HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0026646_Approval_19970521NPDES DOCUMENT :;CANNING COVER SHEET
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Document Date:
May 21, 1997
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05/21/97 16:40 Fram: Wcody Yonts, P.=. 9192333555 Page 1 of 3
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment,
Health and Natural Resources
Division of Water Resources
James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor
Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary
John N. Morris, Director
May 21, 1997
TO: Vance Brooks, P.E., The Wooten Company
FROM: Woody Yonts, P.E.
Water Supply Assistance Section
SUBJECT: Town of Pilot Mountain
Increased withdrawal from Tom's Creek
Surry County
This letter includes the agreement that will allow Pilot Mountain to proceed with
development of additional water treatment capacity and provide protection for Tom's Creek. The
agreement was reached by participants attending a meeting on April 17, 1997 in the Winston Salem
Regional Office of NCDEHNR.
The fourteen attendees participating in the meeting represented the following parties:
North Carolina Division of Water Resources (DWR)
North Carolina Division of Environmental Health (DEH)
North Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance
Town of Pilot Mountain
INTEX Corporation and ARMTEX, Inc. (Town of Pilot Mountain's two largest water users)
Surry County
Hydro Management Services (operate/maintain Town of Pilot Mountain water system)
The Wooten Company (engineering consultant for Town of Pilot Mountain)
Please call Jim Mead at (919) 715-5428 for information about the instream flow study. Let me
know if you have any questions about the agreement. Otherwise, we will anticipate hearing from you
soon with your draft of the updated water supply plan and water shortage response ordinance
amendments for the Division of Water Resources to review.
cc: John Morris, Don Rayno, and Phil Fragapane, DWR
Jessica Miles and Lee Spencer, DEH
Stephanie Goudreau and Joe Mickey, WRC
Andy McDaniel, DWQ
P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4064
An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper
05/21/97 16:40 From: Woody Yonts, P.E. 9197333555 Page 2 of 3
May 21, 1997
Town of Pilot Mountain
Increased withdrawal from Tom's Creek, Surry County
Page 2 of 3
The North Carolina Division of Water Resources is in general agreement with the Town of Pilot
Mountain to expand its raw water intake on Toms Creek to a capacity of 2.4 mgd (3.7 cfs). When the flow
downstream of the intake is less than 10.3 cfs (6.7 mgd) the withdrawal will be reduced to an amount not to
exceed 1.6 mgd (2.5 cfs), with any additional water supply demand being met by drawing upon off stream
storage. However, if available off stream storage has been reduced by the amounts specified in this agreement,
then the withdrawal from Toms Creek may be increased above 1.6 mgd, even if this results in the downstream
minimum flow target not being met
This agreement will allow time for the Town to identify and complete the planning and design process for
an alternate water supply source for use when the withdrawal of water from Toms Creek is restricted. The
timing and necessity of this alternate water supply source will depend on the rate of growth in the Town's
water supply demand.
The details of this agreement are outlined as follows:
1. Water Supply Plan
The Town will prepare and adopt a specific plan for a new water supply source to supplement the
existing supply to meet the Town's future water supply needs. The new water source must be online
before either:
(a) the average daily water use exceeds the lesser of 1.9 mgd or 80 percent of the
upgraded treatment capacity,
- or -
b) when the peak -day demand exceeds the water treatment plant capacity.
The average daily water use will be based on a calendar year of total water use.
If the new water source is not available as required in 1(a) or 1(b), the maximum daily withdrawal from
Toms Creek will be 1.6 mgd when the flow below the intake is less than the required minimum flow of
10.3 cfs and the North Carolina Division of Environmental Health will place a moratorium on new water
Prior to beginning construction on the expanded water supply treatment facility, the Town will amend its
Local Water Supply Plan on file with the Division of Water Resources to include this agreement and the
amended water shortage response ordinance (see item 3). This amendment to the Water Supply Plan will
need to be adopted by the Town after review and approval by the Division of Water Resources.
The Town will follow this agreement and the implementation plan as outlined in the approved water
supply plan to develop the alternate water supply source.
