HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-03428_Well Construction - GW1_20220318 Jan. 29. 2018 10:58AM Env. Health No. 6711 P. 1 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1� For Intemol Use Only: 1.W Zontrglq hdormAtlo ` _-_ WeIlContraetorName mom To DESCRIPTION 70ft No R• 6-Fin NC Well CoatiacorCerdlicetionNumber l6.011IEttt'iYS[NIi'1 mttlii<ai tIIs: = I IF-"h5 Wei e. .ra:_wt,`'ER!z FROM ro D1AM6fER TIFICXNESS IVIVER1AL DoylrS ► o f( !� d 'Se r-ll6 r .01 ft. 1� ft. in. V' CoatpaagN a ]ti IlVNERCASIai(}ORIE"IM(r? ihe+icit:ctesed lac`� :c�.:- yc -- 2,Wel(Constructlon permit#. J FROM TO ASAMIM TIUCtaiEs4 MA'trtw+L Llsru/loppliaadtevrRcanrrme6onpennit(1.e.Mccaunw-lant valiance.em) rt R• 3.Well Use(cheekwell use): n. tt to. Water Supply%Veil: xl2^:3[?REBN¢ =- -- = =..__ . .. �,:: _�,-=•_= _ I DUAMM I SLOTSUM TntCMISS MATMUL _lWouitural Mwicipallmlic 0 R, % Geothermal(Rea iWCoofing Supply) Residential Water Supply(single) _IndttstriaUCommcsCiol Resideatial Water Supply(shamd) :_ pl y >-_ �_Y•` ;, y ,,�„-�,•'-•. Irrigation FRoal To M 7tRIAt DMACEMEM_ 'MMOD&ANo lion-Water Supply Well: O 2 tr. t Monitoring [}Recovery R. it. 7oJectlon Weil: Aquifer Recharge QGroundwater Remediation 1R�i�7D1G1t/1efBGPtCC _.-• —' AVif,-StoragcandRecovery 08alinityBossier 70 MA ..ACIUM M U _AquiferTest �StortnwaterDrainage rt Experimental Technology OSubside»ce Control rt• rt• Geothermal(Closed Loop): OTreeer F10=D Bit'G aiWdiiddW0—wiy6mtr�L1-1. ';-_- Gcothennel(Ilenting/C061,. Return Other(explain under#21 Remarks FROM To DFSCNtPfrWt alar,b■rdacss,wtYrosk sae ets. R m 4.Date Well(s)Completed: Well ID# 63 h O n rd n 5a.Well Location: 90 110 ft. r Fawitylown"Name / Facility lDA(ifinlicalik) oV IL Qa R physical Addis,.Chn and I .C. ILIL County parcel men"estian No.(FIN) 5b.Latitude and longitude in degreeslminutea/second:or decimal degrees: /� c day �w (ifweli field one lodlesw is sufi9ai■nt) 22:Certification: A V a g- y i +'I t 3 s-3GbGo g N Sl. l d�3.f5 W 6.Ia(ate)The weii(a)IOPexmeaent or OTemporary Stga■tmeo ertifiedWellConaactor Date By fining t/di farat I hereby eere that the wfl(k oat(biers)eammtcred,h aaradaacs 7.B this A repair tome eltlsting teen: ❑Yes or t wdh 1SAXCACO2C.0100orIJA NGICO2C.0200WeBCoannwlonSta tM*andtkata ((this isa repai►fina»1no wt weneoauruWan bfdrmarran fam the naftm gfthe �Pl of this reaoMlms Dees ptottded ro fha trait owmr. repair under 821 r rh section oi,on the had of tktsfana 23.Site diagram otadditioAAiwell details: &For GeoprobeMPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the some You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or Weil construction,only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicato TOTAL NUMBER of walls construction details.You may also attach additional pagos if necessary. drilled: •Q SUBMITTAL IiNSTRtII"TfONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: ✓Q� (R•) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days oP completion of well For mr!»plc welly futafl JV a fd fferrar(e=aetpie.3(�IOD•and 2g100) construction to the following: r0.Static water level below top of eAsing: 30 __ (10 Division of Water Resources.Informntlon Processing Unit, llwmaa low/isabaveemhewe+" 1617 Mail Service'Cetiter,Raleigh,MC 27699-1617 it Borehole diameter�(tn.) 24L For Inlecilon Wells: In addition to sending the formto the address in 24a 'bur 1 above,also submit one copy of this ibrm within 30 days of-completion of tvoil it Well construction method: construction to die following: (La siW.m1■ry,cable,&-I push do.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injeedon Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Ma$Service,Canter,Raleigh,NC 276991636 e 13s.Yield(gpin) Method of tesp 24e.For Water Sunnly&Inkaton Wells. In addition to sending the form to the address(es)above, alsn subinit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.Dislnfecdon type: �!t Amount: 3`k ps completion of wall construction'to the county holth department of the county where constructed. FumGW-1 North CamlmaDepanmeat afEavimamund Quality-Divisian of Watu Rcsomcas Raised 2 22-2016