HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0026646_Instream Assessment_19880823NPDES DOCUMENT SCANNIN` COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0026646 Pilot Mountain WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change Instream Assessment (67b) 1 Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: August 23, 1988 This document printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the rexerse side NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CCMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Winston-Salem Regional Office August 23, 1-88 (q$s MEMORANDUM TO: Ruth Clark THROUGH: M. Steve Mauney FROM: Jerry Whittum 4,3 SUBJECT: Town of Pilot Mountain Self Monitoring Data NPDES No. NC0026646 Surry County As of May 1988 the permittee has designated a different individual as Operator in Responsible Charge of the facility. Following the change the May and June self -monitoring reports seem to present a realistic correlation between the temperature and dissolved oxygen values. We will periodically review future reports as seasonal temperature changes occur, and will follow-up as needed. cc: Randy Dodd Trevor Clements Steve Tedder Steve Reid Central Files WSRO u 0 1%, ^ L_ _J CONSULTANTS ~���~~�INC OR PO RATED August 2,1988 Mr. Dennis Ramsey Water Qua]ity Section Division, Environmental Managem�nt. P. O. 8ox 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 Dear Mr. Ramsey: ' T|�is is to confirm the ioformu(/''// we discussed today regarding the abilitto water treatment facility for Federa] Naj> Cor|/', /'/1ot Mountain, N.C., to meet the effluent requirements .'+ set forLh by your department. The following limits will be mct by the new facility, which wil] not, operated as designed, and are as fo]]ows: PARAMETER LIMIT Arsenic 15 micrograms/liter Beryllium ogran/s/liLcr Cadmium 2 micrograms/liter Total Chrome 50 micrograms/liter Cobalt 1 milligrams/liter �/� Copper' 15 milligrams/liter Cyanide 5 micrograms/liter Fluoride 1.8 milligrams/liter Tron 1 mil1igram/liter Lead 25 micrograms/litpr Mercury 0.2 micrograms/litnr Njckel 50 micrograms/liter }ver 10 micrograms/liter Zinc 50 micrograms/liter With respect to tho parameters above, the water quality can be expectod to be s'�perior to that of domestic waste water , eo�d non -toxic. �ssticides are not addressed in the waste water treatment faci]�ty as designed as they are nd will, not be |/resent within the physical confines of the producti on facility, and ure not/wi1 l /.ot be a possibil ity waste water stream` Very truly yo.trs, Y UTANTS, INC. President V ' / � f�, .12� // pzz.Box27917 ° Indianapolis, Indiana 46e27 ° phone317'71EIs-11SB4 Lou/Svmo.mY 502-5B9'1geB ° Nashvmo.Tm 615-254­8900 9 South Bend, /m2xo-e32'x1o8 .- � " DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT July 27, 1988 TO: Steve Mauney �r THROUGH: Randy Dodd Trevor Cleme�pt Steve Tedder Tedderk^�`4 SUBJECT: Town of Pilot Mountain Self Monitoring Data NPDES No. NC0026646 Burry County Attached please find a copy of the temperature and dissolved oxygen self -monitoring data for the Town of Pilot Mountain WWTP. Note that the dissolved oxygen values are relatively constant although there is a wide range in temperature. Please review the methods the facility uses to collect the data and make any recom- mendations to the town as to how it may improve its measurements. cc: Steve Reid Central Files I ♦ Co V zLiW-/u -466trrf R 1c77L111)041-ai, L lc,Y.ui P /1eaMerk) X . (,ia*ec n. - .5 m; aizat d scha e. ux�b-v 300 P . begat) disc%4de. __ Inv Do i em i0 5f 38 fu I 52 (min. 3.5) 2'I.1 0, qIW 11,5 6,1 , q. 7 C.E,C, 3iS S.0 0, Z. J7, 2 Le .0 2N? 7.O (s.O 15.0 6.1.e i/W .50 fii.3 10.3 Lsi.� 121 7 Ifi,6,Le �.5 (s.5 1 � � O. � � {�t � (� (Ur.R �'QAc{c rl 5 l Of 55! ) la •' ti .0 101i3-7 140 IS. 3 22. z (ft.4 e1IS? 20.0 5,'J1 (rn,n. 2.o) 27.5 41.I 81E7 . 23.3 (N,4 3 -7 b2, f 71%-7 2 2_ ki 5, (min ct &-1, 3") )�. 1 b. z 1 ? 7 20, 3 1.0.2. (min or L.5) 29. (9.4 51r ? 17. 62.5 (min cr'4, 5) 2366.0 hl fri ►I. Le 5, le (min or '4.5) Ids, 0 7,8 31S7 1. 0 q 0 )5. c? . (t 21S7 . /D- 0 `7. 3 135 3. i 111 c),I -7,3 40 .S 1 z 6(4 7,7 1.4.0 10.0 4, iiiv4 ii.3 '?, 9 17.0 g,1 roISCP 14. 9 4: 2. 2 I.2 6. 3 9lsce Iq, 9 7. 