2. Off stream Water Supply Storage
The Town will retrofit the off stream impoundment to prevent excess seepage and restore the storage
volume to about 41 million gallons.
3. Water Conservation
The Town will amend its water shortage response ordinance to include more stringent water
conservation measures. Mandatory water conservation measures will be triggered by the level of water
P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4064
An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumbr paper
05/21/97 16:40 From: Woody Yonts, P.E. 9197333555 Page 3 of 3
May 21, 1997
Town of Pilot Mountain
Increased withdrawal from Tom's Creek, Surry County
Page 3 of 3
available for public supply in the off stream impoundment. The amended water shortage response
ordinance must be acceptable to the Division of Water Resources.
The Town will conduct water audits at least annually to ensure that the amount of leaks and
unaccounted for water remains at an acceptable level.
-4. Criteria for Water Withdrawal and Implementation of Water Shortage Response Measures
The first trigger point is when flows below the intake drop below 10.3 cfs. When this occurs, the
withdrawal from Toms Creek will be reduced to 1.6 mgd. During periods when the withdrawal from
Toms Creek is reduced, additional water, if required, would be provided by the 41 mg off stream
storage reservoir to meet the total water needs not to exceed 2.4 mgd. Level 1 water conservation
measures will be enacted.
The .second trigger point is when off stream storage is reduced to 50 percent of usable water supply
storage remaining, as defined in the amended water shortage response ordinance. When this occurs,
the withdrawal from Toms Creek may be increased to 2.0 mgd with any additional water needs
coming from off stream storage. Level 2 water conservation measures will be enacted.
The third trigger point is when the off stream water supply storage is fully depleted. At this point,
the withdrawal from Toms Creek may be increased not to exceed 2.4 mgd. Level 3 water
conservation measures will be enacted.
5. Stream Gage and Monitoring
The Town will install and maintain a calibrated staff gage downstream of the weir and water supply
intake. The calibration and rating table of "elevation versus streamflow" for the gage will be sent to
the Division of Water Resources within 30 days of installation. Also, the rating table will be checked
every two years for accuracy with the results reported to the Division of Water Resources.
6. Instream Flow Study
The Division of Water Resources will work with the Town's consultant to complete an instream flow
study to determine if the minimum flow requirement below the intake can be reduced. The 10.3 cfs
minimum flow target below the intake may be reduced as the result of the instream study, but the
modified minimum flow will be no less than the 7Q10 low -flow of 4.7 cfs (3.0 mgd) and no greater
than 10.3 cfs.
P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4064
An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper
120 N. Boylan Avenue
Raleigh, NC
Since 1936
March 6, 1997
Mr. Woody Yonts, PE
N. C. Division of Water Resources
P. O. Box 27687
Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687
Re: Counter -Proposal for
Increased Withdrawal from Toms Creek
Pilot Mountain, North Carolina
TWC Job No. 2031-AA
Dear Mr. Yonts:
Per our phone conversation yesterday, Pilot Mountain would like to explore further
with NCDEHNR the possibility of increased withdrawal from Toms Creek during
non -drought conditions. As discussed, the Town's water demand is predominantly
industrial (textile dye houses). In fact only about 7.4 % of the demand is residential
in nature. In general industry appears willing to institute in-house water
conservation. This of course would be driven by economics. Newer equipment
uses much less water. However installation of this newer equipment would be
dependent upon several things including the textile industry economy, the cost of
water, and the availability of water.
Some new equipment has already been put in place by Arintex, the largest water
user in Pilot Mountain. However, the textile industry is now in an economic
downturn; thus, more new equipment is not anticipated in the near future.
With the above in mind, the Town proposes to increase its peak production capacity
at the water treatment plant (peak withdrawal capacity from Toms Creek) from 1.6
to 2.4 MGD on a permanent basis. The Town proposes to withdraw up to 2.4
MGD from the Creek at any time providing the minimum release can be met. At
times when the release could not be met, the withdrawal would be decreased to no
more than 1.6 MGD until such time as the minimum release could again be met. At
times when the minimum release could not be met, mandatory conservation
measures would be instituted based on the water level in the off -stream reservoir.
