HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-03368_Well Construction - GW1_20220314 828�822?241 p.9
F'alb 15 10 05:43p cieeirwaief Walt Drilling
'dvEX,;I!rrYna �SIV >il ForintcrrtniUse
1,Wrt I<( ntr "lop.
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CQIIpqny Naar. — - 6. gR C �iR 9l t.
?..NVOI cmxtrnetinn Permit lt: �. ft
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X ly"I Uqc MON NO tisc.
Wits I�AepMV NO
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Cicottttetmal(E1eMittg/Gtxtling 4upltW) Reaidenttai Watar 3uppTv(single) '•'�•R. -
{ [mtt�triaHGnmtngrofaT MitallintiAl wiler-supptv is—t? 8 OiN
iW.n 11'nt¢r!ittl►plywoI: - !r-
114rntittri �Rexmaty ._ t+• ____,_� --------•--•-
niectinn _..,__.»�-......-
AtinifaItLvitat� aGrmrndwntcrRcrncAitlitm 14 S
AfluiferStgrgAe Nltl perrpvtra asininity Ann'icr 1K _ _..
AquiRrTccl �Statinwttialr�raiangc f" p,
{�-��,1(t4ldClie,T Cttttlrnt
l:7(11CflIgCOto TCi litltiltiQil R.a�• -- '
Cieothertnal(Closed Lone) DRUM sR nt ati �teyTO
Cienthermni(Neetitt actin Ctatunt tllhtr tun pndct d71 RcmaPcr """ -jt.
4,ttatr}1Pc1i(t)rCkmnpictcd: 2q?� Well IN , �,- _ 1
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ti:trilic5'n+v++nlItM. -O �acii�ily�dCifnpniPeahicj
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c.;toxtyb•"� �� 1'ntonl ittnittificniittn�i.(]tR� ��Mr� �-
hlt.Latitude opal tongltllde in dcR1 >/miltttteclsccnRds Ortla eimnt Of p."A;
O'neil field.one fitfiantl is sof rn{) y 1 i1 t +C tficnfion
16.1.R(ure)the+veil(v);�Il+nrtutnene or OT""Ma y i+annpm ofCtlltfi� etl irntstot t7txe
,7'�� J.�.sr}mrnJr rpN:nm..J kawhrcr!rrlfjr Irm Arr n+cfr(sJ mrr�wcrnJ rmrur�gr�ivJ In aecnr�rcr
.In tills A repolr to an exISHOR Welt: �Xcs or No hiilr r.f,P��� n2C.nln8nr 1 fA ltl AC t1?C.'.R)lNl Wr!fll.'ansrrnrnnrr StNMfnr+lo mtrtrlr�r o
01ji,ixorrflnit:/iHNrrtlb+port)st�J1,tnnsN7+etrnnu�WWrmnttnt�wu/arf�l�frerhenM11)r.•nrlh, ��17F ►fifrrrrmrfhrnhrarpinrtrtsrfmthrtxr]tmwur.
ranjrtmrirr+,TI reronnh arttfnrt Nroi:Nrr•bnrAnfrGh.rnmt.
?3:INe+thrgntm+tr tt�ttttalot tt�IttasoU�
R.Irnt GertprrthrNiltr 1 or Cltt�ted/.enp Genfhaempl Welts having the anntr. 1•nn nmy use;the IMn of that pogo to VMVtda addititmll vrail Tito detalk yr ivntl
tTnr�ntrNnn.<tniVtry{,iisnp.Merl, 42dirttta TOTAL NUMSFRnfo:rns COAStnidioniktaile. YOU R18YIMArttIC1)Ad11i'"1t11 POW OPecG49!►t)T.
*► 1l•41gt well tkpth hollow load oudttci:: Jtt,i 20%,ar'AR—WAM: Sti th this*wn'tvllhin 30(1Ays of CtmplMinn of writ
i�Pmrrru{rrctrrN.ali+rMtdrJrllie�dlj/uMnr/nrAn{Mu._r(�1tAn agr►�i IOA� Cons ttciinototh+:1b1iWMns:
ilt.$entie wglte>r Irvgl li�nw toll of easinjy -_ , (il.) DIVISIon ofWoor fli mu ach luft xtlgn iPtem. ieq 1)(di,
1/'xvutrefinle dMOt4!vr�uui f}"1 1b1711411SRNkCcSltrr.p*wg14mr27e9,-t617
11.1it►t>ettpletH1ltpCftt; l� Iy,1� (!n.) 2th•,Par htectinn WAILga Fit additi{m to sanding the Ih Mf to Ow pd$rcm to 24fi
t lMnir c+►nttrnt 1Mtt IttnthtHl; a nbnve,also submit one copy of thiq f'mm wilhin 30 deys of a mpt"Inn of well
fr c.mr tart¢•. t1 m ratnytruatinn to►hc follawing;.
It°'. utbk, iraet tsh,etcJ
pt�W Alta Rt't{Aiifre.1(lnik/$1 Atlpd 1ttlOp C ORRat PlAgtam,
1YiitWATCt�Rt;1*t71rV 1t.St)]Vi,1f: IrMMAUSerld Cenm;Wooer..W!2709.106
134.Ylrid(Rpm) _ iN of test; 1/1 z•fG ur In uddiilon M sundhm ria:Am M
1ih lsisln 1hG pddressies) ahnva, also stll01..an copy of Jbk tlftln Wllilln 30 days of
fQt 1iDn lypc: ,_ Aptntmtr C,,mlllctirni of Well mmV10004i W tin cgimly Will dCPMM iu of the cmunl3
wttora cnttstrna[ad.
Darn,l:tA+.t NtKt11J'.nMlfph nntnert nrt?hvlr nAll,r. ' 111:Viid12 72 xnitC
n'^t' nnmrngtlq, t- fttvisrnnof'tHt0er12tMmtrtC,v