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SW1220301_Geotechnical Report_20220322
i'Kti'HKtU , AVCON, Inc. 13801 Reese Boulevard, Suite 160 Huntersville, North Carolina 28078 S&ME, Inc. 44 Buck Shoals Road, Suite C-3 Arden, North Carolina 28704 July 25, 2019 July 25, 2019 AVCON, Inc. 13801 Reese Boulevard Huntersville, South Carolina 298078 Attention: Mr. James Moose, P.E. Reference: Subsurface Exploration AVL (Parking Lots Fletcher, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1441-19-013 NC PE Firm License No. F-0176 Dear Mr. Moose: S&ME, Inc. (S&ME) is pleased to submit this Subsurface Exploration report for the referenced project. The exploration was made in accordance with our Proposal No. 14-1900301 dated May 3, 2019, and Standard Master Subconsultant Agreement dated May 31, 2019. This report presents a brief confirmation of our understanding of the project, the exploration results, and our geotechnical conclusions and recommendations regarding site grading and pavement support. We appreciate the opportunity to provide the geotechnical engineering services for AVCON, Inc. on this project. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the information in this report, or when further services are needed. Sincerely, S&ME, Inc. III �� 1 CA / ////' Jordan Titus, P.E. Matt McCurdy, P.E. -- 4 S S/p . 9 Project Engineer Senior Engineer = a- SEAL T', 1 jtitus(a smeinc.com mmccurdyPsmeinr-com 032471 S&ME, Inc. 144 Buck Shoals Road, Suite C-3 R Arden, NC 28704 1 p 828.687.90801 www.smeinc.com Subsurface Exploration AVL Parking Lots Fletcher, South Carolina 111 S&ME Project No. 1441-19-013 S Table of Contents 1.0 Project Information...........................................................................................................1 2.0 Exploration and Testing...................................................................................................2 2.1 Field Exploration............................................................................................................................ 2 2.2 Laboratory Testing.........................................................................................................................2 3.0 Site Conditions..................................................................................................................2 3.1 Surface Features..............................................................................................................................2 3.2 Regional Geology...........................................................................................................................3 3.3 Subsurface Conditions...................................................................................................................4 3.3.1 Surface Materials..............................................................................................................................4 3.3.2 Existing Fill.......................................................................................................................................4 3.3.3 Residual Soils....................................................................................................................................4 3.3.4 Subsurface Water..............................................................................................................................4 3.3.5 Laboratory Testing............................................................................................................................4 4.0 Conclusions........................................................................................................................5 5.0 Site Grading Recommendations....................................................................................6 5.1 Site Preparation...............................................................................................................................6 5.1.1 General..............................................................................................................................................6 5.1.2 Existing Fill and Undercutting........................................................................................................6 5.1.3 Proofrolling and Subgrade Evaluation..............................................................................................7 5.2 Excavation....................................................................................................................................... 7 5.3 Fill Placement and Compaction....................................................................................................8 5.3.1 Use of Excavated Soils as Fill............................................................................................................8 5.3.2 Use of Off -Site Borrow Materials as Fill...........................................................................................8 5.4 Excavated Slopes and Fill Embankments...................................................................................9 5.5 Subgrade Repair and Improvement Methods............................................................................9 6.0 Pavement Thickness Recommendations......................................................................9 6.1 Flexible Pavements.......................................................................................................................10 July 25, 2019 Subsurface Exploration AVL Parking Lots Fletcher, South Carolina I I I S&ME Project No. 1441-19-013 6.2 Rigid Pavements...........................................................................................................................11 6.3 Subgrade and Drainage...............................................................................................................11 7.0 Limitations of Report.....................................................................................................11 Important Information About Your Geotechnical Engineering Report List of Tables Table 6-1: Pavement Thickness Recommendations ...........................Error! Bookmark not defined. Appendix Boring Location Plan (Figure 1) Legend to Soil Classification and Symbols Boring Logs (A-1 through A-5, B-1 and B-2) Summary of Laboratory Test Data Laboratory Test Results Field Testing Procedure Important Information About Geotechnical Reports July 25, 2019 Subsurface Exploration AVL Parking Lots Fletcher, South Carolina 111 S&ME Project No. 1441-19-013 S 1.0 Project Information Our understanding of the project is based on the following: Phone conversation between Mr. James Moose, P.E. with AVCON and Mr. John Weavil, P.E. with S&ME on April 24, 2019; An email transmittal from Mr. Moose to Mr. Weavil on April 24, 2019; Our review of the Remote Parking Alternatives, which was provided in the above referenced April 24, 2019 email transmittal, and is dated 4/10/2019; Email correspondence between Mr. Moose and Mr. Matt McCurdy, P.E. with S&ME on April 26 through July 12, 2019; Email correspondence between Mr. Moose, Mr. McCurdy and Christopher Birkmeyer, P.E. with AVCON, Inc. on July 8 through July 12, 2019; A site visit by Mr. Matt McCurdy on May 2, 2019; and Our review of aerial images of the site from Google Earth TM. Based on the above information, it is our understanding that construction of the parking lots labeled A and B shown on the Remote Parking Alternatives Plan is being planned at Asheville Regional Airport (AVL). The site for Lot A is bordered by Airport Road to the west, Airport Park Road to the north, woods and a warehouse structure (Electrolux) to the south, and a hotel to the east. The site currently contains an asphalt pavement drive and grassed areas, and the northern and southern portions are separated in tiers with about 10 to 15 feet in elevation change. The site for Lot B is bordered by Wright Brothers Way to the west, Aviation Way to the north, Terminal Drive to the south, and a wooded strip to the east. The site is currently a gravel parking lot being used primarily for construction equipment. The drawing indicates parking lots A and B will have 400 and 100 parking spaces, respectively. However, Mr. Birkmeyer informed us that Lot A could actually have approximately 300 spaces and Lot B could have approximately 90 spaces, depending on the final selected geometry. At the time of this report, plans were for Lot A to be daily or long term parking, and for Lot B to be the cell phone waiting lot and parking for some businesses in the area. Each lot will likely have a shuttle bus stop to assist customers with transportation to the terminal. We were informed the shuttle buses will be Ford F-350 buses, or similar vehicle weights. Based on our site visit and images from Google Earth TM, parking lot B and the northern portion of parking lot A are relatively level, although the north part of Lot A inclines gently to the east. The southern portion of parking lot A slopes upward generally to the east and there is a higher elevation area in the southern third. Since the majority of the sites are pre -graded and relatively flat and level, we assume that site grading will consist of maximum excavation and fill placement depths on the order of about 1 to 3 feet in most locations throughout the lots. However, in the southern portion of parking lot A, we expect the higher elevation area could require excavation depths ranging from 5 to 10 feet. July 25, 2019 Subsurface Exploration AVL Parking Lots Fletcher, South Carolina 111 S&ME Project No. 1441-19-013 S 2.0 Exploration and Testing 2.1 Field Exploration The field exploration included a site reconnaissance by a Geotechnical Engineer and Staff Professional, the drilling of five soil test borings for Lot A (borings A-1 through A-5) and two soil test borings for Lot B (borings B-1 and B- 2). The borings were drilled to a depth of 10 feet below the existing ground surface, except for one 15 foot boring (A-2) which was drilled in a higher elevation/potential cut area. Our personnel established the boring locations by using aerial photographs, the provided drawing, and by measuring distances from existing site features. Prior to conducting the borings, NC 811 was notified to mark public underground utilities in the vicinity of the borings. The soil test borings were drilled with a track -mounted drill rig (Diedrich D-50 with an automatic hammer), using hollow -stem augers to advance the boreholes. Split -spoon samples and Standard Penetration Resistance (N) values were obtained at 2.5-foot intervals in the upper 10 feet of the borings and at a 5-foot interval, thereafter (in the 15 feet deep borehole). After completion of drilling and attempting subsurface water depth measurements, the boreholes were backfilled with soil cuttings and a mechanical hole plug was inserted near the top of each borehole to help reduce borehole settlement. A Boring Location Plan (Figure 1) showing the approximate boring locations, a Legend to Soil Classification and Symbols, Boring Logs, and the Field Testing Procedures are included in the Appendix. In addition to the SPT sampling, we also collected bulk samples of the auger cuttings (from the upper 1 to 6 feet of soil) from many of the borings. 