HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0050342_Staff Report_19960415NPDES DOCIMENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NC0050342 Muddy Creek WWTP NPDES Permit: Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change 5.114#1 e Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: April 15, 1996 This document is printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on tine resreriae side r YYp Ax.;'- RECEIVED cc: Permits and Engineering Technical Support Branch County Health Department Central Files WSRO APR 1 6 1996 SUN'ORT BRANCH SOC PRIORITY PROJECT: YES NO X To: Permits and Engineering Unit Water Quality Section Attention: (Steve Pellei) AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT NPDES PERMIT REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS Date: April 15, 1996 County: Forsyth Permit No. NC0050342 PART I GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility Name and Current Address: Muddy Creek WWTP City of Winston-Salem Lower Muddy Creek WWTP Facility Location: P.O. Box 2511 4561 Cooper Road Winston-Salem, NC 27102 Winston-Salem, NC 2. Date of most recent NPDES Staff Report: (attach copy) April 18, 1994 3. Changes since previous action on NPDES Permit: None 4. Verify Discharge Point(s) on plans with current NPDES Permit. List for all discharge points. Discharge Point 001 Latitude: 80 22'10" Longitude: 35'55'53" Discharge Point 002 Latitude: 80 19'58" Longitude: 35 59'29" Attach a USGS map extract and indicate treatment facility site and discharge point on map. U.S.G.S. Quad No. D17 NE U.S.G.S. Name Welcome. NC 5. Treatment plant classification: (attach completed rating sheet) IV PART 11 - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS (PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION JF IT IS NOT ON THE PREVIOUS NPDES STAFF REPORT) 1. Existing treatment facility: a. What is the current permitted capacity of the facility? 15 MGD b. Date(s) and construction activities allowed by previous Authorizations to Construct issued in the previous two (2) years: None. c: What is the actual treatment capacity of the current facility (design volume)? 15 MGD. (21 MGD based on consultant's report) d. Please provide a description of existing or substantially constructed wastewater treatment facilities. Influent screw pumps, bar screens, grit removal chambers, primary clarifiers (4), extended aeration basins (3), final clarifiers (4), chlorination and flow measurement. Biosolids handling system consists of anaerobic digestion, gravity thickening, belt filter presses, biosolids storage lagoons, and biosolids blending tanks 2. Please provide a description of proposed wastewater treatment facilities: Proposed equipment to enable the plant to accept 21 MGD flow includes: additional influent pumps, piping capacity increases throughout the plant, modification of bar screening to '/ inch openings, deepening the screen channels for velocity improvement, replacing the return activated sludge pumps with larger pumps and adding a new effluent flow meter. 3. Residuals handling and utilization/disposal scheme: a. If residuals are being land applied, please specify DEM permit no. WQ0000094 Residual Contractor: EWR Telephone No. (910)998-8184 b. Residuals stabilization: PSRP X PFRP Other c. Landfill: NA d. Other disposal/utilization scheme (Specify): None. 4. Important SOC, JOC or Compliance Schedule dates, if applicable: (Please indicate) None. PART III - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Past performance of this facility has been very good. The file information indicates this plant was "overdesigned" to handle additional BOD loading when originally constructed. If the Capacity Evaluation Report adequately documents the plant can handle the additional flow, this office has no objections to the request. Below are some comments concerning the report which may need to be resolved to issue the authorization to construct. 