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SW4220302_As-Built - Calculations_20220322 (2)
LaBeLta Powered by partnership. Noland Farm SWA000105 Table of Contents for additional Stormwater Calculations Low Density Information Page 1 Channel Calculations Page 2 through Page 10 Respectfully submitted, IIII LABELLA GA C*�0F�SS,6' AL = 22052 e _ 1 ��►��trir►t�� Paul A. Stimpson, PE Regional Civil Leader/Office Manager C#0430 939 Burke Street, Suite H Winston-Salem, NC 27101 p (704) 56o-8514 w w 1abellapc.com LOW DENSITY DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR LOW DENSITY PROJECTS FROM 02H .1003 1 Is project below density thresholds set forth in the applicable stormwater rule? Yes 2 Does project maximize dispersed flow and minimize channelization of flow? Yes 3 Has the use of piping been minimized per.1003(2)(c)? Yes 4 Side slopes of the vegetated conveyances (H:V) 31-1:1V 5 Maximum velocity in the vegetated conveyances during the 10-yew storm? 4.93 6 Are curb outlet swales proposed? No 7 Maximum - dlnal a) .e of curb outlet swele(sj N N/A 8 Bottom width of curb outlet swale(s) (feet) N/A 9 Maximum side slope of curb outlet swale(s) (H:V) N/A 10 Minimum length of curb outlet swale(s) (feet) N/A 11 Are treatment swales used instead of curb outlet swales? No 12 Is stormwater released at the edge of the setback as dispersed flow? N/A 13 Have stormwater outlets been designed to preven-downslope erosion? Yes 14 Are variations to rule .1003 proposed? No ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 15 Please use this space to provide any additional information about this low density project: Contractor must construct channel 11(from Flared End Section 2 to the eastern property line) within the Private Drainage Easement once the existing skimmer basin has apprwal to be removed. Swale # Drainage Area ac BUA (ac) Pervious area ac C Q (cfs) Slope N Vrlq„ (fps) V-i (fps) - Flow depth (ft) 1 2.07 0.14 1.93 0.50 7.14 1.12 5.00 2.78 0.65 2 1.26 0.14 1.12 0,50 4.35 3.89 5.00 3.77 0.37 3 0.99 0.14 0.85 0.50 3.42 1.00 5.00 2.17 0.46 4 0.30 0.09 0.21 0.50 1.04 3.60 5.00 2.63 0.32 5 0,31 0,08 0.23 0.50 1.07 3.60 5.00 2.65 0.33 6 0.17 0.07 0A0 0.50 0.59 4.20 5.00 2.47 0.27 7 1.80 0.58 1.22 0.48 5.96 4.70 5.00 4.46 0.60 8 0.62 0.27 0.35 0.57 2.44 3.90 5.00 3.33 0.44 9 0.65 0.27 0.38 0.57 2.56 3.90 5.00 3.36 0.45 10 0.52 0.16 0.36 0.50 1.79 5.40 5.00 3.48 0.37 11 2.98 1 0.68 2.30 0.35 7.61 5.88 5.00 4.93 0.37 12 13 14 f 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 _ Trapezoidal Channel Analysis Project Info User Input Bed Manning's n-Value (Nc):.032 Right Manning's n-Value (Nr):.032 Left -Side Slope (Zl) [H:1 V]: 4 Bottom Width (B) [ft]:.l Bend Coefficient (Kb): 1 Hydraulic Results Depth [ft]: 0.322 Froude:1.13 Project Information Designers Name: Paul Stimpson Designers Organization: LaBella Associates, PC Project Number: 2211778 Project Segment: channel above point 4 Project Description: Project Start Date: -- American glob Excelsior Company® RW Earth Science Division Left Manning's n-Value (NI):.032 Right -Side Slope (Zr) [H:1 V]: 3 Bed Slope (S) [ft/ft]: 0.036 Design Discharge (Q) [f}'/sec]: 1:04' Velocity [ft/sec]: 2.63 Shear [lb/ft']: 0.723 Designers Title: engineer Project Name: Noland Farm Project Location (City, State): Davidson County, North Carolina Applications(s): channel stabilization Project Bid Date: -- Mar 15th, 2022 1111tiW�.EROSIONWOR{KS.00M Trapezoidal Channel Analysis Project Info User Input Bed Manning's n-Value (Nc):.032 Right Manning's n-Value (Nr):.032 Left -Side Slope (ZI) [H:I V]: 3 Bottom Width (B) [ft]:.1 Bend Coefficient (Kb): 1 Hydraulic Results Depth [ft]: 0.326 Froude:1.13 Project Information Designers Name: Paul Stimpson Designers Organization: LaBella Associates, PC Project Number: 