5 .27, Le �,3 (m, n or 3, 8) 81 i9 -7,3 5,6 Cm 0( 59) 7f as 21 '2-2 3 I is, 7 51F4 PL/ -z 9 25 6 3 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT July 27, 1988 MEMORANDUM TO: Larry Coble - THROUGH: Trevor Clemerts Steve Tedder FROM: Ruth Clark 9C SUBJECT: Instream Assessment for the Town of Pilot Mountain NPDES No. NC0026666 Surry County Summary The Town of Pilot Mountain has requested a JOC to increase the flow at its facility by 0.030 MGD to a total of. 0.7474 MGD. The request is to allow wastewater from Federal Nail Industrial Site which is approximately 2/3 industrial and 1/3 domestic. Pilot Mountain has been out of compliance with its copper, zinc, temperature, and toxicity limits. Previous SOCs have been issued due to noncompliance with BOD, TSS, copper, zinc,_ and temperature. The incremental flow allowT under previous Orders was 0.075 MGD. The additional process wastewater is expected to have a sig- nificant toxic impact. Wastewater from Federal Nail contains toxics already identified as probable causes of Pilot Mountain's existing toxicity problem. Instream monitoring data have already demonstrated standard violations, and additional loading will only worsen this problem. Biological surveys performed by DEM support this hypothesis. Headworks analysis information was obtained from Pretreatment and used to determine which metals may require limits or monitoring. The results of mass balance equations indicated that cadmium, nickel, lead, and cyanide should be limited in the permit. It is recommended that these metals, along with copper and zinc be monitored during the JOC period. A Level-B analysis was completed to determine the effects of the increased flow on instream dissolved oxygen levels since the proposed JOC limits are secondary and do not recognize the final NH,-N limit of 14 mg/l. The analysis indicated that the facility could increase its flow up to design capacity without violating EMC dissolved oxygen criteria. The additional flow requested would probably have a minimal impact on the temperature differen- tial between upstream and downstream sites, and thus this impact was not specifically addressed in the analysis. In October, 1987, Pilot Mountain requested a modification to their. SOC (Case No. EMC WQ 86-19 Ad). They wanted to delete 75,000 GPD of domestic wastewater and add 30,000 GPD of industrial flow from 'Quality Mills, a cloth printing facility. Technical Support recommended that this flow be denied on the basis of the p1ant's toxicity. However, the request was granted by letter. in April, 1988, and the plant was allowed to add on 60,000 GPD from Quality Mills. This action conflicts with. EMC policy (see attached). The industries discharging to the Pilot Mountain facility are out of compliance with their pretreatment limits. This noncom- pliance is probably responsible for most of the toxicity problems at the WWTP. Technical Support recommends that no industrial waste be allowed until these industries come to compliance and/or Pilot Mountain passes its toxicity test requirement. If the flow increase is granted, the JOC should include a statement allowing for flow moratorium if existing toxicity problems are not addressed through a toxicity reduction. (TRE) plan. Analysis and Discussion The Town of Pilot Mountain discharges to Heatherly Creek, a class C stream in the Yadkin River Basin. At the outfall, the receiving stream drains an area of 1.22 square miles and is char- acterized by an average flow of 1.45 cfs and a 7Q10 of 0.15 cfs. A Level B analysis was performed to examine the impact of the cumulative SOC flow increase. The model was run at 0.6424 MGD (pre-SOC average), 0.7474 MGD (post-JOC flow) and 1.5 MGD (design flow) . Each of the runs were at limits of 30 mg/1 BODS , 20 mg/1 NH3--N, and 5 mg/1 DO. Since no NH3-N limit was recommended, secondary limits were assumed for the parameter for modeling pur- poses. Examination of the compliance data indicated that the facility should be able to meet that limit as the highest monthly value for ammonia in the effluent was 10.11 mg/1. Other model inputs were obtained from an analysis performed for .the June, 1987 SOC addendum. The model runs indicated that flow can be increased up to design flow without violating the instream DO standard. In. each run, the DO sagged at the outfall. The model inputs and results are summarized in Table 1. Headworks analysis information was obtained from Pretreatment and used to determine which metals may require limits or monitor- ing. The results of the mass balance equations were as follows: Metal Predicted Eff. Conc. (rng/1) Cadmium (S)' Chromium (S) Copper (AL) Nickel (S) Lead (S) Zinc (AL) Cyanide (S) Silver (AL) Standard 0.0005 0.0050 0.0254 0.0229 0.0094 0.0376 0.0059 0.0004 AL: Allowable Eff. Conc. (mg/1) 0.0021 0.0524 > 0.0157 > 0.0532 0.0263 > 0.0525 0.0053 0.0106 Action Level it is division procedure to limit any metal whose predicted effluent concentration is within 1/10 of the allowable effluent concentration if a standard exists and to monitor the metal if there is an action level. The ">" symbol indicates which values meet this criterion. The predicted cyanide and copper values were greater than the allowable effluent concentration. We recommend that the final permit be changed to limit cadmium, nickel, lead, and cyanide at the allowable effluent concentration. Monitoring for copper and zinc should be included in the JOC. The facility has been exhibiting toxicity since 1986. A pass -fail Ceriodaphnia chronic test performed by DEM in February, 1986 resulted in a failure. The Division has also performed sev- eral. 48 hour static Daphnia tests with the following results: Date 12/ 19/ 84 03/20/85 02/19/86 05/01/86 01/07/87 in addition, the Division performed test in January, 1987. The results LC50 None None None 48 iI an intensive on -site toxicity were as follows: Test 48 hr Ceriodaphnia static 96 hr Fathead Minnow Flowthrough 7 day Chronic Ceriodaphnia Result LC50=9.3 LC50=None LC50--14 . 