1. This facility has the capability of discharging from the 001 outfall line to the Yadkin River (WS- IV) or to the 002 outfall line to Muddy Creek (WS-IV). When the Yadkin River floods to a level where the gravity effluent line 001 can not discharge, the outfall line 001 overflows to the 002 outfall line. The ORC notified WSRO by letter that the hydraulic capacity of the 001 outfall line was exceeded on January 19, 1996. The Yadkin River was high due to snow melting. Flow for the 001 outfall line was 36.28 MGD. The Muddy Creek outfall 002 was estimated to discharge 1 MGD on this date. The ORC said at approximately 48 MGD and high flow conditions in the Yadkin, the 001 outfall reaches hydraulic capacity. The Capacity Evaluation contends that the outfall structures can handle 70 MGD. The hydraulic capacity of outfall 002 is not discussed in the Capacity Evaluation. Yadkin River high flow situations may not be adequately addressed. 2. It appears that the aeration basin performance at 21 MGD was based on maximum month influent BOD5 and a design MLVSS concentration. The sludge retention time was calculated as 5 days. There were no calculations provided on F/M ratio, overall flow detention time, or volumetric loading at 21 MGD to further evaluate the aeration basin performance. This office does not object to the reissuance of this permit in accordance with current Division guidelines. (-;aktIg� Signature of report preparer Water Quality Supervisor L-is-yam Date cc: Permits and Engineering Technical Support Branch County Health Dept. Central Files WSRO SOC PRIORITY PROJECT: Yes No X To: Permits and Engineering Unit Water Quality Section Attention: (Greg Nizich) Date: April 18, 1994 NPDES STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION County Forsyth Permit No. NC0050342 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility and Address: Muddy Creek WWTP Mailing Address: Facility Location: City of Winston-Salem 4561 Cooper Rd. PO Box 2511 W-S, NC Winston-Salem, NC 27102 2. Date of Investigation: March 10, 1994 3. Report Prepared by: Lee G. Spencer 4. Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: Stan Webb and Chris Shamel (910)784-4700 5. Directions to Site: From WSRO take North Point/Silas Creek Pkwy. west to Hwy 158 west (Stratford Rd.). Turn west and proceed several miles to Fraternity Church Road. Turn left and go about a mile to Cooper Rd. on the right. Turn right and go about 0.5 mile to WWTP road on the left, just before crossing creek. 6. Discharge Points(s), List for all discharge points: 001 - Latitude: 35°55'53" Longitude: 80°22'10" 002 - Latitude: 35°59'29" Longitude: 80°19'58" U.S.G.S. Quad No. D17NE U.S.G.S. Quad Name Welcome 7. Site.size and expansion area consistent with application ? X Yes No If No, explain: 8. Topography (relationship to flood plain included): The WWTP sets along and immediately adjacent to the confluence of South Fork and Muddy Creek. Units are supposed to be designed with the flood plain in mind. The effluent outfall line flows adjacent to Muddy Creek for about 5 miles where it then discharges into the Yadkin River (001). If the river floods to a level where the gravity effluent line cannot discharge, then the outfall line is designed to surcharge and overflow into another line leading into Muddy Creek (002). This has happened once since 1986, per statement in the application. 9. Location of nearest dwelling: WWTP is fairly well isolated. No houses or businesses within 1000' of the treatment plant. 10. Receiving stream or affected surface waters: Yadkin River a. Classification: WS-IV b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: 03-07-04 c. Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses: Yadkin River flows through mostly rural residential and agricultural areas from this point to High Rock Lake. Various water supply intakes downstream. Part II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. a. Volume of Wastewater to be permitted: (Ultimate Design Capacity) 21.0 MGD b. What is the current permitted capacity of the Waste Water Treatment facility? 15.0 MGD c. Actual treatment capacity of the current facility (current design capacity)? 15.0 MGD based on past permits. 