005. • W. Klimek, P.E., Director ision of Water Quality By the Authority of the Envirorunental Management Commission • Permit NC0088153 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET All previous NPDES Permits issued to this facility, whether for operation or discharge are hereby revoked. As of this permit issuance, any previously issued permit bearing this number is no longer effective. Therefore, the exclusive authority to operate and discharge from this facility arises under the permit conditions, requirements, terms, and provisions included herein. The Linville Riverbend RV Park is hereby authorized to: 1. Operate a domestic wastewater treatment facility located on US Highway 221, 3 miles south of the Town of Crossnore, Avery County. 2. Upon receipt of an Authorization to Construct from the Construction Grants and Loans Section, construct wastewater treatment facilities not to exceed 0.018 MGD. 3. After submitting an Engineer's Certification, discharge wastewater from said treatment works at the location specified on the attached map into the Linville River which is dassified B; Tr waters in the Catawba River Basin. Linville Riverbend WWTP - NC0088153 USGS Quad Name: Linville Falls Receiving Stream: Linville River Stream Class: B; Tr Subbasin: Catawba — 03 08 30 Lat.: 35°59'06" Long.: 81°56'57" Discharge location Facility Location Not to SCALE 9 Permit NC0088153 A(1). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS During the period beginning upon receipt of an Engineers Certification and lasting until permit expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge treated domestic wastewater from outfall serial number 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: T?��-,: L i . h R s . „ � r' ,3 r g .- .... _Average Y'" ' • ____ _ . '4i�t requennc i'y ype . le Location.. Flow 0.018 MGD Continuous Recording E BOD, 5 day, 20°C 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L Weekly Grab E Total Suspended Solids 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L Weekly Grab E NH3.N 2/Month Grab E Fecal Coliform 200/100 mL 400/100 mL Weekly Grab E pH Between 6.0 and 9.0 s.u. Weekly Grab E Temperature Weekly Grab E Dissolved Oxygen Weekly Grab E Total Residual Chlorine' 17.0 pg/L Weekly Grab E Notes: 1. TRC limit and monitoring requirements shall apply only if chlorine is used for disinfection. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or foam visible in other than trace amounts. . PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION/NPDES UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO ISSUE A NPDES WASTEWATER PERMIT On the basis of thorough staff review and application of NC General Statut 143.21, Public law 92-500 and other lawful standards and regulations, th North Carolina Environmental Management Commission proposes to issu a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) wastewate discharge permit 10 the person(s) listed below effective 45 days from th=FFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION publish date of this notice. • Written comments regarding the proposed permit will be accepted until 3 days after the publish date of this notice. All comments received prior t that date are considered in the final determinations regarding the propose Permit. The Director of the NC Division of Water Quality may decide t hold a public meeting for the proposed permit should the Division receive significant degree of public interest. Copies of the draft permit and other supporting information on file used 1 determine conditions present in the draft permit are available upon reque and. payment of the costs of reproduction. Mail comments and/or request �R'1'H CAROLINA for information to the NC Division of Water Quality at the above address o call the Point Source Branch at (919) 733-5083, extension 520. Please includ fhe NPDES permit number (attached) in any communication. Intereste persons may also visit the Division of Water Quality at 512 N. Salisbur Street, Raleigh, NC 27604-1148 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 1 review information on file. fore the undersigned, a Notary Public of said The Linville Riverbend RV Park (853 Albelia Road, SC 29205) has applie for renewal of NPDES permit NC00088153 for the Linville Riverbend R iv Park WWTP in Avery County. This proposed facility will discharge 0.01 MGD of 'treated wastewater to the Linville River in the Catawba River B❑ sin. Currently total residual chlorine is water quality limited. This dis charge may affect future allocations in this portion of the Catawba Rive Basin. Haywood County Schools has applied for renewal of NPDES perm NC0067351 for the Bethel School WWTP in Haywood County. This permitte n facility discharges treated wastewater to Bird Creek in the French Broa fr�ct" River Basin. Currently, total residual chlorine is water quality limited gaged inpublication of a newspaper known as This discharge may affect future allocations in this portion of the water gag shed. le Asheville Citizen -Times, published, issued, The USDA Forest Service has applied for renewal of NPDES permit NC0020486 for the North Mills River Recreation Area WWTP in Hendersord entered as second class mail in the Cit of County. This permitted facility discharges treated wastewater to the Nortt y Fork Mills River in the French Broad River Basin. Currently, total residua.heville in said County and State; that he is chlorine is water quality limited. This discharge may affect future alloca 'ions in this portion of the watershed. thorized to make this affidavit and sworn Fletcher Academy, Inc., has applied for renewal of permit N00036641 for it: Fletcher Academy WWTP in Henderson County. This permitted facility disitement; that the notice or other legal charges treated wastewater to Byers Creek in the French Brood River Ba sin. Currently BOD, ammonia nitrogen, fecal coliform and total residua a true copy of which is attached chlorine are water quality limited. This discharge may affect future alloca Lions in this portion of the French Broad River Basin. reto, was published in The Asheville Citizen- 1NCOMBE COUNTY SIO Van Wingerden International, Inc. has applied for renewal of NPDES per mit NC0070335 for the Van Wingerden International, Inc. WWTP in Hendermes on the following date: November 11, 2005 in son County. This permitted facility discharges treated wastewater to Bran dy Bronch in the French Broad River Basin. Currently, ammonia nitrogenich said notice, paper, document or legal and total residual chlorine are water quality limited. This discharge ma, affect future allocations in this portion of the watershed. .vertisement were published were, at the time of Clement -Pappas NC, Inc. has applied for renewal of NPDES permi NCD0079251 for the Clemens -Pappas NC, Inc. facility in Henderson count,ch and every publication, a newspaper meeting all This permitted facility discharges non contact cooling water to Mud Cree in the French Broad River Basin. Currently, total residual chlorine is wale the requirements and qualifications of Section 1- quality limited. This discharge may affect future allocations in this portio of the watershed. 