HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC221209_FRO Submitted_20220328antl-1)islitIbill l; �� w rr • w u • + . l'Crillll Applicalioll I'L•,ase;omrl:t; Iti+rh I�,I�rs rf Ibis lima andreturn In: dress Mailine \ddres-. $n 1 .►.t st, I'll Hot, 5Is Pitl•har, \C 27312 I'iltslxao, NC 27312 I`h+vac: (ON) 54c4268 Plc.a.c "x I+1 R\111 I ING I HM ('11AR 1' to deten„inc as hick rcrmil and plan rcalnircmcnts arrlk L+ � olv rrojc:t ,and then ehcA one of the hoses bcloaa : Q✓ Land-Ilislurbing Permil. the (011oasing items are required In ohlain this pen„it: c-+naplctcd 'rrlication. plans, deed, and fees. I ;and-Ilisttuhinc Permit applications must include all parcels' lots on one application %sill, the tolal amount of disturbance filr all parcel/lots. All clearing and disturbance muse be included %%lien ealculaline disturbed area. Fee Requirements: 1 Pennit Ice: S250 di•tuncCd acre Plan l(c%lc%N I cc: S_'q) di.rurilt-d ncre I I ccs are rounded up to the nest %%hole acre. _[_\ample: I acre or Icss is S500, 1.01.2 acres is M.000, and 2.01-3 is S1.500. Plan Reatlircmcnts: Dt-ien Plan: submit (1) copy ofan erosion control plan completed K scaled by a professional land sun cs or. professional engineer, or rcgistcred landscape architect. This plan must meet the criteria of the Chatham Count, Frosion Control Plan Revie\a Checklist and include all applicable construction details. I hesc can he found on the Chatham Count), Watershed Protection %%ehsite, on the Erosion Control aachpagc. This plan must satisk all local, state, and federal minimum plan requirements. General Plan: submit ( I ) cope of site plan along %%ilh the Chatham County Residential General Plan. Site plan is not required to he completed by a design professional. The Residential General Plan can he found on the Chatham Count-. Waterslied Protection vwhsitc on the Residential Construction %kehpage. Indicate lot drain3,-+c nattern(s) on sheet I of the Residential General I'lan. 11midenlial Lot ['email. the lill1cminr items are required to obtain this pem,it: completed application. site plan. anti fee. PAGF 3 -FINANCIAL Rl SPONSIIIILI IN OWNERSI111, 1 ORM" not required. I cc Requirements: S 1(00 Ilat fee Plan Requirements: Site flan shoaling properli boundaries.] he site plan required by the Environmental I Icalth or Central Permitting Departments is sufficient. AIJ.CIIF.CKS11:\I,1'P\1 \I111: 14)UII\1-11\\1('01.AIY Page 1 of 3 Scanned with CarnScanner '�``, 1 u1ll1�IH�lulhlnK OIL 'II`\114 fort -.,,I *so ,, l'l'1lllll.r111111�N111r11 ••11t wr'h*= A►J itI'M sd,lrr►%. %•( the piintip*I ptArt 44 Isn.lnr,ii fit Ihr lirl,un'rnlll► hit Anl IA II► Fro lot. e,llJV rod 11t It" rmrrn,) rar+l l4r rrw,nirnl. % 1'.(1, Mwit I, M I I lit rIII Atilt ra% en elist lr•r ••ltt4 fiuncuth kdrlTrlrnl flan►Ihe%movnl I.rn,l n+,nrr, An nklln,Irnl "Illm" lit Irdh prriris grim M rh„ O'Al A11,+„inr the namaciAlh tryomoble pwrl► prl,fin I,+Imn,lmI Ihr IAnd ,H,Inrl,tnq $fllrlit ne t be corer" - 1'►.' Ycir -, %mr- Ommrnprs Club • Lot em _ 10 % 11': 1 !► !1 t[►IsRI'�� or rRomT: 3,2W1 AnAdaiiii, Ctwlpel Mills MC 2751? I.►TITthC1OM-.1Tt•11t'01-1'ROITRIYATSUEF.-IIt,1JSA9AAA 49(1',51! p%RCFI.