21.0 MGD based on engineering review by consultant. d. Date(s) and construction activities allowed by previous Authorizations to Construct issued in the previous two years. N/A e. Please provide a description of existing or substantially constructed wastewater treatment facilities: Screening and grit removal units; primary clarifiers(4); aeration tanks(3); final clarifiers(4); chlorination with chlorine contact chamber; and flow measurement. Sludge handling facilities consisting of anaerobic digesters; gravity thickener; sludge storage lagoons; belt filter press; and solids blending tanks. f. Please provide a description of proposed wastewater treatment facilities: N/A NPDES Permit Staff Report Version 10/92 Page 2 g. Possible toxic impacts to surface waters: The application states that chlorinated hydrocarbons known to be present in the effluent include: chloroform, Bromodichloromethane, and dibromochloromethane. h. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only): Approved. 2. Residuals handling and utilization/disposal scheme: a. If residuals are being land applied, please specify DEM permit no. WQ0000094. b. Residuals stabilization: PSRP * PFRP Other 3. Treatment plant classification (attach completed rating sheet): Class IV 4. SIC Code(s): 4952 Primary 01 Secondary 02 Main Treatment Unit Code: 0 1 0 x 3 PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grant Funds or are any public monies involved? N/A 2. Special monitoring or limitations (including toxicity) requests: The city has requested that the permitted flow be increased to 21.0 MGD. It was our understanding in an earlier meeting with City personnel and Raleigh office staff, that this would be considered an expanded discharge, and as such, would bring on phosphorous limits. If this is the case, we would rather see the additional revenue required to meet a phosphorous limit applied to non -point sources (where the big problem lies). Toxicity monitoring and limitation should continue to be required after chlorination. 3. Important SOC, JOC or Compliance Schedule dates: N/A 4. Alternative Analysis Evaluation: N/A 5. Other Special Items: NPDES Permit Staff Report • Version 10/92 Page 3 PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Winston-Salem appears to give above average attention to its wastewater treatment programs and systems. O&M program, pretreatment program and sludge management program are all generally outstanding. The City has requested to increase the permitted flow to 21.0 MGD. It is this office's understanding that the WWTP was "overdesigned" in anticipation of significant industrial waste contributions high in BOD. Operators state that these contributions never materialized. Indeed the WWTP is almost always operated with one of its large aeration tanks out of service. Provided that the consultant's report substantiates this claim of adequate treatment capacity at this increased flow rate, this office has no objection to the request. This office does not object to the reissuance of this permit along current Division guidelines. Signature of report preparer 4--/i- 94 Date Water Quality Regi a1 Supervisor Date NPDES Permit Staff Report Version 10/92 Page 4 RATING SCALE FOR CLASSIFICATION OF WATER POLLUTION CONTROL .SYSTEMS Name of Facility: Ci+vc1cnll yi5 Sct 1Qilil iive r idol tvw r? � 5� � Gl Vl Owner or Contact Peron: � tAf. W Mailing Address: PO . & k 2C t 1, lti t vI SI vM -5a- Ili AJ G L7G?O 7 County: Present Clusification; Per. No. NC00 5C- 34-Z Rated by: . Reviewed by: �S'� Tl-f- Telephone; 19 la) 72 7-2�� • New Facility Existing Facility X Nondisc. Per. No.WQ 4 , Health DeptPer No._ -('(%� f�(rr-# n Telephone: ( to )71 I -4(ccc Date; 4- I z lr� Health Dept. Regional Office Central Office ORC; Star, y Webb bb <C(w, 5 �urnz(- I d ode: lV Check Classification(s): _ Subsurface Spray Irrigation Wastewater Classification: (Circle One) 1 11 III l�jU M!!!!!!!!!!!!!M!!!!!!!!M!M Telephone: Tetephone:q 10 7 714ft C Telephone: Telephone: cl I 10-4-7170 _/ Land Application Total Points: WO 4.PLANT PESSES AND MAT© AR AN W4 PAL PART OF INDUSTRIAL RIAL PRODUCTION SYYi NOT E CONSIDERED WASTE TREATI►491T FOR THE PURPOSE OF CLASSsF1C.