17 of the General Statues of North Carolina and • NPDES Permit Number NC0060534, City of Brevard, Transylvania County ,j,f,has applied for renewal of its permit for a facility discharging treated wasils a qualified newspaper within the meaning of -water to the French Broad River in the French Broad River Basin. Cur rently fecal coliform and total residual chlorine are water quality limitedction 1-597 of the General Statues of North This discharge may affect future allocations in this portion of the receivint stream. rolina. A & D Water Services, Inc. has applied for renewal of NPDES permit NC0046858 for the Sherwood Forest WWTP in Transylvania County. Thin permitted facility discharges treated wastewater to the Little River in the French Broad River Basin. Currently, total residual chlorine is water qualr led this 14th, Novembe,_ 005 ' ity limited. This discharge may affect future allocations in this portion o the watershed. Taylor Togs, Inc. has applied for renewal of NPDES permit NC0023566 for the Taylor Togs, Inc. facility in Yancey County. This permitted facility dis rr1 < ��,� > charges treated wastewater to Little Crabtree Creek in the French Broac tt• River Basin. Currently, total residual chlorine is water quality limitedn u . of person ma 'ng affidavit) This discharge may affect future allocations in this portion of the water shed. The Buncombe County Board of Education has applied for renewal of per �J mit N00061182 for its North Carolina High School WWTP in Buncombeorn to and subscribed before me the r ''IIr County. This permitted facility discharges treated wastewater to Stanfielc f'r Branch in the French Broad River Basin. Currently BOD, ammonia nitro- gen, fecal coliform and total residual chlorine are water quality limited,vember 2005 This discharge may affect future allocations in this portion of the Frencf Broad River Basin. runty and State, duly commissioned, qualified and horized by law to administer oaths, personally eared Darryl Rhymes, who, being first duly orn, deposes and says: that he is the Legal ling Clerk of The Asheville Citizen -Times, Buncombe County Board of Education has applied for renewal of permi NC0066796 for its Leicester Elementary School WWTP in Buncombe Coun � { ty. This permitted facility discharges treated wastewater to Sluder Braac in the French Broad River Basin. Currently BOD,ammonia nitrogen, feca coliform and total residual are water quality limited. This discharge ma affect future allocations in this portion of the French Broad River Basin. Buncombe County Board of Education has applied for renewal of permi n� NC0073814 for its North Buncombe Elementary School WWTP in Buncom.; (, County. This permitted facility discharges treated wastewater to Dic 1� Branch in the French Broad River Basin. Currently BOD, ammonia nitr. gen, fecal coliform and total residual chlorine are water quality limited This discharge may affect future allocations in this portion of the Frenc Broad River Basin. Buncombe County Board of Education has applied for renewal of permi NC0086436 for its Cane Creek Elementary School WWTP in Buncom County. This permitted facility discharges treated wastewater to Can Creek in the French Broad River Basin. Currently BOD, ammonia nitr04 Fr gen, fecal coliform and total residual chlorine are water quality limited This discharge may affect future allocations in this portion of the French Broad River Basin. Ty P blic) C,,mmission expires the 3rd day of S4lit rni 8. -< PUBLIC o r -G2 , ,,,,MBE,,,,,,.. ,t Re V211 Cie. 1 /9la' November 11, 2005 NCDENR/DWQ FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT DEVELOPMENT Linville Riverbend RV Park NC0088153 Facility Information (1.) Facility Name: Linville Riverbend WWTP (2.) Permitted Flow (MGD): 0.018 (6.) County: Avery (3.) Facility Class: II (7.) Regional Office: Asheville (4.) Pretreatment Program: N/A (8.) USGS Topo Quad: D11NW (5.) Permit Status: New (9.) USGS Quad Name: Linville Falls Stream Characteristics (1.) Receiving Stream: Linville River (7.) Drainage Area (mi2): 36 (2.) Sub -basin: 03-08-30 (8.) Summer 7Q10 (cfs): 13 (3.) Stream Index Number: (9.) Winter 7Q10 (cfs): (4.) Stream Classification: B; Tr (10.) 30Q2 (cfs): (5.) 303(d) Status: Not listed (11.) Average Flow (cfs): 82.8 (6.) 305(b) Status: - (12.) IWC %: 0.21 Summary Linville Riverbend RV Park is a proposed recreational facility on 14.16 acres, bordering U.S. Highway 221 on the north and the Linville River on the south. The site will encompass 150 full hook-up campsites for RV and tent campers. Streamflow estimates were performed by USGS and submitted by the facility as part of the EAA. A level B model was performed for the proposed discharge and secondary limits were shown to protect the receiving stream. The facility will receive a TRC limit of 17.0 pg/L since it discharges to a trout stream. NC0088153 Facility: Linville Riverbend RV Park Discharge to: Linville River B;Tr Residual Chlorine 7Q10 (CFS) DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (UG/L) UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (UG/L) IWC (%) Allowable Conc. (ug/I) Fecal Limit Ratio of 465.9 :1 13 0.018 0.0279 17.0 0 0.21 7938.15 Not Required For Minor domestic -type facilities• Minimum of 2 mg/I (summer) NH3-N; 4 mg/I (winter) NH3-N Ammonia as NH3 (summer) 7010 (CFS) DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (MG/L) UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (MG/L) IWC (%) Allowable Concentration (mg/I) Ammonia as NH3 (winter) 7Q10 (CFS) DESIGN FLOW (MGD) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) STREAM STD (MG/L) UPS BACKGROUND LEVEL (MG/L) IWC (%) Allowable Concentration (mg/I) Chlorine: Residual chlorine must be capped at 28 ug/I to protect for acute toxicity effects 13 0.018 0.0279 1.0 0.22 0.21 364.44 0 1.8 0.22 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! MODEL INPUTS FOR LEVEL B ANALYSIS GENERAL INFORMATION Facility Name: AJVf LLE 21V( e(i'✓1 g_v /t9 NPDESNo.: /ife0O6(Sj Type of Waste: /OD°/a ,F -I) C Facility Status: /uf (A.) Receiving Stream: 1i -11// (-(j I✓ 1 VFW Stream CIassification: 13 - I / Subbasin: Q — 0 8 -so g,/a County: �/ V Regional Office: Topo Quad: /1 t4> d, 0 III I"J tJ FLOW INFOON USGS# Date of Flow Estimates: 5/226 QS - irylai / o- , L.v\- i A-;CVO 1 Drainage Area (mi2): 3(0 Summer 7Q10 (cfs): /3 Winter 7Q10 (cfs): Average Flow (cfs): 7 F U 30Q2 (cfs): IWC at Point of Discharge (%): Cummulative IWC (%): :i$Yif,.CNv•sy.F i, vY!v .W}nv •:F},.{• �" 9Y:f., f.l::..}:.... { n ]}./�t .... / F,..< ,K�Z.•:GJf. f.:.: t.. .:�n4y g,.v nFh�'?%�G.;iAY .f n - '>L',c : h `•\0t<au ... . , {{.. Y�♦ . O.N:n?�4-FX}:2' is .c1r+: } '{ �,S ` sjY..�e.: ,8..,. v. ..n..:: ::w.,Fn : . `e, f:l .%/ f ::f •: ` � n .a. a ' ccx- .%+•`4. l<ct f.,C.iv '.h:Y:4 ...i !.t:.iR:>- ` � i::}.,�- .. >.,.. .�F:�y::;y, :,,N. . :ii{::::ti::::;> fo:<.ii2 ;:..-.....✓-.:Y..:: .:. ' :o ....,..... :r::::.: MODEL INPUT INFORMATION g LENGTH OF REACH (miles) 1. -7 O. 1 INCREMENTAL LENGTH (miles) Q, ( D f I 0 r WASTE CHARACTERISTICS FLOW (MGD) , 0/ CBOD (mg/1) [/69,/jA ,6^,,-f5 : NBOD (mg/1) 0' D.O. (mg/1) 0 RUNOFF CHARACTERISTICS 7Q10 (cfs/mi2) QA (cfs/rni2) CBOD (mg/1) NBOD (mg/1) D.O. (mg/1) TRIBUTARY CHARACTERISTICS 7Q10 (cfs) QA (cfs) CBOD (mg/1) NBOD (mg/1) D.O. (mg/1) SLOPE (fpm) (3 023. 5. 4D0 Name of facility gi7g 2inuiiie V Polk SUMMER MODEL RESULTS Discharger : LINVILLE RIVERBEND RV PARK Receiving Stream : LINVILLE RIVER The End D.O. is 8.19 mg/l. The End CBOD is 1.61 mg/l. The End NBOD is 0.81 mg/1. Segment 1 Reach 1 Reach 2 Reach 3 DO Min (mg/1) Milepoint Reach # 7.42 0.00 1 WLA WLA WLA CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mgd) 45.00 0.00 0.00 90.00 0.00 0.00 iJcx/ ') 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01800 0.00000 0.00000 . SUMMER 1 1 Seg # I Reach # I Seg Mi 1 =.:: CBOD I NBOD I Flow 1 1 0.00 7.42 2.09 1.19 13.03 1 1 0.10 . 0 2.08 1.18 13.03 1 1 0.20 7.56 2.07 1.17 13.03 1 1 0.30 7.62 2.06 1.17 13.03 1 1 0.40 7.67 2.05 1.16 13.03 1 1 0.50 7.72 2.04 1.15 13.03 1 1 0.60 7.76 2.03 1.14 13.03 1 1 0.70 7.79 2.01 1.13 13.03 1 1 0.80 7.83 2.00 1.13 13.03 1 1 0.90 7.86 1.99 1.12 13.03 1 1 1.00 7.88 1.98 1.11 13.03 1 1 1.10 7.91 1.97 1.10 13.03 1 1 1.20 7.93 1.96 1.09 13.03 1 1 1.30 7.95 1.95 1.09 13.03 1 1 1.40 7.96 1.94 1.08 13.03 1 1 1.50 7.98 1.93 1.07 13.03 1 1 1.60 7.99 1.92 1.06 13.03 1 1 1.70 8.00 1.91 1.06 13.03 1 1 1.80 8.02 1.90 1.05 13.03 1 1 1.90 8.03 1.89 1.04 13.03 1 1 2.00 8.03 1.88 1.03 13.03 1 1 2.10 8.04 1.87 1.03 13.03 1 1 2.20 8.05 1.86 1.02 13.03 1 1 2.30 8.06 1.85 1.01 13.03 1 1 2.40 8.06 1.84 1.00 13.03 1 1 2.50 8.07 1.83 1.00 13.03 1 1 2.60 8.07 1.82 0.99 13.03 1 1 2.70 8.08 1.81 0.98 13.03 1 1 2.80 8.08 1.80 0.98 13.03 1 1 2.90 8.09 1.79 0.97 13.03 1 1 3.00 8.09 1.78 0.96 13.03 1 2 3.00 8.09 1.78 0.96 13.03 1 2 3.10 8.10 1.77 0.95 13.03 1 2 3.20 8.12 1.76 0.94 13.03 1 2 3.30 8.13 1.75 0.93 13.03 1 2 3.40 8.13 1.74 0.93 13.03 1 2 3.50 8.14 1.73 0.92 13.03 1 2 3.60 8.15 1.72 0.91 13.03 1 2 3.70 8.15 1.71 0.90 13.03 1 2 3.80 8.16 1.70 0.89 13.03 1 2 3.90 8.16 1.69 0.88 13.03 1 2 4.00 8.16 1.68 0.87 13.03 1 2 4.10 8.16 1.67 0.86 13.03 1 2 4.20 8.17 1.67 0.86 13.03 1 2 4.30 8.17 1.66 0.85 13.03 1 2 4.40 8.17 1.65 0.84 13.03 1 2 4.50 8.17 1.64 0.83 13.03 1 2 4.60 8.17 1.63 0.82 13.03 1 2 4.70 8.17 1.62 0.81 13.03 1 3 4.70 8.17 1.62 0.81 13.03 1 3 4.80 8.19 1.61 0.81 13.03 Seg # I Reach # I Seg Mi I D.O. I CBOD I NBOD I Flow 1 1 ti *** MODEL SUMMARY DATA *** Discharger Receiving Stream : LINVILLE RIVERBEND RV PARK : LINVILLE RIVER Summer 7Q10 : 13.0 Design Temperature: 25.0 Winter 7Q10 : Subbasin : 030830 Stream Class: B;TR LENGTH SLOPE VELOCITY 1 DEPTH Kd Kd 1 Ka Ka KN mile ft/mi fps ft design @20° design @20° design Segment 1 Reach 1 3.00 13.00 0.381 1.51 0.34 0.27 7.19 6.44 0.44 Segment 1 Reach 2 1.70 23.50 0.453 1.39 0.41 1 0.32 15.42 13.83 0.73 Segment 1 Reach 3 0.10 400.00 1.030 0.92 1.10 0.87 55.75 50.00 0.73 Flow cfs Segment 1 Reach 1 Waste 0.028 Headwaters 13.000 Tributary 0.000 * Runoff 0.000 Segment 1 Waste Tributary * Runoff Segment 1 Waste Tributary * Runoff Reach 2 0.000 0.000 0.000 Reach 3 O .000 O .000 0.000 CBOD mg/1 45.