HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0047384_Completed Expansion to 56 MGD_20220329 r City of Greensboro J North Carolina Water Resources Department March 24, 2022 Via email and Certified Mail#7019 1640 0002 3443 8682 Return Receipt Requested Jeff Poupart John Hennessy RECEIVED Mike Montebello NC Department of Environmental Quality MAR 2 9 2022 Division of Water Resources—Water Quality Permitting Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 NCDEQIDWRINPDES Subject: Completed expansion to 56 MGD and 6 Consecutive Months of Compliance NPDES Permit Number NC0047384 City of Greensboro T. Z. Osborne-Guilford County Gentlemen: The City of Greensboro successfully completed its upgrade/expansion to 56 MGD at the T. Z. Osborne Water Reclamation Facility, NPDES Permit Number NC0047384, on August 1, 2021. Six months of daily sampling for CBOD, Fecal, and TSS have been completed with NO permit violations. According to the permit on page 6, Footnote 13: "Upon expansion, the City of Greensboro will sample these parameters daily. However, after 6 months of daily sampling, the Permittee may revert back to twice per week sampling for the parameters for which no permit limit violation occurred." We are proud to report, that upon full expansion to a 5 stage BNR facility, we have no permit violations. Therefore,we intend to run these analyses 5 days a week, as we always have, but will revert to the reduced monitoring frequency allowed in the permit if necessary, due to extenuating circumstances(staff absences, holidays to minimize overtime, COVID, etc.) Enclosed please find a copy of the related permit pages for reduced monitoring. If you require any additional information or have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 336-433-7229 or by email at martie.groome@greensboro-nc.gov. Sincerely, W1tti) Martie Groome Laboratory and Industrial Waste Section Supervisor Enclosures: NPDES Permit NC0047384 pages 5 and 6 (issued July 1, 2014) cc: Mike Borchers, Water Resources Director (via email w/enclosures) Kristine Williams, Assistant Water Resources Director(via email w/enclosures) Elijah Williams, Water Reclamation Manager (via email w/enclosures) Bradley Flynt, ORC/Treatment Plant Superintendent(via email w/enclosures) Alicia Goots, Laboratory Coordinator(via email w/enclosures) Lon Snider, DEQ DWR WSRO (via email w/enclosures) Jenny Graznak, DEQ DWR WSRO (via email w/enclosures) Permit No. NC0047384 A.(2.) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS — Outfall 001 a. Beginning upon expansion to 56 MGD expansion and lasting until permit expiration,the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored)by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS Monthly Weekly Daily Measurement Sample Sample Location2 Average Average Maximum Frequency Type Flow 56.0 MGD Continuous Recording Influent or Effluent Total Monthly Flow(MG) Monitor&Report Monthly Rec.or Calc. Influent or Effluent CBOD, 5-day,20°C(Summer)3 4.0 mg/L 6.0 mg/L Twice per week13 Composite Influent&Effluent CBOD,5-day,20°C(Winter)' 8.0 mg/L 12.0 mg/L Twice per week13 Composite Influent&Effluent Total Suspended Solids 3 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L Twice per week13 Composite Influent&Effluent NH3 as N(Summer)4 0.82 mg/L 2.46 mg/L Daily Composite Effluent NH3 as N(Winter)4 1.64 mg/L 4.92 mg/L Daily Composite Effluent Fecal Coliform 200/100mL 400/100mL Twice per week13 Grab Effluent (geometric mean) Dissolved Oxygen 5 Daily Grab Effluent Temperature(°C) Daily Grab Effluent pH 6 Daily Grab Effluent Total Residual Chlorine ' 17.0 pg/L Daily Grab Effluent TKN Monitor&Report(mg/L) Weekly Composite Effluent NO3-N +NO2-N Monitor&Report(mg/L) Weekly Composite Effluent Total Nitrogen,TN 8 Monitor&Report(mg/L) Weekly Composite Effluent 9 Monitor&Report(Ib/mo) Monthly Calculated Effluent TN Load 891,272 lb/yr(effective 1/1/2019)10 Annually Total Phosphorus,TP Monitor&Report(mg/L) Weekly Composite Effluent TP Load9 Monitor&Report(Ib/mo) Monthly Calculated Effluent 112,044 Ib/yr Annually Selenium 5.1 ug/L 57.1 pg/L Monthly Composite Effluent Total Copper Quarterly Composite Effluent Quarterly Composite Effluent Total Zinc Q y p Chronic Toxicity" Quarterly Composite Effluent Effluent Pollutant Scan Monitor&Report See Special Condition A.