&TIOt,LALSO SEPTIC TAN{ SYSTEMS COrNNSISTlNiG C slY OF SEPTIC TAN( AND GRAVITY NM3IFICATION LS ARE EXEMPT FRCIA CLASSIFiCATIGi *RESURFACE E CLASSIFICATION (check all units that aPPiy) 1, septic tanks 2LrPumP tanks 2...21Ph or P ig syiaemcs 4, sand titter 6. grssse trap/tnterosptor 4,,—otuwater separator ,`gravity subsurface treatment and disposal: $,_pressure subsurface treatment and disposal: In addition to the above be toted using the point MOW SPRAY >FIRiGATIOt4 CLASSIFCATCIN (shed' all emits that apply) 1. ,preliminary treatment (definition no. 22 ) a.._septtc tanks 4.. pump tanks 5,__-pips 6, sand Boers T`grease trap/Interceptor olVwater separators disinfection 10chemical addition for nutrient/algae weird 11.,.__spray irrigation of wastewater classiffcstions. pretreatment of wastewater in excess of these components shall rating system and will require an operator with an sppropriste dual certification. LAND APPLICATION/RESIDUALS CLASSIFICATION (Apples only to permit holder) 1._Land application of biosdids, residuals or contaminated soils on a designated ale. WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACIU Y CLASSIFICATION The following systems shall be assigned a Class I dassfiicat'ion. unless the tlow is of a signiflcard quantity or the technology is unusually complex, to require consideration by the Commission on a case -by -case basis: (Check 1 Appropriate) 1_ Oilfwater Separator Systems consisting only of physical separation, pumps and disposal•; 2. Septic Tank/Sand Filter Systems consisting only of septic tanks, dosing apparatus. pumps,sand fitters, disinfection and deed discharge; desinfedkhrs. necessary chemical treatment for !_,___Lagoon Systems consisgng only of preliminary treatment, lagoons, pumps, algae or nutrient control,, and direct discharge•. 4. Closed -loop Recyde Systensa; disinfection5. m Groundwater Reediation Systems consisting only of oNwater separators, pimps• air -stripping, carbon adsorption. and ortsposat 6L___Aquacuiiure operations w?th discharge to surface watar1 7_ —Water Plant sludge handling and back -wash water treatment; ____Seafood processing consisting of screening and disposal. S, Single-family discharging systems. with the exception of Amble Troatmerd Unilz, will be dassilied 1 permitted der July 1. 1993 or if upon Inspection by the Division,11 Is found ttud the system Is not being adequately operated or maintained. Such systems will be notified of the classiiicagon or redassl'ieation by the Commission. In waling. The following scale Is used for rating wastewater treatment facilities: (circle appropriate points) Sri N& 4T 15 A4 1) 6ce. 0P61Da am PONTS IrtdustdW Pratmsament tlnita or Industrial Pnrtssstrnsrs Program (ass &moon No. ab)...r..�-- DESIGN FLOW OF PLANT IN gpd (rot apptrsbis to noncontarmmtnated cooling waters. sledge handing facilities for ouster purification planet, btak eioesd cycle systerra(see definition No.11 ), and facilities consisting only al kw NKd) or 0ms (• d)and (11Kd)) 10.001 • 50.000._ 00.001 - 100.000. 100.001 • 550.000 150.001 • 000,000 •..---- 500,001 • 1.000.000 1,000.001 • 5.000,00 • 10 L000.001 Ous1UP)rIIfr Point adtSbnd for each 200.000 gpd capacIy tip lo a maximum of ram_ Design Now Ilv &c, -.41) PR .NPI ►RY w1731PFCCESSES (see cistr lore N .32) (a) SwaaNes '1 (b) i> scream. hale Screens sr Con�asie np Oreloss. ) ad Renard ear Id) libc.snkal arAarassd art Ilsrerousl e) Pow lAsasurMp Woo III) Instnsmersted Flow IMsawromsnL—.+r■�_._._, Pnasrs:.. It) fKk+eti Flow Equalization �2) 2 1 A (4) (;) fo) 2 1) Grease or oil Swanton • oran y 2 Mechanical.._. piss�ot{v�sdd Ak Rotation awes P r.cN ortnmtIon.__.r.� TRFATMI3�t1'L1 fS�PRXE SES 0 ita)) Septic Tank (sus defWtbn No. d) R Imhoff Tank. ....----- �� 2 e;) Prinary Callers. d) Battling Ponds or Sealing Tanks for Ihorgaric Non.tosk Materials(sludge handling facilities fa water purfl'rcation plans, sand, gravel, dons, and other mining operations auspt wadi:nal activfiss such as parr' or gold mining)..._........