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 0.000 2.000 2.000 0.000 2.000 2.000 * Runoff flow is in cfs/mile NBOD D.O. mg/1 mg/1 90.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 7.440 7.440 7.440 0.000 7.440 7.440 0.000 7.440 7.440 CIVIL/ENVIRONMENTAL/WATER/WASTEWATER JOHN T. COXEY CONSULTING ENGINEERING, P.A. September 13, 2005 Mr. Sergei Chernikov, PhD NCDENR Division of Water Quality/NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Re: Engineering AIternative Analysis Linville Riverbend RV Park Avery County Our file 05007 Dear Mr. Chernikov: El 5 .'1 ; 1 ► fI bb P 2 0 2005 Regarding your letter of Junk 29, 2005 and return of the subject EAA, I make the following comments: 1. Three (3) copies of a revised EAA are enclosed. The revisions contain additional comments and text regarding drip irrigation, and spray irrigation, a letter from the Mayor of the Town of Crossnore regarding non-use of the Town's WWTP, and additional comments, cost estimates, and present worth analysis for a treatment plant with and without tertiary treatment and standby generator. Much of this information is shown in Exhibits E through L, which are added since the original submittal. 2. A description of the proposed waste treatment plant and schematic diagram were included in the original submittal. This information begins on Page 6. 3. The site map has been revised to show a proposed treatment plant location and outfall line to the Linville River. 4. Reliability requirements are addressed in Section F, a letter from the power company stating outage durations is included as an Exhibit and cost estimates include a standby generator if this option is required. 5. Additional information is also provided from Southeast Soil Science, Inc. Returned from the original submittal are certified mail receipts for local governments review forms, Application check in the amount of $715.00, and a copy of an e-mail from Mr. J. Curtis Weaver of USGS which addresses low flow characteristics of the Linville River which is classified 13 trout. JOHN T. COXEY, P.E. PRESIDENT 53 FOX CHASE RD. WEST ASHEVILLE, N.C. 28804 PHONE (828) 645-4046 FAX (828) 658-1304 Page Two Mr. Sergei Chernikov Also enclosed is a copy of my original letter of June 6, 2005, which contains information regarding the Basinwide Water Quality Plan, and the 303(d) list. Please review these revisions and additional information and notify my office of further comments. Sincerely, John T. Coxey Consulting Engineering, P. A. John T. Coxey, P. E. JTC/pc Enclosure cc: Shane 4llis w/encl riff fair INA Engineering Alternatives Analysis For Linville Riverbend RV Park Avery County, North Carolina John T. Coxey Consulting Engineering, P. A. 53 Fox Chase Road West Asheville, North Carolina 28804 Telephone No: 828-645-4046 Fax No: 828-658-1304 Revised September, 2005 April, 2005 Oi:•• 'eititt4r7:� •• Project No: 05007''"� T• G� q/3 oS 00.0 CAP/e.g. 2 'Pisa � 1� 7 I. General Information A. Project Identification Facility Name Linville Riverbend RV Park County Avery Facility Address US Highway 221 (3miles south of the Town of Crossnore, North Carolina Owner's Name Mr. Shane 011is 853 Albelia Road Columbia, South Carolina 29205 Owner's Telephone Numbers 803-252-0405 803-429-2475 EAA Preparer's Name John T. Coxey, P. E. John T. Coxey Consulting Engineering, P. A. 53 Fox Chase Road West Asheville, North Carolina 28804 Telephone: 828-645-4046 Fax: 828-658-1304 -1- etS dw B. Description of Project Linville Riverbend RV Park is a proposed recreational facility on 14.16 acres, which borders U.S. Highway 221 on the north, and the Linville River on the south. The site will encompass 150 full hook-up campsites for RV and tent campers. hi accordance with NCDENR regulations, the wastewater flow from this facility will be 18,000 gallons per day (GPD) based on 120 GPD per site. A map of the proposed project is found in the envelope at the back of the report. fibt Mit lug AaIdat II. Evaluation of Disposal Alternatives A. Connection to a Sewer Collection System There is one (1) possible existing sewer collection system in the area within five (5) miles of the proposed project. The Town of Crossnore owns and operates a sewer collection system and wastewater treatment plant. The plant is permitted for 70,000 GPD and discharges to Mill Timber Creek, which is a tributary to the Linville River. This facility discharges upstream of the proposed project. The average daily flow through this plant is currently approximately 45,000 to 50,000 GPD, which is 64% to 71% of plant capacity. The plant is capable of meeting the effluent parameters permitted in the discharge permit, however it is in need of process improvements. The air diffusers in the contact stabilization plant are unable to be removed for periodic maintenance and cleaning grit is presenting a problem with diffuser operation as well as with the clarifier scraper in the circular clarifier; and there is inadequate sludge holding capacity at the plant and the operator is having to pump sludge four (4) to five (5) times a year for disposal at another treatment facility. An additional 18,000 GPD to this plant would magnify the above problems as well as increase the flow through the plant to 90% or more of its capacity, necessitating a major expansion and process improvements, which the Town of Crossnore is not able to undertake at this time. Although this is not the recommended option for this project, wastewater flow from the RV park could be pumped to the Town of Crossnore wastewater treatment plant for treatment. A pumping station and -3- collection line would be constructed within the park and a force main would have to be constructed parallel to the Linville River and across five (5) parcels of private property to the Crossnore treatment plant. The force main would be approximately 3.1 miles in length. The force main could not be constructed along the NCDOT right-of-way of US 221 since DOT will not issue an encroachment permit to a private developer. In addition, obtaining easements from five property owners is not a realistic assumption for this project. Although this option does not appear feasible, a project cost estimate and present worth analysis is shown in Exhibit A. Additionally a letter from the Mayor of Crossnore stating that the town cannot accept this flow is shown as Exhibit I. B. Planned Sewerage Systems At this time there is no area -wide sewerage system being planned within a five -mile radius of this project. C. Land Based Disposal The potential for land based disposal systems on the RV Park property has been initially investigated through preparation of a soil and site evaluation on the 14.16-acre site. Southeast Soil Science, Inc. prepared this report in November, 2004. This report is presented as Exhibit B to this report. The report states that the site is located on the flood plain and low terrace of the Linville River and that the soils limitations are shallow depth to Pet raw /00 isict seasonal high water table. Additionally, under current proposed usage of the site there is not available space for an 18,000-gallon drainfield and repair area. The report also states that it may only be possible to locate some individual septic fields for single-family dwellings in a portion of the site. The report further states that no land -based option exists on the site for its desired use. An additional telephone conversation regarding