HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-03478_Well Construction - GW1_20220323 .<t.rtl rt a Vr WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD fGW 1) For irdernet Usa ortlly: is 1.Well CQntraetOrinformation: a �+ V� TIJti 1r6 WATBRZOM wau Coft t tame FROM 1n DRSMU M y �� i- NC Wall Contrmeor^�^ .•_ i�� I . �. . /A 0 702 rtd S FROM To I MUMMM Ttl?c�taesa CompanyNama 1G.7NN$RCAS MORMMG&eolhermuldend-lowl 2.WeII Const melon Permits'!: Meto>ot �o Mual lgreR � MATMAL List atlapplia&ewdi cerium edon pvWts(i.e.UIC.Comgy.State;Ya(mse,etc) R. ZID Lf t. im 3.WeII Use(checkwell leek ft. @. Water Supply WcM 17.9CMEM Agricaltural ElMunicip*Wblio O fr. ft. �, MurAMRnul Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) Residential Water Supply(single) hiduattiaUCommerciai [3Residential Water Supply(shared) 1&GROtiT ltrl 0A FROM TO MATEMMI, M9MOD&AMOUIr [Aquilfer waterftffly WeII: ft. t3. nitoring ion WeII: ft: fL iferRecharge DGmsmdwa6arRsnediatiaa sf�rIDlc,RsvBr. lferStvrageandRecovery �5alinityBarri� teto>K To MATI3RIA1, tmrei,► erMarsoD Test OStonmvaterDrainage D- it:erimental Technology SubsidenceControlthermal(GYoselLaap) Tracer 20.DRII,I3hIGLOG aftacbadditionala6�ifthermal Co • Retum Other(ccplain uader#21 Remedss) MMM M VWCRWnON Wbr wW;a ft. ft. '.• kDate Wells)Campieteda 3 1- 22,WeIIM# 5A.WeII Location: R` I R. ft. MAR 2 facillty/OwnerNsme Fac•HtyM9(tfapplicsble) ft. ft - -7100 PArl;noycN1 P,� • fd- %W ft. �. P � uIxi Bhysicd Addrem.thy,wud ft rc, F "i PP � 21.REMEARES E cou* PatcelIdeatificationNo(PII� Pat F To'1 MaXiiaClr 3b.Latifnde and Iongltade in degrees/tmrinnteslsecoads or decimal degrees: Of wall field.one latflong is sufficient) 22.Certification: i W 6.is(are)the weU(s)&Permanent or DTempoM7 sigubm of Weu Casaaotor Daze t�G. BY Agrlfng I Eby'GW45'drat tht MRS)war(tire)nvrsnitaed fit omondmroe 7.Is this a repair fro)an ex s�sctingwell- es or ETp with ISANCAC 02C 9I00 orISAMAC 02C MW Welf CoawwftStandards and dwra Ifrhtrtsa repair,fit out Anown well canarucrIN-Infornration and eaplafaftnarreofdw copy offtrawrd has beenproddedsodr v"oimw. repairunder#21 remarkrsecuon gran the backofd4 firm 23.Site tliagtmm or additional well details: 8.For Geopt:obe/DPT or Closed-Loup Geothermal welts having the same You may use Ike back of this page to provide additional well site details Or well construction,only 1 GW-1 is needed. indicam WrALNUU BER of wells eonsttM edon detailL You mey also attach additional pages ifuecessmy. drilled: � � D1T;it'RfJ('TInNC� 9.Total well depth below land sarfacm )6 O OQ 24a.For An wells: Submit ibis form within 30 days of letion of wen For multiple tvdIs list all depths ffdff-Aw(er:ample-3Qa 200'mid2@100) I p construction laths following:II 16.Static water level below top of tmaingt-J.� (ft.} DttdaIoa of Water'Resources Information Pimcessing 1},voter tevet fsabove Dosing,use"�° 1b17 Melt Service Center,Rateigb,NC 27O Q� t 11.Borehole dlameber: 206 f+br Inlecdan Werra; In addition to sending the form m the address in 24a 12.WeIleonstncfien method: above,also submit one copy of,this form within 30 days of completion of well (tax.auger rotary,caW duectpudi.eta.) -7'— constnMctionto IIMo following 1 FOR WATER St MY WMM ONLY: Dlvlalon of Water2e9omba.UnderawandDdecitm Coast pmog,an,, 1635AU$ta OOOmter MOW NC1769NUM 13a.Yield OM) Method of Ustt 24c.Bour Srmnly&Lni Wens In addition to sending fire form to N-Tthe add[ea(es) abom also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.Dismnfecfion type: f! Amount: t0.S"d � completion of wall construction to the country heath departmcat of the comity where consuacted• Fottntwit-1 NorthCuobasDepamm aafBmdtnmantdQmhty_Divi mofWawResontees Revised2-22-2016