HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0029980_Wasteload Allocation_19860624NPDES DOCUMENT SCANNINC COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0029980 Miller Coors plant WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance ,. Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: June 24, 1986 This document is printed on reuse paper - igpriore any content on the i-e' rerse side 1)1n(2- NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION thgineer l ue e het... sTG 1 G7,18/8s 44,4.67 .1. Facility Name: PI Lea. ,ikEu, A.1G ea•,tp,a.JY . Date (eAF/PS- • Existing a Proposed 0 Permit No.: NCOO Z pv Pipe No.: 0-6/ County: iee e. Cc Ai tt,,,4„� CQ el) Design Capacity (MGD): T. Z. .Industrial (% of Flow): (col, lbmestic (% of Flow): Receiving Stream: , , jj.., le; ✓er Class : G Sub -Basin: 03 - 0 z- 03 Reference USGS Quad: i� Zo AJ (Please attach) Requestor: 4,(e e✓e,r.sk Regional Office L/540 Svu naSr f—D,Ei1/ (Guideline limitations, if applicable, are to be listed on the back of this form.) Design 7enp.: 7Q10 (cfs) 3 1 ?j Drainage Area (mil) : Winter 7Q10 (cfs) I icl 579 Location of D.O. minimum (miles below outfall): Q .O Avg. Streamflow (cfs): 30Q2 (cfs) I %a -7vy Slope (fpm) 2,3 Velocity (fps) : . q ' Kl (base e, per day) : , 3"7 K2 (base e. Der day) : 1.7 Z to 2a'C 26'G Effluent Characteristics Monthly Average 14GbleE2rk $Obc 2o'4t, tio04,1 5to-7 *1 a4j T -S 5 2845 (1043 707% (1 e2 14 6- a so f , r _ ` gt,----- Conments: Effluent Characteristics :tenthly I:verage Cbnments Reviewed By: "Zot Date:______ -8Y For Appropriate Dischargers, List Complete Guideline Limitations Below Effluent Characteristics Monthly Average Maximum Daily Comments A rss J eLfs-- La/d'y 7076 us4 i a( -I P f IN coA 1.,.i'F?or. i recef•-.M4..1 +Li aqqts,lKi cMiMce rc -1avf {a 4t iwct,..414.1. •,. Aeri c r , 6 66h r. e flJQ 117.1 t4 T TIC 6 5 6 Alia A, 3. 0 "� 0.0-' cJ�4 pence Zee of Produc ' "---'---' Lbs/Day Produced oAJA v-i-i-i ^• P3 �ln dui �l I� �.s _tee` W` b,• C4.kA -) (^^" 4--w1 0 cl "711- 6 (42 u)c1 ,tait. Facility Name Type of Waste Status Receiving Stream Stream Class S t_t b b a s i. r-t County Regional Office Reques- t:o v Date of Request Quad Request No. . 2437 7 WASTELO1. L) ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM ---------------------- MILLER BREWERY---EDEN FACILITY : INDUSTRIAL : EXISTING . t)N RIVER C . 030203 : ROCKINGHAM Drainage Area : WINSTON--•SA--ALEM 7010 (cfs) : DALE OVERCASH Winter 7010 (cfs) 3002 (cfs) B2ONW Average Floe: (cfs) Wasteflow (mcd) 5--Day BOD (LBS/DAY) TSS (L.BS/DAY) pH (SU) R:ECOMMENDED EFFLUENT LIMITS MN AVG 5.2 2042 2845 Recommended by - Reviewed Ib y : Tech. Support Supervisor Reg:i.ona:l. Supervisor MAX DL._Y 5107 7076 6--9 (sq mi) : 1701 . 313 . 579 . 704 : 1960 COMMENTS --•-•----•---•--------- jk 4 Permits F. Ertgineer-i.nr.I_.... ....... (04 RECEIVED MAY ) ? o Environni n ; arzgoment Winston-Salem Reg. Office Dal.; e s% Dia t:e.._.._.5/01 3/ (57.42 Date C. Iiate. Cam rAS 5 -r(7r 5 . z Yv,ttd Pcevi r --� �i %8 4: j rs3 z • rrocl DA,Ies Hie 1..9 v Z 3 . 19 PzeMT Z 9'S5-S E��d Op,14,,r Av.( , I I z • 1 kd/d lb z •Zoye, oQ Ib=k�x Z•6gZ Pt2m,� 1-, 3g3-5 On,10. R Z, 9 $ I •7• -00apww J Z042_ t'°Ida`c 03oZo5 u"-jr- tira c t. S tea (co r ON/At ` ,44,, l cis -aq- cJ Tss cvf-c'F�- pk_) o-P 1 ma ( l �j (C 3(3(,L i ci.1r..,:t VA...A/vs. -Bti`,)a, r f 1 5101 (6pcz. 701.6, rr -k -Ater r i {'•( 1-614. r-e--'? LC v• c.�, Qvt.^�/1_�+2 : � ,,E *DA I ( f (7 a,rr' v�1A,L.ciA l rl` ` °,,'/! Cu'nf ;€N± vw. -t- -�-_km (4- z)voe,Qec - -t- �- GA (0 6 et cfc„ Craw; •, ioT S 5r27- e�v.r� iv\e lM eAT c0. , .J V 1i (4.4 N 5a4.61 >< 111?3c5 y r' Ck = 1(o t{Zc( yela 309.9 mad() t&;j\ \ �i 1 stiv't:v4— H c(- 5,r nP t -- 1 rrnr px.rt._ C JO L cEn.rfr^,sFicrL.._ 3 1 lb = c..6,c N 53- „,„„a MEMO. TO: /,✓ 6 - /K-,7(7 DATE- SUBJECT: 1/7T�C f 45 /9 ( 5 /4 / $i C34/ 71/1 0 P- R�C�EI l SSE 1986�/�Q TE�HN/�q� S6644 a North Carolina ;anent of Natural ;) Resources &Community Development �1tv r elk IV f ,,it PROD UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: WASHINGTON. D.C. 20460 !!! RECEIVED DEC' 19197 0i``f" c, °�'?'9-2-VI SEP 30 1980 . WIAhR QUALITY my, • JAN 2 MO PERMITS AND ENGINEERING OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT DEC 1 1979 Regional Enforcement Division Directors ' NPDES State Directors ��.