spray and drip irrigation between Mr. Sergei Chemikov and Mr. John Allison on August 8, 2005 is documented and shown as Exhibit J. D. Additional Land Availability In January, 2005, the developer for the RV Park was made aware that the potential for utilizing an adjacent parcel of property might be feasible. Subsequently, a soil and site investigation was prepared on this property immediately adjacent and west of the RV Park site. Southeast Soil Science, Inc again performed this investigation. The result of this report shows that the areas investigated are not suitable for land based disposal due to shallow depth of bedrock, juxtaposition of side slopes, setbacks and area required for treatment of 18,000 GPD. This report is presented as Exhibit C to this report. Since the original Southeast Soil Science, Inc. report was prepared two (2) additional properties have become available for sale. These properties were examined by Southeast Soil Science, Inc. and a letter dated August 31, 2005 shows the results of these investigations. Both sites are one (1) -5- Re: EAA for Linville Riverbend RV Park Subject: Re: EAA for Linville Riverbend RV Park From: Keith Haynes <Keith.Haynes@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 14:16:57 -0400 To: Toya Fields <toya.fields@ncmail.net> That probably is not too excessive for the land prices. Remember where they are! I am surprised that someone is using 14 acres for an RV park, but I suppose they will get a good return on their investment. Toya Fields wrote: Hi Guys, I have a new permit application here for a Linville Riverbend RV Park in Avery County. This park is a proposed recreational facility on 14.16 acres bordering highway 221 on the north and the Linville River on the south. The site will have 150 full hook-up capsites for RV and tent campers. In the EAA they mention that there are two lots for sale nearby, but the asking price for these lots are $139,000 for .85 acres and $190,000 for 1 acre. The consultant was using these costs to demonstrate the infeasibility of spray irrigation as a discharge alternative. At first glance the costs seemed excessive to us. I thought I would check with you before calling the facility to ask about it. Perhaps there are homes on the properties? Off the tops of your heads, do either of you have any knowledge of land availablility or costs in Avery County? Thanks, Toya Keith Haynes - Keith.Haynes@ncmail.net North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Water Quality Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax: 828-299-7043 Keith Haynes <Keith.Haynes@ncmail.net> NC DENR - Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Water Quality Section 1 of 1 10/3/2005 5:04 PM lie: EAA, Tor Linville Riverbend RV Park Subject: Re: EAA for Linville Riverbend RV Park From: Jim Reid <Jim.Reid@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 14:53:00 -0400 To: Toya Fields <toya.fields C ncmail.net> Toya, I do not know real estate values in Avery County; however, if the lots in question are commercial properties, the values may not be excessive. Jim Toya Fields wrote: Hi Guys, I have a new permit application here for a Linville Riverbend RV Park in Avery County. This park is a proposed recreational facility on 14.16 acres bordering highway 221 on the north and the Linville River on the south. The site will have 150 full hook-up capsites for RV and tent campers. In the EAA they mention that there are two lots for sale nearby, but the asking price for these lots are $139,000 for .85 acres and $190,000 for 1 acre. The consultant was using these costs to demonstrate the infeasibility of spray irrigation as a discharge alternative. At first glance the costs seemed excessive to us. I thought I would check with you before calling the facility to ask about it. Perhaps there are homes on the properties? Off the tops of your heads, do either of you have any knowledge of land availablility or costs in Avery County? Thanks, Toya Jim Reid - Jim.Reid@ncmail.net North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Water Quality Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax: 828-299-7043 Jim Reid <Jim.Reid@ncmail.net> NC DENR - Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Water Quality Section 1 of 1 10/3/2005 5:04 PM *la PiNW Oki da acre or less and are determined not feasible for land based disposal as stated in the letter. This letter is included as Exhibit K in the back of the report. Additionally, it must be pointed out that the asking price for the west lot (0.85 acres) is $139,000.00 while the price on the east lot (1.0 acres) is $190,000.00 which are cost prohibitive for use as land based disposal. Two (2) other properties adjoin the RV park site, one owned by Mr. Robert Wiseman which was addressed in the original Southeast Soil Science, Inc. report, and one owned by Mr. Herman Dellinger. Both of these properties are not for sale. A copy of an e-mail from Mr. Shane 011is is included as Exhibit L stating that they are not for sale and listing the property owners and telephone numbers for verification. E. Wastewater Reuse Due to the projected land use for the RV Park, the property has very limited areas where reclaimed water could be land applied. All of the property will be used for campsites, buildings, or recreational areas. From an economical standpoint, it is not feasible to reduce the scope of the project to less than 150 campsites on this property. For these reasons, this option is not feasible. F. Surface Water Discharge This alternative is the only feasible option for this project and its intended land use. The developer is aware of the probable discharge limits that would be stipulated and the technology is readily available for providing treatment to meet these limits. -6- The option would consist of constructing a package type wastewater treatment facility designed for an average daily flow of 18,000 gallons per day. The discharge would be to the Linville River, which flows adjacent to the project site. The Linville River is classified as B Trout. All wastewater would flow to the plant by gravity collection lines within the RV site. The plant would be constructed on the existing property and irno no easements or additional property would have to be acquired. — The proposed wastewater treatment plant would be dual train consisting of the following components: Flow equalization chamber with duplex equalization pumps. Extended aeration chambers (18,000 gallon total). Duplex blower system for aeration. Dual clarification units with airlift sludge return. t:*4 Tertiary Treatment Unit Sludge holding tank UV Disinfection Standby power generator Other modifications could be made as necessary to meet the discharge limits of an NPDES permit. A cost estimate and present worth analysis for this alternative is shown as Exhibit D. A schematic plant diagram and location of the existing and proposed discharge are shown on the following pages. WA- -7- rat 45tfI AW•4T�fE•YT n.„4,1T ScfE�19�"rL fur.-----R/SCh444166- -6;o7.40/ ,,lir1ir' SzyD6E' ,4LO/W6 /4-2i914/ 47a,9L/Z47742fr' N✓ d/SbticEcT�p.✓ ,¢ER�9Tio�v AfICLatifir 35°59'OO" N /71 -4w/GL6 ,4 z3 [pa,¢,d TOPO! map printed on 05/09/05 from "Untitled,tpo" 81057'00" W WCS84 81°56'00" W MN 3 TN 81°57'00" W WGS84 81056'00" W 1 MILE 0 10 0 }EE( 0 XI IOC() METERS Map created with TOPO!