6 , ChV=3.2 Chemical analyses performed during this intensive survey indicated that copper and zinc action levels were exceeded downstream of the discharge, and the nickel standard was violated below the facil- ity. The self -monitoring data submitted by Pilot Mountain also indicate toxicity. The following summarizes acute tests at a chronic value greater than 94% performed by the facility: Date LC50 08/86 None 09/86 P35. 10/86 30,100 11/86 P35 12/86 93,P40 01/87 63.5 The facility began performing chronic toxicity tests in 1987 at a chronic value of 94. Each test reported was a failure. Date Result 04/87 Fail 06/87 Bad Test 07/87 Not Reported 09/87 Fail 10/87 Fail 12/87 Fail 03/88 Fail Data collected in January, 1987 by the Biological Monitoring Group also indicate that toxicity is a problem at the WWTP. 47 benthic macroinvertebrate taxa were collected above the discharge with 14 of them belonging to intolerant groups which resulted in a water quality rating of Fair. 100 meters below the discharge, 14 species were collected with only two belonging to the intolerant groups. Only one specimen of each of these intolerant groups was collected. This resulted in a Poor water quality rating. A third station located 1 mile below the facility received a Poor water quality rating. 32 total species were collected with only two intolerant taxa collected. Again, only 1 specimen of each of the intolerant taxa was found. Since Heatherly Creek showed a reduced community one mile below the discharge, samples were collected on Tom's Creek above and below its confluence with Heatherly Creek. The upstream station on Tom's Creek received a Good water quality rating since 27 intolerant taxa and a total of 56 species were collected. The downstream station received a Fair water quality rating. There were 51 total species collected. However, only 16 belonged to intolerant taxa indicating that the Pilot Mountain facility is causing toxicity problems in Tom's Creek. The toxic- ity may have been partially due to the temperature differential caused by the effluent since this difference is at a maximum in .January. In addition, chlorine was measured. at 0.34 mg/1, well above the proposed no effect level of 17 ug/1, at the first down- stream station. The effluent was also found to be toxic prior to chlorination. These three factors (pre -chlorination toxicity, high :instream chlorine concentrations, and the temperature differ- ential) probably all contribute to the instream toxicity. The Town Manager of Pilot Mountain stated that a study indi- cates that Federal Nail can meet proposed pretreatment limits which are similar to the EPA default values for domestic waste. However, the cadmium limit exceeds the EPA default value by approximately a factor of three, and the proposed pretreatment nickel limit is roughly twice the default. EMC policy states that flow requests should not be granted if toxic pollutants are added in quantities not associated with domestic waste. In addition, the chemical analyses performed in January, 1987 indicated that the nickel standard was violated downstream of the facility. The effluent from Federal Nail would compound the problem. Pilot Mountain's industrial components are out of compliance with their pretreatment levels. In addition, there is no guarantee that Fed- eral Nail would meet the limits in its permit. No additional industrial flow should be allowed at the facility until Pilot Mountain addresses its toxicity problems and maintains compliance with final permit requirements for toxics and whole effluent tox- icity. CC: Ken Eagleson Chuck Wakild Kent Wiggins Steve Reid Table e 1: PO Analysis Summary for the Town of Pilot Mountain Wasteflow Assumptions Design Capacity Pare--SOC Current SOC Request Maximum Allowable SOC Flow Model Input Summary Headwater Conditions 1.5000 MGD 0.6424 MGD 0.0300 MGD 1.5000 MGD 7Q10 0.15 cfs Qavg 1.45 cfs Design Temperature 2 5 ° C CBOD 2 mg/1 NBOD 1 mg/1 DO 5 mg/3 Wastewater Inputs Flow CBOD (2 -recommended BOD,) NBOD (4.5*secondary NH3-N) DO Pre--SOC SOC Flow Design See Above 60 mg/i. 90 mg/1 5 mg / :i. Model Output Summary DO min Net Change (nig/1) (mg/1) 5.32 -- 5.28 0.04 5.15 0.17 II REGULATION Statute North Carolina General Statute 143-215.67. Acceptance of Wastes to Disposal Systems and Air Cleaning Devices (Appendix 1) is divided into two subsections, 67(a) and 67(b). 