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GW1-2022-05412_Well Construction - GW1_20220311
FELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For bwnml Use ONLY:This form can be used for single or multiple wells o�o([F i e I d.I D #]) 1.Well Contra.►tor Informatton: Chris Ruffer WROsi pFgCreri�IrOs W01ContractorNamc ft. ft. 4223 A ft. ft NCMlellCordmctor Certification Nuniacr :y3:OUTERCISiNti: +�rmtihlrasedt►x8x'ai{I:l if:a"ika� ` FRONT TO ntatiY M TBIMMESS AIAT6tiiAL SAEDACCO Inc f4 fL te. ('n,np:ui?Manic 7d�Q�ll�]FR"GASITiC'OIt;TU61N'G• f6e�sielutedaiiti FRO7nf TO DG1iETER TBiCXNES4 MATEWAL Wellonstt7rCtton PCtTnit t:: 0 ft. 17 ft 6 sch 40 PVC fist arflaptifircahlr.x-clt prmririr fir.t"rurnty.Slate,trnrirarrc-r,Trll'e,:tYtx;rh:.l ft. fi. 3.Well Use 00cli well 0SC): Water Soppl Wc)1: Fltorl TO 0MIM;TMR I SLATSIZZ TNrMM I MATRR1At, DAgricultural DMunicipat-Public 27 ft, 17 ft, 6 in 020 SS ❑Gcolhernial(Heaii Cooli Supply) ❑Residential Water SnRA S{single) ft' R in ®lndustttaU'Conttnercial ®Residential Water Su ppt)Istnttrd) FROM TO MATERML I EMMAC'EMENT)lU IiOD B A74OUNT ❑im lion 0 ft. 11 fL Portland Tremie Nan.Rrater5upplyWell: � r� oldwtorin Wliscove ' eeiloit Welt: M rL UAquifer Recharge MGFm nd4-alcr Reurc4imion :.1y SAND1,'RAIIEL 1'ACi+ ,f: PtiOi►t- __ _tliA URLAT.- _ l ttiw nor F�l ltit T wOb._. D.Agnifer Stontgc and RCcovcry Milinii31 Ranier 32 ft. 14 ft. Sand 3 ❑AgoifcrTest Ostomm-3tcr0minatc ft. ft. ❑Experimcntal Technology ❑SUbsidcocc Control 2fr DRIL�NCrI;DCr(alsieli a�iliiionai611eeJs3faccessa OGtotitertttal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer FROM 70 pkSCRiPTtO�oQkr.A�aMnet+rniRmcA rl rktarlai ❑C"Illettnal(Fteatit u,C otine Rental) 00diff(ex0aill under 921 Remaft) ft, ti FL fL 4.Date Well(OCompleted: 2-11-2022 `jreUlD#LEW-46 See GBp s noteSL Sa.%licit Location: M ft. Chemours ft. it, Factl4.AN©cr Name Facility lDk(if applicable) Ft, to MAR 1 2022 1248 Bill Hall Rd White Oak, NC 28399 Cumberland C, ft. rt, White Oak, NC, 28399 PlryiicalAddmss.City.rmi!Zip :.41FRMAIMS, Cumberland 32-27 is a 6 in SS sump (:gutty Nrcel Irk oliFlcaUpm No,(PIN) Sh.i atitude and 1,onf(tude in ftmes4nioutalsetonds or decimal degrees: 22.Certification: (II well kid,core h0ofig..is Srdlicietit) i W _ Chris Ru_ffer 2/11/2022 Signatory el"Cenifrod Wctl Cotimmot� Dale 6.IS(are)the well(!t)t xPermanent or 07remporary &*nin,g this fwm,l herdn•certdly rhar the ivell(.r)huy f mrraJ mmanrered im mrar&mvv wash 154 NCAC 02C.111M ar 1 TA JVCAC 02C.(l M Well Conatrrordym Standardia mid char 4r 7.Is this a reliairto an existing reed: !7V s or UENo copy nfthtr reeord"Ja en pmri'rlr'd ra Ow not1 t twer, lf;641r0 repd1r,fill.xarknraiwa Wellemurrarr&V trr10nMTk4i andraplaJat rlae ararare of rile repair w der rt31 remarkv xretican or cm rile box•&of this•form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use die back of this page to proAlide additional avil site details or welt 8.number of melts constructed: 1 construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. Fear mmalriple Joferrltn err nevi- parer ruTpAv wells llNLl'n•Uh rho some constrar".ym can st4vii it am form. SC1BMUTA .INST T TIONS 9.Total wetl depth below land surface 32 (ft.) 24a. For Att Wells: Submit this.form within 30 days of oompkilicn of well For nwhipfe wells lrsr all deprbr if dlpi rew 0,ex4nwp1e-.te,;lV0'and 20llk consinration to the foltowing-. 10.Static hater level below top of easing: Ito,j Divisida of Water ftesourctr,Inforniation Mcessing Unit, f/»voter level is atrotT a�strag,am^+" 1611 Mail Sm ioc tenter,Raleigh,NC 2 7699-16 17 11.Socebolc dinarctcr;to in (in.) 24b. t 'ukW!Ra AdLg9NLY: in addition to sending the form to the address in 24a abotie. also submit a copy of this form within "days of completion of%veil 12.Well construction method: Sonic Construction to the following: (i.e.aupm rotary,cable,di3m push etc.! DhIslon of Water Resources,Underground injectlon Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY A`ELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh,NC 27699.1636 13a it`idd(ftpm) Method of test Z'�For Water Sapely&ink0ion��'Cllg; Also submit one copy of dvisl feral within 30 days of completion of 13b.DisinfLetion h construction Tc _. _.. Amount: n-cil to the counly- health depadmrnt of the count),whore constrtacied. Forin G W-t Forth Carolina fk uaffirnt of Envirwmacm tad Nnrrirtl Resources—Divislon of WAlcr RdSOUtM Revisal August 14013