(6,) Effluent Dissolved Oxygen 12 12 Grab U,D1, D2 Fecal Coliform 12 12 Grab U,D1,D2 Temperature(°C) 12 'Z Grab U,D1,D2 Conductivity 12 12 Grab U,D1,D2 (Summer): April 1-October 31 (Winter): November 1 - March 31 (Daily): every day on which a wastewater discharge occurs except Saturdays,Sundays,and legal holidays unless otherwise specified by the Director. All footnotes are listed on the following page. PART I,Page 5 of 18 Permit No.NC0047384 Footnotes: 1. No later than March 30,2015,begin submitting discharge monitoring reports electronically using NC DWR's eDMR application system. See Special Condition A.(12.). 2. U:Upstream at Old U.S. Highway 70. D1:Downstream at NCSR 2821 (Harvest Road). D2:Downstream at Huffine Farm Road. 3. The monthly average effluent CBOD5 and TSS concentrations shall not exceed 15%of the respective influent value(85% removal). 4. These limitations do not become effective until the average plant flow for the calendar year is greater than or equal to 36 MGD.In the meantime,the ammonia-nitrogen limitations in Section A.(1.)will remain in effect. When the City of Greensboro reports that the annual average flow is greater than or equal to 36 MGD with their December DMR,the City shall state in a cover letter with the report that the ammonia-nitrogen limits in Section A.(2.) are now effective. 5. The daily effluent dissolved oxygen concentration shall not be less than 6.0 mg/L. 6. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units. 7. The Division shall consider all effluent TRC values reported below 50 ug/L to be in compliance with the permit. However,the Permittee shall continue to record and submit all values reported by a North Carolina certified laboratory(including field certified),even if these values fall below 50 ug/L. 8. TN is Total Nitrogen=TKN+NO3-N+NO2-N,where TKN is Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen,NO3-N and NOrN are Nitrate and Nitrite Nitrogen,respectively. 9. TN or TP Load is the mass quantity of Total Nitrogen or Phosphorus discharged in a given period of time.See Special Condition A.(9.),Calculation and Reporting of Nutrient Loads. 10. Per the Jordan Lake Wastewater Discharge Rule (15A NCAC 02B.0270)as modified by North Carolina Session Laws 2011-394(HB119)and 2013-395(SB515),the annual mass Total Nitrogen limit shall be effective beginning with calendar year 2019,unless the discharger has received by December 31,2019,an authorization-to-construct permit for construction,installation,or alteration of the treatment works for purposes of complying with this limit,in which case the limit shall be effective beginning with calendar year 2021.This facility is subject to a TN reduction schedule outlined in Special Condition A. (4.). 11. Chronic Toxicity(Ceriodaphnia) at 90%with testing in January,April,July and October(see Special Condition A. (5.)). TOXICITY MONITORING SHALL COINCIDE WITH METALS MONITORING. 12. Instream monitoring requirements are waived as long as facility retains membership in the UCFRBA. If membership is cancelled,facility will monitor 3/Week(June-September)and 1/Week(October-May). Stream sampling may be discontinued at such times as flow conditions in the receiving waters or extreme weather conditions will result in a substantial risk of injury or death to persons collecting samples. Upon such discontinuance,stream sampling shall be resumed at the first opportunity after the risk period has ceased. 13. Upon expansion,the City of Greensboro will sample these parameters daily. However,after 6 months of daily sampling,the Permittee may revert back to twice per week sampling for the parameters for which no permit limit violation occurred. b. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. c. Expansion to a permitted flow of 56 MGD at the T.Z.Osborne WWTP is contingent upon connection and transfer of all wastewaters received at the North Buffalo Creek WWTP to the T.Z. Osborne WWTP,cessation of the discharge from the North Buffalo WWTP,and rescission of permit NC0024325. PART I,Page 6 of 18