Attached for your review is a copy of the existing conservation ordinance (4 pages)
and a copy of proposed changes to the ordinance (3 pages). As can be seen, these
proposed changes take 'politics' out of the decision making process for
implementing the ordinance and detail the action plan discussed above.
This revised ordinance would have a serious impact on the water using industry in
Town. Attached are copies of letters from Armtex and Intex (2 pages total) stating
their support of the proposed changes. These two industries are by far the largest
water using industries in Pilot Mountain (85 % of total demand) and thus stand the
most to gain or lose economically by this proposal.
After you have had an opportunity to review the attached information, we would
like to set up a meeting with you to discuss this counter proposal in more detail.
Officials and staff of Pilot Mountain would also like to attend this meeting. We
look forward to hearing from you shortly.
C. V. Brooks, IV, PE
(Vance Brooks)
c: Jim Mead, NCDWR
John Morris, NCDWR
Jessica Miles, NCPWS
Andy McDaniel, NCDWQ
Billy Pell, Pilot Mountain
Lain Board of Commissioners connectedwater
to the
the Pilot Mountain customers BE IT ORDAINED by exist when water demand by
be deemed to point where continued or increased demand
shall the
system reaches
Pilot equal ors x eed thesystem supply and transmission capabilwities. W ton protectethe
cell the exceed
condi condition
shs customers cannot be suppliedcithaiate to relieve resorts in condition whereby
their health and safety
then the demand must be substantially
water shortage.
Declaration of Water Shortage
liCebilit of Ordinance
Section I: Declaration of A stem
that water demand on the Pilot fountiwaterysmay
appears abilities, the Water Pimplemented.
In the u pet andtSuperintendent
may declarey
u 1 and transmission capabilities,
water conservation measures be P
may exceed supply y Manager that vol
recommend ar the T° consultation with the Board of Commissioners,
r s, conservation
reco following cons nesting voluntary aTStagee ToManager,to nservae the
Water In
Condition that Advisory
conservation measures failR,toer Shortage
a Ithe event that voluntary a II or Stage
by consumers. In advance to a Stag
m the Town may consultation With the Board of Commissioners,
demand on the system following cons Superintendent Condition. The Town Manager, reCommendation of the Waterlant ttSuP
may, with ore without the III Water Shortage Condition
that a Stage II or Stag
Stage I Water Shortage Condition
Section I:
a Conditon is declared the f°11Owing
In the event a Stage I Water Shorto€
be initiated using public media and
guidelines shall apply: will or existing water
extensive publicity campaignending
a. An eialize ethods to inform the public of an impending specialized m
shortage• and recommended.
Conservation measures will be encouraged
Section II:
Shortage Condition is declared the tfooLheL•zng
In the eVaB Stage I Water Sho8 ly and the public shall be encouraged to adhere
guidelines shall PP
washing to the minimum.
for plants
a. Limit car
Limit Sat.'s and garden watering to that which is necessary
to survive.
c. Do not wash dog. -a outside areas
such as sidewalks, patios, parking lots,
aprons, etc. dishes•
service bays or P while shaving or rinsing
d. Do not leave faucets running household Later 'when
shrubbery to the minimum required reusing
e, hater shr
possible. washers and when used, operate
f. Lim
it use of clothes washers and dish
fully loaded.
rather than bathtub and limit showers to
g. Use of showers for �}tminutes.
no more than four ( multiple usage.
h. Limit flushing of toilets by
biodegradable i. The use of disposable and dishes is encouraged.devices.
j. The use
of flow restrictive and water saving
operation of water cooled air conditioner • temporarily
k. Limit hours of Prequested to temp
businesses, and institutions a1e s ended.