2.2 Laboratory Testing The split -spoon samples and bulk samples were transported to our laboratory, where members of our engineering staff visually and manually classified the soils in general accordance with the guidelines of the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). The results of the classifications and the field testing results are presented on the individual Boring Logs in the Appendix. Selected split -spoon and bulk samples were subjected to laboratory index testing (moisture content, Atterberg limits, and sieve analysis) to aid in the classification and evaluation of the soils' engineering properties. We also performed Modified Proctor compaction and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) testing on three of the bulk samples to help evaluate the soils' pavement support characteristics and suitability for use as structural fill. The Appendix contains the individual laboratory test reports, and the results are discussed in Section 3.3.5 of this report. 3.0 Site Conditions 3.1 Surface Features As previously mentioned, the southern portion of proposed parking lot A is currently occupied by an asphalt pavement drive and grassed areas and the northern portion is occupied by a grassed area. The northern portion is relatively flat and approximately 10 to 15 feet higher in elevation than the southern portion. The southern July 25, 2019 Subsurface Exploration AVL Parking Lots Fletcher, South Carolina S&ME Project No. 1441-19-013 =0 III portion of parking lot A slopes upward generally to the east and there is a higher elevation area in the southern third. On the eastern side of the southern portion of parking lot A, the site steeply slopes upward toward the tree line. Based on Google Earth images, the northern portion of parking lot A has been cleared of vegetation since 1994. The images indicate a parking lot was constructed sometime between 2013 and 2015 and has been since removed orjust overgrown with vegetation. The southern portion of the parking lot was previously wooded, but was cleared and graded sometime between 2013 and 2015. The asphalt pavement drive was also constructed during this period of time. It appears a sewer line extends along the western perimeter of the southern portion of parking lot A. Parking lot B is currently occupied by a gravel parking lot. The Google Earth images indicate the area has been at least partially cleared of vegetation and used for parking since about 1994. The parking area is relatively flat and level. Our site visits and exploration were made during sunny, dry weather. The ground surface was observed to be generally stable beneath the drill rig. 3.2 Regional Geology The project site is in the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province of North Carolina, an area underlain by ancient igneous and metamorphic rocks. Geologic mapping by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) indicates the underlying bedrock consists primarily of metagraywacke and muscovite-biotite gneiss. The soils encountered in this area are the residual product of in -place physical and chemical weathering of the rock presently underlying the site. In areas not altered by erosion or disturbed by the activities of man, the typical residual soil profile typically consists of clayey soils near the surface, where soil weathering is more advanced, underlain by sandy silts and silty sands with varying amounts of mica. The boundary between soil and rock is not sharply defined. This transitional zone, termed "partially weathered rock," is normally found overlying parent bedrock. Partially weathered rock is defined, for engineering purposes, as residual material with standard penetration resistance values of at least 50 blows per 6 inches. Weathering is facilitated by fractures, joints, and the presence of less resistant rock types. Consequently, the profile of the partially weathered rock (as well as hard rock) is quite irregular and erratic, even over relatively short horizontal distances. Also, it is not unusual to find lenses and boulders of hard rock and zones of partially weathered rock within the soil mantle, well above the general bedrock level. The natural geological profile of portions of the site have been modified/disturbed by past construction and grading activities that have resulted in the placement of fill. Please keep in mind that fill soils can vary in composition and consistency, and the engineering characteristics of these soils can be difficult to predict. Although there is no specific correlation between the degree of compaction of existing fill and the results of standard penetration testing, a qualitative assessment of existing fill can often be made based on visual observation of the fill materials sampled in the borings and the general magnitude of the standard penetration test values. July 25, 2019 Subsurface Exploration AVL Parking Lots Fletcher, South Carolina 111 S&ME Project No. 1441-19-013 S 3.3 Subsurface Conditions The following description of subsurface conditions is a brief overview. More detailed information is provided on the individual Boring Logs included in the Appendix. 3.3.1 Surface Materials The borings in Parking Lot A initially penetrated approximately 2 inches of rootmat (grass and roots). Please note that this thickness will vary throughout the site and there could be some topsoil in unexplored areas. The borings in Parking Lot B initially penetrated approximately 3 inches of crushed stone. 3.3.2 Existing Fill Boring A-2 was drilled on the higher elevation strip of ground in the southeast part of Lot A. The boring encountered existing fill below the surface materials to an approximate depth of 5.5 feet below the existing ground surface. The sampled fill soils generally consisted of moist, silty sand (SM) with trace amounts of clay, a large piece of wood in one sample. The upper attempted split -spoon sample yielded no recovery of the sample. N-values obtained in the fill soils ranged from 3 to 4 blows per foot, indicating a low degree of compaction. Based on the low N-values and the wood in the sample, it appears the material was likely placed in a relatively loose stockpile, rather than compacted in place. Please note that fill soils, and particularly stockpiled soils, generally tend to become wet due to rainwater runoff infiltrating these soils and becoming trapped or "perched" above layers of more consistent residual soils. In addition, the upper residual soils near the fill/residuum interface can be moist or wet as well. The depth and composition of fill in unexplored areas will vary and could be deeper and/or erratically compacted. 3.3.3 Residual Soils Beneath the existing fill in boring A-2, and beneath the rootmat and crushed stone in the remaining borings, residual soils of the type common to the Fletcher area were encountered in both lots. The residuum consisted of sandy silt (ML) and silty sand (SM). Some samples contained trace amounts of clay and varying amounts of mica content and some samples were moist. The N-values recorded in the residual soils ranged from 6 to 28 blows per foot, indicating a firm to very stiff consistency for silts and indicating a loose to medium dense relative density for sands. All of the borings were terminated in the residual soils at their planned termination depths. 3.3.4 Subsurface Water Subsurface water was not encountered at the time of boring JOB). Please note that subsurface water levels will fluctuate during the year, due to seasonal variations, precipitation, and construction activity in the area, and could be within the depths drilled in the future. 3.3.5 Laboratory Testing As previously discussed in Section 2.0 Exploration and Testing, we collected bulk samples of the auger cuttings (from the upper 1 to 6 feet of soil) from many of the borings. We evaluated and combined these samples into three composite bulk samples, blended by similar soil types (i.e., predominantly sandy) and proximity, to provide a July 25, 2019 4 Subsurface Exploration AVL Parking Lots Fletcher, South Carolina S&ME Project No. 1441-19-013 =0 range of properties for the representative fill and residual soils encountered across the site. In addition to laboratory index testing (moisture content, Atterberg limits, and sieve analysis) we performed Modified Proctor compaction and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) testing to help evaluate the soil's pavement support characteristics. The CBR specimens were remolded to 95 percent of the soil's maximum dry density, based on the Modified Proctor (ASTM D 1557). This degree of compaction is not necessarily representative of the existing/in situ condition; however, we will recommend that that subgrade soils be compacted to at least this minimum compaction threshold during site preparation and fill placement. The Appendix contains the individual laboratory test reports and a Summary of Laboratory Test Data table, and the results are summarized below: The composite samples classified as silty sand (SM). These soil classifications generally represented the majority of the site soils sampled in the upper 1 to 6 feet; Percent fines for the SM soils ranged from about 42 to 49 percent; Plasticity Index for the SM soils ranged from 10 to 11 percent; Modified Proctor Maximum Dry Density (MDD) for the SM soils ranged from 118.9 to 121.5 pcf, Modified Proctor Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) for the SM soils ranged from 12.1 to 13.0 percent; In situ Moisture Content for the SM soils ranged from 13.1 to 23.5 percent (roughly 1 to 11 percent over OMC); and CBR values for the SM soils ranged from approximately 4 to 7 percent. 4.0 Conclusions The following conclusions and recommendations are based upon our understanding of the proposed construction and results of the exploration as discussed in Sections 1.0 and 3.0. If the above -described project information is incorrect or modified after submission of this report, or if subsurface conditions encountered during construction of the parking lots are different from those reported, S&ME should be notified and these recommendations must be re-evaluated to make the appropriate revisions. When reviewing this information, please remember the site has been previously disturbed, developed, and graded. Our experience with sites such as this indicates unexpected conditions, such as deposits of unsuitable existing fill or low consistency natural soils, could exist between the boring locations and unexplored areas of the site. The boring data indicates the site is generally underlain by moderate -consistency residual soils, except for the low -consistency existing fill encountered in boring A-2 (which appears to be a possible stockpile). Based on the Standard Penetration Resistance values obtained, it appears the site will generally be adaptable for structural support of the proposed parking lots. Because the existing fill was encountered in the higher elevation strip of ground, we anticipate it will likely be excavated if grading is performed in this area. However, it is possible that some existing fill will still be encountered after excavation, and in other areas between the borings, and could require some undercutting if low -consistency or debris -laden fill is encountered. The development and construction team must understand our recommendations are based on the premise that our representative will be on -site to observe and document site work, including site preparation, proofrolling, July 25, 2019 Subsurface Exploration AVL Parking Lots =0 Fletcher, South Carolina I I I S&ME Project No. 1441-19-013 undercutting, stabilization, excavation, and fill placement, and to perform density testing of fills. Proper site preparation and maintenance is very important in helping to provide time- and cost-efficient construction. Our observations and tests can be a vital component in improving the performance and efficiency of the site work. 5.0 Site Grading Recommendations 5.1 Site Preparation 5.1.1 General Site preparation should extend at least 5 feet outside pavement limits, where practical. Site preparation should begin with the removal of all unsuitable surface materials. This would include surface vegetation, organic laden topsoil, trees, rootmat, and any unstable near -surface soils. The borings indicate the rootmat to be about 2 inches thick; however, the thicknesses will vary in unexplored areas. Large roots can be expected near the surface for the stumps of any trees or tree remnants onsite. If tap roots and stumps are encountered, they should be completely removed and any voids left in the soil should be cleaned of all roots and backfilled with well -compacted fill as described in Section 5.3. If the existing crushed stone at Lot B is planned to remain in place, several test areas should be excavated in the presence of our geotechnical representative to confirm that there is no topsoil or organic material below the stone layer. However, this layer should not be planned to replace the new pavement base course, because the subgrade soils have likely migrated into the existing crushed stone. 