HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200202 Ver 1_John Murphy #46-20 minor mod NH_20220311ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary BRAXTON DAVIS Director MEMORANDUM NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality TO: Cameron Luck Assistant Major Permits Coordinator, MHC FROM: Katharine Elks Field Representative, Wilmin t>n THROUGH: Tara MacPherson /� District Manager, Wil ngton DATE: March 9, 2022 SUBJECT: Modification Request for State Permit # 46-20 John Murphy, 224 Waynick Boulevard Wrightsville Beach, New Hanover County F & S Marine Construction, on behalf of John Murphy is requesting a minor modification to State Permit # 46-20. State Permit # 46-20 was originally issued to John Murphy on April 21,2020 for a four (4) slip docking facility along Banks Channel in Wrightsville Beach. State Permit # 46-20 is due to expire on December 31, 2023. The applicant is requesting a minor modification to State Permit # 46-20 to expand the size of the boatlift and shift the location. The boatlift size authorized in State Permit # 46-20 is 14' x 16'. The applicant has recently purchased a larger vessel that requires a wider lift and more space to accommodate the bow. The applicant would like to change the lift size to a 15' x 15' lift, Additionally, the applicant has requested to shift the boatlift position approximately 10.7' west toward the pier headline in water depths a minimum of -3.8' normal low water. According to the survey submitted with the modification request, dated January 27, 2022, the proposed boatlift would be 9' landward of the Wrightsville Beach Pier Headline and would not encroach into either riparian setback. The agent has submitted a check (check No. 1010) in the amount of $100 for the modification request. As proposed, this office has no objection to the proposed project modification as long as there are no objections from other the agencies to this proposal. It appears that the project continues to be CONSISTENT with the use standards set forth in NCAC 07H ,0208(b)(6). By copy of this memo, DCM is requesting that USACE and NC DWR provide any comment that your agency may have on the proposed project to Cameron Luck of DCM's Morehead City office within 14 days of receipt of this memo. cc: WiRO File USACE Tony Wilson, Town of Wrightsville Beach NC DWR, Holley Snider NORTH CAI7OUNA Department M Environmental OuN\ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Wilmington Office 1127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 910.796.7215 F&S Marine Construction PO BOX 180 Wrightsville Beach N.C. 28480 Project narrative: 224 5. Lumina Currently at this facility there is a 14'x14' boatlift west of the floating dock. The lifts front pilings sit slightly west of the floating dock. The bow currently comes down right in front of the floating dock. The owner has purchased a larger vessel. We want to remove the existing lift and install a new slightly larger 15'x15' lift further west to allow for a larger bow to come down in the same spot as the existing smaller bow does. The proposed modification is to simply remove the existing lift and install a new slightly wider lift slightly further west. We will still be well within the riparian setback and well inside of the pier head line just like the current lift. Also well inshore of either neighbor to the north or south. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks. Chase Elam F&S Marine 0: (910) 256-3062 C: (919) 819-4275 carolusbuildingco@gmail.com RECEIVED MAR 0 4 2022. OCM WILMINGT0N, NC \--)evwkk-i 41. -20 P ArRICK C. BRISTOty, CfRTI`Y THAT THIS PROPERTY 1/A5 SURVEYED AND VAR DRAWN JVDEN NY S.PERV'S'DN, DESORPTION 4551-109NN ON frE 330505DES 'LAID RA"IO OF FRE0S0N A5 CALCULATED BY COVPUTER BANKS CHANNEL 5 'O,C'J0 THAT7I(50030AR155 NOT SURVEYED ARE5HOM< BY B20K3N LINES P.OTEO FROM INFORMATION RERPE'<C5D•DIM 'H15 FLAT WAS PRE'ARED IN ACCORDANCE MINI THE TANDIR55 Of _ FRACTCE fORL 3050<3MNG W NORTH GARDENA' (21 MAC 56.. G041, fnTNE55 MY ORIGINAL 5'6NATL<E. LIOSNSURE NUMBER AND SEAL THIS 271U DAY OF JANUAR' AD. 2022. —EBB FLOOD PIZELIMINAKY PATRICKG BR STOW N.C. 55 No. L•4 • '8 m EXISTING - FLOATING NOTES DOCK .HIGH WATER LINE 5Y WRIGHTSV'ILLE BEACH LSO TONY WILSON ON OCTOBER 24. 2019. .PIERHEAD LINE FROM WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH MAPS. .. CORRIDOR' LINES SHOWN ARE AN EXTENSION OF THE PROPERTY LINES. SURVEYED cOT 55U61EC TO ALL `.N5MEN5S. 4ESrRCTONA Oft COVFVAN-5 0PRE00f0- 5NYDER STREET N54°09'5236/ NEIGHBOR'S WOODEN BULKHEAD F N/F FOUR SEASONS MANAGE I ANAGEMEN' SERVICES. INC. DB 5769 PG 2732 L — n O 20' WIDE SWIMMER SAFETY ZONE — T T I ,--PIERHEAD LINE 15.83' 1i SIB PROP T LIFT ' O 15) 17.5'; 5 FIXED PIER HIGH WATER LINE (SEE NOTE) 3 N33°1631"E 2.316 50. r. 0.05 AC.