1. All residents,businesses,
work until the water shortage
delay ne
Stage II Water Shortage Condition
Section I: Com lianCe a declaration of a stage II Water Shortage
er issues corporation, to use O1
In the event the Town Manager person, firm or cOrP ur purpose herein -
lot Mountain water system for anyae purposen rescinded.
condition, then it shall be unlawful
for any t
permitrthe forth of water from the shortage as been
useuch time as the declaration shortagewater shortage available
Intex set ngt e ut s for declaring a waterseat
exereisithe authority levels and availablk sources ofasability, outlook
In supply P
bes given toon water draw -down
the projected
uorbpr storage on hand,d
draw dorm rates, nd availability of water from other sources.
precipitation, daily water use patterns a
for Pr P
Section II
Condition is in effect and water
be prO'
Water Shortagethen a Stage II Water Shortage In the event a Stage 1 Creek dam, in effect, it shall be
claime flowing over nthte the voluntary guidelines already
addition to the t Mountain eater system in the following
. In add lied by the Pilo
to use water supplied
manner: gardens.
shrubbery, trees, flowers and vegetable
a. To water lawns, Brass, Dols or refill swimming
imming and/or wading p
constructed swimming b. Ton fill din ools which have been drained. other type
and/or wading p boats, airplanes, or any
trucks, trailers,
e. To wash automobiles • including commercial washing. aprons,
of mobile equipment, service station ap
such as streets, driveways,
or newly station apd
d . To wash down outside buildings, exteriors of existing
lots,of patios, or to use water for other similar
parking osidewalks, or
homes or apartments. than
purposes. private fire hydrants for any purpose other
e . To use water from public or prz
. _ _ ......_p<<; nn or other public emergency.
water into -3-
To operate or induce any ornamental fountain, pool or pond or
other structure making similar use of kater.cafeterias, or other food establish-
ments, serve drinking water in restaurants,
F. upon request.
ments, except P equipment that does not
water cooled air conditioners or
nothd ereey arepadversely
h. To recycle c li except when health
cooling water,
or to intensionally taste water.
To use water for any unnecessary purpose gill restrict the
i'rate or period of time that and safeey.
To operate industries at a protect its citizen's health
j. 1 water to
Townps ability to supply
Stage III Water Shortage Condition
Section I: Com liance a III Water Shortage
er issues a declaration of Stag oration to use or
In the event the
Town Manager for any person, firm or corporation
after thense itof water fbrom
m unlawful shortage purpose
been ereiinded.
Condition the pilot Mountain water system for any p
afterpermit the forth of valet from water shortage condition consideration
such time as the declaraion of watera
after set until for declaring a Si
exercising the watertrsty levels and available sources of supply,
In exe g storage l ro ected supply capability, usablehabl be given onoofa water from otherk
hand, drawdo�'n rates,erns andavailability
or storage daily water use pats
_for precipitation,
Section II n exists and the level of TOm's
Shortage Condition a may be declared.
Stage II Water Stage III Water Shortage In the event a deteriorate, then a e Conditions
Stage I and Stage II Water Shortage Inead continuos theto dl
addition to restrictions for
8lsoapp Y= .
the following restrictions shall
a. To induCe water into any' Poo
b.n use other than an emergency
Use water outside a structure for any
involving a fire • ends , rivers, etc.,
c. Fire protection to be maintained by drafting of p
wherever possible. ed and recommended
away encouraged d. The use of throw a } utensils and plates is en
at all eating establishments. water except
operate an evaporative air conditioner which recycles
e. To of business. hours
during operatingperiod of time that will restrict
a rate or reath
To operate industries at l water to protect its citizen's
the To�-n's ability to supply
and safety.
Section I: Liftin
. of Restrictions In.osed Durin A Water Shorta e
Manager, after
when the Town Manag
a • Water shortage conditions will expireon nager,eaf recommendation
consultation with the Board of Commissionersnd which
fnsul Superintendent, of the' k'aternhasuabated.
caused the alert b. The p declaration shall
expiration or cancellation of a water shortage
be promptly and extensively Publicized.