67(a) states in part that no person subject to G.S. 143-215.1 (Control of Water Pollution, Permits Required) shall willfully cause or allow the discharge of any wastes to a waste disposal system in excess of the capacity of the disposal system or which the disposal system cannot adequately treat. This, in effect, means that any discharger which is in noncompliance with effluent limitations cannot accept additional wastewater into its treatment system. However, 67(b) goes on to give the Environmental Management Commission (EMC) the authority to allow a unit of government subject to the provison of 67(a) to accept additional wastes provided that: 1. The unit of government has secured a grant or other financing for a new or improved waste disposal system which will adequately treat the existing and additional wastes. 2. The additional waste will not result in any significant degradation of the receiving stream. 67(b) goes on to give the EMC the authority to impose conditions on permits as necessary to implement the provisions of the subsection. In order to implement these provisions the EMC has developed a 67(b) policy. Policy The EMC's 67(b) policy has four major points. 1. The unit of government must provide assurance that a new or improved wastewater treatment works which will adequately treat the existing and additional wastes will be constructed in the near future. Requests for 67(b) orders will not be approved unless an acceptable time schedule is provided which sets forth specific dates for the design, construction and operation of the new or improved wastewater treatment works, or the implementation of alternatives approved by the EMC. 2. Any approvals of requests for 67(b) orders will be granted only in the amount necessary for the POTW to provide service to identified new sources or their equivalent substitutions approved by the Director. 2 3. The EMC will grant 67(b) requests only when the requesting unit of government has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the EMC that it is operating its existing plant in such a way as to attain the degree of treatment determined by the Director to be achieveable under the existing conditions and that it has implemented a program acceptable to the Commission for controlling the discharge of wastes into its system. 4. The EMC..will not grant 67(b) requests when the cumulative impact of wastes allowed under all 67(b) orders will result in any significant degradation in the quality of the waters or which will add toxic pollutants in quantities not generally associated with domestic waste. The criteria against which the above policy items are judged is covered in the water quality procedures section. 3 State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Winston-Salem Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Trevor Clements Technical Support Unit THROUGH: M. Steve Mauney - Water Quality Supervi or FROM: David Russell Environmental Specialist SUBJECT: In Stream Assessment Request For The Pilot Mountain WWTP - Surry County Find attached the subject assessment request. The town is requesting an additional flow of 30,000 gpd from the Federal Nail Industrial Site. The flow will be 2/3 industrial and 1/3 domestic. The town received approval for 60,000 gpd April 22, 1988 of additional flow from Quality Mills. An instream assessment for that flow was performed and it was recommended that the additional flow not be approved. Effluent toxicity and non-compliance with final limits for metals and temperature are current problems at the WWTP. DR:al If there are any questions contact our office. hi�„yip" JUL : t i 8025 North Point Boulevard, Suite 100, Winston-Salem, N.C. 27106-3295 • Telephone 919-761-2351 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer �eIes Request Form for In -stream Assessment for 678 NAME OF FACILITYPA: _ 014044 1,1) 1)14) /p SUBBASIN AD 03 COUNTY 5G, REGION J,,StDN S1g4m DESIGN FLOW /.sjj ___ RECEIVING STRE 4,/eL BACKGROUND DATA : A. Why is SOC needed? (Facility is out of compliance with which effluent limits?)-7 SOC. Wa.0. taL 1:144 fr-ff leZez $oD, rss, f.,Q Purdk_ • V e, A4 . (so ` I 6 r3O - 1l O B. History of SOC requests: Time period averaged 1. Monthly Average waste flow prior to any SOC , 0.65121e Aueittle- Plow Ne ri -Wl Y6 wA s O. St 31 3 s/(o thru 2/Y7 mgd 2. Previously approved SOC's: Date: 3//3/e7 flow: a 050 mgd Date: %/i/J7 % flow: —� mgd By le1feg. y--.z.-8$ -Pow : 0.)