HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-03362_Well Construction - GW1_20220314 Prinf Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For Intcruml(,se()Ifly: I.Well Contractor Information: f 1, 14.WATER ZONES WCIIConmj,w NL,71. R t I 1—11—1 ft. ft- j,r ft. .: 11. 1 15.OUTER CASINC for multi-cased wells)OR LINER ffapRlicabje) ft. Coavrany Name 16.INNER CASING ORTUBING.(geoth r .1 losed-loop) Y.Well Construction Permit USACE-FUDS Site Lm'fl�4w!"dble�,,*I on.......I p,—w,0" �—4 "-Cowen Id,1411, 1-:1 j ft. I -------------I-- 3.Well lase(check v ell use): ft. ft. uter SupplY Well: 17.SCREEN ro Gt-olliernial(ljcjttir,.!(',IolIIjL,Supply) It 17� In j�;'..6/o 15�e.� �o, 1 /VY, Residential Waie:Stlppl� J;" IndusiriaH ollimcmid [3Rcsidcnm,l Wam Supply(shilleki) -.1--------it.—(;ROU'l' NIAT VAIPLACENU-NI. N VV VIIIAL %IF I HOD&ANIOUNI on- atcr,supljl� Well: D. bl:-,fa-v I I u n t d r I U"tu r.0 p L L r 0 \P R�E- a Sol), \'41 Rvcoveiv - I 1 0 Injection Nell:— -f- -ee F_x Aquifer Rechaque Retlic,li,ition 0 3 Co""t f-q 't 19.SAN A 1,PA(."K if applicable) Aquifei Stmage and Recovcn DSafiniiv Banwj A, ilia test DSIornmater ft. ft. [DSubsiden,;e('onilol ft. :3Gcollicrinal(Closed Loop) 1-mcer DRILLING LOG(attach additional sheets if necessary) :jGcodwrinal 111calinpCooling RCILII-n) [701hor ic�plidn mider 421 Remark,) IlRMI It) ft, 111.s'KIVI 11", y 4.Date ell(s)Completed: If-2-2- ell I D'I M Z6 ft- 5a.Well Location: '2 2-C' ft. SJ� ft- i Sr C /I?m MCX--,-L1A/ 7 C u- If M-7, "-' 11"' 1 -. -", 7q ft- f-C If -Le 6 7 u(j,e,., - e7, -�C,�e A. —A ot Parcel "—PlN) it).Latitude and longitude in degrees,roinutesiseconds or decimal d 22.Certification: N (YC'- k 3 3�/ 6.Is(are)the vell(s)OPermanew or 01'emporary of(ewf"M w6f fh 7-Is this it repair to an existing well: C]w% or RNo qh '51 V.V 0 01'Y", 1i"1 4( 0 0200 ........ .fiq,Mh,r and,'14"t, h, r„ri- f,".!0 rho" ,� ,,I ha, 23.Site diagram or additional tell details: 8.For Geoprobe!Dll for Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells imvmu the<Ilnlc You 111,13,'ISc the back of[ills pa,-,c r,iprovidc additional hell sac jlejajl, ,,r,kjj C,"I'l Ilwl I on.onie I(AV-! i,liccdcd. Indicitle I I-Al NI of well, F/ :) SURN1111,11 Al.1N*STRj1A*IO.NS 9. fatal well depth below land surface: 14a. For All )'ells: Submit llli, lomi "ithol 30 djv> of compicnoll of ae!1 conmruction to the Billowing: 10.Static,eater level[)ell)-top of casing: ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service('enter.Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 I.Borehole diameter: CJ (ill.) 24b.For Inieefion Wells: fit AiLlIzion to�-,:nding the lorm to the address in 24a 12.%Neil construction method: Alme, ;I!I so st0l;llll olle cope of till, toll" within 30 days of eompleti,m ot'c,elj (i "Mary. Ct P;.,Il rt.1 COIISIRICIRM to tile oJi0%VlnL1: Division of Witter Resources,I nelerground Injeelhol Control Program, FOR WATER SUIIIII,N'wEl,l,s ONI,y; 1630 Mail Service('enter.Raleigh.NC27699-11636 13a.Yield(,,,pill) Method of'tes(: 24c. For Water Supply& Inaection Wells: In addition it)sending the form to the addrcs,ics) above, also slihnjil t;lle cope of this fonn wiIhin -'50 days of 13b.Disinfection tvpe: Amount: compUion of well orwtucnon to ill(: county health department of the county where c,mmtoct,d 1"fill(,\V-I RL I lle:'-"-2W fl