2211778 Project Segment: channel above point 5 Project Description: Project Start Date: -- American gift Excelsior Company° lw Earth Science Division Left Manning's n-Value (NI):.032 Right -Side Slope (Zr) [H:1 V]: 4 Bed Slope (S) [ft/ft]: 0.036 Design Discharge (Q) [ft'/sec]: 1.07 Velocity [ft/sec]: 2.65 ✓ Shear [lb/ft']: 0.732 Designers Title: engineer Project Name: Noland Farm Project Location (City, State): Davidson County, North Carolina Applications(s): channel stabilization Project Bid Date: -- Mar 15th, 2022 VN M.EROSIp1dVHOR;CS GOM Trapezoidal Channel Analysis Project Info User Input Bed Manning's n-Value (Nc):.032 Right Manning's n-Value (Nr):.032 Left -Side Slope (ZI) [H:I V]: 3 Bottom Width (B) [ft]:.1 Bend Coefficient (Kb): I Hydraulic Results Depth [ft]: 0.266 Froude:1.16 Project Information Designers Name: Paul Stimpson Designers Organization: LaBella Associates, PC Project Number: 221778 Project Segment: channel above point 6 Project Description: Project Start Date: -- American gift Excelsior Company° Earth Science Division Left Manning's n-Value (Nl):.032 Right -Side Slope (Zr) [H:1 V]: 3 Bed Slope (S) [ft/ft]: 0.042 Design Discharge (Q) [ft'/sec]:.59 !D ° Velocity [ft/sec]: 2.47 Shear [lb/ft2]: 0.697 Designers Title: engineer Project Name: Noland Farm Project Location (City, State): Davidson County, North Carolina Applications(s): channel stabilization Project Bid Date: -- Mar 15th, 2022 VW WEROSIONWORKS_GOM It Trapezoidal Channel Analysis Project Info User Input Bed Manning's n-Value (Nc):.032 Right Manning's n-Value (Nr):.032 Left -Side Slope (Zl) [H:]V]: 4 Bottom Width (B) [ft]:.1 Bend Coefficient (Kb): 1 Hydraulic Results Depth [ft]: 0.603 Froude: 1.42 Project Information Designers Name: Paul Stimpson Designers Organization: LaBella Associates, PC Project Number: 2211778 Project Segment: channel above point 7 Project Description: Project Start Date: -- American Excelsior Company RW Earth Science Division Left Manning's n-Value (Nl):.032 Right -Side Slope (Zr) [H:1 V]: 3 Bed Slope (S) [ft/ft]: 0.047 Design Discharge (Q) [ft'/s;c]: 5.96 Velocity [ft/sec]: 4.46 Shear [lb/ft']: 1.77 Designers Title: engineer Project Name: Noland Farm Project Location (City, State): Davidson County, North Carolina Applications(s): channel stabilization Project Bid Date: -- Mar 15th, 2022 VVWW. ER QS I aN WDR KS. C OM Trapezoidal Channel Analysis Project Info User Input Bed Manning's n-Value (Nc):.032 Right Manning's n-Value (Nr):.032 Left -Side Slope (ZI) [H:1 V]: 3 Bottom Width (B) [ft]:.1 Bend Coefficient (Kb): 1 Hydraulic Results Depth [ft]: 0.444 Froude:1.23 Project Information Designers Name: Paul Stimpson Designers Organization: LaBella Associates, PC Project Number: 2211778 Project Segment: channel above point 8 Project Description: Project Start Date: -- American tdbk Excelsior Company° RW Earth Science Division Left Manning's n-Value (Nl):.032 Right -Side Slope (Zr) [H:1 V]: 4 Bed Slope (S) [ft/ft]: 0.039 Design Discharge (Q) [ft'/sec]: 2.44 Velocity [ft/sec]: 3.33 Shear [lb/ft']: 1.08 Designers Title: engineer Project Name: Noland Farm Project Location (City, State): Davidson County, North Carolina Applications(s): channel stabilization Project Bid Date: -- Mar 15th, 2022 WMEROSIONWORKS.COM Trapezoidal Channel Analysis Project Info User Input Bed Manning's n-Value (Nc):.032 Right Manning's n-Value (Nr):.032 Left -Side Slope (ZI) [H:1V]: 4 Bottom Width (B) [ft]:.1 Bend Coefficient (Kb): 1 Hydraulic Results Depth [ft]: 0.453 Froude: 1.22 Project Information Designers Name: Paul Stimpson Designers Organization: LaBella Associates, PC Project Number: 2211778 Project Segment: channel above point 9 Project Description: Project Start Date: -- American 9161111 Excelsior Company Earth Science Division Left Manning's n-Value (Nl):.032 Right -Side Slope (Zr) [H:1 V]: 3 Bed Slope (S) [ft/ft]: 0.039 Design Discharge (Q) [ft'/sec]: 2.56 Velocity [ft/sec]: 3.36 Shear [lb/ftz]: 1.1 Designers Title: engineer Project Name: Noland Farm Project Location (City, State): Davidson County, North Carolina Applications(s): channel stabilization Project Bid Date: -- Mar 15th, 2022 W WW. ER051QNA 0RKS.CDM Trapezoidal Channel Analysis Project Info User Input Bed Manning's n-Value (Nc):.032 Right Manning's n-Value (Nr):.032 Left -Side Slope (ZI) [H:1 V]: 3 Bottom Width (B) [ft]:.I Bend Coefficient (Kb): 1 Hydraulic Results Depth [ft]: 0.369 Froude: 1.4 Project Information Designers Name: Paul Stimpson Designers Organization: LaBella Associates, PC Project Number: 2211778 Project Segment: channel about point 10 Project Description: Project Start Date: -- American Excelsior Company Earth Science Division Left Manning's n-Value (NI):.032 Right -Side Slope (Zr) [H:1 V]: 4 Bed Slope (S) [ft/ft]: 0.054 Design Discharge (Q) [ft'/sec]: 1.79 A 0,s'0 (0,She-) Velocity [ft/sec]: 3.48 0" Shear [lb/ftz]: 1.24 Designers Title: engineer Project Name: Noland Farm Project Location (City, State): Davidson County, North Carolina Applications(s): channel stabilization Project Bid Date: -- Mar 15th, 2022 WUW _ER0Si0NLIPRK5.00M Trapezoidal Channel Analysis Project Info User Input Bed Manning's n-Value (Nc):.032 Right Manning's n-Value (Nr):.032 Left -Side Slope (ZI) [H:]V]: 3 Bottom Width (B) [ft]: 3 Bend Coefficient (Kb): 1.25 Hydraulic Results Depth [ft]: 0.374 f/ Froude: 1.6 Project Information Designers Name: Paul Stimpson Designers Organization: LaBella Associates, PC Project Number: 2211778 Project Segment: channel 11 Project Description: Project Start Date: -- �d17nP�1 PI WERff American _ Excelsior Company RW Earth Science Division Left Manning's n-Value (Nl):.032 Right -Side Slope (Zr) [H:1 V]: 3 Bed Slope (S) butyl: 0.0588 Design Discharge (Q) [ft'/sec]: 7.61 V Velocity [ft/sec]: 4.93 Shear [lb/ft']: 1.72 Designers Title: engineer Project Name: Noland Farm Project Location (City, State): Davidson County, North Carolina Applications(s): channel stabilization Project Bid Date: -- t !N i9N c E l t� X STJ.�1: Sk I rnn, Fl� 13t9S/Al 5 fRA 4ppRoVofiL Mar 16th, 2022 17 W W W.ERa51ON WQRKS.COM Gl( AEC Premier Coconut 1.53 1.31 up to 36 AEC Premier Straw DN QM (White Net) 1.35 1.02 up to 3 AEC Premier Straw Double Net 1.35 1.02 up to 12 AEC Premier Straw Single Net 1.27 0.901 up to 12 AEC Premier Straw SN QM (White Net) 1.27 0 901 up to 3 AEC Premier Straw/Coconut 1.44 1.16 up to 24 Curlex Enforcer (Unvegetated) 1.83 1.89 Permanent Curlex Enforcer (Vegetated) 3.22 5.81 Permanent 1✓Curlex High Velactt H 1.83 1.89 36+ Curlex 1 1.35 1.02 up to 18 Curlex I CL 1.29 0.93 up to 15 Curlex I CL QuickMow (White Net) 1.29 0.93 up to 3 Curlex I QuickMow (White Net) 1.35 1.02 up to 3 Curlex II i iii 1.53 1.31 up to 24 Curlex II .98 1.61 1.45 up to 30 Curlex II CL 1.36 1.05 up to 18 Curlex 11 CL QuickMow (White Net) 1.36 1.05 up to 3 Curlex 11 QuickMow (White Net) 1.53 1.31 up to 3 Curlex III 1.61 1.45 up to 36 Curlex NetFree 1.02 0.581 up to 18 Recyclex TRM (Unvegetated) 1.87 1.97 Permanent Recyclex TRM (Vegetated) 3.37 6.4 Permanent Recyclex TRM-V (Unvegetated) 1.85 1 93 Permanent Recyclex TRM-V (Vegetated) 2.88 4.65 i Permanent TriNet Coconut (Unvegetated) 1.82 1.86 Permanent TriNet Coconut (Vegetated) 3.52 6.98 Permanent TriNet Curlex (Unvegetated) 1.82 1.86 Permanent TriNet Curlex (Vegetated) 3.67 7.56 Permanent TriNet Recyclex (Unvegetated) 1.82 1 86 Premanent TriNet Recyclex (Vegetated) 3.8 8.14 Permanent TriNet Straw/Coconut (Unvegetated) 1.82 1.86 Permanent TriNet Straw/Coconut (Vegetated) 3.22 5.81 Permanent Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Mar 16th, 2022 WVWIf EROSIONWOt3KS.COM