(QO r,5cf -- QA111 )11* total of previously approved SOC flow: piSo mgd r 3. Flows lost from plant flow: 0.075 mgd (facilities h t have go e off line) 7)QIe4o 0.01S i �`o2 4. Current SOC request flow: 0.034) mgd 5. Total plant flow post-SOC (sum of original flow and SOC flow minus losses) flow: // cOS mgd 6. Is this an accurate flow balance for plant? Why/why not? ri,„,„„„es /61.,p h, 4-At- other parameters_P0 D. What is the fr‘ C. Please attach DMR summary for past year for all permitted parame- ters. If possible, include reports from previous years if facility has heen under SOC for more than CURRENT SOC RE2UEST : a year. A. Request is for domestic or industrial waste? If it ation, please specify percentages. 3 B. What type of industry? Please attach /04:41 w ate. C. Th regionvproposes the following BOD5 30 is a combin- y pertinent data. evz- SOC limits: NH3_NO I� J mg/1 -mg/1 DO =J Y i h%_mg/1 TSS fecal coliform 30 +_mg/1 /O U 0 #/100m1 pH SU it n. (,2#„.z/„Aro4-410 -01)7. basis for these limits?-to...LiAli ittair 30 "30 srt.,2? IS r7 /j'l /s m . az.* &i) ;ss A11/3 C.6( 6A- Cr;4 fihr40-- A); 0.49,41 G(441 (41 Z et4,ttAtiz-J-024 _HA-4,61A VIA) 0 • u zY� wi S as //s)s241 .7,5 /45/ Sy frytj/R 0.02- 1110 o. oS .nf/aQ D.oi Mf/� v. 06 ite p. ovSAtfg- p.o6 .nfg 0.01.5-.)1( vi Pi.j/e Iht7/t IDO /kit .vs#1f1e 5. / 0 SG( 1v� f7oourtari't 00ii - 50c 1bctherlc, Cry 030703 '7610 0,15 CA Eec Veto O- ki24m6D , (NO cP� PIiu- `77 /YIGD- L15S s Dn ) - !15 mvD = 2.325 CP3 V . 99C ace-150C �. C = ,9get<<5 100 _ • F-7% 1.158 i c - 1,«fit,/ (fOO) Z9% i 2`325 a� 05 )(/00) I - jc Hecdherly Creed CO0703 ...f iueof Br"o 0 i ort-117/ dumnn _ -2/1062 ( - Raz- 17T I. 11,25)0 l ._tqo ra lS }. 14.0 ChV 3.2. Loxici•fli- iirnit- (3 1 r P35. LO,- 100 P35 ind t-e51- 1 of 214 izltgl8�1 moo= alone ___ kt8 hr, _aphoia pulley 3I.ZOI.L5O 250-_NOne 211g18tP ct5o_=None iI(c6(4 k.cco = /4S. • h Ise I 122,isi7 CG5O = 9. 3 it pAG -70/Fs ?IF chvork. Ibk1 N'1 LC50 None 112q15-) Lc5o /q. '1 hr, Ceviccia.phrlic hti 1arvcd P/oU v, Plot 66nfacr) H64-he►rk Cveek. 1 030703 r _ FCead l' _ 1nolc. 4val Ach)co 'Removal (kg1 r. : Cd Cr /6-2 Cr)0,0q 4.1. o-% 0..54 t.Z r • Pb o. 04 9z 0,13_ ac13 0. 0.01 0,30 0.0 O. 04 a oz f. Oct Fed, -- Nail _ Pthr t-mad- �,� m� fi� - L.•(0z•o2yz_rr6D)(43..34) =-..00,4..Qbld Cr _ r101_, Cu __ (.05. )( ,OZN-2_Fnw)N.34.) ` _ a0IC7._ .Qdci_ Cn .. _m50.(,024z rnbp)C8,)-_�.00z .QOId_ (fib Noy. N;GOO- "�.¢)(,o2/-rzrn6>)M 012.)b1� Act f (.aS_ "5l.e)(,ozqz ►76D)(g.34) =, 003__ b!d zr) oz4,2_ irr)D }CS'..3/4 z ozo .deb)ci az. netz u(Idch; -riGa. ( _load .0L3 4ts Pollutant Cadmium Chromium Copper Nickel Lead Zinc Cyanide Mercury Gilver ^-'�Cadm1um (e") Chromium (z,) Copper ,«c -�'l-ead Zinc -`Cvanide " � , _ S1lver PRETREATMENT HEADWORKS REVIEW Discharger: Rece1ving stream: Stream Class: L�K3S Zone: 7Q10: Design flow: Actual flow: Percent industrial: %WC: Standard/AL (mg/1) ---~~------- 0.002 0.05 0.015 0.05 0.025 0.05 0.005 0.0002 0.01 Total Influent Load (lbs/day) 0.04 0.13 0.88 0.21 0.31 1.02 0.09 --�-------''----0.00-'------0.01 0.04 1.13 S S AL S 8 AL S AL Pilot Mountain Heatherly Creek C J. 0.150 1.500 0.7474 90.0 93.9 Removal Eff. cfs mgd mgo % % 92% 78% 82% 32% 81% 77% 59% 86% 94% Actual Allowable Domestic Load ( a ) Load (lbs/day) (lbs/day) --------- --------~- 0.18 0.000 1.47,�- 0.000 0.590.030 0.52� 0.010 0.93+ 0.010 1.53- 0.020 0.09 0.000 0.01 0.000 1.17e- 0.000 USGS Predicted Background Effluent Reserve Conc Conc (b) (lbs/day) (mg/1) (mg/l) --------- -----~--- ~------- 0.14 1.34 -0.29 0.31 0.62 0.51 -0.00 0.013 0.004 0.005 0.012 ` 0.0005 > 07/19/88 Actual Industrial Load (lbs/day) 0.04O 0.130 0.850 0.200 0.800 1.000 0.090 0.000 0.040 Allowable Effluent Conc <c) ----~---- 0.0021 .(�l50___ /0.0254 > 0.0157 ' 0.0094 > 0.0376 > 0��059 0.0000 0.0004 � 0.0263 0�)525 0.0053 0"0002' 0.0106 Pollutant Cadmium Chromium Copper Nic1<a1. Lead Zinc Cyanide Mercury Silver Cadmium Chromium Copper Nickel Lead Zinc Cyanide Mercury Silver PRETREATMENT HEADWORKS REVIEW Discharger Receiving stream: Stream Class: LJSi3S Zone: 70.10: Design flow: Actual flow Percent industrial 1:WC: Standard/AL (mg/1) c).002 0.05 0.015 0.05 0.025 r 0„05 0.005 0.00C)2 0.01 Total Influent Load (lha/day) 0.;.)4 0.13 0.89 0.22 0.31 1.04 0.09 0.00 0.04 8 S AL 0 S AL S 9 AL Pilot Mountain Heatherly Creek C 1 0.150 0..:150 cfs 1.500 mqd 0.7474 mg d 90.0 7+ 93.9 Removal Ef. f . 9 S % 7 6 82% 327+. 81;< 77%% 86% 94%. Allowable Load (a) ibs/day ) 0.18 1.47 0.59 sy.. i-). w.J - ` f 0.93 1.53 0.09 0.01 1.17 LJ,.r .:iS Background Reserve Cc nc: (ibs/day) (mg/1) c).13 1..34 -0.30 0.30 0.6P 0.49 -0.01 0.01 1.13 0.013 0.004 0.005 0.012 0.0003 Actual Domestic Load (l bs/day ) 0.000 0.0i„){) 0.030 0.010 0.010 0.020 0.000 0.000 c).00() Predicted Effluent Cc+nc (b) (rng/1 ) 0.000h 0.0050 0.0257 0.024P 0.0094 0.0384 0.0060 0.0000 0.0004 07/19/83 Actual Industrial. Load (lbs/day) 0.044 0.130 0.860 ti).2:I.2 0.300 1.020 0.092 0.000 0.04'3 Allowable Effluent Cc+nc: (c) (mg/1) . 