•lsol: Tt}T fit. DINT+ RRFD %CRrS r. SQVARE FFF.T: 0.65 rt Rr(►ss�F (IF \('TI\ IT1': NewSFD — _ - FFF ►NIOVNT Nt'R%11TTFD: 5100 •' I \\i1(11l'\FRIG? (Ir RFC(1RD ottach pace to Ii%l addiliunal tm rim f 1.3-Lc FA,% idc a comhlcte lict of harincrs, managing mcmhers and regki rcd arcnls if Ihr rc%i Ainihle cnlils or i tan;f o%%ner is a poup of indis ideal+, corpom. is organivatiun or cntit). l Nathaniel Phone: l Tyler 585-478-1240 98102 Drummond E-Mail; Nathaniel.Tylerc@outlook.com t Chapel Hill, NC 27517 '•FI\-1\( %1 I Y RFSPt1\Sl1ll_F PARTY (applicable onlifilifTercnl from pro 4 ti3RSe Phone: Ij Address: E-Mail: signalure: NOR I I C•1R01.1NA AGENT (apalicahle only iIFoHner or financially recrnmsihle partdoes not rr•ide in North Carolina Name: Phone: Address: r-Mail: Signature - I : VOINITRiS1 !R VL Y(1R ('nmram Nan►e: Address: Ovnt3cl Person: 1'I,nne: EROSION CONTROL Person to contact should erosion & sediment control issaessrise during land-disturbing,-acti,il,: Contact Person: Alan Keith Company Nang: Diehl + Phillips Phone: 919467-9972 I! -Mail: arkeith c@beltsouth.net Page 2 of 3 Scanned with CarnScanner �*h a•�><��r<1 aa�l�j�l.t�a Still I 111t,lllll 1111t1 SIA11111.11111111111 1 11111111 1 Inillidill 1{N11r101111 I-ul111 \01 NI t11 181III ItIMA 1111111 11111111? h1.11r11 NI If It 01IY 00118 ltl h,AM: RV A11 1111; I VI. I IIWIN+i IN10101A 110N, 1111t1r wVn•n mtl.l br v1•r*til In the Ist,•.cl+cr ,+1 a Nssl�,l y :1 4Y1 I a+tt1 Irl.lutt++n} rei nnr ate• t,lhd list III+ 1,+ 1:1 tvdl 4 6nnt Ihl it lie Ill h++unnt r. II 41111umJerr rs * rlr rnl, 11, • (r lrrnl ill Iy lw, rae+ll-lii-j Xv 0i Neal. 1 t Ilse tonthrl,at. A Iht• 1 lk.1014111 k'nnrttr \r,kl I Itl.11,n nntl hulrlrw Iddrusn 1 ulltr,d IMdrn.Imr lrlrm wr,u. n t+tasc, tht IaM Ilinhnhing retnul r+t.It K. Ictt,kvtl till 1.61lury Its Inugdy No. lilt Ihr fhdlnunrr If ILa lot fill', h rrt+rlIA, all 04,1 hrmsn end app4`41%AN Are %Ithh,IJ unld the I+rrlall► II I+tltr 611a101 In ,nml+ll,ol,I- Hill, I'hathnln ( tnmlr rrprLNlunt AIwi, lips sit Mtltten nt+ltcf, a t-It 11 ry•IIa11t 1111w1 inn N. inslip-llv,l Al•,nn.t the pI„141114 WAIlt r ulU1'I+t II,h11I1,Nui1 Inbllm belly rr,f,an�+hlr prlrly f Il any) Fot yx•Islrttnt,.jtbe 1t'hjth.an k'Pllnly SI+11 1 Wkstnl aatl ScdlnlcnlalIt'd t'onhl,l 410411,ultc 1 hlw ptn.Illy It up fit JN1114101 P-► v11.1,Itnln r,•t dr. anti it a..e.. d d.rtl) fist oely ti.tl the pmp►tly it In %iolalinn Inlcl frl ing * llh,lr h.nrgn•ring an In+pet lwn t r, a,!t in a' tvd renalr% s11,Il,t•ut amen notltY- )I TV Ink%m ith•n M%%al t1 on IN% h+rtrt in bile arNl ri"Wd to the M d of Illy 1 n„* ledrt and belief at+ll *.It pfl1%1-IL 11 by I, r uh+la t-rA-r atrh AI Thin form mu -it be iognled by the prorcily ott net 11 An Ireli►ldnal II n%nvd by a 1 nulp,tuy of rrllpl,lrturn, Ihlt loan rrttltl hs ugrle'l F} an ,1T vt, i imltx, parmtr, attonwN.-in-Cltt, or tither pt•rwn n dh nudltsnly 1u rtcntta Inominvnu kIr the cerrprlr.lrmla and e:e.•mlanit�l M a n+mrL se li.l rf nil p.ulnl r., uuln,ping un uttw ra and rrl•I,Irtctl Iq•rnl. „f ltlr tnfupnny of asrlx+rnlir.n. OWNER OF l ROrr.RTV: Name and Title: _N J— Comrarn tifapplicabic): le ADDITIONAL FINANCIALLV RESPONSIBLE PARTY (ifany): Name and Title: Company: Signature- -- NORTII CAROLINA AGENT (if any): Name and Title: Company: _ Signature: 1—T:.. i t �__ , a Nulary I'llhlic of t �.1�_[� {'aunt►' in the %tale of V ill do hcrchy certify Ihal_NA,jiLr ---jy/[I' p.r.unally appeared before me this day and under 0;1111 acknuw lodged reading the infnnnaunn al►Itvc tend acknotti ledged that the abo%a form • . c •cuicd by him or her. Witncss y han and off seal, his the !I day of tNNitNyr ��J t D$�fJ �pIApy, ,tery u c /� I Ct _ [tip. Nly +Irnmission expires 1 'ail �.� � 1�1 11 f ; O ot•t11t-� •._'_ v � St Cuut,llp (Idea' J U1 I ��•Iltnlull,t+tt Scanned with CamScanner