_... SE FtYTREATMB�ff WTSIPF:7C S (a) Carbonaceous stage ! (I) AsratbaWiph Portly Osyg.n sysfarn Mused Air System Mechanical Alt System pod, posting or rotor) ! Separate Silts Fisaartion High Rate T Standard Rate S Packed Tower II Biological Aerated Filter or Aerated Biotogksl Rat 10 i Aerated Lagoons 1 0 Rotating Biological Contactors 10 Sand Filters -Intermittent biotogie:0 Reckcutatlrg biological 1 StCaller abilization Lagoons b) $tngie stags system for combined carbonaceous removal d B00 and nitrogen= removal by Ntrtlicat'Uon (ass dsfinttion No. 12)(Posda for ttis Ism have to be In addition to lens s (b) A) r) • ((vvii)) Clitttirr................--«... TERTIARY OR(AOVANCEDTREATMB4T WtT FFOCE•SSFS (a) Activated Carbon Beds • wlthoul carbon mgsne with carbon rsgansratbn. (b) Powdered or Granular Activated Carbon Food.. % Without carbon regeneration.,._._. •...---...-..—. %AA carbon regeneration Air stripping..... penkrfiication Process (5)(a)(I) though (5)(a)(4). ! utilizing tits extended aeration process (see definition No3a) .s utilizing other than the extendces ed iteration pros. 6 s) Nuttier& additions to enhance 9O0 words ttl) Biological Cullum ('Super Bugs")addltbn (I) vinous Stage • lagh Platy Omen 90 10 Calusad Air System..___.. _ Mechanical Air System (fixed. !loafing or iottw)_._.. Separate Sludge Rsaerasbn Trtdding flitter -High Rate T Standard Rate.. -- Packed Tower»..-.-. - 10 Biological Aerated Filter or Aerated Bioiog c Filter 0 Rotating Biological Cordaedors» ........-..-.211 Sand Filter • Intertnittarf bbbgkd Recirculating biological.. • • EIOC' sndtalysb...__.._........ Foam Separat Ion E:change..�.............................- applicable for sand. gravel. Land Application of Treated Ef tuarl (es definition No. 22b) (�t red the imilar mining operations) by high rate kd ttratbn 15 0 a o rs blkrotersens. B Pfmosphonors Removal by 0iotogtcal Pmasses Pasdsflnttton No. _ --•-- _ --�- '--'SO Pottahing Ponds • without asrattoo with moral • (7) (m) Reverse Osmosis.....,_,. (n) Sand or lialtedadediaFiltent • bran rats AD . Aerabk ... 5 Unheated (anaerobic)..._, — 3 . lcb) !Nudge Crying Beds • Sludge Stabilization (Grawky dremkal or thserraf) 2 S Vacuum Assisted. .,......5 s (d) Sludge Etutrlatbn.»...........-.._—.. S le) Sludge Conditioner (chsmlcal or therms!) Sludge !Nudge Thickener (gravity) ........................... p) Dissolved Air Flotation Unit ([rot limitable to a unit rated as On h) $Iudge Gas Utitzatbn (including gas storage) 1) !fudge Holding Tank •Aerated» high rate o) Tremont processes p) tmlYtfnerR $O� for removal d metal or c car cis»«.«..._...—.»..........._... .r.»....15 GE Ti�J171 iT r renmavaf Of toxic rnaterlals other then metal or cyanide15 (e) Sludge Otgestion Tanis • Heated (anaerobic). Nor►aerated ................... rk)......«. ..» _.2 Sludge Incinerator (not Including activated carbon regsneaticn) ....10 Vacuum Fitter. Csruuttugs. or Finer Press or other Wailer dewatsring devises —.__ 10� (S) .._ !DUALS Lfl L1ZATIOWDISPOSAL (hdudirg "cheesed ash) a Lagoons— b) b) Lsg Apptcatbr (wAace and subsurface) (see dstiettbn 22a) by contracting b a land application operator or Iandfii operator who holds the lend application permit or kanditi peen ....�............_....,. C Oedicat.d Landlcu(burtal) by the permit's' of the wastewater treatment facMy (11) c)b) Czone»oOs� n (d) Radiation— ...».....................---.15 _ (10) CHEMICAL ADDITION SYSTEM(S) ( see definition No. 9) (not applicable b c ernkat sddWons aced as Mem (S)W. Ir(RI). (sXa). (sj(b). (TXb). R)(e). (Oa). (0)(b) or (9)(c) 5 points each: S .s s s (11) ftISCELLANEOUS UMWPROCEIMES (a) Holdn9 Ponds. Holding Tanks or Settling Pores for Organic or Toxic Matertak including wastes from inkling operations cordalnI g Ntrogen or phosphorus compounds in amounts signittursy greater than Y common for domestic wastewater.. .. ......_.......,,». A (b) Effluent Flow Equaliratbn (not applicable to storage basins which are Mtwara In land application systems)- .2 c) Stage Discharge (not applicable to storage bastes Inherit! In lard application systems) --... • d) Pumps....... s) Stand -Ely Power Supply f) Thermal PoIMbn Control Device TOTAL POINTS •.» WO CLASSFICATEN Cis ! 