0.0021 0.058.4 • 0.0157 > 0.0532 > 0.0263 > 0.0525 0.0002 0.0106 mounfcil `+Y: P (5 ) NeaTev CK. .02,0-703 O/4 : Atc,5 510,0- 5 S3 ioloi v I0,8') V 02. I,3q, 2L S's ($o) "DAI:,.0 OA=14 / slot° = 0.2 1.4”oi0:0.5 vNe +hev 19 451,RI 1,5 mi isL . DA : 4.11 OAS 2SI Stows 0,3 w1t)to . o.7}1 PAC '7119199 2 ion mLn , wci7P +DA 622. QA !NI 7O10T. 0,15 "WAD a U,3� s • Ff ea. -they Ic ` CK . 030-703 'PAC Irg188 'R1 i.e (5 1,5 S(ope' 53.3 Tri S10ta La) (0 Wt0 AID ,2'4 �fCS�e. CeoD 1.t0 iNtboD 1z 2, I0 5.1c3 2.32 o.3‘-i .{.02 Ail caictc.(ahon:, 3une. Iq$7 c.ic_vo.T 1 on Strect.oi : i-tecx-tf C k. C11 H1/42)1 C (3 CanCli ••• Slope Calculations ci€0_ q 'Rec s 3.3 Pec,,L,v) 2 CIC\) (0 tf (Mc — — • • 111 1 11111111111111111 1 11111 1 e tv I C' IL 0 Cunl dist 0 1 , S dist .Slop*. c , 0 NMI ^^ ' SUMMER SOC QW=.6424 CB0D=60 NBO1)=90 DO=5 | Seo # Reach # | Seg Mi D.O. CBOD NBOD | Flow | 1 1 0.00 5.32 52.41 78.35 1.15 1 1 0.10 5.49 51.25 76.69 1.16 1 1 0.20 5.60 50.12 75.07 1.17 1 1 0.30 5.68 49.02 73.49 1.18 1 1 0.40 5.75 47.95 71.95 1.19 1 1 0.50 5.81 46.91 70.45 1.20 1 I. 0.60 5.87 45.89 68.98 1.21 1 1 0.70 5.92 44.90 67.55 1.22 1 1 0.80 5.97 43.93 66.15 1.23 1 1 0.90 6.02 42.99 64.79 1.24 1 1 1.00 6.06 42.07 63.46 1.25 1 1 1.10 6.11 41.17 62.16 1.26 1 1 1.20 6.16 40.29 60.89 1.27 1 1 1.30 6.20 39.44 59.65 1"28 1 1 1.40 6.24 38.61 58.44 1.29 1 1 1.50 6.28 37.79 57.26 1.30 1 2 1.50 7.22 8.7O 11.52 6.93 1 2 1.60 7.19 8.61 11.37 6.96 1 2 1.70 7.16 8.52 11.21 6.99 1 2 1.80 7.14 8.43 11.06 7.03 1 2 1.90 7.12 8.34 10.91 7.06 1 2 2.00 7.11 8.26 10.76 7.10 1 2 2.10 7.10 8.17 10.61 7.13 1 2 2.20 7.09 8.09 10.47 7.16 1 2 2.30 7.08 8.01 10.33 7.20 1 2 2.40 7.08 7.93 10.19 7.23 1 2 2.50 7.08 7.84 10.05 7.27 1 2 2.60 7.08 7.77 9.92 7.30 1 2 2.70 7.09 7.69 9.78 7.33 1 2 2.80 7.09 7.61 9.65 7.37 1 2 2.90 7.09 7.53 9.52 7.40 1 2 8.00 7.10 7.46 9.40 7.44 1 2 3.10 7.11 7.38 9.27 7.47 8.20 7.12 7.31 9.15 7.50 1 2 1 2 3.30 7.12 7.24 9.03 7.54 1 2 3.40 7.13 7.17 8.91 7.57 1 2 3.50 7.14 7.10 8.79 7.61 1 2 3.60 7.15 7.03 8.68 7.64 1 2 8.70 7.16 6.96 8.56 7.67 1 2 3.80 7.17 6.89 8.45 7.71 1 2 8.90 7.18 6.82 8.34 7.74 1 2 4.00 7.19 6.76 8.23 7.78 1 2 4.10 7.20 6.69 8.12 7.81 1 2 4.20 7.21 6.63 8.02 7.84 1 2 4.30 7.22 6.56 7.91 7.88 | Seg # Reach # | Seg Mi D.O. CBOD NBOD Flow | SUMMER SUMMER 8OC QW=.6424 CBOD=60 NBOD=90 DO=5 -----~---- MODE- RESULTS ---------- Discharger : PILOT MOUNTAIN WWTP Receiving Stream : HEATHERLY CREEK The End D.O. is 7.22 mg/l. The End CBOD is 6.56 mg/l. The End NBOD is 7.91 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/l) Milepoint Reach # (mg/1) (mg/l) (mg /l) (mgd) Segment 1 5.32 0"00 1 Reach 1 60.00 90.00 5.00 0.64240 Reach 2 0.00 0"00 0.00 0.00000 *** MODEL SUMMARY DATA *** Discharger „ PILOT MOUNTAIN WWTP Receiving Stream HEATHERLY CREEK Summer Q :1 O : 0.15 Design Temperature: 25.. SuIDb1 s i. n n 030703 Stream Class: C Winter /Q1.O : 0.38 :LENGTH! SLOPE! VELOCITY 1 DEPTH! Kd 1 Kd 1 Ka 1 Ida 1 KN I KN I KNR I KNR 1 1 mile ; ft/mil fps 1 ft :design! a20° !design: 8204 :deign: 820° :design: }20° Segment 1 1 1.50 53.301 0.350 1 0.48 1 0.80 1 0.64 137.43 1 33.581 0.73 1 0.50 1 0.73 1 0.00 1 Reach 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Segment 1 1 2.80 10.001 0.289 1 1.31 1 0.32 1 0.25 1 5.80 1 5.201 0.44 1 0.30 1 0.44 1 0.00 1 Reach 2 1 f 1 1 1 I Flow I CBOD 1 NBOD 1 D.O. I cfs 1 mg/1 I mg/1 I mg/ 1 Segment :1 Reach 1 Waste , 0.996 I 60.000 I Headwaters 1 0.150 I 2„000 I Tributary 1 0.000 I 2.000 I .W Runoff f 1 0.100 1 2.000 1 90.000 1 5.000 :. 0rr00 1 7.440 r1. .S. .. i?'+.�Sal 1 7.440 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 1 Reach, 2 Waste 1 0.000 1 0.000 I 0.000 1 0.000 Tr i bu/t^t r y 1 5.630 I 2.000P ,. }00 I '1+ 00/0 1 '7 440 * Runcl 7 f 1 0.340 1 1 .J. . 000 1 7.440 * Runoff f flow is in cfs/mile SUMMER SUMMER SOC QW=.7474 CBOD=60 1,JBOD=90 D0=5 | Seg # Reach It Seg Mi D.O. CBOD NBOD 1 Flow 1 1 1 0.00 5.28 58.35 79.80 1.81 1 1 0.10 5.53 52.26 78.28 1.32 1 1 0.20 5.68 51.19 76.80 1.83 1 1 0.80 5.78 50.14 75.84 1.34 1 1 0.40 5.85 49.12 78.92 1.85 1 1 0.50 5.91 48.12 72.54 1.36 1 1 0.60 5.96 47.15 71.18 1.37 1 1 0.70 6.01 46.20 69.85 1.38 1 1 0.80 6.06 45.27 68.55 1.39 1 1 0.90 6.10 44.36 67.27 1.40 1 1 1.00 6.14 43.47 66.08 1.41 1 1 1.10 6.18 42.60 64.81 1.42 1 1 1.20 6.22 41.76 63.61 1.43 1 1 1.80 6.26 40.93 62.44 1.44 1 1 1.40 6.30 40.12 61.30 1.45 1 1 1.50 6.34 39.32 60.18 1.46 1 2 1.50 7.21 9.68 13.18 7.09 1 2 1.60 7.16 9.58 13.00 7.12 1 2 1.70 7.12 9.48 12.82 7.16 1 2 1.80 7.09 9.38 12.65 7.19 1 2 1.90 7.06 9.29 12.48 7.22 1 2 2.00 7.03 9.19 12.31 