Section I: Penalties
provisions of this ordinance shalleconstitute3a.00)
Any violation of the p a fine not to exceed on conviction byprovided i by (50.00)
misdemeanor, punishable upon thirty (30) days as p enjoined
addition thereto such violation may be
dollars orSe imprisonment not exceeding _ 2a
Statute Section 14-4 and i
and restrained as provided in General Statute Section 153A
Section I: Discontinuance of Service 62A-88 and the
the provisions of General Statute Section nu16 for - willful disregard
Pursuant to P be temporarily diebe imposed before
service may
t this or Ordinance, a fifty-five (55.00) dollar reconnect fee may
yabee of this
of ordinance and In the event of continued gross non-compliance env proper and service be discontented
ordinance the of swilli made by poet
Hance removal of meter will beddeegeconnection will only
anddeposits forfei aid.
and all tap fees and ens new tap fees and deposits shall be p
of current due amounts,
Section I: Se bid
se or provision of this ordinance bdivision,
subdivision, clause If any section, 1 only to such section, subdivision,
hall be
adjudged invalid, such adjudication shall apply a and the remainder of this ordinance may be
g adjudged, ed.
clause or provision so � B
declared valid once effective.
Adopted this the 28th day of July, 1986.
ON V.I. 'H, Mayor
120 N. Boylan Avenue
Raleigh. NC
Since 1936
January 21, 1997
Mr. Billy T. Pell, Manager
Town of Pilot Mountain
P. O. Box AA
124 W. Main Street
Pilot Mountain, North Carolina 27041-0626
(FAXED to (910)368-9532)
Re: Suggested Amendments to
Existing Water Conservation Ordinance
Pilot Mountain, North Carolina
TWC Job No. 2031-AA
Dear Mr. Pell:
Per our recent conversations, following below are our suggested amendments to the
Town's existing water conservation ordinance (Ordinance # 138 dated 07/28/86).
Change the first paragraph to read as follows: "BE IT ORDAINED by the
Pilot Mountain Board of Commissioners that a `general water shortage'
shall be deemed to exist when water demand by customers connected to the
Pilot Mountain water system reaches the point where continued or increased
demand will equal or exceed the system supply and transmission
capabilities. A `source quantity water shortage' shall be deemed to exist
when the water flowing over the Toms Creek darn is less than the State's
minimum release requirement (currently 6.66 MGD) and the water demand
(water plant treatment rate) is greater than 1.60 MGD for a period in excess
of one calendar day. The measurement of flow over the dam for a calendar
day shall be based on one or more staff gage measurements. The
measurement of water demand shall be the average water plant treatment rate
for that calendar day. When demand results in the condition whereby
customers cannot be supplied with water to protect their health and safety
then the demand must be substantially curtailed to relieve the water
Change the title of Article I to "Declaration of General Water Shortage".
Add the last sentence of Article III, Section I to the end of Article I, Section
Renumber Articles II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII to III, IV, V, VI, VII, and
Insert the following for Article II:
Declaration of Source Quantity Water Shortage
Section I: Declaration of Applicability of Ordinance
In the event that a source quantity water shortage as defined above
exists, the Town Manager shall instruct the Water Plant
Superintendent to withdraw no more than 1.60 MGD from Toms
Creek and to withdraw the remaining amount needed each day from
the plant's 41 MG off -stream storage reservoir. Said instructions
shall remain in effect until the flow in Toms Creek increases such
that the minimum release can be met, the daily water demand can be
met, and excess water exists for filling the reservoir.
In the event that a source quantity water shortage as defined above
exists in excess of four consecutive calendar days, the Town
Manager shall declare a Stage I Water Shortage Condition. Said
instructions shall remain in effect until the flow in Toms Creek
increases such that the minimum release can be met, the daily water
demand can be met, and excess water exists for filling the reservoir,
and until the reservoir is again full (41 MG).
In the event that a source quantity water shortage as defined above
exists and the volume in the reservoir is less than 31 MG, the Town
Manager shall declare a Stage II Water Shortage Condition. This
condition shall persist until the flow in Toms Creek increases such
that the minimum release can be met, the daily water demand can be
met, and excess water exists for filling the reservoir, and until the
volume in the reservoir is greater than 31 MG.