� r',%Lo�..,.apT Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator for 10NS Water Enforcement (EN-335) • SUBJECT: Guidance on Setting BCT Permit Limits for Breweries under section 402(a)(1) of the Clean Water Act At the request of the Enforcement Division Directors of Regions III and V, a Headquarters group including representatives of my office, the Office of General Counsel and the Effluent Guidelines Division met to determine appropriate BCT permit limits for brewery facilities. (Guidelines have not been promul- gated for this industry, although a draft development document has been prepared by our EPA contractor.) Attached is a copy of a letter, signed by Jeffrey G. Miller, Acting Assistant Administrator for Enforcement and dated September 26, 1979, setting forth this group's conclusion. Until such time as guidelines are promulgated for the Brewery industry, the attached letter may be used as guidance in setting case -by -case BCT permit limits for breweries under section 402(a)(1) of the Clean Water Act. As more information is developed, based upon increased data from existing breweries and more detailed BCT cost analyses, it is possible that the suggested average BCT limits (BOD5-25mg/1, TSS-35 mg/1) will be changed. Any comments on the suggested limits are welcome. Please contact Bill Jordan (755-2545) of my office for further information. Leonard A. Miller Attachment cc: Permit Branch Chiefs UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20460 SE' 2 6 1979 MEMORP.NnUM TO FROM Deputy Assistant Administrator for Water Enforcement (EN-335) OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT Director, Enforcement Division Region III SUBJECT: Miller Brewing Company In response to the concerns expressed in your letter to Leonard Miller and Jim Rogers dated August 7, 1979 concerning Miller Brewing Company's proposed construction of a new brewery in either Ohio or Pennsylvania, representatives of all concerned offices met in Washington on September 5 to discuss the matter. Present at the meeting were Terry Ode and Dave Arent of your office, Jack Newman and Chuck Sloustas of Region V, Don Anderson of Effluent Guidelines Division, Bill Jordan and Dov Weitman of Permits Division and Diane Olsson of Office of General Counsel. It was agreed at the meeting that Don Anderson of the Effluent Guidelines Division would review currently available data and determine appropriate BCT limits. If BCT were found to differ significantly from the limits in the proposed Pennsylvania permit (and issued Ohio permit), it was generally agreed that Region III should object to the Pennsylvania draft permit and recommend incorporation of appropriate BCT limits. At the same time, however, Region V agreed to inform both Miller Brewing and the State NPDES Agency in Ohio that if Miller Brewing chooses to locate in Ohio, it will be obligated to meet BCT promptly upon expiration of its current permit. This approach would result ultimately, though not initially, in equivalent requirements in. each State. The Effluent Guidelines Division has reviewed the draft development document and other available brewery data and has conducted preliminary BCT cost tests on previously developed BAT requirements contained in the draft development document. Its conclusion, based on an informal BCT cost analysis, is that existing data would support the following BCT limits for Miller Brewing: maximum daily loadings (in units of kg per cubic meters beer produced) of 0.350 BOD and 0.57 TSS; and average monthly loadings of 0.140 BOD and 0.190 TSS. These mass average monthly limits reflect 25 mg/1 for BOD5 and 35 mg/1 for TSS. - 2- EPA regulations (40 CFR 122.17(a)) require permittees to achieve BCT and other requirements