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GW1-2022-03348_Well Construction - GW1_20220314
1=eb .5 119 05;43p Clearwater Well Drilling 828�22 7241 P 1 . . WELL (GW-f_) Fnr Intemnt Uaa On 11["-"ttrrtc nr formarion: -----'-- Flttrk •-- Wett C olinaor Name R. K Wen Cnntragnr C"fication Man6 S.piil(RR CAtIING m rrefb��� a Mme UL V� , h�l j/'1�1 tmnM ivs nr to ens .t D Cm-np+my Namc — f 6.tNNER G49)111C OR Ttl N eherrwtl t 4trttg,),^ 2-Weil Cnmurttel)en Permit rl: ys To ou ssrfcta+trfs stAtEweL i.7.rr I'!(appifmhle irr)1 rnitrtnrcilnn pernNGe(G'.1JIC.CmrMy,Stole,Y.trtmrcc,err.) _ 3,lYrlt tine(check We ase)! n•. Q iw. Water Supplv'Wefl: �I .6c tmoes to nrA>++ssrr of t;$s 7HRtA1. ilaricultural tyttmicipal/puhlic 0 R. tt. Ur•' 0cothcrnlal((•ieating(Coniing Supply) Residential Water Supply(Angle) ft ft. 1n i Gtduxfrial/Commerciat 13ResidentinlWsterSupply(shared) 4GROUT _ [rri colon er MA ut. P C¢alVFr n14AT70UN1' A. [a Nan�1'nterluppf7Vl'el[: _ A4onitoring �Rtx revery U, fe Rieetion Well: tt. R Aquifer itt:charj;c QGroundwnter Remed'eatinn �19.SANif/GRAVA4PACK rAquiferStgrilgo MA ikeenvery 133aliuity Blume mtoyt ru 1ttA L tetacenlsnz'?rrt rttaa AquirirTcst UStarmwaterDrainage fL a. Vxperlmeniai Teclutol(w [3Sutnidence,Control n• �• Geothermal(Closet!Lonp) 13Traccr 20.1Nt1Y.L LOG reitseeLadditlawl Itrrl =R RRa7rt TO H 4t skaete.t CicathennRl ft{catin aorta R—en7tml Qtiter(oX loin tinder 07.1 RcmRrt.$) it. Z R _ 4.tlatc Vi'NI(s)Cntopleted: l�G ell i>)fi ft. ? (c r L CJu Well)nratl n: e s 1 t t`�i[ �"") .. •• IWAA _ I:tci it1:r(onto ltamc FuOity 1ptt(ifapplienhtr.) h• R• ( �- 6- 1 Pr�j[ACArcjt:, -MAR- T - �{ /1%C' ?I.RiMARKIS t'.,nary Y1 7 hated rdentificadon Na.(PIN) - _ — 5b.Uttitude nod tonfi)tude in deltroulraimrteslseeands ordreimnI degrees: (ir twit field,one iatgang is sui£tetetn) t2. .e ration: 6.Nare)the WCii(. crinnnent or ©fi'rmponwy :i cofCrniputatdiCrmtmetor prae T_ 1,,( J.v st�mir+h tlilr;firm.J hrtwhv rvatfl+that Idr axU(xj Mai rlT -)umnmrftul In accnrAmrcr ?.1.;this A repair to an existing well: Oves or No rrtrlr J fA 4 D2f.t11011 nr tSA$Cal 01C'.IiXtO Wr/1 t:.rrr/rrrenan Sinrrdarrf<mr�l rhm a 9'rl.1e ix o rcpoir,,f it inrrkwim terrll e1mvirnatfut irtrormatinn eopiY nforle rrr nrd har?'n"pror"W ift ft Wen nmxr. -,wir undor B1l remnrk.v uejjQn nroath.harkofr)kform. 23_Site t1bgram or Addlikttml wdl detatts: R.F4r C.&W CIAPTor[heaed.lsrop Geothortanl Wells having the ssme 14xt may use the back of this page to provide additional well site detnite ar weil L'Onsinrrtinn.a ly i GW-1 is nccdecl. litdisettc TOTAL.IVLIMBEit nfurps afnstractioo details. You may also attach additional pna ifncccssary. drilled:_.___.. o .. ._ - .... -- �o �:f:?�ICETAY.IR,�tttut:'tsa»s 99.TOW'well depilt hcltro'land surface:__ Aft.) 24% OLA W h.- Submit this form witlfin 30 dRys of completion of well 1"nrrxnlnpleW/1CuuM;dep1hx;f u"nr(exan{nh++(nl?r!P'omt•�ii`1t7Ay cons ction to the follmring. tn,S(R4e water levt7l below top of easing: ([t-) Atvirinn of Water Resources,Infmrmatign Processing Unit, tf-kr imw)IT r/horo cm,41R.trAC 1 G 1617 iH>tii Service Center,Italt!igh,Nt.27 -t617 li.t)terchotcdlnmetet: 0 (in//,j�� ���� 24k f lAiReti We111: It)addition tosending the form to file addrft it)241 12 Well rnnserncllnn method- . 1.C.t.�IJ��YL,{ alcove,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well (i "'r ------ et►nsiructian to the follaivin t;e'. nsy.r.�trk directpttslyetc.) FOR WATE1t Sl:pM V WI?IZS ONLY: Division of Water Rtmrcl3,Underground Injerwo CORIM)Provilm. ( 1636 Mail Service Cenm;Ratelh.NYC 2709.1636 138.Virld(gpm) I V Methad of testiiaai 2 t�Fac Wptar SHE&&iaiccfton Welts- in addition to sunding ltte form fn the addres(es) abov , also submit olte!copy of tills f0 m within 30 days oC 13h.Disinfection type: �� ,Amount: completion of well cansuuaion to the errant}health department of the cntmty athcrc cttnstmcaed. barn+Gw-I Norlfi Carniinaf?r�nnmcat nfiin ircintnu:tal Quality-nivisrnnn>'Wcuet Roymtrcac Revised 4 22-201 b I ATPy,r Rezql-l-oeq Owmr ,- fry kf /e f �t ir'NeI�:_ z h��sy cexti�r t��e�bave�f�netxce�w�A vu �Xraut�d iin ara�ne��noo�nd w�tt� Mdtm- �11+Caunt�r Wilt races WellTAlue�r• SOW, C m souction: TOW ., . 'gyp,, c Casing D"!o2a S pm: J-D - DrWe