5.1.2 Existing Fill and Undercutting As previously discussed, existing fill was encountered in boring A-2 to a depth of about 5.5 feet below the existing ground surface. We note the fill appeared poorly compacted and contained some wood debris. We are not aware of any construction records that document the placement and compaction of the fill at the time of grading. Based on the SPT N-values and the topography it appears that the fill may have been stockpiled and may be excavated during new grading. However, depending on final grades some other existing fill may be exposed at planned subgrade and existing fill may be encountered between the borings. The most positive approach is to undercut all existing fill and replace it (as needed to achieve final grades and reusing suitable soil) as a controlled, structural fill with observation and in -place density testing as described in Section 5.3. This is because undocumented fills can contain pockets of buried debris, organics, or softer and wetter soils than were detected by the borings. Because of these reasons, leaving existing fill in place carries an inherent risk of future pavement distress and maintenance/repair. Again, Boring A-2 was performed in a relatively higher portion of parking lot A; therefore, it is possible that this is a planned cut section. We recommend the contractor excavate a few test pits with a backhoe in our presence to evaluate if any existing fill material is below planned grades in this area, and to observe its character and consistency. Any previously stockpiled soils should not remain under the planned pavement. July 25, 2019 Subsurface Exploration AVL Parking Lots Fletcher, South Carolina S&ME Project No. 1441-19-013 =0 If fill is encountered in other areas, and undercutting all of the fill is not feasible due to site constraints or economics, another approach is to undercut and replace a portion of the fill, or at a minimum, all soft/unstable areas detected near the surface. With this approach some risk of compromised pavement performance must be understood and accepted, but the risks can be lowered somewhat with thorough evaluation in the field. Parts of the fill can possibly be left in place, provided they are assessed to be adequately stable by the proofrolling methods discussed in the following section. During warmer and drier parts of the year, the remedial work required could be less than during cold and/or wet weather. In drier weather, these soils can sometimes be scarified and densified in -place, while they would otherwise need to be undercut/replaced during other times. This is typically dictated by season of the year and weather conditions. Evaluation and undercutting should be closely observed by an S&ME Geotechnical Professional or Site Technician. 5.1.3 Proofrolling and Subgrade Evaluation After stripping and removing unsuitable surface materials (and prior to planned fill placement), the exposed subgrades should be evaluated by a Geotechnical Professional to help assess whether all unsuitable materials have been sufficiently removed. To aid the Professional during this evaluation, the exposed subgrade should be proofrolled with a heavily loaded tandem -axle dump truck or similar rubber -tired equipment. Proofrolling not only helps reveal the presence of disturbed, unstable, or otherwise unsuitable surface materials, but will help densify the exposed subgrade for subsequent structural fill placement and pavement support. Any areas that deflect excessively under proofrolling should be undercut and/or stabilized as recommended by the Geotechnical Professional. Any questionable areas could be further explored by shallow test pits and/or hand auger borings with DCP testing. Where undercutting is recommended (if required, based on our observations during proofrolling), it should extend laterally beyond the pavement limits to a distance of 5 feet, where practical. Undercutting should extend vertically down to stable soil and backfilled to plan subgrade elevation with well -compacted structural fill. If stable soil is not encountered and the undercutting will approach 2 to 3 feet, consideration could be given to stabilizing the area with geotextiles and/or crushed stone. Typically, soft pavement areas can be stabilized with a layer of woven stabilization fabric (such as Mirafi HP 570), geogrid, and/or 1 to 2 feet of crushed stone (surge stone, railroad ballast, or ABC stone, depending on conditions encountered). The selection of the remedial approach and extents is normally more economically determined based on actual site conditions observed by our representative. We recommend having a budget contingency to account for repair or improvement of parts of the subgrade by undercutting or other stabilization measures. The need for this remediation will also be very dependent on the weather conditions at the time of construction. 5.2 Excavation The boring data indicates excavations will extend through moderate -consistency residual soils and low - consistency fill soils. These materials can typically be excavated by routine earthmoving equipment used in this area, such as a bulldozer, moderately heavy front end loader, or tracked excavator. Local excavation for shallow utility trenches can be accomplished by a heavy backhoe or tracked excavator. Please keep in mind rock in a weathered, boulder, and massive form varies very erratically in depth and location in the Blue Ridge Geologic Province. Accordingly, although not anticipated, there is always a potential that refusal July 25, 2019 Subsurface Exploration AVL Parking Lots =0 Fletcher, South Carolina tF 111 S&ME Project No. 1441-19-013 materials could be encountered in unexplored areas of the site and blasting or the use of pneumatic excavation tools could be required. Similarly, boulders or debris could be encountered within the existing fill. All excavations should be sloped or shored in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations, including OSHA (29 CFR Part 1926) excavation trench safety standards. The contractor is solely responsible for site safety. This information is provided only as a service and under no circumstances should S&ME be assumed to be responsible for construction site safety. 5.3 Fill Placement and Compaction After stripping and subgrade preparation as described above, areas requiring fill placement should be raised to their design subgrade configuration with soil free of deleterious materials. Any rock fragments within the new fill should be less than 4 inches in diameter. The fill should be uniformly spread in 6- to 8-inch thick loose lifts and be compacted to at least 95 percent of the soil's maximum dry density, as determined by a laboratory modified Proctor compaction test (ASTM D-1557). The moisture content should be controlled at plus to minus 3 percent of optimum. Stricter moisture control could be required to achieve satisfactory compaction of the soils at this site. Fill placement should be observed by a qualified Materials Technician working under the general direction of the Geotechnical Engineer. In addition to this visual evaluation, the Technician should perform a sufficient number of in -place field density tests to confirm the required degree of compaction is attained. Periodic field "check plugs" should be performed to help determine the correct Proctor data to use. 5.3.1 Use of Excavated Soils as Fill The majority of the sampled residual soil appears generally adaptable for use as well -compacted structural fill. The in -situ moisture contents of two of the bulk samples were about 6 to 11 percent over optimum moisture content, indicating a significant drying effort could be required. The Contractor should have equipment, such as disk harrows, to help scarify and dry wet soil. Some spreading of the soil and aerating could be needed. (Alternatively, consideration could be given to replacing wet soil with drier soil from another source or ABC stone.) Existing fill materials should be evaluated by our technician during excavation to assess whether they are suitable for possible re -use. We note one of the split spoon samples in the fill contained a large piece of wood. This indicates there could be pockets of organics that will need to be removed. The moisture content of the on -site soil, especially those near the surface, will fluctuate with weather conditions. Depending upon the time grading begins, moisture adjustment (likely drying, but possibly some wetting) could be required to achieve the required degree of compaction. 