HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-03379_Well Construction - GW1_20220314 cab 1519 05:43p Clearwater Well Driffing 82M22 7241 p,1
V�'EJGL�Q+T, i�T,�TIO 1ltECo. (GW=I[) it intcmal Use On
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Geothermal(1•reating/Cocfling supply) N.-
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industrial/Commercial dentiat WaferSoppl�y(shared)
Trriyate x T MA rnL smP c m Day ouxr
`lnn tYnrerS„ppip�1e11: fl. Q
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G"Crmal(Closed Lapp) D'Mcer 38 DRSI.L LOG Mach
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'�'C 1;u srFming rule;fmr,!hrtrwhv euvr)W,mrfr//If arAl(jj nrrr(Hcrr)cntaa vnu<)hr accnrdoncr
±.1%this A repair to an existing wen: C)Yes or oNo adrU l.SA tit;K.t ax.?I1/0 nr 15A NCAC.t1X.'.f11(ID Wrll C:rnsrrnrrrnn Stawkrda mill AM e
!f'rbr.;s;>repair,,ll/oarAmnumtr�tl��M.arurtiae iirfnrmalivnmtArsprninrb:•fuuur. ihe enpjrnf//tferrrnrlpnrhrmprota�armrlx tc,;tmvrur
r vn/r andrr 12 f rcmnrkc.rcrrtrn ormr�la�hncl:o/lfM�forni. '.
2.i.sire ttiiaAralm or nttdititumt welt d�us:
R.Por GcVeprobclllp7 or CII>ved-i a►np GeMhcrrnft!Welt having the stone 1'ou may usr.Cite back of this page to provide addilk-nol well silo dehelli or well
cOnstnrrtinn.once I GN'-1 is needed. tytdicate TOTAL NUMBER orhrns consumetion drtails• You may also attach additional pages if necemmy.
drifted-, E M1'17A1.II`.SiIRiK 1fU1US'
9:7'ntal well depth flow land surface: u D� (R•I 244.1FQr-AD relic: Submit this form trithin 30 clays of complajon of well
Irrtnnlrtplr>rrticarro:dfuu•jdpernr(�uran+nk-lnlrm'ondz@iaal nmalntctionto the follotsJng;
10.3tn8c water level belowtop of easingc o (ft.) Division of Water Rears rces,Information Processing Unit,
(/'xruviu.cllsrrhfracmrnp vr.�'•n l 1617AUR Service C enter,Raleigll,N(:2700-16N
1I.Borcholediametcr. "` �� (in.j
o suction Wens: 1e►f this f m twit ing the days
to theom laJo ul f al
1Z Well const►uetinn inethath D above,also submit one copy of this form tvkihin 30 days at'ewnpltxltur of weal
G c-auk,mtup.cable,dir"I push.etc.) t nrt5truetinn in the fotlntvin�
inR WATFR St PPI V WpI,I S ph11 y, Division ofWater Rtanurra,Undergraand Injulkln Contra)!Program,
106 Mail Service Cenrrr'iRidergh,NC 27609.1636
13a.Yield IfiRml 1?e"1411of We, Nt Cnr 11r,(ltrr Sap&a ihimfon Wei llti In addition to winding Ore ibme fn
the addtcss(es) abovtL also subm4 one copy of this foun within 3o days of
t.iA.nistafeellon type_ ^, ArnnvaC eDmptetion of.vell conswction W!rho county hwdth depanmcnt of the enunty
whcre constmeted.
1+nrmCW-I NarthC,nrniinaflcrnnment.>frtnircinmcrtnlquafity•frivis�nnot'WmerRomnrces ' Rn+isal222-2orF