as soon as possible; for new dischargers, this generally means compliance upon startup. As a result, requiring BCT in the Pennsylvania permit may give Miller Brewing a temporary incentive to locate in Ohio, since appropriate BCT requirements could not be imposed immediately in Ohio due to the existence of a permit issued by Ohio incorporating less stringent limits. However, it is anticipated that the Miller Brewing facility will not be constructed for several years, so that operation in Ohio with only BPT controls would be allowed for only a brief period. Furthermore, inflation and other economic factors should encourage Miller Brewing to install BCT initially rather than delay for two or three years and risk prohibitive construction costs at that time. To insure your timely receipt of this letter, I am sending it to you by Magnafax. If you have any questions, please call Bill Jordan (FTS 755-2870) or Don Anderson (FTS 426-2707). Miller cc: Ms. Sandra Gardebring Mr. Almo Manaardo /!l / 7z, - err ,.)GzzGI 0-7-. a)i-Lati- I -Le 4 4c c.csl 1/ 4 2 & r, 6 ) d..6tod (-62,40 0 Id._ Za.e---e4/1-,ev-274- jAo cif vA,o rni So 5 c._ u) chC 4 5 /1 ,-cGA-`q -,b 1Y1. /(mot GJh a 5 i 77Y - 7kr1 11 ALA ? __ i //'rn 7 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Winston-Salem Regional Office July 23, 1985 MEMORANDUM TO: Dale Overcash, Leader, NPDES Group Permits and Engineering THROUGH: M. Steven Mauney, �h 1 Regional Engineer, WSRO FROM: T. Gray Hauser, Jr. Chemical Analyst, WSRO SUBJECT: Site Evaluation for Permit Renewal Miller Brewing Company NPDES Permit NC0029980 Rockingham County o+ Jy1rr. 'vd ,JUL 26 1985 PERMITS & ENGINEERING A site evaluation was conducted on July 16, 1985 at Miller Brewing Co. Hugh Dinwiddie and Harry Pickens represented Miller. The treatment facilities are well maintained. The characteristics of the wastewater, and the treatment works have not changed since the Site Evaluation of September 11, 1980, which is attached. A current Effluent Data Summary is also attached. The production of an unpasteurized beer named "Plank Road" is in the testing stage at the plant. This will necessitate the sterilization of the beer bottles with a water spray containing 40 mg/1 chlorine. The maximum volume of wastewater produced by the bottle spray will be 411 gallons per minute. The unit will operate 16 hours per day, 5 days per week. Thus the maximum discharge rate will be 394,560 GPD, 5 days per week. Mr. Pickens stated that the expected volume of wastewater is 60% of the maximum, or 236,763 GPD, 5 days per week. Miller Brewing Co. proposes to route this water to the polishing lagoons that receive effluent from the secondary clarifiers of their wastewater treatment plant. The lagoons are currently operated in parallel, 5 feet deep. Each lagoon holds 1.3 MG/Ft., and a maximum capacity of 15.2 MG. Floating aerators are in the lagoons, but are not in use. Dale Overcash Page Two July 23, 1985 The lagoons should provide adequate detention time for chlorine to dissipate from the bottle rinse water. Routing this water through the activated sludge treatment system would only create an undesireable additional hydraulic load. Discharging to the lagoons may reduce algal growth, decreasing the TSS in the final effluent. Flow measurement and effluent sampling are located below the lagoon discharge, so the bottle rinse water will be adequately monitored. I recommend this method of treatment be approved, with the condition that chlorine residual be monitored daily in the effluent by grab sample. I further recommend that the permit be reissued, with the above mentioned change in effluent monitoring• TGH/cm cc: Rockingham County Health Dept. WSRO PARAMETER MILLER BREWING CO. EFFLUENT DATA SUMMARY February, March, May, 1985* PERMIT LIMITS SELF -MONITORING DAILY AV. DAILY MAX. DATA Flow (MGD) 5.20 1.29 BOD (lbs./day) 2042 5107 395.3 TSS (lbs./day) 2845 7076 475.8 pH (S.U.) 6-9 8.0 - 8.9 * April data not available. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATIIRAI. R1:SoUuc1•:ti & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Wastewater Management Winston-Salem Regional Office 8003 Silas Creek Parkway I:xtens ion Winston-Salem, N.C. 27106 REPORT OF Site Evaluation Place visited Miller Brewing Company ;1cl•+ress P.O. Box 3327, Eden, NC 27288 • River Bn in By Whom Messers. James Johnston & James C. Watson Date Sept. 11, 1980 Roanoke Time Spent three (3) hrs. Persons Contacted Mr. Dan Foster, Manager WWTP and Mr. James M. Daily, Plant Manager Reason for Visit to perform a site evaluation prior to issuance of a State NPDES Permit. Copies to: A. C. Turnage/Bill Mills WSRO REPORT: The following Staff Report and Recommendations pertain to the site evaluation conducted at Miller Brewing Company, located in Eden, Rockingham County, NC, at the above address. fart I INSPECTION OF EXISTING WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 1. Directions to Site: The wastewater treatment plant, beer production facility is located on the northeast corner of NC Highway 770 and NCSR 1733. It is 1-1/4 mile east of the NC Highway 14 junction with NC Highway 770 in Eden. Latitude: 36° 29' 31" Longitude: 79° 42' 41" Elevation: 500' 2. Bearing and Distance to Effluent Discharge: the discharge_point isatthe dan river 1.8 miles south from the southwest corner of the Miller Brewinj Company site. -2- 1. Size: Total size 1707.632 acres (1444.393 :acres in North Carolina), waste- water treatment y lant site-approximately_19 acres. • +. Topography: The wastewater treatment plant site slopes gently from approximately 650' to 620' toward the east. 5. Location of Nearest Dwelling: The nearest home is 1200' west of the edge of the wastewater treatment plant site. Other homes are greater than 1400' to the west along NCSR 1733. 6. Receiving Surface Water: n. Creek: Dan River b. Class: "C" c. Average flow: 2200 cfs J. 7Q10: 373 cfs e. Drainage Arca: N/A f. River Basin: Roanoke g. Sub —basin: ROA03 !'art II DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING/PROPOSED TREATMENT WORKS A. Treatment Plant: The Miller Brewing system is a 5.2 MGD industrial wastewater treat- ment facility consisting of an influent lift station, bar screens, grit removal, .influent sampling., chemical addition. aeration basins, secondary clarifiers, effluent polishing lagoons, in -plant and effluent lift stations effluent monitoring and flow measuring standby power and sludge dewatering. B. Population Served: Approximately 1000 employees. However, all domestic wastewater goes into the City of Eden's wastewater treatment system. • . . . Part III OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION A. According to Vol. 45, No. 127, pg. 44134 EPA expects to issue a notice of 44 proposed rulmaking in September, 1981, for the beverage industry. B. There is no fecal coliform limit nor residual chlorine limits listed on the effluent limitations and monitoring requirements page of the permit. This facility is not required to chlorinate due to dillution. Residual chlorine monitoring is only required when chlorination is utilized. Part IV EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Evaluation: This facility has experienced some difficulty in the past mepring daily averages, however, this has been corrected and they are presently within compliance. (See attachment I) B. Recommendations: Recommend the permit be issued as drafted. • NO.4 NO.3 • NO.2 ti NO. - EFFLUENT SETTLING • BASIN CHEMICAL ADDITION TANK CHLORINE BLDG. SAMPLING CHAMBER INFLUENT PUMPING 8 GRIT REMOVAL . As NT 9z000.�a, • 11430 y�l //1L. 4t4itt- )0P- chl, SPLITTER BOX NO.3NO.5 NO.NO.2 NO.4 • MAIN TREATMENT 0‘54•Mtii 5Cpoo0/Fr • 4(.460 Ilk s 14AC. Je. 4' , 10 A► Gr PARALLEL MODE SPLITTER BOX 3, 7 K1 �L0000/F-r 13, 333 / 11�� 0 ' Sac./.4q's 3 • 5 mac. -AEBRATION ASINS • SECONDARY CLARIFIERS BLOWER BLDG. • BLDG. EFFLUENT PUMP STATION/3 WAY 'SPLITTER BOX DRAIN PUMP STATION/ OUTLET .CONTROL BOX FIGURE. 1— i PLANT PLOT PLAN WEST LAGOON 1.3140t/FT Avti scsPE 12(. 6c.c/14 I5.2"/^vc S�+k. 4�8Ac. EAST LAGOON SERIES MODE SPLITTER BOX