HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141052_Scoping Comments_20130827elZ7113 geyllipl, a. Scoping Meeting Minutes for 17BP.8.R.60 (Bridge 440) held 08/16/13 1. Let Date September 23, 2014. 2. SEPI responsible for Roadway Design, Bid Documents, Right of Way acquisition, Hydraulic Design, Erosion Control, Permit Drawings, Traffic Control Plans and an environmental Pre - Construction Notification (PCN). 3. DOT will be responsible for Structure Design, Structure General drawings, Geotechnical Investigations, Speed Study, Surveying /Base Map Preparation, Utility Coordination and Permit Application 4. Per field review a 3 barrel 10'x10', cast in place RCBC is proposed at a 450 skew. Downstream channel improvements are anticipated which may require approximately 50' of additional PDE from the existing RM location. 5. Sills are anticipated in all three barrels. A low flow channel to match the existing stream width will be maintained to the greatest extent practicable. 6. A PCN will be required for this option due to impacts to the stream. 7. As a second alternative 70' single span 24" PCCS bridge was considered. 8. Overhead and buried utilities crossing the creek were observed 9. Not on a bike route 10. Not High Quality Water; no state stormwater permit required. 11. Speed limit posted at 40 mph 12. Existing bridge is on a horizontal curve; roadway will need to be superelevated. 13. Existing abutments will be cut off and new will be keyed in behind them. (if the bridge alternative is chosen) 14. Bridge 440 and 439 in Randolph County will be put under the same contract.