® ©2003 National Geographic (w'. w.nationalgeographic.cort'dtopo) 9 Depending on final effluent limits, the plant could be constructed without tertiary filtration. The campground will have a privately operated water system, which could be constructed with automatic shut-off at power failure and no elevated storage tanks. Additionally, it is possible to build wastewater storage capacity in the collection lines leading to the wastewater plant. Exhibit H shows a past history of power outages over the last two (2) years. It can reasonably be expected that future outages would be on the order of approximately two (2) hours. Two (2) hours of flow at 18,000 GPD equates to 1500 gallons at average daily flow. Even using a peaking factor of 2.0, which would increase the volume to 3,000 gallons, storage could be handled through designing this additional capacity into the equalization tank or by utilizing storage in collection lines. Since final effluent limits are unknown, and the potential exists to not have to provide a stand-by generator, additional costs estimates and present worth analysis are provided as shown in Exhibit E through G for combinations with and without tertiary filtration and a standby generator. G. Disposal Combinations Because no other options of disposal are feasible except a surface water discharge there are no evident disposal combinations to be investigated. -10- III. Comparison of Present Worth Pump Station and Force Main to Town of Crossnore Wastewater Treatment Plant $690,326.00 On -Site Wastewater Treatment Plant Exhibit D Components $585,668.00 Exhibit E Components $528,400.00 Exhibit F Components $567,668.00 Exhibit G Components $510,400.00 -11- IV. Conclusion The information presented herein supports a new 18,000 GPD treatment facility for the Linville Riverbend RV Park. Previous on -site soil investigations conclude that there are no options for land - based disposal. Additionally, there is no adjacent property, which is available for investigation. -12- Exhibit A Project Cost Estimate and Present Worth Analysis Pump Station and Force Main to Town of Crossnore Wastewater Treatment Plant Duplex Sewage Pump Station $100,000.00 16,300 L.F. 4" Force Main ($25/LF) $407,500.00 Standby Power Generator $ 15,000.00 Electrical $ 10,000.00 Sitework $ 5,000.00 Total Estimated Construction Cost $537,500.00 Administration $ 3,000.00 Engineer's Fees $ 10,000.00 Contingencies (10%) $ 53,750.00 Total Project Cost Annual 4 & M Costs $604,250.00 Equipment and Supplies $ 500.00 Utility (Power)10kw x 8 hrs.avg x 365x $0.09/kwh $ 2,628.00 Maintenance Fees $ 5.000.00 Total Annual 0 & M Costs $ 8,128.00 Exhibit A Present Worth Analysis Present Worth of Annual Costs (20 years 7%) Present Worth Factor = 10.59 Present Worth of Annual Costs $8,128.00 x 10.59 Present Worth of Project Cost Total Present Worth $ 86,076.00 $604,250.00 $690,326.00 Ws- co ,-` 4466 t:/d/GG £ /�6�/�•P�/D ? V 7"/"'( e At/ r' ufCh Altar . reps CI . G_em -,'Cutt,`�. tson'{' . Gem •'.. •\0 ,\ 1 • s:'C'rosstiore. QJ. a PI r�l 742,v DA-01054/WA- ? lr ) • NORTH CAROLINA LICENSED • ARPACS and NSCSS CERTIFIED SOUTHEAST SOIL SCIENCE, Inc. JOHN B. ALLISON, President Certified Soil Scientist Since 1981 SEPTIC SYSTEM EVALUATIONS & MANAGEMENT • WETLAND DELINEATION • BIOSOLIDS APPLICATION MANAGEMENT • TRAINING & EDUCATION March 1, 2005 . Mr. Shane 011is 853 Albelia Rd. Columbia, SC 29205 . Dear Mr. 011is, On November 16, 2004, W. Allen Hayes, Jr. of Southeast Soil Science, Inc. conducted a soil and site evaluation on a 14.16-acre tract you own in southern Avery County, NC. • The site is on U.S. Highway 221 and is bordered by the Linville River along its southern . boundary. The purpose of the evaluation was to determine soil and site suitability for a large subsurface wastewater system (LSWS) for a 150-site campground with full hook- ups. According to current regulatory guidelines, this site would generate up to 18,000 gallons/day of wastewater. A map is enclosed showing general landscape features, ' drainage patterns and approximate locations of soil pits and borings. Fieldwork was conducted as follows. The soil was examined in backhoe pits and with a three-inch hand auger. Soil color was determined using Munsell Soil Color Charts. A Suunto clinometer was used to determine soil slope. Recommendations are based on, but not limited to observations made and data collected on topography, landscape position, parent material, underlying geology, and soil characteristics. Soil characteristics include depth to a seasonal high water table (SHWT), depth to a restrictive horizon, total soil depth, soil horizonation, soil structure, soil color, clay mineralogy, bulk density, consistence, plasticity, stone content, and percent sand, silt, clay, and mica. They follow the guidelines established in North Carolina Laws and Rules for Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems, laws amended effective December, 2001 1996, rules amended effective February, 2005. Grading or filling subsequent to fieldwork by Southeast Soil Science, Inc. renders the soil study of those areas null and void. owir- 533 CRABTREE MOUNTAIN ROAD • CANTON NC 28716 • PHONE 828-648-7080 • FAx 828-648-3033 ,e,:r heizi--- Results The site is located on the flood plain and low terrace of the Linville River. The slope ranges from 0 to 5 percent. Two streams dissect the property and converge before draining into the Linville River. A total of 4 pits were described. Six additional pits and one auger boring were examined. Pits 1 through 4 showed evidence of a SHWT at 68, . 60, 17, and 30 inches respectively. The additional pits and auger borings showed a SHWT at 0 to 32 inches below the soil surface. Discussion . The soil limitations to this site are shallow depth to SHWT and available space for an 18,000 gallon primary and repair drainfield. It may be possible to locate some individual septic fields for single-family dwellings in the area represented by pits 1 and 2. However, treatment of 18,000 gallons per day of wastewater is not possible. A preliminary lateral flow analysis using conservative estimates indicates that the area . represented by pits 1 and 2 has a conveyance capacity of about 700 gallons of water per day. The conveyance capacity needs to be 18,000 gallons or more per day. No conventional, innovative, or experimental septic system could overcome these limitations. No land surface discharge system such as spray or drip irrigation could overcome these limitations. Therefore, no land -based option for wastewater disposal . exists on this site for the desired use. Thank you for the opportunity of providing this soils information to you. Please call W. Allen Hayes, Jr. at 828-299-4936 or John B. Allison at 828-648-7080 with questions. Sincerely, eae/A4--ft, John B. Allison Consulting Soil Scientist cc. Mark Brooks, P.E. Brooks & Medlock Engineering, PLLC 17 Arlington Street Asheville, NC 28801 r ,;(////7- OR SOUTHEAST SOIL SCIENCE, Inc. • NORTH CAROLINA LICENSED • ARCPACS and NSCSS CERTIFIED JOHN B. ALLISON, President Certj fled Soil Scientist Since 1981 SEPTIC SYSTEM EVALUATIONS St MANAGEMENT • WETLAND DELINEATION • NOBOLIN APPLICATION MANAGEMENT • SOU. SURVEY • TRADU NG & EDUCATION SNAr1E krav-y Co1.1vt1, hl C • bro- 533 CRABTREE MOUNTAIN ROAD • CANTON NC 28716.828-648-7080 .�4 • NORTH CAROLINA LICENSED • ARPACS and NSCSS CERTIFIED 6,-00/7-67 SOUTHEAST SOIL SCIENCE, Inc. JOHN B. ALLISON, President C'ertijted Soil Scientist Since 1981 S. SEPTIC SYSTEM EVALUATIONS & MANAGEMENT • WETLAND DELINEATION • IIIOSOL.IDS APPLICATION MANAGEMENT • 'TRAINING & EDUCATION A�F raft oak aimo March 9, 2005 Mr. Shane 011is 853 Abelia Road Columbia, SC 29205 Dear Mr. 011is, On January 14, 25, 26, and 27 and February 4, 2005, W. Allen Hayes, Jr. and Jacob Isleib of Southeast Soil Science, Inc. began a soil and site evaluation for a potential large subsurface wastewater system (LSWS). The evaluation is on property immediately adjacent to a 14.16-acre tract you own in southern Avery County, NC. The off -site evaluation was necessary because your property is not capable of accommodating the LSWS. The purpose of the evaluation was to determine soil and site suitability for a large subsurface wastewater system (LSWS) for a 150- site campground with full hook-ups. According to current regulatory guidelines, this site would generate up to 18,000 gallons/day of wastewater. A map is enclosed showing general landscape features, drainage patterns and approximate locations of soil pits and borings. During the second week of February. 