HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-03365_Well Construction - GW1_20220314 WELL CONST UCIJON RECORD For Inrcnint Use ONL1': This fonu can tic owd for single or muhipk calls' 1.Well Contractor information: Stefan Smith FROM TO DFSCRIPTION Wo-11 Contrn'uor Natm A. ft• 3576A NC nfcll Cotnracfor Ceti ifical ion Nuniber 15.VUTER CASING ffoi:itiuhl-iasrid_iirRf 0R'LINER(1146 kahk" FROM TO TIMMETER THICKNESS 1fATERtAA. SAEDACCO Inc 0 ft. 69 it. 2 in. 40 PVC (;:antirru�)Nantc z16.1NNER CASING OR 777BING ea fhermatlbceddonp' FROM TO I DLAMFTER ITIfICIs\EEC MATERIAL 2.Well Construction Permit#: ft. ft• Litt all applirable well pe—its(i.e.C,ounty.StTfe.Vnriatrrr.I48c6crt eir.) ft. ft. 3.Well lisc(check well use): t7.;SCRti CN -.. Water Supply Well: FROaI I TO DIANIFTER SLOT5t7.i THICKNISS' I MATFRIAI. OAgticultural 0municipalfPublic 69 ft. 79 f1. 2 in. 010 40 PVC DGeothcmtal(liewing.tGooling Supply) OResidential Water Supph•(single) ft• ft. 0 hudustriallConumcrc-ial OResidential Water Supph(shared) 18.GROifTFROM I TO MATF,RUI. EMPLACEM"I'METHOD A AMOUNT DIrri ition 0 ft. 64 ft. Portland/be'T—ike ?ton-Water Supply Well: It. A. bitifonitorinq ❑Rccorcry injection Well: ft. A. I •Aquifer Recharge 06roundnhtcr RcinWiation 14:SANDK:fL�1 EL PACK id tlkahlb L`Rlidf M MATERIAL FMPI A("rtlr�T MPTHOl1 ❑Aquifer Slor gc and Recovers- ❑Salinity Harricr 67 ft. 82 ft. Sand 2 DAgiiifcr TcV ❑Stour uatcr Dminagc ft. rt. ❑EspcdmcnW Technology ❑Subsidence Control 20:DR AVG'LUG fattish atldil`itmal slreels3Gnceesstiry" ". 1 ❑Geothennal(Closed Loop) ❑Ttacet FROM TO nF.S'CRIPTIO\tcohr.hprdnet,4,Vn�L ly n>we,/lc:t ❑GWthemfal flaeaungtCooline Return) 00flier tex lain under#21 Remarks) 0 ft. 47 ft. Sandy silt 47 ft. 80 ft. PWR 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 1-18-2022 WelllD#MW40T 80 h. 82 h• Rock Sa.Well Location: ft. ft. Camp North ft. ft. Fac:iNi%Owner Nang Facilh 1Dk(if aWk-ibic) ft. ft. 1824 Statesville Avenue Charlotte, NC 28206 Meckle, ft. ft. Charlotte, NC, 28206 PL)5ical Addmss�Ciro,and Zip 2t oil INARIG,S' 3 foot bentonite seal from 64 to 67, (ortuty 1 attel iiktrlift=niunNo,(PiN) > r, Sh.lattitudc and I.onotude in degnxs/minuteslseconds nr decimal degrees: 22.Certification: (ifcrell frcid,note Iaf7r)ttg is stdiicicul) 35.246540 N 80.833403 W _' 2/14/2022 Srgnsr of Cc aficd tVcu Canrn for Dafc 6.Is(are)the well( ): IPerrnanent or OTemporary tn,signing this fatm,.I herr)-r errtifr Ihry Me crr111.+)mws fmrir)rc emncied in tx'c'on mee n•ilh!SA NC.iC 02C.01(k)sir IS,t A`CitC a'C.t,)2M Nell Cpnsrrarrian Srntkt(mix aril rlmt a 7.1s this a repair to an existing well: OyC5 fir 131sio copy offhk reran!ba,+Mra ploOffid mole slept former. if tiffs is a,epwir fill eau t aot+w well rotas;turviaa btforr+470'on aad cs'plaitt rift•tut rare of rife reluzir wrflrr#21 mnarkv smefim or tm the barA of Mix form.r. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You miry'use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well S.Number of welts constructed: construction detains: You may alsd attach additional pages if itecessan. For multiple bilecrhm(H+tail-Wa:er aupp)c wells OJVl Y veirb fire some Conslruewon,cell Can submit one form. SUBM11 A]• LNS,TUCTIONS_. 9.Total well depth below land surface. 79 (ft.) 24a. For All Wills: Subndt this form within 30 days of completion of swell For mubiprle wells tict aft depths ifdifterew(exmraplr•3@2M'allot Zq MY) constnction to the following: 10.Static water level heloW top of easanS: (ft.) Division of Water Re3ources,Information Processing Unit, If snider level is shove rwiag,use"+" 1617 Mail Service(.enter,Raleigh,NC 27699-16 17 11.Borehole di meter 6 (in.) 24b.For tnlcction We11s ONLY: hi addition to sending Ilic form to Ilte address in 24a above. also submit a copy of this tarot within 10 days of comµletion of Well 12.W'cll construction method: Sonic construction to the following: l i e.auger.rota*,.cable.dimel pusk ctc-) Division of Water Resources.Undcrgr`oond Injection Control Prngrant. FOR WATER SU•PPLV WELLS ONLV: 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh. tC 27G99-163(i 13a Vidd(ftpm) Method of test 14c.For Water Sunlit)&Injection Wcllc: Also submit one copy of this f(nn within 30 days of completion of 13h.DicinFectiontype: Amount- well construction to the county h n ealth depnment of the counts•.%%Here constmctcd. Fonn Gus'-I Nonh Catolilta Depannr:nt of Eta imiunew and Natural Resources-Uhision of Watci Resources Rcc•iccd August'-1)13