7.26 1 2 2.10 7.01 9.10 12.15 7.29 1 2 2.20 7.00 9.01 11.99 7.33 1 2 2.30 6.99 8.92 11.83 7.36 1 2 2.40 6.98 8.88 11.67 7.89 1 2 2.50 6.98 8.74 11.52 7.43 1 2 2.60 6.98 8.65 11.36 7.46 1 2 2.70 6.97 8.56 11.21 7.50 1 2 2.80 6.98 8.48 11.06 7.53 1 2 2.90 6.98 8.39 10.92 7.56 1 2 3.00 6.98 8.31 10.78 7.60 1 2 3.10 6.99 8.23 1().63 7.68 1 2 3.20 7.00 8.14 10.49 7.67 1 2 3.30 7.O0 8.06 10.36 7.70 1 2 8.40 7.01 7.99 10.22 7.73 1 2 3.50 7.02 7.91 10.09 7.77 1 2 3.60 7.03 7.83 9.96 7.80 1 2 3.70 7.04 7.75 9.83 7.84 1 2 3.80 7.05 7.68 9.70 7.87 1 2 3.90 7.06 7.60 9.57 7.90 l 2 4.00 7.07 7.53 9.45 7.94 1 2 4.10 7.08 7.46 9.33 7.97 1 2 4.20 7.10 7.38 9.21 8.01 1 2 4.30 7.11 7.31 9.09 8.04 Seg # Reach # 1 Seg Mi 1 D.O. CBOD NBOD | Flow | Discharger Receiving Stream SUMMER SUMMER GOC QW=.7474 CBOD=60 NBOD=90 DO=5 ---------- MODEL RESULTS ---------- : PILOT MOUNTAIN WWTP : HEATHERLY CREEK The End D.O. is 7.11 mg/l. The End CBOD is 7.81 mg/l. The End NBOD is 9.09 mg/l. DO Min (mg/l> Milepoint Reach It Seoment 1 5.28 0.00 1 Reach 1 60.00 90.00 Reach 2 0.00 0.00 WLA WLA WLA CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/l) (mg/1) (mg/l) <mgd) 5.00 0.00 0.74740 0.00000 *** MODEL -SUMMARY DATA *- Discharger „ PILOT MOUNTAIN (4WTP SLtbb as:i n ' 030703 Receiving Stream : HEATHERL_`; CREEK Stream Class: C Summer 7 10 n 0.15 Winter '7Q 1. 0 a 0.38 Desidn "Temperature: 25„ ILEN6TH1 SLOPE VELOCITY 1 DEPTN1 Kd I Kd : Ka 1 Ka 1 KN s KN KNR 1 KNR 1 1 mile 1 ftlii: fps { ft :design: 220' (design: 320° ldesign1 3806 ;design; a8o Segment 1 : 1.501 53.301 0.384 1 0.49 1 0.84 1 0.67 141.12 1 36.881 0.73 1 0.50 : 0.73 1 0.00 s Reach 1 I Segment 1 ; 2.801 10.001 0.294 1 1.31 1 0.32 1 0.25 1 5.90 1 5.291 0.44 1 0.30 1 0.44E 0.00 1 Reach E: 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 Flow F (:EcoD 1 NI3C)D F D.O. cfs 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 11 mq/1 Segment 1. Reach 1. Waste y 1.158 1 60.000 I 90.000 1 5.000 Headwaters: 0.150 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 '7.440 Tributary r]- s �_}.. ��t)�} 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 .. Runoff 0.100 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7n440 Segmentt1 Reach 2 t t r t Waste �tre 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0 n 000 1 0.000 • lyr.1.butai y I 5.630 I 2e.000 i 1.000 j 7.440 * Runoff 0.340 i 2.000 i 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff flow is in i c: f s/ m i 3. e ' ` SUMMER SUMMER SOC QW=1.5 CBOD=60 NBOD=90 DO=5 | Seg it Reach # | Seg Mi D.O. CBOD NBOD Flow ( 1 1 0.00 5.15 56.48 84.61 2.48 1 J. 0.10 5.53 55.64 88.65 2.48 1 1 0.20 5.76 54.80 B2.71 2.49 1 1 0.30 5.91 53.98 81.77 2.50 1 1 0.40 6.00 58.17 80.85 2.51 1 1 0.50 6.07 52.38 79.94 2.52 1 1 0.60 6.11 51.59 79.05 2.58 1 1 0.70 6.15 50.82 78.16 2.54 1 1 0.80 6.19 50.06 77.29 2.55 1 1 0.90 6.22 49.32 76.42 2.56 1 1 1.00 6.25 48.59 75.57 2.57 1 1 1.10 6.28 47.86 74.73 2.58 1 1 1.20 6.30 47.15 73.90 2.59 1 1 1.30 6.33 46.45 78.07 2.60 1 1 1.40 6.35 45.77 72.26 2.61 1 1 1.50 6.38 45.09 71.46 2.62 1 1 0.00 5.15 56.48 84.61 2.48 1 1 0.10 5.47 55.56 83.65 2.48 1 1 0.20 5.67 54.65 82.71 2.49 1 1 0.30 5.80 53.75 81.77 2.50 1 1 0.40 5.b8 52.88 80.85 2.51 1 1 0.50 5.95 52.01 79.94 2.52 1 1 0.60 6.00 51.16 79.05 2.53 1 1 0"70 6.04 50.38 78.16 2.54 1 1 0.80 6.07 49.51 77.29 2.55 1 1 0.90 6.11 48.71 76.42 2.56 1 1 1.00 6.14 47.92 75.57 2.57 1 1 1.10 6.17 47.14 74.73 2.58 1 1 1.20 6.20 46.37 73.90 2.59 1 1 1.30 6.23 45.62 73.07 2.60 1 1 1.40 6.25 44.89 72.26 2.61 1 1 1.50 6.28 44.16 71.46 2.62 1 2 1.50 7.07 15.41 23.41 8.25 1 2 1.60 6.94 15.26 23.1.2 8.29 1 2 1.70 6.83 15.11 22.84 8.32 1 2 1.80 6.74 14.97 22.57 8.36 1 2 1.90 6.66 14.88 22.80 8.39 1 2 2.00 6.59 14.69 22.03 8.43 1 2 2.10 6.54 14.55 21.76 8.46 1 2 2.20 6.49 14.41 21.50 8.49 1 2 2.80 6.45 14.28 21.25 8.53 1 2 2.40 6.42 14.14 20.99 8.56 1 2 2.50 6.39 14.01 20.74 8.60 1 2 2.60 6.38 13.88 20.49 8.63 1 2 2.70 6.36 13.75 20.25 8.66 1 2 2.80 6.35 13.62 20.01 8.70 1 2 2.90 6.84 13.49 19.77 8.78 1 2 3.00 6.34 13.37 19.54 8.77 1 2 3.10 6.34 13.24 19.31 8.80 1 2 3.20 6.34 13.12 19.08 8.83 1 2 3.30 6.35 13.00 18.85 8.87 1 2 3.40 6.35 12.88 18.63 8.90 1 2 8.50 6.36 12.76 18.41 0.94 1 2 3.60 6.37 12.65 18.20 8.97 1 2 3.70 6.38 12.53 17.98 9.00 1 2 3.80 6.39 12.41 17.77 9.04 1 2 3.90 6.41 12.30 17.56 9.07 1 2 4.00 6.42 12.19 17.36 9.11 1 2 4.10 6.43 12.08 17.16 9.14 1 �2, 4 80 6 /� ^�"ro �.z/ �----- � # | , . ^ ^�c` 11.86 16`.76 9 21 8eo ° Reach # i Seg Mi / D.O. | CBOD � N�O� ( Flo^ � SUMMER SUMMER SOC QW=1^5 CBOD=60 NBOD=90 DO=5 --~~------ MODEL RESULTS Discharger : PILOT MOUNTAIN WWTP Receiving Stream : HEATHERLY CREEK The End D.O. is 6.46 mg/1. The End CBOD is 11.86 mg/l. The End NBOD is 16.76 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste F1ow (mg/l) Milepoint Reach # \mg/l} (mg/l> (mg/I (mgd) ------ --------- ~------ Segment 1 5.15 0.00 1 Reach 1 60.00 90.00 5.00 1.50000 Reach 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 *** MODEL SUMMARY DATA *** Discharger PILOT MOUNTAIN WWTP Receiving cei .ping Stream a HEATHERLY CREEK; Summer 7010 0 ..1 `i Design Temperature: 25. Eiubbas i.'i r 030703 Stream Class: C Winter '7Q10 R 0.38 LENGTH SLOPE 1 VELOCITY 1 DEPTH 1 Kd Kd 1 Ka 1 Ka 1 KN 1 KN 1 KNR KNR 1 mile 1 ft/mil fps ft :design! 