HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-03293_Well Construction - GW1_20220314 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For ltacriun)Use ONLY: This forn can lx used for sinfcic or muhip)c wdis 1.1Yd1 Contractor Information: Ii.��rw�R 20N>rs. Stefan Smith FROM TO DFSCRIPTK)N Well CordrictDt 7�1 ft. fl. 6 3576A NCnrcllCommoorCcnifaat ion Nwibcr '1S.OtiTERGA5ING fornuhica�alrells"ORL1iMER Na Ikabie' FROM TO DUMUTF11• TIiICKNF," MATERIAL SASDACCO Inc 0 f1. 77 ft. 2 to. 40 PVC (;migrutl t35nif tfi:1INMER CA817VG"OR:TV8lNG'4 eothennat clo>xd t7ti` FROM TO DIA1tETER T1rCKSM. MATERIAL 2.Well Construction Permit ti: ft. ft. _ � _ _ list aft applirahle well pronits(Lr.C•nun(+:SM,,hr..tnrianre,.14a tiat eir.) .rl ft. - in. 3.Weil list(check well use): Water Supply Well: FROM I TO I DIAMETER I sl Tsiir. TnICK+rL I MATERIAL 41�1grieutnual MunicipalfPttblic 77 ft. 87 ff. 2 ip. 010 40 PVC 0Geothemtal OicalingfCooling Supply) i311esidential Water Supph•(single) (t. iL in, OludustriaMouinicmial (;)Residential Water Supph'(stared) goy OUT To' )InTERtnt, EMPL%CFMLNT\fF Tt10D fi AMOUNT Diri •nion 0 h. 72 fi. Portland/bAEnemfe Non-Water Supply Well: ft: fr. lmmonitoring Dltccovery Injection Well: (I. ft. ❑Aquifer Recharge 13 Gromndvs-mcrRenicdiation 19.StlNblGR,WFL—PACK(if ilicafilr) ' FROri. ti.,pi.ncr.ir..r Nt:Tnnn ❑AquiferStongc and Recovery ❑Salinity Bam TO �inTr:Rtat.cr 75 R. 88 ft, sand 2 ❑Aquifer Test ❑Storm%xiler Drain)gc . OEytcrimcntal Technology O.Subsidencc Control 20:1)RILidNGIOG(01achsddhionAtthM&ifn&6c iry DGeothennal(Closed Loop) DTracer FROM TO DFSCRiPTION robe hardnrr:vaenwko a s c.4*.1 ❑Geothennal tlleatinglCoolinge Mon)) DOtlter(in fain under#21 Remarks) 0 ft. 57 ft. Sandy silt 57 ft. 77 ft. PWR 4.DateWe11(s')Complcicd: 1-25-2022 W(qtIDgMW34T 77 ft. 78 (L Rock l 5s.Well Location: h. ft. Camp North h. ft. AR 1 2p ? Facl t,%I +trr Nanic Fac(lii`1DX(if appii aAlc) A. ft. 1824 Statesville Avenue Charlotte, NC 28206 Meckle, ft. ft. Charlotte, NC, 28206 Physical Address,City.and Zip 2t;R�h1ARItS `; ' 3 foot bentonite seal from 72 to 751 toroth Parse)U.mifiGaion N(-,(PiN) 5b.1.4ditude and Longitude in dcgnxc/minutcs/seennds or decimal degrees: 22.Certification: (itut*il field,one libleM is sat iei nn 35.245909 N 80.833395 W 2/14/2022 Sigrtat' of Cc.fret Wcll Contm,tor Date 6.h(are)the well(s): XIPe nianent or oTemportiary l3+•signing Ws fit+n,I hereb,,eerlifi rh�!hr nr1113)wtts(urn)i'[i liyrt[yeti ire e.YY oYrlV ee idth 154 XC-AC MC,t3W or I M ACAC 02C,0209 Well 6nrorrit rion Stonl4aleft and limn!ri 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: oYcs or �No rcgiy of this reron't hat horn l,trsefd dl to'the in•11 miner, if this%i a lr'lxlfr fill rat:1'noirVi urld ronstturtrmt tnfrmrutrion and erpluin rbe nature of the rejtair airderP21 A.,norkr-%frown ar an the hm l of diLv form. 23.Site diagram or additional+ve1l details: You ma)•use file bask of this page to proOde additional well site details or%veil 8.Number of%veto constnicted• construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessar'. For mtdliple InJ<Ydmt vt urM1i-fearer supple•ioelk ON/1'ti•ldr the some consrruedor,ymu<wn sutn,urone form. SIJUMITTAL l`i STi1CTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 87 (ft.) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this-form within 30 days of completion of well For ittalliplew0h list all deptitrtjdifterrnt(cxmnpfe•,?G 2fi!)'tt>kl20llXt) constnictionto the foltoaing:. 10.Statie water level below top of casing: (ft.) Dh ision of Water Re ources,Information Processing Unit, if ieatef level is ahore r-astag,toe"=" 1617'stail Service tenter.Raleigh.NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter-6 (in.) 24b.For lnlcrtion Wells ONLY: in addition to sending the form to the address in 243 above. also submit a cope of this'for'n lvithin p days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: Sonic construction to the following; (i.e.anger.rotan•.Gable.-dirca pustt etc_) f. - Division of Water Resources,Underpvund Injection Control Program. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY• 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh,XC 27699-1636 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test.• 24c.For Water Sopaly cYt InLcctam��clts: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of 136:Disinfection type: Amount: well constuction to the county hclhh dcpadmait of the county whcrc constnicicd. s Fono CjW-I Nonh Carolina 0cpznm m of Em ironnletti and Natural Resources-Division of Aratei Rmtrees Revised August 2013