HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-03301_Well Construction - GW1_20220314 a 1 WALL CONSTRUCTION RECORD �\\_C/V' ForincmiILizcONi;v: This fornp can bc,used for sinrk or mullipk w dis 1.Welt Contractor Information: J J4.WA?ER'LONM Stefan Smith FROM TO DKSCRIPTlt N Weil Coi tragor Nana 3576A NC\\'cllComractorCcnificationNumber 15.OUTERCASINGOarmulikescdw"s OR41N41t it"a IkaDk FROM TO DIAIMETER" TIIfCKi\EgS -�1ATF.RIAL SAEDACCO inc 0 f1. 57 (1. 2 in. 40 PVC I:an1pully Name -16ANNER CASING'OR TUBING(tiewbermaf closed-look) ) FROM _ TO DUVVIF'TER. I THICKNESS MAITRIAL 2.Well Construction Permit fJ: h. 1 ft. List till applirable uelf prnrritr(i:r.C,nunte..St:9 r..Vwriarteq Ireacdal eti.) in. 3.Wet Use(check well use): J SCRCCN Water Supply'Well: FROM I TO I AIAMF.Tr it w+ MA)TSl?Y_ NIATERIA1, OAgricuttural tSMuoicipaMtbtic 57 h. 67 h. 2 i^• Olo 4o PVC OGeothcmtal(ticatingtooling Supply) DResidential Water Supph'(single) A. tt. iti• CllndustriaKoninicrcial ORcsidential Water Supph•(sharcdl All;GROUTFROM To MATERtnI. EMvr ACEMENr IN1Frrloo&Armouyr ❑irri rition 0 ft. 52 ft. Portland/be 6T=dte Non-Water Supply Well: 6ohtonitorintt ❑Rccowrry injection Well: ClAquifer Recharge OCyroundnatcr Rontcdialion 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK fit dicable FROM -10 MATFRIAI. I MPLACr w1E\T N1Tr1Otp ❑Aquifer Storage and Rccovcty ❑Salinity•Barrier 55 A. 68 ft. Sand ` 2 ❑Aquifer Test 05toriniviter Drainage f1 ft. 0E\Terimcnhtl Torbnology ❑Sahsidcricc Cgmrot %20:"DRB,f.INC LOG(attach additional sbects if neccicutni`- ❑Ckothennal(Closed Loop) [)Tracer FROM To DFSCRIPTtONftubr.hr,ronccs,sntl'mckh 'ri!6te.Nt.i ❑Geothennal(ReatingiCoolineRetuno ❑Oilier(es lain onder 021 Rein,&-) 0 ft. 33 ft. Sandy silt 33 ff. 68 (t. PAIR 4.Date WOWS)Completed: 1-4-2022 Well iD#MW36T 5a.%Vcll G►cathm: Camp North Facilit,'OwncrNome Facility IDB(irappli;Sblc) ft. ft. 1824 Statesville Avenue Charlotte, NC 28206 Meckle, A. h. MAD 9 4 !10 Charlotte, NC, 28206 Pinsi`at Addmss,City,and Zip 21 RDIARK.0 �1 ¢ L ���/'�� 3 foot bentonite seal from 52 to, 551 Cnrurr_ , ihlcel Idrniifiscalion Nn.(PI\) r,- Sh.l,atitirdc and Longitude in degms/minutcs/secondc or decimal dcWVcN.: 22.Certification: (ifocll fictd,9t►.1at16lig ist:ldlieicrA) 80.830981 2/14/202235.248916 � a Slgrutt ofCcYRcdNdlConttuctor Dalc 6.Is(are)the well(s): MPennanent or DTemporary M.aigning this fifmm I frerrhr t'err)fr plan Mr wril(si way(werr)eonvin,cled br rrccordanrr wirlr l f%,VCAC 02C.Ill(x)or l SA N01 C QC.rf200 Well Corrorrarrkol Stolyk ads anti rhat a 7.Lc this a ripair to an existing well: OVec or MNu rYf,y of th)s rrrnn'I hm,hint(trrfl idrd to)ht Sn ll m_ t nrr, If this it a hlmir,fill two,knawa welt t ntrstnirolan infomttriltm and eiplohl dw turrnre of the relvir tnrrler Alf rrnrarkv sesr!&m or at drr hrtrk of thin'firm. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You only use tile,back of this page to provide additions well site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: consuuctiondetails. You may also attach additional pages if Iktiessar)'. For rtu,h)p)e iofe,4on&arm-waver snpj>%wells ON/1',virh the same ronsrruelion,you e.9n suhmir nne form. SUBMITTAL I IUC.TTIONC 9.Total well depth below land surface: 67 (f4) 24a. For all Wells: Subuil thi's fonn within 39 dsw's of completion of,fell ror otatttipir wells list W/(fe.ohs if dl0rew lextr p(e•_t02(O'teal 2c IMI constnectionto the foltowing. 10.Statte water level below top of casing: (n•) Divishm of WitterResoumes,Information Processing Unit, lfioatet levy)is above rai4q,as,' 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter.6 (in) 24b.EgI In 1ec11on WeI1c ONIN: lit addition to sending the fora to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 10 days of completion of well 12.'sVell construction method: Sonic construction to tile followinel (i.e.auger.rowan•,cable.direct push c1c.) Division of eater Resourms".Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SIbPPLV WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh,NC 27699-1630 r 13a.1idd(t:pm) :Method of test: tic.for Water Supply&injection Wel1c: Also submit one copy of this faun within 30 days of completion of 13b.Uitinfitixion type: __ Amount: _ y _ _ %veil construction to the count} h�atth dcInntnun of the county.where - constructed. i Fonn GW-I North Carolitu Dcpannicni of Environuncin and Natural Resources-Division of Watcr Resotrom Revised August 2017 i