2005, work on this project was suspended when preliminary results were not encouraging. The decision was made to pursue a surface water discharge option for this project. This report summarizes the results of the of site evaluation thus far and outlines any future work should this evaluation resume. Fieldwork, thus far, was conducted as follows. The soil was examined in backhoe pits and with a three-inch hand auger. Soil color was measured using Munsell Soil Color Charts. A Suunto clinometer was used to determine soil slope. Recommendations are based on, but not limited to observations made and data collected on topography, landscape position, parent material, underlying geology, and soil characteristics. Soil characteristics include depth to a seasonal high water table (SHWT), depth to a restrictive horizon, total soil depth, soil horizonation, soil structure, soil color, clay mineralogy, bulk density, consistence, plasticity, stone content, and percent sand, silt, clay, and mica. They follow the guidelines established in North Carolina Laws and Rules "Or Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems, laws amended effective December, 2001, rules amended effective February, 2005. Grading or filling which occurs subsequent to this fieldwork renders the soil investigation in the graded area null and void. 533 C RAB'rREE MOUNTAIN ROAD • CANTON NC 28716 • PHONE 828-648-7080 • FAx 828-648-3033 • Mat C_ Results Three areas were in the process of being evaluated (see map). Each area will be summarized in turn, below. Area 1 Area 1 contains Pits 2, 3, 4, and 6 to 19, and Borings 1 and 5. The average slope for Area 1 is 41 percent. The average depth to saprolite is 38 inches. The average depth to weathered bedrock is 83 inches. Typically the subsoil is sandy clay loam to clay loam with weak to moderate blocky structure. The saprolite is typically sandy loam. The majority of the useable area is in a headslope landscape position. Given the shallow depth to weathered bedrock and the convergent nature of the subsurface water flow, Area 1 has a low conveyance capacity. Area 2 Area 2 contains Pits 20 to 32 and Borings 39, 40, and 41. The average slope for Area 2 is 37 percent. The average depth to saprolite is 32 inches. The average depth to weathered bedrock is 67 inches. Typically the subsoil is loam, sandy clay loam or clay loam with weak to moderate blocky structure. The saprolite is typically sandy loam. Area 2 consists of two sideslopes facing each over a dividing intermittent stream. In this situation only one sideslope can be used. The other is saved for the repair area. In addition, areas of non -uniform topography exist. Given the shallow depth to weathered bedrock, the juxtaposition of the sideslopes, and the presence of non -uniform topography, Area 2 also has a Iow conveyance capacity. Area 3 Area 3 contains Pits 33 to 38. The average slope for Area 3 is 42 percent. The average depth to saprolite is 44 inches. The average depth to weathered bedrock is 144 inches. Typically the subsoil is clay loam with moderate blocky structure. The saprolite is typically sandy loam. Area 3 is in a sideslope landscape position. The useable area is triangular in shape with a perennial stream and associated setback on the downhill side and the property line bounding the remaining two sides. The pits were dug and described before the house near Pit 35 was noted. It is assumed that a well is associated with the house. Imposing the 200-foot setback required for a water supply well effectively eliminates a large portion of Area 3. Pits 33, 37 and 38 are located outside of the setback area and describe weathered bedrock at 1 1 1, 100 and 124 inches below the soil surface, respectively. Therefore, given the limited available space and the shallow depth to weathered bedrock, Area 3 has a low conveyance capacity. Wig rs /'/T SOUTHEAST SOIL SCIENCE, Inc. • NORTH CAROLINA LICENSED • ARCPACS and NSCSS CERTIFIED JOFIN B. ALLISON, President Certified Soil Scientist Since 1981 ,arY IC SYSTEM EVALUATIONS & MANAGEMENT • WETLAND DELINEATION • BIQSOLIDB APPLICATION MANAGEMENT • SOIL SURVEY • TRAINING & EDUCATION Sag N MI mik IMO o wl /EA V a., El e--ARsA 'LE ®® Ll 11� tllt 1 ,AREA 3 gouSE SIl: NE OLL1S Off -site e\,aluatiun for a LARGE SUBSURFACE WASTEWATER SYSTEM fora 14. i (; ACRE 51 1.1 in AVER\ (OE \-E 1, N(. INCH 250 FEET ono- _ _o5 533 C RABTREE htourrrAIN ROAD • CANTON NC 28716 • 828-648-7080 • ,6—x/siBiT Future Work Should a permit for a surface water discharge system be denied, you may choose to continue the off -site evaluation. The next step would be to determine the ability of the soils in each area to convey water. This is accomplished by using Compact Constant Head Permeameters to determine the saturated hydraulic conductivity of various horizons in the soil. Once the saturated hydraulic conductivity is determined, conveyance capacity can be calculated. The sum of each investigated area's conveyance capacity will determine 'the size of the campground facility these areas will support" In all likelihood, additional land will be need to be evaluated to reach the 150-site campground goal. Thank you for the opportunity of providing this soils information to you. Please call W. Allen Hayes, Jr. at 828-299-4936 or John B. Allison at 828-648-7080 with questiqns. ' Sincerely. John B. Allison Consulting Soil Scientist 7P- .-7 /<, °''''''7.7.14::Z‘.1 ' %%‘' iti,telt., ‘ \-\:::JL,-,- . / Y , , .:0� 4 i l e, 'r' ` am -' ,-.. 'r r References: Natural Resources Conservation Service. National Soil Survey Center. 1998. Field Book.for Describing and Sampling Soils. United States Department of Agriculture. Lincoln, Nebraska. North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Division of Environmental Health, On -Site Wastewater Section. 1998. Laws and Rules lint Sewage Treatment caul Di.sposa1 Systems. P.O. Box 27687. Raleigh, NC, 2761 1-7687. 3. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Division of Water Quality, Environmental Management Commission. 2000. Administrative Coda Section: 15; t ArC A C 2H . 0 200- Waste Not Discharged to Surface Waters, P.U. Box 27687. Raleigh. NC 2761 1-76S 7 Exhibit D +• Project Cost Estimite and Present Worth Analysis 1114 Package Wastewater Treatment Plant and Discharge With Tertiary Treatment and Standby Generator Wastewater Treatment Plant (with tertiary treatment) $215,000.00 Standby Power Generator $ 15,000.00 Electrical $ 15,000.00 Sitework and Piping $ 10,000.00 UV Disinfection Unit $ 15,000.00 Total Estimated Construction Cost $270,000.00 Administration $ 5,000.00 .., Engineer's Fees $ 15,000.00 Contingencies (10%) $ 27,000.00 Total Project Cost $317:000•00 Annual 0 & M Costs Equipment and Supplies $ 1,000.00 Utility (Power) 15KWx18hrs.avg.x365x$0.09/kwh) $ 8,870.00 Operator Fees $ 12,000.00 Laboratory Costs $ 3,500.00 Total Annual 0 & M Costs $ 25,370.00 Exhibit D Present Worth Analysis Present Worth of Annual Costs (20 years 7%) Present Worth Factor = 10.59 Present Worth of Annual Costs $25,370 x 10.59 $268,668.00 Present Worth of Project Cost $317,000.00 Total Present Worth $585,668.00 4 Exhibit E Protect Cost Estimate and Present Worth Analysis Package Wastewater Treatment Plant and Discharge with Standby Generator and without Tertiary Treatment Wastewater Treatment Plant $170,000.00 Standby Power Generator $ 15,000.00 Electrical $ 15,000.00 Sitework and Piping $ 10,000.00 UV Disinfection Unit $ 15,000.00 Total Estimated Construction Cost $225,000.00 Administration $ 5,000.00 Engineer's Fees $ 13,500.00 Contingencies (10%) $ 22,500.00 Total Project Cost $266,000.00 Annual O & M Costs Equipment and Supplies $ 1,000.00 Utility (Power) 14KWx18hrs.avg.x365x$0.09/kwh) $ 8,278.00 Operator Fees $ 12,000.00 Laboratory Costs $ 3.500.00 Total Annual 0 & M Costs $ 24,778.00 Exhibit E Present Worth Analysis Present Worth of Annual Costs (20 years 7%) Present Worth Factor = 10.59 Present Worth of Annual Costs $24,778 x 10.59 Present Worth of Project Cost Total Present Worth $262.400.00 $266,000.00 $528,400.00 111. Exhibit F Project Cost Estimate and Present Worth Analysis �•. Package Wastewater Treatment Plant and Discharge with Tertiary Treatment and without Standby Power Generator Wastewater Treatment Plant(with tertiary treatment) $215,000.00 Electrical $ 15,000.00 Sitework and Piping $ 10,000.00 UV Disinfection Unit $ 15,000.00 Total Estimated Construction Cost $255,000.00 Administration $ 5,000.00 0.4 Engineer's Fees $ 13,500.00 Contingencies (10%) $ 25,500.00 Total Project Cost $299,000.00 Annual 0 & M Costs Equipment and Supplies $ 1,000.00 Utility (Power) 15KWx18hrs.avg.x365x$0.09/kwh) $ 8,870.00 Operator Fees $ 12,000.00 Laboratory Costs $ 3,500.00 Total Annual 0 & M Costs $ 25,370.00 -! Pw1 PIER so OEM MIR Exhibit F Present Worth Analysis Present