5-25 Points Class 5 25.50 Points Owen Points Clam N 1111-Up POWs Mi./MDMIMMO MMNN.M•N•••NNN•Mg aim. INERNO���N DM Fscitfies having a ratify of one through four points. inclusie. do not require a Den led operator. .Faclttles having an activated sludge process MI be assigned a trirdmum classIticatbn of Clam L Facilities hewing treatment processes for the mt ova! d metal or cyanide w1 be assigned a mhtimum de a tication of Class L Faciitiss having treatment processes for the biological remove! d phosphorus wilt be assigned a minimum daeslfkadon of Class Itt. MNIPNNi MOMNOMNNMM ma pmM...NNOMMINN���� The following dellnfbns shag apply throughout fhb Subchapter. (1) Activated Carbon 13.ds. A physical/chemical method for reductng soluble organic malarial from wastewater effluent; The column -type beds used I this method will have a flow rats varying from two to eight gatbns per minute per square loot and may be either upfbw or &wnflow carbon bads. Carbon may or "nay not be regenerated on the wastewater treatment plant sits; (2) Aerated Lagoons. A basin in which au soles are maintained M suspension and by which bbbgtal *Mallon or organic matter k reduced t1uough astilielafy accelerated transfer of oxygen on a How -through bask; p) Aeration. A process of bringtng about intimate contact between air or Ngh purity oxygen In a liquid by spraying. agitation or ddffuslon;(3*) eriendsd Aeration. An activated sludge process utilizing a minimum hydraulic detention time of 15 hours. • (4) Agriuxu turely managed site. Any sits on which a crop Is produced. managed. and harvested (Crop Mcludes gasses. gabs. Uses. Oct .(5) Alt Stripping. A process by which the ammonium bn k first converted to dissolved ammorda (pH adjustment) with the ammonia then reiused to the atmosphere by physial means; or otter similar processes which remove petroleum products such as benzene. toluene. and ZOOM; (5j Carbon fegan.ratbn. The regeneration of exhausted carbon by the use of a furnace to provide extremely Ngh temperatures which votaSize and oxidize the absorbed impurities; (7) Carbonaceous Stage. A stage of wastewater treatment designed to'achtevs'secondary' effluent 1m*s; • (a) Centrifuge. A mechanical devios M which oerdrffugal fora k used to separate solids from 0quids or fo separate Squids of Menet dsrsr'..as: (5) Chinks' Addition System!:- The addition of chemical(s) to wastewater at an application point for purposes of kmprovtng solids removal. pH sdiostment. alkalinity control. etc.;.the capability to ssportmsrd with different chemicals and different application points to achieve a speckle result wlt be considered one system; the capability to add ehsmiui(s) to dual units wits be rated as one system; capability to add a chemical at a different application points for dkfsrsrtt purposes wit result In the systems being rated as separate systems; (10) Chemical Sludge CondtzbrNng. The addltbn of a chemical compound such as Sins. Ionic chbdds. or a polymer to est sludge b coalesce the Maas prior ex s application to a dewaterirg device; (11) Closed Cyc4. Systems. Use of holding ponds or holding tanks for containment of wastewater oontatnirg fnorgank. non -bets mst.rfats from sande gravel. crushed store or other stmllar operations. Such systems shall carry a maximum of two points regardless of pumping leonitles or any other appurtenances; (12) Combined Remavat of Carbonaceous BOO and Nitrogenous Removal by Nitrlticstbn• A single stage system required to achieve permit effluent fNuits on B00 and ammonia nkrogsn within the same btotogtcal reactor j13) Oschlorinatbn. The panor complete reduction of residue chlorin In a Sany chemical by achemical or physical prows; panic! or Denkrricaibn Process. The conversion of nkrats•nkrogsn to Ntrogan gas; .i' m• , 4 J�' tiro it and �';1,7,1 t, • J • ea. :: • Isola%?? 1/1 Z4:3:•-•••\.5L--c\..,:•;;;92 4.4.73% /11°. ' -- , ..itin,." 2_,,51 : •c 3 ,ii • 11.• Mucic1y Creek WWTP NC0050342-002 RECEIVING STREAM: Muddy Creek. Stream Classification: WS-IV NC0050342-001 RECEIVING STREAM: Yadkin River Stream Classification: WS-IV USGS Quad. No. : D17-NE USGS Quad. Name: Welcome County: Davidson