In the event that a source quantity water shortage as defined above
exists and the volume in the reservoir is less than 21 MG, the Town
Manager shall declare a Stage III Water Shortage Condition. This
condition shall persist until the flow in Toms Creek increases such
that the minimum release can be met, the daily water demand can be
met, and excess water exists for filling the reservoir, and until the
volume in the reservoir is greater than 21 MG."
Delete the last sentence of Article IV, Section I.
Change the first two sentences of Article IV, Section II to read as follows:
"In the event a Stage I Water Shortage Condition exists and conditions
continue to deteriorate, then a Stage II Water Shortage Condition may be
declared. In addition to the restrictions for a Stage I Water Shortage
Condition, the following restrictions shall also apply- "
Delete the last sentence of Article V, Section I.
Change the first two sentences of Article V. Section II to read as follows:
"In the event a Stage II Water Shortage Condition exists and conditions
continue to deteriorate, then a Stage III Water Shortage Condition may be
declared. In addition to the restrictions for Stage I and II Water Shortage
Conditions, the following restrictions shall also apply. "
Change the title of Article VI, Section I to read as follows: "Lifting of
Restrictions Imposed During A General Water Shortage".
Please review the above proposed changes at your earliest convenience. These
proposed changes should be considered a 'first draft' and will almost certainly need
some revision. They need to be reviewed carefully by you, the Town Council, and
the Town Attorney.
Note that you can expect that this ordinance will have to be invoked quite often.
Finally, we suggest that you have our office place a staff gage on the Toms Creek
dam so that data can be collected on actual creek flow. We can do this as extra
work under our contract.
We look forward to hearing from you.
C. V. Brooks, IV, PE
(Vance Brooks)
9 'FOWN OF PILOT hoUNTA i n r tix NO, l 5 i li bo�tJc
r, uc
February 27, 1997
Mr.. Billy Pell
Town of Pilot Mountain
P. O. Drawer AA
Pilot Mountain, N. C, 27041
Dear Mr. Pell:
Thank you for the opportunity to review the suggested amendments to the existing Water
Conservation. Ordinance. Armtex, Inc. has interpreted that the intent of the amendment is
to insure the government regulatory department that the minimum water flow on Tom's
Creek will be maintained after enlarging and renovating the existing water treatment plant
in Pilot Mountain.
Armtex, Inc. will support the amendment to the Water Conservation Ordinance that
requires water conservation or curtailment if drought conditions reduce water flow in
Tom's Creek below 6.6 MGD,
As we had discussed in our earlier meeting with Mayor Lamb and yourself, Arrntex, Inc.
does not predict any need for additional daily water capacity, We, however, do support
any modifications needed to maintain our existing water supply. Thank you for
continuing to work with Armtex on this type of issue that can effect our business.
Bill Flaymore
Director Maintenance & Engineering
P. 0. Box 546 • 438 East 52 Business • Pilot Mountain, N. C. 27041
(910) 368-5511 • FAX (910) 36E-9211
11:03 TOWN OF PILOT MOUNTAIN FAX NO, 19103689532 P,02
PC) 13ux 1408S • Crrrnyburo, N.C. 27415
1011 Summit AleCIILJP • Greensboro, N.C. 27.105
(Summit at Wcndover)
Phc t.• (910) 271-4500 • Fax (910) 271-4514.
March 3, 1997
Mr. Billy T. Pell, Manager
Town of Pilot Mountain
P, O. Box AA •
124W. Main Street
.Pilot Mountain, North Carolina 27041-0626 •
Dear Mr. Pell:
Per our recent conversation, I have reviewed the suggested amendments to the
existing water conversation ordinance (Ordinance# 138 dated 7/28/86). INTEX
will support the proposed changes outlined in your letter from The Wooten
Company dated January 21, 1997 which hopefully will allow Pilot Mountain to
expand the current water plant.
Thank you for the opportunity to review these proposed changes and please
advise if other changes are discussed.