Worth of Annual Costs (20 years 7%) Present Worth Factor = 10.59 Present Worth of Annual Costs $25,370 x 10.59 Present Worth of Project Cost Total Present Worth $268,668.00 $299,000.00 $567,668.00 PIM al Exhibit G Project Cost Estimate and Present Worth Analysis Package Wastewater Treatment Plant and Discharge Without Tertiary Treatment or Standby Power Generator Wastewater Treatment Plant $170,000.00 poi Electrical $ 15,000.00 Sitework and Piping $ 10,000.00 UV Disinfection Unit $ 15,000.00 Total Estimated Construction Cost $210,000.00 Administration $ 5,000.00 Engineer's Fees $ 12,000.00 Contingencies (10%) $ 21,000.00 Total Project Cost Annual O & M Costs $248,000.00 Equipment and Supplies $ 1,000.00 ,., Utility (Power) 14KWx18hrs.avg.x365x$0.09/kwh) $ 8,278.00 Operator Fees $ 12,000.00 mir Laboratory Costs $ 3.500.00 Total Annual 0 & M Costs $ 24,778.00 Present Worth of Annual Costs (20 years 7%) am Present Worth Factor = 10.59 OR Present Worth of Annual Costs MI Exhibit G Present Worth Analysis $24,778 x 10.59 Present Worth of Project Cost Total Present Worth $262,400.00 $248,000.00 $510,400.00 ar► FROM : MOIJITA I N ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE FAX NO. : 423-727-1822 Jul. 27 2005 01:13PM P2/2 ELEetitiC OOPERAT[VE July 27, 2005 Mr. Shane 011is 853 Abelia Road Columbia, SC 29205 """ Dear Mr. 011is: Mountain Electric Cooperative (iO4 South Church Street, P.O. Rox 180 Mountain City, TN 376i0-0180 Tcl c p h o nc (423) '7 27.11400 Fax (423) 727-1822 www.intu ntatinc1crtric.com 6,,�1,e,,— 4,1 Per your request we have searched our Outage database to determine the number of times in the last two years that the Township of Altamont had experienced an outage of electrical service. Our records indicate that there have been a total of three outages during this period. Two of these outages were restored within two hours and the third outage , occurred as a result of the movement of the Ivan Hurricane through our service area. This resulted in an outage that lasted approximately 6 hours. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to give me a call Sincerely, Richard Grubb Director Engineering & Operation Mountain Electric Cooperative 423-727-7308 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. Box 1240 Newland. North Carolina 28657-1240 Tehtphonct 828-733-0159 Fax 828-733-3213 JUL 27,2005 02:08P BRANCH OFFICE P.O. Aox 103 Roan Mountain, Team:N cr. 37687.0103 Telephone 423-772-3521 Fax 423-772-4340 423 727 1822 page 2 SEP-12-2005 08:46A FROM: TO:18266581304 P:1/1 MEND AIM TOWN OF CROSSNORE September 9, 2005 John T. Coxey Consulting Engineering, PA 53 Fox Chase road Asheville, North Carolina 28804 P.O. Box 129 Crossnore, NC 28616 828-733-0360 Fax: 828-733-6393 Dear Mr. Coxey: Re: Linville Riverbend RV Park This letter is to state that the Town of Crossnore wastewater treatment plant cannot accept the flow from the proposed Linville Riverbend RV Park. I understand that the RV Park will generate 18,000 GPD of waste flow. Our plant is currently permitted for 70,000 GPD and is operating at 45,000 to 50,000 GPD now. Additional flow from the RV park would not leave sufficient available capacity to meet the town's future needs. Very truly yours, TOWN OF CROSSNORE 0 Edward T. Vance, Mayor ETV/a SEP 12,2005 08:42A page 1 Verizon Business E-Mail 'de / Page 3 of 3 FOP AMR Owl Mr. Coxey I spoke by phone with Sergei Chernikov, Environmental Engineer with the NC Division of Water Quality today, August 8, 2005 about his letter to you dated June 29, 2005 concerning the NPDES permit process for Shane 011is. In his letter he asks you to evaluate the feasibility of drip and spray irrigation before continuing with the surface water discharge permit process. I read to Mr. Chernikov the discussion section of the Southeast Soil Science, Inc. report dated March 1, 2005, where spray and drip irrigation were considered and ruled out as possibilities for wastewater disposal on Mr. 011is's property. Mr. Chernikov stated that he must have missed that part when he read the report. Upon direct questioning he stated that the report was sufficient to satisfy his request for a feasibility study for spray and drip irrigation. John B. Allison Southeast Soil Science, Inc. 533 Crabtree Mtn Rd. Canton, NC 28716 828-648-7080 office 828-778-7080 cell 828-648-3033 fax http://netmail.verizon.net/webmail/servlet/HttpNimletDriver?mmlet=ManageEmailDetailN ... 9/2/2005 S®'-2-2005 11:51A FROM: P:1'3 POI ROA mq mm mo OR OW A..- TO:18286581304 SOUTHEAST SOIL SCIENCE, Inc. • NORTH CAROLINA LICENSED • ARPACS and NSCSS CERTIFIED JOHN B. ALLISON, President Certified Soil Scientist Since 1981 SEPTIC SYSTEM EVALUATIONS' ilk MANAGEMENT • WETIAND DELINEATION • RIOSOLID$ APPLICATION MANAGEMENT • TRAINING A EDUCATION August 31, 2005 Mr. Shane 011is 853 Abelia Road Columbia, SC 29205 Dear Mr. 011is, A letter dated June 29, 2005 from Serge Chernikov, Environmental Engineer with the North Carolina Division of Water Quality/NPDES-WEST Unit, to John Coxey of John T. Coxey Consulting Engineering requests additional information regarding your application for a NPDES permit for a 150-site RV park you propose to build on a 14.16 acre site you own on U.S. 221 in southern Avery County. One alternative to surface water discharge suggested in the letter is to "assume that the necessary land can be purchased and estimate the land purchase cost based on local real estate prices. Alternatively, provide documentation to demonstrate that insufficient land is available for sale in the project area (include letters from adjacent property owners indicating no interest in selling property) ". Currently, two properties immediately adjacent to the site are for sale. On August 18, 2005, W. Allen Hayes, Jr. of Southeast Soil Science investigated these two properties to determine their feasibility for use in land applying wastewater from the proposed RV park. Fieldwork was accomplished using a 100-foot tape and observing to locations of perennial streams. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Two lots were investigated. The west lot (see map) is estimated to be about 0.85 acres with a house. The east lot is estimated to be about 1.0 acre and also has a house. The west lot is bounded by perennial streams on three sides and fronts U.S. 221. The east lot is bounded by a perennial stream along its eastern boundary. The northern boundary fronts U.S. 221, but access to the house is gained via an easement through the proposed RV site. As per 15A NCAC 18A .1950(d)(6), a 100-foot setback is required from surface waters classified as WS-II, WS-111, B or SB for Large Subsurface Wastewater Systems. Imposing this 533 CRABTREE MOUNTAIN MOOD • CANTON NC 28716 • PRONE 828-6484080 • FAx 828-648-3033 SEP 02,2005 11:48A page 1 SEP.--2-2005 11:52A FROM: 04 ��'fio'e4iT Z TO:18286581304 P:2/3 setback onto these lots severely limits available space for wastewater disposal. The west lot is estimated to have about 6800 square feet of available space and the east lot about 7500 square •. feet. Because the homes were occupied, the soils were not examined. However, the available space on each lot is large enough to accommodate one 3 or 4-bedroom system and repair assuming suitable soils. An approximate total of 18,000 gallons per day will be generated by the RV park. These lots would accommodate; approximately 700 to 1000 gallons of wastewater per day if they are determined to be suitable and meet the conveyance capacity. In addition, spray irrigation or surface drip irrigation are unsuitable due to setback restrictions from neighboring homes as per 15A NCAC 2H .0219(j)(5)(A). Finally, use of this site would require removal of the existing homes, official closure of any wells and other related clean up. Thank you for the opportunity of presenting this information to you. If we can be of finther assistance, please feel free to call. pin References: Sincerely, John B. Allison Consulting Soil Scientist 1. North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Health, On -Site Wastewater Section. 1998. Laws and Rules for Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems, section .1956(6). F.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC, 27611-7687. 