5.3.2 Use of Off -Site Borrow Materials as Fill Imported fill used for site grading should consist of a clean (free of organics and debris), low plasticity soil (Liquid Limit less than 50, Plasticity Index less than 20), and be evaluated by a Geotechnical Engineer prior to use. However, to truly gain the benefits of using more favorable "select" fill material for improved pavement subgrade support, we recommend refining the following physical characteristic requirements: Liquid Limit less than 40, Plasticity Index less than 10; July 25, 2019 Subsurface Exploration AVL Parking Lots Fletcher, South Carolina 111 S&ME Project No. 1441-19-013 S Percent fines less than 35 percent; Mica content less than 0.5 percent by weight; and Modified Proctor maximum dry density greater than 120 pounds per cubic foot. 5.4 Excavated Slopes and Fill Embankments Along the eastern boundary of parking lot A, the site slopes steeply towards the wooded area. Our experience shows that slopes should be stable if properly constructed and maintained. Excavated slopes in residual materials at moderate heights should be stable when excavated at an inclination no steeper than 2H:1V (Horizontal to Vertical). Similarly, fill embankments anticipated for this project should be stable at an inclination no steeper than 2H:1 V when constructed of well compacted fill over a properly prepared subgrade. Flatter slope inclinations are suggested to reduce maintenance and repair, and allow landscaping equipment to more easily operate. Also, we recommend for slopes or embankments taller than 20 feet that intermediate benches (at least 5 feet wide) with drainage be provided. Fill placed in embankments should be compacted to a similar requirement as recommended in Section 5.3 (95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density). Because it is difficult to compact soils near the embankment face, we suggest constructing the embankments outside their design limits and then cutting them back, leaving the exposed face well -compacted. We advise the face of slopes and embankments be protected by establishing vegetation with the use of erosion control blankets or turf mats as soon as practical after grading. Also, rainwater runoff should be diverted away from the crest of slopes. In general, utilities should be routed away from fill embankments. Any utilities that must be located near the face or the crests of the fill slopes should be designed with extra precautions to ensure they do not leak or rupture. All utility line backfill should be compacted to project specifications. It is very important that all factors associated with slopes be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications 5.5 Subgrade Repair and Improvement Methods The exposed subgrade soil of both excavation and fill areas can deteriorate when exposed to construction activity and environmental changes such as freezing, erosion, softening from ponded rainwater, and rutting from construction equipment. We recommend the exposed subgrade surfaces which have deteriorated be properly repaired by scarifying and recompacting immediately prior to construction. If this has to be performed during wet weather conditions, it would be worthwhile to consider undercutting the deteriorated soil and replacing it with compacted crushed stone. 6.0 Pavement Thickness Recommendations Pavement type and thickness selection should be based primarily on the supporting soils, drainage characteristics, and traffic volume for the subject pavement area. Based on the information provided, we understand that Parking Lot A and B will have approximately 300 and 90 spaces, respectively. Parking Lot B will be used as the cell phone lot (short term parking) and for parking for some of the nearby businesses. Parking Lot A will be used for daily or long term parking. Both parking lots are anticipated to have a shuttle bus stop and buses (Ford F-350 buses, or similar vehicle weights) may stop in each lot up to 72 times per day (4 trips per hour between 6 am and midnight). July 25, 2019 Subsurface Exploration AVL Parking Lots =0 Fletcher, South Carolina tF 111 S&ME Project No. 1441-19-013 When design information is more final, pavement thicknesses will need to be designed and evaluated based on appropriate traffic data, vehicle loads, and frequencies that can be represented as Equivalent Single Axle Loads (ESALs). All materials and workmanship should meet the 2018 NCDOT Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures manual. 6.1 Flexible Pavements Flexible pavement can be used for the proposed roadway following proper drainage, subgrade preparation, and compaction procedures. From our laboratory testing, California Bearing Ratio (CBR) values in parking lot A ranged from 6.4 to 6.6. For parking lot B a CBR value of 3.7 was obtained. Based on our experience in the Asheville area and our laboratory testing results, we have assigned parking lots A and B with a design CBR value of 4 percent for the subgrade soils. Use of this CBR value also assumes the recommendations for site preparation/evaluation, undercutting, and fill placement have been followed. The design procedures used are based on the AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures and associated literature. We recommend the following minimum thicknesses for the standard -duty (areas only subjected to automobiles) and heavy-duty pavements (drives subject to buses and heavy trucks). Table 6-1- Flexible Pavement Thickness Recommendations Sufficient tests and evaluations should be performed during pavement installation to confirm the required thickness, density, and quality requirements of the specifications are followed. Please note the asphalt pavement thickness should not be deficient by more than'/a inch in any area. Also, to confirm the ABC course has been uniformly compacted, in -place field density tests should be performed by a qualified Materials Technician, and the area should be proofrolled under his or her evaluation. To achieve the design performance period of 15 to 20 years, the pavements should be properly maintained, including sealing temperature cracks as they occur, cleaning the pavement of debris, and patching any areas that have deteriorated quicker than others. Our experience indicates that a thin surface overlay of asphalt pavement may be required in about 7 to 10 years due to normal wear and weathering of the surface. Such wear is typically visible in several forms of pavement distress; such as aggregate exposure and polishing, aggregate stripping, asphalt bleeding, and various types of cracking. There are means to methodically estimate the remaining pavement life based on a systematic statistical evaluation of pavement distress density and mode of failure. We recommend the pavement be evaluated in about 7 years after construction to assess the pavement condition and remaining life. July 25, 2019 10 Subsurface Exploration AVL Parking Lots Fletcher, South Carolina 111 S&ME Project No. 1441-19-013 S 6.2 Rigid Pavements Rigid pavements are typically constructed for areas entering and exiting the main roads and in areas where trucks may turn around. The concrete should have a minimum compressive strength of 4,000 psi at 28 days and a minimum flexural strength of 550 psi at 28 days. A minimum concrete pavement thickness of 8 inches is recommended for heavy duty areas. We recommend a minimum of 6 inches of well -compacted Aggregate Base Course (ABC) underlie the concrete pavement. This layer will help provide additional support, provide drainage and will help with the long-term performance of the concrete pavements when subjected to freeze -thaw actions. 6.3 Subgrade and Drainage Pavement performance is highly dependent on the subgrade condition. Drainage will have a major impact on this. Design should not result in water standing on the pavement surface or behind curbing. Design should also result in positive drainage being available from the stone base material. The performance of the flexible and rigid pavement will be influenced by a number of factors including the actual condition of subgrade soils at the time of pavement installation, installed thickness, compaction, and drainage. The subgrade soils should be re-evaluated by proofrolling immediately prior to pavement construction and after any unstable areas have been repaired. This recommendation is important to the long-term performance of the pavements. Areas adjacent to pavements, such as embankments, landscaped islands, ditching, etc., which can drain water (rainwater or sprinklers) should be designed to prevent water seepage below the pavements. This could require the use of subdrains (French drains) or swales. Sufficient tests and inspections should be performed during pavement installation to confirm the required thickness, density, and quality requirements of the specifications are followed. If pavement installation is performed in wet weather (although this is not recommended), special care will be needed. Our experience is that pavement installation over wet subgrade soils and crushed stone will significantly reduce the pavement's life. 7.0 Limitations of Report This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice for specific application to this project. The conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are based upon applicable standards of our practice in this geographic area at the time this report was prepared. No other representation or warranty, either expressed or implied, is made. We relied on project information given to us to develop our conclusions and recommendations. If project information described in this report is not accurate, or if it changes during project development, we should be notified of the changes so that we can modify our recommendations based on this additional information if necessary. Our conclusions and recommendations are based on limited data from a field exploration program. Subsurface conditions can vary widely between explored areas. Some variations may not become evident until construction. July 25, 2019 11 Subsurface Exploration AVL Parking Lots =0 Fletcher, South Carolina I I I S&ME Project No. 1441-19-013 r If conditions are encountered which appear different than those described in our report, we should be notified. This report should not be construed to represent subsurface conditions for the entire site. Unless specifically noted otherwise, our field exploration program did not include an assessment of regulatory compliance, environmental conditions or pollutants, or presence of any biological materials (mold, fungi, bacteria). If there is a concern about these items, other studies should be performed. S&ME can provide a proposal and perform these services if requested. We recommend that S&ME be provided the opportunity to review the final design plans and specifications in order to ensure earthwork recommendations are properly interpreted and implemented. The recommendations in this report are contingent on S&ME's review of final plans and specifications followed by our observation and monitoring of earthwork activities. July 25, 2019 12 Appendix yy��,���� Iilfi[IHIt1i ���.