Jim Bruce
Vice President
P.O. Box 111S() • Pik Mcluntain, N.C. 27041
3 Stephens SL • Pilot Mc Lull:lin, N.C, 27(141
Phone (910) 360-h.f1.3 • lax (910) 3(F,-2787
• P.C). rim 10)85 • Creen5buro, N.C. 27415
1031 Summit .Avenue • GIccnihcicic, N.C. 2741)S
(Suomi dt Wanclover)
fhune ('(10) 271-45011 • I•ax (9.01 )71.4514
N.O. Box 129 • Batlleboro, N.C. 27( L
Hwy. 301 Norlh • fialllchorn. N.C.. ?- .
fBanc l`11'1l'1(15-1(174 • Fax 19191'.lii
6.3/05/67 13:26 From: Wcodi Yonts, P. E.
Page 1 of 2
NC Division of Water Resources
a`•,,, hr4
Woody Yonts, P.E.
NC Division of Water Resources
Phone: 919-715-5453
McDaniel, Andy
Instream Assessment, DWQ
FAX: 919-733-3555
Pages following: 1
Subject: Pilot Mountain Water Supply Plan
Water Supply Assistance Section
•03/05/07 13:20
From: Woody Yonts, P.E.
9197333555 Page 2 of 2
Author: Woody Yonts at NRDWROIP
Date: 3/5/97 11:45 AM
Priority: Normal
TO: Jim Mead
TO: Jessica Miles at NROHWO1P
CC: John Morris
Subject: Pilot Mountain Water Supply Plans. Surry County
Message Contents
Vance Brooks with The Wooten Co. call today about a proposal for their
latest water supply plans for Pilot Mountain.
1. Pilot Mountain has been working with industries to develop and
implement an active water conservation program. The industries use about
80-90 percent of the potable water produce by the Town.
2. The Town has a new water supply plan that includes implementation of an
active on -going water conservation program.
3. The Town officials would like to meet with DWR. DEM. and DWO to present
their latest plans to make additional potable water available.
Vance has agreed to send information about items #1 & 2. and what the Town
will be asking for in item #3. Suggested The Wooten Co. send the
information to Miles. Yonts. McDaniel(DWQ). and Mead for review before
calling for a meeting about this matter.
(This message by FAX to Andy McDaniel. DWO and Vance Brooks. The Wooten
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment,
Health and Natural Resources
Division of Water Resources
James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor
Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary
John N. Morris, Director
May 20, 1996
Mr. Vance Brooks
The Wooten Company
120 North Boylan Avenue
Raleigh, North Carolina 27603
Dear Mr. Brooks:
NAY 9 1 1996
rrJr 1
This letter is a follow-up to our meeting on April 24, 1996 oncerning the proposal by the Totem
of Pilot Mountain to increase their withdrawal from Tom's Creek. The existing withdrawal
capacity is 1.6 million gallons per day (mgd), which is approximately 53% of the 7Q10 flow. The
Town is interested in expanding this capacity to an amount between 2.4 and 3.2 mgd. The intake
is a "run -of -river" withdrawal, but the Town also has offstream storage with a capacity of
approximately 35 million gallons.
Our initial response was that the Town could continue to withdraw up to 1.6 mgd without
constraints, but that additional withdrawals could only take place when a minimum flow is
maintained downstream of the intake. Based on a site investigation by the Division of Water
Resources (DWR) and Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC), the habitat quality rating for this
section of Tom's Creek is "moderate." Using the four variable regression formula developed for
piedmont streams exhibiting moderate habitat quality, the minimum flow to maintain below the
intake when withdrawals are increased is 10.3 cfs.
We have also discussed the possibility of conducting an instream flow field study to determine if
this minimum flow could be reduced without adversely affecting aquatic habitat. The wastewater
discharge for the Town is being relocated to the Ararat River (on or about June 1, 1996), so the
segment of Tom's Creek affected by reduced flows is the 5.5 mile reach between the withdrawal
and the confluence with the Ararat River.