2. North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Health, On -Site Wastewater Section. 1996. Procedures and Information Required for Approval of Large Subsurface Wastewater Systems. P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC, 2761 1 -7687. 3. North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Management 1996. Administrative Code Section: 15A NCAC 2H . 0200 — Waste Not Discharged to Surface Waters. Environmental Management Commission, Raleigh, NC. SEP 02,2005 11:48A page 2 SET-2-2005 11:52A FROM: TO: 1822E581304 P: 3/3 • Z--c— - SOUTHEAST SOIL SCIENCE, Inc. • NORTH CAROTANA LICENSED • ARPACS and NSCSS CERTIFIED JOHN B. ALLISON, President Certified Soil Scientist Since 1981 SEPTIC SYSTEM EVALUATIONS & MANAGEMENT • WETIAND DELINEATION • ISIOSOUDIS APPLICATION MANAGEMENT • TRAINING & EDIJCATION SCALE; I" — 167' • • 0 namMmirmAMisr,AMWo....ailivi.MC SAC'S' Shane 011is Property and Adjoining Land for Sale as of 8-31-05 Avery County, NC 167 533 CRABTREE MOUNTAIN ROAD • CAKi ors NC 28716 • Paont: 828-648-7080 • PAX 8234484033 SEP 02,2005 11:49A page 3 Nerizon Business E-Mailrot Z.-- rage 1 or Print Message �t.:.t JJJ�JJJIJJ.tJJ.. From: Shane 011is <sollis@sc.rr.com> Date: 2005/09/01 Thu AM 11:38:29 EDT To: jtcengineer@verizon.net Southeast Soil Science response to Sergei Chernikov and my findings regarding other Subject: properties Mr. Coxey, below my email is the correspondence from John Allison at Southeastern Soil Science. The reason it did not reach you was that Mr. Allison used an "s" instead of a "z" when spelling Verizon. This document, along with the document Mr. Allison is sending regarding the status of soil on two properties that adjoin mine that are for sate, should be all that is needed from Southeastern Soil Science. Mr. Coxey, there are two other properties which join site of my RV Park property. The Division of Water Quality, Mr Chernikov asked if any other adjoining property is for sale. Here are my findings. I have already approached Mr. Robert Wiseman . Mr Wiseman has already stated his property was not for sale. He and his two brothers operate a Christmas Tree Farm there under the name of Three Oaks LTD Nursery. However, Mr. Wiseman did consider leasing a portion to me. That portion of land as surveyed extensively by Southeastern Soil Science and it was determined not feasible for a conventional in ground waste -water system of 18,000 gallons per day capacity. On the opposite side from Mr. Wiseman's is another adjoining property. It is 3.8 acres owned by Mr. Herman Dellinger. Mr. Dellinger stated to me by phone that his property is not for sale either. Mr. Dellinger is an elderly gentleman and stated he plans to leave that small piece of land to his son and daughter after his passing. Mr. Wiseman and Mr. Dellinger can be reached as follows. Mr. Robert \Mseman Three Oaks Ltd. Nursery Property Tax ID 182200760710 108 Bowman Rd. Newland, N.C. 28687 Ph. 828-733-2662 Mr. Herman Dellinger Property Tax ID 182200873143 PO Box 217 http://netmail.verizon.net/webmail/servletJHttpNimletDriver?nimlet=ManacrPFr,aar,o+.,:,,,n. Nerizon Business E-Mail Page 1 of 3 Print Message :;::'.•;:�c::•' ✓v✓car'•'::;'r;'•r'�':%d:7v::c:'••c: • �jv::•.:.:Ja�iJitatJJ:tJJJ:f:a:a:�:i:! �y�iJ.Wi�L;i:k i From: Shane 011is <sollis@sc.ff.com> "'°' Date: 2005/09/01 Thu AM 11:38:29 EDT To: jtcengineer@verizon.net Subject: Southeast Soil Science response to Sergei Chemikov and my findings regarding other properties Mr. Coxey, below my email is the correspondence from John Allison at Southeastern Soil Science. The reason it did not reach you was that Mr. Allison used an "sr instead of a "z" when spelling Verizon. This document, along with the document Mr. Allison is sending regarding the status of soil on two properties that adjoin mine that are for sale, should be all that is needed from Southeastern Soil Science. Mr. Coxey, there are two other properties which join site of my RV Park property. The Division of Water Quality, Mr Chernikov asked if any other adjoining property is for sale. Here are my findings. 1 have already approached Mr. Robert VVfseman . Mr Wiseman has already stated his property was not for sale. He and his two brothers operate a Christmas Tree Farm there under the name of Three Oaks LTD Nursery. However, Mr. Wiseman did consider leasing a portion to me. That portion of land as surveyed extensively by Southeastern Soil Science and it was determined not feasible for a conventional in ground waste water system of 18,000 gallons per day capacity. On the opposite side from Mr. Wiseman's is another adjoining property. It is 3.8 acres owned by Mr. Herman Dellinger. Mr. Dellinger stated to me by phone that his property is not for sale either. Mr. Dellinger is an elderly gentleman and stated he plans to leave that small piece of land to his son and daughter after his passing. Mr. Wiseman and Mr. Dellinger can be reached as follows. Mr. Robert Wiseman Three Oaks Ltd. Nursery Property Tax ID 182200760710 108 Bowman Rd. Newland, N.C. 28687 Ph. 828-733-2662 Mr. Herman Dellinger Property Tax ID 182200873143 PO Box 217 http://netmail.verizon.netlwebmail/servlet/HttpNimletDriver?nimlet=ManageEmailDetailNi... 9/2/2005 Verizon Business E-Mail Page 2 of 3 te Crossnore, N.C. 28616 OMNI Ph. 828-733-2703 RIM aim Owl Did you get your letter from the mayor of Crossnore, Tutor Vance? I look forward to a copy of your summary letter and response to Mr. Chernikov addressing all of the questions he presented to us in his last response. Regards, Shane 011is Mountain Recreation 853 Abelia Rd. Columbia SC 29205 Ph 803-429-2475 From: John Allison [mailto:johnballison@charter.net) Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 7:27 AM To: sollis@sc.rr.com Subject: Fw: Shane 011is Original Message From: ..ichrl To: Cc: Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 1:34 PM Subject: Shane 011is http://netmail.verizon.net/webmail/servlet/HttpNimletDriver?nirnlet=ManageEmailDetailNi... 9/2/2005 Paje1of1 Subj: Date: From: To: CC: Mr. Coxey, Low -flow characteristics for Linville River near Altamont (Avery County) 5/9/2005 5:44:13 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time jcweaver@usgs.gov jtcengineer@aol.com jcweaver[cusgs.gov In response to your inquiry about the 7010 low -flow discharge for Linville River near Altamont in Avery County, the following information is provided: A check of the low -flow files does not indicate the previous determination of low -flow characteristics for the speck point shown on your fax location map. In the absence of any site -specific data that would allow for a low -flow analysis, low -flow characteristics are estimated by assessing the range of low -flow yields (that is, flow per square mile of drainage area, or cfsm) at nearby locations where 7010 discharges have been determined. Assessment of nearby sites suggest that an appropriate 7010 low -flow yield for this reach of the Linville River is likely in the range of 0.3 to 0.4 cfsm. Further, use of regional relations presented in USGS Water -Supply Paper 2403 "Low -flow characteristics of streams in North Carolina" (Giese and Mason, 1993) for this part of the State result in an estimated yield of about 0.37 cfsm. Mean annual flow for this reach of the Linville River is estimated about 2.3 cfsm. No drainage -area information is available for your point of interest. However, the drainage -area maps available here in the USGS office indicate the drainage area far the river downstream where in crosses under the Blue Ridge Parkway is 40.5 sqmi (station id 02138453). Using "quick-n-dirty" visual examination of the topographical map suggests the drainage area for your point of interest is about 36 sqmi (+/- 1 sqmi). Thus, combining the above range of 7010 yield and drainage area, the 7010 discharge is estimated to be in the range of about 11 to 14 cfs. Hope this information is helpful. Thank you. Curtis Weaver J. Curtis Weaver, Hydrologist, PE USGS North Carolina Water Science Center 3916 Sunset Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone: (919) 571-4043 // Fax: (919) 571-4041 E-mail address — jcweaver@usgs.gov Internet address — http://nc.water.usgs.gov/ R**tw'MII'k*ri-IFM 1t. Monday, May 09, 2005 America Online: Jtcengineer