020° !design: H20° Idesigrri 020° :designI 820° 1 ,v Segment 1 1 1.501 53.301 0.608 1 0.53 1 1.26 1 1.00 155.75 1 50.00 0.73 1 0.50 1 0.73 1 0.00 1 Reach 1 1 1_ Segment 1 , 2.801 10.00, 0.327 1 1.33 , 0.32 1 0.26 16.57 1 5.89 0.44 , €0.30 1 0.44 : 0.00 1 Reach 2 1 1 i i 1 Flow 1 cfs Segment 1 Reach 1 Waste 1 2.38.325 Headw iters 1 0.. 150 Tributary 1 0..000 * Runoff 1 0.100 CF.OD mg/1 60.000 2..000 2n0€.)0 P.000 Segment 1 Reach 2 Waste 0.0 0 r»} 1 i_} 1.000 Tributary 1 5.. 63w� 1 2..000 1 * Runoffs}..34) i 2..000 * Runoff flow is in cf s/mi is 1`•iBf3D mg/1 D . O n 1 mg/1 90.000 1 5..000 1.000 1 7.440 1.000 1 7.440 1 .000 1 7.440 0.000 1 0.000 1.000 1 7.440 1.000 1 7.440 Cid Cr C EA Ph Z.n Cyv 7e1971i f App cf)ettyprI ,Of <,o E y - - I , co 3 ,OU . DU I 0 okii , 0003 , 0 (5 ice, went rmdsi yual 3-biubYd Oafed . oF 9 5014 * erouLre .4003- 8eg # | Reach # | S e g Mi 1 1 0.00 1 1 0.10 1 1 0.20 1 1 0.30 1 1 0.40 1 1 0.50 1 1 0.60 1 1 0.70 1 1 0.80 1 1 0.90 1 1 1.00 1 1 1.10 1 1 1.20 1 1 1.80 1 1 1.40 1 1 1.50 1 1 0.00 1 1 0.10 1 1 0.20 1 1 0.30 1 1 0.40 1 1 0.5O 1 1 0.60 1 1 0.70 1 1 0.8O 1 1 0.90 1 1 1.00 1 1 1.10 1 1 1.20 1 1 1"30 1 1 1.40 1 1 1.50 1 2 1.50 1 2 1.60 1 2 1.70 1 2 1.80 1 2 1.90 1 2 2.00 1 2 2.10 1 2 2.20 1 2 2.30 1 2 2.40 1 2 2.50 1 2 2.60 1 2 2.70 1 2 2.80 1 2 2.90 1 2 3.00 1 2 3.10 1 2 3.20 1 2 3.30 1 2 3.40 1 2 3.50 1 2 3.60 1 2 8.70 1 2 3.80 1 2 3.90 1 2 4.00 1 2 4.10 SUMMER BOD5=509 NH8=149 DO=5, QW=1.5 D.O. CBOD NBOD Flow | 5.15 94.06 59.24 2.48 5.35 92.64 58.57 2.48 5.49 91.25 57.91 2.49 5.58 89.87 57.26 2.50 5.64 88.52 56.62 2.51 5.70 87.19 55.98 2.52 5.74 85.88 55.86 2.53 5.78 84.60 54.74 2.54 5.82 83.33 54.13 2.55 5.86 82.08 53.52 2.56 5.89 80.86 52.93 2.57 5.92 79.65 52.34 2.58 5.96 78046 51.76 2.59 5.99 77.30 51.18 2.60 6.02 76.15 50.62 2.61 6.05 75.01 50.06 2.62 5.15 94.06 59.24 2.48 5.26 92.51 58.57 2.48 5.38 90.99 57.91 2.49 5.40 89.50 57.26 2.50 5.45 88.03 56.62 2.51 5.50 86.59 55.98 2.52 5.55 85.17 55.36 2.58 5.59 83.78 54.74 2.54 5.63 82.41 54.13 2.55 5.67 81.06 53.52 2.56 5.71 79.74 52.93 2.57 5.75 78.44 52.34 2.58 5.78 77.17 51.76 2.59 5.82 75.91 51.18 2.60 5.86 74.68 50.62 2.61 5.89 73.47 50.06 2.62 6.95 24.73 16.60 8.25 6.83 24.48 16.40 8.29 6.74 24.25 16.20 8.32 6.65 24.01 16.01 8.36 6.58 23.78 15.82 8.39 6.53 23.55 15.63 8.43 6.48 23.32 15.44 8.46 6.44 28.10 15.26 8.49 6.40 22.87 15.08 8.58 6.38 22.65 14.90 8.56 6.36 22.44 14.72 8.60 6.34 22.22 14.55 8.63 6.33 22.01 14.37 8.66 6.82 21.80 14.20 8.70 6.32 21.59 14.04 8.73 6.32 21.39 13.87 8.77 6.32 21.18 13.71 8.80 6.32 20.98 13.55 8.83 6.33 20.79 13.39 8.87 6.83 20.59 13.23 8.90 6.34 20.40 13.08 8.94 6.85 20.20 12.92 8.97 6.36 20.01 12.77 9.0D 6.37 19.83 12.63 9.04 6.89 19.64 12.48 9.07 6.40 19.46 12.33 9.11 6.41 19.28 12.19 9.14 1 2 4.20 4.80 6"43 6.44 D"O. | 19"10 12"05 9.17 18"92 11.91 9.21 ` ~ Discharger Receiving Stream SUMMER BOD5=50, 1',IH3=144 DO=5, QW=l.5 - -- MODEL RESULTS ---------- o PILOT MOUNTAIN WWTP HEATHERL.Y CREEK The End D.O. is 8.44 mg/l. The End CBOD is 18.92 mg/l. The End NBOD is 11.91 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD^ DO Waste Flow (mg/l) Milepo1nt Reach # (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mgd) ---- - ---~ ---- Segment 1 5.15 0.00 1 Reach 1 100.00 68.00 5.00 1.50000 i & *** MODEL SUMMARY DATA *** Discharger „ PILOT t'IC)LJNTA:I:N WWTP Receiving Stream a HEs TI-HERLY CREEK Summer 7 Q 10 : 0.15 Design Temperature: St.ib#:sa s i. r•f 030'/03 Stream Class: : C Winter Q 1 0 a 0.38 :LENGTH: SLOPE! VELOCITY I DEPTH: Kd 1 Kd I Ka 1 Ka I KN I KN I KNR 1 KNR I mile I ft/mil fps 1 ft Idesignl 320* !design! 320* !design: 320* !design: 320* 1 Segment 1 1 1.501 53.30 0.608 10.53 1.26 1 1.00 155.75 150.00 0.73 10.50 1 0.73 10.00 Reacts 1 1 : I I I Segment 1 1 2.801 10.00 0.327 11.33 0.32 10.26 16.57 1 5.89 0.44 10.30 1 0.44 10.00 Reach 2 1 : ! 1 1 I I 1 Flow 1 CBOD 1 I`.IE(QD 1 D.O. 1 I c-f"s I mg/1 1 mg/1 I mg/1 1 Segment I Reach I Waste I 2.325 1100.000 I 63.000 I 5.000 Headwaters; 0.150 1 P.000 : 1.000 „ 440 Tributary I 0.000 I 2.000 I 1.000 1 7.440 Runoff f I 0.100 1 2.000 1 1.000 I 7.440 Segment 1 Reach 2 Waste 1 0.000 I 0.000 Tributary 1 5„630 : 2.000 * Runoff f 1 0.340 1 2.000 * Runoff flow is in cfa/mile 0.000 1 C) . 000 1.000 1 '7 „440 1.000 1 7.440