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GW1-2022-03378_Well Construction - GW1_20220314
WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Imenial Use ONIN: This form can tL nwd Cat sinPk or multiple%clls 1.Well Contractor Information: i141.WATER ZONES Stefan Smith FROMfl TO orscouPrtON Well Contractor N11nne ft. 3576A NC Well Cornmoor Cenification Number 15 OUTER CASING far inahi cased':rcfit"OR LINER it a ikable FROM To ruAMETEa THICKNE&s MATERIAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 ft. 30 ft. 1 2 In. 1 40 PVC 4ongrl1ll NamC M.iN.NER'CASING ORsTUB1NG eolbermat.cimcd!tgi)i FROM _ 70 1 UNMETER I THICKNESS MATCRIAL 2.Well Construction Pcr'mit#: ft. rt. ut list fill applirable well prnnitr(ix.(7niaeh•:Stine.l nriarrre,14tr8al ele.) rt. fl. in. 3.Well lisc(cheek well use): 17.SCRLEN Water Supply Well: FROM TO DIAMETER SUOTSIZF Till (NNS I MATPRIAL OAgricoltural 0municipal/Pubtic 30 ft. 40 to. 2 in. 010 40 PVC DGcotherural 41-1cating/Cooling Supply) OResidential Water Supply(single) tL ft. in, ©industriaUConmtcrcial ORcsidcntial Water Sloppy(shared) FAROGROUT-.TO. MATFRtnI. E\fP1.tCF NFhT N}"RIOD fi A 1fOUNT Dlrri ation 0 ft. 25 h. Portland/be'Toemkte Non-Water Supply Well: A. h. I�MonitorinG ❑Itccmrry- Injection Well: n, ft. DAquifct Recharge DCronadn-aler Reniediation 19.SANDMI AVEL PACK WaliliCabte FROM 'r0 M%TFRIM, P.NIPI\fY'11ENT M 1-1'f10n ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Harrier 28 A. 42 fl. sand 2 ❑Agnifcr Tcst DStormnater Drainage ft. f. ❑E\:perimcntal Technology O.Subsidencc Comrol 2tn:OR11:L1NG l OG attach addilional sheets iftoevvya'rs ❑Gcwdiemtal(Closed Loop) DTmcet FROM TO nFSCHIPTION(tulrr,ha dn@si,IoWnwkupe.grtin tive.tv.l OGeotlictmal(Hcatin4lCooline Return) ❑Outer(ex lain under 921 Remarks) 0 ft. 29 ft. Sandy silt 29 ft. 41 ft. PWR 4.Date Well(q)Completed: 1-19-2022 Well iDpMW39T 41 to. 42 fL Rock Sa.Well tAlcation: h. tt. Camp North ft. U. Faci1ily7Ouncr,tame Facilh%lop(if appliulblc) fl, ft. 1824 Statesville Avenue Charlotte, NC 28206 Meckle, ft. ft. Charlotte, NC, 28206 Pln'sical iXddress.City.and Zip 2t RCNARKS' 3 foot bentonite seal from 25 to 28' (:aenrty 11=0 td uldovifiun No,WIN) 5b.lattitude anti Longitude in degores/minute\/scerindc or decimal degrees: 22.Certification: (if well field,m.Ktlluq i&sullicwtn) 35.246540 N 80.833403 W 2/14/2022 Sigruu of Ccvficd�Gdl Conu tctor Daic 6.is(are)the ivell(O: ZPennanent or OTemporary ftly signing this form,I herehr eeriifv dmd Me.nrllfs)uwx fmw v)evaruueted ht imxordanre with 15A NCAC 02C,01W or 15A A161C 1t2C 0200 Well C+nrarru,a tut.fdaviaals raid flan a 7.Is this a repair to an ex6tinR\fell: OYcs (or IgoNo t Vy of this rernn'l bv,,%1wrn pnmided io)hr roll owner. if th(s is a wpoir,fill twit(• olvet well cotunm Ilan lnfomurritnr(Intl a xt)(nbt rile torture of doe repair under 021 mnarkv.vre iem tor rut Me bru-4-tiflhivloan. 23.Site diagram or additional woell details: You may use file back of this page to pfo\ide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: constroeliondetails. You may also attach additional pages if mexessary. For mnldfle iajeedon ar nra-u-mer strpp>v wells ONI,1'w•irlt Me some eomtrursion,you can .eubinit one form SUBMITTAL.INS UCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 40 (ft.) 24a. for All Wells: Subndt this fonn within 30 days of completion of well ror tnalliple wells fist all depths lfdif ervis(evamp(e-.?Q2M'and 20/W) construction t4 tote following; 10.Static water level below top of casing: (n,) Division of Water Resource+,Information Processing Unit, Ifwater level is above rasing,tom"+" 1617 Mail Sere icet'cntcr,RalcW NC 2 769 9-1 6 1 7 11.Borehole diameter.6 (in.) 23b.For Jul! lion Wells ONLY: to addition to sending dic form to tale address in 24a above. also submit a copy of this fornf w•itlfin ?0 days of completion of well I2.1Ye11 construction method: Sonic construction to the followilre: (i.e.augm roar}-.cable,direct pub.ctc.l Division of Water Resources,Underground injection Control Program. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Nail Service Center.Raleigh.NC 276"4636 13a.Yidd(grpm) Method of test: 24c.For Water.supply&Injection Wells: also submit one copy of this form within 3A0 days of completion of 13b.Disinfection type: __ _ Amount: _ well construction to the county heahh delxmmcnt of the coimty.whcre constructed, Form GW-1 Norlb Carolina Mpann)ent of Eno irotunetn and Natural Resources-Di%iiioa of Water Resource Revised august?ti 13