± 534°36' 1 I' W 49.66' r N/F FOUR SEASONS I MANAGEMENT <> SERVICES, INC. DB 5769 PG 2732 si I FOUND IRON 0.89' 'ALONG PROPERTY LINE L N54°0135"W 01 LH L GAZEBO 554°25'40"E LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE SURVEY REFERENCE MAP D00F 65 PAGE 140 DEED B00<61 73 PAGE 473 56E65 3 • 4 Of TBE P3RNEAD NNE NAP Of *KIGIITSVILLE BEACH NOTE: Tr15 LOT r5 .00A1EO InNZONE AE (: 2) A5553 NAPX37203,6600 K COMMUNITY' ID 4 375361 DATED: AUGUST 2B, 20,B UNE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING LI 13.93 N54°09'52°W L2 26.74 1,146°!3'30"E L3 23.33 N43'0324"E L4 3.91 554'2534"E REPUTED LOCATION OF _OW WATER LINE PER MB 65. PG .40 L4 N/5 PARSLEY N- 00 39 BACK OF ed DB 6 i 73 PG 468 CONCRETE CURBING NEIGHBOR'S WOODEN BULKHEAD N34°36'I I"E n 0 0 554°3530"E WAYNICK BOULEVARD N34'42'32"E T N/F PARSLEY LOT 39 < 056173 PG468 i II N34°5 !'03'E 49.81' MAP OF EXISTING PIER* PROPOSED CHANGES FOR JOHN J. MURPHY, III WESTERN PART OF LOT 38 MAP BOOK G5, PAGE 140 TOWN OF WRIGSITSVILLE BEACh NEW LIANOVER COUNTY, N.C. 30 JANUARY 27, 2022 0 I5 30 60 1NCt = 30 FEET LEGEND p - EMSTING KOS ,.PE - GENTEEL NE O=CONTROL VOW... ENT O==X6T3G RON ROC A= SDRvLY No 60' °,BLC2W 00.78' II I �EEVE SOUTH LUMIN,MAR'EQ 1 y DCM WILMINGI PATRICK C. BRISTOW LAND SURVEYING, PC E 4113-A OLEANDER URINE WII\HN(CION. V_['. 244113 PHONE: 49101241.1510 E-MAIL pm@5v1revGORM coo FIRM' Il ENSURE NO L.31131 V ?? ON, NC ,.s1 ) t hereby y certify that t own property adjacent to .. c)\ , �� / Narno of Pro ��. property tocatetf at Cj 1 x UFO GwVJlt�f) on Lot, (AdJ�tress, LStock kaad etc.) _ • (Waterbody} ..... c "� _� �.•"" N.C. (City/Town an(J/or County) The appitcatlt bas descxihed to me, as shown below, the dr,vekvairint proposed at the above location. t have no objection to this propos:ai. i have c objections to tt,t„ pft7nC DESCRIP T IOW ANDVOR DRAiVING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (111QflV%r�Ucii Proposing dcveIo pmerif roust fill in th scriplion below or attach a site drawing) WAIVE R SFC T iotfki uniterstarid that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse,, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area, of riparian accoss unless warded by me (if you wish to waive the setback, y (iu must initial the appropriate blank below.) (Pr, I !� wish to waive the 15' 6atback req Irement. i do not wish to waive tho 15' setback res uirem&ot. Owner information) Printred.ci;- me / / Skort,frIGe .iai3V!int� c ass ------- �-..._ isiephom Numbr,; -_.__ __._ S Dare (Adjacent Propetiy Owner Information) Print or Tyne Name �''i'Jr -0Address: IL LIJ ` �ifyfr�,,�t ;Fuvrsed Ei.+'iiforat MAR 01 2022. DCM WILMINGTON, Nc 1 ADdACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER ST TE E T 1 hereby certify that 1 own property I p rty adjacent to _. 1CA'%' ti� `y r 6,21 property located at 1--� j 11`(Name of Property Owner) T s on _� (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) - (Waterbody) — -_ in _ IJ (11 Sw.� c r , N.C. (City/Town and/or County) tr'''‘) Therapplicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. .V�I� /n. A -TN L' I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal, jAQ'N DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. Vr/do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. Owner Information) S. naltfre Print qr 1 ly t/ J 40 Mailing die city/state/Zip )- q) 3 415- Telephone Number Date 'acent Property Owner Information) \\t my nature fit 1 crS1-L/ Print or Type/yarns 1 to z_�gaY Ln.c. -Scv4 Mg Address <I/ I �G 2 Y Cif /State/Zip _ Telephone umber RECEIVED Oat 1; zv MAK 0 1 2.022. (Revised 6/18/2012) DCM WII..MIN(1-rr,^I NC Vivy6,--p_t„ouj, 4-ck_ 1 i n AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: :-JUV'h n` v c-c1\ Y Mailing Address: Phone Number: Email Address: I certify that I have authorized l _)- <S6 flrJ„-, p,-Nc - 7o I- ) q 3- .23 Agent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: �(7‘'\�' at my property located at 1.21\ in `\ \-J \\c."AU,?-, `— County. I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property.Qwner Information: Signature J c33� h f\' (-0 y Print or Type Name Title This certification is valid through l RECEIVED MAK 01 2022 DCM WILMINGTON, NC CC KE rct. 16599 Permit Number/Comments minor mod fee #46-20, 224 Waynick, Wrightsville Beach NHCo Check amount 0 0 0 0 in- Check Number 1-1 O First Bank '3 C OJ Name of Permit Holder John Murphy Check From F & S Marine Construction LLC Date Deposited QJ N ice+ ..... 0 Q 0 w o et m