At our meeting on April 24, 1996, we discussed the Town's concern about having an alternate
source of water supply during periods when low inflows would require them to limit the
withdrawal to 1.6 mgd. The Town has begun the process of developing an interconnection with
Mount Airy's water supply system, but anticipates that this will take up to five years to be in place
and operational. In the short term, Pilot Mountain is already experiencing maximum daily
demands which are equal to the 1.6 mgd capacity and additional water supply is needed. It was
also noted that the amount of unaccounted water is only 7% of that treated at the water plant, so
no significant improvements could be gained by reducing water loss in the distribution system.
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The Town is interested in the possibility of a delay in implementing the 10.3 cfs minimum flow as
a requirement for increased withdrawals, while they develop an alternative water source. They
are also interested in how the 35 million gallon offstream storage might be used to offset the
reduced withdrawal during low flow periods.
DWR has discussed the situation with WRC staff, and we have no objections to the expansion of
the existing intake to 2.4 mgd if the following conditions are met:
The Town should install and calibrate a staff gage downstream of the water supply intake.
When flows below the intake are less than 10.3 cfs, then the run -of -river withdrawal
should be reduced to 1.6 mgd. Water could then be drawn from offstream storage to meet
a total plant capacity of up to 2.4 mgd. The calibration of this staff gage should be
checked every two years, and the calibration measurements and resulting rating table
should be sent to DWR within 30 days of installation.
When offstream storage is reduced to 17.5 million gallons remaining, then the run -of -river
withdrawal could be increased to 2.0 mgd. Offstream storage would be used to meet any
additional demand. The Town would also have to impose voluntary water conservation
measures under the existing ordinance at this point.
If the offstream storage is fully depleted, then the run -of -river withdrawal could be
increased up to 2.4 mgd. The Town would have to impose mandatory conservation
measures at this point.
Using the offstream storage in the manner described above would provide approximately
65 days of supplemental water supply. This assumes 17.5 million gallons of storage and a
draft rate of 0.8 mgd (2.4 mgd, less 1.6 mgd from Tom's Creek), plus another 17.5 million
gallons of storage and a draft rate of 0.4 mgd (2.4 mgd, less 2.0 mgd from Tom's Creek).
However, evaporation and loss to groundwater should also be considered.
The withdrawal criteria listed above would be in effect for a five year period, allowing the
Town to evaluate and implement water supply alternatives. The five year period would
begin when the expanded intake from Tom's Creek becomes operational. During this five
year period the Town or its consultant should submit brief annual reports to DWR
describing the progress in selecting and implementing a source of additional water supply.
At the end of the five year period, the 10.3 cfs minimum flow target will become an
operational requirement. The original capacity of 1.6 mgd could still be withdrawn, but
additional amounts will not be permitted unless the flow downstream of the intake is at
least 10.3 cfs. The offstream storage could still be used to offset reduced withdrawals,
and would provide approximately 43 days of supplemental water supply. This figure
assumes 35 million gallons of storage and a draft rate of 0.8 mgd (2.4 mgd, less 1.6 mgd
from Tom's Creek), but evaporation and loss to groundwater should also be considered.
The Town may elect to conduct a site -specific study, in consultation with DWR and
WRC, to determine if the 10.3 cfs minimum flow can be reduced. The study would not be
used to increase this flow target, and the lowest potential minimum flow would be 4.7 cfs.
It is entirely the Town's decision with regards to conducting a minimum flow field study.
However, we encourage the Town and its consultant to decide whether to conduct such a
study within one year of expansion of the intake. This will allow sufficient time for data
collection and analysis before the end of the five year delay period.
We also will need to establish withdrawal criteria and minimum flows during periods when flows
in Tom's Creek allow the offstream storage to be refilled. Please provide DWR with the pumping
capacity for this refill and we will consider this issue.
Please contact Jim Mead at 919/715-5428 if you have any questions regarding this proposal. We
can also schedule another meeting, if necessary.
Jim Mead
Environmental Specialist
cc: John Sutherland, Steve Reed, Fred Tarver, & Woody Yonts - DWR
Frank McBride, Stephanie Goudreau, & Joe Mickey - WRC
Ruth Swanek - DEM