>r♦1},i WYIYp•fIIiMIya �Ill�Y��' _ Y ��- �>♦yl.l�ll � Il�� i! IfIH�rM WLi� �i,I1kMI y�R� + p-1 B-2 - - U A-2 -- • ^ ' A 4 A-1 ® ® �' A- A-3 x +� n�/- • , ,.,_ s Y 4. - r� R1�sr r� . a:• p SOURCE: REMOTE PARKING ALTERNATIVES PROVIDED BYAVCON, INC. APRIL 2019 ® APPROXIMATE BORING LOCATIONS BORING LOCATION PLAN FIGURE NO. III AVIL PARKING LOTS FLETCHEHER, NORTH CAROLINA S&ME PROJECT NO. 1441-19-013 DRAWN BY: JPT DATE: 7/25/2019 1 CHECKED BY: MHM LEGEND TO SOIL CLASSIFICATION AND SYMBOLS SOIL TYPES (USCS CLASSIFICATION) (Shown in Graphic Log) CONSISTENCY OF COHESIVE SOILS CONSISTENCY Fill Very Soft Soft Asphalt Firm Stiff Concrete Very Stiff Hard Very Hard Topsoil STD. PENETRATION RESISTANCE BLOWS/FOOT 0to2 3to4 5to8 9 to 15 16 to 30 31 to 50 Over 50 RELATIVE DENSITY OF COHESIONLESS SOILS Gravel (GW, GM, GP) STD. PENETRATION RESISTANCE Sand (SW, SP) RELATIVE DENSITY BLOWS/FOOT Very Loose 0 to 4 Silt (ML) Loose 5 to 10 Medium Dense 11 to 30 Dense 31 to 50 Clay (CL, CH) Very Dense Over 50 Organic (OL, OH) SAMPLER TYPES CONSTITUENT MODIFIERS (Shown in Samples Column) Trace: <5%0 Silty Sand (SM) Few: 5 to <15 /o Shelby Tube Little: 15 to <30% Clayey Sand (SC) ❑ Split Spoon Some: 30 to <50% Mostly: 50 to 100 /o Sandy Silt (ML) m Rock Core ❑ No Recovery Clayey Silt (MH) TERMS Sandy Clay (CL, CH) Standard - The Number of Blows of 140 lb. Hammer Falling Penetration 30 in. Required to Drive 1.4 in. I.D. Split Spoon Silty Clay (CL, CH) Resistance Sampler 1 Foot. As Specified in ASTM D-1586. Partially Weathered REC - Total Length of Rock Recovered in the Core Rock Barrel Divided by the Total Length of the Core Run Times 100%. Cored Rock WATER LEVELS (Shown in Water Level Column) �Z = Water Level At Termination of Boring 1 = Water Level Taken After 24 Hours = Loss of Drilling Water HC = Hole Cave RQD - Total Length of Sound Rock Segments Recovered that are Longer Than or Equal to 4" (mechanical breaks excluded) Divided by the Total Length of the Core Run Times 100%. TOB - Termination of Boring N.E. - Not Encountered III PROJECT: AVL Parking Lots Fletcher, North Carolina BORING LOG A-1 S&ME Project No. 1441-19-013 NOTES: CLIENT: AVCON Inc. ELEVATION: DATE DRILLED: 614119 BORING DEPTH: 10.0 ft DRILL RIG: Diedrich D-50 WATER LEVEL: Not Encountered at TOB DRILLER: Jordan Environmental LLC CAVE-IN DEPTH: NIA HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: P. Patton SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger w z0 w 0 }/ BLOW COUNT CORE DATA SPT N-Value (bpf) • = H= W w U C9 Q 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ � w w ~ -J z w C3 FINES % A w Q o Q Lijw ii Q PL NM ILL Z Q o U) cq c:5 10 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 ROOTMAT - 2 inches RESIDUUM: SANDY SILT (ML) -very stiff, tan 1 6 9 10 19 brown, fine, trace mica, moist 2 7 8 12 00 20 5 3 5 9 10 19 SILTY SAND (SM) - medium dense, tan brown, fine to medium, trace mica, moist 4 6 10 13 23 10 Boring terminated at 10 feet NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLYA PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORbANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: AVL Parking Lots Fletcher, North Carolina BORING LOG A-2 S&ME Project No. 1441-19-013 CLIENT: AVCON Inc. ELEVATION: NOTES: Bulk sample obtained from 1 to 6 feet DATE DRILLED: 614119 BORING DEPTH: 15.0 ft DRILL RIG: Diedrich D-50 WATER LEVEL: Not Encountered at TOB DRILLER: Jordan Environmental LLC CAVE-IN DEPTH: NIA HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: P. Patton SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger U > w z0 w 0 }/ BLOW COUNT CORE DATA SPT N-Value (bpf) • = H= W w C9 Q o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ � w w ~ -J z w C3 FINES % A w Q o Q Lijw ii Q PL NM ILL Z Q U) o cq c:5 10 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 ROOTMAT - 2 inches FILL: SILTY SAND (SM) - loose, brown tan, 1 6 2 2 4 fine to coarse, trace clay, moist sample 1 had no recovery sample 2 had a large piece of wood 3 1 2 2 3 5 RESIDUUM: SANDY SILT (ML) - stiff to very stiff, tan brown, fine, moist 3 2 6 6 12 sample 5 was micaceous 4 3 4 5 9 10 5 3 9 10 19 15 Boring terminated at 15 feet NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLYA PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. z BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORbANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: AVL Parking Lots Fletcher, North Carolina BORING LOG A-3 S&ME Project No. 1441-19-013 NOTES: Bulk sample obtained from 1 to 6 feet CLIENT: AVCON Inc. ELEVATION: DATE DRILLED: 614119 BORING DEPTH: 10.0 ft DRILL RIG: Diedrich D-50 WATER LEVEL: Not Encountered at TOB DRILLER: Jordan Environmental LLC CAVE-IN DEPTH: NIA HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: P. Patton SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger w z0 w 0 }/ BLOW COUNT CORE DATA SPT N-Value (bpf) • = H= W w U C9 Q 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ � w w ~ � z w 0 FINES % w D Q o Q w ii Q PL NM ILL Z Q o U) cq c:5 10 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 ROOTMAT - 2 inches RESIDUUM: SILTY SAND (SM) - loose to 1 3 4 5 9 medium dense, tan brown, fine to coarse, sample 1 contained trace roots and trace clay sample 2 contained trace clay and trace mica 6 4 4 2 $ 5 3 4 5 6 11 4 3 4 6 10 10 Boring terminated at 10 feet NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLYA PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. z BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORbANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: AVL Parking Lots Fletcher, North Carolina BORING LOG A-4 S&ME Project No. 1441-19-013 NOTES: CLIENT: AVCON Inc. ELEVATION: DATE DRILLED: 614119 BORING DEPTH: 10.0 ft DRILL RIG: Diedrich D-50 WATER LEVEL: Not Encountered at TOB DRILLER: Jordan Environmental LLC CAVE-IN DEPTH: NIA HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: P. Patton SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger > w z0 w 0 }/ BLOW COUNT CORE DATA SPT N-Value (bpf) • = H= W w U C9 Q 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ � w w ~ -J z w C3 FINES % A w Q o Q Lijw ii Q PL NM ILL Z Q o U) cq c:5 10 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 ROOTMAT - 2 inches RESIDUUM: SANDY SILT (ML) -stiff, tan 1 3 4 5 9 brown, fine, trace mica 2 6 5 4 9 5 SANDY SILT (ML) - stiff, red brown, fine to medium, trace mica, trace clay, moist 3 3 5 8 13 4 4 6 8 14 10 Boring terminated at 10 feet NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLYA PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORbANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: AVL Parking Lots Fletcher, North Carolina BORING LOG A-5 S&ME Project No. 1441-19-013 NOTES: Bulk sample obtained from 1 to 6 feet CLIENT: AVCON Inc. ELEVATION: DATE DRILLED: 614119 BORING DEPTH: 10.0 ft DRILL RIG: Diedrich D-50 WATER LEVEL: Not Encountered at TOB DRILLER: Jordan Environmental LLC CAVE-IN DEPTH: NIA HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: P. Patton SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger > w z0 w 0 }/ BLOW COUNT CORE DATA SPT N-Value (bpf) • = H= W w U C9 Q 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ � w w ~ -J z w C3 FINES % A w Q o Q Lijw ii Q PL NM ILL Z Q o U) cq c:5 10 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 ROOTMAT - 2 inches RESIDUUM: SILTY SAND (SM) - loose to 1 3 3 4 medium dense, tan brown, fine to coarse sample 2 contained trace rocks 2 10 5 6 11 5 SANDY SILT (ML) - firm to stiff, red brown, fine to medium, trace mica, trace clay, moist 3 2 2 4 s 4 2 4 6 10 10 Boring terminated at 10 feet NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLYA PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. z BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORbANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: AVL Parking Lots Fletcher, North Carolina BORING LOG B-1 S&ME Project No. 1441-19-013 NOTES: Bulk sample obtained from 1 to 6 feet CLIENT: AVCON Inc. ELEVATION: DATE DRILLED: 614119 BORING DEPTH: 10.0 ft DRILL RIG: Diedrich D-50 WATER LEVEL: Not Encountered at TOB DRILLER: Jordan Environmental LLC CAVE-IN DEPTH: NIA HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: P. Patton SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger > w z0 w 0 }/ BLOW COUNT CORE DATA SPT N-Value (bpf) • = H= W w U C9 Q 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ � w w ~ -J z w C3 FINES % A w Q o Q w ii Q PL NM ILL Z Q o U) cq c:5 10 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 CRUSHED STONE - 3 inches RESIDUUM: SILTY SAND (SM) - loose to 1 5 5 5 10 medium dense, brown red, fine to coarse, trace rock pieces 2 11 8 8 16 5 3 5 5 5 10 4 3 6 5 11 10 Boring terminated at 10 feet NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLYA PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. z BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORbANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: AVL Parking Lots Fletcher, North Carolina BORING LOG B-2 S&ME Project No. 1441-19-013 NOTES: Bulk sample obtained from 1 to 6 feet CLIENT: AVCON Inc. ELEVATION: DATE DRILLED: 614119 BORING DEPTH: 10.0 ft DRILL RIG: Diedrich D-50 WATER LEVEL: Not Encountered at TOB DRILLER: Jordan Environmental LLC CAVE-IN DEPTH: NIA HAMMER TYPE: Automatic LOGGED BY: P. Patton SAMPLING METHOD: Split spoon DRILLING METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger w z0 w 0 }/ BLOW COUNT CORE DATA SPT N-Value (bpf) • = H= W w U C9 Q 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ � w w ~ -J z w C3 FINES % A w Q o Q w 0- Q PL NM ILL Z Q o U) cq c:5 10 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 CRUSHED STONE - 3 inches RESIDUUM: SILTY SAND (SM) - medium 1 5 7 10 17 dense, brown red, fine to coarse 2 17 11 11 22 5 3 7 10 13 23 4 6 10 18 28 10 Boring terminated at 10 feet NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLYA PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. z BORING SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IN GENERAL ACCORbANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 4. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 44 Buck Shoals Road, Suite C-3 Arden, NC 28704 828.687.9080 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST DATA AVL Parking Lots Fletcher, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1441-19-013 Boring Number Sample ID Sample P Depth (feet) USCS Symbol Percent Finer #200 Sieve (%) Natural Moisture Content (%) Atterberg Limits Modified Proctor CBR (�/a) LL (°/a) PL (°/a) PI (°/a) MDD (Pcfl OMC (°/a) A-2 SS 3.5 - 5.0 SM 23.5 A-5 SS 1.0 - 2.5 SM 18.8 B-2 SS 1.0 - 2.5 SM 13.1 A-2/A-3 Combined Bulk 1.0 - 6.0 SM 45.8 39.0 29.0 10.0 120.3 12.4 6.4 A-5/A-3 Combined Bulk 1.0 - 6.0 SM 41.9 40.0 29.0 11.0 118.9 13.0 6.6 B-2/B-1 Combined Bulk 1.0 - 6.0 SM 48.6 40.0 30.0 10.0 121.5 12.1 3.7 TOTAL QUANTITIES: 3 3 3 -T 3 3 Notes: USCS = Unified Soil Classification System ILL = Liquid Limit PL = Plastic Limit PI = Plasticity Index MDD = Maximum Dry Density OMC = Optimum Moisture Content pcf = pounds per cubic foot CBR = California Bearing Ratio (samples were remolded to 95% of MDD, near OMC) Form No: TR-D2216-T265-1 LABORATORY DETERMINATION OF Revision No.1 WATER CONTENT Revision Date: 08/16/17 I ASTM D 22 76 0 AASHTO T 265 ❑ S&ME, Inc. Charlotte: 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28273 Project #: 1441-19-013 Report Date: 7/3/19 Project Name: AVL Parking Lot Test Date(s): 6/13-14/19 Client Name: AVCON Client Address: 13801 Reese Boulevard, Huntersville, NC 28078 Sample by: Driller Sample Date(s): 6/3/19 Sampling Method: NI Drill Rig: NI Balance ID. 20233 Calibration Date: 9/25/18 Method: A (1%) ❑ B (o%) ❑ Oven ID. 10844 Calibration Date: 9/25/18 :.Sample Depth Tareffeight'Percent -Weight- ' Notes / Deviations / References ASTM D 2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass Juan Cruz NICET #147806 6/14/2019 Technician Name Si atur Certification Type/No. Date Jordan Titus, P.E. Project Engineer 7/3/2019 Technical Responsibility Signature Position Date S&ME, Inc. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road 1441-19-013 6-3-19 Moistures.xlsm Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page I of 4 Form No. TR-D1883-Tl93-3 CBR (CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO) Revision No. 2 OF LABORATORY COMPACTED SOIL • Revision Date: 08/11/17 III �— ASTM D 7883 S&ME, Inc. Charlotte: 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28273 Project #: 1441-19-013 Report Date: 6/29/19 Project Name: AVL Parking Lots Test Date(s) 6/13-28/19 Client Name: AVCON Client Address: 13801 Reese Boulevard, Huntersville, NC 28078 Boring #: A-2, A-3 Combined Sample #: Bulk Sample Date: 6/3/19 Location: NI Offset: NI Elevation: 1-6' Sample Description: Brown Tan Silty Coarse to Fine Sand (SM) w/Mica ASTM D7557 Method A Maximum Dry Density: 120.3 PCF Optimum Moisture Content: 12.4% % Retained on the 3/4" sieve: 0.0% Uncorrected CBR Values Corrected CBR Values CBR at 0.1 in. 6.4 CBR at 0.2 in. 7.4 CBR at 0.1 in. 6.4 CBR at 0.2 in. 7.4 200.0 —.10000 100.0 0000 0.0 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 Strain ( inches ) CBR Sample Preparation: The entire gradation was used and compacted in a 6" CBR mold in accordance with Before Soaking After Soaking Compactive Effort (Blows per Layer) 33 Initial Dry Density (PCF) 114.0 Final Dry Density (PCF) 111.0 Moisture Content of the Compacted Specimen 12.9% Moisture Content (top 1" after soaking) 22.7% Percent Compaction 94.8% Percent Swell 2.8% Soak Time: 96 Hrs. Surcharge Weight 10.0 Surcharge Wt. per sq. Ft. 50.9 Liquid Limit 39 Plastic Index 10 Apparent Relative Density 2.650 Notes/Deviations/References: Top 1" of sample very soft after soaking Jordan Titus, P.E. Technical Responsibility Project Engineer 7/3/2019 Signature Position Date This report shall not be reproduced, except in full without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. S&ME, Inc. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road 1441-19-013 A-2,A-3 Bulk (1-6) CBR .x1sx Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page I of I Form No. TR-D422-3 PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOIL Revision No. 2 r • Revision Date: 08/29/17 III ASTM D422 S&ME, Inc. Charlotte: 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28273 S&ME Project #: 1441-19-013 Report Date: 6/28/19 Project Name: AVL Parking Lots Test Date(s): 6/13-19/19 Client Name: AVCON Address: 13801 Reese Boulevard, Huntersville, NC 28078 Boring #: A-2, A-3 Combined Sample #: Bulk Sample Date: 6/3/19 Location: NI Offset: NI Elevation: 1-6' Sample Description: Brown Tan Silty Coarse to Fine Sand (SIT]) TT/[Tlica IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1�:1�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111`►\■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ . , , , IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�`\■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■\ ■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■ 7■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ ' IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■��1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ - IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■�\IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■ ' ' IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■illll�■■■■1111�■■■■ - , , IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■Ill�i�\■■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■tom■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■\,■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■ �1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■�:�11�■■■■ ' IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■111���■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�\�\■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■�� IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ Cobbles < 300 mm (12") and > 75 mm (3") Fine Sand < 0.425 mm and > 0.075 mm (#200) Gravel < 75 mm and > 4.75 mm (#4) Silt < 0.075 and > 0.005 mm Coarse Sand < 4.75 mm and >2.00 mm (#10) Clay < 0.005 mm Medium Sand < 2.00 mm and > 0.425 mm (#40) Colloids < 0.001 mm Maximum Particle Size: Silt & Clay (% Passing #200): Limed Apparent Relative Density Liquid Limit Coarse Sand: #4 45.8% 2.650 39 1.3% Gravel: 0.3% Total Sand: 53.9% Moisture Content 23.5% Plastic Limit 29 Medium Sand: 14.7% Silt Clay Colloids Plastic Index Fine Sand: 29.8% 16.0% 10 37.9% Description of Sand and Gravel Rounded ❑ Angular ❑x Hard & Durable ❑x Soft ❑ Weathered & Friable ❑x Mechanical Stirring Apparatus A Dispersion Period: 1 min. Dispersing Agent: Sodium Hexam eta phosphate: 40 g./ Liter References / Comments / Deviations: 4 l Jordan Titus, P.E. Project Engineer 7/3/2019 Technical Responsibility Signature Position Date This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. S&A1E, Inc. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road 1441-19-013 A-2,A-3 Bulk (1-6) Hydrometer.xlsx Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page I of] Form No. TR-D4318-T89-90 LIQUID LIMIT, PLASTIC LIMIT, Revision No. 1 & PLASTIC INDEX Revision Date: 7/26/17 ASTM D 4318 ❑x AASHTO T 89 ❑ AASHTO T 90 ❑ S&ME, Inc. Charlotte: 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28273 Project #: 1441-19-031 Report Date: 6/28/19 Project Name: AVL Parking Lot Test Date(s) 6/13-19/19 Client Name: AVCON Client Address: 13801 Reese Boulevard Huntersville, NC 28078 Boring #: A-2, A-3 Combined Sample #: Bulk Sample Date: 6/3/19 Location: NI Offset: NI Elevation: 1-6' Sample Description: Brown Tan Silty Coarse to Fine Sand (SM) w/Mica Type and Specification S&ME ID # Cal Date: Type and Specification S&ME ID # Cal Date: Balance (0.01 g) 3222 7/30/2018 Grooving tool 30339 10/23/2018 LL Apparatus 30336 2/22/2019 Grooving tool Oven 10844 9/23/2018 Grooving tool Pan # Tare #: Liquid Limit Plastic Limit J23 J24 J26 J54 J56 A Tare Weight 14.19 14.02 14.01 14.02 14.04 B Wet Soil Weight + A 25.20 25.01 25.90 20.35 20.44 C Dry Soil Weight + A 22.29 21.98 22.46 18.93 19.03 D Water Weight (B-C) 2.91 3.03 3.44 1.42 1.41 E Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 8.10 7.96 8.45 4.91 4.99 F % Moisture (D/E)*100 35.9% 38.1% 40.7% 28.9% 28.3% N # OF DROPS 32 27 19 Moisture Contents determined by ASTM D 2276 LL LL = F * FACTOR Ave. I Average 28.6% 01 45.0 _ a 40.0 0 35.0 30.0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 100 One Point Liquid Limit N Factor N Factor 20 0.974 26 1.005 21 0.979 27 1.009 22 0.985 28 1.014 23 0.99 29 1.018 24 0.995 30 1 1.022 25 1.000 NP, Non -Plastic ❑ Liquid Limit 39 Plastic Limit 29 Plastic Index 10 Group Symbol SM # of Drops Multipoint Method 0 /l.-. ,. ... KA,. aL,-A -1 One-po,,IL IVICLIIUU U Wet Preparation ❑ Dry Preparation 0 Air Dried 0-stimate the % Retained on the #40 Sieve: Notes / Deviations / References: ND: Not Determined NI: No Information Provided ASTM D 4378: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils Sandra Colley 6/19/2019 Jordan Titus, P.E. 7/3/2019 Technician Name Date Technical Responsibility Date This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. S&ME, INC. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road 1441-19-013 A-2,A-3 Bulk (1-6) PI .xlsx Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page I of I Form No. TR-D698-2 MOISTURE - DENSITY REPORT ' Revision No.: 1 Revision Date: 07/25/17 111 E Quality Assurance S&ME, Inc. Charlotte: 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28273 S&ME Project #: 1441-19-013 Report Date: 6/28/19 Project Name: AVL Parking Lot Test Date(s): 6/13-18/19 Client Name: Client Address: AVCON 13801 Reese Blvd., Huntersville, NC 28078 Boring #: A-2, A-3 Combined Sample #: Bulk Sample Date: 6/3/2019 Location: NI Offset: NI Depth: 1-6' Sample Description: Brown Tan Silty Coarse to Fine Sand (SM) w/Mica Maximum Dry Density 120.3 PCF. Optimum Moisture Content 12.4% ASTM D 1557 - - Method A Soil Properties Moisture -Density Relations of Soil and Soil -Aggregate Mixtures Natural 130.0 Moisture 23.5% Content Specific Gravity of Soil ND 125.0 Liquid Limit 39 Plastic Limit 29 Plastic Index 10 w 120.0 % Passing a 3/4" 100.0% #4 99.7% # 10 98.4% Q 115.0 #20 93.5% #40 83.6% #60 71.2% #700 58.7% Q 110.0 #200 45.8% Oversize Fraction 105.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 Moisture Content (%) --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -- -- --- --- --- fi I 1 Moisture -Density Curve Displayed: Fine Fraction ❑x Corrected for Oversize Fraction (ASTM D 4718) ❑ Sieve Size used to separate the Oversize Fraction: #4 Sieve ❑x 3/8 inch Sieve ❑ 3/4 inch Sieve ❑ Mechanical Rammer ❑x Manual Rammer ❑ Moist Preparation ❑ Dry Preparation IHI References/Comments/Deviations: ND: Not Determined NI: No Information Provided ASTM D 1557: Laboratory Com on Characteristics,of,, oi�singModified Effort Jordan Titus, P.E. Y'/� G�/ Project Engineer 7/3/2019 Technical Responsibility � Signature Position Date This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. S&ME,Inc. -Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road 1441-19-013 A-2,A-3 Bulk (1-6) Proctor.xlsx Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page 1 of 1 Form No. TR-D1883-Tl93-3 CBR (CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO) Revision No. 2 OF LABORATORY COMPACTED SOIL • Revision Date: 08/11/17 III �— ASTM D 7883 S&ME, Inc. Charlotte: 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28273 Project #: 1441-19-013 Report Date: 6/29/19 Project Name: AVL Parking Lots Test Date(s) 6/24-29/19 Client Name: AVCON Client Address: 13801 Reese Boulevard, Huntersville, NC 28078 Boring #: A-5, A-3 Combined Sample #: Bulk Sample Date: 6/3/19 Location: NI Offset: NI Elevation: 1-6' Sample Description: Brown Tan Silty Coarse to Fine Sand (SM) w/Mica ASTM D7557 Method A Maximum Dry Density: 118.9 PCF Optimum Moisture Content: 13.0% % Retained on the 3/4" sieve: 0.0% Uncorrected CBR Values Corrected CBR Values Before Soaking . ..(BlowsSoaking Dry Density (PCF) Final Dry Density (PCF) CompactedInitial Moisture Content of the ..soaking) Percent Compaction Percent Swell Soak Time: 96 Hrs. Surcharge Weight 10.0 Surcharge Wt. per sq. Ft. 50.8 Liquid Limit 40 Plastic Index 11 Apparent Relative Density 2.650 Notes/Deviations/References: Top 1" of sample very soft after soaking. Jordan Titus, P.E. Technical Responsibility Project Engineer 7/3/2019 Signature Position Date This report shall not be reproduced, except in full without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. S&ME, Inc. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road 1441-19-013 A-5,A-3 Bulk (1-6) CBR .x1sx Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page I of I Form No. TR-D422-3 PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOIL" Revision No. 2 Revision Date: 08/29/17 ASTM D422 S&ME, Inc. Charlotte: 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28273 S&ME Project #: 1441-19-013 Report Date: 6/28/19 Project Name: AVL Parking Lots Test Date(s): 6/13-19/19 Client Name: AVCON Address: 13801 Reese Boulevard, Huntersville, NC 28078 Boring #: A-5, A-3 Combined Sample #: Bulk Sample Date: 6/3/19 Location: NI Offset: NI Elevation: 1-6' i ' IIII�■r■■�Iliiili:���M11�■■■�IIr1�■■■■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■Illi�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�► ■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ . , , IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■1\■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ ' IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■\■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■17■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■.�1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ - , , , IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■\�1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■�,1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ - , , IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■��111�■■■■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■11111�■■■■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■11�!■�■■■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111����■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■\�1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■\\IIII�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■`IIII�■■■■ ' IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■li:!�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111����■ ' IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■\'� , IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ Cobbles < 300 mm (12") and > 75 mm (3") Fine Sand < 0.425 mm and > 0.075 mm (#200) Gravel < 75 mm and > 4.75 mm (#4) Silt < 0.075 and > 0.005 mm Coarse Sand < 4.75 mm and >2.00 mm (#10) Clay < 0.005 mm Medium Sand < 2.00 mm and > 0.425 mm (#40) Colloids < 0.001 mm Maximum Particle Size: 3/8" Gravel: 1.4% Silt 26.9% Silt & Clay (% Passing #200): 41.9% Total Sand: 56.8% Clay 15.0% umed Apparent Relative Density 2.650 Moisture Content 18.8% Colloids Liquid Limit 40 Plastic Limit 29 Plastic Index 11 Coarse Sand: 1.2% Medium Sand: 10.6% Fine Sand: 44.9% Description of Sand and Gravel Rounded ❑ Angular ❑x Hard & Durable ❑x Soft ❑ Weathered & Friable ❑x Mechanical Stirring Apparatus A Dispersion Period: 1 min. Dispersing Agent: Sodium Hexametaphosphate: 40 g./ Liter References / Comments / Deviations: Jordan Titus, P.E. "Y,-/(__ Project Engineer 7/3/2019 Technical Responsibility Signature Position Date This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of 5&ME, Inc. S&ME, Inc. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road 1441-19-013 A-5,A-3 Bulk (1-6) Hydrometer.xlsx Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page I of] Form No. TR-D4318-T89-90 LIQUID LIMIT, PLASTIC LIMIT, law Revision No.1 & PLASTIC INDEX Revision Date: 7/26/17 r ASTM D 4318 ❑x AASHTO T 89 ❑ AASHTO T 90 ❑ S&ME, Inc. Charlotte: 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28273 Project #: 1441-19-031 Report Date: 6/29/19 Project Name: AVL Parking Lot Test Date(s) 6/13-17/19 Client Name: AVCON Client Address: 13801 Reese Boulevard Huntersville, NC 28078 Boring #: A-5, A-3 Combined Sample #: Bulk Sample Date: 6/3/19 Location: NI Offset: NI Elevation: 1-6' Sample Description: Brown Tan Silty Coarse to Fine Sand (SM) w/Mica Type and Specification S&ME ID # Cal Date: Type and Specification S&ME ID # Cal Date: Balance (0.01 g) 3222 7/30/2018 Grooving tool 30339 10/23/2018 LL Apparatus 30336 2/22/2019 Grooving tool Oven 10844 9/23/2018 Groovina tool Pan # Tare #: Liquid Limit Plastic Limit J32 J37 J38 J7 J17 A Tare Weight 14.04 13.98 14.03 14.20 14.07 B Wet Soil Weight + A 24.07 25.23 24.08 20.51 20.25 C Dry Soil Weight + A 21.23 21.95 21.10 19.09 18.83 D Water Weight (B-C) 2.84 3.28 2.98 1.42 1.42 E Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 7.19 7.97 7.07 4.89 4.76 F % Moisture (D/E)*100 39.5% 41.2% 42.1% 29.0% 29.8% N # OF DROPS 28 21 15 Moisture Contents determined by ASTM D 2276 LL LL = F * FACTOR Ave. Average 29.4% 50.0 45.0 'v c 40.0 �, 0 35.0 30.0 ±L 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 100 One Point Liquid Limit N Factor N Factor 20 0.974 26 1.005 21 0.979 27 1.009 22 0.985 28 1.014 23 0.99 29 1.018 24 0.995 30 1.022 25 1.000 NP, Non -Plastic ❑ Liquid Limit 40 Plastic Limit 29 Plastic Index 11 Group Symbol SM # of Drops Multipoint Method 0 Wet Preparation Dry Preparation A Air Dried A Estimate the % Retained on the #40 Sieve: Notes / Deviations / References: ND: Not Determined NI: No Information Provided ASTM D 4378: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils Sandra Colley 6/17/2019 Jordan Titus, P.E. 7/3/2019 Technician Name Date Technical Responsibility Date This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. S&ME, INC. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road 1441-19-013 A-5,A-3 Bulk (1-6) PI .xlsx Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page I of I Form No. TR-D698-2 MOISTURE - DENSITY REPORT Revision No.: 1 Revision Date: 07/25/17 Quality Assurance S&ME, Inc. Charlotte: 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28273 S&ME Project #: 1441-19-013 Report Date: 6/29/19 Project Name: AVL Parking Lot Test Date(s): 6/13-18/19 Client Name: AVCON Client Address: 13801 Reese Blvd., Huntersville, NC 28078 Boring #: A-5, A-3 Combined Sample #: Bulk Sample Date: 6/3/2019 Location: NI Offset: NI Depth: 1-6' Sample Description: Brown Tan Silty Coarse to Fine Sand (SM) w/Mica Maximum Dry Density 118.9 PCF. Optimum Moisture Content 13.0% ASTM D 1557 - - Method A Moisture -Density Relations of Soil and Soil -Aggregate Mixtures 130.0 Soil Properties Natural Moisture 18.8% Content Specific ND Gravity of Soil Liquid Limit 40 Plastic Limit 29 Plastic Index 11 125.0 --- — 2.65 --- --- 120.0 % Passing 3/4" 100.0% #4 98.6% #70 97.5% #20 95.5% #40 86.8% #60 70.3% #700 55.1 % #200 41.9% Oversize Fraction a Q115.0 --- :--- --- Q 1 \ 1 110.0 \ f I 1 105.0 1 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 Moisture Content (%) Moisture -Density Curve Displayed: Fine Fraction IZI Corrected for Oversize Fraction (ASTM D 4718) ❑ Sieve Size used to separate the Oversize Fraction: #4 Sieve ❑x 3/8 inch Sieve ❑ 3/4 inch Sieve ❑ Mechanical Rammer ❑x Manual Rammer ❑ Moist Preparation ❑ Dry Preparation IHI References/Comments/Deviations: ND: Not Determined NI: No Information Provided ASTM D 1557: Laboratory Compaction Characteristics U�ng Modified Effort Jordan Titus, P.E. 61(/ Project Engineer Technical Responsibility Signature Position This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. 7/5/2019 Date S&ME,Inc. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road 1441-19-013 A-5,A-3 Bulk (1-6) Proctor.xlsx Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page I of I Form No. TR-D1883-T193-3 CBR (CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO) 0===W Revision No. 2 OF LABORATORY COMPACTED SOIL Revision Date: 08/11/17 r ASTM D 7883 S&ME, Inc. Charlotte: 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28273 Project #: 1441-19-013 Report Date: 6/29/19 Project Name: AVL Parking Lots Test Date(s) 6/24-29/19 Client Name: AVCON Client Address: 13801 Reese Boulevard, Huntersville, NC 28078 Boring #: B-2, B-1 Combined Sample #: Bulk Sample Date: 6/3/19 Location: NI Offset: NI Elevation: 1-6' Sample Description: Brown Red Silty Coarse to Fine Sand (SM) w/Mica ASTM D7557 Method A Maximum Dry Density: 124.6 PCF Optimum Moisture Content: 11.1% % Retained on the 3/4" sieve: 0.0% Uncorrected CBR Values Corrected CBR Values .. n... n... n... ���iwwws�wwws�wwwwwwwwwwwwww Before .. . After SOGking Effort (Blows per Layer) Initial Dry Density (PCF) Final Dry Density (PCF) Moisture Content of the Compacted Specimen Moisture Content (top 1 " after soaking) CompactionCompactive Percent .• Soak Time: 96 Hrs Liquid Limit 40 Notes/Deviations/References: Top 1" of sample very soft after soaking Surcharge Weight 10.0 Surcharge Wt. per sq. Ft. 50.9 Plastic Index 10 Apparent Relative Density 2.650 Jordan Titus, P.E. Project Engineer 7/5/2019 Technical Responsibility Signature Position Date This report shall not be reproduced, except in full without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. S&ME, Inc. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road 1441-19-013 B-2,B-1 Bulk (1-6) CBR .xlsx Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page I of] Form No. TR-D422-3 PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOIL Revision No. 2 Revision Date: 08/29/17 ASTM D422 S&ME, Inc. Charlotte: 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28273 S&ME Project #: 1441-19-013 Report Date: 6/28/19 Project Name: AVL Parking Lots Test Date(s): 6/13-19/19 Client Name: AVCON Address: 13801 Reese Boulevard, Huntersville, NC 28078 Boring #: B-2, B-1 Combined Sample #: Bulk Sample Date: 6/3/19 Location: NI Offset: NI Elevation: 1-6' Sample Description: Brown Red Silty Coarse to Fine Sand (SM) w/Mica 1 1 ' ' IIII�■r■\\r1111�■■■■IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■t71111�■■■■IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ 1 ' IIII�■■■��Iii:���_■IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ . , , , IIII�■■■■1111�■■\�1111�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■Illi:�■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■IIII�■\`�■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■IIII�■■r�llll�■■■■1111�■■■■ - , , , , IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■IIII�■■■�1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■■ ' IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■IIII�■■■■11`��■■■■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■IIII�■■■■1111��■■■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■IIII�■■■■1111�■ \■■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■IIII�■■■■1111�■��■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■IIII�■■■■1111�■■\,■1111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■IIII�■■■■1111�■■��1111�■■■■ 1 ' IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■IIII�■■■■1111�■■■�!111�■■■■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■111��\■■■ 1 ' IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■��■ IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■IIII�■■■■1111�■■■■1111�■■■�7 11 1 1 1 1 I I I Cobbles < 300 mm (12") and > 75 mm (3") Fine Sand < 0.425 mm and > 0.075 mm (#200) Gravel < 75 mm and > 4.75 mm (#4) Silt < 0.075 and > 0.005 mm Coarse Sand < 4.75 mm and >2.00 mm (#10) Clay < 0.005 mm Medium Sand < 2.00 mm and > 0.425 mm (#40) Colloids < 0.001 mm Maximum Particle Size: 1/2" Gravel: 13.1% Silt 36.1% Silt & Clay (% Passing #200): 48.6% Total Sand: 38.3% Clay 12.5% imed Apparent Relative Density 2.650 Moisture Content 13.1% Colloids Liquid Limit 40 Plastic Limit 30 Plastic Index 10 Coarse Sand: 3.4% Medium Sand: 7.7% Fine Sand: 27.3% Description of Sand and Gravel Rounded ❑ Angular ❑x Hard & Durable ❑x Soft ❑ Weathered & Friable ❑x Mechanical Stirring Apparatus A Dispersion Period: 1 min. Dispersing Agent: Sodium Hexameta phosphate: 40 g./ Liter References / Comments / Deviations: Jordan Titus, P.E. Project Engineer 7/5/2019 Technical Responsibility Signature Position Date This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. S&ME, Inc. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road 1441-19-013 B-2,B-1 Bulk (1-6) Hydrometer.xlsx Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page 1 of I Form No. TR-D4318-T89-90 LIQUID LIMIT, PLASTIC LIMIT, Revision No. 1 & PLASTIC INDEX Revision Date: 7/26/17 ASTM D 4318 ❑x AASHTO T 89 ❑ AASHTO T 90 ❑ S&ME, Inc. Charlotte: 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28273 Project #: 1441-19-031 Report Date: 6/28/19 Project Name: AVL Parking Lot Test Date(s) 6/13-19/19 Client Name: AVCON Client Address: 13801 Reese Boulevard Huntersville, NC 28078 Boring #: B-2 Sample #: Bulk Sample Date: 6/3/19 Location: NI Offset: NI Elevation: 1-6' Sample Description: Brown Red Silty Coarse to Fine Sand (SM) w/Mica Type and Specification S&ME ID # Cal Date: Type and Specification S&ME ID # Cal Date: Balance (0.01 g) 3222 7/30/2018 Grooving tool 30339 10/23/2018 LL Apparatus 30336 2/22/2019 Grooving tool Oven 10844 9/23/2018 Grooving tool Pan # Tare #: Liquid Limit Plastic Limit J19 J20 J21 J42 J43 A Tare Weight 14.07 14.06 14.04 14.10 14.05 B Wet Soil Weight + A 24.73 24.06 24.25 20.75 20.11 C Dry Soil Weight + A 21.75 21.10 21.19 19.21 18.71 D Water Weight (B-C) 2.98 2.96 3.06 1.54 1.40 E Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 7.68 7.04 7.15 5.11 4.66 F % Moisture (D/E)*100 38.8% 42.0% 42.8% 30.1% 30.0% N # OF DROPS 26 21 16 Moisture Contents determined by ASTM D 2276 LL LL = F * FACTOR Ave. I Average 30.1 % 01 50.0 }' 45.0 'v 0 40.0 o 35.0 30.0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 100 One Point Liquid Limit N Factor N Factor 20 0.974 26 1.005 21 0.979 27 1.009 22 0.985 28 1.014 23 0.99 29 1.018 24 0.995 30 1.022 25 1.000 NP, Non -Plastic ❑ Liquid Limit 40 Plastic Limit 30 Plastic Index 10 Group Symbol SM # of Drops Multipoint Method 0 /1... ,. ... K A,.a L....J -1 One -I olm IVICLI IOU U Wet Preparation ❑ Dry Preparation 0 Air Dried 0-stimate the % Retained on the #40 Sieve: Notes / Deviations / References: ND: Not Determined NI: No Information Provided ASTM D 4378: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils Sandra Colley 6/19/2019 Jordan Titus, P.E. 7/5/2019 Technician Name Date Technical Responsibility Date This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. S&ME, INC. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road 1441-19-013 B-2,B-1 Bulk (1-6) PI.xlsx Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page I of I Form No. TR-D698-2 MOISTURE - DENSITY REPORT Revision No.: 1 Revision Date: 07/25/17 Quality Assurance S&ME, Inc. Charlotte: 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28273 S&ME Project #: 1441-19-013 Report Date: 6/29/19 Project Name: AVL Parking Lot Test Date(s): 6/13-19/19 Client Name: AVCON Client Address: 13801 Reese Blvd., Huntersville, NC 28078 Boring #: B-2, B-1 Composite Sample #: Bulk Sample Date: 6/3/2019 Location: NI Offset: NI Depth: 1-6' Sample Description: Brown Red Silty Coarse to Fine Sand (SM) w/Mica Maximum Dry Density 121.5 PCF. Optimum Moisture Content 12.1% ASTM D 1557 - - Method A Soil Properties Moisture -Density Relations of Soil and Soil -Aggregate Mixtures Natural 130.0 Moisture 13.1 % Content Specific ND Gravity of Soil Mal 125.0 Mma Liquid Limit 40 Plastic Limit 30 Plastic Index 10 120.0 % Passing 3/4" 100.0% a #4 86.9% #70 83.5% #20 80.4% Q 115.0 Q #40 75.9 0 #60 70.3% #700 62.8% 110.0 • #200 45.6% Oversize Fraction Bulk Gravity 2.609 105.0 •. % Moisture 2.2% 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 % Oversize 9.7% Moisture Content (%) 11 MDD 124.6 Opt. MC 11.1 % r Moisture -Density Curve Displayed: Fine Fraction ❑x Corrected for Oversize Fraction (ASTM D 4718) ❑ Sieve Size used to separate the Oversize Fraction: #4 Sieve ❑x 3/8 inch Sieve ❑ 3/4 inch Sieve ❑ Mechanical Rammer ❑x Manual Rammer ❑ Moist Preparation ❑ Dry Preparation IHI References/Comments/Deviations: ND: Not Determined NI: No Information Provided ASTM D 1557: Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort Jordan Titus, P.E. Project Engineer 7/5/2019 Technical Responsibility Signature Position Date This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. S&ME,Inc. -Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road 1441-19-013 B-2,B-1 Bulk (1-6) Proctor.xlsx Raleigh, NC. 27616 Page 1 of 1 Laboratory Report Version 4.2 Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate (Gravimetric Procedure) ASTM C 127 ❑x AASHTO T 85 ❑ Project #: 1441-19-013 Report Date: Project Name: AVL Parking Lots Test Date(s) Client Name: AVCON Client Address: 13801 Reese Boulevard, Huntersville, NC 28078 Sample No. B-2, B 1 Combined Sample from: NI Source: NI Sampled by: Driller Sample Date: 6/3/19 Sample Description: Brown Red Silty Coarse to Fine Sand (SM) w/Mica Percent of Soil Passing the 94 Sieve: Material Excluded: If 2 separate total samples are tested, PI and P2 become I and 2, and for the % enter 50 for each. 6/29/19 6/18-22/19 Test Grading: IP1 1 IP2 Pl P2 Mass % of each size fraction not including finer material % B Mass of saturated -surface -dry test sample in air grams 2856.7 C Mass of test sample in water grams 1785.4 t Temperature of Water ASTM23.0 + 2 o C 23.0 + 1.7°C 23.6 Tare # or Pan # # Duke x Tare Weight grams 335.9 y Dry Mass of Sample + Tare Mass grams 3131.0 A Mass of Oven Dried Specimen A = y - x 2795.1 Sd Oven Dry (OD ): Bulk Specific Gravity A/(B-C) 2.609 Sd Relative Density (Specific Gravity) OD Average 2.609 pw; Density of Water at 23 °C lbs./cu.ft. 62.27 Density (OD) (lbs./cu.ft.) Sd x Pw;t 162.5 SS SSD: Bulk Specific Gravity (SSD) B/(B-C) 2.667 SS Relative Density (Specific Gravity) SSD Average 2.667 Density (SSD) (lbs./cu.ft.) SS x Pw;t 166.1 S. Apparent Specific Gravity A/(A-C) 2.768 S. Apparent Relative Density (Apparent Sp Gr) Average 2.768 Apparent Density (lbs./cu.ft.) Sa x Pw;t 172.4 A Percent Absorption 100 x [(B-A)/A] 2.2% A Percent Absorption Average 2.2% Balance: S&ME ID#: 22182 Soaking Time ASTM C127: 24 + 4 hrs. Aggregate not initially dried Class: GP2/G2 Readability: 0_1 g. ❑x AASHTO T85: 15 hrs. minimum ❑ ❑ Aggregate in moist condition not soaked ❑ References: ASTM C 127: Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity), and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate ASTM C702: Practice for Reducing Samples of Aggregate to Testing Size ASTM D75: Practice for Sampling Aggregates ASTM C 136: Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates NI = No information provided. ND = Not determined. Technician Name: Karen Warner NICET #147806 S 't cernfwatio„ # Technical Responsibility: Jordan Titus, P.E. Project Engineer S-e waa-e Position S&ME, INC. 9751 Southern Pine Blvd.,1eIMr1&WNB-2RMBulk (1-6) Specific Gravilty .xlsx.xls Field Testing Procedures Soil Test Borings All borings and sampling were conducted in accordance with ASTM D-1586 test method. Initially, the borings were advanced by either mechanically augering or wash boring through the overburden soils. When necessary, a heavy drilling fluid is used below the water table to stabilize the sides and bottom of the borehole. At regular intervals, soil samples were obtained with a standard 1.4-inch I.D., 2-inch O.D., split -barrel or split -spoon sampler. The sampler was first seated 6 inches to penetrate any loose cuttings and then driven an additional foot with blows of a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. The number of hammer blows required to drive the sampler the final foot is designated as the "Standard Penetration Resistance" or N-value. The penetration resistance, when properly evaluated, can be correlated to consistency, relative density, strength and compressibility of the sampled soils. Water Level Readings Water level readings are normally taken in conjunction with borings and are recorded on the Boring Logs following termination of drilling (designated by V ) and at a period of 24 hours following termination of drilling (designated by 1 ). These readings indicate the approximate location of the hydrostatic water table at the time of our field exploration. The groundwater table may be dependent upon the amount of precipitation at the site during a particular period of time. Fluctuations in the water table should also be expected with variations in surface run-off, evaporation, construction activity and other factors. Occasionally the boreholes sides will cave, preventing the water level readings from being obtained or trapping drilling water above the cave-in zone. In these instances, the hole cave-in depth (designated by HQ is measured and recorded on the Boring Logs. Water level readings taken during the field operations do not provide information on the long-term fluctuations of the water table. When this information is required, piezometers are installed to prevent the boreholes from caving. Important Information About Your Geotechnical Engineering Report Variations in subsurface conditions can be a principal cause of construction delays, cost overruns and claims. The following information is provided to assist you in understanding and managing the risk of these variations. Geotechnical Findings Are Professional Opinions Geotechnical engineers cannot specify material properties as other design engineers do. Geotechnical material properties have a far broader range on a given site than any manufactured construction material, and some geotechnical material properties may change over time because of exposure to air and water, or human activity. Site exploration identifies subsurface conditions at the time of exploration and only at the points where subsurface tests are performed or samples obtained. Geotechnical engineers review field and laboratory data and then apply their judgment to render professional opinions about site subsurface conditions. Their recommendations rely upon these professional opinions. Variations in the vertical and lateral extent of subsurface materials may be encountered during construction that significantly impact construction schedules, methods and material volumes. While higher levels of subsurface exploration can mitigate the risk of encountering unanticipated subsurface conditions, no level of subsurface exploration can eliminate this risk. Scope of Geotechnical Services Professional geotechnical engineering judgment is required to develop a geotechnical exploration scope to obtain information necessary to support design and construction. A number of unique project factors are considered in developing the scope of geotechnical services, such as the exploration objective; the location, type, size and weight of the proposed structure; proposed site grades and improvements; the construction schedule and sequence; and the site geology. Geotechnical engineers apply their experience with construction methods, subsurface conditions and exploration methods to develop the exploration scope. The scope of each exploration is unique based on available project and site information. Incomplete project information or constraints on the scope of exploration increases the risk of variations in subsurface conditions not being identified and addressed in the geotechnical report. Services Are Performed for Specific Projects Because the scope of each geotechnical exploration is unique, each geotechnical report is unique. Subsurface conditions are explored and recommendations are made for a specific project. Subsurface information and recommendations may not be adequate for other uses. Changes in a proposed structure location, foundation loads, grades, schedule, etc. may require additional geotechnical exploration, analyses, and consultation. The geotechnical engineer should be consulted to determine if additional services are required in response to changes in proposed construction, location, loads, grades, schedule, etc. Geo-Environmental Issues The equipment, techniques, and personnel used to perform a geo-environ mental study differ significantly from those used for a geotechnical exploration. Indications of environmental contamination may be encountered incidental to performance of a geotechnical exploration but go unrecognized. Determination of the presence, type or extent of environmental contamination is beyond the scope of a geotechnical exploration. Geotechnical Recommendations Are Not Final Recommendations are developed based on the geotechnical engineer's understanding of the proposed construction and professional opinion of site subsurface conditions. Observations and tests must be performed during construction to confirm subsurface conditions exposed by construction excavations are consistent with those assumed in development of recommendations. It is advisable to retain the geotechnical engineer that performed the exploration and developed the geotechnical recommendations to conduct tests and observations during construction. This may reduce the risk that variations in subsurface conditions will not be addressed as recommended in the geotechnical report. Portion obtained with permission from "Important Information About Your Geotechnical Engineering Report", ASFE, 2004 © S&ME, Inc. 2010